#review: pensacon 2019
the-citrus-scale · 5 years
Pensacon 2019 Intro Review
Way back in February of this year we attended Pensacon in Pensacola, Florida. Yes, it took forever to get this content out, but we’ve had some major growing pains in the meantime. For one thing, we were just a little ole fandom magazine, The Lemon Magazine, when we attended and now we’re a full-fledged news and media company, so… yeah. Anyway, we had an absolute blast, all of which will be outlined in the posts to follow, but we wanted to give a quick review-y type post for those interested in attending in the future. 
The one thing you really want to know if you’re searching for this convention is whether or not you should fork over the money to attend, right? Well, we can definitely say it was worth it! Every single second was jam-packed with things to do and see. The entire town of Pensacola turns out for this thing and even nearby businesses and restaurants transform. For instance, most within walking distance will change their interiors for the entire weekend into something resembling The Enterprise or Platform 9 ¾. And if that’s not enough, the celebrities that attend every year are more than worth the ticket price. 
Okay, so let’s get to it. First, we were given press passes, but we didn’t get to skip lines or anything like that, so we were treated to the true convention experience. Nothing fancy, which was just fine. We can’t exactly report on what it might be like for you to go if we get anything above and beyond what our readers might get. The only thing that was different was our check-in. It’s in a separate area and the lines for those with regular weekend passes had a pretty hefty line even earlier in the morning, so that’s something to keep in mind when you’re planning. The staff was amazing, though, so while the lines were long, they went fast. Also, if you don’t have parking passes, you will have to pay for something nearby. We suggest taking an Uber or Lyft instead. You’re not gonna want to leave, so it’s fine. You can also get a hotel downtown too, though those can sell out fast. 
Day one is technically Friday afternoon (or Thursday night if you have VIP passes), so not a lot of people attend that day compared to Saturday and Sunday. However, we advise going all three days, if you can swing it. Being there on Friday, when it opened to the public, let us browse all the vendors before the huge crowds the next day. Getting all the shopping out of the way first was nice and allowed us to spend more time in panels and photo op lines the other two days. 
Pensacon has a campus layout. This means that the entire convention is spaced out over several buildings. They’re all within walking distance of each other, as is downtown, so even without a car, everything is completely manageable. We went ahead and started in the main building, the Pensacola Bay Center, where all the vendors are located. This is also where some of the bigger stars are located, and while this place can be a maze, we didn’t have any trouble navigating. Just pay attention to the signage and you’ll be good. 
Because it’s a smaller convention, you could easily walk right up to celebrities’ tables and get an autograph and picture for a fee without much wait. It varied depending on the celebrity and their status, but everyone that attends is pretty reasonable. There were a lot of Harry Potter stars this year, so that was especially fun for us. William Shatner was also there, and his line was pretty long, but even that wasn’t something you might see at the real big conventions, like SDCC or something. Oh, and don’t forget cash. If you didn’t pay for a staged photo op beforehand, cash was key. For most, that we noticed anyway, that was what they accepted. For the vendors, they were more set up to take cash and debit, so just keep that in mind. 
For Saturday and Sunday, there was a lot of walking from one panel to the next. We go into further detail about those in the upcoming articles, but each was very well moderated. Everyone got to ask their questions and was respectful. I did hear of people getting in trouble for recording in the panels, even press, but it was made very clear that you weren’t to do that, so we’re not sure why people still tried it. Regardless, at all the panels we attended, we had zero issues. Everything ran smoothly and on time. We only heard of one panel being canceled, but from what we understand that was due to some outside triggered fanboy threats that, thankfully, never came to fruition. 
Overall, we will be attending any way we can as many years as we can. It was intimate, professional, and had some awesome celebrities and panels. Pensacon even has its own film festival with an award ceremony, though we didn’t have time to attend this year. And before we forget, the cosplayers brought it. We were lucky enough to interview some lovely ladies that attended this year, and you’ll be able to read those later this week too, but every single person we saw cosplaying was incredible. The craftsmanship still has us freaking out! They were all so nice too, and very accommodating of every person who wanted to take a picture, as most cosplayers are. 
Hopefully you’re not still on the fence because it’s definitely not a con you want to miss! And if you do decide to come in 2020, get your tickets early. They were announcing guests up until the last minute, so don’t wait for your favorites to be confirmed. It might be too late by then. 
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johnhood · 6 years
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gritsms · 6 years
The Doctor and Martha Jones find themselves on a ship where time is of the essence.  Does the crew possess a secret or has a member of the crew gone mad?  We recap our trip to Pensacon 2019 and more. This is our review of ’42’, Doctor Who Series 3 Episode 7.  All this – and more – in episode 143 of Discussing Who.  Hosted by Lee Shackleford, Clarence Brown, and Kyle Jones. 
      The Discussing Network
Discussing Who is part of the Discussing Network. Find out more about the network and other shows on the network by visiting http://discussingnetwork.com.  
Become a Patreon Supporter! By becoming a Patreon, you can support the show while receiving exclusive perks made available for Patreon Supporters.  Visit Patreon.com/DiscussingNetwork for more information, to follow us on Patreon, and – should you choose – support the show.
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This episode of Discussing Who is brought to you by Audible – get a FREE audiobook download and 30 day free trial at www.audibletrial.com/DiscussingWho.  Check out over 180,000 titles to choose from for your iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle or mp3 player.
Our Hosts on Other Shows
Want more from the Discussing Who co-hosts? Our hosts can be found on the following:
Doctor Who: Podshock (Kyle & Lee)
The TechPedition Podcast (Clarence)
The Relativity Podcast (Lee & Clarence)
Discussing Trek: A Star Trek Discovery Podcast (Clarence & Kyle)
Additional Information
Nicole Mazza’s podcast, Terminus, can be found at: http://terminus.libsyn.com/
Find out more about PENSACON at PENSACON.COM
Find out more about WHOlanta at WHOLANTA.COM
  Interested in more Doctor Who Comics? Visit our friends at Titan Comics. Titan publishes comics featuring the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors. They also publish comics featuring Sherlock, Penny Dreadful, and more! Check them out and tell them that Discussing Who sent you.
    via Geeks Recording In The South Super Feed
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the-citrus-scale · 5 years
I respectfully disagree. Your articles have become increasingly negative over the last few months, as if you are discouraging fan creators, making them feel guilty for loving their fandom. You go looking for problems, in a fandom. I take issue with your statement that you are the only outlet that is positively supporting fan creators. You’re a bit full of yourself in that regard. You are definitely NOT the only outlet that supports those of us who create for the fandom community.
We’d like to apologize to our readers for this exceptionally long post.
We literally know of no one else who interviews fanfiction authors and treats them with any sort of respect. If there are other sites or communities, please let us know. We’d love to hear about them! As for the increasing negativity, see below for the actual statistics. You’ll see that your arguments do not hold up. 
6 weeks ago
We began our Relaunch Week as we transitioned from The Lemon Magazine to The Citrus Scale. 
“How Stranger Things Ruined My Life” 
Tone: Positive
Note(s): The title is clearly a joke. It listed all the wonderful ways that the Duffer Brothers and Shawn Levy have taught us that women are allowed to demand more of the media and entertainment they consume.  
“Chaotic Neutrals: The Walking Dead Edition” 
Tone: Critical
Note(s): For the purposes of this exercise, we’re going to say that all critical articles automatically equal negativity. We DO NOT feel this way, nor does any news and media organization, but we talk more about that at the end of this post. 
Then we posted a game, a picture of the prize to win that day, and another game the next day.  
“Please, Sir, Can I Have Some More?”
Tone: Positive 
Note(s): Well, we will preface it by saying that it’s not at all positive if you are a white guy in entertainment who refuses to tell any story that isn’t their own and continually puts women down. If you, Anon, are one of the fanboys who whined and cried when Jodie Whittaker got cast as the new Doctor then #sorrynotsorry. We won’t apologize for calling people out for oppressing minority groups. Not now. Not ever. 
“In Defense Of… Self-Inserts” 
Tone: Positive
Note(s): It is literally “in defense of” self-inserts and authors who write them. The only thing remotely critical is at the end when we stay if you don’t like this type of work, you aren’t obligated to read it. As an overall tone, it is positive. 
“When A Villain Can’t Be Redeemed: A Study In Severus Snape”
Tone: Negative
Note(s): We do not hide our disdain for Severus Snape and his routine abuse of children.
“Adapting Comics For The Screen”
Tone: Informational (Neutral)
Note(s): Again, the only thing that could be considered critical is at the end when we discuss oversaturation in the Marvel fandom and how exhausting such a catalogue of works can be, and that reader/viewer fatigue is very real and you are allowed to take a break if you need it. 
“The Fight Against Fiction Censorship” 
Tone: Critical
Note(s): We discuss how you, as the reader, should be curating your own experience and how characters are allowed to be morally gray. That these characters do not and should not be automatically deemed as representative of writers’ actual views on sensitive subject matters. 
“Get Fridged, B*tch!: The Short Lives of Women in Supernatural” 
Tone: Highly Critical
Note(s): We discuss the fact that in the show Supernatural specifically, most women are killed for the character development of their male counterparts. We point out that this is not okay and leads to the accepted convention that this is good writing and not, in fact, incredibly lazy and sloppy. 
Then we did six posts, in a row, on our Instagram that were silly, funny, or light-hearted, but we’ll chalk those up to neutral even though they’re definitely more positive than anything. We did Signs as Quotes, Kiss. Marry. Kill., The Alphabet Game, and a D&D alignment chart with characters. 
So, at the end of our relaunch week, we were at sixteen (16) informational or neutral, four (4) critical or negative, and three (3) positive, with only one being truly considered negative and not simply critical.
5 weeks ago
We began our Pensacon 2019 Convention Coverage. We featured three (3) cosplayers we met at the convention, linked their profiles, and not one of our questions was negative. Again, we won’t add them to our positive list, but they definitely count as us being supportive. We know we’re not the only who interviews cosplayers in a positive fashion, but there can always be more. We also included four (4) fanfiction authors. There were other informational, infographic, or neutral articles (like interviews), interspersed between these articles: 
“Pensacon 2019 Intro Review” and the “Pensacon 2019 Wrap-Up Review”
Tone: Positive (x2)
Note(s): We had a blast at Pensacon, and will be returning next year as well. All our coverage was overwhelmingly positive. 
“Using Fandom To Teach” 
Tone: Positive 
Note(s): The article states fun ways that you can include fandom in the classroom to help engage the students so they don’t automatically tune you out. It was also a small summary of the panel we saw at the convention, which is clearly referenced. However, all the ideas were original or credited appropriately. 
We also had a TWD Trailer Reaction Video. As far as we know, there’s nothing to be seen as negative (unless we were talking about Rosita). If you really, really tried, you could count it negative though, since every single thing we said it in wasn’t nice to all the characters. For those keeping score, we’re at twenty-eight (28) informational or infographic, six (6) positive, and four (4) critical or negative. 
4 weeks ago
We began our Marvel-themed month here. Honestly, we’re getting tired of linking most things, so here’s how Marvel month stacks up. 
There were eighteen (18) informational articles or infographics, eleven (11) interviews, four (4) playlists, and two (2) games. This leaves us with thirty-five (35) neutral articles. 
“AUs Becoming Original Fiction”
Tone: Positive
Note(s): This article featured information on how to possibly transform an AU fanfic into original fiction, if you so desire. It included examples of popular fiction that had done just that. 
“Faithfulness in Adaptations”
Tone: Neutral
Note(s): We list the ways why it’s okay to like both and that one isn’t superior to the other. 
“Being First Doesn’t Mean Going It Alone” 
Tone: Positive
Note(s): It was written shortly after seeing Avengers: Endgame and was a glowing recommendation of the movie due to the girl power scene. However, upon further reflection we realized that thirty minutes of representation in an almost three hour movie isn’t as good as we thought it was and several other things caused the movie, as a whole, to miss the mark. As it relates to this article, though, it was positive. 
“The MCU and Buffet-Style Representation”
Tone: Critical
Note(s): We criticize Marvel’s lack of representation and how they are continually putting down any fan interpretation that sees a character as homosexual. We do end it on a positive note by saying we’re going to hold out on passing final judgment since they are promising to do better soon. We’re middling at best here, so we’ll say critical. 
“In Defense Of… Steve Rogers’ Happy Ending”
Tone: Critical
Note(s): We simply state that Steve is allowed to be happy and that him being miserable shouldn’t be his only real characterization or arc. 
“The Importance of Fan Service” 
Tone: PositiveNote(s): This one is about the importance of fans feeling like valued members of their community by original content creators, and how it only adds positively to the overall experience of fandom. 
“Rule 34: The Rise of Super Sex” 
Tone: Informational 
Note(s): It doesn’t take a stance either way regarding how we, as an organization, feel about this practice, though it could be seen as more comedic since there are many, many sex puns. 
“The Squick Factor: WinterPrincess” 
Tone: Critical 
Note(s): We break down a controversial ship in the Marvel fandom and explain why it shouldn’t be seen that way, based on the arguments given from inside the Marvel fandom itself. 
“Trope Scope: The Isolation of Being Super”
Tone: Informational
Note(s): We explain the lonely superhero trope and how to use it in your own writing. 
“All the Feels: Standing Up For What’s Right” 
Tone: Positive
Note(s): It’s called ‘All the Feels’, so… yeah. 
“Get Fridged, B*tch!: Marvel Edition”
Tone: Critical
Note(s): Again, we take a stance against using women as plot devices to further male character development. Marvel has a lot of characters, so it was easy to come up with examples. We’d like to note that we defend Stan Lee in this one as he wasn’t for fridging Gwen Stacy. 
“You Need To Calm Down: And Other Advice From Taylor Swift” 
Tone: Highly Critical
Note(s): We wrote an article in response to another from Hypable.com, where we defend binge-watching television, new or old, and list all the ways it isn’t a bad thing. As always, the responses and points in this article were well-researched and thought out. 
“Women Behaving Badly: Why the Movie Hustlers Is Important” 
Tone: Positive
Note(s): We can’t wait to see this movie and talk about why showing women doing the same thing as men, even if it isn’t prim and proper, is a good thing and helps us gain more equality in entertainment and in representation. 
“#NoHomo YouTube Video” 
Tone: Critical
Note(s): We take Marvel to task over Avengers: Endgame and we still have no desire to apologize for it. If you’d like to know why, please watch the video linked above. We can also send the talking points, if that makes it easier to follow. 
So, at the end of six weeks, which brings us to today, we were at sixty-three (63) informational or infographic, twelve (12) positive to ten (10) critical or negative. 
If you came to a different conclusion, we’d love to hear your reasons as to why. However, all we ask is that if you want to make accusations about our overall tone, you be able to back it up, as we did. It seems to us, and anyone paying attention, that we are overwhelmingly informational first. The problem seems to be that any time we are remotely critical of a character, original content creator, or a fandom, we are marked as negative. Which, frankly, is not true. We are a news and media organization. We are allowed to interpret things in a light other than positive. We will continue to bring our readers as much fandom-related content as possible and we promise to be truthful and to never sugarcoat anything. We also pledge to be respectful always. 
If there are any other concerns, we urge you to send them to our ask box as this anon did. Understand, though, that critiquing us does not mean we will blow up, act foolish, or remain anything other than responsible fandom members. We have receipts to back up everything we do, so don’t assume we’ll take accusations lying down either. We welcome all criticism and will apologize where necessary. This just wasn’t one of those times. 
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the-citrus-scale · 5 years
Pensacon 2019 Wrap-Up Review
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If you can’t tell, we had a blast at Pensacon 2019! There were Harry Potter, Gilmore Girls, and Walking Dead actors to hang out with all weekend. There may have even been a certain boy band member that our CEO is still freaking out about! Overall, this is the one to beat for us, so let’s just take a second and go down the list of what makes an awesome convention and where Pensacon exactly stacks up in each category.
Community is a big thing to us here at The Citrus Scale, so it makes sense that it would be first on our list when judging a convention. Pensacola, Florida knows how to have a good time and Pensacon weekend is no exception. It’s smack dab in the middle of downtown, and with its campus approach it puts you right in the action the whole time. As we’ve already said, all the nearby restaurants pick a fandom and show off their decorating skills. There wasn’t one restaurant or business we walked into that wasn’t ecstatic to see cosplayers and con-goers. Yes, it’s because of the money, but we’ve been to plenty of events where surrounding businesses want the fans to stay in their building and not venture out. Pensacon isn’t like that at all. Everyone is so welcoming and friendly!
The guests are next up on our list and we have to say for something that is dubbed a ‘small con’, it doesn’t feel like that when it comes to the lineup. No, Chris Evans isn’t likely to show up at Pensacon, but at the same time, the sheer amount of celebrities that do make up for things like that. Also, William Shatner was...
Read the full wrap-up review here ⇠
0 notes
gritsms · 6 years
The Doctor and Martha Jones find themselves on a ship where time is of the essence.  Does the crew possess a secret or has a member of the crew gone mad?  We recap our trip to Pensacon 2019 and more. This is our review of ’42’, Doctor Who Series 3 Episode 7.  All this – and more – in episode 143 of Discussing Who.  Hosted by Lee Shackleford, Clarence Brown, and Kyle Jones. 
      The Discussing Network
Discussing Who is part of the Discussing Network. Find out more about the network and other shows on the network by visiting http://discussingnetwork.com.  
Become a Patreon Supporter! By becoming a Patreon, you can support the show while receiving exclusive perks made available for Patreon Supporters.  Visit Patreon.com/DiscussingNetwork for more information, to follow us on Patreon, and – should you choose – support the show.
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Let us know what you think! Send your feedback via email to [email protected] or leave us a voicemail message on the Discussing Who Call Line. Simply dial (805)850-DWHO (3946). (Airtime and/or long distance rates apply, if applicable.) Already following us on Facebook? Simply send a message on there.
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This episode of Discussing Who is brought to you by Audible – get a FREE audiobook download and 30 day free trial at www.audibletrial.com/DiscussingWho.  Check out over 180,000 titles to choose from for your iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle or mp3 player.
Our Hosts on Other Shows
Want more from the Discussing Who co-hosts? Our hosts can be found on the following:
Doctor Who: Podshock (Kyle & Lee)
The TechPedition Podcast (Clarence)
The Relativity Podcast (Lee & Clarence)
Discussing Trek: A Star Trek Discovery Podcast (Clarence & Kyle)
Additional Information
Nicole Mazza’s podcast, Terminus, can be found at: http://terminus.libsyn.com/
Find out more about PENSACON at PENSACON.COM
Find out more about WHOlanta at WHOLANTA.COM
  Interested in more Doctor Who Comics? Visit our friends at Titan Comics. Titan publishes comics featuring the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors. They also publish comics featuring Sherlock, Penny Dreadful, and more! Check them out and tell them that Discussing Who sent you.
    via Geeks Recording In The South Super Feed
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gritsms · 6 years
The Doctor and Martha Jones find themselves on a ship where time is of the essence.  Does the crew possess a secret or has a member of the crew gone mad?  We recap our trip to Pensacon 2019 and more. This is our review of ’42’, Doctor Who Series 3 Episode 7.  All this – and more – in episode 143 of Discussing Who.  Hosted by Lee Shackleford, Clarence Brown, and Kyle Jones. 
      The Discussing Network
Discussing Who is part of the Discussing Network. Find out more about the network and other shows on the network by visiting http://discussingnetwork.com.  
Become a Patreon Supporter! By becoming a Patreon, you can support the show while receiving exclusive perks made available for Patreon Supporters.  Visit Patreon.com/DiscussingNetwork for more information, to follow us on Patreon, and – should you choose – support the show.
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Let us know what you think! Send your feedback via email to [email protected] or leave us a voicemail message on the Discussing Who Call Line. Simply dial (805)850-DWHO (3946). (Airtime and/or long distance rates apply, if applicable.) Already following us on Facebook? Simply send a message on there.
Like the show? Want to contribute?  Send us your feedback! We want to hear from you!
This episode of Discussing Who is brought to you by Audible – get a FREE audiobook download and 30 day free trial at www.audibletrial.com/DiscussingWho.  Check out over 180,000 titles to choose from for your iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle or mp3 player.
Our Hosts on Other Shows
Want more from the Discussing Who co-hosts? Our hosts can be found on the following:
Doctor Who: Podshock (Kyle & Lee)
The TechPedition Podcast (Clarence)
The Relativity Podcast (Lee & Clarence)
Discussing Trek: A Star Trek Discovery Podcast (Clarence & Kyle)
Additional Information
Nicole Mazza’s podcast, Terminus, can be found at: http://terminus.libsyn.com/
Find out more about PENSACON at PENSACON.COM
Find out more about WHOlanta at WHOLANTA.COM
  Interested in more Doctor Who Comics? Visit our friends at Titan Comics. Titan publishes comics featuring the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors. They also publish comics featuring Sherlock, Penny Dreadful, and more! Check them out and tell them that Discussing Who sent you.
    via Geeks Recording In The South Super Feed
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gritsms · 6 years
The Doctor and Martha Jones find themselves on a ship where time is of the essence.  Does the crew possess a secret or has a member of the crew gone mad?  We recap our trip to Pensacon 2019 and more. This is our review of ’42’, Doctor Who Series 3 Episode 7.  All this – and more – in episode 143 of Discussing Who.  Hosted by Lee Shackleford, Clarence Brown, and Kyle Jones. 
      The Discussing Network
Discussing Who is part of the Discussing Network. Find out more about the network and other shows on the network by visiting http://discussingnetwork.com.  
Become a Patreon Supporter! By becoming a Patreon, you can support the show while receiving exclusive perks made available for Patreon Supporters.  Visit Patreon.com/DiscussingNetwork for more information, to follow us on Patreon, and – should you choose – support the show.
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Let us know what you think! Send your feedback via email to [email protected] or leave us a voicemail message on the Discussing Who Call Line. Simply dial (805)850-DWHO (3946). (Airtime and/or long distance rates apply, if applicable.) Already following us on Facebook? Simply send a message on there.
Like the show? Want to contribute?  Send us your feedback! We want to hear from you!
This episode of Discussing Who is brought to you by Audible – get a FREE audiobook download and 30 day free trial at www.audibletrial.com/DiscussingWho.  Check out over 180,000 titles to choose from for your iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle or mp3 player.
Our Hosts on Other Shows
Want more from the Discussing Who co-hosts? Our hosts can be found on the following:
Doctor Who: Podshock (Kyle & Lee)
The TechPedition Podcast (Clarence)
The Relativity Podcast (Lee & Clarence)
Discussing Trek: A Star Trek Discovery Podcast (Clarence & Kyle)
Additional Information
Nicole Mazza’s podcast, Terminus, can be found at: http://terminus.libsyn.com/
Find out more about PENSACON at PENSACON.COM
Find out more about WHOlanta at WHOLANTA.COM
  Interested in more Doctor Who Comics? Visit our friends at Titan Comics. Titan publishes comics featuring the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors. They also publish comics featuring Sherlock, Penny Dreadful, and more! Check them out and tell them that Discussing Who sent you.
    via Geeks Recording In The South Super Feed
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gritsms · 6 years
The Doctor and Martha Jones find themselves on a ship where time is of the essence.  Does the crew possess a secret or has a member of the crew gone mad?  We recap our trip to Pensacon 2019 and more. This is our review of ’42’, Doctor Who Series 3 Episode 7.  All this – and more – in episode 143 of Discussing Who.  Hosted by Lee Shackleford, Clarence Brown, and Kyle Jones. 
      The Discussing Network
Discussing Who is part of the Discussing Network. Find out more about the network and other shows on the network by visiting http://discussingnetwork.com.  
Become a Patreon Supporter! By becoming a Patreon, you can support the show while receiving exclusive perks made available for Patreon Supporters.  Visit Patreon.com/DiscussingNetwork for more information, to follow us on Patreon, and – should you choose – support the show.
You can how subscribe to Discussing Network on SPOTIFY!
Connect with us by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, find us on Instagram, and more!
Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, PlayerFM, Stitcher, and others! Help others discover us by giving star ratings and/or recommending us on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher.
Let us know what you think! Send your feedback via email to [email protected] or leave us a voicemail message on the Discussing Who Call Line. Simply dial (805)850-DWHO (3946). (Airtime and/or long distance rates apply, if applicable.) Already following us on Facebook? Simply send a message on there.
Like the show? Want to contribute?  Send us your feedback! We want to hear from you!
This episode of Discussing Who is brought to you by Audible – get a FREE audiobook download and 30 day free trial at www.audibletrial.com/DiscussingWho.  Check out over 180,000 titles to choose from for your iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle or mp3 player.
Our Hosts on Other Shows
Want more from the Discussing Who co-hosts? Our hosts can be found on the following:
Doctor Who: Podshock (Kyle & Lee)
The TechPedition Podcast (Clarence)
The Relativity Podcast (Lee & Clarence)
Discussing Trek: A Star Trek Discovery Podcast (Clarence & Kyle)
Additional Information
Nicole Mazza’s podcast, Terminus, can be found at: http://terminus.libsyn.com/
Find out more about PENSACON at PENSACON.COM
Find out more about WHOlanta at WHOLANTA.COM
  Interested in more Doctor Who Comics? Visit our friends at Titan Comics. Titan publishes comics featuring the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors. They also publish comics featuring Sherlock, Penny Dreadful, and more! Check them out and tell them that Discussing Who sent you.
    via Geeks Recording In The South Super Feed
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gritsms · 6 years
The Doctor and Martha Jones find themselves on a ship where time is of the essence.  Does the crew possess a secret or has a member of the crew gone mad?  We recap our trip to Pensacon 2019 and more. This is our review of ’42’, Doctor Who Series 3 Episode 7.  All this – and more – in episode 143 of Discussing Who.  Hosted by Lee Shackleford, Clarence Brown, and Kyle Jones. 
      The Discussing Network
Discussing Who is part of the Discussing Network. Find out more about the network and other shows on the network by visiting http://discussingnetwork.com.  
Become a Patreon Supporter! By becoming a Patreon, you can support the show while receiving exclusive perks made available for Patreon Supporters.  Visit Patreon.com/DiscussingNetwork for more information, to follow us on Patreon, and – should you choose – support the show.
You can how subscribe to Discussing Network on SPOTIFY!
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Let us know what you think! Send your feedback via email to [email protected] or leave us a voicemail message on the Discussing Who Call Line. Simply dial (805)850-DWHO (3946). (Airtime and/or long distance rates apply, if applicable.) Already following us on Facebook? Simply send a message on there.
Like the show? Want to contribute?  Send us your feedback! We want to hear from you!
This episode of Discussing Who is brought to you by Audible – get a FREE audiobook download and 30 day free trial at www.audibletrial.com/DiscussingWho.  Check out over 180,000 titles to choose from for your iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle or mp3 player.
Our Hosts on Other Shows
Want more from the Discussing Who co-hosts? Our hosts can be found on the following:
Doctor Who: Podshock (Kyle & Lee)
The TechPedition Podcast (Clarence)
The Relativity Podcast (Lee & Clarence)
Discussing Trek: A Star Trek Discovery Podcast (Clarence & Kyle)
Additional Information
Nicole Mazza’s podcast, Terminus, can be found at: http://terminus.libsyn.com/
Find out more about PENSACON at PENSACON.COM
Find out more about WHOlanta at WHOLANTA.COM
  Interested in more Doctor Who Comics? Visit our friends at Titan Comics. Titan publishes comics featuring the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors. They also publish comics featuring Sherlock, Penny Dreadful, and more! Check them out and tell them that Discussing Who sent you.
    via Geeks Recording In The South Super Feed
0 notes
gritsms · 6 years
The Doctor and Martha Jones find themselves on a ship where time is of the essence.  Does the crew possess a secret or has a member of the crew gone mad?  We recap our trip to Pensacon 2019 and more. This is our review of ’42’, Doctor Who Series 3 Episode 7.  All this – and more – in episode 143 of Discussing Who.  Hosted by Lee Shackleford, Clarence Brown, and Kyle Jones. 
      The Discussing Network
Discussing Who is part of the Discussing Network. Find out more about the network and other shows on the network by visiting http://discussingnetwork.com.  
Become a Patreon Supporter! By becoming a Patreon, you can support the show while receiving exclusive perks made available for Patreon Supporters.  Visit Patreon.com/DiscussingNetwork for more information, to follow us on Patreon, and – should you choose – support the show.
You can how subscribe to Discussing Network on SPOTIFY!
Connect with us by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, find us on Instagram, and more!
Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, PlayerFM, Stitcher, and others! Help others discover us by giving star ratings and/or recommending us on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher.
Let us know what you think! Send your feedback via email to [email protected] or leave us a voicemail message on the Discussing Who Call Line. Simply dial (805)850-DWHO (3946). (Airtime and/or long distance rates apply, if applicable.) Already following us on Facebook? Simply send a message on there.
Like the show? Want to contribute?  Send us your feedback! We want to hear from you!
This episode of Discussing Who is brought to you by Audible – get a FREE audiobook download and 30 day free trial at www.audibletrial.com/DiscussingWho.  Check out over 180,000 titles to choose from for your iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle or mp3 player.
Our Hosts on Other Shows
Want more from the Discussing Who co-hosts? Our hosts can be found on the following:
Doctor Who: Podshock (Kyle & Lee)
The TechPedition Podcast (Clarence)
The Relativity Podcast (Lee & Clarence)
Discussing Trek: A Star Trek Discovery Podcast (Clarence & Kyle)
Additional Information
Nicole Mazza’s podcast, Terminus, can be found at: http://terminus.libsyn.com/
Find out more about PENSACON at PENSACON.COM
Find out more about WHOlanta at WHOLANTA.COM
  Interested in more Doctor Who Comics? Visit our friends at Titan Comics. Titan publishes comics featuring the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors. They also publish comics featuring Sherlock, Penny Dreadful, and more! Check them out and tell them that Discussing Who sent you.
    via Geeks Recording In The South Super Feed
0 notes
gritsms · 6 years
The Doctor and Martha Jones find themselves on a ship where time is of the essence.  Does the crew possess a secret or has a member of the crew gone mad?  We recap our trip to Pensacon 2019 and more. This is our review of ’42’, Doctor Who Series 3 Episode 7.  All this – and more – in episode 143 of Discussing Who.  Hosted by Lee Shackleford, Clarence Brown, and Kyle Jones. 
      The Discussing Network
Discussing Who is part of the Discussing Network. Find out more about the network and other shows on the network by visiting http://discussingnetwork.com.  
Become a Patreon Supporter! By becoming a Patreon, you can support the show while receiving exclusive perks made available for Patreon Supporters.  Visit Patreon.com/DiscussingNetwork for more information, to follow us on Patreon, and – should you choose – support the show.
You can how subscribe to Discussing Network on SPOTIFY!
Connect with us by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, find us on Instagram, and more!
Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, PlayerFM, Stitcher, and others! Help others discover us by giving star ratings and/or recommending us on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher.
Let us know what you think! Send your feedback via email to [email protected] or leave us a voicemail message on the Discussing Who Call Line. Simply dial (805)850-DWHO (3946). (Airtime and/or long distance rates apply, if applicable.) Already following us on Facebook? Simply send a message on there.
Like the show? Want to contribute?  Send us your feedback! We want to hear from you!
This episode of Discussing Who is brought to you by Audible – get a FREE audiobook download and 30 day free trial at www.audibletrial.com/DiscussingWho.  Check out over 180,000 titles to choose from for your iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle or mp3 player.
Our Hosts on Other Shows
Want more from the Discussing Who co-hosts? Our hosts can be found on the following:
Doctor Who: Podshock (Kyle & Lee)
The TechPedition Podcast (Clarence)
The Relativity Podcast (Lee & Clarence)
Discussing Trek: A Star Trek Discovery Podcast (Clarence & Kyle)
Additional Information
Nicole Mazza’s podcast, Terminus, can be found at: http://terminus.libsyn.com/
Find out more about PENSACON at PENSACON.COM
Find out more about WHOlanta at WHOLANTA.COM
  Interested in more Doctor Who Comics? Visit our friends at Titan Comics. Titan publishes comics featuring the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors. They also publish comics featuring Sherlock, Penny Dreadful, and more! Check them out and tell them that Discussing Who sent you.
    via Geeks Recording In The South Super Feed
0 notes
gritsms · 6 years
The Doctor and Martha Jones find themselves on a ship where time is of the essence.  Does the crew possess a secret or has a member of the crew gone mad?  We recap our trip to Pensacon 2019 and more. This is our review of ’42’, Doctor Who Series 3 Episode 7.  All this – and more – in episode 143 of Discussing Who.  Hosted by Lee Shackleford, Clarence Brown, and Kyle Jones. 
      The Discussing Network
Discussing Who is part of the Discussing Network. Find out more about the network and other shows on the network by visiting http://discussingnetwork.com.  
Become a Patreon Supporter! By becoming a Patreon, you can support the show while receiving exclusive perks made available for Patreon Supporters.  Visit Patreon.com/DiscussingNetwork for more information, to follow us on Patreon, and – should you choose – support the show.
You can how subscribe to Discussing Network on SPOTIFY!
Connect with us by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, find us on Instagram, and more!
Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, PlayerFM, Stitcher, and others! Help others discover us by giving star ratings and/or recommending us on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher.
Let us know what you think! Send your feedback via email to [email protected] or leave us a voicemail message on the Discussing Who Call Line. Simply dial (805)850-DWHO (3946). (Airtime and/or long distance rates apply, if applicable.) Already following us on Facebook? Simply send a message on there.
Like the show? Want to contribute?  Send us your feedback! We want to hear from you!
This episode of Discussing Who is brought to you by Audible – get a FREE audiobook download and 30 day free trial at www.audibletrial.com/DiscussingWho.  Check out over 180,000 titles to choose from for your iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle or mp3 player.
Our Hosts on Other Shows
Want more from the Discussing Who co-hosts? Our hosts can be found on the following:
Doctor Who: Podshock (Kyle & Lee)
The TechPedition Podcast (Clarence)
The Relativity Podcast (Lee & Clarence)
Discussing Trek: A Star Trek Discovery Podcast (Clarence & Kyle)
Additional Information
Nicole Mazza’s podcast, Terminus, can be found at: http://terminus.libsyn.com/
Find out more about PENSACON at PENSACON.COM
Find out more about WHOlanta at WHOLANTA.COM
  Interested in more Doctor Who Comics? Visit our friends at Titan Comics. Titan publishes comics featuring the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors. They also publish comics featuring Sherlock, Penny Dreadful, and more! Check them out and tell them that Discussing Who sent you.
    via Geeks Recording In The South Super Feed
0 notes
gritsms · 6 years
The Doctor and Martha Jones arrive in New York City during the Great Depression and discover a threat from the Doctor’s greatest enemies.  Yes, we review ‘Daleks in Manhattan’  and ‘Evolution of the Daleks’, Doctor Who Series 3 Episodes 4 and 5.  Plus, find out more about Pensacon 2019!  All this – and more – in episode 141 of Discussing Who.  Hosted by Kyle Jones, Lee Shackleford, and Clarence Brown.
      The Discussing Network
Discussing Who is part of the Discussing Network. Find out more about the network and other shows on the network by visiting http://discussingnetwork.com.  
Become a Patreon Supporter! By becoming a Patreon, you can support the show while receiving exclusive perks made available for Patreon Supporters.  Visit Patreon.com/DiscussingNetwork for more information, to follow us on Patreon, and – should you choose – support the show.
You can how subscribe to Discussing Network on SPOTIFY!
Connect with us by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, find us on Instagram, and more!
Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, PlayerFM, Stitcher, and others! Help others discover us by giving star ratings and/or recommending us on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher.
Let us know what you think! Send your feedback via email to [email protected] or leave us a voicemail message on the Discussing Who Call Line. Simply dial (805)850-DWHO (3946). (Airtime and/or long distance rates apply, if applicable.) Already following us on Facebook? Simply send a message on there.
Like the show? Want to contribute?  Send us your feedback! We want to hear from you!
This episode of Discussing Who is brought to you by Audible – get a FREE audiobook download and 30 day free trial at www.audibletrial.com/DiscussingWho.  Check out over 180,000 titles to choose from for your iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle or mp3 player.
Our Hosts on Other Shows
Want more from the Discussing Who co-hosts? Our hosts can be found on the following:
Doctor Who: Podshock (Kyle & Lee)
The TechPedition Podcast (Clarence)
The Relativity Podcast (Lee & Clarence)
Discussing Trek: A Star Trek Discovery Podcast (Clarence & Kyle)
Additional Information
Nicole Mazza’s podcast, Terminus, can be found at: http://terminus.libsyn.com/
Find out more about PENSACON at PENSACON.COM
Find out more about WHOlanta at WHOLANTA.COM
  Interested in more Doctor Who Comics? Visit our friends at Titan Comics. Titan publishes comics featuring the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors. They also publish comics featuring Sherlock, Penny Dreadful, and more! Check them out and tell them that Discussing Who sent you.
    via Geeks Recording In The South Super Feed
0 notes
gritsms · 6 years
The Doctor and Martha Jones arrive in New York City during the Great Depression and discover a threat from the Doctor’s greatest enemies.  Yes, we review ‘Daleks in Manhattan’  and ‘Evolution of the Daleks’, Doctor Who Series 3 Episodes 4 and 5.  Plus, find out more about Pensacon 2019!  All this – and more – in episode 141 of Discussing Who.  Hosted by Kyle Jones, Lee Shackleford, and Clarence Brown.
      The Discussing Network
Discussing Who is part of the Discussing Network. Find out more about the network and other shows on the network by visiting http://discussingnetwork.com.  
Become a Patreon Supporter! By becoming a Patreon, you can support the show while receiving exclusive perks made available for Patreon Supporters.  Visit Patreon.com/DiscussingNetwork for more information, to follow us on Patreon, and – should you choose – support the show.
You can how subscribe to Discussing Network on SPOTIFY!
Connect with us by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, find us on Instagram, and more!
Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, PlayerFM, Stitcher, and others! Help others discover us by giving star ratings and/or recommending us on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher.
Let us know what you think! Send your feedback via email to [email protected] or leave us a voicemail message on the Discussing Who Call Line. Simply dial (805)850-DWHO (3946). (Airtime and/or long distance rates apply, if applicable.) Already following us on Facebook? Simply send a message on there.
Like the show? Want to contribute?  Send us your feedback! We want to hear from you!
This episode of Discussing Who is brought to you by Audible – get a FREE audiobook download and 30 day free trial at www.audibletrial.com/DiscussingWho.  Check out over 180,000 titles to choose from for your iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle or mp3 player.
Our Hosts on Other Shows
Want more from the Discussing Who co-hosts? Our hosts can be found on the following:
Doctor Who: Podshock (Kyle & Lee)
The TechPedition Podcast (Clarence)
The Relativity Podcast (Lee & Clarence)
Discussing Trek: A Star Trek Discovery Podcast (Clarence & Kyle)
Additional Information
Nicole Mazza’s podcast, Terminus, can be found at: http://terminus.libsyn.com/
Find out more about PENSACON at PENSACON.COM
Find out more about WHOlanta at WHOLANTA.COM
  Interested in more Doctor Who Comics? Visit our friends at Titan Comics. Titan publishes comics featuring the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors. They also publish comics featuring Sherlock, Penny Dreadful, and more! Check them out and tell them that Discussing Who sent you.
    via Geeks Recording In The South Super Feed
0 notes
gritsms · 6 years
The Doctor and Martha Jones arrive in New York City during the Great Depression and discover a threat from the Doctor’s greatest enemies.  Yes, we review ‘Daleks in Manhattan’  and ‘Evolution of the Daleks’, Doctor Who Series 3 Episodes 4 and 5.  Plus, find out more about Pensacon 2019!  All this – and more – in episode 141 of Discussing Who.  Hosted by Kyle Jones, Lee Shackleford, and Clarence Brown.
      The Discussing Network
Discussing Who is part of the Discussing Network. Find out more about the network and other shows on the network by visiting http://discussingnetwork.com.  
Become a Patreon Supporter! By becoming a Patreon, you can support the show while receiving exclusive perks made available for Patreon Supporters.  Visit Patreon.com/DiscussingNetwork for more information, to follow us on Patreon, and – should you choose – support the show.
You can how subscribe to Discussing Network on SPOTIFY!
Connect with us by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, find us on Instagram, and more!
Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, PlayerFM, Stitcher, and others! Help others discover us by giving star ratings and/or recommending us on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher.
Let us know what you think! Send your feedback via email to [email protected] or leave us a voicemail message on the Discussing Who Call Line. Simply dial (805)850-DWHO (3946). (Airtime and/or long distance rates apply, if applicable.) Already following us on Facebook? Simply send a message on there.
Like the show? Want to contribute?  Send us your feedback! We want to hear from you!
This episode of Discussing Who is brought to you by Audible – get a FREE audiobook download and 30 day free trial at www.audibletrial.com/DiscussingWho.  Check out over 180,000 titles to choose from for your iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle or mp3 player.
Our Hosts on Other Shows
Want more from the Discussing Who co-hosts? Our hosts can be found on the following:
Doctor Who: Podshock (Kyle & Lee)
The TechPedition Podcast (Clarence)
The Relativity Podcast (Lee & Clarence)
Discussing Trek: A Star Trek Discovery Podcast (Clarence & Kyle)
Additional Information
Nicole Mazza’s podcast, Terminus, can be found at: http://terminus.libsyn.com/
Find out more about PENSACON at PENSACON.COM
Find out more about WHOlanta at WHOLANTA.COM
  Interested in more Doctor Who Comics? Visit our friends at Titan Comics. Titan publishes comics featuring the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors. They also publish comics featuring Sherlock, Penny Dreadful, and more! Check them out and tell them that Discussing Who sent you.
    via Geeks Recording In The South Super Feed
0 notes