grayedclouds · 10 years
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     "No. No, I'm sorry, I'm not going out for 4th of July."
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inheritcnce · 10 years
     "Wait, stand back a sec--" 
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Those are just his cousins that he's shoving out of the way, no need to worry.       "--- Alright, c'mon, the roof is this way."
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inscmniacsarchive · 10 years
text // reversxs
emilia: is it bad that i cried on the last day of school?
emilia: like i saw my class go and i cried lol
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frontlinefugitive · 10 years
reversxs replied to your post:"Does that hurt?"
[ can i continue in a new post, or…? ]
Yeah bruh go ahead <:
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sassyxlette · 10 years
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     “Did you do the science homework?"
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grayedclouds · 10 years
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      "        No, you're right. That was so not funny."                     He thinks it was pretty goddamn funny.
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pumiliostellam · 10 years
→ ( thegoldxnsnitch. ) → ( tremblingsweetnxss. ) → ( reversxs. )
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         "I am very busy right now.           Please, come back later."
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