#revealed in RTI
married-to-a-redhead · 2 months
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When it comes to firearms, I enjoy bringing back to life old school curio and relic rifles where others might have given up. This is a Maltby Enfield No4 Mk1 from 1944 that I ordered from Royal Tiger Imports when they had a one day warehouse sale. It is always a gamble when you order from RTI - you never know what you are going to get and a lot of the time it’s not good. This gun cost me $150 and when it arrived at my door, it looked pretty hopeless. It had a loose butt stock, was missing the rear top wood, also missing the middle barrel band, and the bolt was absolutely stuck closed from rust. After banging open the bolt with a dead blow hammer, I looked down the barrel and it looked pretty rusty. Honestly everything was rusty and most people would have probably given up.
But then I noticed something - this was a numbers matching gun, including the magazine which is almost unheard of for No4 Enfields. So I persevered. I disassembled it and it turned out that almost all the rust was just surface rust. With a lot of elbow grease, I was able to get most of it off and surprisingly there was not a lot of pitting. And I deeply cleaned the barrel which revealed it was a five groove barrel and the rifling was basically intact under the surface rust. From my parts bin, I found a spare rear top wood and barrel band, tightened up the butt stock, and reassembled the gun.
The result is what you see above - the gun won’t win any beauty contests but it will more than likely be a good shooter. The stock fits well and has the appropriate level of barrel down pressure that Enfields require. I’ll try and get to the range soon to see how well she shoots.
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
Drowning without you PT 1
Graves is revealed to be alive the same day that Rodolfo goes missing. Alejandro immediately sets ghost to find him. Alejandro doesn't know what to do with himself if Rodolfo dies. He's the the closest friend he has. He's even more than that, to him. Losing Rodolfo would be worse than death.
Look, I’m a better writer than I am at making descriptions.
TW: Graphic violence, explosive character, mentions of torture.
Alejandro reasonably knew that Ghost would find Rodolfo. Ghost was a fantastic tracker. Alejandro had seen it many times. But… The back of his mind was screaming that he never would.
Alejandro had been doing his best to track him down on his own, but he knew Ghost would find him first. He knew this.
“Fuck!” He growled and threw his pen across the room, running his hand through his hair.
Kate Laswell, who had been patiently waiting for Alejandro to finish signing a few reports, barely flinched. “Ghost will find him, Alejandro. You don’t need to worry.”
“My best friend is God knows where, having God knows what done to him, and you expect me to not be worried??” He shook his head, leaning back- well more like throwing himself back in his chair. “What if it was your wife missing? Would you just not worry?”
He hoped she wouldn’t question that his first instinct was to compare Rudy to her wife, not Price, her best friend. Fortunately, she hardly seemed fazed. Instead, she sighed and relaxed her shoulders, uncrossing her legs. “You’re right, Colonel. I would be pulling every string aside from Ghost. Probably just as manically as you are.”
“Don’t lecture me to not be worried.” He turned in his chair to look at the window, gripping the arm rests before bringing his hand up to bite at a spot on his finger, a habit he’d developed in his teens to keep himself from saying things he didn’t mean. Kate was one of the few he was comfortable with doing it around.
“I knew, when we discovered Graves was alive, that I needed to be careful. To… hold everyone close but-” He pressed his fingers to his forehead. “I thought he would be… weak. Defenseless without any team. I didn’t expect him to be so fucking charismatic that he manages to pull together a whole fucking- Why Rudy?”
Laswell tilted her head to one side. “Alejandro, if you do not mind, perhaps I can look at it from a logical perspective?”
Alejandro waved his hand. “If you feel like it.” He muttered, sure he would only half listen.
“Well, I can look at this through a few lenses. Graves is not in charge of the cartel he managed to convince to help him take you down. Now, Soap and Rodolfo were the ones who tried to kill him. Not to speculate on Ghost’s feelings towards anything, only Ghost can truly know his own feelings, but I feel Graves perhaps thought it would be… dangerous to take Soap. It’s fairly obvious Ghost’s partial to Soap.” Laswell stood and moved to the window that Alejandro was staring out, watching the recruits in the training field do drills. “Besides that, he would have access to Gaz’s file. The kid passed his RTI training with flying colors. He knows holding onto him would be too difficult. And would prove worthless, in the end. With Shepherd taken down, Price is too important to the British Army.”
“Well, that leaves a few people. I never leave the base. Your friend Valeria is… too unreliable to cause havoc. And Ghost is… well, I think you can understand why he was not an option.” She put her hands behind her back, picking at her nails.
“That just leaves Rodolfo.” Alejandro muttered. Laswell was right. Alejandro was still suffering from the havoc caused by Shepherd’s betrayal. It had led to an easier time cleaning up the Las Almas Cartel, but he was still cleaning it up. Thankfully, Britain had sent a few more troops to help, for the trouble.
Likely a desperate “hey please don’t retaliate for this one fuck up” courtesy. Alejandro was grateful, so he had done his best to aid in smoothing things over.
“But, Graves had to know I would turn everything over to find him.” Alejandro straightened in his seat a little, his spine starting to hurt. He was getting old, though just barely pressing on it. Couldn’t sink his shoulders down for too long, anymore without risk of spine damage, apparently. Rodolfo had always been careful in reminding him to sit up when he noticed. Alejandro always pretended to be irritated but he was grateful. “Or that I would employ Ghost. Who, I hope, is turning every stone just as he would for Soap.”
It was an unspoken agreement amongst the 141 crew and Alejandro and Rodolfo to just… not mention anytime Ghost and Soap stared at each other. Or stood too close. But, it didn’t mean it went unacknowledged.
“I don’t think Graves was counting on Ghost actually caring enough to help you. Ghost has a reputation. Graves is… calculated.” Laswell shrugged. “Calculations do not account for organic factors. Or… missing facts.”
“If Soap had been taken, Ghost would have found Rodolfo by now.” Alejandro went back to glaring out the window. He couldn’t help but feel bitter.
“No. Trust that Ghost is putting in the same amount of effort and skill as he would for Soap. Or… anyone else.” She added, trying to likely give Ghost the benefit of the doubt. Laswell was like that.
Alejandro just fell silent. If he talked anymore, he would start to scream. And he couldn’t keep screaming.
Laswell turned to him, giving him a sympathetic smile. “Not hearing from Ghost is good news. When he finds him, you will be the first to know.”
Alejandro grunted, doing his best to appear hopeful, but knowing it fell flat. He turned back to his desk, and pulled another pen out, signing the last report. “I feel we use you as a glorified paper runner.”
“I like walking around. Trust me, Alejandro, I wouldn’t if I minded. I find it hard to make myself do things I don’t find pleasant.” Laswell shrugged. “Unless they’re necessary.” She added and then picked up the small stack, sliding them into a manilla envelope to keep them together. “Ghost keeps his radio on. I don’t know if he’ll answer but you can always try to ask him for updates.”
“That is a dangerous can to open, Laswell.” Alejandro shook his head. “I know myself. I will start to ask every ten minutes and he’ll kill me. I may not fear Ghost much, but I keep a healthy… anxiety in my heart towards him.”
“Wise man, Alejandro.”
Alejandro only grunted and turned to the window again. Once Laswell left, the fear retained it’s grip on Alejandro’s heart, squeezing all the blood from it like a wet rag.
He dug his nails into the armrest of the chair, biting back a scream of frustration. He couldn’t stay in this room anymore. He would go insane. He took a deep breath, standing up and leaving.
He walked through the halls, going to the command room. Gaz was on a radio, probably on the current round to monitor Ghost. He went to him, watching his screen.
It was just a map of Mexico where Gaz would input Ghost’s locations and potential points of interest. “Any news?” Alejandro asked, holding his breath without meaning to.
“Nothing… big.” Gaz winced, causing Alejandro to release his breath. “He’s alive. Ghost knows that. He was able to tune into a truck radio where they were discussing moving him.”
“Truck radio?”
“Yeah, apparently this cartel managed to get their hands on old decommissioned trucks from your military.” Gaz nodded. “Ghost has a tracker on two of them, but they mostly run supplies between two insignificant warehouses.”
Alejandro frowned. “How does he know they’re insignificant?”
“Well, they’re barely the size of a small house and he can see completely through them from the rafters so…” Gaz looked up at him. He pointed to the map where the warehouses were marked.
Alejandro shook his head. It had only been a week but… he knew what could be done to a man in a week. “Has Graves reached out to make demands?”
“Nothing but the ones he left when he took him.” Gaz nodded, pulling up a scan of the letter. “Well, demands is putting it loosely. More of a threat. Sorry, mate, I wish I had more for you.”
“It’s alright.” Alejandro pulled over a chair that was empty. “Hand me a headset.”
Gaz seemed reluctant, but eventually did so. “I want to let you know that Price threatened to kick my ass for this but… you scare me just a little more.”
Alejandro couldn’t help his laugh. The kid looked so earnest and even shy about the admission. “Do not fear, Gaz. I will not tell him.”
He knew why Price did not want him on a headset. Alejandro kept himself contained, barely, as it was. “What are we listening to?” He asked as he slipped the headset on.
“Ghost thought it was important. A conversation between two drug runners.” Gaz went to put on the subtitles but turned red halfway through and stopped. “Right, sorry, you don’t need an interpreter. My right headphone interprets into english.”
Alejandro pet his shoulder but focused on their voices.
“Damned Gringo. They put him in a high position for what? All because he’s ex-military from America?”
“He was able to get his hands on vehicles and weapons. Boss trusts him. Who am I to question the Boss?”
“It’s shady.”
“You should watch your mouth. He hears everything.”
“Yeah, whatever. What’s our route again?”
“Eastern Wild Lily.”
“Code name.” Gaz murmured, clarifying. “Ghost has figured out each drug route. They use flower names. The more general, the bigger it is. It’s actually quite interesting.”
“What is Wild Lily? Do you have the routes marked?” Alejandro frowned, looking at the map. Gaz clicked a button and roads lit up, each labeled with their code name.
Alejandro whistled a little. So far, they seemed to only operate right outside of Las Almas. Too close for his liking. “I see.” He frowned but turned his attention back to the conversation.
However, they had stopped talking.
“Gaz- Gaz come in.” Both men immediately straightened at hearing Ghost’s voice.
Gaz put his microphone near his mouth, and pressed his talk button. “Ghost, I’m here.”
“I’m putting another route into the map. It’s an old mineshaft. They transport highly sensitive items through it. I think it’s where they took Rodolfo through. The end of it is right in the mountain where he was grabbed. I’m gonna scout it out, and report back in exactly 12 hours. Who will be on shift, then?”
Gaz looked to Alejandro nervously. “Uh… I think Soap. He’s offered to take night shift.”
“Damn insomniac. Alright. Inform him of everything when you switch- Gaz, listen to me. Write everything I just said down.”
Gaz rolled his eyes, muttering something about “my memory isn’t bad” but he wrote it down all the same. “Old mineshaft, sensitive goods, 12 hours, which lands you at exactly 22 hours, sir.”
“Good job, Sergeant.”
Gaz hesitated, glancing at Alejandro. “Should I inform Alejandro of this news?”
Alejandro already knew Soap’s answer as he heard it.
“Absolutely not, Gaz. I do not want to deal with the consequences of this being nothing.”
“Alright, Sir.” Gaz turned off his microphone and turned to Alejandro. “Please know I risk my bottom with great respect to you, sir.”
Alejandro shook his head. “Thank you, sergeant. When you get off shift, we uncovered a truck load of illegally imported teas. Go talk to the kitchen. They’ll make you a cup.”
Gaz grinned and stuck his thumb up before turning to the map to look at the information Ghost had put on the map.
Alejandro seriously considered staying, but he knew Ghost would not update until exactly 22 hours, so he stood after taking his headset off and finally went to the mess to get lunch. It was early, but they usually kept food on hand for him.
He took it back to his office, deciding to exercise his colonel privileges and eat there. If he could stomach his food.
22 hours did not come fast enough. He went to the command room immediately.
“Alejandro, I’ve been given-”
“Soap, you’re in my base. Besides, I already extorted Gaz. I know what’s going on.” Alejandro didn’t bother asking for the headset, just taking it. “I’m not gonna speak, so don’t worry.”
Soap didn’t seem to like the idea, but Alejandro knew it wasn’t for a regard for the rules. “Just, I’ll be alright, hermano.”
Soap sighed but nodded, turning on Alejandro’s headset. 
The other end was silent, as it was technically 21:56. Ghost was… infuriatingly punctual.
At 22:00 on the dot, Ghost’s voice came in.
“Soap, do you copy?”
“I’m right here, LT.”
“I’m coming back. Did Gaz brief you?”
“Down to every period and comma, sir.”
“Good. I won’t discuss my findings until I get back but.. It’s not good, Soap. Not devastating but… I couldn’t get to Rodolfo himself. This place is swarming. Too crowded for even my skills. But he’s here, Soap. And… I have videos.”
Alejandro tensed and clenched his hands into fists.
Soap’s eyes were closed, probably deeply regretting letting Alejandro listen. But, he didn’t blow Alejandro’s cover. “I will inform the rest.”
“Tell Alejandro as well.”
“I will. I… can you give me a scope of how bad the videos are?”
“They made my bloody stomach churn-”
Alejandro left, immediately, needing out of that room. He couldn’t breathe, his heart being squeezed into a pulp.
All he could think of was “outside” and “air. Air now” and so he all but ran outside, trying to catch his breath. They made my bloody stomach churn. Images flashed through his mind of everything that could possibly be being done to his precious Rodolfo.
Guilt dug into his brain. He should be out there, now! Not sitting here waiting for Ghost to find him! But he knew running out wasn’t the smartest. Hell, it was the stupidest fucking thing he could do.
Alejandro pressed his hand to his heart and tried to catch his breath, his mind screaming “go!” and his heart pressing the alarm button. He fell against the wall, sliding down it and clawing at his chest to get the feeling to stop.
He didn’t know how or when, but Laswell eventually found him, curled up against the wall and still unable to breathe.
“Hey, hey-” She forced him to face her, grabbing his face. “Alejandro, look at me.”
He did his best to breathe, looking at her eyes. They were concerned, but stern.
“You need to breathe. Sitting out here panicking isn’t doing anything.”
“Neither is sitting in there, waiting for Ghost to fucking return!” He growled at her, but tried to relax.
“Alejandro!” She snapped. “Now, I am not afraid to slap you to knock some fucking sense into your ass.”
His irritation at being yelled at paused the sensation of panic, but he barely noticed, shoving her off of him and standing. “The closest person in my life is being tortured so badly that it made Ghost’s stomach turn. I don’t make assumptions, but I am fairly certain that that is quite possibly the worst outcome at this moment!”
Laswell glared at him. “He could be in a fucking box!”
“Don’t start that shit, you and I both know that death is the better alternative to being tortured!” He snarled at her before turning around and hitting the wall, busting his knuckles open.
Kate seemed to soften and touched his arm. “You’re right. I am being… I’m going about this the wrong way. Look, your searches ended up with nothing. Your only option was to rely on Ghost. Now, your only option is to wait for him to get back and then go and rescue Rodolfo, alright? There is no more options.”
Alejandro closed his eyes and then shrugged her hand off of his arm, nodding. “You are right. Let’s go.”
She nodded and led him inside, taking him straight to the command room where everyone was waiting at a table.
Alejandro mostly ignored everyone’s looks of sympathy, sitting and resting his elbows on the table before clenching his hands together, staring at his rings.
He focused on counting each hair on his knuckles, needing to keep himself together.
Waiting was agony. Even with Alejandro’s resolve, each minute put that grip back around his heart, squeezing tighter and tighter.
Fortunately, everyone else was silent. Alejandro likely would have cursed at them if they even breathed too loud.
Finally, Ghost came into the command room. From the fact that he still had his headset on, it was likely he had came straight to the command room. 
Alejandro stood immediately before sitting again as he saw… guilt. Ghost’s eyes gave it all away. The remorse for the situation. Rodolfo had to be in a bad state. Alejandro didn’t want to find out how bad but he had to.
“The main operations are conducted in an old store room, located deep in the mining tunnels. Fortunately, there is a lift we could access on the opposite side which is the only other way out, save for the entrance tunnel, which is roughly a mile long.” Ghost put up pictures and a map on the main screen. “I know exactly where Rodolfo is, but it was too closely watched. Graves has it under tight security down there. Unfortunately, stealth was not a viable tactic. We need to blow up the radio tower and cut off communications and then send every man we can.”
He turned back to the table, looking at Alejandro. “I will lay everything out, but this is your mission to lead.”
Alejandro let out a breath and stood, crossing the room to look at the screen. He looked over Ghost’s plan notes. His eyes were caught by a picture of Rodolfo, chained to a wall. Fortunately, all of his body seemed to be intact, if not severely bruised. Systematically beaten, he would guess.
He took in a shaky breath before releasing it and turning to the table, considering each member’s strength like he did before every mission. “Laswell will stay here as an operator.”
Laswell nodded, unsurprised.
Alejandro looked to Gaz and price. “Gaz, you will lead ⅓ of our men to the lift and take that side. Brute force it. Price will take the rest to the other side and flush through the mining tunnels.”
Both also nodded, Price immediately standing and getting on the radio to gather forces, Gaz following him.
“Soap will blow up the radio tower, since he can handle explosives.”
Soap half grinned, sticking both thumbs up.
“Ghost, you and I will sneak in and grab Rodolfo during the chaos.” Alejandro turned to Ghost, who nodded, gravely. He turned to Laswell. “We will need you to keep a listen out for us.”
“Will do, Colonel.” She nodded.
Alejandro dispatched them to prepare before following Ghost to put on stealth armor. “Ghost, be honest. How bad is it?”
Ghost was silent for a while. “I will… be honest. I have had first hand experience with a lot. While it does not come near being the worst it was… more than I expected. And I expected it to be bad.”
Alejandro sucked in a breath, closing his eyes. “Where’s the videos?”
“I had them downloaded to a flash drive. You’ll find them in the mission data.”
Alejandro nodded, putting on his helmet and attaching the night vision goggles. “How difficult is this stealth mission going to be?”
“Difficult but Graves is not in the shaft at the time. He is in the US, likely gathering supplies.”
Alejandro clenched his fists. “So we can’t even kill the bastard?”
“We will. Eventually.” Ghost promised. “After the trouble he has caused me, I will personally end him. Slowly and painfully.”
“I want to.” Alejandro said, immediately. “I will.”
Ghost looked to him, seeming almost impressed, and then deeply concerned. ���Alright.”
Alejandro relaxed only slightly before securing his com device.
Once everyone was secure and connected, Soap started his mission to the radio tower with Ghost guiding him to get there.
Alejandro watched his marker move on the map until he made it to a very old radio tower.
“Detonating in 3… 2… 1…” Soap’s microphone went silent before the explosion, thankfully.
“It wasn’t too loud. I only used one pack of C4 to bring down it’s leg and it sort of just crumbled. I am escaping back to the truck now to meet up with Gaz. Gaz, do you copy?”
“Waiting for you, Soap. We see your mohawk.”
“Do I look good?”
“Boys.” Laswell interjected.
Alejandro was grateful. He normally found their banter funny but… not that night.
“Soap is secure, Laswell. We are heading to the location of the lift, now.”
“Team A is surrounding the mineshaft as we speak. Gaz, you give the green light.”
Alejandro and Ghost took that as their cue to take off, Ghost driving the truck as fast as possible. 
They went to the lift’s side, since that was closer.
“Damn, the bloody lift is rusted shut.”
They were cut off by a small explosion noise and Soap laughing. “Not anymore. Good thing I kept a second charge on me.”
Ghost sighed as he got out of the car, shaking his head. “Exactly how many charges did you bring, Mactavish?”
“Only 4 sir. One for each leg of the tower. I didn’t expect it to be so old and decrepit. I likely could have blown on it and it would have crumbled.”
Alejandro took it back. He was grateful for the distraction.
“Team B is secured in the lift, Team A, do you copy?”
“We copy, Team B. Going in on your go ahead.”
“The lift is descending. Go now, Team A.”
Ghost nodded to Alejandro, showing him a small tunnel entrance. “It’s a maintenance tunnel for the lift. It’s how I got out.”
Alejandro swiftly followed him down, able to hear the distance sounds of gunfire. “How deep is this mineshaft?”
“More shallow than you’d expect. I suspect it was abandoned because of cartel activity.”
“Many were.” Alejandro nodded.
“From here you can slide.” Ghost said, after a few minutes and then started to slide down the ladder.
Alejandro followed suit, making sure to keep as slow of a pace as he could to not break his leg, or Ghost’s neck, at the bottom.
Once he hit the ground, he dusted himself off before putting his goggles over his eyes, following Ghost through the tunnels. They wound around dead soldiers and cartel members alike, though the cartel members far outweighed the soldiers. The fight was far from fair, but Alejandro didn’t care.
He would take care of the paperwork once Rudy was back at the base, safe and sound.
Alejandro followed Ghost deep into the minds, trying to keep his mind off the gunfire in the distance.
They finally reached another tunnel, which Ghost swiftly turned down. “There will be people down this way. Heavy guns. Stay close to minimize our target area.”
Alejandro nodded.
Ghost tapped his com device. “Laswell, this is Ghost checking in. We are in the tunnel leading to Parra. Dispatch Soap to follow at a distance.”
“Will do, Lieutenant. Soap-”
She turned to the other radio and cut off. Alejandro knew this was to make sure one of them could carry Rodolfo. He admired Ghost’s ability to think so far ahead in such a tense moment.
Alejandro usually could, but not right now. He ducked behind a minecart that was smashed into the wall as gunfire rang out towards him. He and Ghost both aimed and took out the offenders, before continuing.
They had to duck nearly every ten minutes, but eventually Soap’s gunfire would also fire with theirs, taking out more targets.
Finally, they reached a door and Ghost just shot the lock, yanking the door open.
They walked in to see a man actively putting a lock on a large glass box, rapidly filling with water, Inside, was Alejandro’s Rodolfo, panicking and slamming his fists on the glass as hard as he could.
Ghost started to take out the men surrounding the room, and Alejandro beelined straight for the one locking the box.
That one turned around and grinned at Alejandro, sticking the key in a mouth filled with rotting teeth and swallowing it. Alejandro didn’t waste time as soon as he was near him, knocking him down with the butt of his gun and shooting the glass. All it did was make a small circle of cracks.
“Fuck! Ghost, the box is bullet proof!”
“Where in the fuck did Graves get bullet proof glass?!” Soap shouted behind him.
“Damn it, it’s a key padlock!” Alejandro cursed for several long moments in spanish. He turned to the man, who was laughing on the ground.
He kicked his stomach, causing him to groan and roll over, coughing up blood. But no key. “Fuck!!!” He snarled and kicked him again.
“I’m not gonna puke it up! Fuck you!”
Alejandro stared down at the man who was still coughing. 
Ghost seemed to be looking for a solution.
Alejandro turned to the box, where he saw that the water level was already under Rodolfo’s chin. He started to panic, the weight of the situation pounding down on him.
He looked back down at the man, getting out his knife. “Fine. Then I have no other option.”
The man’s eyes widened and he suddenly started to make a very concerted effort to get away but Alejandro dragged him back, forcing him onto his back and keeping him down with his knee on his chest, crouching to reach.
He ripped the man’s shirt, not hesitating to sink the blade deep into his stomach. He sliced upward with a fluid motion, hearing a gurgle from the man, which almost drowned out the squelch of organs being slide in half.
Alejandro shoved his hand into what he hoped was the man’s intestine. Blood pooled fast, sinking into the top of Alejandro’s glove, but Alejandro continued, finding the key after only a few moment’s of searching.
The man couldn’t scream, but he was trying, clawly at Alejandro’s leg as his strength waned.
Alejandro didn’t waste time to kill him, wiping the key off and forcing it into the padlock.
Once the lock was off, he slammed into the box.
It swayed once before he slammed into it again, sending it tipping over,
Fortunately, Rodolfo fell out with only a soft thud, sliding across the dirt.
Alejandro immediately ran over to him, Soap and Ghost following.
Soap checked his pulse. “He’s not breathing.”
“Move!” Alejandro barked at Soap, shoving him away. He got Rodolfo onto his back and immediately started chest compressions.
1, 2, 3- come on Rudy, come on! He stared at Rodolfo’s face as he did them, before stopping at 30 to force air into his lungs, and then continuing compressions.
Every beat felt like agony, but Alejandro continued.
“Alejandro-” Soap started but Alejandro only glared at him before continuing.
It was the only time Alejandro had seen Soap shrink back.
1, 2, 3- Rudy, wake up! Wake up now!! His heart started to squeeze tighter with each beat.
The hope started to leave his chest and right when the thought of giving up cross his mind, Rodolfo’s body jerked and he gasped, his eyes flashing over.
Relief slammed into Alejandro’s body and he immediately pulled Rodolfo up into a hug. 
He felt Rodolfo’s arms attempt to weakly wrap around his body, confirming he wasn’t brain dead. “Rudy, oh thank god-”
“Commander, I-” Rodolfo rasped before coughing up water right onto Alejandro’s shoulder.
Alejandro wouldn’t have cared if he puked into his hair, because it meant Rodolfo was alive. “Don’t- Just relax, we’re gonna get out of here.”
He stood, tugging Rodolfo up and throwing him over his shoulder, trying not to notice how considerably lighter he was.
Graves was going to regret every scar. Every bruise. Every kilogram that Rodolfo had lost. Every fucking chest compression that Alejandro had to perform. Every moment he had feared for the possibility of Rodolfo never being found alive.
Every single fucking second of it.
Alejandro rushed after Ghost and Soap, trying to comfort Rodolfo who coughed at every jostle.
Soap led them back to the lift and started to force it up, ducking as gunfire sprayed into it.
“Gaz!! It’s us!!” He immediately cried into the coms, trying to force the lift faster.
“That’s not our gunfire! There was an unmarked tunnel, some of the cartel members got away through it. I’m trailing them now! Is Rodolfo secured?”
“I have him Gaz!” Alejandro confirmed, gently setting Rodolfo down where the bullets couldn’t reach.
“Gaz, retreat back to the other entrance, I’m blowing off another pack of C4!” Soap called, getting the C4 ready.
“Soap, are you out of your fucking mind?!”
“Just get to the other fucking entrance! Price, retreat now!!”
Alejandro looked at Soap, about to stop him before setting the sheer number of cartel members pouring out of the secret tunnel.
Even Ghost looked alarmed, shooting what he could.
Soap armed the C4 and waited before pressing the button right as the lift was almost too high. “45, 44, 43,” He counted.
Ghost slammed his fist on the up button for the list. “Faster, you piece of shit!!”
Alejandro immediately went to coms. “C4 blowing in-” he listened as Soap hit 30 seconds, “30 seconds!”
“Jesus fucking christ, Soap!!” Price practically screamed into the coms.
Right as Soap hit 15, the lift made it to the top and Alejandro grabbed Rodolfo, throwing him up onto the dirt.
Soap and Ghost climbed out and dragged Alejandro out, Alejandro barely making it out before the lift slammed right back down, a very muffled explosion ringing up through the shaft of it.
“Fuck-” Soap panted.
“Team A and Team B, do you both copy?”
“Team A and B both secured, retreating to the trucks, now!”
“Soap, I’m gonna kick your ass when this is over.”
“Hey, it worked!!” Soap grinned and helped Alejandro get Rodolfo back to the truck.
Rodolfo was shivering violently, unable to take a step without falling.
Alejandro climbed into the back with him and Soap, who promptly went to work assessing Rodolfo’s injuries and treating what he could.
Alejandro focused on keeping Rudy awake, carding his fingers through his hair and gently asking him to keep his eyes open.
“Commander, I can’t, I’m-”
“Shh, I know…” Alejandro murmured and smiled, looking into Rodolfo’s eyes.
Rodolfo started to cry, likely from exhaustion and stress, begging Alejandro to let him sleep.
“Delirium. Keep him awake. If he’s awake, his brain is working.” Soap commanded Alejandro.
Alejandro just worked on keeping him awake, shaking him when he had to. “Remember the mountains? Cliff jumping?”
Rodolfo hiccuped and cried out in pain before panting a little. “I.. never wanted… to jump, that… was your idea…”
Alejandro laughed softly. Always Rodolfo, reminding Alejandro that he was in fact the trouble maker of the two. “You always did it, though.”
“Would follow… you anywhere, Commander…”
Alejandro felt a pang in his chest. He shook him to wake him when his eyes closed, causing Rodolfo let out another soft sob.
Once they were back at base, he was taken immediately to the infirmary, where Alejandro couldn’t follow.
The medics were competent. He would trust them with his own life. But not Rudy’s.
Rodolfo had barely noticed being moved, just asking the medic if he could sleep now.
Alejandro clenched his hands into fists, taking deep breaths to calm before meeting Price and Gaz and Lazwell.
25 hours. Alejandro counted each minute. Fuck, he counted each breath. 25 hours was how long before he was allowed to see Rodolfo.
Alejandro barely had to think before he was bursting into Alejandro’s room, unable to breathe at the sight that greeted him. “Don’t worry, Commander. He’ll live.” The medic currently tending to Rodolfo informed Alejandro.
Alejandro had a hard time believing it as he looked over Rodolfo. 
Rodolfo had always been nearly 3 inches taller than him. Alejandro had hated it. Each time it was brought up.
Of course, Rodolfo brought it down to 1 inch by always crouching all the time. He always tried to make himself less imposing. Even in the field. Alejandro had scolded him many times for it.
Now, looking at Rodolfo in the bed, you wouldn’t have been able to tell. He looked so small…
Alejandro dragged a chair over to the bed.
Of course, even with the height difference, everything else about Alejandro was bigger. Bigger chest, bigger shoulders, bigger hands, bigger personality.
He took Rodolfo’s hands, which were lightly bandaged. He looked over Rodolfo again. He remembered the last time he was in a hospital bed. The fire… He had been so panicked then, and even still… Rodolfo hadn’t looked this… broken. Just exhausted.
Even with the oxygen mask keeping him breathing, he looked like he was getting to sleep after 3 days of none.
Alejandro looked at Rodolfo’s hand, again, able to completely fold it in his own. He pressed his forehead to Rodolfo’s knuckles. “Rudy…” He murmured, not liking how his voice came out. He sounded as broken as Rodolfo looked.
He looked at his face again, reaching up to straight Rodolfo’s hair, putting it how Rodolfo preferred to keep it. He remembered Rodolfo’s words in the truck. I’d follow you anywhere.
Alejandro would not ask Rodolfo to follow him into death. He couldn’t take it. Watching Rodolfo cling to life was like sucking his own out of him. Each breath had been agony.
He looked up to a soft noise. “Ahem.” Ghost stood in the door, holding a flash drive. “Laswell hit a button and ‘accidentally’ deleted the footage of Rodolfo being tortured. But… I put it on a flash drive for you. She… doesn’t understand that need. To watch it.”
Alejandro looked down at that small little rectangle in Ghost’s hand.
Part of him wanted to curse Ghost out for suggesting he even look at it, but the rest of him needed to see. Needed to understand what Rodolfo had went through.
He stuck his hand out for it, looking away from Ghost.
Ghost placed the drive in his hand. “Graves has been located. He’s on the path back to the border, now. We cannot grab him while he’s in the US.”
“Officially.” Alejandro corrected.
Ghost looked at him for a moment. “What do you want me to do, Alejandro? Say the word, and I am yours to command.”
Alejandro looked down at the flash drive in his fingers. “Is he in them? Does he touch Rodolfo?”
“Graves did most of the interrogating. So, yes.”
“I want him in one of my cells as soon as you can get him there. Faster than even that.” Alejandro growled, clenching the drive in his fist. He was going to do whatever had been done to Rodolfo to Graves. Slowly. He would make sure he felt every minute of it.
Ghost stood and left, immediately.
Alejandro turned back to Rodolfo.
He’d give anything to see his eyes right now. He took Rodolfo’s hand again and then… after a moment, he started to kiss every finger, murmuring an apology with each kiss.
One for not finding him sooner, one for forcing him to stay awake, one for not immediately taking Graves’ reappearance more seriously, and one for not taking the chance to tell Rodolfo every single thing he felt towards him before.
He put his forehead on Rodolfo’s hand again, trying to think through his feelings.
He knew he felt… something romantic towards him. Something strong. It was too big for Alejandro to keep a handle on, sometimes. He took a deep breath, able to perfectly imagine the warmth in his chest that he always felt when Rodolfo smiled at him.
The clench in his heart when Rodolfo said his name or laughed. Even just “commander” caused his heart to flutter.
At first he’d been embarrassed over it, but in time he had settled into just accepting it as part of them. Being in love with Rodolfo felt as inherent as breathing or sleeping.
The sun would rise, flowers would bloom, clouds would rain, and Alejandro would love Rodolfo. It felt baked into the universe, so absolute and so divine, that Alejandro would not fight it, even if he wanted to.
But… Alejandro could not be sure that Rodolfo felt the same towards him.
Being of higher rank brought a concerning power dynamic, and while Alejandro knew in his heart that he would not pressure Rudy into loving him, how did he know Rudy would not feel pressured, anyway?
He couldn’t live with himself if that was revealed to be the case.
And… Alejandro knew his affection was obvious. Valeria had pursued him during their time at a squad, but even she noticed that Alejandro’s heart was already taken. Had been since they were children.
Alejandro’s heart would forever belong at home with Rudy.
If Rudy ached, it ached. If Rudy smiled, so did his heart. Losing Rudy meant losing his heart. And Alejandro feared that more than anything else in this world.
Alejandro looked again to Rodolfo’s face, being greeted with brown eyes, watching him move.
“Commander-” He coughed a little, pulling the intubation tube from his mouth. “I-” He coughed again.
Alejandro gently stopped him, putting the tube back. “You need it to breathe, Rudy.”
“I’m sorry-” It was muffled but Alejandro could make it out.
“Rodolfo, there is nothing to apologize for. I am just… so grateful that you are here and you are alive.” Alejandro sat back down and smiled at Rodolfo.
Rodolfo relaxed and closed his eyes again, looking exhausted. “Chest hurts…”
“You didn’t swallow much water but your body was weak when you swallowed what you did.” A medic replied, stepping in. “But, you’ll live. And you’ll be back in action within the week.”
Alejandro glared at the bed. He’d see about that. After this, he wasn’t sure he wanted Rodolfo back in the field.
Rodolfo seemed relieved.
“I want to do some small tests. You sustained a lot of damage to your spine, Sergeant. Can you hold up two fingers?”
The movement was weak and slow, and his fingers didn’t quite clench properly but two fingers were held up. 
“Perfect, Sergeant. Now, I’m gonna dig my pen into your foot. Nod if you feel anything.”
She moved to Rodolfo’s feet, doing as she said.
He frowned but didn’t nod.
The medic frowned. Alejandro felt his heart being squeezed again. “What does that mean?”
“As I said, he sustained a lot of damage to his spine. And his nervous system due to almost drowning. We’re gonna give him a day to rest some more and test this again.”
Alejandro clenched his hands into fists. “Is he paralyzed?”
“We do not know, commander. We will have to wait to find out.” She smiled, sorry. Then, she left the room.
Alejandro looked to Rodolfo, who had closed his eyes again. He took a deep breath and took Rodolfo’s hand again. “It’s gonna be okay, Rudy.”
Rodolfo nodded a little, his eyes opening and looking at Alejandro.
Alejandro, for a moment, found himself feeling he was being pulled open, every feeling he had towards Rodolfo on bright display. He looked away, wincing as Rodolfo made a frustrated noise.
“Why what, Rodolfo-” He was stopped by a medic coming in. She unhooked everything unnecessary from Rodolfo’s body, leaving him with just the IV and putting a small oxygen hose around his nose, stating it was just a precaution to make sure he was breathing. Then, once she had helped him sit up, she left.
Alejandro waited for her to leave before turning to Rodolfo, being met with him glaring at him. “Rodolfo..” He sighed, his shoulders slumping.
“You always look away from me when I can… see on your face that you’re thinking something deep. There’s something you want to say but if you look away, you won’t.” Rodolfo coughed a little but mostly glared. “I am not a child, Alejandro, I can handle whatever you’re about to say.”
Alejandro shook his head. “It’s complicated, Rodolfo. Deeper than just unspoken words.”
“I’m in love with you, commander.”
Alejandro’s heart stopped and he immediately turned to Rodolfo, who was looking away from him. His face was deep red and his hands were in fists.
Alejandro softened and tried to breathe again. “Can you repeat that, Rudy?”
“I. am. in. love. with. you.” He repeated, sounding even more irritated. But, his voice cracked on the last word and he turned back to Alejandro. “And I know you’re in love with me back, so why can’t you just say it?”
Alejandro was unable to breathe again, seeing the intensity in Rodolfo’s eyes. He had stared into them many times, unable to form any other ideas than kissing Rodolfo and even now, that was all his brain could offer.
So, he did. He surged forward and grabbed Rodolfo’s face, kissing him deeply.
Rodolfo at first tensed before just melting into the kiss, reaching and grasping at Alejandro’s shirt with whatever strength he had. Alejandro felt his skin catch fire wherever Rodolfo touched or made an imprint.
Alejandro was gentle as he could be, pulling him close and almost cradling him, careful not to hurt his precious Rodolfo. Finally, he broke away, panting a little, when he needed air.
Rodolfo was panting as well. Too hard. He had to quickly lie down, staring at the ceiling. “I… have fantasized… most of my life about you doing that.” He smiled at Alejandro.
Alejandro pushed his hand through his hair, taking deep breaths to slow his heart. “I have fantasized almost every day since I was 12 years old about doing that.” He grinned and leaned close to Rodolfo again, gently kissing his jaw, and then his cheek, and then the corner of his mouth, mostly doing it to be able to hear his breathing.
“You need to rest, mi sol.” He murmured, smoothing Rodolfo’s hair.
“How can I? You made my heart go so fast I can no longer hear its beats.” He gently grabbed Alejandro’s shirt again, keening into each kiss.
“You have a taste of what your eyes do to me, then.” Alejandro purred into his neck. “I’m… you need to eat and so do I. I haven’t eaten since the morning before we rescued you.”
Rodolfo tsked. “Alejandro-”
“I know, Rudy. I know.” Alejandro laughed softly and stood.
He was swift, not wanting to waste time to be with his Rudy again. He grabbed whatever they gave him, bringing it back to Rudy.
Fortunately, it was molletes, which Rudy liked. Not necessarily loved but he liked them enough.
Alejandro sat by his bed again, helping Rodolfo back up so he could eat. He let Rodolfo eat on his own, knowing he was too proud to accept help. 
And, they ate in silence, neither one willing to break it.
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mybharatguru · 18 days
In the last 3 years of DMK rule, only 225 crore rupees were spent on advertisement… Shocking information of RTI
Shocking information has come out in RTI that 225 crore rupees have been spent on advertisement alone in the last 3 years of DMK rule. The complete details of the advertising expenditure in DMK rule in 3 years has been revealed through RTI. In it, it has been reported that around 109 crore rupees have been spent for the promotion of government programs from 2021-2024. RTI has revealed that…
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metamarketing-es · 19 days
Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah's office spends Rs 54 lakh/month on social media, reveals RTI reply
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sjsuraj · 3 months
Regenerative Medicine Market: Pioneering Innovations and Growth Projections to 2033
The global Regenerative Medicine Market size was valued at USD 16.23 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 93.78 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 24.53% from 2024 to 2031. 
This comprehensive research study on the global Regenerative Medicine market offers detailed analyses of market trends, prominent drivers, and future growth prospects, providing readers with an extensive understanding of the market environment necessary for informed business decisions. Covering various aspects such as estimated market sizing, strategies employed by leading companies, restraining factors, and challenges faced by market participants, the report equips stakeholders with actionable insights.
Get a New Look of Sample PDF: https://www.kingsresearch.com/request-sample/regenerative-medicine-market-649
Market Forecast and Trends
Precise market forecasts and identification of emerging trends enable stakeholders to anticipate the industry’s future trajectory and develop strategic tactics accordingly, providing a competitive edge in a dynamic business landscape.
Regional and Segment Analysis
The study facilitates industry participants in identifying high-growth regions and profitable market segments through region-specific and segment-by-segment analysis. This information aids in devising effective marketing strategies and product lineups tailored to the preferences and needs of diverse target audiences across major regions including North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa.
Investment and Expansion Opportunities
The research report unveils prospective areas for investment and business growth in the global Regenerative Medicine market, enabling strategic decision-making for readers seeking to expand into new markets or introduce new products.
Competitive Analysis
In-depth competitive analysis profiles major market competitors and evaluates their strategies, weaknesses, and market shares. Insights into top business strategies employed by key players such as partnerships, alliances, mergers, acquisitions, product innovations, and development empower industry participants to benchmark their businesses against rivals and devise winning strategies for market differentiation.
List of Key Companies in Regenerative Medicine Market
RTI Surgical
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Tissue Regenix
Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
Bayer AG
MIMEDX Group, Inc.
Novartis AG
Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Johnson & Johnson
Reasons to Purchase This Report:
Futureproof Decisions: Gain precise market forecasts and identify emerging trends to confidently navigate the future of the Regenerative Medicine market.
Competitive Advantage: Outperform rivals with a comprehensive competitive analysis, revealing their strategies and market share.
Growth Catalysts Exposed: Uncover the key factors driving market expansion and leverage them to propel your business forward.
Profitable Opportunities: Pinpoint high-growth regions and lucrative market segments through in-depth regional and segment analysis.
Investment Guidance: Strategically plan investments and expansions in the global Regenerative Medicine market with insights on potential growth areas.
Informed Decisions: Utilize precise market forecasts and in-depth analysis to make data-driven business decisions.
Market Expertise: Deepen your understanding of market trends and growth drivers for a comprehensive market landscape overview.
Actionable Insights: Gain practical takeaways from the report's competitive analysis, market sizing, and future projections.
The Global Regenerative Medicine Market is Segmented as:
By Product
Cell Therapy
Gene Therapy
Tissue Engineering
By Application
Dermatology & Wound Care
Cardiovascular Disease
Eye Disorders
By Region
North America
Rest of Europe
South Korea
Rest of Asia-Pacific
Middle East & Africa
North Africa
South Africa
Rest of Middle East & Africa
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
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imranjalna · 5 months
गृह मंत्रालय: CAA के तहत आवेदनों का रिकॉर्ड बनाए रखने का कोई प्रावधान नहीं, आरटीआई जवाब से पता चला
गृह मंत्रालय की आरटीआई प्रतिक्रिया से पता चलता है कि नागरिकता (संशोधन) अधिनियम, 2019 और इसके नियमों के तहत ऑनलाइन दायर नागरिकता आवेदनों के रिकॉर्ड को बनाए रखने का कोई प्रावधान नहीं है। Home Ministry: No provision to maintain record of applications under CAA, RTI reply reveals PTI:केंद्रीय गृह मंत्रालय के एक आरटीआई जवाब के अनुसार, 11 मार्च को अधिसूचित नागरिकता (संशोधन) अधिनियम, 2019 और इसके…
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blogynews · 1 year
Unveiling the Hidden Secrets: Tiger Reserves and DFOs Hailed for Wildlife Clearance?
The Forest Department (Wildlife) in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, has issued a notice to all Tiger Reserve Sanctuaries and DFOs, requesting an immediate response regarding wildlife clearance. An RTI report has revealed that the Madhya Pradesh Forest Department has no record of implementing the conditions for wildlife clearance over the past decade. This failure has resulted in the department’s…
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blogynewz · 1 year
Unveiling the Hidden Secrets: Tiger Reserves and DFOs Hailed for Wildlife Clearance?
The Forest Department (Wildlife) in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, has issued a notice to all Tiger Reserve Sanctuaries and DFOs, requesting an immediate response regarding wildlife clearance. An RTI report has revealed that the Madhya Pradesh Forest Department has no record of implementing the conditions for wildlife clearance over the past decade. This failure has resulted in the department’s…
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Mumbai: Activists Slam BMC For Spending INR 19 Cr On Empty Enclosures At Byculla Zoo
https://bharatlive.news/?p=135033 Mumbai: Activists Slam BMC For Spending INR 19 Cr On Empty Enclosures At Byculla Zoo
In a response to RTI query it has been revealed that the
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blogynewsz · 1 year
"Shocking Revelations Unveiled: Explosive Hema Panel Report Exposes Groundbreaking Measures to Eradicate Offences Against Women in Malayalam Cinema"
The Hema Commission, tasked with addressing issues of sexual harassment and gender inequality in the Malayalam film industry, has put forth recommendations to safeguard women from illegal and offensive acts. These recommendations are proposed to be included in the Kerala Cine Employers and Employees (Regulation) Act 2020, as revealed through a Right to Information (RTI) application made by The…
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icnnetwork · 1 year
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RTI में हुआ खुलासा : नोएडा में महिला पुलिस को पेट्रोलिंग के लिए दी गईं 58 स्कूटी गुम , पुलिस ने नहीं दिया जवाब…
@Uppolice @UPGovt #noidapolice #rti #rtinews #TrendingNews #UPNews #indiacorenews #UttarPradesh #ankshree https://indiacorenews.in/revealed-in-rti-58-scooty-gum-given-to-women-police-for-patrolling-police-did-not-respond/
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cybercrime-blogs · 1 year
Cybercrime Complaints Gather Dust: Less Than 1% Result in FIRs, Reveals RTI
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A recent report obtained through the Right to Information (RTI) Act has shed light on the alarming reality of cybercrime complaints in Maharashtra, where a mere 0.8% of the 195,409 complaints filed from January 2022 to May 2023 resulted in First Information Reports (FIRs). The data becomes even more concerning when we consider that only 2% of the total 2,099,618 complaints received from all states and Union Territories during this period were converted into FIRs.
Retired police officers from Maharashtra have raised concerns about the inadequate number of inspectors in the cybercrime department to register cases. Under the Information Technology (IT) Act, only police officers with the rank of inspector or above can investigate cybercrime cases. The shortage of qualified personnel not only hampers effective investigations but also erodes public trust in law enforcement, according to experts.
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The RTI information was brought to light by activist Jeetendra Ghadge, who emphasized the limited effectiveness of the National Cybercrime Reporting Portal. Ghadge stated that while the portal provides an easy way for citizens across the country to register complaints, the lack of FIR registrations by states limits its impact.
Nationally, the data reveals that Delhi received a staggering 216,739 complaints on the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal during the same period, with only 1.2% resulting in FIRs. However, Telangana stands out as an exception with the highest FIR registration rate at 17%, followed by Meghalaya with 8%. Assam and Tamil Nadu recorded rates of 2.7% and 2.2% respectively.
Experts have acknowledged the Union government's efforts in combating cybercrime through the introduction of the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal. This initiative aims to empower victims and complainants by providing a convenient platform to report various cybercrime offenses, including online child pornography, online financial fraud, hacking, and more.
Jeetendra Ghadge emphasized the need for collaboration between the central and state governments to address the growing menace of cybercrime. He specifically called for attention to combat financial frauds, which cause vulnerable individuals to lose their hard-earned money.
To improve cybercrime reporting in India, experts from the Future Crime Research Foundation (FCRF) have recommended investing in specialized cybercrime units with well-trained personnel, including experts in digital forensics and investigation techniques. They also stressed the importance of ensuring adequate resources, technology, and infrastructure to support their operations.
The FCRF researchers further emphasized the need for stronger collaboration between central and state governments, law enforcement agencies, and private organizations to share information, expertise, and resources for effective cybercrime prevention and response. They also suggested that the government establish partnerships with technology companies, financial institutions, and cybersecurity experts to enhance reporting mechanisms, develop preventive measures, and support investigation efforts.
Prashant Mali, a cyber lawyer, criticized the state government for its inaction, which allows cybercriminals to operate freely and target individuals in Mumbai. He highlighted the need for freezing stolen funds and emphasized that the low rate of filed FIRs undermines public trust in law enforcement.
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Ritesh Bhatia, a cyber expert, echoed these concerns and noted that challenges such as insufficient support from intermediaries, jurisdictional issues, and the use of false identities by cybercriminals hinder the police force's efforts to solve these cases.
Ghadge emphasized that while the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal serves as a vital channel for reporting cybercrime, its primary role is that of an intermediary. It forwards complaints to the respective states and Union territories for necessary police action since the jurisdiction of the police machinery falls under the purview of state governments.
The findings from the report highlight the urgent need for increased resources, specialized training, and collaboration between the central and state governments to effectively tackle cybercrime and restore public trust in law enforcement.
Key Highlights:
A recent report obtained through the Right to Information (RTI) Act reveals that only 0.8% of the 195,409 cybercrime complaints filed in Maharashtra resulted in First Information Reports (FIRs).
Nationally, the conversion rate of complaints into FIRs on the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal was a mere 2% out of a total of 2,099,618 complaints received.
Retired police officers from Maharashtra express concerns over the shortage of qualified inspectors with expertise in cybercrime investigations, which undermines the registration of cases and erodes public trust in law enforcement.
Delhi had a low conversion rate of 1.2%, while Telangana stood out with a significantly higher rate of 17%, followed by Meghalaya with 8%.
The National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal serves as an online platform aimed at empowering victims and complainants to report various cybercrime offenses.
It is important to note that the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal primarily acts as an intermediary, forwarding complaints to the respective states and Union territories for further action.
Source: https://www.the420.in/cybercrime-complaints-gather-dust-less-than-1-result-in-firs-reveals-rti/
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crystoex · 1 year
RTI query reveals Rs 500 currency notes worth Rs 88,032 crore failed to reach from mints to RBI: report
An RTI query has come up with the startling revelation of missing more than Rs 88,000 crore worth of Rs 500 notes that the Reserve Bank of India should have in its coffers, reported Free Press Journal today (June 17). As per the FPJ report, an RTI filed by activist Manoranjan Roy revealed that three government mints, situated in Bengaluru, Nashik, and Dewas, published 8,810.65 million notes of Rs…
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xboy181 · 1 year
The Department of Information and Public Relations revealed this information in response to a Right to Information Act (RTI) query filed by Puttur-based activist Rajesh Krishnaprasad, the report said. 
The RTI response said that the Bommai government spent Rs 27.46 crore on print media and Rs 16.96 crore on electronic media for publicising their schemes besides countering the then Opposition party’s campaigns, such as the Bharat Jodo Yatra and the Mekedatu march. 
The details regarding names of the media houses in which the government spent to place advertisements was not revealed by the department, the report said. 
The BJP is also said to have received Rs 5,270 crore out of a total of Rs 9,208 crore or 57% of all total electoral bonds sold till 2022, according to an NDTV report.
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anshraa99 · 1 year
Mumbai News Live Updates: One held for threatening to carry out explosions in Mumbai
Heartattacks accounted for the maximum deaths in Mumbai in 2022, an RTI plea on disease-wise cause of fatalities has revealed. With 9,470 casualties , around 26 Mumbaikars died of heart attacks each day last year. Cancer followed, claiming 9,145 patients, or 25 lives a day. Covid, which claimed the maximum lives in 2020 and 2021, killed 1,891 people last year. In fact, TB was abigger killer,…
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sjsuraj · 3 months
Revolutionizing Healthcare: Analyzing the Explosive Growth and Innovations in the Regenerative Medicine Market Through 2033
The global Regenerative Medicine Market size was valued at USD 16.23 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 93.78 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 24.53% from 2024 to 2031. 
This comprehensive research study on the global Regenerative Medicine market offers detailed analyses of market trends, prominent drivers, and future growth prospects, providing readers with an extensive understanding of the market environment necessary for informed business decisions. Covering various aspects such as estimated market sizing, strategies employed by leading companies, restraining factors, and challenges faced by market participants, the report equips stakeholders with actionable insights.
Get a New Look of Sample PDF: https://www.kingsresearch.com/request-sample/regenerative-medicine-market-649
Market Forecast and Trends
Precise market forecasts and identification of emerging trends enable stakeholders to anticipate the industry’s future trajectory and develop strategic tactics accordingly, providing a competitive edge in a dynamic business landscape.
Regional and Segment Analysis
The study facilitates industry participants in identifying high-growth regions and profitable market segments through region-specific and segment-by-segment analysis. This information aids in devising effective marketing strategies and product lineups tailored to the preferences and needs of diverse target audiences across major regions including North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa.
Investment and Expansion Opportunities
The research report unveils prospective areas for investment and business growth in the global Regenerative Medicine market, enabling strategic decision-making for readers seeking to expand into new markets or introduce new products.
Competitive Analysis
In-depth competitive analysis profiles major market competitors and evaluates their strategies, weaknesses, and market shares. Insights into top business strategies employed by key players such as partnerships, alliances, mergers, acquisitions, product innovations, and development empower industry participants to benchmark their businesses against rivals and devise winning strategies for market differentiation.
List of Key Companies in Regenerative Medicine Market
RTI Surgical
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Tissue Regenix
Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
Bayer AG
MIMEDX Group, Inc.
Novartis AG
Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Johnson & Johnson
Reasons to Purchase This Report:
Futureproof Decisions: Gain precise market forecasts and identify emerging trends to confidently navigate the future of the Regenerative Medicine market.
Competitive Advantage: Outperform rivals with a comprehensive competitive analysis, revealing their strategies and market share.
Growth Catalysts Exposed: Uncover the key factors driving market expansion and leverage them to propel your business forward.
Profitable Opportunities: Pinpoint high-growth regions and lucrative market segments through in-depth regional and segment analysis.
Investment Guidance: Strategically plan investments and expansions in the global Regenerative Medicine market with insights on potential growth areas.
Informed Decisions: Utilize precise market forecasts and in-depth analysis to make data-driven business decisions.
Market Expertise: Deepen your understanding of market trends and growth drivers for a comprehensive market landscape overview.
Actionable Insights: Gain practical takeaways from the report's competitive analysis, market sizing, and future projections.
The Global Regenerative Medicine Market is Segmented as:
By Product
Cell Therapy
Gene Therapy
Tissue Engineering
By Application
Dermatology & Wound Care
Cardiovascular Disease
Eye Disorders
By Region
North America
Rest of Europe
South Korea
Rest of Asia-Pacific
Middle East & Africa
North Africa
South Africa
Rest of Middle East & Africa
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
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