#retro fruit jug
yourcoffeeguru · 2 years
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RETRO Juice Water JUG Decanter Vintage Made in Japan
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poppyvaledeb · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: KITCHENALIA COLLECTIBLE SALE Poppyvale BULK BUY PK2 Souvenir.
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fanficimagery · 4 years
Hell Takes Riverdale pt. I
Imagine moving to Riverdale while your father has some business to attend to. While there, you meet some people you find yourself growing attached to.
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Words: 8.8K Author’s Note: Riverdale AU where FP didn’t go to prison for his crimes and Jughead joined the Serpents because he wanted to. This isn’t exactly Northsider friendly and I’ll be focusing more so on the Serpents, so I won’t go into detail about all the drama the Northside gang constantly puts themselves into the middle of, nor will Jughead be a part of it. I will mention a certain family who lives nearby from another show, but I will NOT be bringing those characters in here. The most you’ll get is what I explain about them in the imagine.
Jughead Jones was notorious for laying low and staying out of the spotlight. At least he was until a murder rocked his small town, Veronica Lodge- along with her criminal family- moved in, and his best friends Betty Cooper and Archie Andrews put together their very own crime solving Scooby Gang. He liked a good mystery every now and then, but the murder of Jason Blossom pointed towards his father's gang and he didn't know how to cope with that.
When FP Jones- Jughead's dad- eventually confessed to the murder, Jughead didn't know what to think. All he knew for sure was that his dad was innocent. So he and his friends did their best to prove Mr. Jones of his innocence, which they eventually did, but given FP's past the police decided to keep him a bit longer.
Jughead Jones was a powder keg waiting to explode, so in a move no one expected, he channeled his anger from the crookedness of their small town Sheriff to the local high school jocks when they decided to target the new girl for laughs. Y/N Y/L/N was a meek little thing, small smiles and small voice whenever called upon. She didn't dress like someone who had money, but then again she didn't dress like she didn't have any either. She presented herself as someone from the middle class which is probably why Jughead felt at ease coming to her defense one day out of the blue.
You're at your locker, putting away your books before you head over to the cafeteria for lunch, when someone shoves their shoulder into your back. You grunt as you collide with the metal in front of you, a few notebooks falling to the floor, and you turn to frown at the culprits. Reggie Mantle and his merry band of jocks laugh at you. "Seriously?" You mumble.
Reggie smirks, shrugging. "I gotta find my entertainment somewhere and what better entertainment is there than the new girl with no voice?" You roll your eyes and bend over to pick up your belongings, only for a sneaker clad foot to kick one of your notebooks away.
The sound of someone being shoved into the lockers next to you has you looking up, a beanie-wearing, plaid shirt tied around the waist, boy coming to your aide. "What the hell is your problem, Mantle?" Hands fist into the material of Reggie's letterman jacket, slamming him twice against the lockers. "Haven't you ever heard the phrase pick on someone your own size?"
Reggie shoves him back. "Cool it, Jones, less you wanna end up in a cell next to your pops."
He scoffs. "You look real tough picking on a girl. Keep walking, jackass."
Your gaze darts between the two boys, chest to chest with one another, and you practically hold your breath. You can see the other jocks just itching for a fight, but the longer Reggie and your savior stare at one another, the less Reggie seems to be amped up for a fight. He eventually scoffs, smiling. "Whatever. The little mouse isn't much fun anyway."
Reggie goes to walk away, but not before kicking another one of your notebooks further down the hall. You sigh and start collecting your things closest to you once more.
"Hey, I'm really sorry about him. Reggie's a total dick."
You glance at the boy collecting one of your notebooks for you and flash him a small smile. "It's fine. Every school has a bully. I didn't expect this place to be any different."
"Yeah, well.." He trails off, placing the stuff he collected in your locker. "I'm Jughead."
"That's an unusual name," you say. "I'm Y/N."
"Well, Y/N, would you care to join me outside for lunch? I'm kind of alone today and I noticed you don't really sit with anyone either. I'll help keep Reggie off your back," he muses as if his protection would somewhat sweeten the deal.
"Sure. Why not?" You shrug.
Once everything is situated in your locker, you grab the lunch bag that had been hanging from a hook on the inside. Side by side, you walk with Jughead outside and towards one of the concrete picnic tables. He sits down and only then do you realize he had a brown sack clutched in his hand. Immediately he pulls out two smashed sandwiches wrapped in plastic wrap, and unwraps them to start eating.
"So as a token of my thanks," you say while taking a seat across from him and unzipping your lunch bag, "have a fruit cup." You toss him a cool cup of mixed fruit and he happily catches it.
"Thanks." From the corner of your eye, you watch as he stares at you until you start eating your own sandwich and chips. "So Riverdale," he says. "Why here of all places?"
You huff a quiet laugh. Of course you'd heard the whispers about you, curious about your move, but you never spoke to anyone and no one dared to ask you before now. "My half sister lives in Greendale, and she and her aunts were having some personal issues. My dad moved us here so he could help them out, but he wasn't fond of the housing situations Greendale had to offer so we ended up here."
"Oh. I guess that makes sense." He takes a bite of his food. "So are you and your sister close?"
"Not really." Your nose wrinkles. You eat a bit of your own food before explaining. "She kind of hates our dad because he slept with her mom when she was married, but instead of villainizing them both for their mutual decision, she puts all the blame on him."
Jughead shakes his head. "Well that sucks."
"Yep. But she obviously doesn't have a problem calling on him when she's in trouble." You roll your eyes, opening your water and taking a sip. "It's whatever. Riverdale is.. interesting."
"Yeah. It is," he huffs a brief laugh.
Over the next month or so, you and Jughead become actual friends. He attempts to introduce you to his group of friends, but the only one you can actually stomach being around is Archie. Veronica is too nosy, Betty too suspicious, and Kevin rarely hangs out with everyone less it involves a good gossip session. So more often than not, after realizing his group of friends wasn't just your cup of tea, you and Jughead hung out at Pop's Chock'lit-Shoppe.
The retro diner quickly became one of your favorite places in all of Riverdale, but upon entering one Sunday evening and seeing Jughead's expression you know you're not going to enjoy your dinner.
"Uh oh. What's going on with your face?" You ask as you slide in across from Jughead. "You look like you have some bad news."
He grins, shaking his head. "It's not bad. I'm just not sure how well you're going to take what I have to tell you."
"Mhm. Tell me after I've gotten my food." Almost as soon as the words leave your mouth, Pop Tate himself is dropping off your and Jughead's usual order. "Thanks, Pop."
The old man chuckles. "Don't mention it, Y/N. Enjoy your meal."
"Always do." Before any other words can be spoken, you and Jughead squirt ketchup on your respective plates. He steals the cherry from your milkshake and you plop a straw into his Coke to take a sip. The both of you take a bite out of your burgers, chuckling at each other and how at ease the two of you have become with one another. "So what's up?"
"I'm leaving Riverdale High." You pause in chewing and Jughead refuses to meet your gaze. "I'll be starting at Southside High tomorrow morning."
"It's just- my dad's getting out." When he looks up, the excitement in his eyes at the prospect of his dad coming home makes your exterior soften and you start to feel happy for your friend. "He, uh, he's been doing good. Jail forced him to get sober and he's talking about starting over. I'm going to move back in with him."
"That's good news, Jug. I'm really happy for you."
"Are you?" He grabs a fry and quickly dips it into your vanilla milkshake. You chuckle at him.
"Yeah. I mean we mostly hang out here anyway. That won't change, I hope." He's quick to shake his head, letting you know your weekly hang outs at Pop's would still be on. "I'll just have to toughen up and learn how to throw a punch. Reggie and his goons need a nice swift punch to the throat every now and then, I think."
Jughead exhales with relief. "Please let Kevin know beforehand so he can catch it on video for me."
"No promises."
The two of you go on to finish your food, making small talk and promises to keep in touch. Eventually you have to leave, so before you go your separate ways you decide to give Jughead a ride home. And since he's no longer embarrassed to have you over after the first time you'd been over, he accepts the ride with a shrug.
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FP Jones has been out of jail for three days and in those three days Jughead has noticed his dad has been a little paranoid. So one day after school, he's had enough and decides to sit down and talk with him.
"What's going on?"
FP glances away from the paper in his hand. "Nothing. Why?"
"Because you're acting weird! Ever since you got out of jail it's like you're constantly looking over your shoulder."
Jughead and FP stare at one another before FP sets the paper down, running a hand through his hair. "Someone's coming to town," he says. "Someone you don't ever want to cross."
"Okay. And?"
"It's worrisome," FP says. "Mr. Morningstar, he's the real deal, Jughead. Expensive suits, expensive cars, posh accent.. this man can be very dangerous."
"Well then round up the Serpents. I'm sure they'll enjoy running this guy out of town."
"Nah." Jughead scoffs, confused as to what his dad's deal is. "Mr. Morningstar is the one who sent one of his lawyers to get me released."
"But Mr. Morningstar doesn't hand out favors without wanting something in return. I don't like being in debt, Jug. Especially to someone like him."
"We'll figure it out, dad. He reached out to you, not the other way around. He can't want something too bad if he came to you first. Right?"
"I don't know, son." FP falls silent, tapping his fingers along the tabletop. "And there's something else you should know."
"Mr. Morningstar isn't exactly.. human." Jughead scoffs, but FP shoots him a warning look. "I'm serious. This man is capable of things you wouldn't believe unless you see it in person, but I'm hoping it doesn't come to that. If he comes around, you do as I say. I'll settle my debt with him as quickly as possible and hopefully Riverdale will be in his rearview mirror sooner rather than later."
Jughead doesn't know how to feel at seeing his dad- the Serpent King himself- looking so on edge. He's never seen him so rattled, so it leaves Jughead himself feeling the dread start to seep in.
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Every single Serpent inside the Whyte Wyrm was well aware of who Mr. Morningstar was and to be on the lookout for anyone fitting his description. For a week there was no sight or word about him, the same week which Jughead finally decided to throw in with the Serpents and officially become one of the gang. He had texted his friends, some more supportive than others, but he only found comfort in his decision after hearing back from Y/N who held no ill will towards him for wanting to be a Southside Serpent officially.
Jughead is still healing, everyone at the Whyte Wyrm celebrating him completing his initiation.
"Toni," FP calls out, "serve us up some shots!" The petite, pink haired girl behind the bar laughs, she readily grabbing up shot glasses and lining them up along the bar. She fills every shot glass, smiling as her fellow Serpents grab one to await the impending toast. As FP grabs one, he raises it up while staring at his son across the room who's hanging out with a few younger Serpents. "Jughead, while this wasn't the life I wanted for you, it is your decision and you don't know how proud it makes me to have you ride by side. To Jughead!"
"To Jughead!"
The Serpents all whoop and holler, downing their shots in one go.
"Hear, hear," an out of place accent muses. Those closest to the man who seemingly appeared out of nowhere all tense and FP's smile slowly vanishes as he stares at the man who hasn't aged a single year since he last saw him over fifteen years ago. "Well, well. Freedom seems to suit you well, FP."
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FP schools his expression. "Mr. Morningstar."
"Call me Lucifer. No need to be so formal."
The Serpents seem to fall silent as FP and Lucifer Morningstar stare at one another. Jughead, seeing the way everyone is holding themselves as the tension amps up, pushes his way through the crowd until he's just behind his dad. "Lucifer," FP says, "why don't you follow me. We'll go somewhere a bit more private."
Lucifer gestures for FP to lead the way. "After you."
FP glances at Jughead over his shoulder, but he doesn't give him any sort of cue to follow. Instead, Jughead follows after them to a table that's not surrounded by any others over by the stage. Once seated, FP stares Mr. Morningstar in the face. "So what brings you to Riverdale? It's been a while since you were last here."
"Ah, yes," he says. Lucifer leans back in seat, smiling. "I originally came to watch a client of mine wreak havoc on your precious little town," at this, FP and Jughead tense, "but someone very important to me made attachments here and I've had to rethink my plans of letting your town burn to the ground."
"A client of yours?" FP's eyes narrow. "Who?"
"I think you know who," Lucifer says. "Annoying little bugger. But as I said before, attachments were made and I had to keep watch over said attachment to see whether or not I approved. And let me tell you, Mr. Jones, I quite liked what I saw."
"Okay?" He drawls. "So what does that have to do with why you're here? Or are you calling in a favor for getting me out?"
Lucifer laughs. "Oh no, FP. You getting out was not my doing." FP freezes. "You see, this someone important to me is my daughter. She's the one who requested you be freed."
"You have a daughter?" FP shifts in his seat. "Why would she want me out?"
"I do. And because one of your little snakelings made quite the impression on her after showing her kindness when he didn't have to." Lucifer raises an eyebrow at FP's completely flabbergasted expression. "This person was and continues to be genuine with my daughter, so I figured I'd step in and help clean up your beloved little town instead of letting it be turned inside out by Hiram Lodge. After all, it seems we're going to be in Riverdale for quite some time now."
FP glances around, but he can't see any of the Serpents being this person in question. Eventually, he asks, "Who?"
Lucifer's gaze darts up over FP's shoulder and lands on Jughead. Jughead's eyes widen. "Me? Who have I-"
"Me, of course." You choose that exact moment to walk out from the back room, ignoring everyone's stare save for Jughead's. You're a bit self-conscious of the black crystallized crown on your head and the skin tight, all black outfit your dad's minions had chosen for you, but you don't show it. The way you're dressed now, Jughead's never seen you this way. "What's wrong, Juggie? Cat got your tongue?"
Your friend gulps as he eyes you up and down. "Y/N?"
"Surprise!" You muse. At his slack expression, your smile diminishes. "It's still me, JJ. No need to be weird now."
FP glances between you and his son as Jughead asks, "Was our friendship even real?"
Your eyes widen. "Of course it was! I was never meant to make friends here," you quickly explain, "but you just couldn't leave me be when Reggie set his sights on me and you- you befriended me for me." Jughead loses some of the tension in his frame. "You didn't talk to me because of who my dad was and what he could do for you. You talked to me because you felt bad for me and then you continued to talk to me because we actually got along."
A beat passes and Jughead eventually sighs. "Don't kid yourself. I only talk to you because you let me steal the cherry from your milkshake." It takes a moment for his words to sink in and when they do you snort. Lucifer chuckles and poor FP has no idea what's going on.
"This is quite fitting, is it not?" Lucifer grins.
FP frowns. "What do you mean?"
"The Serpent Prince and the Queen of Hell. Royalty always seeks out royalty."
You freeze, Jughead's brow furrows, and FP seems to blanch as he comes to a sudden realization. Quick as a snake's strike, you slap the back of your dad's shoulder. "Not here." Then you glance at FP. "Can we continue this talk in a back room?"
He slowly blinks before he snaps out of his thoughts. "Yeah. Let's go."
FP stands and leads the way, and you grin over at Jughead. "Come on. We have some more stuff to talk about."
In a back office, FP and Lucifer have already taken their seats as you and Jughead join them. Instead of sitting, the two of you stand side by side after the door is shut behind you.
"So what exactly is going on here?" FP wonders.
Lucifer glances at you, smirking, and you sigh. You had a feeling he was going to make you explain yourself. "So I noticed instead of scoffing at the queen of hell comment, you blanched." FP hesitantly nods. "So that means you understand my dad is quite.. different."
Lucifer huffs. "I'm the devil, darling. No need to tiptoe around it."
You cringe as he so bluntly puts it out there and nervously gauge the Jones' reactions. Both seem more than a little intimidated and your heart starts to sink. "I'm still me, Jughead. Just a little.. more."
Jughead glances at you. "You're really the daughter of Satan?" You nod. "And this isn't some joke?"
"No. My sister, the one who lives in Greendale, was meant to take the throne," you admit. "But she really does hate my dad and refused it, so it passed on to the next heir. Hell got a little bit stuffy and some of my dad's more important minions were trying to marry me off, so I left with my dad as he dealt with business here. I was supposed to keep my head down until we moved on, but well.." you trail off, smiling softly. "I found that having a friend was quite nice." When Jughead has nothing else to say, you look towards FP. "You've raised a kind son, Mr. Jones. And for that, I'm going to offer you a favor." He seems to straighten up then, glancing worriedly at your dad. "And don't worry, this is a favor from me. I don't do contracts or cut deals like dad does. My favor is a no strings attached type of situation. This is a favor for a friend."
FP and Jughead glance at each other, and you notice FP subtly shake his head. Jughead sighs and looks at you. "Do you promise that me or my dad won't owe you?"
"Jughead," FP warns.
But you only have eyes for your friend as you step towards him and take up his hands within your own. "I swear. You're my friend, JJ. You got Reggie off my back and offered genuine companionship, so let me do something for you."
"You mean like getting my dad out of jail?"
You grin, releasing his hands and shoving at his shoulder. "Oh whatever. I was bored and you seemed like you missed him. Bite me, Jones." Lucifer chuckles and FP looks like he has no idea what's going on. "So come on. Whose life needs ruining?"
Jughead stares at you before shaking his head in amusement. "You're a little too excited to be ruining someone."
"I am my father's daughter."
Jughead stares at you, as if trying to conclude whether you're being genuine or not, and then has a silent conversation with his dad. Eventually FP sighs, cradling his head in his hands as Jughead looks back to you. "I messed up bad, Y/N. When my dad first got put into jail, someone suggested I visit this lawyer- who is also a Serpent- so that she'll guide me on how to get my dad released."
"And the snake double crossed you. Shocking," your dad chuckles.
"Shut up." Lucifer continues to chuckle, mime zipping his lips shut. You look back to your friend. "Go on."
"She gave me advice as a favor and said I'd owe her one someday in the future. I didn't think it through."
"The snake charmer is notorious for collecting favors and blackmailing you into continuing owing her favors," FP says. "She's turning the Serpents into drug runners and using video of my son delivering a crate of drugs as leverage so we don't tell her no."
Lucifer tuts. "That just won't do. Last I recalled, the Serpents were against drug dealing."
"We are," FP says, "but we can't deny her since she has that damn video. It'll be his word against hers."
Expression tightening, you glance between the two Serpents. "Give me a name."
"Penny Peabody."
Immediately you and your dad glance at one another, and you're the first to shout, "Dibs!" At his pout, you grin victoriously. "It's been awhile since I've seen any action. I'll call auntie Maze to collect the guest of honor."
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You and Jughead are sitting at Pop's, waiting for your order to be brought out. It's your usual weekend hangout session, as well as a mini celebration for getting the Snake Charmer out of Serpent territory. FP had been a little hesitant around you and your father, but the more he watched you and his son, and you and your dad, he came to the realization that neither he or Jughead would be in harm's way. No one would be less they actually crossed the devil himself, so you were a bit surprised when FP had actually hugged you when you told him Penny would no longer be an issue. Afterwards, he was eager to talk to your dad and figure out a way to get the Southside cleaned up and fix the Serpents' reputation.
Seeing Jug's beanie laying on the table, you grin as you swipe it and quickly put it atop your head. "What do you say, Jones, wanna switch crowns for a day?"
He chuckles as he shakes his head. "I don't think I can pull off your crown." Your nose wrinkles at him as you laugh. "And speaking of crowns, are you going to tell anyone else anytime soon?"
You shrug. "I only talk to you and your dad, and at that your dad already knew about my dad."
"I didn't know anything about you or your dad and you told me."
"You were my friend before you found out about me being Hell royalty. I don't want to just tell anyone and then have them kissing up because of things I could possibly do for them."
Jughead nods in understanding. "I take it, it's happened before."
You touch the tip of your nose. "Bingo, JJ. Demons of Hell are shady assholes. But don't worry, if I befriend more Serpents they'll find out when the time is right."
"Well I think you're going to get your chance now because here come some friends of mine."
"Whoa, Jughead, is that you? You've certainly changed from the last time I saw you earlier."
You smile sheepishly as three Serpents come up to your table, the one who spoke sitting next to Jughead while the tall one climbs in between you and the window, and the female sits on your free side. You pull off Jug's beanie and hand it back to him just in time for your food to be delivered. Immediately, Jughead steals the cherry from your milkshake and you take a sip of his soda. Once that's done, you squirt ketchup on your plates before you take a bite of your burgers.
"Well that was freakishly adorable." You glance at the pink haired cutie next to you and she grins. "Toni Topaz."
"Y/N Y/L/N. Well Y/N Morningstar now. I don't have to hide who I am anymore."
"Nice." She then points to the guy beside Jughead. "That's Fangs and the one on your other side is Sweet Pea." You nod at each boy in greeting, bite down on a few fries and steal from Jughead's plate every time he dips a fry into your milkshake. "So how did you and our snake prince become so close?"
Toni steals a fry from your plate and you grin at her. "First of all, I really hope you're not insinuating anything there. Don't get me wrong, Jughead's a cutie but I'd totally seduce Papa Jones before I went after baby Jones."
Jughead groans in disgust, Fangs and Sweet Pea snort, and Toni laughs out loud. "I like you."
"Maybe the sentiment will be returned soon," you say. "And to honestly answer your question, Jug came to my rescue when a few jerks decided I was an easy target at Riverdale High."
Sweet Pea scoffs. "Ugh. How do you put up with those mangy mutts?" It's his turn to steal from your plate, but you merely raise an eyebrow at his audacity before you glance at Jughead as he smothers a laugh.
"By avoiding them at all cost," you say. "Is food stealing a thing with you guys or..?"
"If you're really hungry, I'd hold onto that burger of yours. Fangs is notorious for stealing any and all food left unattended." Toni chuckles as you pull your plate towards you, but that only makes it easier for her and Sweet Pea to continue eating off your plate.
"You're all heathens," you deadpan. "At least Jughead waited a few days before he started eating off my plate."
The Serpents chuckle all around you and you find yourself relaxing in your seat. You knew the Southside Serpents had a bad reputation, but the more time you spent with them the more you realize just how wrong everyone is. The Serpents are some of the most loyal, drama free individuals you'd met and they're only riled up when someone attacks one of their own. And that- that you can respect.
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During your lunch break, you're sitting alone and texting back and forth with Toni. Apparently word has gotten out that the Mayor is looking to shut down Southside High because it's unsafe for children, and the plan is to divide every Southside High student between several other high schools. Needless to say, every Southsider is pissed.
You send a text to your dad, asking if he knew what was going on, and he assures you he and Mr. Jones are looking into it.
Your can of Cola gets snatched up and you snap to attention, ready to argue back for your drink. But the sight of a grinning Jughead sitting across from you makes you relax and Sweet Pea straddling the bench right next to you makes you shake your head at them. "What are you guys doing here?"
"Southside High is in chaos," Jughead says. He takes a sip of your soda before setting it back next to your books. "We were at the Wyrm when your dad asked us to collect you."
"Toni's been filling me in," you admit. "Does anyone know if the Mayor is for sure going through with this plan of hers?"
"It's such bullshit," Sweet Pea grumbles. "Yeah the school is shit ever since the Ghoulies started pushing Jingle Jangle on everyone, but it's ours."
"Don't worry, Sweets. Dad's on it. He'll figure something out."
He huffs. "Against Mayor McCoy? Doubt it."
You and Jughead share a knowing glance, and you bite back a grin. "My dad can be very.. persuasive."
"And scary," Jughead mumbles.
"Yes, let's not forget scary," you muse.
"What the hell is this?" The stern question is barked from somewhere behind you and you turn towards the voice. "Cooper dropped your sorry ass and now you're trying to lure in Y/N, Jones? I don't think so, you goddamn snake."
You roll your eyes at Reggie and his friends, and at the fact that the others sitting outside are now staring.
"Watch your mouth, you mangy mutt." Sweet Pea moves to stand, but you place a hand on his knee in order to silently tell him to stay put. He doesn't glance at you, but he does remain sitting.
Instead, you stand and step away from the bench in Reggie's direction. "What's your problem, Mantle? I know for a fact you don't care about me, so what is it about the Southsiders that has you so insecure?"
Reggie seems surprised that you've spoken back and it takes him a moment to school his expression back into one of anger. "Who the hell says I'm insecure?"
"Come on, Reggie," you grin. "You obviously have a hate boner going on for them." Jughead and Sweet Pea snort, and Reggie glares at them over your head. "So what is it? Is it because they're cooler than you? That they're so much more hotter than you and you know for a fact us Northside girls would willingly get on the back of their bikes than in the car mommy and daddy bought for you?"
Reggie sneers down at you. "Of course you'd be a Southside slut."
Jughead and Sweet Pea shout in your defense, rushing to their feet as you blink in surprise at the venom in his tone. But then anger quickly takes over and no one sees as your hand forms a fist at your side. When Reggie smirks at your silence, quick as lightning you change your stance so you can send your fist flying into his throat.
As Reggie stumbles back and gasps for air, Sweet Pea grabs you by the arm and then you're running. Sweet Pea and Jughead are laughing as they run for their bikes and you readily climb on behind Sweet Pea since he still had a hold of you. Two engines rumble to life simultaneously and you wrap your arms around Sweet Pea's waist, ducking your face behind his back so the wind doesn't sting your eyes.
When the three of you finally come to a stop, you're not in the Southside yet but you are well away from Riverdale High. The engines cut off and you finally pick up your head, and it's quiet for a few moments before Jughead starts to laugh once more.
"You actually punched Reggie in the throat." He shakes his head in amusement at you. "I did not think you were capable of ever hitting someone."
Sweet Pea chuckles. "You do know you left behind all your belongings. It's gonna be trashed by the time you go back for it."
You shrug. "The only thing worth saving was my phone and it's in my back pocket. A backpack can be replaced, and besides I think it's time Riverdale High and I take a break from one another."
Jughead and Sweet Pea's amusement slowly fades. "Wait. What?" Jughead asks. "You're dropping out?"
"No." You huff a laugh. "Transferring."
"Transferring to where?"
"Southside, you dimwits." You squeeze Sweet Pea when he scoffs at you calling him a name, letting him know you didn't actually think he was a dimwit. "I'm so over the drama of Riverdale High. I need a change. And if I want to go to Southside to be with my favorite people, do you really think my dad will let the school be closed down?"
"You really have that much faith in your old man, huh?" Sweet Pea asks.
"I do. And you should too." Jughead glances at you when you say that and you subtly shake your head at him. Soon, you mouth at him. "Now come on. Let's go see what my dad wants. I feel like going out tonight so I need to finish whatever task he has for me and make sure Toni is free."
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The small gang of friends find themselves at Pop's diner once again, you being squished between Sweet Pea and Toni while Jughead and Fangs sit across from you. You and Toni share a plate of cheese fries, half of your burger having been stolen by Fangs and you steal sips of Cola from both Jughead and Sweet Pea since Sweets had finished your milkshake. When eating with them, you quickly learned extra food had to be ordered because once a plate was set down it was basically a free for all.
You're laughing at Fangs' affronted expression, from when he tried stealing cheese fries from you and Toni and you both had slapped his hand, when the bell above the door jingles. Your gaze is drawn to the group that enters, your mood souring just a tad when Archie, Betty, and Veronica enter. They glance around the diner for a booth and upon setting sights on your group, Archie chooses a booth not far from yours.
Toni nudges you to show you a message on her phone, lightening up the mood right away. But every now and then your attention is brought back to the Riverdale High group, and you can't help but notice the longing looks Betty keeps throwing at Jughead. And the fact that Jughead keeps glancing over his shoulder until he finally gets up, Betty following him seconds later to join him at a different booth.
"Did I miss something?" You ask when your friend is out of earshot.
Toni huffs. "They're doing that whole on again, off again thing. It's tiring," she says.
You frown as Jughead and Betty start talking, heads ducked close to one another, but then quickly avert your attention back to those sitting with you. You don't really have anything against Betty, but that girl attracts drama like crazy and you would rather not see her drag Jughead into it again.
The four of you left in the booth amuse yourselves while finishing off the remainder of your food, and you make sure that all your plates are stacked with the trash compiled on top so the busboy has little to no cleanup after you leave. But while you're still sitting there and waiting to see what Jughead is going to do, you can't help but overhear Veronica's obnoxious voice filling in her boyfriend Archie about all the great changes supposedly coming to Riverdale soon.
"I mean it's no longer a secret mommy and daddy are buying up property, Archiekins, but can you blame them?" Toni, Sweet Pea, and Fangs all tense, Fangs trying his hardest not to look in their direction. "The Northside is flourishing under their management and soon the Southside will too. We just have a few more hoops to jump through before we can start tearing down and rebuilding."
Having heard enough, you tap Sweet Pea's arm. "Move." Fangs widens his eyes at you and Toni giggles, she loving your more aggressive behavior. Sweet Pea stares at you for a moment before he grins, sliding out of his seat so you can follow right after him. Then taking a few steps towards Veronica and Archie's both, you stop and address the entitled teen. "Consider those hoops everlasting," you say. "Lodge Industries will no longer be buying up any property in Riverdale."
Veronica scoffs, smirking a second later. "And who the hell do you think you are to have any say so in my family's dealings?"
This time you smirk and you mentally cheer when you see her own falter. "Tell daddy dearest the Morningstars say hello. Lucifer will be in touch soon." You reach forward as Veronica's expression completely falls, stealing the cherry from her milkshake and catching the red, plump flesh behind your teeth and plucking the stem free. Letting the stem drop onto the table, you glance over your shoulder and gesture for your friends to follow. They do, chuckling all the while you walk towards the door. But before you walk out, you look over at Jughead and catch his attention. "Hey, JJ, we're heading out. Call me if you need a ride."
"Oh, uh, I'll come with." Betty quickly glances at him and for a split second you feel bad for her. "We're done here anyway." He slides out of the booth, ignoring Betty's frown as he makes his way towards you and his fellow Serpents.
Sweet Pea jostles Jughead, the two boys shoving each other lightly and laughing as the five of your exit. Everyone piles into your small SUV and it's not until Toni is comfortably seated in the passenger seat does she ask, "How serious were you with that threat back there? Can your dad really stop Lodge Industries?"
You slowly start to grin as you back out of your parking space. "Hiram Lodge is one of my dad's clients," you admit. "They have a.. contract of sorts, and Mr. Lodge is rich because of that. But my dad is starting to cut ties with some old clients of his and I'm pretty sure the Lodge's time up on that little pedestal of theirs is coming to an end."
"Sweet," Sweet Pea says from the back seat. "Hey, if your dad buys the school do you think you can ask him to put doors back on the bathroom stalls?"
You and Toni both snort, and you nod your head. "Sure, Sweets. I'll see what I can do."
          - - - - - - - - - - 
At the Whyte Wyrm, Sweet Pea and Fangs make a beeline for the pool table. Toni heads for the bar, her shift about twenty minutes from starting, and Jughead gets pulled into a conversation by some elder Serpents. Glancing around the bar, you don't see either man you want to speak with so you head for the hallway near the back wall where you know it leads to an office. A couple Serpents guarding the hall nod at you and let you pass without a word.
When you come upon the shut door to FP's office, you knock a couple of times and wait for confirmation to enter. A moment passes before his gruff voice is calling out that exact confirmation.
Opening the door, you walk right in and aren't surprised to see your dad in there as well. You smirk, happy to know he found a mortal he felt comfortable enough to share his identity with and that said mortal didn't go running for the hills. "FP. Dad," you greet. "Just the men I was looking for."
FP leans back in his chair as you take a seat across from him. "What can I do for you, Y/N?"
"Well first, I need to know your opinion about Sweet Pea, Toni, and Fangs." You then turn to look at your dad. "And depending on FP's answer, I need to know-"
"Your first orgy," your dad coos. "I approve. Especially the tall one. He'd make an excellent consort."
"I'm sorry, what?" FP glances between you and your dad, disbelief in his features.
You sigh, closing your eyes and pinching the bridge of your nose. "Dad, no. Just no," you say. When your eyes flutter back open, you say, "What did I tell you about speaking of orgies so freely in front of mortals? It's weird. Especially since you're my dad. You're not supposed to approve of these things."
"Well fine. Have it your way." Lucifer leans back in his seat, resting his right ankle atop his left knee and taking a sip of his drink. "Probably for the best anyway. Naamah will be upset if you deny her the chance to plan your first orgy."
"Oh my god."
FP finally laughs, shaking his head as if he can't believe what he's hearing. Your dad pouts and you give your attention to FP once more. "The baby snakes are a loyal bunch," he says. "I've had some older Serpents question you and your father's presence here within the Wyrm, but Jug and the others were quick to defend you. Why do you ask?"
Here you look back to your dad. "I want to come clean to them. Jughead knows about me and it's getting tough to censor what I say in front of the others when we all hang out."
Lucifer salutes you with his glass tumbler. "You're the Queen of Hell, darling. You can tell whoever you want."
"Good to know." You push up from your chair, smiling at both men. "Oh and I want Southside High. Veronica Lodge and her family are trying to tear the Southside down and rebuild, but I feel like throwing a wrench into their plans."
Lucifer raises an eyebrow at you. "And how do you suggest going about that?"
"By befriending Mayor McCoy, of course." FP snorts, but you continue on as if you didn't hear him. "She seems like a decent lady when the Lodge's aren't blackmailing her into doing their bidding. Give her a little taste of power, no strings attached and without letting her know your true identity, and show her you're an ally. I have a feeling she'll drop the Lodge's in a heartbeat."
FP grins, shaking his head. "You really are your father's daughter."
You glance at him and smirk. "Duh. Now carry on. I'm going to be with Toni behind the bar."
          - - - - - - - - - - 
The Whyte Wyrm is as busy as always and you happily find your place behind the bar with Toni. She serves up the drinks as you walk around, cleaning glasses and/or wiping down the bar top. Every now and then you catch your dad or FP's eye, and they signal for a round of drinks that Toni readily makes before walking a tray over to them. You then watch your boys from afar, laughing when Jughead catches your eye and purposefully makes Sweet Pea miss his shot while playing pool. Sweet Pea is apparently a very sore loser, but you can't help to think that he makes a really cute sore loser.
When Toni returns and sees where you're looking, she sidles up to your side while cleaning a glass in her hand. "So, uh, I think I should apologize."
You look at her. "For what?"
"Earlier at Pop's, when I told you Jughead and the Cooper girl were on again/off again, you looked like someone kicked your puppy for a moment there."
"Did I?" You chuckle, shrugging her words off. "It's fine. Jughead has become a really good friend to me and I'm not exactly Betty's biggest fan. They say southsiders are nothing but trouble, but those northsiders have caused a lot more trouble than any of you have. I don't want to see him be dragged into their messes again."
"Oh," she drawls. "Okay. I just thought that you were upset because she and Jughead were together again and you had missed your shot or something."
"No." You laugh. "And besides, I kind of have my eye on another Serpent, but I don't think he likes me that way."
Toni rolls her eyes. "I don't think FP is into jailbait. Sorry."
You snort, shaking your head in amusement. "A girl can dream."
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Over the next couple of weeks, you get well acquainted with the power struggle between the Ghoulies and the Southside Serpents within the high school. The school is practically run down, there's no privacy within the graffitied walls of the bathrooms, and a little less than half the student population have no issue taking drugs out in the open while standing in the hallways. Not a single one of your favorite Serpents lets you out of their sight, and though you don't need their protection you welcome it. And their loyalty towards you is what leads you to take that final step in finally telling your other three friends the truth.
Walking up to the Jones' trailer, you stomp up the steps and pound on the door. A few seconds later the door opens and FP raises his eyebrows at you as he's pulling on a leather jacket.
"Hey, FP. Is JJ home?"
"Yeah. Come in." He opens the door wider and you step in, heading for the couch. "Is everything okay?"
"Peachy." You grin. You plop down in the corner of a couch, crossing one knee over the other. "I just finally decided to tell the others the truth and I wanted to see if Jughead would be there for me in case things go south."
A look of understanding passes over FP's features and he smiles kindly at you when he notices your bit of nerves. "It'll go fine. If Jug and I didn't run, neither will these three little shits." You grin at him. "Now I should get going. Will your dad and I be seeing you later?"
"Depends on how well my little bombshell is taken."
"Alright." FP heads towards the kitchen, calling down the only hallway in his trailer. "Hey Jug, Y/N is here so put some clothes on before you come out."
FP smiles at you one last time before he exits his trailer and it's not until his bike's engine outside roars to life does Jughead exit his bedroom from the back. "What's going on?"
"It's time to tell the other baby snakes about my heritage."
He blinks. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah." You nod, momentarily second guessing yourself. "Yeah," you then say more confidently. "I think the longer I wait now, the higher the chance of them being pissed at the fact that I kept something like this from them."
"Okay. Where are we doing this?"
"Quarry?" You wonder. "We need privacy, but not too private that they feel trapped should they not take the news well."
Jughead exhales quietly. "Quarry it is. My bike or your car?"
"Your bike. Text Toni and the guys. I just need to grab my bag from my car."
Jughead is pulling on his jacket as he gestures for you to join him by the door, then pulling on his infamous crown beanie before pulling out his phone to text the others. He heads to his bike while you head for your car, opening the passenger door and pulling out your messenger bag. Draping the bag strap over your head and across your chest, you close the door and lock up before pocketing the keys.
When you sidle up to Jughead, he hands you his only helmet and you readily pull it on before climbing on behind him. He's not normally a crazy driver, so you loosely wrap your arms around his waist and enjoy the short ride to the quarry.
You and Jughead are the first to arrive, walking towards a spot that seems to have frequent visitors. Seats torn out from vehicles and a few crates form a half circle around an unlit barrel just off to the side of the water, and Jughead wastes no time in lighting up the barrel since it's a little chilly out.
Placing your bag on one of the seats, you walk towards the fire and hold your hands over it to warm up. Then about five minutes later, the rest of your friends show up.
"What's going on?" Sweet Pea asks as his gaze darts between you and Jug. As he sees you warming up, he stops by your side and wraps an arm around your shoulders to offer some of his warmth. Toni and Fangs stand on the other side of the barrel, warming themselves up briefly before taking a seat.
"I, uh, I have something I need to tell you guys. It's going to sound incredibly insane, but I need you to trust me when I say I am no threat to you." Sweet Pea frowns down at you and he only takes a seat when you nudge him towards the others. Jughead grabs your bag and hands it to you, and you smile faintly in thanks. Then opening the flap, you remove your crown and let your bag fall before hesitantly putting the crown on. Clearing your throat, you say, "When you guys first saw me, I was wearing this."
Fangs grins. "We thought you were just another spoiled little daddy's girl."
You grin back. "I mean I am," you shrug, "but the crown actually means something."
"Are you trying to tell us you're royalty or something?" Toni chuckles. At your neutral expression, her smile falters. "Y/N?"
You inhale shakily, glancing at Jughead who gives you an encouraging nod. "Whenever people meet my dad, I'm well aware that they think his given name is rather unfortunate." Sweet Pea snorts, grinning. A couple older Serpents at the Wyrm made it no secret when making fun of your dad's name. "But what if I told you that my dad really is the Lucifer Morningstar?" Your serious, yet nervous, expression makes the other three go still. "That I'm literally the daughter of the devil?"
The only sounds you can hear are the chirping crickets and crackling fire until, "You really buying this, man?" Sweet Pea scoffs. You briefly glance at him to see he's staring at Jughead who's still by your side.
Jughead nods, his arms crossed over his chest. "I am. My dad knew something was up with Lucifer before they outright told us the truth. He's known for years, but Lucifer wasn't a threat to him then or now so he didn't make a fuss about it."
Sweet Pea frowns. He doesn't look scared or pissed, but he doesn't look impressed either. "Why are you telling us this now?"
"That first night, my dad let FP and Jughead in on our secret because he saw how I trusted Jug and wasn't planning to leave Riverdale anytime soon. We trusted the Jones' and they now trust us. The circle of people in the know was meant to stay as small as possible, but then you three," you pause, huffing and smiling sadly as you meet each of their gazes, "wormed your way under my skin and I knew I couldn't keep a secret this big from you anymore."
"So your dad really is the devil?" Fangs asks. His gaze is set on the flames just barely dancing over the rim of the barrel, an expression on his face you can't quite decipher.
Sighing, you let your left hand wave back and forth over the flames. "My dad really is Lucifer Morningstar." You hold your hand still then, the flames engulfing your hand. Someone gasps, but you don't look up until you say, "And I'm the Queen of Hell."
"Oh fuck."
Fangs immediately shoots up, stumbling behind his seat. Sweet Pea's expression has completely shut down and Toni stares with wide eyes. Without having to look in a mirror, you already know your eyes have gone pure white and the picture you paint with the crown atop your head can look quite daunting.
"I'm still me- the same girl you've been hanging out with for a while now." You swallow down the hurt you feel at their speechlessness. "But.. I will understand if this is too much. All I ask is that this little revelation doesn't leave the circle." Still your friends say nothing and fight against the burn behind your eyes. "I'm sorry."
As quickly as you can, you bend over to pick up your bag. Shouldering the strap, you turn to walk away when Jughead calls out. "Y/N.."
"It's fine," you say and cast him a small smile. "I'll pick up my car later. I'm going home."
"Let me give you a ride home at least."
You shake your head. "I'll manage." And with that, you turn and walk away, letting a swirl of flames whisk you away.
Maybe you should have waited, dropping hints here and there to ease them in. But as you appear in your room, you drop onto your bed and let the sadness swallow you whole. What's done is done. All you can do is hope for the best now.
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allaboutfoodgwu · 5 years
H2Oh to the No!
So don’t be too mad at me but this was my first time, ever, at Trader Joe’s. I always pass by it whether it be going to Georgetown directly, or making my way through 14th street in Columbia Heights. But I’ve never went in for the sake of no time, one excuse or another. Where it’s lodged is right in the beginning of a ‘gentrified’ neighborhood (I would know because I was born at a hospital around the corner, which was torn down to be built back up into condos/apartments). And this neighborhood is at the cusp of Pennsylvania avenue and 25th street---Trader Joe’s is on 25th directly. Now finding it was a piece of cake: taking a Skip scooter while it’s in the 60s/70s temperature wise, it was a breeze (pun intended).
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What I could not comprehend was the lack of water this store provided—in fact there was more wine than water, and the latter is needed to perhaps make the other! I was weirded out by not only the lack in stock but also by the vibe: if you ever seen American Horror Story there is always a past, groovy, retro vibe. I got that at this site yet in a bad-scene-out-of-the-nineties sort of sense. I felt trapped in the music, the colorfulness, the large amounts of people, and in the sounds the credit cards machines make.
Don’t get me wrong: the prices are to die for. Just that I can’t seem to picture remaining at this store for too long. Plus they are old school, they don’t even have a self checkout line--this boggled my mind soooooo much. Funny how the the pictures we have set in our mind and then reality sets in. In this case, I assumed Trader Joe’s would have been chic, but really it was far more retro than I would have imagined.
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I can’t tell you enough how small the section was; there were around three individual stands that had racks of predominantly flavored water. Mainly as Trader Joe’s brand, these flavored drinks ranged from raspberry-lime to lemon to lime to mandarin orange and some others. The only ‘bulk’ size that were in this aisle were the half gallons of water that lied with the individual bottles—all closest to the wine. The jugs of water remained below the big, individual grab-and-go’s; the prices were the only things that kept me in the store.
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Though Trader Joe’s didn’t have the most exciting assortment of waters as seen in Whole Foods and Walgreens, they still did have an assortment of wines--especially--beers, fruits, and so forth. I will have to say I’m most impressed by their cheap prices. Trader Joe’s had the best prices of all the sites I visited.
I later purchased their cheapest water, Trader Joe’s Natural Mountain Spring, which costs only 69 cents—even better than their very own 79 cents flavored water. And so far, after guzzling about three-fourths of it already, I’d say it was worth it.
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jeremystrele · 3 years
A Stylist’s Charming Country Home
A Stylist’s Charming Country Home
by Lucy Feagins, Editor
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The rambling house exterior is edged by bushes and a pale pink fence. It sits on the road to Willunga. Photo – Marnie Hawson.
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A windy front path leading to the front door. Photo – Marnie Hawson.
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The gorgeous fam! From left: Emma, Reggie (holding Jack), Tuesday, Matt and Abel. Photo – Marnie Hawson.
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The shaker-style kitchen with open shelving, which is my kitchen must-have. Feather ink on paper is artist Jessie Faye. Still life is painted by M L Marshall. Photo – Marnie Hawson.
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View from the kitchen down to the front door painted in Porter’s Paints Majolica with Emma’s beloved vintage kilims from Scammels. The brick wall is the original rear wall of the bungalow. Photo – Marnie Hawson.
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The family added this window from a salvage yard during the kitchen renovations. The second hand Falcon stove was a local gumtree pick up! The painting on the right is a vintage painting of a Swedish kitchen interior painted by Walter Behrens, bought from Tinker in the Adelaide Hills. ‘I love paintings of home interiors.’ says Emma. Photo – Marnie Hawson.
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This is one picturesque kitchen. Photo – Marnie Hawson.
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French doors lead out to the pergola. Light from Fat Shack Vintage. The nook bench seat painted in Tuscan Terracotta from Porters Paints. ‘The yellow chairs are my favourites too, bought from a local garage sale who told me they used to be on the set of Home & Away, which makes me laugh,’ says Emma. Photo – Marnie Hawson.
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The loungeroom is in the centre of the house and gets a lot of use in winter because of the fireplace. The family added the salvage yard window. The marble and steel coffee table and large vintage floor cushion are from Vintage Carousel, an iconic vintage shop in Adelaide run by Emma’s friend Rachael. Striped rug from Armadillo, and a vintage Persian kilim rug on top. Chair from Freedom Furniture (which is large enough to hold an adult plus two kids!) with grainsack cushion made by Read & Hall. Photo – Marnie Hawson.
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Reggie’s school project: his dream fishing shack! Photo – Marnie Hawson.
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The loungeroom painted Chintz Grey by Porter’s Paints around the fireplace. Mirror from Pottery Barn. Striped rug from Armadillo, and a vintage Persian kilim rug on top. Chair from Freedom Furniture (which is large enough to hold an adult plus two kids!) with grainsack cushion made by Read & Hall. Photo – Marnie Hawson.
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‘This is the gallery wall my sister and I created spontaneously late one night after pizza and wine ,’ says Emma. ‘And every time we post a picture of this wall on insta, people tell me that the paintings are crooked which makes us laugh so much because we had had wine and there’s no way the ladder is coming back in to fix it.’ Grainsack cushion made by Read & Hall. Photo – Marnie Hawson.
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Porter’s Paints Liberty Green on the panelling. The mid century stools are from the Brighton Sunday Market in Adelaide. Salvaged glass door leads to laundry/mudroom. Photo – Marnie Hawson.
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Porter’s Paints Liberty Green on the panelling. A sideboard filled with treasures: yellow retro mushroom lamp from Whatever at Willunga; clay artist nudes from a French flea market; a collection of timber and ceramic candlesticks from markets and antique stores; and an old Italian travel poster from Gumtree. Photo – Marnie Hawson.
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Reggie and Abel’s room. Vintage brass bed found on Gumtree. Yellow chair from the Home & Away set (!) bought at a garage sale. Bedside lamps from Ikea.  Mid century print and pirate ship from op-shops. Photo – Marnie Hawson.
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‘This bathroom gets so much light which is my favourite feature. I can lay in the bath and look up through the skylight to the pear tree,’ says Emma. Encaustic shower floor tiles from the Eco Tile Factory. Etched glass window from salvage yard. Chair from op-shop for $5. Photo – Marnie Hawson.
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The main bedroom that overlooks the front yard. The large jug with sunflowers from Pottery Barn. Bedside wall lights from Beacon Lighting. Rug and rattan drawers sourced from Facebook Marketplace. Bed linen from Society Of Wanderers. Vintage nude painting from Etsy. Swedish summer house painting on the right painted by Jan Svane, 1949. Vintage oil forest painting picked up on Facebook Marketplace. Photo – Marnie Hawson.
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‘This was once the cubby house but as the kids grew out of it we removed the front and now it’s a stage for plays and general mischief!’ says Emma. Photo – Marnie Hawson.
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‘The garden was very formal when we arrived and we’ve slowly but surely let it go wild, and planted so many fruit trees and wildflowers which has attracted so many birds and bees,’ says Emma. Photo – Marnie Hawson.
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The much-loved pergola over the entertaining area. ‘Now I can have my morning coffee outside in any weather and it truly has changed my mornings.’ Photo – Marnie Hawson.
The 1920s home of Emma and Matt Read is beloved in the South Australian town of Willunga, with several locals having lived in the bungalow over its history. 
Emma was sent the real estate listing of the home 12 years ago by her sister Sarah Hall – fellow stylist and co-owner of Read&Hall –  and it was love at first sight. 
‘It was similar to the house we grew up in, so its bones already felt familiar and like home,’ Emma says. 
The house retains many of its original features including fireplaces, high ceilings, and the exposed brick kitchen wall, but has slowly evolved to better suit the couple and their now three children Tuesday 13, Reggie 10, and Abel, 7.
The first update was removing walls and adding windows and skylights to bring in added natural light. Larger renovations were completed in 2018, when the entire rear section of the home, including kitchen, bathroom, laundry, living space was reconfigured within the original footprint.
‘We wanted it to have a large mudroom for all the life detritus, and added as many doors to the outside as we could so the house connected to the outdoor spaces,’ says Emma.
Naturally, being a vintage seller and stylist for her business Read&Hall, Emma has beautifully curated the interiors to feature beloved pieces from around the globe. No space is under-utilised, with nearly every wall covered in paintings, art prints, books, or exposed shelving revealing beautifully mismatched ceramics. 
Dulux Vivid White and Porter’s Paints Liberty Green are the base colour of the layered interiors, although the family aren’t afraid to experiment with different shades or styles whenever the mood strikes. 
‘It’s not fussy or precious in any way; everything gets used and moved around quite a lot,’ says Emma. ‘If we want to paint a wall, we paint a wall. Nothing is overly planned or agonised over.’ 
For those seeking to create a similarly layered and loved home, Emma’s styling advice is to follow your intuition and allow time for the space to naturally develop.   
‘Your house doesn’t have to look like a house on Instagram or in a magazine,’ she says. ‘It’s okay to just let it be an ever evolving reflection of who you currently are and who you’re becoming. It’s okay to play and make mistakes and just try things.’ 
0 notes
sahazaibaslm6969 · 3 years
Pre Workout Capsules Orange
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goriinkarachi-blog · 7 years
The Taqwacores. Karachi, 2011
In the plane bathroom, I shove the book as deep as I can in the minuscule trash receptacle. The man sitting next to me made me paranoid.
Maybe you get in trouble with that, he had said.
I’m on an Etihad flight from Abu Dhabi to Karachi at 2:30am. It’s disorienting to spend two days on a plane and then arrive on an unfamiliar continent in the dead of night.
Immigration is simple. No one gives my bags a second glance. I could have packed a whole suitcase full of The Taqwacores. Or Bibles. Or drugs and weapons. (Except that no one brings drugs and weapons to Karachi, because they’re already in plentiful supply. Alcohol, that’s a different story...)
I do find it odd that so many Pakistanis are loading baggage carts with water—huge, shrink-wrapped plastic jugs. I know there are disputes with India over Indus River rights, but is the situation dire enough to bring your own water? (Soon enough, I’d see people burning tires in the street for lack of water. But that isn’t what these jugs are about.)
There’s a big white sign with my name, a car sent by the newspaper, and suddenly, there is a man. With what looks like an Uzi. (Ok, so maybe that’s just from bad action flicks, and it probably isn’t an Uzi, and possibly, it’s something Chinese. But it’s definitely something automatic. And it also looks really old.)
Gori, welcome to YOUR movie.
I step outside and the air feels like a hair-dryer blast, and then I get in the car.
The guard locks the doors, and we drive through Karachi.
It’s a jumble of food stands, smears of neon, buses like shrines. Kinda faded and gorgeous, like 70’s film. Even at 2am, everything looked sun-faded and retro.
Everyone’s in loose cotton, and the young guys have shaggy hair and drive these square-shaped vans that look like 70s Nissans. The entire ride to the guesthouse, I pretend I’m in some B-movie from pre-theocratic Iran or communist Afghanistan.
The next day, a woman named Sonia calls in to the driver’s favorite radio show.
Women should remain proper. That’s what suits them. Women with spiked heels give womenkind a bad name, she says. Then, hilariously, she requests J-Lo’s “On the Floor.”
The white sky makes everything seem drained, but Karachi tries to compensate. There are garish colors everywhere, on billboards advertising fancy, gold-lined salwar kameez made out of something called “lawn” that people are crazy for, on the women swathed in day-glow cheap cotton, their dupattas flung casually over their heads, on the mural-covered, icon-dangling jingle buses.
Makeshift villages sprout on the side of bustling roads in this city of 20 million. Cloths are strung for privacy, men wash with buckets and lounge on charpoys, entire herds of goat are tended on the dusty shoulders.
We stop at lights and beggars tap my window, women with children, or people missing limbs or sometimes children alone. Sometimes they sell strings of fragrant white jasmine, which a friend buys for me once and tells me to hang over my air conditioner and my whole bedroom will smell sweet.
On my first day at the office, I learn that the water is Zamzam. When Abraham’s infant son Ishmael cried for water and kicked at the desert ground, water gushed out. Zamzam is mineral rich and healing, and the people with jugs were bringing it back from Mecca.
I’ll also learn that the imagined portrayal of Muslim punk rockers, invented by a white dude from a racist family, who fled upstate New York to study at a Pakistani madrasa, was coveted contraband—impossible to get, the one dog-eared copy someone brought back from vacation making incessant rounds. I will regret leaving my copy in the airplane bathroom.
I met a couple from Lahore on the plane. He still had a bullet in his hip from his last visit to Karachi and no idea who’d shot him or why. He thought it was probably random street violence.
I was warned by another Pakistani, a BP employee living in Chicago, to keep my mobile close. They tap on your shoulder with a gun, you turn around, and they hold out their hand, he said.
When I volunteer this at work, everyone is like, That won’t happen, that’s never happened to me, and then one guy says sheepishly, Actually, that happened to me.
Many of my coworkers are women in their early 20’s. They wear traditional clothes and cover their heads or wear shameer’s cut so low they show cleavage, or they they wear scoop neck tees and incredibly tight jeans. Some are married, but most are not, though they seem to be biding their time till they get married. Many have been educated in the UK or the US, or at local westernized schools. All of them live with their parents or their husband’s parents.
One coworker scrolls through wire photos of the aftermath of a bazaar bombing in Khyber-Paktunkhwa, which targeted a chief and member of a Sunni political party, JUI-F, but killed 13 civilians.
The pictures are too gory to publish. He stops on a picture of a guy with a bloody hole in his face, where just a moment ago, he had an eye.
It doesn’t even register anymore, he says. It should, but it doesn’t.
I’ve been reading about the daily blasts for months, a supplement to my diet of Pakistani media, to prep me for this trip. My coworker is right. At first I was horrified. Now I just think, oh another one, but it’s far from where I’ll be.
I ask the rest of the web room staff, and they say the blasts seem far to them, too. It’s a coping mechanism. If you want to really live your life, you can’t tiptoe around, constantly paranoid about how fragile it all is.
But your life is fragile. We are all fragile, made of soft stuff that blackens and gushes, that rips and splatters as easily as over-ripe fruit. And blasts and drones and wars and poverty make life cheap.
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drewebowden66 · 6 years
50 Splendid Small Kitchens And Ideas You Can Use From Them
Keeping wild aspirations in check can be difficult when viewing compact modern homes on the market. All can be going swimmingly until you walk to the end of a hallway and ask “Where is the kitchen?”, and the real estate agent opens out their arms and says “This IS the kitchen.” Before you head for the exit, consider that small CAN be beautiful. Limited dimensions set challenges in creating a functional and stylish space it’s true, but the two goals are achievable in tandem. These 50 small kitchen designs bring tips on how to make a shining gem out of restricted cooking space by thinking outside the tiny box.
Designer: Diễm Kiều   Jazz up old kitchen tiles with patterned stickers. Our first small kitchen design is covered in intricate monochrome wall and floor tiles that draw you into the compact space. You don’t have to start from scratch to achieve this look though, tile transfers are a quick and cost effective way to transform an existing tiled backsplash.
Visualizer: Int2 Architecture   Free up drawer space and decorate the walls with useful kitchen tools. This magnetic wall mounted knife holder keeps kitchen knives out of limited small kitchen organization trays, and instead moves them up on display. In this small kitchen remodel, the display complements the sharp design of a geometric backsplash.
Visualizer: aTng 糖 & Dunqiang Chen   Create a recessed kitchen nook. This one-wall kitchen layout is set within a dividing wall of a studio apartment. The recessed design hides the kitchen cabinetry away from the rest of the open plan space, resulting in almost a separate room.
Visualizer: aTng 糖 & Dunqiang Chen   Source small kitchen appliances to maximise bench space. A two ring induction hob leaves extra space for dishes and prep in this small modern kitchen. The tiny extractor canopy leaves wall space looking more spacious too.
Visualizer: ArchiCGI   Add luxurious finishes. This marble kitchen backsplash creates a look of sophistication through the centre of contemporary white cupboards. Larger wooden storage cupboards flank the end of the kitchen run and span the upper space, creating a warm frame around the cool scheme.
Designer: Studio Bazi   Inject a little colour. Beautiful traditional tiles bring a stripe of joy into this L shape white kitchen design, complemented by a classic teapot.
Install an eye-catching centrepiece to distract from limited room dimensions. A large kitchen clock is an ideal piece to draw the eye, and it also serves a practical function. The chunky retro analogue clock with calendar feature gracing these shelves is available here. This country style small u shaped kitchen also utilises decanters, storage jars and colourful dry foods to expand the display.
Visualizer: Fastighetsbyran   Double bank wall cabinets to make the most of vertical real estate. Adding in an extra row of wall cupboards can drastically increase your small kitchen storage space.
Give kitchen items a dual use. This hard working little space offers up a number of small kitchen storage ideas. Mini wine racks hold up ceiling skimming shelves, a glass mixing bowl doubles as a fresh egg holder, and a water jug sidelines as cooking utensil storage.
Visualizer: 3XA   The simplistic wooden bar within this black and white kitchen can be used like a small kitchen island for cooking prep, or as a small kitchen table for dining. Two low hanging kitchen pendant lights give its placement more prominence and permanence.
Designer: Vertebrae   In this colour injected grey kitchen, a bright yellow small kitchen island with seating sits below statement shelving that holds wine glasses within easy reach.
Designer: Antonio Perrone   Get creative with lighting. LED strip lights create a glow around these wall cabinets, causing a floating effect. The colour of your units can brighten too; yellow accent kitchens make an uplifting choice for a shady little spot.
Visualizer: Michał Bartecki   If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen! This fiery orange backsplash takes a grey small apartment kitchen up another level.
Designer: Vera Tarlovskaya Interiors   Choose slimline seating styles. Sourcing small kitchen table sets can be a tricky task. There must be enough room for the whole family to gather round but high-backed chairs can eat up a lot of space. Consider stools instead; they can be pushed away completely beneath your table to maximise walkable floor area. Look at tables that open on all sides too so that they can be pushed flush against a wall whilst offering leg space under all three remaining sides.
Visualizer: Hung Le   Go handle-free. A handless kitchen has a far less fussy finish. There are also no pesky sticking out pieces to accidentally hook clothes on whilst passing by in close quarters. Particularly useful in corridor-like layouts like this green kitchen that leads straight up to a doorway.
Visualizer: Andriy Maheha   Use the art of camouflage. This minimalist kitchen uses white cabinets against a white backdrop to blend in. A soffit takes the line of the cabinet fronts right up to the ceiling for a smooth seamless finish.
Designer: Black & Milk   Make awkward shaped spaces work for you. Install shelving below sloping eaves to squeeze out every last inch in small kitchen remodels.
Designer: Holzrausch   Another one below the eaves. This glowing small kitchen sink area is surrounded by bespoke grey kitchen cabinets that follow a sloping ceiling without a single gap.
Designer: Anton Medvedev   A small kitchen table and chairs can act as a partially dividing wall, like in this small galley kitchen.
Source: Schmidt Kitchens   Go large on just one wall. In this wood and white small u shaped kitchen, tall larder units have been restricted to just one wall. The taller cupboards are plain white so that they fall away from attention too.
Visualizer: Liuba Kushnir   Use glass doors to create a sense of added space.
Visualizer: Andrey Karasev   The best thing about a tiny cooking space is that a small kitchen remodel cost is a lot less than its bigger cousins! This means that you can opt for some high-end finishes, like the recessed ceiling lights around the perimeter of this tall but small kitchen layout. A couple of black kitchen bar stools anchor the lofty design.
Designer: MKCA   For more clean and crisp white kitchens like this one, check out these 30 Modern White Kitchens That Exemplify Refinement.
Designer: Paglialonga Studio   Another great example of how small kitchen islands can double as dining space.
Source: Ikea   Plant a kitchen greenhouse window. If you love growing your own herbs but are pushed for sill space, then look up! Be inspired by this ikea small kitchen; install a few rods across the glass to hang extra indoor herb planters right where they flourish. This small kitchen design incorporates hanging hook systems all over the walls too. A magnetic knife holder with hooks is an even more space friendly option.
Source: Ikea   Paint kitchen chalkboards. A chalkboard doesn’t have to take up wall space, you can splosh blackboard paint right onto your cabinets. Use your new writing space to jot shopping lists and display the weeks menu. Cover a few small kitchen shelves too to match the look.
Source: Ikea   A small kitchen stand offers a large amount of storage. A stand or a small kitchen cart has a tiny footprint that can fit into a disused corner. This one tiny addition could solve your overspill problem and leave benches clear. Unique hanging planters in this Scandinavian kitchen clear a little extra prep space too.
Source: Ikea   Get busy! This stacked open kitchen shelving should look messy but instead it harmoniously matches with the busy wallpaper. The maple top kitchen work table stores a menagerie of items on display too.
Designer: Atelier Daaa   Use a-maze-ing pattern. Ok, your tiles don’t have to have a maze pattern like these stunning monochrome examples, but strong geometric line works fabulously over small kitchen floor plans. Light wood cabinets and cutting boards make a soft accompaniment to black and white decor.
Source: Fastighetsbyran   Small kitchen tables often work best as a bespoke built-in design.
Think you don’t have room for a dishwasher? There are numerous slimline small kitchen appliances on the market to fit challenging spaces.
Designer: Gleba+Störmer   Follow colour theory. Red is believed to enhance the appetite, hence why red is a popular choice in food packaging design. A red kitchen could get you in the mood to create more delicious dishes. You don’t have to go all in on red though, a single red shelf could create pop without being overwhelming. The copper desk lamp in this all encompassing scheme is eaten up by red reflection.
Designer: Atelier Daaa   Embrace the power of patterns. A simple white and wood small kitchen design achieves individuality with drill hole patterned boards. A black framed divide brings in a cubist pattern too.
Designer: Atelier Daaa   Use every nook and cranny. This white and wood kitchen holds a sweet dining nook.
Designer: Atelier Daaa   This large breakfast nook is surrounded by extra storage cabinets, opposite the main kitchen run where a modern fruit bowl decorates the bench.
Architect: KDVA Architects   Divide and conquer. Coloured perspex panels act as a subtle visual room divide whilst allowing light to flow through. Unique storage for wine doubles as a modern art piece.
Source: Eugene Sarajevo   Section off an open plan small kitchen. This black, white and wood themed kitchen has a dining bench jutting out that separates it from the rest of the living room. A couple of designer swivel bar stools give the very basic extension an upmarket look.
Visualizer: Andrey Kabanov   Do not underestimate the importance of beautiful flooring.
Designer: Davis Architects   Indoor plants are a cheap and attractive way to dress your nest, and they clean the air too.
Designer: Reform   Task lighting is key. Locate pendant lights exactly where needed by using ceiling hooks.
Designer: Holzgeschichten   Storage display nooks nicely break up a solid wall of cabinets.
Visualizer: SREDA interior   Mix and match. This small kitchen table matches the white and wood finish of the cabinets. However, multicolour is the order of the day in this green kitchen backsplash, yellow chairs and blue accent kitchen.
Designer: Unicum Buro   Visualizer: Yurii Hrytsenko   Look at a tiny open plan home as one whole. This kitchen decor blends with the dining area, lounge and bedroom.
Source: Zoku   Strictly allocated kitchen storage places are a must.
Visualizer: Stanislav Kaminskyi   A small tv for kitchen diners is commonplace, but how about a generous projection screen?
Source: Grits Creative Group   Decorative tile stickers can pull a kitchen colour scheme together.
Designer: WISP Architects   Capitalise on cupboard space. This grey and white kitchen may be small but it holds oodles of storage space.
Designer: Jenny André Designing   A small blue kitchen creates happy blue sky vibes.
Source: Juanca Lagares   Unique kitchen pendant lights can be the crowning glory to small minimalist kitchens.
Visualizer: Lera Brumina   A small round kitchen table is easy to get around without bumping a hip on a sharp corner. This black kitchen table has been teamed with bottle green chairs to change things up a bit. A modern chandelier cuts through the view of black kitchen cabinets behind.
1. Slow cooker 2. Magnetic knife holder with hooks 3. In-cabinet kitchen trash can 4. Magnetic spice tins 5. Space saving kitchen table 6. Mini-fridge with freezer 7. Pull out waste bins 8. Wall-mounted aper towel holder and spice rack 9. Slim kitchen pull out
Recommended Reading: 40 Captivating Kitchen Bar Stools For Any Type Of Decor 50 Unique Kitchen Pendant Lights
Related Posts:
Kitchen Designs with Unusual Choices
Black, White & Wood Kitchens: Ideas & Inspiration
Open Kitchen Shelves Inspiration
Gorgeously Minimal Kitchens with Perfect Organization
20 Sleek Kitchen Designs with a Beautiful Simplicity
25 Examples Of Awesome Modern Kitchen Lighting
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yourcoffeeguru · 11 months
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RETRO Juice Water JUG Decanter Fruit Basket Design made JAPAN || SWtradepost - ebay
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poppyvaledeb · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: CHRISTMAS SPECIAL KITCHENALIA COLLECTIBLE SALE Poppyvale BULK BUY PK2 Souvenir.
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50 Splendid Small Kitchens And Ideas You Can Use From Them
Keeping wild aspirations in check can be difficult when viewing compact modern homes on the market. All can be going swimmingly until you walk to the end of a hallway and ask “Where is the kitchen?”, and the real estate agent opens out their arms and says “This IS the kitchen.” Before you head for the exit, consider that small CAN be beautiful. Limited dimensions set challenges in creating a functional and stylish space it’s true, but the two goals are achievable in tandem. These 50 small kitchen designs bring tips on how to make a shining gem out of restricted cooking space by thinking outside the tiny box.
Designer: Diễm Kiều   Jazz up old kitchen tiles with patterned stickers. Our first small kitchen design is covered in intricate monochrome wall and floor tiles that draw you into the compact space. You don’t have to start from scratch to achieve this look though, tile transfers are a quick and cost effective way to transform an existing tiled backsplash.
Visualizer: Int2 Architecture   Free up drawer space and decorate the walls with useful kitchen tools. This magnetic wall mounted knife holder keeps kitchen knives out of limited small kitchen organization trays, and instead moves them up on display. In this small kitchen remodel, the display complements the sharp design of a geometric backsplash.
Visualizer: aTng 糖 & Dunqiang Chen   Create a recessed kitchen nook. This one-wall kitchen layout is set within a dividing wall of a studio apartment. The recessed design hides the kitchen cabinetry away from the rest of the open plan space, resulting in almost a separate room.
Visualizer: aTng 糖 & Dunqiang Chen   Source small kitchen appliances to maximise bench space. A two ring induction hob leaves extra space for dishes and prep in this small modern kitchen. The tiny extractor canopy leaves wall space looking more spacious too.
Visualizer: ArchiCGI   Add luxurious finishes. This marble kitchen backsplash creates a look of sophistication through the centre of contemporary white cupboards. Larger wooden storage cupboards flank the end of the kitchen run and span the upper space, creating a warm frame around the cool scheme.
Designer: Studio Bazi   Inject a little colour. Beautiful traditional tiles bring a stripe of joy into this L shape white kitchen design, complemented by a classic teapot.
Install an eye-catching centrepiece to distract from limited room dimensions. A large kitchen clock is an ideal piece to draw the eye, and it also serves a practical function. The chunky retro analogue clock with calendar feature gracing these shelves is available here. This country style small u shaped kitchen also utilises decanters, storage jars and colourful dry foods to expand the display.
Visualizer: Fastighetsbyran   Double bank wall cabinets to make the most of vertical real estate. Adding in an extra row of wall cupboards can drastically increase your small kitchen storage space.
Give kitchen items a dual use. This hard working little space offers up a number of small kitchen storage ideas. Mini wine racks hold up ceiling skimming shelves, a glass mixing bowl doubles as a fresh egg holder, and a water jug sidelines as cooking utensil storage.
Visualizer: 3XA   The simplistic wooden bar within this black and white kitchen can be used like a small kitchen island for cooking prep, or as a small kitchen table for dining. Two low hanging kitchen pendant lights give its placement more prominence and permanence.
Designer: Vertebrae   In this colour injected grey kitchen, a bright yellow small kitchen island with seating sits below statement shelving that holds wine glasses within easy reach.
Designer: Antonio Perrone   Get creative with lighting. LED strip lights create a glow around these wall cabinets, causing a floating effect. The colour of your units can brighten too; yellow accent kitchens make an uplifting choice for a shady little spot.
Visualizer: Michał Bartecki   If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen! This fiery orange backsplash takes a grey small apartment kitchen up another level.
Designer: Vera Tarlovskaya Interiors   Choose slimline seating styles. Sourcing small kitchen table sets can be a tricky task. There must be enough room for the whole family to gather round but high-backed chairs can eat up a lot of space. Consider stools instead; they can be pushed away completely beneath your table to maximise walkable floor area. Look at tables that open on all sides too so that they can be pushed flush against a wall whilst offering leg space under all three remaining sides.
Visualizer: Hung Le   Go handle-free. A handless kitchen has a far less fussy finish. There are also no pesky sticking out pieces to accidentally hook clothes on whilst passing by in close quarters. Particularly useful in corridor-like layouts like this green kitchen that leads straight up to a doorway.
Visualizer: Andriy Maheha   Use the art of camouflage. This minimalist kitchen uses white cabinets against a white backdrop to blend in. A soffit takes the line of the cabinet fronts right up to the ceiling for a smooth seamless finish.
Designer: Black & Milk   Make awkward shaped spaces work for you. Install shelving below sloping eaves to squeeze out every last inch in small kitchen remodels.
Designer: Holzrausch   Another one below the eaves. This glowing small kitchen sink area is surrounded by bespoke grey kitchen cabinets that follow a sloping ceiling without a single gap.
Designer: Anton Medvedev   A small kitchen table and chairs can act as a partially dividing wall, like in this small galley kitchen.
Source: Schmidt Kitchens   Go large on just one wall. In this wood and white small u shaped kitchen, tall larder units have been restricted to just one wall. The taller cupboards are plain white so that they fall away from attention too.
Visualizer: Liuba Kushnir   Use glass doors to create a sense of added space.
Visualizer: Andrey Karasev   The best thing about a tiny cooking space is that a small kitchen remodel cost is a lot less than its bigger cousins! This means that you can opt for some high-end finishes, like the recessed ceiling lights around the perimeter of this tall but small kitchen layout. A couple of black kitchen bar stools anchor the lofty design.
Designer: MKCA   For more clean and crisp white kitchens like this one, check out these 30 Modern White Kitchens That Exemplify Refinement.
Designer: Paglialonga Studio   Another great example of how small kitchen islands can double as dining space.
Source: Ikea   Plant a kitchen greenhouse window. If you love growing your own herbs but are pushed for sill space, then look up! Be inspired by this ikea small kitchen; install a few rods across the glass to hang extra indoor herb planters right where they flourish. This small kitchen design incorporates hanging hook systems all over the walls too. A magnetic knife holder with hooks is an even more space friendly option.
Source: Ikea   Paint kitchen chalkboards. A chalkboard doesn’t have to take up wall space, you can splosh blackboard paint right onto your cabinets. Use your new writing space to jot shopping lists and display the weeks menu. Cover a few small kitchen shelves too to match the look.
Source: Ikea   A small kitchen stand offers a large amount of storage. A stand or a small kitchen cart has a tiny footprint that can fit into a disused corner. This one tiny addition could solve your overspill problem and leave benches clear. Unique hanging planters in this Scandinavian kitchen clear a little extra prep space too.
Source: Ikea   Get busy! This stacked open kitchen shelving should look messy but instead it harmoniously matches with the busy wallpaper. The maple top kitchen work table stores a menagerie of items on display too.
Designer: Atelier Daaa   Use a-maze-ing pattern. Ok, your tiles don’t have to have a maze pattern like these stunning monochrome examples, but strong geometric line works fabulously over small kitchen floor plans. Light wood cabinets and cutting boards make a soft accompaniment to black and white decor.
Source: Fastighetsbyran   Small kitchen tables often work best as a bespoke built-in design.
Think you don’t have room for a dishwasher? There are numerous slimline small kitchen appliances on the market to fit challenging spaces.
Designer: Gleba+Störmer   Follow colour theory. Red is believed to enhance the appetite, hence why red is a popular choice in food packaging design. A red kitchen could get you in the mood to create more delicious dishes. You don’t have to go all in on red though, a single red shelf could create pop without being overwhelming. The copper desk lamp in this all encompassing scheme is eaten up by red reflection.
Designer: Atelier Daaa   Embrace the power of patterns. A simple white and wood small kitchen design achieves individuality with drill hole patterned boards. A black framed divide brings in a cubist pattern too.
Designer: Atelier Daaa   Use every nook and cranny. This white and wood kitchen holds a sweet dining nook.
Designer: Atelier Daaa   This large breakfast nook is surrounded by extra storage cabinets, opposite the main kitchen run where a modern fruit bowl decorates the bench.
Architect: KDVA Architects   Divide and conquer. Coloured perspex panels act as a subtle visual room divide whilst allowing light to flow through. Unique storage for wine doubles as a modern art piece.
Source: Eugene Sarajevo   Section off an open plan small kitchen. This black, white and wood themed kitchen has a dining bench jutting out that separates it from the rest of the living room. A couple of designer swivel bar stools give the very basic extension an upmarket look.
Visualizer: Andrey Kabanov   Do not underestimate the importance of beautiful flooring.
Designer: Davis Architects   Indoor plants are a cheap and attractive way to dress your nest, and they clean the air too.
Designer: Reform   Task lighting is key. Locate pendant lights exactly where needed by using ceiling hooks.
Designer: Holzgeschichten   Storage display nooks nicely break up a solid wall of cabinets.
Visualizer: SREDA interior   Mix and match. This small kitchen table matches the white and wood finish of the cabinets. However, multicolour is the order of the day in this green kitchen backsplash, yellow chairs and blue accent kitchen.
Designer: Unicum Buro   Visualizer: Yurii Hrytsenko   Look at a tiny open plan home as one whole. This kitchen decor blends with the dining area, lounge and bedroom.
Source: Zoku   Strictly allocated kitchen storage places are a must.
Visualizer: Stanislav Kaminskyi   A small tv for kitchen diners is commonplace, but how about a generous projection screen?
Source: Grits Creative Group   Decorative tile stickers can pull a kitchen colour scheme together.
Designer: WISP Architects   Capitalise on cupboard space. This grey and white kitchen may be small but it holds oodles of storage space.
Designer: Jenny André Designing   A small blue kitchen creates happy blue sky vibes.
Source: Juanca Lagares   Unique kitchen pendant lights can be the crowning glory to small minimalist kitchens.
Visualizer: Lera Brumina   A small round kitchen table is easy to get around without bumping a hip on a sharp corner. This black kitchen table has been teamed with bottle green chairs to change things up a bit. A modern chandelier cuts through the view of black kitchen cabinets behind.
1. Slow cooker 2. Magnetic knife holder with hooks 3. In-cabinet kitchen trash can 4. Magnetic spice tins 5. Space saving kitchen table 6. Mini-fridge with freezer 7. Pull out waste bins 8. Wall-mounted aper towel holder and spice rack 9. Slim kitchen pull out
Recommended Reading: 40 Captivating Kitchen Bar Stools For Any Type Of Decor 50 Unique Kitchen Pendant Lights
Related Posts:
Kitchen Designs with Unusual Choices
Black, White & Wood Kitchens: Ideas & Inspiration
Open Kitchen Shelves Inspiration
Gorgeously Minimal Kitchens with Perfect Organization
20 Sleek Kitchen Designs with a Beautiful Simplicity
25 Examples Of Awesome Modern Kitchen Lighting
from Interior Design Ideas http://www.home-designing.com/small-kitchen-ideas-tips-photos-accessories
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robertdagr8-blog · 7 years
People will always love everything beautiful and sweet.
People will always love everything beautiful and sweet. In fact fmovies the way we crave something sweet is something inherent and inevitable. Probably, this is the reason why people of all ages are such fans of sweets. Admit it or not, we all love candy, and this is probably the reason why these delicious sweets never go out of trend. As long as we are around, there will always be sweets in the world. Wholesale or retail, there will always be a market for these delicacies. And when it comes to satisfying this sweet tooth, retro sweets are always on top of the list. If you talk about candy bars, such as bananas and custard shrimp, bananas and custard nuggets, black jugs, black jugs, caramak, curly wurley, fruit salad, Frys chocolate cream, orange Frys cream, Assorted Mohos, Fres Peppermint cream, Frys Shrimp of peppermint and giant clarifiers, lollipops such as Jumbo Apple Lollies, Jumbo Rhubarb and Custard Lollies, Jumbo Treacle Toffee Lollies and Jumbo Tropical Fruit Lollies or gums such as Eyepoppers, Fireball Jawbreakers, Fizzy Blue Bottles, Fizzy Vampire Teeth, flower gums, fruit gums, Fruit gums, fruit salad gums and giant smooth Coke bottles or a plan and simple cute beans, these old-fashioned sweets somehow formed our childhood. We had a great friendship over these sweet tooth adventures, and we had such wonderful memories of this local candy store, which almost felt like our second home. In short, sweets were and are a very part of our life, and behind this is a rather interesting story. This human fascination with sweets began with our prehistoric fathers stealing honey from hives, which was quite dangerous, but quickly satisfied their craving for sweet teeth. From the hives, a man began to enjoy sweet plant juices, such as sugarcane and corn, mixing them with water, fats, nuts and even chocolate. This eventually laid bricks for all kinds of sweets that we know today. Then and now, a person always knew what to look for in sweets, which is simply a sweetness, regardless of the ingredients used. The familiar sweetness, of course, is more attractive, for example, what these traditional sweets offer. These days we want to find our caramaks and suck our Jumbo Banana Split Lollies, because they are sweet, both in our language and in our memory. One sip of jelly beans is enough to get us back to the days when we stood with wide-open joy on the counter of our favorite pastry shop, trying to decide which of these delicacies was in our personal menu for sweets for the day,
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yourcoffeeguru · 1 year
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RETRO Juice Water JUG Decanter Fruit Basket Design made JAPAN Decor Vintage || SWtradepost
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poppyvaledeb · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: KITCHENALIA COLLECTIBLE SALE Poppyvale BULK BUY PK2 Souvenir Plus.
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yourcoffeeguru · 3 years
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Vintage RETRO Juice Water JUG // swtradepost
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yourcoffeeguru · 4 years
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Vintage RETRO Juice Water JUG Fruit Basket Design made JAPAN //swtradepost 
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