ba-central · 4 years
Send symbols to your classmates to learn more about them, their feelings about the Retreat and perhaps even their feelings about you.
♡: If you could spend a day in the life of any other student, who would you pick and why?
⇨: Your cabin is on fire and you can only save three things from your bunk. What are they?
♨ : If you could only eat one type of campfire food for the rest of the year, what would you pick?
☀: What is your favorite thing about life at the Retreat?
☾: Who was the last person from school that you dreamed about?
✚ : What were you doing at 12 am last night?
☸ : If you could be anywhere else in the world right now, where would you be?
♫: Most played song this week?
❣ : Are you happy single or do you wish you were in a relationship?
☎ : Who is the last person you texted? Bonus: What was the text?
✈ : Can you speak another language?
✌ : Post the sixth photo in your camera roll.
☺ : If Father D told you that you had to become friends with somebody you can’t stand in order to graduate, who would you become friends with and how would you do it?
☠ : What is the worst thing about sharing a cabin room?
✄ : Have you got any bad habits?
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leocallauber · 4 years
☀: What is your favorite thing about life at the Retreat?
Look I know there's a lot of complaints about retreat life. I get it. But it brought me to a place where I got to meet Emma the Frog. She’s definitely my favorite part of this retreat. I don’t know what I’m going to do when we move back into the dorms and I have to leave her behind. 
☾:  Who was the last person from school that you dreamed about?
I had this really weird dream the other day of Luna poisoning me with tea. But not deadly poisoning. Like make my hair fall out poisoning. She’s been really mad at me lately and I’m not even sure what I did. And then Amos planned a funeral for my hair. 
✚ : What were you doing at 12 am last night?
Last night? I can barely remember what I ate for lunch. Much less what I was doing in the middle of the night. I think I was working on a paper? Or watching netflix. Really it could have been both.
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ba-central · 4 years
In response to popular demand, today will be the start of Broadripple’s very first MEME WEEKEND!
What this means is that in between your regular replies, we encourage you to get involved in reblogging and responding to ask memes. We’ll post one to get everybody started but if you have some favorite ask memes or want to create one of your own, feel free to throw them into the mix!
In addition, let your character spill their guts by posting a link to your inbox and tagging it retreat:honesty. Then make sure you’re sending curious questions to your classmates as often as your answering them to keep things rolling!
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ba-central · 4 years
How long is this going on?
We’ll be finishing up Monday morning PST time, so there’s plenty of opportunity to get involved. That said, if you’re not interested in meme weekend, this shouldn’t impact your regular replies and such at all. It’s purely optional and just for a bit of fun but only IF you want to! No obligations!
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