#retraining oder
(Miraculous Ladybug.) Adrian's Restraining Order
Realizing his “friend,” Marinette, is a stalker, Adrian decides to file for a restraining order.
“See?” Chloe told her oldest friend as she crossed her arms onto her chest, “I told you she was obsessed with you.”
As the news sank in, Adrian couldn’t help but feel a sense of disbelief and confusion. Marinette, his kind and sweet friend, being labeled as a stalker seemed unimaginable to him. However, he couldn’t ignore the mounting evidence presented to him.
Feeling a mix of apprehension and concern, Adrian went to the police station to inquire about the process of filing a restraining order. This was a challenging decision for him, especially considering the deep bond he shared with Marinette. But if it was true that she had crossed boundaries and was causing harm, he needed to prioritize his own well-being.
With a heavy heart, he entered the police station and was directed to the appropriate department. Adrian spoke to an officer, explaining the situation while providing any evidence he had on hand. He disclosed instances of Marinette’s behavior that had raised concerns, such as constantly following him or showing up uninvited to his private events.
The officer listened attentively, taking notes and asking clarifying questions. They assured Adrian that his concerns were valid and that they would do their best to handle the situation with sensitivity and discretion. The officer explained that they would need to gather more information and evidence before proceeding with the restraining order.
Adrian agreed to cooperate fully, realizing the importance of establishing boundaries to ensure his safety and mental well-being. He provided the officer with screenshots of text messages and emails from Marinette that displayed her persistent and intrusive behavior.
“Adrian, I want you to understand that Marinette isn’t a friend; it’s a form of a toxic relationship that could lead to potential harm,” the officer said empathetically. “We will do everything in our power to protect you and resolve this situation.”
Adrian nodded, his heart heavy, realizing that his once cherished friendship could have taken such a dark turn. He couldn’t help but wonder what had caused Marinette to become so obsessed with him. Had he unknowingly done something to encourage her behavior, or was it solely her own issues?
As the days went by, Adrian continued to provide the police with any additional evidence they requested. He discovered that Marinette had kept a detailed journal of his daily activities, noting every little detail. The police assured him that they would handle the situation in a manner that prioritized his safety and privacy.
He was also disturbed that Marinette had presents that would last to his 50th birthday, that she’d followed him to China, and had multiple pictures of himself pinned to a corkboard next to where she slept.
The poor blonde hair boy even felt uncomfortable that Marinette’s friends, including Alya, supported her. Adrien held his head in his hands, remembering seeing the signs before, but being the naïve kind soul he is, he was totally blindsided.
As the investigation progressed, Adrian started to understand the gravity of the situation. The evidence of Marinette’s obsession with him was undeniable, and it became increasingly clear that he had made the right decision to file for a restraining order. He couldn’t continue to have her invade his privacy and undermine his sense of security.
Over time, Marinette was expelled from school and had to transfer to another one across Paris.
Her parents, Tom and Sabine, were very disappointed in their daughter’s actions and wished they stopped the obsession sooner.
Meanwhile, Adrian focused on rebuilding his life and surrounding himself with supportive friends.
He couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief after taking the necessary steps to protect himself. He knew he deserved to feel safe and secure, and he wouldn’t let Marinette’s actions continue to hold power over him.
With the restraining order, Adrian could move forward without fearing Marinette’s presence. He found solace in his true friends, who stood by him throughout the ordeal, offering their unwavering support and understanding. It was through their encouragement that Adrian began to heal and regain his trust in others.
Though the experience had been challenging, it taught Adrian the importance of recognizing toxic relationships and setting healthy boundaries. He became more mindful of those around him, ensuring his interactions were based on mutual respect and consent. Adrian also took the time to educate himself on mental health and the signs of unhealthy obsession, vowing to be vigilant and empathetic towards others who may be going through similar situations.
After-school one day: Adrian’s best friend, Nino, approaches him and places his hand on Adrian’s white jacket shoulder.
“Hey, dude, I just wanna apologize for not seeing the signs sooner,” Nino apologizes softly, his brown eyes filled with genuine remorse. Adrian looked at him, appreciating the sincerity in his friend’s voice.
“It’s okay, Nino. I didn’t see the signs either,” Adrian replied, his voice tinged with sadness. “But we can’t blame ourselves for not knowing. It’s not our fault.”
Nino nodded, accepting Adrian’s words.
“I know, but still, I wish I could have done something to help you. I’m here for you now, though, and I won’t let anything like this happen again.” Nino spoke.
Adrian smiled, grateful for Nino’s support. “Thank you, Nino. Truly, I’m lucky to have you as a friend. And please, don’t blame yourself. We’re all still learning.”
Nino nodded again, a determined look in his eyes. “You’re right, Adrian. We’ll learn from this and be there for each other. That’s what friends do.”
As they walked down the school hallway together, Adrian couldn’t help but feel a newfound strength and appreciation for the true friends in his life. While the experience with Marinette had been difficult, it also showed him the importance of surrounding himself with people who genuinely cared for his well-being.
With Nino and his other friends by his side, Adrian felt confident that he could move forward, leaving the pain of the past behind. They would create new memories, support each other, and build a future free from unhealthy obsessions.
And at that moment, as they walked side by side, Adrian couldn’t help but feel a glimmer of hope, knowing that brighter days were ahead.
Outside the school:
“Hey, Adrian!’ Chloe called, rushing up to Adrian before he climbed into the back of his limo, with Sabrina trying to keep up to Chloe’s side.
“What’s up, Chloe?” Adrian asked softly.
“Just wanted to say that I’m really sorry about everything that happened. I didn’t realize how much Marinette was hurting you, and I feel awful for not being there for you,” Chloe said, her voice filled with sincerity.
Adrian looked at Chloe, appreciating her genuine apology. “Thank you, Chloe. I know you didn’t mean for things to turn out this way. I’m glad we can move past it and focus on being friends.”
Chloe nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “Definitely. And if you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. I’m here for you.”
Adrian smiled back at her, grateful for her support. “Thank you, Chloe. I truly appreciate it.”
As Adrian got into the back of his limo, he couldn’t help but reflect on how far he had come. From feeling trapped and unsafe to finding strength in his friends, he knew that he had the power to create a positive future for himself. With his friends by his side, he felt hopeful for the coming days and excited for the opportunities that awaited him. And as the limo pulled away, Adrian looked forward to the journey ahead, ready to face whatever challenges and joys lay in store.
The End.
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