#retirement investment companies in Aurangabad
amritkar · 5 months
What Is the Difference Between Liquid Mutual Funds and Fixed Deposits?
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In the world of managing your money, Fixed Deposits (FDs) are like steadfast companions for the long journey. But what if you suddenly need some cash with the hope of better returns? Breaking an FD might seem like an answer, but it often means dealing with extra charges like the exit load, making things tricky. Luckily, there's another choice worth checking out. But first, let's see what FDs are.
Understanding Fixed Deposits
Think of it like this: You decide to put some money in the bank for a certain period, and in return, the bank pays you a set interest rate. It's like planting a money tree that steadily grows over time. But what if you need to take out money before the agreed time?
Withdrawing from Fixed Deposits
If you need to take money out early, it's like plucking a few fruits from your growing money tree. But be careful – taking fruits too soon might mean paying some extra charges. Breaking into the money tree early could reduce the amount you get. Always check the rules and fees before making an early withdrawal from your Fixed Deposit.
What are Liquid Mutual Funds?
Now, think of a financial superhero - Liquid Mutual Funds. They're like a pool where your money can earn better returns and be quickly available for withdrawal. In simple terms, think of them as a fast and profitable resting place for your money. But what if you need to take your money out?
Withdrawing from Liquid Mutual Funds
If you need to take money out, it's like grabbing your savings from a convenient spot during a journey. The good news with Liquid Mutual Funds is that you can do this without much hassle. There's no fixed time commitment, so you can dip in and out whenever you need. Just remember, the returns might vary, and it's a good idea to check with your fund about any fees or conditions for taking your money out. If you wish to invest in liquid funds but don't know where to begin, you can reach out to mutual fund distributors in Aurangabad.
Features Comparison: Fixed Deposits vs. Liquid Funds
Fixed Deposits
Lock-in Period: Once you commit, your money is on a committed vacation until maturity.
Interest Rates: Fixed, predetermined interest rates ensure stability but often result in lower returns.
Liquidity: Withdrawing before maturity can be like breaking into a piggy bank – possible but with penalties.
Liquid Funds
No Lock-in Period: Your money isn't tied down; it's free to move.
Returns: Variable but often higher due to investments in short-term money-market instruments.
Liquidity: Quick withdrawals without extra drama, making them ideal for urgent cash needs.
Making a Choice
Now it's decision time! If you're someone who plans for the long term, FDs might be your go-to – like a reliable savings account, stable and dependable. However, if you're looking for a financial sidekick with quick moves and better returns, Liquid Funds might be the right fit.
So, what's the verdict? Both options have their advantages, and the choice depends on your financial journey. Fixed Deposits are the long-term pals, while Liquid Funds are the savvy sidekicks ready for swift and rewarding moves. The key is aligning your choice with your financial goals and how quickly you need your money. Amritkar Services, the best mutual fund company in Aurangabad offers the best investment options that align with your goals and risk tolerance.
In the world of finance, keeping things simple is key. Whether you lean towards FDs or Liquid Funds, the aim is to make your money work for you smoothly and effectively.
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orbemnews · 3 years
After Tony Hsieh’s Shocking Death, Zappos Looks to Move Forward It was never going to be easy to succeed Tony Hsieh, the celebrated chief executive of Zappos, who turned a tiny online shoe seller into a $1 billion behemoth through an obsessive focus on corporate culture and happy employees. But Kedar Deshpande took over at a particularly fraught time. Zappos, which is owned by Amazon, was already navigating remote work and grappling with pandemic-driven changes in how people shop when Mr. Hsieh abruptly retired in August after two decades, which led Mr. Deshpande to be named C.E.O. Then in November, tragedy struck: Mr. Hsieh, 46, died from injuries suffered in a house fire in New London, Conn., sending shock waves throughout the roughly 1,500-person company, as well as tech and entrepreneurial circles. Since then, it has been reported that Mr. Hsieh had been behaving erratically for months and that friends had considered staging an intervention last summer. The revelations brought new scrutiny to the circumstances of his exit from Zappos. Mr. Deshpande, who was previously Zappos’s chief operating officer, said that when Mr. Hsieh told him last summer that he wanted to pursue other projects, he did not push back. “From my experience working with Tony, Tony always believed in the things that he wanted to change,” Mr. Deshpande said in an interview, his first as chief executive. “I asked him, ‘Hey, Tony, are you sure?’ And he said, ‘Yes, I want to retire’ — so that was the end of the conversation.” Now, Mr. Deshpande, 42, is tasked with shepherding Zappos through the late stages of the pandemic and into the company’s next phase as an online retailer, without Mr. Hsieh’s guidance. He must also show whether the company’s culture of “fun and a little weirdness” in Las Vegas can survive without its chief architect. “The Covid situation and everything else going on makes it very tough, particularly with a culture that is built on physical proximity and happiness associated with that,” Mr. Deshpande said in the Zoom interview, from his home in Henderson, Nev. But he said he was optimistic about the future, especially given the decade he had spent at Zappos in different roles. “The culture is not just one person or two people,” he said. There was apparently no long-term succession plan when Mr. Hsieh stepped down. Zappos’s board, which consists of Amazon and Zappos employees, elevated Mr. Deshpande to the role. The company, founded in 1999, has long functioned as an independent unit within Amazon, which acquired it for $1.2 billion in July 2009 and does not disclose its financials. It’s tough for a person to replace a C.E.O. with an outsize personality like Mr. Hsieh, said Erik Gordon, a professor at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business, who anticipated that Zappos’s culture will face some changes under new leadership. “The person who takes over from the founder who created the culture doesn’t have the authenticity or moral authority that the founder had,” Mr. Gordon said. “Can he maintain the same spirit of fun and a little weirdness and positive team spirit?” (Mr. Hsieh did not found the company, but has been referred to as a founder based on his involvement as an investor and chief executive from its earliest days.) Mr. Deshpande, who is from Aurangabad, India, came to the United States for a master’s degree in computer engineering, and joined Zappos after stints at General Electric and PepsiCo. He joins a growing list of South Asian chief executives in the United States, at companies like Microsoft; Google’s parent company, Alphabet; and Gap. Zappos, which derives its name from “zapatos,” the Spanish word for shoes, was an early e-commerce success story under Mr. Hsieh, who wrote a best-selling book in 2010, “Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose.” It argued that a company’s top priority should be its culture and that keeping employees happy translated into success with customers. The company, which moved from the Bay Area to southern Nevada in 2004 and now has a campus in downtown Las Vegas, developed a reputation for being a fun, almost cultlike place to work, where employees regularly socialized at work and outside the office. The company has claimed that it is harder to get a job at Zappos than it is to get into Harvard. Mr. Deshpande said Zappos employees had become closer in some ways in the past year as they brought family or pets into the remote-work fold. “When we have Halloween contests, it’s the entire family that is participating,” said Mr. Deshpande, who has two young daughters. He described packages Zappos sent to employees and their families for activities like planting herb gardens or performing science experiments. He guessed that employees would start returning to the office after July 1 and were likely to develop hybrid schedules with some remote and some in-person work. While Zappos did not have to struggle with the drop-off at physical stores that so many other retailers did, it did take a hit early on in the pandemic as shoes and clothing became an afterthought; few people were buying high heels last March. Sales have recovered since, fueled by demand in the so-called performance and home categories — think running and hiking shoes, pajamas, athleisure and slippers. Mr. Deshpande said he was unsure when demand for high heels would return, but anticipated that people would continue to want comfort as the economy reopened. Zappos has introduced and expanded ways to smooth out the kinks of online shopping during the pandemic, like allowing some customers to make returns through UPS home pickups, and making it easier to exchange items. It also observed that the average length of calls with customer service representatives had increased as people had more time in a closed-off world. They also left more detailed reviews on products. One of the company’s biggest goals, and a top priority for Mr. Deshpande in coming years, is figuring out how to make online shopping less transactional and more like the browsing experiences that people seek out in malls and department stores. That includes developing new digital magazinelike “verticals” — much like what media companies create — such as “The Ones,” which is tailored for female sneakerheads and advertised as “powered by Zappos.” Zappos is also behind VRSNL, a luxury site that has its own web address and no visible link to the shoe site. It features wares from designers like Dolce & Gabbana and Proenza Schouler. The company has been pouring new effort into product detail pages and informational videos catered to audiences like new runners, and even co-developing merchandise and campaigns with the brands it carries. “What online fails to deliver, which physical delivers today, is around these different experiences,” Mr. Deshpande said. “Until you actually go and deliver on these experiences, people will go back to the physical, in my opinion, and they will stay online for only transactional experiences.” The company refers to these efforts as “experience commerce,” and said the category was driving 25 percent of its investments. Outside of prompting consumers to explore more, Zappos is also trying to make online shopping more cohesive — all with the aim of getting consumers to spend more money over time. “One of the challenges has been that when somebody walks into ‘online,’ somebody looking for a jacket, for example, we show them inventory next to each other — like a $30 jacket, $50, $100, $300,” Mr. Deshpande said. “This is a very disorienting experience.” In his view, all of the efforts are in line with Zappos’s obsessive focus on service for the past 20 years, which he anticipates remaining its focus for the next 20 years. While the company is still grieving Mr. Hsieh, Mr. Deshpande said, employees will continue to embody the values that he championed. He pointed to an instance during the holidays when one employee mentioned children missing out on meeting Santa Claus during the pandemic, leading to a multidepartment effort to set up Santa Zoom meetings for children around the country. “To me, Tony’s legacy is around delivering this happiness to everybody,” Mr. Deshpande said. “This culture he has created or pioneered, it’s going to be alive.” Source link Orbem News #Death #Hsiehs #move #Shocking #Tony #Zappos
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sarkarimirror · 5 years
CBI books Dhoot, Chanda Kochhar; conducts raids in Videocon-ICICI Bank Rs 1,730-cr loan case
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Mumbai/New Delhi, Jan 24 (IANS) In a significant development, the CBI on Thursday lodged an FIR against former ICICI Bank chief Chanda Kochhar, her husband Deepak Kochhar and industrialist V.N. Dhoot besides four companies, and raided four locations in Maharashtra in connection with a Rs 3,250-crore loan involving the Videocon Group and the ICICI Bank, informed sources said here. The raids were conducted after the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) registered an FIR on Tuesday naming former ICICI Bank MD and CEO Chanda Kochhar, her husband and NuPower Renewables Pvt Ltd MD Deepak Kochhar, and Videocon Group MD Dhoot, and others in the case dating back to 2009-2012. Interestingly, Chanda Kochhar’s role in the alleged irregularities committed has been highlighted in the CBI’s FIR ever since she assumed charge as the ICICI Bank MD and CEO on May 1, 2009. Besides, four companies have also been named in the CBI FIR: NuPower Renewables Pvt Ltd (NRL), Supreme Energy Pvt Ltd (SEPL), Videocon International Electronics Ltd (VIEL) and Videocon Industries Ltd (VIL). According to the FIR, they have been booked under various sections of the Indian Penal Code and Prevention of Corruption Act as the accused allegedly “sanctioned loans to private companies in a criminal conspiracy with other accused to cheat ICICI Bank”. The FIR comes in the wake of a preliminary enquiry (PE) instituted on March 31, 2018, against Deepak Kochhar, Videocon Group officials and others to determine whether any wrongdoing was involved in the sanctioning of loan by the ICICI Bank as part of a consortium, a senior CBI official said. The raids were carried out simultaneously at the offices of the four companies in south Mumbai and one location belonging to Videocon in Aurangabad. The Bureau initiated the PE after news reports raised questions about Videocon’s Dhoot allegedly providing crores to a firm promoted by Deepak Kochhar and a few relatives six months after the former’s Group received the Rs 3,250-crore loan. The CBI probe said that a complaint was received regarding the Rs 3,250-crore loan to five of Dhoot’s companies by the ICICI Bank violating banking norms and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) guidelines. As part of a quid pro quo, Dhoot invested Rs 64 crore in NRL and SEPL and also transferred SEPL to Deepak Kochhar’s Pinnacle Energy Trust through a circuitous route between 2010 and 2012. Between June 2009 and October 2011, the ICICI Bank also sanctioned six high-value loans to different Videocon Group companies and on August 28, 2009, Rs 300 crore was sanctioned to VIEL in contravention of various rules, with Chanda Kochhar being part of the loan sanctioning committee. She has been charged with criminal conspiracy to cheat the ICICI Bank, abusing her position. The loan was disbursed to VIEL on September 7. The very next day, on September 8, 2009, through SEPL, VIEL transferred Rs 64 crore to Deepak Kochhar’s NRL by which it (NRL) acquired its first power plant. “Thus, Chanda Kochhar got illegal gratification through her husband from VIL and Dhoot, for sanctioning Rs 300 crore to VIEL,” the CBI complaint said. The CBI has also detailed the manipulations how the NRL and SEPL’s control was handed over to Deepak Kochhar, where the subsequent alleged frauds were committed. In violation of several norms, the ICICI Bank also sanctioned various loans to Videocon Group companies which was utilised by them to repay their unsecured loans taken from VIL, while VIL took a loan to refinance its existing loans. The loan sanction committees had ICICI Bank’s senior officials like Sandeep Bakshi, K. Ramkumar, Sonjoy Chatterjee, N.S. Kannan, Zarin Daruwala, Rajiv Sabharwal, K.V. Kamath and Homi Khusrokhan. “These loans have turned NPAs resulting in wrongful losses to the ICICI Bank, and wrongful gains to the borrower/ accused persons. The role of these senior officials of the sanctioning committees may also be investigated,” said the CBI FIR. It added that the ICICI Bank had released the security of Rs 50 crore in the form of FDR available for two of the borrowing (Dhoot) companies “without any justification”. After Chanda Kochhar took charge at the bank’s helm, the credit limits and loans were sanctioned to Videocon Group companies, with her as part of the sanctioning committees. Following the controversy over the alleged “conflict of interests” and “non-disclosure” in the loans sanctioned by the ICICI Bank, Chanda Kochhar, 56, quit her post seeking premature retirement  Read the full article
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bbdlucknow-blog · 7 years
Hotel Management Colleges- How to Choose the Right One
Before opting for the right hotel management college for admission, educate yourself on the job prospects of this line. Like other business sectors, hotel management jobs, too, get boosted according to the globalisation effects and economical ups and downs. It has been recorded that there are more than 2.40 million people working in this industry in India. The major job attractions for students pursuing this course are in restaurants, hotels, airplane services, tourism and much more. Also, this industry does not invest much in hiring outsiders to train the recruits for the course. Hence, upon your retirement, you get to mentor and train youngsters to help them be successful in the industry.
Also, people studying hotel management courses under reputed colleges are likely to gain more favour when it comes to hiring. A reputed college, naturally, instills more work experiences, delivering skills and ability to handle difficult situations. The basic career opportunities in a hotel include:
·         General managers
·         Resident managers
·         Executive housekeepers
·         Front office managers
·         Convention services managers
Top hotel management colleges in India
It’s crucial to consider the various aspects of a course that you’re going to pursue. When a person chooses a hotel management course, it usually implies that he/she has wisely considered the goals and opportunities that come with it and is prepared for some real-life based experiences. Let’s brief the most obvious top colleges offering this course:
·         Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition (has 17 different centres all over India
·         Indian Institute of Hotel Management, Aurangabad
·         The India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC), New Delhi
·         The Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Management
·         BanarsidasChandiwala Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, New Delhi
·         The Oberoi School of Hotel Management
·         National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Pusa, New Delhi
·         Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
·         Army Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Bengaluru
·         NSHM School of Hotel Management, Durgapur
·         SRM Institute of Hotel Management, Chennai
·         Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra
The best way to get into a hotel management career is through a degree course. You could avail better career chances if you complete a master degree program in this field. Note that there are no shortcuts in this line. You could only wish to attain a proper job only if you exhibit professional skills and mettle. Managerial skills, hospitality skills, and real-life based experiences are greatly welcomed in this industry. Indian hotel management sector not only includes character assessments but is considered as one of the most hardworking industries of all.
Author bio
PriyaSengutpa Das has been writing content for 7+ years, and successfully managing RollingQuills, a content writing firm since 2013. After completing the Post-Graduation, she started working as Freelance Content Writer. Her passion for writing and providing engaging content to the companies helps her to support the digital marketers in making their websites achieve the desired results. Apart from writing, watching movies and reading novels fascinates her a lot. Being a homemaker and a professional content writer at the same time is what that makes the identity of Priya.
About company
BabuBanarasiDas University in Lucknow is one of the best universities in India offering engineering pharmacy, MBA, architecture and hotel management courses. The university prides in its moulding skills that help students gain a better prospective and experience for their career options.
With the growth of tourism and hospitality industries, hotel management has gained tremendous importance as a career option. Hotel chains all over India are a massive business and for the serving of this sector, professionals trained in hotel management course are required.
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amritkar · 3 months
How Can Investors Achieve Their Financial Goals With Mutual Funds?
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It's important to understand your financial objectives and align your investments with them when you want to invest in mutual funds. This clears up your decisions and prevents you from making impulsive choices influenced by market trends.
Understanding Goal-Based Investing
Goal-based investing is about linking your mutual funds' investment decisions to specific financial goals you want to achieve in the future. Instead of investing without a purpose, this method ensures that every investment you make serves a specific goal, whether it's buying a house, saving for your child's education, or planning for retirement. If you wish to know more, reach out to the best investment advisory in Aurangabad.
Types of Goals for Goal-Based Investing
Short-Term Goals: These are goals you aim to achieve within a relatively short time, like saving for a vacation or buying a new gadget.
Medium-Term Goals: Medium-term goals take a bit longer to achieve, such as buying a car or saving for a down payment on a house.
Long-Term Goals: Long-term goals require more time and planning, like saving for retirement or building a college fund for your children.
Benefits of Goal-Based Investing
Clarity and Focus: Setting specific financial goals helps you stay focused on what you want to achieve, even when the market goes up and down.
Disciplined Investing: Having clear goals encourages disciplined investing habits, so you're less likely to stray from your plan.
Optimized Asset Allocation: Tailoring your investments to match your goals ensures you're investing in a way that suits your needs and timeline.
Avoiding Emotional Decisions: When you have goals in mind, you're less likely to make impulsive decisions based on short-term market movements.
Measurable Progress: Setting goals allows you to track your progress over time, giving you a sense of accomplishment as you work towards achieving each one.
Goal-based investing provides a roadmap for your financial journey, helping you make informed decisions and stay on track to reach your goals. Experts like Amritkar Services offer mutual funds investment plans in Aurangabad that align with specific objectives, so you can build a brighter financial future while staying focused and disciplined along the way.
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amritkar · 4 months
Building Financial Future: Tips from Mutual Fund Planner in Aurangabad
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Remember the wise old tortoise, who is known for his longevity and slow but steady pace. Building wealth is similar – it requires a long-term vision, a steady approach, and a secure foundation. Just like the tortoise, you can build your financial fortress, brick by brick, using the power of mutual funds.
This article, brought to you by Amritkar Services, a leading mutual fund company in Aurangabad, serves as your guide. We'll explore valuable tips from a mutual fund planner in Aurangabad to help you build wealth and achieve your financial goals.
Define Your Goals: The Treasure Map of Wealth Building
Before embarking on any adventure, you need a map. Similarly, for building your financial future, it requires a clear understanding of your goals. Whether it's securing your child's education, planning a comfortable retirement, or buying your dream home, define these goals and set realistic timelines.
Embrace Discipline: The Tortoise's Steady Pace
Building wealth won't happen overnight, consistent effort and discipline is required, like the tortoise's slow and steady progress. Even if it is a small amount like Rs.100. 
Understand Risk Tolerance: Knowing Your Comfort Level
Just like the tortoise wouldn't venture into risky terrain, it's crucial to understand your risk tolerance before investing. Are you comfortable with market fluctuations or prefer a safer approach? It’s crucial to understand your risk tolerance.
Harness the Power of Diversification: Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket
Imagine if the tortoise only relied on a single type of leaf for sustenance. What if that source became unavailable? Similarly, diversifying your investments across asset classes like equity, debt, and hybrid funds helps mitigate risk.
Leverage the Expertise of a Mutual Fund Planner
Navigating the financial world can be overwhelming. A mutual fund planner can be your trusted guide, offering personalized advice and helping you build a diversified portfolio aligned with your goals and risk tolerance.
Building wealth is just like a marathon, not a 100-meter sprint. By adopting these tips, seeking professional guidance, and staying committed to your long-term goals, you can steadily build your financial future, brick by brick.
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sarkarimirror · 5 years
CBI books Dhoot, Chanda Kochhar; conducts raids in Videocon-ICICI Bank Rs 1,730-cr loan case
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Mumbai/New Delhi, Jan 24 (IANS) In a significant development, the CBI on Thursday lodged an FIR against former ICICI Bank chief Chanda Kochhar, her husband Deepak Kochhar and industrialist V.N. Dhoot besides four companies, and raided four locations in Maharashtra in connection with a Rs 3,250-crore loan involving the Videocon Group and the ICICI Bank, informed sources said here. The raids were conducted after the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) registered an FIR on Tuesday naming former ICICI Bank MD and CEO Chanda Kochhar, her husband and NuPower Renewables Pvt Ltd MD Deepak Kochhar, and Videocon Group MD Dhoot, and others in the case dating back to 2009-2012. Interestingly, Chanda Kochhar’s role in the alleged irregularities committed has been highlighted in the CBI’s FIR ever since she assumed charge as the ICICI Bank MD and CEO on May 1, 2009. Besides, four companies have also been named in the CBI FIR: NuPower Renewables Pvt Ltd (NRL), Supreme Energy Pvt Ltd (SEPL), Videocon International Electronics Ltd (VIEL) and Videocon Industries Ltd (VIL). According to the FIR, they have been booked under various sections of the Indian Penal Code and Prevention of Corruption Act as the accused allegedly “sanctioned loans to private companies in a criminal conspiracy with other accused to cheat ICICI Bank”. The FIR comes in the wake of a preliminary enquiry (PE) instituted on March 31, 2018, against Deepak Kochhar, Videocon Group officials and others to determine whether any wrongdoing was involved in the sanctioning of loan by the ICICI Bank as part of a consortium, a senior CBI official said. The raids were carried out simultaneously at the offices of the four companies in south Mumbai and one location belonging to Videocon in Aurangabad. The Bureau initiated the PE after news reports raised questions about Videocon’s Dhoot allegedly providing crores to a firm promoted by Deepak Kochhar and a few relatives six months after the former’s Group received the Rs 3,250-crore loan. The CBI probe said that a complaint was received regarding the Rs 3,250-crore loan to five of Dhoot’s companies by the ICICI Bank violating banking norms and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) guidelines. As part of a quid pro quo, Dhoot invested Rs 64 crore in NRL and SEPL and also transferred SEPL to Deepak Kochhar’s Pinnacle Energy Trust through a circuitous route between 2010 and 2012. Between June 2009 and October 2011, the ICICI Bank also sanctioned six high-value loans to different Videocon Group companies and on August 28, 2009, Rs 300 crore was sanctioned to VIEL in contravention of various rules, with Chanda Kochhar being part of the loan sanctioning committee. She has been charged with criminal conspiracy to cheat the ICICI Bank, abusing her position. The loan was disbursed to VIEL on September 7. The very next day, on September 8, 2009, through SEPL, VIEL transferred Rs 64 crore to Deepak Kochhar’s NRL by which it (NRL) acquired its first power plant. “Thus, Chanda Kochhar got illegal gratification through her husband from VIL and Dhoot, for sanctioning Rs 300 crore to VIEL,” the CBI complaint said. The CBI has also detailed the manipulations how the NRL and SEPL’s control was handed over to Deepak Kochhar, where the subsequent alleged frauds were committed. In violation of several norms, the ICICI Bank also sanctioned various loans to Videocon Group companies which was utilised by them to repay their unsecured loans taken from VIL, while VIL took a loan to refinance its existing loans. The loan sanction committees had ICICI Bank’s senior officials like Sandeep Bakshi, K. Ramkumar, Sonjoy Chatterjee, N.S. Kannan, Zarin Daruwala, Rajiv Sabharwal, K.V. Kamath and Homi Khusrokhan. “These loans have turned NPAs resulting in wrongful losses to the ICICI Bank, and wrongful gains to the borrower/ accused persons. The role of these senior officials of the sanctioning committees may also be investigated,” said the CBI FIR. It added that the ICICI Bank had released the security of Rs 50 crore in the form of FDR available for two of the borrowing (Dhoot) companies “without any justification”. After Chanda Kochhar took charge at the bank’s helm, the credit limits and loans were sanctioned to Videocon Group companies, with her as part of the sanctioning committees. Following the controversy over the alleged “conflict of interests” and “non-disclosure” in the loans sanctioned by the ICICI Bank, Chanda Kochhar, 56, quit her post seeking premature retirement  Read the full article
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