#retired skinline
hexhomos · 2 years
so do i have to play league to keep up with lore?
Not at all!!! League is the opposite of a story-based game. Champions are meant to represent an archetype in the rift and shout some cool catchphrases. MOST are self contained, a few have interwoven plotlines that can span years. Some character stories get updated over time in the form of short fiction / comics / event based visual novels but most of that content can be looked up online.
In the case of jayce/viktor, to make ref easier for all: HERE’S THE JAYVIK LEAGUE LORE CHEAT SHEET.
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League of Legends
Viktor's bio v.1 | Jayce's bio v.1 | Blitzcrank's bio v.1
Viktor's bio v.2 | Jayce's bio v.2 | Blitzcrank's bio v.2
Viktor’s short story | Jayce’s short story | Blitz’ alt bio
“v.1″ refers to their original release bios, “v.2″ to post runeterra universe reboot bios. Worth noting that some of these changes were... contentious; blitzcrank’s new origin story as something viktor did not create but simply mod is mostly ignored by fans, who still refer to original events in a vague manner. The omission of stanwick in jayce / blitz’ updated bios is a big questionmark. To get in the spirit of the thing I just go all in the ‘Unreliable Narrator’ aspect of their whole shebang and cobble together my own interpretation of events.
[update nov.22]: Blitzcrank’s alt bio has been added! this 1.5 version contains a somewhat different account of events that I kind of prefer, compared to 2.0
Read info on ALL Canon AU universes, find HD splash art, Skinline details, 3D Models & more on the Vikjayce Codex!
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'CONVERGENCE' is an Ekko-led platformer game that released in 2023. An accompanying free-to-download comic miniseries was made to supplement the game's story, and it focuses on Jayce, Viktor, Ekko himself & his family -- and how they are all interwoven as the 'struggling genius' archetype in a very flawed system.
[Read here!!]
This series features a retelling of J/V's backstories through the lens of an outsider, and a bit of an update on where they are now. Surprising absolutely no one: they are still very attached to each other. (This comic is standalone, and not part of the Arcane universe.)
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Legends of Runeterra vikjayce content:
[ Jayce’s Deck / related cards ]  |  [ Viktor’s Deck / related cards ]
Jayce's Path of Champions Comic (Voiced/Viktor is in it)
Jayce voice interactions | Viktor voice interactions (he shares this vid w other champions, pops back from time to time)
*They both keep extensive research/life notes addressing themselves. It’s very undying highschool girl cute. LoR is sometimes referred to as its own continuity; their cards are both a progression of their story and a what-if scenario.
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Arcane universe limited content:
[ Jayce Talis’ journal ] was available to read in the league client while the show was airing. “Far From Home” “Progress Day” “A Powerful Partnership” are all diary entries; the layout is a bit finicky but click on chapter numbers to progress, the image on the side changes to match!
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Wild Rift limited content:
[ Jayce got a champion release webtoon ] that never made it to NA servers. It quickly summarizes his deal and vaguely hints Viktor is in the update horizon.
There is a tentative translation offered by blessed twitter user crossedfires, highlight being the jayce/viktor panel wherein he remarks: 
“Genius is always lonely, I know this truth very well. Until Viktor appeared – I admit it – he is the only gear comparable to me.” (uses the verb xiāngdāng (comparable) that means match, balance, correspond to). One of my mandarin-speaking friends has also pointed out the wordplay lends itself to double meaning; “He is the only gear to match/that matches mine.”
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Jayce & Viktor animated stickers
Punches&Plants 2 - Altcanon comedy, various champs living in an urbanized fantasy version of runeterra. Jayce and Viktor retire from a life of rivalry to dedicate themselves to new hobbies. Viktor is a dollmaker, Jayce is a weeb. Blitzcrank has an unfortunate job.
League’s Germany twitter promo - Viktor gets his ‘man of progress’ mug.
Wild Rift holidays promo - Jayce leaves a gift for ‘V’ under the tree.
Jayce and Viktor also have plenty of AU ingame skins with their own micro bios. Not linking these here since itd be too much info/ u can easily google; they share the Battlecast universe (ppl like this one) and the Heavy Metal universe (ppl dislike this one for various reasons, namely retconning Viktor’s full machine skin from ‘his last stage of mechanization’ into a very unfortunate stereotype.) They were meant to be an annoying player and an annoyed dungeon master in the Riftquest universe but riot scrapped Viktor’s skin. RIP
if anything else cool happens or I remember a missed spot I’ll update this!
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waheelawhisperer · 2 years
Make your own skinline theme what would be the theme and cost and who are the operators in the line.
Idols specifically to torment Dreamer
I thought about a lot of horny options (because of course I did), but ultimately I settled on old-timey Western skins - the Columbian Pioneer line. Rhodes Island made the mistake of letting Nian direct another set of movies, but at least they got Ling and Pozzy to edit the script this time.
I kind of ran away with this and it got really long, so just pick 5-6 for the actual skin line or assume they're released in sets.
Sheriff Nearl headlines the skin line, complete with cowboy hat and enormous fake mustache
Deputy Gavial helps Nearl bring in lawbreakers.
Blemishine is the protagonist, a young gun whose journey we follow over the course of the film series.
Whislash is her mentor, the retired gunslinger that passes on her tips and tricks to both Margaret and Maria. Can frequently be found drunk at the bar in the town saloon.
Gladiia, Horn, and Bagpipe are Columbian military officers assigned to occupy the territory and keep the peace and provide manpower to the protagonists when necessary.
Mountain is a wealthy rancher with political connections back in more settled areas who comes into frequent conflict with SilverAsh over the latter's efforts to expand his influence. Saria is his bodyguard. Croissant and Exusiai are his ranch hands.
Swire is the daughter of a Senator and Mountain's childhood friend. She's the one he sends a telegram to when SilverAsh is causing too much trouble. Swire insisted that her character be married to Ch'en's before she would participate/help bankroll the film.
Ch'en wanted nothing to do with this nonsense, but was eventually bullied/cajoled into taking her (relatively small) part. Nearly throttled all three of Swire, Closure, and Nian when they tried to shoehorn her into a shower scene.
Tomimi barged into one of the planning meetings and demanded a part that let her be close to Gavial, so Nian made her the town barber and Gavial's wife. Tomimi initially demanded at least one explicit and fully method-acted sex scene between her and Gavial per movie, but casting director Shining managed to negotiate her down to making out with tongue.
Penance plays the Hanging Judge. She keeps correcting Nian's ideas about how the legal system works.
SilverAsh is the wealthy railroad baron from back East, and the backer of the various troublemakers Nearl/Gavial/Blemishine have to contend with early on. He's the ultimate antagonist.
Degenbrecher is his personal gun-for-hire, the fastest gun in the west, who Margaret faces down in a climactic shootout at the end of the series. For added bonus points, she's the one that retired Whislash.
Matterhorn and Courier are more of SilverAsh's hired gunslingers.
Chongyue plays the corrupt territorial governor in SilverAsh's pocket. He asked if he could have a part to help Nian out. Closure agreed on the condition that he get at least one shirtless scene to drive sales.
Hoshiguma is the leader of the legendary Oni Gang, a group of outlaws that also includes "Deadeye" Schwarz, Specter "The Shark" Laurentina, Lappland "The Executioner" Saluzzo, and Indra "El Tigre" Jackson. All five of them are having the time of their lives hamming it up as villains.
Passenger is an arms dealer who hired a group of mercenaries to start skirmishes on the frontier to drum up business. W is the leader of those mercenaries. The heroes have to hunt them down before they manage to start a full-fledged war.
Mlynar once served in the army, retired, and now owns and runs the town's general store. He disapproves of his nieces' decision to become gunfighters and voices that opinion frequently.
Kal'tsit is the owner of the town saloon and the madam of the attached brothel. She frequently has to be reminded to deliver her lines as written and not... expand upon them.
Blaze is the saloon's bartender/bouncer. She was not permitted access to real alcohol during filming.
Skadi plays a dancer/singer at the saloon. She took the part to get the Doctor's attention and then immediately regretted it when she saw the dress that Nian and Closure expected her to wear. Forceful negotiation from both her and Gladiia convinced the costume department to provide her with clothing that is unlikely to cause a wardrobe malfunction during filming.
Elysium plays the classic hooker with a heart of gold and has to be frequently reminded that ratings agencies do not consider full frontal male nudity acceptable for the films' intended audience.
Franka plays another one of the brothel's working ladies and keeps asking the costuming department if she can show more cleavage.
Liskarm is a Pinkerton detective who swings by town to spend her wages on Franka with considerable regularity.
Saileach is the local schoolmarm. The kids at Rhodes Island play her students.
Eunectes serves as the local blacksmith. There may or may not be a budding romance between her and Blemishine.
Executor plays the town preacher and takes his assigned role very seriously.
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notoriouslydevious · 4 years
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More news from the LoL Quick Thoughts entry:  The Sugar Rush skinline is being retired/vaulted. (So no more new Candy King, Sugar Rush or Bittersweet skins). 
Sugar Rush skins being vaulted include:  Candy King Ivern Sugar Rush Evelynn Sugar Rush Ziggs Sugar Rush Braum  Sugar Rush Zilean Bittersweet Lulu  Lollipoppy 
I understand Sugar Rush wasn’t one of the popular skinlines, but I feel if Riot added more popular champs to the skinline it would’ve sold better.  Champs I think would’ve been cool in the candy universe: Candy Queen Syndra Candy Queen Qiyana Candy Queen Lissandra Candy Princess Lux  Sugar Rush Ahri (have her tails be made out of cotton candy!) Sugar Rush Nunu (He could roll a big Ice Cream ball as his snowball!) Bittersweet Yuumi (I drew a concept for this awhile ago)
But now there will never be another Candy skin. :’c  
Read more here: https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/quick-lol-thoughts-june-19/
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