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leehamwriting · 1 year ago
LANCASTER - Michel MOATTI - 2023 - Hervé Chopin (HC)Ed.
Quatrième de couverture Lancaster, comté de Pennsylvanie, Connie Stotter a tout juste 18 ans lorsqu’elle est arrêtée pour l’assassinat de sa camarade de classe, Carol Corman. Aidée de son petit ami, Tarabont Kheler 17 ans, elle vient de commettre un meurtre d’une violence insoutenable et ne s’en cache pas. Jalousie? Démence? L’investigation va vite s’orienter vers le milieu d’origine de…
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sun-death · 9 months ago
[R]esistance must take the form of what Foucault calls agonism — an ongoing, strategic contestation with power — based on mutual incitement and provocation — without any final hope of being free from it. One can, as I have argued, never hope to overcome power completely — because every overcoming is itself the imposition of another regime of power. The best that can be hoped for is a reorganization of power relations — through struggle and resistance — in ways that are less oppressive and dominating. Domination can therefore be minimized by acknowledging our inevitable involvement with power, not by attempting to place ourselves impossibly outside the world of power. The classical idea of revolution as a dialectical overthrowing of power — the image that has haunted the radical political imaginary — must be abandoned. We must recognize the fact that power can never be overcome entirely, and we must affirm this by working within this world, renegotiating our position to enhance our possibilities of freedom.
Saul Newman, "Anarchism and the politics of ressentiment"
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daily-hanamura · 1 year ago
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bare1ythere · 2 months ago
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I want to stand in front of the crowds with a dignified voice and say “I got here on 99.9% effort!”
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sivavakkiyar · 2 months ago
Damn I’m really hardcore scrooging this year. It’s snowing like really snowing on Christmas Eve and my first thought on seeing it was ahhh dammit I fucking hate the snow I have to shovel all this crap. not even playing the amarcord
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dhaaruni · 4 months ago
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There are zero flattering explanations as to why a not insignificant amount of young POC are anti interracial relationships
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athousandgateaux · 1 year ago
It is reactive forces that express themselves in opposition, the will to nothingness that expresses itself in the labour of the negative. The dialectic is the natural ideology of ressentiment and bad conscience. It is thought in the perspective of nihilism and from the standpoint of reactive forces. It is a fundamentally Christian way of thinking, from one end to the other; powerless to create new ways of thinking and feeling. The death of God is a grand, noisy, dialectical event; but an event which happens in the din of reactive forces and the fumes of nihilism.
--Gilles Deleuze, Nietzsche and Philosophy, pg. 159
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racefortheironthrone · 2 years ago
You've mentioned before that the lowest rung of the nobility tended to fight the hardest against extending the privileges of classes lower than them because they feared that it would erode their own privileges. Could fascism and other reactionary movements enjoying their greatest support among small rural landowners and the urban middle class be seen as a modern version of this?
There is a particular form of ressentiment that is unique to the middling classes, who envy and resent those above them for their wealth, privilege, and power and simultaneously hate and fear those below them out of a belief that the lower orders will take the small amounts of wealth, privilege, and power that the middling classes have managed to acquire through crime, revolution, or the welfare state.
And it's been at the core of reactionary politics since Putney and the Enlightenment. As I've written about before, the lowest-ranked nobles were particularly squeezed by the Price Revolution and the rise of the bourgeoisie, and a lot of the "noblesse d'epee" clung fiercely to their feudal privileges (and deeply resented new money bourgeois buying their way into the "noblesse de robe") because those feudal privileges were the only things that distinguished them from peasants.
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And likewise, during the 19th and 20th century, a lot of small farmers and shopkeeps and small businessmen who were being squeezed by the Industrial Revolution and the advent of capitalism were persuaded by anti-Enlightenment reactionary propaganda that the true threat to their clinging-on-to-respectability-by-their-fingernails material standards of living was Enlightenment liberals, Jacobin radicals, and later socialists and Jews - hence why Baubel and Marx called anti-semitism the "socialism of fools."
And it never really went away...
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utaitemusic · 10 months ago
ルサンチマン・クラブ 歌ってみた/宮下遊
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rinzdets · 10 months ago
i finally got my vpn to work so here's my playlist for the daughters of hecate from van buren :)
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riewiggles · 11 months ago
Yosuke is literally the energy of someone who just rolls a 1 for every action
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sentai-cafe · 7 months ago
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Onnen Sentai Ressentiment from Onnen Sentai Ressentiment
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sun-death · 9 months ago
The more one tries to repress power, the more obstinately it rears its head. This is because the attempts to deny power, through essentialist concepts of ‘natural’ laws and ‘natural’ morality, themselves constitute power, or at least are conditioned by relations of power. These essentialist identities and categories cannot be imposed without the radical exclusion of other identities. This exclusion is an act of power. If one attempts to radically exclude power, as the anarchists did, power ‘returns’ precisely in the structures of exclusion themselves.
Saul Newman, "Anarchism and the politics of ressentiment"
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daily-hanamura · 1 year ago
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sweetplacelikecandy · 1 year ago
Honestly, right now all I can think about is how awesome she must be for you to choose her, she must be perfect, she must be more funny, she must do magic tricks, she must shine like diamond, she must be your heaven on heart, and I the the summer that never last..
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emmarousil · 10 months ago
Le feu et la glace
Tu me souris, en me fixant droit dans les yeux. Je sens une fissure se former… Je te réponds d’un regard vide, sans sourire, comme d’habitude.
J’essaie en vain d’interpréter l’étincelle dans tes yeux, d’imaginer ce que ça fait. J’ai beaucoup de mal à comprendre ce que tu ressens, ton point de vue, et le mien aussi. Je suis complètement perdu et ignorant, mais je t’observe beaucoup. Tout ce que je sais, tout ce qu’un pauvre type glacial comme moi est capable de concevoir…
À chaque contact, des picotements marquent ta peau. À chaque battement de cil, tout le spectre de couleurs brûle tes rétines. À chaque seconde, une multitude d’émotions traversent ton corps tout entier. Tout ce que tu éprouves flamboie plus fort pour toi que pour n’importe qui d’autre, hypersensible.
Moi je ne ressens aucune émotion, le monde que j’observe n’a plus de couleurs ni saveurs, et tout ce que je touche me para��t si éloigné, comme si je n’étais pas là et que tout était une illusion. Mon âme a fui, cachée à l’extrémité de ma prison de glace. Je suis toujours résolument calme et impassible, insensible.
Tu voudrais être comme moi, pouvoir faire le vide ? À l’inverse, je donnerais beaucoup pour enfin percevoir cette réalité qui a du sens, de la vie, des couleurs. Mais nous savons tous les deux que nous n’y arriverons pas. Nous sommes complètement opposés, par nos caractères et visions.
Parfois, ma cellule glacée se fracture. Elle laisse passer, durant un court moment, tantôt un peu de joie, tantôt un peu de tristesse, colère et douleur, pour enfin laisser une cicatrice. Ces instants sont si rares que ces pincées d’émotions me sont insupportables. Je ne sais plus comment les gérer, je ne sais plus comment les ressentir.
Parfois, après tant d'efforts, tu arrives à faire régner le silence. Plus d’émotions, plus de couleurs, plus de sensations. Mais tu trembles, sans elles, tu es perdue. Le vide te terrorise maintenant.
Il pleut. J’aime bien la pluie, toi aussi. Elle fait fondre un peu de gel, sans le fissurer, ça me fait du bien, ça ne me rend pas triste. C’est rare. Les larmes de pluie ne te brûlent pas la peau, pour toi aussi elles sont douces. Je crois qu’on cherche juste la stabilité.
Tu penses qu’en devenant amis, on pourrait s’équilibrer ?
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