#responding to this ask while also sore is funny tho haha
mueritos · 4 months
i feel sore in places I did not know could feel sore
this is awesome
(no but seriously I feel so good for some reason, tysm???)
(also how often are you supposed to work out?? I've just been doing this every day when I can but idk if that's correct or not😭)
glad the workout's been good to ya! feeling sore means your muscles need rest (and that they're getting stronger), so try to aim for every other day when you're starting out. You can workout everyday if you want to, but rest days can be good for your body too, or consider lowering the intensity every other day. If you're just starting to workout for the first time in a while, it's good to start slow!
hope moving your body every now and then helps you feel more whole in yourself ^-^
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nevertrustamanwho · 6 years
this is not a ntam, more of a vent.. i don’t really have anyone to talk to :( sorry, it got very long, i hope that’s okay. some backstory: i’m on vacation in senegal, where my dad is from, visiting my (half)sister, living with her and her husband, it’s a big house, divided in flats basically, his mom lives here and family stays here when they’re i town.. also i don’t really identify as a woman/girl
since four days his nephew’s staying here for work. he’s abt 10 years older than me. most ppl here a very religious but he drinks and stuff, so we went out to have some beer, also he speaks english and i don’t speak french or wolof (native language here)
he was like “you can tell me anything, i’m cool” regarding drinking & smoking. he asked if i smoke weed, i said yes. we go out i have a beer, don’t even finish it. he asks a friend if he can get some weed (i didn’t ask him to). while we’re at the pub he asks me shit like if i have a bf i say no, he’s like “i can’t believe that” i’m like “i don’t want one, most guys are annoying af, can’t just chill always have to try some shit”(also i’m not interested in any guy atm).
also he tells me i could be a model, but i don’t think much about it bc a lot of people tell me that and i actually want to get into it. he also tells me he thinks we’ll get along, i’m like “sure i get along with most weed smokers.”
he keeps asking me questions like “what’s the craziest thing you’ve done. me: “idk” he: ”sleep w/ a girl?” i say “no, i like girls but haven’t done anything w/one”. we go back, bc his family is asking where we are, they can’t know he drinks. before we leave he pay but i offer to pay for my own stuff and he says “women here don’t have to pay for anything”
later his friend brings him weed and when his family sleeps we smoke in his room. he tells me he likes me, my innocent thinking, stupid ass: “your cool too”. we get high. he asks „you want to sleep in my room tonight?“ i’m like „no, lmao“. that’s when i start to feel weird abt the evening.
my left arm is full of scars from when i used to cut myself, he points that out and asks where it’s from, i say i used to cut myself, he’s like “why?“ i just say “i had and have depression” he says he gets it bc he lived in the u.s. but can’t understand “how you could do that to yourself” and basically wants me to tell him everything abt it. i say:”you won’t understand it bc you don’t have it and i don’t do it anymore” he keeps pushing and asks me why i won’t share it with him, like i didn’t just meet him that day.. also i don’t talk abt anything with anyone. he also asked if i’m depressed at that moment. i say “no” and am annoyed and he says “i’m just fucking with you haha” to which i just respond that he’s not funny and doesn’t get it.
we chill and he keeps asking weird question. if i dated a black/senegalese guy before, kissed or slept w/ one i say no, he asks if i want to, me: i don’t care where someones from or what his skin colour is but i don’t want to w/ you. (he has the ashiest elbows i’ve ever seen) he wants to kiss me i say no, and he’s like: “i just think it’s sad you’ve never kissed your people before, like your senegalese side” ?!?!???(i think to myself, like my disgusting dad didn’t kiss me against my will enough) and tells me he likes me. i keep saying i don’t want to and have to point to my cold sore (i was starting to get ill) to get him to stop. he asks if i’m a virgin, (no) since when i’m not if it was with my first and only boyfriend (no) and what i like in bed and what i know abt sex, where i know it from. (i don’t want to tell him “oh, y’kno my brother sexually abused me when we were kids and made me addicted to porn and then i let older guys use me when i was 15 and wasted” and lots of other reasons, also bc it’s none of his fucking business especially since we talked abt how people here care to much abt what you’re doing not abt what they’re doing..) i don’t really say anything he asks if it’s from movies and vids, i say “yes” so he’ll leave me alone. he says “oh, you’re a bad girl” and smiles.. fucking dickhead.
at some point he asks if i could see me with a hijab (?!???) i just say “i’m not muslim, or religious in any way.” i kinda jokingly ask him if he could see himself in one. he doesn’t get it and says that it’s not for men.. also he asked me if he could see me without glasses like it’s something special..
he tries to tell me all this shit i already know like black people in the u.s. are at the bottom bc the system oppresses them (which i’m using pretty easy language for right now but his was even easier probably bc he thought “that woman couldn’t know anything, abt anything”), media paints a picture to support a narrative blablabla like i know all of this and also i’m high and just wanna chill.
then he starts this conversation abt how there is no explanation on how humans and exist and what was before. i’m like “dude have you never heard of dinosaurs?” and he actually asks me “is there any proof that they existed?”….. me: “fossils!?!????” and he asks if i’ve seen them… i think, is this idiot fucking serious??? but since i’ve actually been to the natural history museum where i live and they have, among other things, a huge tyrannosaurus skeleton, i can say “yes, and also what would anyone get out of making that up?”. and he’s basically just like “oh”. he is now talking abt how we don’t know what we’re made of.. i’m like “atoms, everything’s made of atoms” then he asks what they’re made of (which i actually kinda know but not their name and also 1. i’m not a scientist and 2. google is still free) and also i know we don’t know everything but like don’t try to tell me we don’t know shit that we actually know. and then he tells me this story about how he knows what happens bc “HE” (god) told him. and it’s like there was only one star that was feeling lonely and then he made himself into another star, trying to tell me it’s a scientific and spiritual fact whatever the fuck that means (i’ll give him that new stars form when old ones collapse but it’s really not that easy). and with everything i was just like “yeah you can believe whatever you believe, but i’ll believe what i believe and don’t try to push your beliefs on me” and thinking “dude when the fuck did i ever ask for you opinion on anything??”
i had all these other points to make (why would you think god’s a man, why do you think you’re right when you’ve been raised to be religious and i formed my opinions for myself? also i don’t say im right) but i let him believe what he believes and also don’t give enough of a shit abt him to care
anyway the next morning he comes to my sisters flat and calls me “miss atom” i call him “mister religious” he corrects me with “spiritual”.. whatever.. later my sister says we should do a siesta and he says only if I invite him, i say i don’t care, do what you want. i purposefully stay on the couch while he and my sister are on a mattress and he “jokingly” says that my sister should go over and i should come to him. me:”she can come over here but i won’t come over there”
then somehow we/he get into a convo abt marriage, i say idc abt that, if i love someone i don’t need to prove that by marrying. he tries to talk me into it, if it‘s his culture or religion, and his parents i say i don’t care, what do they have to do with our relationship (also thinking that if i’d ever marry it would be a woman, only if she wanted tho) and it just gives me the whole „asking for a friend“ vibe.
this day i actually get ill so i just stay in my room, mostly to avoid him. i’ve been ill since then and he asks me 10times a day if i feel better yet, like it would change in the 30min you left my alone. one time he even called me “baby-*my*name*” which might have been nice if he wouldn’t have done all that out her shit.. but still condescending.
this morning he came up and i was changing in my room, my door wasn’t closed all the way but when i heard he was up i closed it properly and while i was completely naked he comes in without knocking, it really wasn’t on purpose but still made me fucking pissed. so today when he asks me if i can give him some water (i was pouring something to drink for myself, but it also pisses me of that the men here always ask women to get them shit) i just wanted to throw the glas into his face and tell him to get his own shit.
basically he is just really annoying and invasive, but i can’t really say anything bc i’m a guest and don’t want to be rude, i might anyway at some point and if he has a problem with it i’ll just snitch to his family 🤷🏽‍♀️
also this fucking stupid pissward works for the government.. the world is doomed people!
There are quite a few red flags in this story, as well as a strong superiority complex coming from him. I’d definitely be wary of the guy and never be alone in a room with him. Personal space and boundaries are something he doesn’t seem to care about.
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