rwbymotivation · 5 years
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I'd like to shout out to a really interesting OC - @resonantaura Not many people I've seen have gone the 'Flynt Coal' route and created a Bard style character for Remnant! I'd like a bunch of people to interact with them and see more about who this character is!
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teamorcd-a · 5 years
❤ + chainedbytime
POSITIVITY TIME (also requested by @koeniginschnee) | @chainedbytime
Hi yes this person is a creator of many things wonderful. Do you want a lovely disaster man? Tick has a lovely disaster man. She is a wonderful bean of a person and just has so many lovely creations of hers. She also has many Oc’s that deserve just as much attention as Oz and all of her other blogs. Give all her blogs all the attention.
Tick puts up with my stupidly late night ramblings about this stray thought I happened to have about some thing and just goes with it. Bless her. I really should be writing more with Tick. Gonna fix that in the future. Basically I love Tick, I love her writing, all the shenanigans we do, and is the best ten Woops you’re ever gonna find.
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koeniginschnee · 4 years
“Good to see you, Frau Schnee.”
A blank look followed the comment.
It wasn’t often that she ran into them these days. More their sister, but regardless, a familiar face wasn’t always a bad thing at such events. At least their presence was better than some others she could think of.
“I take it your evening is going well?”
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happyhuntressmay · 5 years
“I vant to know you, Fraulein Marigold.”
She couldn’t hold back a slight grin at him. Not just because he was pretty - though god was he ever - but he delivered the line with enough sincerity that she wasn’t sure how to take it. Not many guys could say anything like that without an even slightly suggestive lilt.
“Call me May,” She began gently, but insistently. “I don’t like being identified with the family name. Anyway, it’s not like I’m keeping secrets...even if I was, you could probably get them from Robyn or my family. So ask away, Herr Farlight.”
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tombkitty · 4 years
Jailbreaks are just like tomb robbing, right?
Somewhere in an Atlas prison (they had more than a few for some reason), there was a little used corridor next to a cell block that had a air duct that was making noises that were decidedly....nonstandard.
Not that they were loud. Oh no. It was just...a pathway to circulate air wasn’t supposed to sound like rustling cloth, was it?
Abruptly. the vent door opened, and a dark shape dropped to the floor, it moved swiftly as it hit, rolling to the opening of corridor. The Shadows parted as it came to the light, revealing a young cat faunus, pistols drawn and ears flattened against her head.
Kayo glanced up and down the hall. Good. Slightly less quiet than she would have liked, but her breaking and entering skills hadn’t failed her, even though a Prison in Atlas was a far cry from hunting down temple ruins in Shade. It would take a lot of luck and some serious stealth to get to-
Kayo slowly turned around to look behind her at the slightly older girl rubbing her backside and the fluffy tail protruding from it, pouting.
“Are you SERIOUS?” Kayo hissed, sotto voce, or as close as she could manage while being incredibly annoyed.
“Don’t make that face at me! We can’t all be unnaturally graceful moving through airvents! It was an accident!” Akane Momoyama sulked.
Kayo twitched, poking her head back out into the hallway. Fortunately, it didn’t seem like her team leader’s petulant excuses had drawn any guards....and honestly she didn’t really know what to do with that comment anyway. ‘Unnaturally graceful’?
Akane smirked as Kayo quickly looked away. Her partner was bitchy and prickly, but slipping compliments into everyday speech was the quickest way to derail her from an annoyed tirade. Also her own embarrassment. God, falling on her ass while breaking into jail to rescue a teammate was first year rookie mistake.
She ran a hand through her chin length russet brown hair and pulled out her scroll to check the information they’d gotten to hide her blush. “Okay. We’re in the right place, Kay. Four doors down. It’s a solitary confinement cell to keep them from using their semblance. Do what you have to do. I’ll keep lookout,” She instructed, then flashed a bright smile. “No matter what happens, I’m super proud of you for having this idea, Wildcat. Caring about your team...You’ve come so far!”  
Kayo’s cheeks burned, and she scowled at Akane. “Shut UP.” She complained, darting down the hall to flee the dreaded ‘validation of her partner’ stare. “Goddamn Riordan can’t even look after theirselves, someone has to.” She bitched to herself as she counted the doors, finally coming to the fourth. She raised her head and frowned, glancing up and down the hall. What if they were leaning on the wall when she did it? It would be a huge waste to kill them by accident. Sighing, she began tapping on the cell wall in team code.
Hey stupid, stand away from the door.
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heart-of-iron · 5 years
Blog List
So I’ve started to gather a decent amount of blogs here, so I figured I’d list them in case people wanted to follow some other characters!
RWBY Canon Characters heart-of-iron - James Ironwood ncbelkrahe - Qrow Branwen (very low activity) disgracedvengeance - Arthur Watts swcrd-dancer - Weiss Schnee
RWBY OCs thetempestfalcon - Indra Tempest (Atlesian Specialist) resonantaura - Riordan Farlight (Fourth Year Shade Academy Student/Recent Graduate)
FFXIV OCs ofthesteppe - Aruktai Dotharl (Dragoon/Dark Knight Dotharl wanderer, very low activity)
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teamorcd-a · 5 years
“You got me, and I’m not so bad, right?” (Chroma)
The bat faunus groaned. People being genuinely nice to her meant she couldn’t sass them back or be sarcastic. Of course Riordan would claim that’s how he always was, but forgive the woman for being skeptical. Random job partners was something she preferred because people just wanted the results, dead Grimm, but no, not Riordan. He liked socializing.
“I guess not.” She admitted with a begrudging sigh. “Few people know my Shade reputation and don’t immediately try something or just shy themselves away.”
Riordan was technically ahead of her by at least a year. At least she got stuck on a job with someone who used a violin as a weapon, and that eased her aura use in order to see. Granted neither of them could see in the dark.
“Did you bring a flash light this time?”
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teamorcd-a · 5 years
“Door’s locked, lights are off… snacks are here, what’s next?” (Russet)
“Alright so this is how it’s gonna work.” Russet began, putting two empty cups next to the two of them. “It’s double musical movie marathon. Now us being the educated theater students that we are...”
The woman gestured to the two cups, then pulled out ten lien and stuck it down on the empty space between them.
“Call this the Singing Stand-Off. Every time someone sings along you put ten lien in the other cup. Every single time.” She looked at Riordan with a devious grin, waiting to see the horror on his face. “Winner has the most money. You have one movie and I got one. Deal?”
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teamorcd-a · 5 years
❤ + koeniginschnee
POSITIVITY TIME | @koeniginschnee
Now Winter has such a grasp on WinterTM that the amount of ‘I called it’ over just... a handful of minutes of screen time is shocking. Absolutely astounding. How she has managed to stay on this hellsite for so long I will never know. Also I used to be terrified of Winter, but then I found out we’re pretty similar. We both think people are just scary.
Anyway the amount of my nonsense Winter has put up with is astounding and I’m grateful for it. She’s a fabulous writer and a great friend and deserves way more than what she gets. Like maybe someone who will tank properly. She knows when to stick to her boundaries and is just a kind individual. She’s always been straightforward with me and I can appreciate that so much.
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teamorcd-a · 5 years
"Vell Chroma, I know you're good at keeping quiet, though I vould be very interested in seeing how good you are at staying silent while...distracted."
“Oh the amount of monetary offers I’ve had for soundproofing people’s rooms so they could have an uninterrupted good time... Do you think you’re good enough to ‘distract’ me from something that’s second nature? Don’t threaten someone with a good time if you can’t follow through with it.”
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teamorcd-a · 5 years
0: If your muse is an OC, then how did they come to you? (I guess ORCD in general rather than the individuals)
So way back in... 2014 was when I was really starting to get into RWBY properly. I originally wasn’t interested in the show until my now ex showed it to me. Monty’s approach to how he was creating the show really appealed to me and of course that got things going in my head whenever boredom decided to strike.
First I wanted to make a faunus OC and I remember sitting in the living room late at night wondering which animal to pick. This was way in the early days of wondering of faunus were strictly mammals or not because no one had seen a non-mammalian based faunus yet. As I was pondering this thought something smacked into my window and flew away.
It was a bat.
So that’s how Chroma got started. Eventually I started taking all the old stigmas and sayings to go along with bats and twisting them around as I felt like. Irony was a huge theme for her.
Then she became so closed off some part of me went Challenge Accepted and Russet just appeared out of no where. Probably a foil to balance out the bitterness that was Chroma. Then I had half a team so I might as well go and make the other two.
I didn’t want these guys to be from Vale and wanted to explore the other kingdoms, but limited information at the time was very limited. I couldn’t make a decision about where ORCD was going to come from until I had a thought:
There can’t always be a perfect multiple of four for every Academy: what happens with drop outs? Deaths? Accidents? Exchange Students? Those who don’t make the cut? Where do the misfits go?
Then everything else just kind of fell into place. I picked a hopefully uncommon colour, which was ORCD and went from there. The over achiever that was Olivine showed up to take charge and Delaney...
Delaney was a placeholder that wasn’t meant to be. He wasn’t even supposed to be a lion faunus but that stuck when I realized he was stuck with a bunch of girls. He does a lot of ‘btw this’ just suddenly in my brain and I’m like ‘alright dude you do you’. Everything else just kind of happened to fall into their own places and then things branched out in different directions as more Volumes came out.
And the rest is... mostly still in my head because my writing muse and my art muse need to fight over dominance and I never get anything done half the time.
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teamorcd-a · 5 years
& - Russet
Texting Meme | Send “&” for a LOVING text.
[TXT Heartsrings] just woke up, feeling a bit better
[TXT Heartstrings] not sure where u are but thanks for letting me use your jacket while i was in a coma and other stuff...
[TXT Heartstrings] thanks for staying with me too. i really needed it.
[TXT Heartstrings] if you aren’t busy i promise i’ll be awake tonight if you wanted to hang out for real
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teamorcd-a · 4 years
❝Why are you so self-critical?❞ for the bat
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“Oh I’m not the one who’s self-critical. It’s every-”
“- other-”
Frustration would have been the emotional understatement of the year. Chroma was enraged and she had no direct path to the sea of death and sand in sight. Instead she had found the most talkative person next to Russet on Shade Academy grounds. Now one of the training dummies had fallen victim to her onslaught of blows from Last Chime, and was no longer useful for anything other than overgrown tinder.
“They said I couldn’t shoot because I’m blind. Also said I couldn’t survive alone in wastelands for two nights.” She kicked over the pieces just to make sure it was truly in shambles. “Yet I do all those things, and Nila still treats me like some fucking team burden. Bitch knows how my semblance works. I know how her’s works. You think someone could, I don’t fuckin’ know, coordinate someone who sings and who manipulates the fabrics of sound? No.”
It was unnatural for Chroma to rant, it wasn’t unnatural for her to demolish something with graceful efficiency. Now the stray fillings of her inanimate victim had gotten all over Last Chime and into her cowl, adding to her grumpy state.
“Now? I get to go to Mistral in a week and find a team replacement, before going to do the thing with the project.”
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teamorcd-a · 4 years
“Congrats, you have me pinned and now have my attention.” (Chroma, but I'm sure you knew that)
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“First of all: really?”
It didn’t sound like flirting, but it also sounded exactly like flirting. Did Chroma have him pinned down on the couch? Yes, and she could only imagine the face he was making. It wasn’t difficult.
Really Riordan had done this to themselves. If he wasn’t being such a little shit and just answered her question like a normal human being, he wouldn’t have been in this position. Then again, this is probably exactly where they wanted to be. Chroma had to admit that was clever for all of a second.
With a resigned sigh, the faunus continued to glare at him with ears tilted back. “Secondly: where is my cowl?”
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teamorcd-a · 4 years
“i hate to break it to you, but you’re not supposed to do any strenuous physical activity for the next couple weeks, and if i have to personally make sure you don’t every waking hour of the day then i’m fully prepared to do that.” (Chroma)
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Chroma only looked in Riordan’s direction with the sternest of blank expressions. Her being bedridden was absolutely not going to happen. It sounded more like an excuse for Riordan to use any means necessary to keep her in bed. Knowing them, it could very well have been.
“Is that a challenge?”
This wasn’t as bad as the second time she nearly died of course! It was only those exact scars causing her issues. Two weeks was excessive. Vacuan’s didn’t take this nonsense laying down and like hell if she was going to have some rich, black leather wearing in a desert Atleasian tell her what to do.
“That sounds like a challenge.”
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teamorcd-a · 4 years
✿ for Chroma
send me a ✿ and i’ll generate a number. 
11: A scar kiss
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The natural heat of Vacuo permitted that Chroma wouldn’t feel constantly cold. Comfortably lounging in a t-shirt and slacks was all the faunus planned on doing today. Days off were rare these days and she was even considering a nap.
She was until she felt a gentle sensation on her shoulder. Something along the ragged skin that had sewn itself back together paired with a soft exhale. There was that telltale little hum that gave them away instantly.
“It’s a bit late to try kissing it better, Riordan. You act like you haven’t seen my skin before.”
Was she sassing? When wasn’t Chroma sassing someone?
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