#resolution 36.6
l-lis · 3 years
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juchechat · 4 years
Withdrawal of U.S. Hostile Policy towards DPRK - Indispensable Prerequisite for Peace and Stability on Korean Peninsula: Institute for Disarmament and Peace of DPRK Foreign Ministry
[June 25 Juche 109 (2020) KCNA]
70 years have elapsed since the bursts of gunfire of war were heard on this land.
The Korean War forced by the United States inflicted painful scars and tremendous human and material losses upon the Korean people. Continuing into this moment is the suffering of national division whereby kinsfolk of the same blood are compelled to live apart.
As the Korean nation still suffers from the heartrending wounds of war, it is stronger than any other nation in respect of its cherished desire to live on a peaceful land without war, and has long persevered in its efforts to realize the desire, but in vain.
Its underlying cause is the sinister design, that is, the U.S. hostile policy towards the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
The Institute for Disarmament and Peace, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK Thursday releases this paper with a view to lay bare before the whole world the truth behind the Korean War ignited by the U.S. in the 1950s of the last century and to reveal the aggressive and predatory nature of the U.S. hostile policy towards the DPRK, which imposes immeasurable misfortunes and pains on the entire Korean nation.
The Korean War was an inevitable product of the U.S. hostile policy towards the DPRK
The Korean War is a criminal war of aggression which was systematically prepared and provoked by the U.S. under thoroughgoing plans to stifle the DPRK by force of arms and hold in its hands the Asia and the rest of the world.
Even though the U.S. continues to fabricate all sorts of tricky information designed to cover up its aggressive crimes of having provoked the Korean War, the truth of history can neither be covered up nor obliterated.
Since more than one century ago, the U.S. adopted it as its state policy to invade and dominate Korea, a gateway to the Asian continent, and desperately pursued the hostile policy towards Korea for its implementation.
The U.S. ruling circles presented the "proposal on opening Korea" to the Congress in February 1845 and perpetrated a series of incidents such as intrusions of ship "General Sherman" in 1866, ship "Shenandoah" and ship "China" respectively in 1868, and large-scale armed invasion in 1871.
After signing the "Taft-Katsura Agreement" in 1905, the U.S. backed the occupation and colonial rule by Japan over Korea while systematically attempting to turn it into its eventual colony. By the end of the World War II, it perfected its plan to occupy our country.
In the letter sent in March 1951 to Joseph Martin, Senator of the U.S. Congress, MacArthur, the then Commander of the U.S. Forces in the Far East, wrote:
"If we lose this war to Communism in Asia, the fall of Europe is inevitable.
By conquering all of Korea we can cut into pieces the one and only supply line connecting Soviet Siberia and South …, and control the whole area between Vladivostok and Singapore. Nothing would then be beyond the reach of our power." (Herschel Meyer, "Modern History of America", p.148)
In a word, the U.S. regarded Korea as a "dagger" to cut off a "lump of meat" which meant Asia.
Korean War was badly needed for the American munition monopolies which had been too fattened by piles of money they had amassed during the World War II.
The economic crisis which had started in the U.S. from the end of 1948 became more acute by 1949.
The industrial production plummeted by 15 percent compared to the previous year, the prices nose-dived, and the investment in machinery and equipment reduced sharply, which resulted in the bankruptcy of over 4,600 companies and the increase of the unemployed to 6 million during the first half of year 1949 alone. The revenue of the monopolies shrunk from US$ 36.6 billion to US$ 28.4 billion during the period between September 1948 and March 1949.
Soon after the Korean War broke out, American publications headlined that "the business called Korea revived the economy" and "the outbreak of the Korean War exorcised the evil of recession that had been agonizing the American commerce since the end of the World War II." This fact speaks itself that a "special recipe", i.e. a war, was needed for the U.S. at that time in order to rid itself of the economic crisis.
This is how the U.S. chose, pursuant to its strategy for world hegemony, Korea as a "unique point of tangency between the American military system and the Asian mainland", an "ideological battleground", a "test ground" of showdown for realizing world domination, and also as the only way to get out of the economic crisis after the World War II.
The true aggressive colours of the U.S. who took the lead in preparing for the Korean War are also clearly revealed by working out the war scenario.
The plan of the U.S. to occupy Far East was divided into three phases: The first phase begins with the Korean War (A) and in the second phase the war is expanded into China (B) and in the final phase, Siberia is occupied (C). The start of operation was slated for 1949.
A Japanese magazine dated September 1964 disclosed the story behind the scene by citing a former colonel of the Imperial Japanese Army, who had been involved in this conspiracy for the war, as follows:
"The operation was divided into three phases. First, 10 divisions comprising the U.S. Army and south Korean Army are deployed along the 38th Parallel, and two operation zones, i.e. the east zone and the west zone are formed. The west front directly advances to Pyongyang and a landing operation at northern Pyongyang with the cooperation of the Navy and Air Forces is conducted in parallel with it. The east front chooses Yangdok as its left flank and ensures the connection between Pyongyang and Wonsan and its right flank will march directly towards Wonsan. Here again, a landing operation at northern Wonsan is conducted by a naval unit. These two fronts advance together up to River Amnok and break through the Sino-Korean border. This was the first phase of the operation and a detailed plan based on data provided by the former Japanese Army was worked out. Next, the operation enters the second phase the moment the Sino-Korean border is broken through, followed by participation of the Japanese army and the UN forces. This was the sequence."
With a thoroughgoing plan and concrete preparation, the U.S. at last ignited the Korean War by inciting the south Korean puppet army at 4 a.m., June 25, 1950.
On the eve of the war, Robert, the then head of the U.S. military advisory group in south Korea gabbled as follows: "We have chosen the 25th and this explains our prudence. It is Sunday. It's the Sabbath for both the United States and south Korea, Christian states. No one will believe we have started a war on Sunday. In short, it is to make people believe that we are not the first to open a war."
After the provocation of the Korean War, the U.S. manoeuvred cunningly to cover up its true colour as aggressors.
On June 25, the U.S. asked for convening the United Nations Security Council meeting, and forged the UNSC "resolution" 82 which designated the DPRK as "aggressor" and on July 7, it forged yet another UNSC "resolution" 84 which "recommended" to make the allied forces available to "a unified command under the U.S." and "asked" the U.S. to designate its commander and "authorized" the usage of UN flag.
The DPRK was thus termed a "provoker" of the war and the Fatherland Liberation War of the Korean people an "aggression", and the "UN forces" made an appearance as a belligerent party to the war.
The previous UN Secretary-Generals officially admitted that the "UN Command" is not a UN-controlled organ but purely a war tool of the U.S.
In June 1994, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, the then UN Secretary-General, admitted that "the UNSC did not establish the 'Unified Command' as a subsidiary organ under its control and it became to be placed under the authority of the U.S." (June 24, 1994 Letter from the UN Secretary-General to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK)
In December 1998, Kofi A. Annan, the then UN Secretary-General, said that "none of my predecessors have granted any authorization to any State to make the use of the name of the UN" when he had referred to the forces and command dispatched by the U.S. into the Korean War. (December 21, 1998, Letter from the UN Secretary-General to the President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK)
On July 27, 2004 and March 6, 2006, the UN spokesperson confirmed that the "'UN Command', despite its name, is not the army of UN, but a U.S.-led force."
It is not the UN but the U.S. which has the power to appoint the "UN commander." It is not the UN but the U.S. administration which has absolute power to decide on either reduction or increase of the U.S. forces in south Korea that are wearing the helmets of the "UN forces."
Despite all these facts, the UN flag is still brazenly hanging in Panmunjom, which is the shame on the part of the United Nations.
This fiercest war ended in the miraculous victory of the heroic Korean people who were under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung. Yet the human and material losses suffered by our nation were indeed tremendous.
The nefarious atrocities of massacre committed by the U.S. imperialists in particular cannot be detailed on this short paper.
The U.S. imperialists, who had wormed into Sinchon County in October 1950, committed all kinds of atrocities of massacre against 35,380-strong innocent residents, equivalent to 25% of the County's population, in 50-plus days. They burnt the innocent residents to death, drowned them in reservoir, shot to death, burnt them on the firewood, ripped apart the limbs of living persons and cut off the abdomens of pregnant women.  These facts lay bare before the world that the U.S. imperialists are no less than wild beasts and bloodthirsty wolves in human shape.
According to an official statistics alone, the U.S. imperialists, during the Korean War, killed more than 1.23 million people in the northern half of Korea and more than 1.24 million people in south Korea, and attempted to eliminate our nation by mobilizing even the chemical and germ weapons.
In 1951, an investigation team of the Women's International Democratic Federation, which investigated the atrocities of the U.S. imperialists on the site, wrote in its report: "The massacres and tortures committed by the U.S. troops in the areas of their temporary occupation are more atrocious than those committed by Hitler Nazis in Europe."
Openly clamouring that they would "wipe out 78 cities and towns of north Korea from the map" and "leave nothing intact", the U.S., throughout the Korean War, dropped almost 600,000 tons of bombs and napalm on the northern half of Korea, which are 3.7 times the amount of bombs dropped on the Japanese mainland during the Pacific War.
Severely destroyed owing to the atrocities of the U.S. imperialists during the Korean War were 50,941 factories and enterprises, 28,632 buildings of schools at all levels, 4,534 buildings of medical facilities including hospitals and clinics, 579 buildings of scientific research institutions, 8,163 buildings of press and culture organs, 2,077,226 dwelling houses. Also 563,755 hectares of farming land got damaged, and the total reduced area of paddy and non-paddy fields amounted to 155,500 hectares.
When the war was over, there was nothing left but ashes, and the U.S. bragged that Korea would not recover even after 100 years.
All these facts eloquently show that the U.S. imperialists are the very provokers of the Korean War and the sworn enemy of the Korean people, and prove that peace will never settle on the Korean peninsula as long as the U.S. hostile policy towards the DPRK persists.
Criminal Acts of U.S. – Systematic Abolition of Armistice Agreement
The U.S. hostile manoeuvres towards the DPRK after the Korean War can be characterized in a word as a pursuit of permanent division of the Korean peninsula and ceaseless nuclear threats and blackmail against the DPRK.
The Korean War, which Truman, a war chieftain, described as no less than the World War III, came to a pause with the conclusion of the Armistice Agreement. But it meant neither the end of war nor the conclusion of a peace agreement.
The Armistice Agreement, at the time of its conclusion, constituted no more than a transitional step aimed at withdrawing all foreign troops from the Korean peninsula and establishing lasting peace on it.
No sooner had the Armistice Agreement been signed than the U.S. drove the situation of the Korean peninsula to the brink of war in a flagrant violation of the Armistice Agreement, driven by its wild ambition to make our people its slaves by all means and seize the whole of Korean peninsula.
Around 22:20 p.m. on July 27, 1953, less than half an hour after the Armistice Agreement became effective, the U.S. army fired several machine gun shots towards our side's area and since then, fired shells into our side's area successively for several hours at intervals of tens of minutes.
In disregard of the Paragraph 10, Article I of the Armistice Agreement which stipulates that only pistols and rifles can be carried in Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) including the Joint Security Area (JSA), the U.S. army introduced automatic rifles and machine guns and, moreover, cannons, tanks, flame throwers, helicopters etc., and opened gunfire towards our side's posts and guardsmen indiscriminately almost every day.
Since 1968, the U.S. army mobilized the fully armed troops to repeat the military operations which it had once conducted in the areas along the 38th parallel including Mountain Songak just before the provocation of June 25 War.
The U.S. army committed innumerable acts of provocation in Panmunjom JSA, including Panmunjom incident on August 18, 1976 and the incident of gunfire towards our security personnel on November 23, 1984.
The U.S. nullified Paragraph 60, Article IV of the Armistice Agreement which envisages the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Korea and the peaceful settlement of the Korean question.
Paragraph 60 of the Armistice Agreement stipulated that within three months after the Armistice Agreement becomes effective a political conference of a higher level is to be held to negotiate the questions of the withdrawal of all foreign forces from the Korean peninsula and the ways for peaceful settlement of the Korean question.
At the preparatory talks for a political conference that were convened at Panmunjom on October 26, 1953, the U.S. laid artificial obstacles, only clinging to the obstructive manoeuvres, and on December 12 same year, it unilaterally withdrew from the meeting room. Thus the talks didn't proceed to the main conference, but was ruptured in the preparatory stage.
Afterwards, the Geneva Conference was convened for the peaceful settlement of the Korean question, but the U.S. deliberately disrupted the conference.
On August 8, 1953, the U.S. staged the ceremony of signing of what is called a "Mutual Defence Treaty" with south Korea in order to legitimize permanent stationing of U.S. troops in south Korea.
On January 2, 1955, the then Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff made reckless remarks that the U.S. army would station, for an indefinite period, in south Korea which is of great strategic significance in its world hegemony, and that it would continue to hinder the peaceful coordination of the Korean question.
After the UN resolution on dissolution of the "UN Command" for the durable peace on the Korean peninsula was adopted at the 30th session of the UN General Assembly in November 1975, the U.S. clinged more openly to its scheme for the permanent occupation by cooking up the U.S.-south Korea "Combined Forces Command."
In early March 2006, the U.S. worked out the plan and got down to its implementation for expanding and reorganizing the nominal "UN Command" into a permanent organization of multinational forces by way of increasing the role of belligerent states of the Korean War and permitting them to take part not only in the formulation of emergency and operational plans but also in detailed activities.
Thus, the process for converting the Armistice Agreement into a peace agreement miscarried, and the unstable state of neither war nor peace continues on the Korean peninsula.
In August 1953 the U.S. went totally against Sub-paragraph 13(b), Article II of the Armistice Agreement and unilaterally drew the "northern limit line" in the West Sea of Korea, which is an act of illegal and outrageous crime, thereby transforming its surrounding areas into the world's most dangerous hotspot. It is also attempting in every way to impose a blockade on our country under the pretext of "Proliferation Security Initiative", running counter to Paragraph 15, Article II which prohibits any kind of blockade against the DPRK.
The U.S. nullified Sub-paragraph 13(d), Article II of the Armistice Agreement which called for a complete cessation of introduction of all military materiel from outside of the Korean territory and turned south Korea into a world's weapons exhibition hall.
The U.S. incessantly threatened and blackmailed the Inspection Teams of Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission which were mandated according to Sub-paragraph 13(c), Article II of the Armistice Agreement to supervise and inspect the introductions of military materiel from outside of the Korean territory, and eventually expelled them from south Korea in June 1956, thereby paralyzing their inspection functions.
In May 1957, the then U.S. State Secretary openly stated in public that "the U.S. should consider sending more modern and effective weapons to south Korea," and on June 21 same year, the U.S. Army side that attended the 75th meeting of the Military Armistice Commission(MAC) announced its unilateral abrogation of Sub-paragraph 13(d) of the Armistice Agreement.
The U.S. shipped into south Korea more than 1,000 nuclear weapons during the period between the late 1950s and the 1980s. As a result, south Korea was converted into the most highly deployed area of nuclear weapons in the world, their number being over 4 times that of "NATO" member states, and into an advanced outpost for outbreak of a nuclear war. The U.S. also formalized the provision of nuclear umbrella to south Korea at the 14th session of the U.S.-south Korea Annual Security Consultative Meeting held in March 1982.
At the dawn of the 21st century, the U.S. designated our country as a target for preemptive nuclear strike in its "Nuclear Posture Review" and shipped into south Korea the warfare equipment worth an astronomical amount of money, along with nuclear weaponry.
The U.S. deployed in south Korea all sorts of ultra-modern offensive arms such as "F-117" stealth fighter, "F-15" and "F-16" fighters, "Shadow 200" tactical reconnaissance drones, Apache, new-type "Patriot" missiles, "Stryker" armored vehicles, guided missile destroyers, "Abrams M1-A2" tanks, "ATACMS" ground to ground missiles, Mine-Removing Armor-Protected(MRAP) special vehicles,  and even  introduced the THAAD system.
And recently, the U.S. introduced to south Korea "F-35A" stealth fighters, "Global Hawk" high-altitude reconnaissance drones, AWACS and many other ultra-modern offensive weapons, thus transforming south Korea into literally a showcase of lethal weapons.
The U.S. went to the length of abolishing the MAC and the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC), the only remaining supervisory bodies for implementing the Armistice Agreement.
In the 1950s, it dissolved the Neutral Nations Inspection Teams under the NNSC and the Joint Observer Team under the MAC which were provided for by Paragraph 23, Article II of the Armistice Agreement. On March 25, 1991, it staged a farce of designating as a senior member of the U.S. Army side to the MAC a puppet army officer of south Korea which is not a signatory to the Armistice Agreement and therefore does not have any qualifications or authority to handle issues relating to the Armistice Agreement.
With this, the MAC, which had functioned for more than four decades, ceased its existence, and the NNSC, too, having lost its counterpart, withered away by itself.
The U.S. also abrogated the Preamble and the Paragraph 12 of the Armistice Agreement, which provides for a complete cessation of hostilities and of all acts of armed force in Korea.
Since 1954, when it staged "Focus Lens", the first joint military exercise with south Korea, the U.S. has ceaselessly conducted all kinds of war drills so far, to include "Freedom Bolt", "Team Spirit", "Ulji Focus Lens", "Joint Wartime Reinforcement Exercise", "Key Resolve", "Foal Eagle" and "Ulji Freedom Guardian."
These exercises far exceeded any other war exercises taking place in different regions of the world in terms of frequency and scope, and all of strategic nuclear triad such as nuclear aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines and nuclear strategic bombers were mobilized in its nuclear war drills aimed at the DPRK.
The nature of the exercises became more aggressive and provocative by changing their masquerades into "decapitation operation", "precision strike", "invasion of Pyongyang", etc. throwing off the "annual" and "defensive" veneer.
The pre-emptive nuclear strike scenarios were further specified into "OPLAN 5026", "OPLAN 5027", "OPLAN 5029", "OPLAN 5030", "OPLAN 5012", "OPLAN 5015", "OPLAN 8044", "OPLAN 8022", "OPLAN 8010", "tailored deterrence strategy" and "OPLAN 4D."
As is evident from the above, the U.S. left no stone unturned in abrogating each and every article and paragraph of the Armistice Agreement which consists of 5 Articles and 63 Paragraphs in total and as a consequence, the Armistice Agreement was dumped like a scrap of waste paper.
Owing to the hostile policy of the U.S. and its endless nuclear threats and blackmail towards the DPRK, the Korean peninsula has turned into the world's hottest spot, where a nuclear war could spark off at any moment.
If we had not considerably strengthened our self-defensive deterrence, the Korean peninsula would have fallen into the ravages of war more than hundreds times and a catastrophic third world war would have already started.
Strengthening the war deterrent is our final option
It is 67 years since the gunfire of war ceased on this land. But, there is one thing that has not ceased at all.
It is none other than the U.S. hostile policy towards the DPRK.
The United States is becoming ever more undisguised day by day in its scheme to annihilate the DPRK by force and gain military dominance in the Asia-Pacific region and, by extension, to realize its ambition for world hegemony at any cost.
The government of the DPRK put forward a number of peace proposals and initiatives including the proposal (1970s) for concluding a DPRK-U.S. peace agreement and the proposal (1990s) for establishing a new peace mechanism, all of which were rejected outright by the U.S.
In the second half of 1990s, the four-party talks were held involving the DPRK, the U.S., China and south Korea for an establishment of durable peace mechanism on the Korean peninsula, but owing to the insincere attitude from the U.S., no fruit was produced.
In the new century, we put forward the proposal for bringing earlier a declaration on an end to the war and the proposal for convening a meeting at the earliest possible date for replacing the Armistice Agreement with a peace agreement by 2010, 60th year of the outbreak of the Korean war. But the United States turned down all of those proposals.
Instead, the U.S. openly designated our country as "axis of evil", "outpost of tyranny" and "target of pre-emptive nuclear strike" and illegally labelled us as "sponsor of terrorism", "proliferation of weapons of mass destruction", "human rights abuse", "money laundering", "counterfeiting", "drug trafficking" in order to justify its hostile policy towards the DPRK.
It did not even hesitate to make reckless remarks of "total destruction" of the DPRK and run amuck in order to overturn our ideology and system.
The hostile policy of the U.S. towards the DPRK is well evidenced by the fact that it posed nuclear threats to us, openly talking about using nuclear weapons.
The U.S. had openly stated that it would drop atomic bombs on the DPRK during the Korean War, and gradually escalated its nuclear threats against us after the conclusion of the Armistice Agreement.
When its armed spy ship "Pueblo" was captured in January 1968, the U.S. reviewed the option of nuclear attack against us, and when the large-size reconnaissance plane "EC-121" was shot down in our territorial airspace in April 1969, it kept the nukes-mounted tactical bombers on emergency standby while the then U.S. President Nixon made reckless remarks that he decided to approve the use of  atomic bombs in case north Korea strikes back. Such nuclear threats and blackmail by the U.S. on the DPRK are only the visible tip of iceberg.
The war in Kosovo triggered by the U.S. from March to June 1999 was a war of injustice, simulating a second Korean war.
The former Yugoslavia served as the U.S. test ground for a new Korean war, because the country has the natural and geographical conditions similar to the Korean peninsula and its distance from the U.S. mainland is almost same as the distance between the U.S. mainland and the Korean peninsula.
The facts that the U.S. together with NATO conducted ceaseless and indiscriminate air raids of zero operational significance and ruthlessly used depleted uranium bombs and WMDs that spread toxic bacteria, serve as an oblique scene of the second Korean war being plotted by the U.S.
With the turn of a new millennium, the nuclear threats by the U.S. against the DPRK became ever more blatant.
On June 6, 2001, Bush announced a so-called "North Korea Policy Statement" where he claimed that the U.S. would wield its military strength including nuclear weapons if the DPRK does not accept its demand of nuclear inspection, suspension of development and launch of missiles, and reduction of conventional weapons.
In 2002, the U.S. stated that it could be the first to use nuclear weapons on the Korean peninsula and it will develop small-size nuclear bunker busters to this end, thereby making its preemptive nuclear attack on the DPRK a fait accompli.
In 2009, at the 41st session of the U.S.-south Korea Annual Security Consultative Meeting, it announced in writing that it would provide extended deterrence such as nuclear umbrella, conventional strike capabilities and missile defense system to south Korea.
The American nuclear threats against the DPRK reached its peak in the year 2017.
The U.S. pushed the Korean peninsula onto the threshold of a nuclear war by deploying nuclear strategic assets and the latest warfare equipment including the super-large nuclear-powered aircraft carriers "Carl Vinson" and "Ronald Reagan", nuclear strategic bombers "B-1B", "B-52H" and "B-2A", nuclear-powered submarines "Columbus", "Tucson" and "Michigan" in south Korea and its surrounding areas.
The U.S. hostile policy and nuclear threats against the DPRK became further aggressive after the DPRK-U.S. Summit held in Singapore for establishing a new bilateral relationship and building a lasting and durable peace mechanism on the Korean peninsula.
Despite the fact that we voluntarily took crucial and meaningful initiatives including the discontinuation of nuclear test and ICBM test-fire for the sake of building a mutual confidence, the U.S., far from responding to these initiatives with corresponding measures, conducted tens of joint military drills, which its President personally promised to stop, and threatened the DPRK militarily by way of shipping into south Korea the ultra-modern warfare equipment.
The U.S. conducted a test simulating the interception of our intercontinental ballistic missile, followed by test launches, without hesitation, of all kinds of missiles including ICBM "Minuteman-3" and SLBM "Trident 2D-5", thus maximizing the nuclear threats against us.
Even amid the unprecedented crisis triggered by COVID-19, the military threats of the U.S. against us have not been abated at all. If anything, it staged a joint air drill and marine corps joint landing drill in April this year.
No other nation on this planet has so directly suffered from nuclear threats for so long as the Korean nation, and to our people, nuclear threat is not at all an abstract concept but actual and concrete experience.
Our nation suffered directly from the U.S. nuclear attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and our nation is the second largest victim after the Japanese people.
To our people, who personally experienced the horrible ravages of nuclear bomb, the atomic bomb threat of the U.S. during the Korean War was literally a nightmare, and a procession of "A-bomb refugees" streaming from the north to the south appeared on the Korean peninsula in the period of the Korean War.
Many families who couldn't move together sent only their husbands or sons to the south in hopes of carrying on their family lines.
This is how the separated families of millions of people came into being, and they still live separately in the north and south of the Korean peninsula and abroad.
In order to eliminate the nuclear threats from the U.S., the DPRK government made all possible efforts either through dialogue or in resort to the international law, but all ended in vain.
The option left was only one, and that was to counter nuclear with nuclear.
This brought to an end the nuclear imbalance in the Northeast Asia, where the DPRK only had been left without nukes and all other countries had been equipped with nuclear weapons or nuclear umbrella.
All these speak clearly to the fact that the root cause of aggravation of the situation on the Korean peninsula lies in the U.S. hostile policy and nuclear threats towards the DPRK and the dark cloud of a nuclear war can never be cleared away from the Korean peninsula unless the U.S. withdraws its hostile policy that treats the DPRK as an enemy and a belligerent state.
The U.S. might have its own calculations in keeping the dogged persistence of its hostile concept towards the DPRK and continuing the belligerent relations with the DPRK.
While the Far Eastern strategy of the U.S. had been shifting to "Nixon doctrine", "Neo-Pacific doctrine", Pivot to Asia-Pacific strategy and Indo-Pacific strategy, the environment surrounding the ceasefire on the Korean peninsula was abused to militarily deter the potential adversaries of the U.S.
In recent years alone, the U.S. deployed the high-altitude missile defence system "THAAD" in south Korea under the pretext of "missile threat" from us, thus making it possible to watch over the northeastern areas of China and the far eastern region of Russia like seeing the palm of its hand, and the U.S. is also openly releasing its evil intention to deploy intermediate-range missiles in our surrounding areas on the ground that the INF Treaty has become null and void.
As a result, it has now become a matter of time when a nuclear arms race starts around the Korean peninsula, and the U.S. military moves to contain China and Russia are bound to grow more pronounced as time goes by.
Under this circumstance, there is no guarantee that a second June 25 won't be repeated in case the U.S. interests coincide with the ones of 70 years ago - a far departure from being interested in keeping the armistice on the Korean peninsula.
To our people who were subjected to disastrous disturbances of war on this land owing to the U.S., the strong war deterrent for national defence came to stand out as an indispensable strategic option.
It is an indisputable, open and above-board exercise of the legitimate right to self-defence that we further consolidate the war deterrent for defending the national security and guaranteeing our development.
70-year-long history of the DPRK-U.S. confrontation is graphically showing that any self-restraint or broad-mindedness would not serve to contain the U.S. high-handedness and arbitrariness, aggression and war manoeuvres, but would encourage them instead.
It is no less than the despicable double-dealing tactics for the U.S. to talk about a sort of dialogue while maximizing its attempts to oppress the DPRK politically, economically and militarily, and its repeated harping, like an automatic responding machine, on denuclearization betrays only its brigandish intention to disarm us and open up the way to an aggression war.
At the Fourth Enlarged Meeting of the 7th Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea, Comrade Kim Jong Un, chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK, set forth new policies to further bolster the national nuclear war deterrent and operate the strategic force on full alert in accordance with the overall requirements for building and developing state armed forces.
Under the condition where the U.S., the biggest nuclear power and the only user of nuclear weapons, clings to the pathological and inveterate hostile policy towards us, while indulging itself in extreme nuclear threats and blackmail, we will continue to further build up our strength to contain the persistent nuclear threats from the U.S. and we will never shrink from this road we have chosen.
Nobody in this world could block the victorious advance of our people and army who have inherited the heroic spirit and mettle of the great generation of victors that had defeated the U.S.-led gang of imperialists in the Fatherland Liberation War – a de facto confrontation between a rifle and an atomic bomb.
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Optimize Online Admission Inquiry:
Pre-admission is the first step in the admissions process, and if all goes well, it converts the inquiry into an application. The admission rate will drop if an institution does not have a proper management mechanism in place to answer applicant queries.
This can be made easier with an Admission Management System. It aids in the opening, closing, and reopening of inquiries, hence increasing the resolution rate.
Optimize Candidate/ Guardian Experience:
Students can fill out the application form from the comfort of their homes through the online admission process. Candidates do not need to wait in line to obtain an application form or submit documents.
Parents can also pay admission fees through the admission management platform after their child’s acceptance into the school.
Improves Communication:
After applying for admission, students and their parents are eager to learn the status of their application. They must phone or even come to the institution for updates regularly, which is inconvenient for them.
Applicants can check their application status using features provided by the Admission Management System. Some education ERPs, such as eduTinker, feature an applicant portal that applicants can use at any time to monitor application status, upload and download documents, pay fees, and so forth.
Simplifies payment processing:
Various types of payment processes are required during the admissions process, such as form fees, registration fees, and enrollment fees. Manual collection is prone to human error, as it is difficult to keep track of all payments. The manual collection is prone to human error, as it is difficult to keep track of all payments.
An Admission Management System can assist in streamlining payment processes, making them more accurate and efficient. Also, these systems are secure and provide ease of transaction.
Optimize reporting:
Reports are necessary for school management that establishes the foundation for future decisions. The key to efficient reporting is to retrieve data faster and more accurately. A sound school management system makes that possible.
Principals/ Administrators can access data related to admission on the platform itself, which gives them a bird’s eye view of admission trends and more.
The most important goal of school management is to make sure that all of your people and resources are put to good use. Process optimization and automation would only benefit and enhance institutional effectiveness.
The eduTinker admission management system gives you best-in-class features like application forms submission, documentation, checking students eligibility, and much more. Integrations with reputable payment sources make it easy to pay application fees and admission fees online.
Throughout the entire online application process, high-level security measures ensure that all data generated will stay protected from any threats. You can trust our online admission system to handle documents appropriately while keeping the applicants’ trust.
For more info on the School ERP system and Admission Management Software, Please visit our website at https://edutinker.com/.
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decorishing · 2 years
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[gallery] Color:1 Round Table + 4 Chairs(lattice) W/ Khaki CushionTITIMO 5 Piece Cast Aluminum Patio Dining Set with 1 Round Table and 4 Chairs with Khaki Cushions Now you can show the neighbors how outdoor dining is really done. Whether it's an intimate gathering or a boisterous family dinner, everyone fits comfortably around the table with one of these gorgeous dining sets. What time is supper? Features: - Resistant to rust, weather, fade, crack - Made from cast aluminum for long-term durability - Comes with cushions for exceptional comfort - Designed with ergonomic comfortable arm and seat - Smooth surface is rustproof and easy to clean - Adjustable feet provide stability on uneven surfaces - Features lattice-weave design combined refined classic style - Built with a 2.2" diameter umbrella hole in the center of the table - Great for all year round, maintenance free outdoor seating experience - Easy to assemble, all the hardware and instructions included - Perfect for patio, bistro, garden, swimming pool, porch, yard, balcony and more Specifications: - Material: Cast Aluminum - Table: 41.3"(Dia) x 29.5"(H) - Chair: 22.6"(L) x 24.4"(W) x 36.6"(H) - Cushion: 17.3"(W) x 16.1"(D) x 2.4"(H) - Umbrella Hole: 2.2"(Dia) - Table Capacity: 165 Lbs - Chair Capacity: 350 Lbs(each) Package Included: 1 x Table, 4 x Chairs, 4 x Cushions Note: Item will be shipped out in 3 parcels, please wait one more day if they don't arrive on the same day TITIMO Return Policy: Returns & exchange within 30 days. Warranty Information: One year warranty, the needed replacement can be sent freely within 1 year. Have Questions or Need help? Please feel free to contact us thru Amazon message, our friendly customer team will reply you with resolution in 24 hours. Make sure this fitsby entering your model number. 【Elegantly 5-Piece Dining Set】 - This TITIMO dining Set includes 1 round table and 4 chairs with cushions, meets all of your outdoor furniture needs, adding style to your space without sacrificing comfort. The chairs fit perfectly around the table for backyard family dining, picnics, or lounging poolside with friends, match any decor and suitable for outdoor and indoor use 【Built To Last Cast Aluminum】 - At TITIMO, we bring you the best outdoor furniture available. Our table and chairs are made of sturdy and durable cast aluminum that is rust-resistant for years of outside use. If you use this set by the pool, its all-weather quality helps prevent water damage caused by wet swimsuits and splashing 【Gorgeous Lattice Weave Design】 - Each chair of this outdoor dining set features lattice-weave design combined refined classic style with quality material, add a luxurious touch to any outdoor setting, patio or poolside. Designed with a contoured shape and curved armrests for exceptional comfort as you gather with friends and family 【Deck, Balcony & More】 - This dining set is the perfect addition to any space outside, like a backyard patio, outdoor deck, in a sunroom or garden, or near a pool, outdoor bar, grill, or BBQ pit. Built with a 2.2” diameter umbrella hole in the center of the table to add a patio umbrella for shade, you can insert umbrella in sunny or rainy day to enjoy leisure time(umbrella not included) 【Dimensions】 - Our cast aluminum round table is 41.3"(Dia) x 29.5”(H), and each of our 4 chairs is 22.6"(L) x 24.4"(W) x 36.6"(H), you’ll love how this furniture set uniquely accents your space. Quickly assemble so you can enjoy it in no time, all hardware required are included for assembly, also coming with detailed instruction. Over this summer to show off your new, stylish, cast aluminum dining set to everyone [amz_corss_sell asin="B08BCKW773"] https://www.decorishing.com/product/titimo-5-piece-outdoor-furniture-dining-set-all-weather-cast-aluminum-conversation-set-includes-1-round-table-and-4-chairs-with-khaki-cushions-and-umbrella-hole-for-patio-garden-deck-lattice-design/?feed_id=27730&_unique_id=62686fc4781a8
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mlpmoviemerch · 6 years
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New “My Little Pony: The Movie” Vinyl Smashed Wall Art Decal Sticker $18.99 available here: https://amzn.to/2ICvsiZ
Details below:
SPLASH, SCRATCH AND PEN PROOF – We use an overcoat of laminate to give an extra level of protection over the wall sticker. This gives it extra strength and protection over the standard simple printed sticker.
EASY PEEL WALL STICKER – When applying the wall art decal, it would have been electronically cut to shape, meaning you simple have to pull the backing sheet away and place onto the wall, it can be manually removed at any time with just a little bit of intentional force but strong enough to last for years if not removed.
MY LITTLE PONY MOVIE WALL ART – Got a My little pony obsessed child boy or girl (or an inner child) then what better way to display that than a high quality Wall smash sticker.
HIGH RESOLUTION 58x99cm (22.8 x 38.9 Inches) – Our wall art comes in a 2000x 2000 resolution file and we print to that same standard, this means a much higher quality finish than else where.
This self adhesive skin sticks to a flat surface in your home to instantly give any room a fresh new appearance. Unlike most skins you see where you will have to build your end result from multiple pieces and having gaps all over the place.
This skin is perfectly designed to go round the any flat surface easily
Because of this, you won’t have pieces peeling off like our competitors and the entire surface will really stand out with a unique look!
Available in a 4 different sizes and refreshing range.
Features Princess Twilight Sparkle, her friends, and the other characters from the movie.
Product Dimensions: 36.6 x 0.1 x 22.8 inches
Ages 8 years and up
Inspired by My Little Pony: The Movie
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yossrafitness · 4 years
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HealthWatch Pro 🔥🔥 Sale price £23.75 Regular price £31.67🔥🔥 Parameters: 1. Size: 36.6*43*9.3 mm 2. Hardware platform: NRF52832 QFAA  3. Watch screen: 1.4 inch full touch screen 4. Resolution: 240*240 5. Battery capacity: 170mAh 6. Standby time: 4-7 days of normal use time, 10-20 days of maximum standby time 7. Compatible system: Android 5.1,  IOS 9.0 and above 8. Bluetooth version: BT 4.0 and above 9. Waterproof rating: IPX7 life waterproof 10. Charging type: magnetic charging Main Function: > Sports: All-Day Activity Tracking, IPX7 waterproof, 7 Exercise Modes, Stopwatch, Sports Data Report. > Health: 24/7 Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, Blood Oxygen, Sleep Tracking & Stages, Reminders to Move, Track your menstrual cycle. > Life: Smartphone Notifications, Alarm clock, Weather, Shutter, Control music, 250 watch faces. (support custom watch faces.) > Watch Languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, German, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Traditional Chinese, Ukrainian, Italian, Portuguese, Indonesian, Thai    App Languages: Danish, Ukrainian, Russian, Bulgarian, Bokmal, Norwegian, Hindi, Indonesian, German, Italian, Czech, Japanese, Pashto, French, Polish, Thai, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Finnish, English, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Arabic, Korean With a battery life up to 7 days, keep the inspiration coming day and night. #healthwatch #healthwatches #smarthealthwatch (at United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CME3FTEHMs6/?igshid=n9277y0tqo71
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topnewfashion-blog · 5 years
PINKMILLY Women's Floral Print Kimono Sheer Chiffon Loose Cardigan
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*BEWARE OF IMITATION* All authentic "PINKMILLY" products sold through AMAZON.com are sold only by the seller “S&Y FASHION”,”PINKMILLY” has registered US Trademark and hadn’t authorized any other sellers,Products sold by other sellers are imitation products and will not be shipped.Please make sure when you checkout it's fulfilled by S&Y FASHION. The womens cardigans is very comfortable to wear with thin, flowy and soft fabric. Featuring open drape style, 3/4 sleeve and elegant floral print, the long cardigan is the ultimate way to add some feminine edge to your spring and summer outfits. Great to pair it with your favorite tank top, cami, shorts, leggings or dress. Product Information: Material: 100%polyester Style: open drape style kimono cardigan Occasion: going out, casual, street or beach wear Care: Machine wash cold with like colors, gentle cycle, do not bleach, tumble dry low Package Includes: 1 x kimono cardigan, other accessories are not included Size Chart(inches) S(US 4-6): Bust 44.9", Length 36.6", Sleeve 17.3" M(US 8-10): Bust 46.5", Length 37.0", Sleeve 17.7" L(US 12-14): Bust 48.0", Length 37.4", Sleeve 18.1" XL(US 16): Bust 50.4", Length 37.8", Sleeve 18.1" Note: Please allow 0.4-0.8 inches differs due to manual measurement. Colors may appear slightly different via website due to computer picture resolution and monitor settings. 100%polyester *BEWARE OF IMITATION* All authentic "PINKMILLY" products sold through AMAZON.com are sold only by the seller “S&Y FASHION”,”PINKMILLY” has registered US Trademark and hadn’t authorized any other sellers,Products sold by other sellers are imitation products and will not be shipped.Please make sure when you checkout it's fulfilled by S&Y FASHION. Shoulder: (S) 15.35inch, (M) 16.14inch, (L) 16.93inch, (XL) 17.72inch. Please take note that the X-Large may be a little small if you have wide shoulder. A customer who is 5'2 and 178lbs, the large fits perfectly. Made of lightweight, breathable and soft chiffon material, the floral kimono is the perfect way to dress up a tank in the summer without being hot Fresh, bright flowers, high low hemline and airy silhouette create the ideal layering piece for you spring, summer and autumn outfits Suit for Casual, Home, Office, Going out, Daily wear, Party, Beach, Swimwear, Street wear The kimono is perfect for throwing on over your favorite tank top and cut off shorts, over a tunic and leggings, or a skin tight little party dress Read the full article
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plezingscents4u · 5 years
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Men Fall Cotton Polyester Letter Printed Basketball Sports Jogger Pants Drawstring Elastic Waist Trousers $39.90 #plezingscents4usuperstore #men’s #pants&shorts #ecw143121427 #ecwid Description:Material: Cotton, PolyesterColor: Turquoise, Orange, Light Gray, White, BlackTag Size: L, XL, 2XLSize Chart:US SizeSMLTag SizeLXL2XLWaist93cm(36.6")97cm(38.2")102cm(40.2")Hip96cm(37.8")100cm(39.4")104cm(10.9")Length104cm(10.9")105cm(41.3")106cm(41.7")Notice:You should place your order in US size, however the tags inside the items will show in Asian size.Package included:1 x PantsMore details:Disclaimer :1. The size chart just as a guide to help you choose the correct size.    Please measure your body and choose your size accordingly.    The size may give or take 2cm/1 inch due to hand measure.2. The depiction of item's colors just as a guide,they may a little different from the    real one because of the different resolution of the different monitor,the settings    and the lighting condition.3. We are not responsible for goods that you buy by mistake. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzcd2EkFZzM/?igshid=yy7ouebibdeh
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dvdshopvn · 5 years
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Khách San Mumbai: Tham Sát Kinh Hoàng (2018) 2h 3min | Drama, History, Thriller | 22 March 2019 (Vietnam)
Director: Anthony MarasWriters: John Collee, Anthony MarasStars: Dev Patel, Armie Hammer, Nazanin Boniadi
Summary: The true story of the Taj Hotel terrorist attack in Mumbai. Hotel staff risk their lives to keep everyone safe as people make unthinkable sacrifices to protect themselves and their families.
Countries: Australia, USA, IndiaLanguages: English, Hindi, Punjabi, Marathi, Greek, Russian, Arabic, Urdu, Persian
Source: imdb.comDisclaimer: This plugin has been coded to automatically quote data from imdb.com. Not available for any other purpose. All showing data have a link to imdb.com. The user is responsible for any other use or change codes.
Hệ: NTSC Tỷ lệ: 16:9 Âm thanh: Anh (5.1), Tây Ban Nha (5.1) Phụ đề: Anh, Ấn, Tây Ban Nha Thời lượng: 2:03:34 Menu: Có Extra: Có DOWNLOAD
Hệ: NTSC Tỷ lệ: 16:9 Âm thanh: Anh (5.1), Việt (5.1) Phụ đề: Anh, Ấn, Tây Ban Nha, Việt Thời lượng: 2:03:35 Menu: Có Extra: Có DOWNLOAD
Hotel Mumbai 2018 ViE 1080p BluRay DTS-HD MA 5.1 x265 10bit-HDS.mkv
General Name: Hotel Mumbai 2018 ViE 1080p BluRay DTS-HD MA 5.1 x265 10bit-HDS.mkv Format: Matroska (Version 4) Duration: 02:02:52.982 Size: 13.10 GiB Bitrate: 15.3 Mb/s Frame rate: 23.976
Video Format: HEVC (Main [email protected]@High) Resolution: 1920 x 804 (7 460 kb/s) Ratio: 2.40:1 Stream size: 6.40 GiB (49%)
+ Audio #0: Vietnamese / DTS-HD Master Audio (A_DTS / DTS XLL) Duration: 02:02:52.982 Bit rate: 3 572 kb/s (VBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 3.07 GiB (23%)
+ Audio #1: English / DTS-HD Master Audio (A_DTS / DTS XLL) Duration: 02:02:52.907 Bit rate: 4 141 kb/s (VBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 3.55 GiB (27%)
+ Text #0: English Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 32.8 KiB (0%)
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+ Text #4: Chinese Format: PGS Stream size: 36.0 MiB (0%)
+ Text #5: Chinese Format: PGS Stream size: 36.6 MiB (0%)
General Name: Hotel.Mumbai.2018.ViE.1080p.Blu-ray.Remux.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-HDT.mkv Format: Matroska (Version 4) Duration: 02:02:52.982 Size: 37.29 GiB Bitrate: 43.4 Mb/s Frame rate: 23.976
Video Format: AVC ([email protected]) Resolution: 1920 x 1080 (35.1 Mb/s) Ratio: 16:9 Stream size: 30.1 GiB (81%)
+ Audio #0: Vietnamese / DTS-HD Master Audio (A_DTS / DTS XLL) Duration: 02:02:52.982 Bit rate: 3 544 kb/s (VBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 3.04 GiB (8%)
+ Audio #1: Vietnamese / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:02:52.960 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 563 MiB (1%)
+ Audio #2: English / DTS-HD Master Audio (A_DTS / DTS XLL) Duration: 02:02:52.907 Bit rate: 4 141 kb/s (VBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 3.55 GiB (10%)
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+ Text #1: Vietnamese Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 52.8 KiB (0%)
+ Text #2: English Format: PGS Stream size: 25.5 MiB (0%)
General Name: Hotel.Mumbai.2018.ViE.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264-DON.mkv Format: Matroska (Version 4) Duration: 02:02:52.982 Size: 18.88 GiB Bitrate: 22.0 Mb/s Frame rate: 23.976
Video Format: AVC ([email protected]) Resolution: 1920 x 804 (19.0 Mb/s) Ratio: 2.40:1 Stream size: 16.3 GiB (86%)
+ Audio #0: Vietnamese / DTS (A_DTS / DTS) Duration: 02:02:52.982 Bit rate: 1 509 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 1.30 GiB (7%)
+ Audio #1: English / DTS (A_DTS / DTS) Duration: 02:02:52.907 Bit rate: 1 509 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 1.30 GiB (7%)
+ Text #0: Vietnamese Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 52.8 KiB (0%)
+ Text #1: English Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 32.8 KiB (0%)
Hotel Mumbai 2018 ViE 1080p Bluray DD 5.1 x264-DON.mkv
General Name: Hotel Mumbai 2018 ViE 1080p Bluray DD 5.1 x264-DON.mkv Format: Matroska (Version 4) Duration: 02:02:52.960 Size: 17.39 GiB Bitrate: 20.3 Mb/s Frame rate: 23.976
Video Format: AVC ([email protected]) Resolution: 1920 x 804 (19.0 Mb/s) Ratio: 2.40:1 Stream size: 16.3 GiB (94%)
+ Audio #0: Vietnamese / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:02:52.960 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 563 MiB (3%)
+ Audio #1: English / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:02:52.928 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 563 MiB (3%)
+ Text #0: English Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 32.8 KiB (0%)
General Name: Hotel.Mumbai.2018.ViE.1080p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-MPAD.mkv Format: Matroska (Version 4) Duration: 02:02:52.960 Size: 4.196 GiB Bitrate: 4 888 kb/s Frame rate: 23.976
Video Format: AVC ([email protected]) Resolution: 1920 x 802 (3 606 kb/s) Ratio: 2.40:1 Stream size: 3.09 GiB (74%)
+ Audio #0: Vietnamese / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:02:52.960 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 563 MiB (13%)
+ Audio #1: English / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:02:52.928 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 563 MiB (13%)
+ Text #0: Vietnamese Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 52.8 KiB (0%)
General Name: Hotel.Mumbai.2018.ViE.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264-MTeam.mkv Format: Matroska (Version 4) Duration: 02:02:52.982 Size: 8.942 GiB Bitrate: 10.4 Mb/s Frame rate: 23.976
Video Format: AVC ([email protected]) Resolution: 1280 x 534 (7 397 kb/s) Ratio: 2.40:1 Stream size: 6.35 GiB (71%)
+ Audio #0: Vietnamese / DTS (A_DTS / DTS) Duration: 02:02:52.982 Bit rate: 1 509 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 1.30 GiB (14%)
+ Audio #1: English / DTS (A_DTS / DTS) Duration: 02:02:52.907 Bit rate: 1 509 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 1.30 GiB (14%)
+ Text #0: Vietnamese Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 52.8 KiB (0%)
General Name: Hotel.Mumbai.2018.ViE.mHD.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-TRiM.mkv Format: Matroska (Version 4) Duration: 02:02:52.960 Size: 3.686 GiB Bitrate: 4 294 kb/s Frame rate: 23.976
Video Format: AVC ([email protected]) Resolution: 1280 x 536 (3 012 kb/s) Ratio: 2.40:1 Stream size: 2.58 GiB (70%)
+ Audio #0: Vietnamese / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:02:52.960 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 563 MiB (15%)
+ Audio #1: English / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:02:52.928 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 563 MiB (15%)
+ Text #0: Vietnamese Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 52.8 KiB (0%)
+ Text #1: English Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 28.0 KiB (0%)
The post KHÁCH SẠCH MUMBAI: THẢM SÁT KINH HOÀNG (Hotel Mumbai) appeared first on DVD thuyết minh tiếng Việt.
source https://dvdshopvn.com/2019/06/25/khach-sach-mumbai-tham-sat-kinh-hoang-hotel-mumbai/
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l-lis · 5 years
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edutinkersblog · 2 years
Admission Management System- 5 reasons why your school needs it
India currently has 200 million school-aged children, with 36.6 million graduating each year. Hence, there is no shortage of students seeking admission to universities and schools. However, the influx of student inquiries is putting a lot of strain on admissions departments.
An inefficient application process has resulted in a lack of follow-up and the loss of inquiries. An effective student admission system can automate and streamline the entire admissions process. As a result, both students and administrators benefit from complete transparency.
What is admission management software?
Admission management software allows educational institutions to undertake online/ offline  student admission and enrollment operations. The admission management system coordinates the documentation of student admission forms and the collection of fees for shortlisted candidates for online admission.
The online Admission System is intended to automate the admission structure and its associated activities and functions at the academic institute. The software aims to assist the administration and admission-seeking candidates by providing a more efficient, transparent, and simple method of preserving records and referring to them in future proceedings. Long lineups for admission papers or application submissions will no longer exist.
5 reasons why your school needs an Admission Management System:
Online Admission software has helped schools save man-hours and, as a result, additional  expenditures. Also, it allows students and parents to receive prompt notifications about admission, submit documents, and much more. Here are the reasons why your school should adopt an admission management system:
Optimize Online Admission Inquiry:
Pre-admission is the first step in the admissions process, and if all goes well, it converts the inquiry into an application. The admission rate will drop if an institution does not have a proper management mechanism in place to answer applicant queries.
This can be made easier with an Admission Management System. It aids in the opening, closing, and reopening of inquiries, hence increasing the resolution rate.
Optimize Candidate/ Guardian Experience:
Students can fill out the application form from the comfort of their homes through the online admission process. Candidates do not need to wait in line to obtain an application form or submit documents.
Parents can also pay admission fees through the admission management platform after their child’s acceptance into the school.
Improves Communication:
After applying for admission, students and their parents are eager to learn the status of their application. They must phone or even come to the institution for updates regularly, which is inconvenient for them.
Applicants can check their application status using features provided by the Admission Management System. Some education ERPs, such as eduTinker, feature an applicant portal that applicants can use at any time to monitor application status, upload and download documents, pay fees, and so forth.
Simplifies payment processing:
Various types of payment processes are required during the admissions process, such as form fees, registration fees, and enrollment fees. Manual collection is prone to human error, as it is difficult to keep track of all payments. The manual collection is prone to human error, as it is difficult to keep track of all payments.
An Admission Management System can assist in streamlining payment processes, making them more accurate and efficient. Also, these systems are secure and provide ease of transaction.
Optimize reporting:
Reports are necessary for school management that establishes the foundation for future decisions. The key to efficient reporting is to retrieve data faster and more accurately. A sound school management system makes that possible.
Principals/ Administrators can access data related to admission on the platform itself, which gives them a bird’s eye view of admission trends and more.
The most important goal of school management is to make sure that all of your people and resources are put to good use. Process optimization and automation would only benefit and enhance institutional effectiveness.
The eduTinker admission management system gives you best-in-class features like application forms submission, documentation, checking students eligibility, and much more. Integrations with reputable payment sources make it easy to pay application fees and admission fees online.
Throughout the entire online application process, high-level security measures ensure that all data generated will stay protected from any threats. You can trust our online admission system to handle documents appropriately while keeping the applicants’ trust.
For more info on the School ERP system and Admission Management Software, Please visit our website at https://edutinker.com/.
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walterfrodriguez · 4 years
Submerged in securities: Many CMBS hospitality loans may be underwater soon
Hotel operators trek into special servicing and it may take years before they get out (iStock)
Carlos Rodriguez Sr. set off from Costa Rica nearly 25 years ago for what seemed like a surefire bet: developing and operating hotels in Florida, where both tourism and business travel were in perpetual demand due to the area’s warm weather, white sand beaches and proximity to Latin America.
Carlos Rodriguez Sr., Driftwood Capital and Driftwood Hospitality Management
Rodriguez, who oversees the hotel investment and management companies Driftwood Capital and Driftwood Hospitality Management — which have a combined portfolio pegged at about $3 billion — steadily grew his businesses around the country over the years by acquiring 21 and managing 70 hotels.
“We are losing money hand over fist. We lost millions of dollars.”
Carlos Rodriguez Sr., Driftwood Capital
But as the pandemic drove U.S. occupancy levels to near record lows in recent months, Rodriguez said his company has stopped paying dividends to investors and believes he will just break even by the end of 2021.
“We are losing money hand over fist. We lost millions of dollars,” he told The Real Deal. “We are in a position to withstand it, but it’s a painful hit.”
The hotel industry has since seen a gradual uptick in occupancy levels in recent weeks. And Rodriguez said his companies are still well capitalized, noting that he recently raised $250 million from investors for new hotel deals and that he’s also looking to acquire distressed assets.
But the country’s hotel industry, as a whole, continues to take a beating. For Driftwood and other operators, Covid-19 and the country’s growing economic uncertainty have weighed heavily on revenues. In addition to the high costs of running a hotel, paying staffers and making sure all property taxes are covered, keeping up with regular debt payments has become equally concerning.
In particular, hotel and retail owners are scratching their heads to figure out how to best manage debt payments on commercial mortgage-backed securities.
What was seen as a cheap and easy way to secure non-recourse financing just a few years ago now faces a reckoning as hotel borrowers are exposed to more than $85 billion in outstanding CMBS debt, the research firm Trepp reported in March.
The complicated structure of these loans, which are pooled together and sold to investors in so-called tranches, has left some borrowers struggling to make ends meet. The delinquency rate for all CMBS loans jumped to 7.2 percent last month from 2.3 percent in April, the largest spike in delinquencies since 2009, data from Trepp shows.
And unlike conventional loans from a bank that can be reworked and restructured, CMBS loans have to go through a sometimes lengthy process through a third party entity known as a special servicer in order to be modified. Already, $32 billion of loans on commercial properties were in special servicing as of May, according to Moody’s Investors Service.
Insiders say the fraught servicing process could leave some borrowers in a blackhole — with high debt installments and additional fees that could take months, and in some cases, years to pay off — before they are able to regain control of their properties.
Debra Morgan, BlackEagle Real Estate Partners
“If you are asking for a material modification to the loan, it might take six months to receive approval, or it might take much longer,” said Debra Morgan of BlackEagle Real Estate Partners, a commercial real estate firm that works with CMBS investors and servicers. “Servicers have stakeholders to answer to and extensive contracts and procedures to follow.”
Swamped servicers
Rodriguez said part of his issue with navigating the CMBS market is simply getting someone who’s working on the loan to pick up the phone.
“First issue here is getting someone to answer your request,” Rodriguez said. He added that special servicers are not adequately staffed “to handle the flood of people requesting forbearance.”
The country’s largest special servicer, Midland Loan Services, managed a portfolio of $177.7 billion in CMBS loans at the start of last year with a staff of just 26 employees, according to figures from S&P Global Ratings. Rialto Capital Advisors, the country’s second-largest CMBS servicer, meanwhile, had a staff of 56 as of mid-2018. That was roughly half the number the firm had at the end of 2014.
Ann Hambly, 1st Service Solutions
Servicers “are going to get overwhelmed very quickly,” said Ann Hambly, CEO of Texas-based 1st Service Solutions, which provides advisory services for CMBS borrowers.
Not only are many of them swamped with calls, but unlike lenders who have a fiduciary duty to work with borrowers, CMBS special servicers are only obligated to help the bondholders and mitigate losses. This structure can lead to servicers to take in more fees the longer the loan is in special servicing.
“They make money the longer you are in there,” Hambly said. “They are not incentivized to do a quick resolution.”
The inherent nature of CMBS presents risks to borrowers, according to several industry sources. In some cases, for example, special servicers will reduce commercial rents to lower costs rather than to make actual upgrades to the property or the building.
“To reduce servicing advances, servicers may exchange rent or offer lease concessions in lieu of funding significant tenant improvements for office and retail,” said Morgan of BlackEagle Real Estate Partners.
The rules for securitized commercial mortgages are also problematic for some borrowers at a time when the federal government is releasing loan programs to help businesses during the pandemic.
For one, CMBS borrowers can not take on any additional unsecured debt, which could include loans under the federal Paycheck Protection Program. This means that a special servicer could potentially take over property with CMBS debt for accepting a PPP loan if it does not first get approval from the servicer.
“It would be a further indebtedness, and it could open up to bad boy carve-outs,” said Lee Mackson, a creditors’ rights attorney with Shutts & Bowen in Miami in reference to certain loan provisions, which, if violated, allows the loan to become recourse against the borrower.
Suzanne Amaducci-Adams, a partner at the law firm Bilzin Sumberg in Miami who represents special servicers and CMBS borrowers, said “CMBS loans specifically prohibit additional secured debt.”
“So any new loan that has security is going to be problematic because you will have two creditors fighting over the same collateral if there is a loan default,” said Amaducci-Adams
High exposure
The CMBS market exploded in popularity in 2007 as U.S. property values rose to all-time highs, but the market came to a near halt during the great financial crisis.
“I think the New York [hotel market] is going to take four to six years to recover.”
Andrew Broad, Avison Young
Lenders, borrowers and investors eventually returned to the space after the recession as property values recovered and borrowers sought out the CMBS market since the loans were offered at lower rates and oftentimes easier to obtain than traditional bank financing.
CMBS deals are typically bundled together in pools of mortgages backing one or more commercial properties. The mortgages are then transferred to a trust which sells the mortgages to investors as bonds. The bonds are sliced into different asset classes based on their credit risk — the lower the class, the greater the risk for investors.
During good times, this agreement with the bondholders is generally not a concern for CMBS bondholders as long as the borrower makes regular payments. But experts now project a wave of defaults, and many properties backed by CMBS debt could be taken over by loan servicers.
For example, a growing number of retailers are in dire straits as Neiman Marcus, JCPenney, J. Crew and other major stores file for bankruptcy. At the same time, the retail industry lost 2.1 million jobs in April before seeing some much-needed gains in May, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Hotels are perhaps in even worse shape. Nationwide, hotel occupancy stood at just 36.6 percent for the week ending May 30, according to the industry data firm STR.
Andrew Broad and Rick George, Avison Young
And occupancy could be much worse since these numbers do not account for hotels that have shut down due to Covid-19, and many hotels may be underreporting, according to Andrew Broad and Rick George, hospitality brokers at Avison Young.
They estimated that there are 4,500 U.S. hotel assets backed by CMBS debt and the average annual operating loss on a 120-key limited service hotel will be $500,000. The brokers also projected that it will take the average hotel one year just to break even.
“I think the New York [hotel market] is going to take four to six years to recover,” said Broad.
No love from the Fed?
Industry groups and some private equity firms like Tom Barrack’s Colony Capital have been advocating for more relief from the government to asset backed securities as the group faces a $3.2 billion default on its hotel portfolio.
But in late March, the Federal Reserve said it would only guarantee relief for Triple A CMBS securities — the highest tier for investors — through its Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (the central bank launched the stimulus program in November 2008 to help spur lending to small business and consumers)
The Fed also excluded single-asset, single-borrower CMBS transactions from TALF, which account for nearly half of all CMBS issuance in 2019, a figure pegged at $98 billion, according to the Commercial Real Estate Finance Council.
Lisa Pendergast, CREFC
Lisa Pendergast, CREFC’s executive director, said the lack of backing from the Fed will cause mortgage rates to increase on new loans, making the availability of financing for borrowers more scarce.
“Conservative or not, you can’t underwrite assets with no current income and little insight as to what that income will look like once it does materialize,” she said.
One single-asset, single-borrower deal includes a nearly $1 billion CMBS loan backed by the hotel where James Bond first met Auric Goldfinger in the movie Goldfinger, the Fontainebleau Miami Beach. The property’s loan went into special servicing in late March and the development group led by Jeff Soffer is asking its servicer for forbearance on payments due to cash flow concerns, according to Trepp.
Brett Mufson, Fontainebleau Development
Brett Mufson, president of Fontainebleau Development in Miami, stressed that the property has not defaulted on any of its payments.
“We view all our lenders as partners and now more than ever it’s important to work hand-in-hand to ensure a smooth transition back to normalcy,” Mufson told TRD.
History repeats
Borrower and lender attitudes could dampen going forward, due to rising fees and the cumbersome process of reworking CMBS loans, sources say.
It could be especially difficult for smaller hotel owners to get financing in markets where there are fewer lending options.
Sam Chandan, NYU
“If a CMBS lender is not active in a particular market, that can have a significant impact on liquidity,” said Sam Chandan, an economist and dean of NYU’s Schack Institute of Real Estate.
During the last financial crisis, CMBS issuance fell from $229 billion in 2007 to just $3 billion in 2009, Chandan noted in a 2012 research report. Issuance later rose to more than $97 billion in 2019, according to Trepp.
Given the broader economic impacts of the pandemic, hotel and retail borrowers may feel the process is too difficult and turn to other sources of financing, said Hambly of 1st Service Solutions, though in some cases it’s cyclical.
During the last recession, many borrowers said they will never return the CMBS market, which bounced back within a few years, she noted.
“We saw it in the 2008 downturn when people said I am never doing that again,” Hambly said. “It’s almost like childbirth [where] every woman says I am never going to do that again. You kind of forget the pain.”
The post Submerged in securities: Many CMBS hospitality loans may be underwater soon appeared first on The Real Deal Miami.
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14 Visual Content Marketing Statistics for 2019 [Update]
https://120profit.com/?p=1920&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr Two years ago I asked 300 different online marketers to help me figure out how they were using visual content as part of their marketing strategies in 2016 and their predictions for 2017. You can jump ahead in this article to look at the results from that survey by clicking here. This year I wanted to see if there were any changes in how marketers were creating visuals, and what kind of content engagement they were seeing. I also asked a couple of additional questions to see how the use of various visual formats impacted their blogging strategies. Here’s the infographic with the results of the survey: CREATE THIS INFOGRAPHIC    Visual Content Marketing Statistics to Know for 2019 Here are the stats you need to know if you want your content marketing strategy to be ahead of the curve in 2019. 1. How did the use of visual content in marketing change from 2017 to 2018? When asked, 44.6% of marketers stated that between 91-100% of content their published in 2017 contained some type of visual. This is about a 10% increase from what was stated in the year 2016, when we first put together this survey. However, in 2018 the percentage of people who visuals in their content 91-100% of the time rose to 56.3%. That’s almost a 40% increase since the year 2016. On top of that, 87.5% of marketers state that they were using visuals in more than 50% of the articles they published. Needless to say, the frequency at which marketers are taking advantage of visual content is trending up. CREATE THIS CHART  2. What type of visual content was used more frequently in 2018? We also asked marketers again what types of visuals they created most frequently in 2018. They were surveyed on the following types of visuals: Memes and Gifs: Defined as humorous visuals with some means of pop-culture reference. Charts and Data Visualizations: Specifically the visualization of raw data only, or complex data sets. Videos and Presentations: Either webinars, animated videos or recorded videos embedded within their content. Infographics: A combination of data and graphic design elements, including visual formats like posters, flyers or banners. Stock Photos: High-resolution photographs from directories not limited to Unsplash and Shutterstock. In 2018, 40.2% of marketers stated that they used stock photos the most in their content. This was followed by 36.6% of marketers who said they preferred using original graphics, such as infographics more frequently in their content marketing.   Other visual formats like charts and data visualizations were used frequently by 12.5% marketers, videos and presentations used most frequently by 7.1% of marketers, and gifs and memes were used most frequently by only 3.6% of marketers.   Enhance your visuals and choose from thousands of high-quality stock photos in Venngage’s Image library. LEARN MORE  3. What types of visual content engaged audiences best in 2018? Of course, what matters most is how visual content is performing. Despite using stock photos the majority of the time, 40.2% of marketers who were surveyed said that the visuals which performed best were actually original graphics such as infographics and illustrations. This was followed by 23.2% who said that videos and presentations performed best, 19.6% who admitted that charts and data visualizations lead to higher engagement and with only 12.5% of marketers stating that stock photos engaged audiences best. Memes and Gifs seemed to have the lowest engagement with 4.5% of marketers stating they saw an impact here. Sorry, memes.  Curious as to what extent the use of visual content actually impacted content engagement, we decided to take a look at some our top performing articles in terms of engagement (looking at metrics like the average time on page and bounce rates of certain articles) and compare them to articles that had lower engagement. We found that on average, articles which contained a higher ratio of visuals performed substantially better. Of course we can’t say for sure until we test out this hypothesis a bit more, but we can assume that the more frequent use of visuals and not just the format, also has an impact on engagement.   4. How much time did marketers spend on average creating visual content in 2018? When asked how long they spent on average, producing visual content, 71.4% of marketers stated that they typically spent anywhere less than 5 hours making visuals. This is almost identical to the data we collected during our 2016 survey, where 71.1% of marketers stated they spent less than 5 hours creating visual content. However, 9% of marketers claimed to spend over 15 hours a week producing visual content compared to 11.4% in the 2016 survey. Overall, it seems like marketers are making better use of their time when it comes to visual content creation as a whole.   5. How did marketers create their visual content in 2018? We also asked how marketers went about producing their visual content in 2018. In 2016, 32% claimed to use an online tool like Venngage. That number has increased substantially and this year, 49.1% have admitted to using an online graphic software. This is almost a 60% increase in the past few years. That means that far fewer marketers are relying on freelancers and in-house graphic designers for their visual needs. In fact, only 9.8% of marketers stated that they used a freelance or contract designer for their marketing visuals, which is roughly a 150% drop from 2016 when 24.1% of marketers mentioned using contracted designers.   6. What was the biggest struggle when it came to producing engaging visual content? When asked what their biggest struggles were when it came to producing engaging visuals, 34.8% of marketers said it was being able to produce it consistently. This is a small drop from 2016 when 36.7% of marketers were struggling with consistent production of engaging visual content. Following this, 31.3% said they struggled with creating great designs, 19.6% struggled with sourcing good data or content for their designs, and 14.3% said they struggled with getting a wide enough reach with their visuals.   Comparatively, it seems that marketers are definitely getting a much more impactful reach from their visuals since in the 2016 survey, 24.1% said they struggled with reaching a wider audience. But it also seems that more marketers are now struggling to figure out which content or data to include in their visuals, as only 10.1% were facing difficulty with this in 2016.   7. What percentage of their marketing budget was spent on producing visual content? In 2018, 42% of marketers said they spent less than 10% of their marketing budgets on producing visual content compared to 31.6% from the year 2016. What’s interesting here is that marketers also stated a higher frequency in their visual content output. What this suggests is that marketers are continuing to find cheaper alternatives to producing quality branded visual content. You can now apply your branding directly to your Venngage designs in one click! SIGN UP NOW  More interesting is that 16.9% of marketers claimed to spend more than 30% of their marketing budgets on visual content creation, a drop of almost 50% from 2016, when 25% of marketers stated spending over 30% of their budgets on visual content.   8. How much do marketers project to spend on producing visual content in 2019? We also asked how much marketers projected to spend on creating visuals in 2019. 32.1% projected to spend more than 30% of their budgets. This was a similar prediction to the previous survey we did in 2016, but it appears that it did not hold true, since the amount being spent seems to be on a decline. That being said, 29.5% of marketers predict to spend less than 10% of their budgets on visual content creation. It makes sense that more marketers are spending less money on visual creation considering the adoption of online graphics tools has greatly increased, and the overall cost for a tool compared to a freelance or in-house designer is substantially lower.   9. How difficult is it for marketers to consistently product visuals for their brands? We also asked marketers to indicate on a scale of 1 to 10 how difficult it was to consistently produce branded visuals and 47.4% of marketers voted 7 or higher. 32.1% said somewhere between 4 and 6, and 20.6% gave a rating of 3 or less. Needless to say, on of the biggest struggles for marketers in 2018 was to consistently produce branded visuals that looked good. At Venngage, we took this feedback to heart and implemented the ability to automatically apply your brand colors and logos directly to the designs and templates you create. Rather than having to manually produce unique branded content for every campaign, you can generate custom designs in one click. TRY BRAND KIT  10. What part of creating visual content do marketers wish could be automated? We also wanted to ask marketers what part of the visual creation process they wish could be automated, and 42.2% hoped that they could generated multiple unique designs based on the content or data they input. Following that, 28.7% wished they could automatically resize the visuals they created for various social media platforms, and 16.1% wished they could automatically apply their branding to their visuals. In an effort to make this dream a reality for our audience, we began working on an advanced design automation platform that not only generates multiple unique designs based on your data, but also automatically resizes those visuals for various platforms AND applies your branding directly to the visuals you create. If you’d like to get early access when this tool is launched, sign up here: SIGN UP FOR EARLY ACCESS  As we move into the next couple of years, it’s clear that there is more of a demand from marketers for the ability to automate their visual content design.   11. How essential was visual content to B2B and B2C marketing strategies in 2018? When asked how important visual content was to their marketing strategies, 68.7% of marketers said visual content was either very important or absolutely necessary. Others, that being 21.4% said it was quite important to their marketing strategies, 9.8% said visuals were somewhat important and not surprisingly, nobody said that visual content was not at all important or relevant for their marketing in 2018.   12. What percentage of marketers rely on blogging as part of their strategy? Since visual content has multi-channel benefits, we wanted to learn more about how people were creating visuals as a way to enhance their blogging efforts. Of the marketers we surveyed, 87.5% said they blogged frequently and that it was in fact an important part of their marketing strategies. The other 12.5% said that they didn’t blog as part of their marketing strategy.   13. What percentage of those blog posts contained some type of visual content? Of those who said they did blog as part of their marketing efforts, 85.7% said that more than 80% of their blog posts contained some type of visual. 9.2% said that between 50% and 80% of their blog posts contained at least one visual, and the remaining 8.1% said that less than 50% of their blog posts contained visuals. As mentioned earlier, we’ve seen better performance from articles we’ve produced that contain a higher visual to text ratio. These articles tend to rank higher on SERPs and also lead to better direct conversion rates.   14. What percentage of businesses will rely heavily on visual content for marketing in 2019 and 2020, according to marketers? Lastly, we asked marketers to tell us what percentage of business they thought would rely heavily on visual content in 2019 and 2020, and 45.5% predict that more than 80% of businesses would rely heavily on visuals as part of their marketing efforts. Following that was 42% of marketers who foresee between 50% and 80% of businesses relying strongly on visual content. And the remaining 12.5% believe that less than 50% of businesses would heavily rely on visual content. It appears that for the most part many marketers consider visual content to be an integral part of the growth initiatives, and believe that more and more businesses will adopt visual communication in the coming years.   The data says it all–visual content isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Not only are more brands leveraging the use for of visuals for various social media platforms, but there is a lot of added benefit when it comes to SEO and organic rankings as well, particularly in Google’s image search results. And of course, creating engaging visual content is a surefire way to resonate with your audience and communicate your ideas more effectively. EXPLORE VISUAL CONTENT TEMPLATES ON VENNGAGE 10 Visual Content Marketing Statistics to Know for 2017 USE THIS INFOGRAPHIC TEMPLATE  1. What percentage of content published contained visuals? When asked, 77% of marketers stated that 71% to 100% of the content they published in 2015 contained visuals. Of that 77%, 40.5% of marketers stated that 91% to 100% of the content they published in 2015 contained visuals. But when asked about their use of visuals in their content strategy during the year 2016, 83.5% of marketers stated that 71% to 100% of their content contained visuals, and 53% of marketers said that 91% to 100% of their content contained visuals. In 2016, less than 10% of marketers surveyed used visuals under 50% of the time. From 2015 to 2016, the use of visual content in articles published by marketers increased by an incredible 130%.   2. What kind of visuals were most frequently produced? When asked what types of visuals were most frequently produced during the year 2016, 35% of marketers stated that they used stock photos the most, while 30.4% of marketers stated that they used original graphics, such as infographics and illustrations, most frequently. The other forms of visual content that were most frequently produced were videos and Presentations (such as SlideShare presentations), which were used 15.2% of the time, charts and data visualizations, which were used 14% of the time, and GIFs and memes, which were used only 5.4% of the time.   3. Which visuals performed best? Marketers were also asked to share which kinds of visuals performed best in 2016. Shockingly, just 7.6% of marketers stated that stock photos had the most impact, despite being the most frequently used type of visual. Meanwhile, 41.5% of marketers said that original graphics, such as infographics and illustrations, performed best. Other high performing kinds of visuals were charts and data visualizations, which 25.7% of marketers claimed lead to the highest engagement. In addition, 20.2% also mentioned that videos and presentations performed best, and only 5% of marketers said that GIFs and memes performed best. STAR WITH AN INFOGRAPHIC TEMPLATE  4. How much time was spent a week on making visuals? When asked to share how much time was spent a week producing visual content, 71.1% of marketers claimed that they spent less than five hours a week making visuals. Contrary to that, 11.4% of marketers claimed that they worked more than 15 hours a week on producing engaging visuals for their content strategy, and 17.5% stated that they worked between five and 15 hours a week on visuals. A tool like Venngage takes the heavy lifting out of infographic creation by offering professionally designed templates that could save marketers hours.   5. What methods were used for creating visuals? When asked how marketers created their visual content, 32%–the vast majority–claimed to use an online graphic design tool like Venngage. Following that number, 30.4% said they used an in-house designer. Marketers who used a freelance designer made up 24.1%, and 14.5% stated that they used other means for creating and curating visuals such as Instagram, Flickr and Photoshop.   6. What was the biggest struggle when creating engaging visuals? Next, marketers were asked to share their biggest struggle when it came to creating engaging visuals in 2016. The leading statistic was that 36.7% of marketers struggled with being able to produce visuals on a consistent basis. In second place, 29.1% of marketers struggled with producing well-designed visuals, and 24.1% said they struggled to reach a wider audience with their visuals. Only 10.1% of marketers said their struggled to source reliable and interesting data.   7. How integral is visual content to marketing strategies in 2017? Marketers were asked to express how integral the use of visual content would be to their marketing strategies in 2017. Most marketers, 60.8%, stated that the use of visual content was absolutely necessary to their marketing strategy. Following that, 31.7% said that visual content was very important for their marketing strategies in 2017, while 5% said it was just important, and 1.3% claimed that visual content was only somewhat important. Only 1.3% claimed that visual content was not important at all to their marketing strategy.   8. What percentage of marketing budgets were spent on visual content in 2016? When asked what percentage of their budget was used on visual content in 2016, 31.6% of marketers surveyed said that 0% to 10% of their budget was spent on visual content, and 25.3% of marketers said that 11% to 20% of their budget was spent on visual content. Only 1.3% of marketers claimed that they spent 91% to 100% of their budget on producing visuals for their marketing strategy.   9. How much do marketers project to spend on visual content in 2017? Finally, when asked what they projected to spend on visual content in 2017, 21.5% of marketers stated they planned to spend  0% to 10% of their budget. Another 21.5% planned to spend 11-20% of their budget on visual content, yet another 21.5% of marketers surveyed predicted spending 21-30% of their budget on visual content. The remaining 35.5% of marketers predicted they would spend over 31% of their marketing budgets on visual content.     Final thoughts: Based on the results of this survey, it’s obvious that the majority of marketers understand the incredible value of using visuals in their 2017 marketing strategies In particular, they understand the value of using infographics, charts and data visualizations. The truth is that when there is so much text-based content produced on a daily basis, and even on an hourly basis, you need to test out other forms of content (in conjunction with a solid SEO strategy and reliable SEO checker) to captivate your audience. Make 2017 the year that people remember your brand and get a head start on creating awesome visuals that people will love. The State of Lead Generation in 2018 and Beyond [Ultimate Guide + Expert Tips] The 8 Biggest Graphic Design Trends That Will Dominate 2019 [Infographic] (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.0"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); 120profit.com - https://120profit.com/?p=1920&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr
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topnewfashion-blog · 5 years
PINKMILLY Women's 3/4 Sleeve Kimono Chiffon Loose Cardigan
Tumblr media
The womens cardigans is very comfortable to wear with thin, flowy and soft fabric. Featuring open drape style, 3/4 sleeve and elegant floral print, the long cardigan is the ultimate way to add some feminine edge to your spring and summer outfits. Great to pair it with your favorite tank top, cami, shorts, leggings or dress. Product Information: Material: 100%polyester Style: open drape style kimono cardigan Occasion: going out, casual, street or beach wear Care: Machine wash cold with like colors, gentle cycle, do not bleach, tumble dry low Package Includes: 1 x kimono cardigan, other accessories are not included Size Chart(inches) S(US 4-6): Bust 44.9", Length 36.6", Sleeve 17.3" M(US 8-10): Bust 46.5", Length 37", Sleeve 17.7" L(US 12-14): Bust 48", Length 37.4", Sleeve 7.1" XL(US 16): Bust 50.4", Length 37.8", Sleeve 18.1" Note: Please allow 0.4-0.8 inches differs due to manual measurement. Colors may appear slightly different via website due to computer picture resolution and monitor settings. 100%polyester Quality First, Customer First, Service Best Made of lightweight, breathable and soft chiffon material, the floral kimono is the perfect way to dress up a tank in the summer without being hot Fresh, bright flowers, high low hemline and airy silhouette create the ideal layering piece for you spring, summer and autumn outfits Suit for Casual, Home, Office, Going out, Daily wear, Party, Beach, Swimwear, Street wear The kimono is perfect for throwing on over your favorite tank top and cut off shorts, over a tunic and leggings, or a skin tight little party dress Read the full article
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koristore-blog · 6 years
Pros /
Colorful, full-HD display; Long battery life; Plenty of ports and DVD drive; Accurate sound;
Cons /
Grainy webcam; Narrow viewing angles;
Verdict /
A colorful display, long battery life and strong build quality make the Aspire Aspire E 15 E5-575-33BM a fantastic value.
If you want a sub-$350 Windows laptop, you usually have to settle for a dull, low-res screen; lackluster design; and mediocre performance. For $349 ($429 with Windows Office), Acer’s Aspire E 15 E5-575-33BM defies those expectations, providing a colorful 1080p display, solid build quality and a reasonable Core i3 processor. Throw in over 8 hours of battery life, a DVD drive and just about every port you can imagine, and this 15.6-inch laptop is a real winner for consumers on a budget.
Design: Solid
Acer’s Aspire E 15 is made of sturdy black plastic with a dark gray, matte lid that has a subtle crosshatch pattern and texture, along with a deck that looks like faux brushed aluminum. The notebook seems to have solid build quality, because it didn’t creak or buckle during my use; the keyboard didn’t show any signs of flex while typing either.
At 10.2 x 1.5 x 1.2 inches and 5.06 pounds, the E 15 E5-575-33BM is bulky, but it’s not much bigger than other budget 15-inch laptops. The Dell Inspiron 15 5000 is heavier (5.2 pounds) but thinner (0.92 inches), while the HP Notebook 15-ba009dx (4.6 pounds, 0.96 inches thick) is both thinner and lighter. The 14-inch Asus VivoBook E403SA is a much smaller alternative, at 3.18 pounds and 0.7 inches thick.
Ports: Everything you need plus DVD
The Aspire’s thick frame leaves plenty of room for both a DVD writer and almost every conceivable port. The left side houses a full-size Ethernet port, two USB 3.0 connectors, HDMI-out, VGA-out and a USB Type-C 3.1 port that’s good for data but that can’t be used to charge the laptop. The right side contains the DVD drive, a third USB port and a 3.5mm audio jack. The front lip offers an SD card reader.
Keyboard and Touchpad: Comfy and accurate
The Acer E 15’s keyboard offers a good typing experience that’s free from any of the shallowness or flex we find on many budget laptops. The keys provide a full 1.5mm of vertical travel and require 64 grams of force to actuate, a combination which prevented me from bottoming out as I typed. I reached a strong 100 words. Many users will appreciate the dedicated numeric keypad, which makes using the calculator or editing spreadsheets easier.
The 4.2 x 3-inch buttonless touchpad provides reasonably-accurate navigation around the desktop, but its surface felt a little slippery to me. The pad seemed to have a little trouble with pinch-to-zoom, as it didn’t always respond right away when I performed the gesture in Chrome browser or Windows 10’s photo app. Three-finger swiping to switch between apps worked every time.
Display: Surprisingly good
It’s rare that you find a 1920 x 1080 display on a sub-$400 laptop, let alone a display that covers this much of the color gamut. The Aspire E 15’s 15.6-inch screen outputs at a sharp 1080p resolution with tones that are vibrant, though not always accurate, and very limited viewing angles. When I watched a trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming, the reds and blues in Spidey’s costume popped, but appeared a bit oversaturated.
According to our colorimeter, the Acer E 15 can reproduce an impressive 159 percent of the sRGB color gamut, which is well above the 94 percent mainstream laptop average. That showing also trounces competitors in the E 15’s price range, such as the HP Notebook 15 (70 percent), Asus VivoBook E403SA (68 percent) and Dell Inspiron 15 5000 (72 percent).
Unfortunately, the numbers here don’t tell the full story, as the viewing angles were quite narrow. Dark images began inverting at just 45 degrees to the left or right.
Don’t try using this laptop in direct sunlight. The Aspire E 15 E5-575-33BM registered just 215 nits on our light meter, well below the 276-nit category average but actually better than showings by the Notebook 15 (174 nits) and VivoBook E403SA (201 nits). The Inspiron 15 5000 (213 nits) had a nearly identical score.
Audio: Decent
The Aspire E 15’s speakers offer output that’s quite accurate and loud enough to fill a medium-sized room. When I played Deep Purple’s “Smoke on the Water,” I could hear a clear separation of sound amid the drums, vocals and guitar. There was only a hint of tinniness in the high tones.
Performance: Ready for (light) multitasking
With its Core i3-7100U CPU, 4GB of RAM and 1TB 5,400-rpm hard drive, the Aspire E 15 E5-575-33BM offers just enough performance for light multitasking. With 12 tabs open in Chrome and a local 1080p video playing in another window, I experienced minimal lag when switching between the tabs. However, when one of the tabs was streaming a video (in addition to the local video) or downloading a large web page, things slowed down to the point that letters I typed in a Google doc didn’t appear until seconds after I hit the keys.
The Aspire E 15 scored a modest 5,408 on Geekbench 4, a synthetic benchmark that measures overall performance. That’s much less than the Core i5-7200U-powered Inspiron 15 5000’s score (6,742), but better than the showing by the HP Notebook 15-ba009dx (3,291) and its AMD A6-7310 CPU.
Acer’s laptop took 5 minutes and 14 seconds to complete the Laptop Spreadsheet Macro Test, in which we match 20,000 names with their addresses. That time is slower than the 4:01 category average and the Inspiron 15 5000’s time of 4:03, but more than twice as quick as the times from the Pentium N3700-powered Asus VivoBook E403SA (13:31) and the HP Notebook 15 (11:40).
The E 15’s 1TB hard drive copied 4.97GB of mixed-media files at a rate of 36.6 megabytes per second, which is significantly slower than the result for the Inspiron 15 5000 (83.4 MBps) and a bit lower than the HP Notebook 15-ba009dx’s showing (40 MBps), both of which have 5,400-rpm hard drives. The VivoBook E403SA and its eMMC memory did even worse (30.1 MBps).
You can watch full-HD movies on Acer’s laptop, but don’t think about playing anything more than casual games on it. The E 15’s Intel HD 620 GPU managed a mediocre 49,211 on 3DMark Ice Storm Unlimited, a synthetic graphics test. That mark is well below the Inspiron 15 5000’s score of 60,475 and the category average (86,474). However, the Notebook 15-ba009dx (33,649) and VivoBook E403SA (26,224) scored even lower.
Upgrading: Encouraged
Unlike many manufacturers, who don’t want you to touch your laptop’s innards, Acer actually cites the easy-to-remove upgrade panel on the bottom as a reason to buy this laptop. If you want to improve the performance of the E 15 E-575-33BM, you can upgrade its RAM and storage drive easily and inexpensively.
Once you take the panel off, you can put up to 32GB of DDR4 RAM inside or swap out the hard drive for any 2.5-inch SATA SSD. The machine comes with only one of its two memory slots filled, so you can pop in an extra 4GB, which costs around $33, for a total of 8GB. A 240GB or 250GB SSD goes for between $90 and $100. When there’s a sale, you can get both components for far less. So, for $480 or less, you can have this laptop with an SSD, 8GB of RAM and a 1080p display.
Battery Life: Great for the Size
If you don’t mind carrying the Aspire E 15 around, you’ll really appreciate its long battery life. The laptop lasted 8 hours and 16 minutes on the Laptop Battery Test, which involves continuous surfing over Wi-Fi. That time is an hour and 20 minutes longer than the category average (6:52) and around double the time of the Dell Inspiron 15 5000 (4:25) and HP Notebook 15 (3:36). The 14-inch VivoBook E403SA (9:02) lasted a bit longer.
Webcam: Too much noise
Even in a market in which most built-in laptop webcams take poor pictures, the Aspire’s 720p sensor stands out for all the wrong reasons. When I shot a selfie under the flourescent lights of my office, both my facial features and the background behind me were filled to the brim with extra visual noise. Fine details like the hairs in my beard and the lines on my skin were hard to make out.
The E 15 is certified for Skype for business, which means that its microphone, speakers and webcam are guaranteed to work with Microsoft’s enterprise-friendly conferencing software. However, given the image quality of the built-in lens, we recommend purchasing an external webcam if you plan to make video calls for work.
Heat: Pretty cool
The Aspire E 15 stayed cool and comfortable to the touch throughout our use. After I streamed 15 minutes of video, the touchpad measured 78 degrees Fahrenheit, the keyboard clocked in at 84 degrees and the bottom hit only 85.5 degrees. All of those temperatures are well below our 95-degree comfort threshold.
Configuration Options
Acer’s Aspire E 15 family comes in a wide variety of configurations.If you’re willing to spend a couple hundred dollars more, the $579 Aspire E5-575G-57D4 has the same screen and chassis as our review model, but features a Core i5-7200U CPU, 8GB of RAM and a 256GB SSD. The $629 E5-575G-53VG adds Nvidia 940MX graphics.
Software and Warranty
Acer preloads the Aspire E 15 with just a handful of utilities that aren’t harmful but that mostly duplicate built-in Windows 10 features. Acer Care Center checks the system health and looks for software updates. Acer Power Button sets what the power button does: turn off the computer, sleep, hibernate or disable the display, but all those options are also available in the Windows 10 control panel. Acer Quick Access allows you to turn on the Blue light-reduction mode or set up your computer as a hotspot, features that you can get as part of the OS. CyberLink’s PowerDVD lets you play movies on disc.
Like every other Windows 10 laptop we’ve tested, the machine comes bundled with Microsoft’s standard load of casual games and trialware, including, Sling TV, Candy Crush Soda, Royal Revolt II, March of Empires: War of Lords, a link to download Fallout Shelter and a link to download Asphalt 8.
Acer backs the E 15 with a standard one-year limited warranty. See how Acer did on our laptop brand ratings and tech support showdown.
The Bottom Line
The Acer Aspire E 15 E5-575-33BM offers a great combination of solid performance, good battery life and strong usability for the money. You’d be hard-pressed to find another 15-inch laptop with features and build quality this good selling for anywhere near $350.
If you’re looking for a lighter laptop with longer battery life in this price range, consider Asus’ 14-inch VivoBook E403SA, which costs $50 more and has much weaker performance, but weighs just 3.18 pounds and lasts over 9 hours on a charge. However, if you want the best budget 15-inch laptop available right now, look no further than the E 15 E5-575-33BM.
Acer Aspire E 15 (E5-575-33BM) Pros / Colorful, full-HD display; Long battery life; Plenty of ports and DVD drive; Accurate sound;
0 notes
galucy-blog · 6 years
Pros /
Colorful, full-HD display; Long battery life; Plenty of ports and DVD drive; Accurate sound;
Cons /
Grainy webcam; Narrow viewing angles;
Verdict /
A colorful display, long battery life and strong build quality make the Aspire Aspire E 15 E5-575-33BM a fantastic value.
If you want a sub-$350 Windows laptop, you usually have to settle for a dull, low-res screen; lackluster design; and mediocre performance. For $349 ($429 with Windows Office), Acer’s Aspire E 15 E5-575-33BM defies those expectations, providing a colorful 1080p display, solid build quality and a reasonable Core i3 processor. Throw in over 8 hours of battery life, a DVD drive and just about every port you can imagine, and this 15.6-inch laptop is a real winner for consumers on a budget.
Design: Solid
Acer’s Aspire E 15 is made of sturdy black plastic with a dark gray, matte lid that has a subtle crosshatch pattern and texture, along with a deck that looks like faux brushed aluminum. The notebook seems to have solid build quality, because it didn’t creak or buckle during my use; the keyboard didn’t show any signs of flex while typing either.
At 10.2 x 1.5 x 1.2 inches and 5.06 pounds, the E 15 E5-575-33BM is bulky, but it’s not much bigger than other budget 15-inch laptops. The Dell Inspiron 15 5000 is heavier (5.2 pounds) but thinner (0.92 inches), while the HP Notebook 15-ba009dx (4.6 pounds, 0.96 inches thick) is both thinner and lighter. The 14-inch Asus VivoBook E403SA is a much smaller alternative, at 3.18 pounds and 0.7 inches thick.
Ports: Everything you need plus DVD
The Aspire’s thick frame leaves plenty of room for both a DVD writer and almost every conceivable port. The left side houses a full-size Ethernet port, two USB 3.0 connectors, HDMI-out, VGA-out and a USB Type-C 3.1 port that’s good for data but that can’t be used to charge the laptop. The right side contains the DVD drive, a third USB port and a 3.5mm audio jack. The front lip offers an SD card reader.
Keyboard and Touchpad: Comfy and accurate
The Acer E 15’s keyboard offers a good typing experience that’s free from any of the shallowness or flex we find on many budget laptops. The keys provide a full 1.5mm of vertical travel and require 64 grams of force to actuate, a combination which prevented me from bottoming out as I typed. I reached a strong 100 words. Many users will appreciate the dedicated numeric keypad, which makes using the calculator or editing spreadsheets easier.
The 4.2 x 3-inch buttonless touchpad provides reasonably-accurate navigation around the desktop, but its surface felt a little slippery to me. The pad seemed to have a little trouble with pinch-to-zoom, as it didn’t always respond right away when I performed the gesture in Chrome browser or Windows 10’s photo app. Three-finger swiping to switch between apps worked every time.
Display: Surprisingly good
It’s rare that you find a 1920 x 1080 display on a sub-$400 laptop, let alone a display that covers this much of the color gamut. The Aspire E 15’s 15.6-inch screen outputs at a sharp 1080p resolution with tones that are vibrant, though not always accurate, and very limited viewing angles. When I watched a trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming, the reds and blues in Spidey’s costume popped, but appeared a bit oversaturated.
According to our colorimeter, the Acer E 15 can reproduce an impressive 159 percent of the sRGB color gamut, which is well above the 94 percent mainstream laptop average. That showing also trounces competitors in the E 15’s price range, such as the HP Notebook 15 (70 percent), Asus VivoBook E403SA (68 percent) and Dell Inspiron 15 5000 (72 percent).
Unfortunately, the numbers here don’t tell the full story, as the viewing angles were quite narrow. Dark images began inverting at just 45 degrees to the left or right.
Don’t try using this laptop in direct sunlight. The Aspire E 15 E5-575-33BM registered just 215 nits on our light meter, well below the 276-nit category average but actually better than showings by the Notebook 15 (174 nits) and VivoBook E403SA (201 nits). The Inspiron 15 5000 (213 nits) had a nearly identical score.
Audio: Decent
The Aspire E 15’s speakers offer output that’s quite accurate and loud enough to fill a medium-sized room. When I played Deep Purple’s “Smoke on the Water,” I could hear a clear separation of sound amid the drums, vocals and guitar. There was only a hint of tinniness in the high tones.
Performance: Ready for (light) multitasking
With its Core i3-7100U CPU, 4GB of RAM and 1TB 5,400-rpm hard drive, the Aspire E 15 E5-575-33BM offers just enough performance for light multitasking. With 12 tabs open in Chrome and a local 1080p video playing in another window, I experienced minimal lag when switching between the tabs. However, when one of the tabs was streaming a video (in addition to the local video) or downloading a large web page, things slowed down to the point that letters I typed in a Google doc didn’t appear until seconds after I hit the keys.
The Aspire E 15 scored a modest 5,408 on Geekbench 4, a synthetic benchmark that measures overall performance. That’s much less than the Core i5-7200U-powered Inspiron 15 5000’s score (6,742), but better than the showing by the HP Notebook 15-ba009dx (3,291) and its AMD A6-7310 CPU.
Acer’s laptop took 5 minutes and 14 seconds to complete the Laptop Spreadsheet Macro Test, in which we match 20,000 names with their addresses. That time is slower than the 4:01 category average and the Inspiron 15 5000’s time of 4:03, but more than twice as quick as the times from the Pentium N3700-powered Asus VivoBook E403SA (13:31) and the HP Notebook 15 (11:40).
The E 15’s 1TB hard drive copied 4.97GB of mixed-media files at a rate of 36.6 megabytes per second, which is significantly slower than the result for the Inspiron 15 5000 (83.4 MBps) and a bit lower than the HP Notebook 15-ba009dx’s showing (40 MBps), both of which have 5,400-rpm hard drives. The VivoBook E403SA and its eMMC memory did even worse (30.1 MBps).
You can watch full-HD movies on Acer’s laptop, but don’t think about playing anything more than casual games on it. The E 15’s Intel HD 620 GPU managed a mediocre 49,211 on 3DMark Ice Storm Unlimited, a synthetic graphics test. That mark is well below the Inspiron 15 5000’s score of 60,475 and the category average (86,474). However, the Notebook 15-ba009dx (33,649) and VivoBook E403SA (26,224) scored even lower.
Upgrading: Encouraged
Unlike many manufacturers, who don’t want you to touch your laptop’s innards, Acer actually cites the easy-to-remove upgrade panel on the bottom as a reason to buy this laptop. If you want to improve the performance of the E 15 E-575-33BM, you can upgrade its RAM and storage drive easily and inexpensively.
Once you take the panel off, you can put up to 32GB of DDR4 RAM inside or swap out the hard drive for any 2.5-inch SATA SSD. The machine comes with only one of its two memory slots filled, so you can pop in an extra 4GB, which costs around $33, for a total of 8GB. A 240GB or 250GB SSD goes for between $90 and $100. When there’s a sale, you can get both components for far less. So, for $480 or less, you can have this laptop with an SSD, 8GB of RAM and a 1080p display.
Battery Life: Great for the Size
If you don’t mind carrying the Aspire E 15 around, you’ll really appreciate its long battery life. The laptop lasted 8 hours and 16 minutes on the Laptop Battery Test, which involves continuous surfing over Wi-Fi. That time is an hour and 20 minutes longer than the category average (6:52) and around double the time of the Dell Inspiron 15 5000 (4:25) and HP Notebook 15 (3:36). The 14-inch VivoBook E403SA (9:02) lasted a bit longer.
Webcam: Too much noise
Even in a market in which most built-in laptop webcams take poor pictures, the Aspire’s 720p sensor stands out for all the wrong reasons. When I shot a selfie under the flourescent lights of my office, both my facial features and the background behind me were filled to the brim with extra visual noise. Fine details like the hairs in my beard and the lines on my skin were hard to make out.
The E 15 is certified for Skype for business, which means that its microphone, speakers and webcam are guaranteed to work with Microsoft’s enterprise-friendly conferencing software. However, given the image quality of the built-in lens, we recommend purchasing an external webcam if you plan to make video calls for work.
Heat: Pretty cool
The Aspire E 15 stayed cool and comfortable to the touch throughout our use. After I streamed 15 minutes of video, the touchpad measured 78 degrees Fahrenheit, the keyboard clocked in at 84 degrees and the bottom hit only 85.5 degrees. All of those temperatures are well below our 95-degree comfort threshold.
Configuration Options
Acer’s Aspire E 15 family comes in a wide variety of configurations.If you’re willing to spend a couple hundred dollars more, the $579 Aspire E5-575G-57D4 has the same screen and chassis as our review model, but features a Core i5-7200U CPU, 8GB of RAM and a 256GB SSD. The $629 E5-575G-53VG adds Nvidia 940MX graphics.
Software and Warranty
Acer preloads the Aspire E 15 with just a handful of utilities that aren’t harmful but that mostly duplicate built-in Windows 10 features. Acer Care Center checks the system health and looks for software updates. Acer Power Button sets what the power button does: turn off the computer, sleep, hibernate or disable the display, but all those options are also available in the Windows 10 control panel. Acer Quick Access allows you to turn on the Blue light-reduction mode or set up your computer as a hotspot, features that you can get as part of the OS. CyberLink’s PowerDVD lets you play movies on disc.
Like every other Windows 10 laptop we’ve tested, the machine comes bundled with Microsoft’s standard load of casual games and trialware, including, Sling TV, Candy Crush Soda, Royal Revolt II, March of Empires: War of Lords, a link to download Fallout Shelter and a link to download Asphalt 8.
Acer backs the E 15 with a standard one-year limited warranty. See how Acer did on our laptop brand ratings and tech support showdown.
The Bottom Line
The Acer Aspire E 15 E5-575-33BM offers a great combination of solid performance, good battery life and strong usability for the money. You’d be hard-pressed to find another 15-inch laptop with features and build quality this good selling for anywhere near $350.
If you’re looking for a lighter laptop with longer battery life in this price range, consider Asus’ 14-inch VivoBook E403SA, which costs $50 more and has much weaker performance, but weighs just 3.18 pounds and lasts over 9 hours on a charge. However, if you want the best budget 15-inch laptop available right now, look no further than the E 15 E5-575-33BM.
Acer Aspire E 15 (E5-575-33BM)
Pros / Colorful, full-HD display; Long battery life; Plenty of ports and DVD drive; Accurate sound;
Acer Aspire E 15 (E5-575-33BM) Pros / Colorful, full-HD display; Long battery life; Plenty of ports and DVD drive; Accurate sound;
0 notes