#residents of the Dunes sent there's been no proper follow-up. so most people have decided to take matters into their own hands and
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rustedleopard · 3 months ago
It's such a minor gripe but I hate it when people in fanon content make it so that the giant swelterstone in the Dunes has a habit of dimming/being covered up at night. It just. Feels like it detracts from the whole "ecological disaster" deal if the swelterstone can just be covered up (why not keep it constantly covered in that case? Then monsters can grow greenery in the Dunes and restore it back to the Meadows). And the Underground is supposed to be a stagnant environment (I think Alphys said that there's no real weather in the Underground. Also the Underground is literally underground. Of course it's not gonna experience weather like the Surface). Having a 24-hour "sun" that bakes the land dry and withers crops and throws off everyone's circadian rhythm feels more in line with the whole "hopeless, unchanging Underground" situation than an imitation sun that "rises" and "sets."
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some-cookie-crumbz · 6 years ago
Start of a Renaissance
Start of a Renaissance - Kidge Month Day 19 Prompt Fill Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Pairing: Kidge Summary: Continuation to my Day 9 fic, found [here]. After the fall of Voltron against Lotor, the universe is sent into chaos. As things fall apart around them without the powerhouse mecha to defend them, Keith does what little he can to help the struggling masses to survive. But, sometimes, even the darkest of nights still have a few stars to help offer some kind of hopeful glow. Standard Disclaimer: If you read and enjoy this, please give it a like/ reblog so I know if I should write more.
The universe was burning to ash all around them, and Keith Kogane was to blame.
After Pidge usurped the position of Black Paladin from him, he, Krolia and the young wolf had left. Romelle, despite her gratitude to the Kogane’s for all they’d done in helping her reveal Lotor’s betrayal, insisted she was going to stay on the Castle of Lions. He didn’t necessarily blame her; with three of the typical six residents comatose in the healing pods, and the other three struggling to keep things going, they needed someone else to help keep them grounded. Plus, he wagered it was probably her wanting to be with the only Alteans left outside of her colony. It may offer so small comfort to her, given she could never return to her home proper now. And so, with nowhere else to turn, their small group retreated back to the Blade of Marmora main base.
And from there, he had a front row seat to watching the universe burn to the ground.
Word that Lotor’s behemoth of a Robeast had decimated four of the five Voltron Lions spread fasted than he could have imagined, and the backlash when it was revealed that it was Black Lion, the leader of the team, that had survived by not even partaking in the battle, outrage had spread. No one knew him as the Black Paladin any longer and, due to the full knowledge of what transpired between himself, Team Voltron, Lotor, and the possessed Shiro, all of the adoration for his old friend had evaporated overnight. Why would the well-loved and noble leader of Team Voltron abandon his team in a fight against their most fearsome foe yet? It was unthinkable to those that had once rallied behind them, and discontent had spread.
He overheard that planets started to slowly back out from the Coalition and had felt sick. All the hard work that the other Paladin’s had put in to building their reputation, to inspiring the masses across countless galaxies, had been wiped away carelessly. He tried to argue whenever the chance presented itself, but it was infrequent that the other party would hear him out. He spoke out, screamed the truth of what happened, tried so hard to make it known to all that encountered him that they were wrong about Shiro and the others. However, they all just saw him as some heartbroken moron unwilling to accept the truth. No one wanted to defend the previous leader of Voltron and what his mistakes – mistakes that were Keith’s and Keith’s alone – had cost the universe.
In the time to follow, there was no word of what had happened to the Paladin’s, nor any sign of Team Voltron itself. He wasn’t even sure if Lance, Hunk and Shiro were still alive, or if their wounds had been too much. Any attempts to reach them were met with nothing but static or outright blocks. He encountered Matt, once, while trying to coordinate with the rebels in regards to evacuating a planet near a battle waging between Lotor and the Galra. The look of pure scorn on the others face had been worse than a punch to the gut, and when he tried to ask what he knew about Pidge and the others, he got one of those for his troubles, too.
But that had been nearly four years ago, he thought.
Things had gone from bad to worse following the stories of Voltron’s horrific, embarrassing defeat. Lotor began his hostile takeover, intent on ridding the universe of all that would oppose him. Without Voltron to stand toe-to-toe with him, though, the only hope they had was the Galra Empire itself. For the first two years of the frantic war, as everything on the coalition side burned to the ground, becoming scattered remnants of what the Paladin’s had built up, the universe found itself hoping for the Galra to take the tyrant down. It felt repulsive to be hoping that people like Sendak would thrive and smite Lotor, but it was their only hope at any kind of success.
The Blade had been forced to change tactics upon Lotor’s bloody rise and battle against the Galra Empire. All they had been working towards was suddenly impossible. They were no longer needed to tear down the Zarkon’s regime, and any Blades that had toed the line close to the new threat were disposed of post-haste. Lotor’s hate for his own kind was prominent in everything he did, and his desire to rid every nook and cranny of the universe of them was apparent. Thankfully, the Blade members were able to make a switch to a new approach that allowed them to remain in the shadows; rescue and evacuation efforts. It was difficult with no other organizations to assist, but they were at least trying to assist those affected by the two powerhouses of villainy duking it out throughout the universe.
But then Lotor had unleashed new, powerful machines near identical to the Sincline on to the masses, powered and controlled by the Altean colonists he’d kept tucked away for so long. The Galra Empire was quickly disposed of after that. Many had perished in the slaughter; including a few he’d met through the Blade. The closest it got for him was Adwru, another of the younger Blade members, crushed under falling ship debris while helping to evacuate a city. There were other Blades lost, countless innocent lives snuffed out by Lotor’s warpath, and all the while he wished that death would grip it in its cold grasp.
It seemed, in that moment, his luck had run out.
Beside him, one of the small children he’d been trying to lead to safety clutched to his leg, eyes wide with horror at the metallic beast looming above them. The poor thing couldn’t have been much older than the human equivalent of three. In the distance he could hear the horrified shrieks of the child’s parents, trying to break them from their stupor and call them to safety. He tried to guide them away but he could fell them shaking, paralyzed by their fear. A part of him wanted to shout at them to let go and run, to find some way to kick their flight or fight reflex into gear, but he had learned that sometimes it was of no use. He reached out, gripping the small tot and hoisting them into his arms. He was going to have to make a break for it, try to at least get them closer to their parents.
The Robeast shifted, moving to swipe at him, when a loud, furious roar pierced the air around them. There was a rush of wind as something huge flew overhead, the wind current strong enough that it sent him toppling over on to the ground. He kept his own body above the child’s, pinning them close to shield them as much as he could, while his pulse pounded in his own ears.
It couldn’t be, could it?
That first roar was followed by four more, all just as furious, and there was another rush of wind around him. He waited until the wind passed to push himself and the child upright again, their parents rushing over to take them. He handed the child over without argue, offering a shaky smile at the sobbed ‘thank you’s of their parents, the three of them clutching to each other as tight as they could. He motioned them back, heading towards the slope the natives had been evacuating through, and paused at the peak to look over, unbothered by how sand was kicked up around him by the wind whipping around him.
There, firing and charging at the Robeast, were all five Lions of Voltron.
Only Black Lion maintained the integrity of the designs as they’d first known them, the only one that had escaped that battle so long ago, though there seemed to be upgrades made to her claws and fangs. Green, Red, Blue and Yellow were all repaired using some kind of gleaming, silver material, patching them back together almost like spots in their old respective coat colors. Almost all of Red Lion’s head was composed of the new silver color, with only a few strips of red left, as well as one of her back legs being completely replaced by it as well. Blue Lion’s eyes had been replaced with some kind of bright green material and her entire hindquarters had been remolded with the new mineral. There seemed to be small plates flattened along her front and back legs, but due to the outlining on them it seemed to imply they could protrude if necessary. Yellow Lion’s entire bottom jaw, as well as most of his bulky back shield. Furthermore, it seemed he’d been given additional shield plates all long his back, glinting in the bright sun beams above them. Keith watched, stunned, as Blue fired a laser shot at Yellow, only for it to bounce of and pierce into the shoulder of the Robeast. The entirety of Green’s breast plate had required replacing, as well as her back plate that had once formed Voltron’s shield, and her right eye had also been replaced with the same material as both of Blue’s. There was a strip of the silver material along it as well, standing out like a scar that matched her old Paladin’s.
A part of him had wanted to almost laugh at the irony of it, but he was too stunned to see them in action.
They moved in perfect harmony, just like he remembered, ducking and weaving and charging in when another had to take a step back. It was stunning to see them in battle again for the first time in nearly half a decade. Had they found another comet to rebuild them? And were the new upgrades a side effect of that, or a new direction the team decided to go with the Lions? Another of the Blades seized up his shoulder and yanked him over the other end of sand dune where the crowds were gathered, all peering over smaller slopes to catch a glimpse of Voltron.
“Is it true? Are those the Lions of Voltron?”
“Our prayers have been answered!”
“There is hope again! Voltron had finally returned!”
He peered over the edge, stunned to see the Lions taking the Robeast down without even needing to form Voltron. He watched as they tore the thing to part, the whole spectacle reminding him of a documentary he’d seen in his youth of real lions on the savanna. The denizens around him cheered in delight and joy, some of them even sobbing in their pure glee. Keith himself could feel the spark of hope flickering to life inside of him. Once the Robeast was completely incapacitated, the Lions trotted away, sitting in the same half-circle that they typically did. They all lowered their heads one by one, dropping their jaws so that their Paladins could walk out.
The Blade member that had pulled him over the dune nudged him, “Sir? Should we go introduce ourselves to them?” they asked. It took him a moment before he realized that the young rookie was actually Bopud, one of the few Blades he worked with frequently enough to recognize.
His stomach roiled uncomfortably before he nodded. “Yes. Have one of the native leaders come with us, as well,” he said firmly, pushing himself upright and starting to head back over the dune. He waited for a moment as the younger Blade followed after, helping an elder of the group make her way over. Once they reached level ground, she was able to use her came properly, but he and the other Blade stayed close by, just in case. His hand itched to pull out his mask and place it on, in hopes that it would help to make things go easier, but he knew better. Pidge would be able to pick him out of a crowd of Blades in full ensemble in less than a minute flat.
Instead, he kept his shoulders squared and tried to keep his expression composed. With each step, however, it grew harder to keep his resolve.
As they got closer, the five Paladins removed their helmets and he was surprised. Allura still sported the pink armor of before, as well as a short bob hairstyle, and a few more scars from whatever had happened in the time between their return. The big thing that caught him was that she was no longer in charge of the Blue Lion; instead, she had been the one to exit Red Lion. He was filled with a brief sense of pure horror at what that could mean, but was then relieved when the Blue Paladin’s helmet was pulled off to reveal Lance. There was a jagged scar along his left cheek, starting just below his eye, and cutting in a wide mark all the way down and across half of his neck. He couldn’t even imagine how painful that wound had to have been, or how long it must have taken to recover from. He also noticed the other walked a bit awkwardly, as if one of his legs was stiff and needed to wake up. A quick glance revealed it to be his right leg, and he had to swallow back shame at the realization that he’d most likely needed to have the whole thing replaced.
He had figured that Hunk would still be piloting Yellow, but was surprised to see that it was instead Romelle. The young Altean had some smaller, fainter scars on her face, most likely earned in her recent beginnings as a Paladin, but seemed rather upbeat about everything. She was speaking excitedly to Hunk, who was now wearing green armor. He watched as the other man reached up, tampering with some small devices hooked into his ears, before answering her. Hearing aids, he realized, and felt like he wanted to run. The fact that someone as compassionate as Hunk, always willing to listen to other people when they needed him, had lost his natural hearing as a result of his injuries made him feel sick. Other than that, he could see the tail end of a scar sticking out from under his signature headband, cutting through his eyebrow. Additionally, the normally boisterous and lively man seemed more subdued, more introverted.
And, lastly, there stood the figure of the Black Paladin herself, Pidge Gunderson.
Much like Allura and Romelle, there were more scars on her. He could definitely say that her right eye had been replaced with a cybernetic implant that looked realistic. He could only tell because of how it gleamed with a glass-like sheen in the bright light of the sun above. Her hair had been grown out and tied back in a bun behind her, and he had to admit that the black color of her new armor complimented her nicely. She was quite a bit taller than last he’d seen her, thought she still stood a bit shorter than the others on the team. Even still, something about the way she was carrying herself - shoulders squared, head tilted up, face schooled into a composed half-smile - seemed to just scream to all of them that there was no doubt which Lion she helmed.
“Hunk, were you able to do any kind of scans on that thing when we took it down?” she asked, turning her attention to him beside her.
“Yes. It seems that, much like with the last one, there was a living form inside controlling it,” he said coolly, pulling up a small holoscreen.
“Which means that our theory is basically confirmed,” Romelle said softly, voice catching with fear. Hunk reached a hand up and settled it on her shoulder, giving a gentle squeeze and small smile when she looked at him. She smiled back and nodded. “You are right, Hunk. Thank you.” she said softly, reaching up to set one hand atop his.
Pidge nodded before turning to Allura, the young woman already pulling up a holopad of her own. “I have already sent the information along to Coran and Shiro on the Atlas. They will be able to safely retrieve the Altean from inside the cockpit and transport them to the medical bay,” she explained. “Once we return to the ship, before they awake, I will see to removing Haggar’s poisonous presence from them. Allow them the chance to recover fully from everything.”
“You’ve already done so much in the last two days, though, Allura,” Lance commented softly.
“I agree with Lance,” Pidge said with a quick nod of her head. She turned her attention to the young man. “Lance, send work back to Luka and see if she feels comfortable helping this one on her own. She was able to successfully do it the last three times without Allura intervening, correct?”
“Indeed. She’s been the fastest when it comes to learning from Princess Allura,” Romelle said happily.
“Well, of course she’s figuring it out. With a teacher as incredible as Allura, how could you not?” Lance chuckled, pulling up his own holopad and beginning to click away at it.
“Lance,” Allura said with a small giggle, looking away bashful.
He offered her a small, genuine smile of his own. “I’m just telling the truth,” he hummed.
“Paladins?” Bopud asked softly, taking a step forward to get their attention. All five turned to face him, and Keith saw them move from Bopud, to the elder, before landing on him. The spark of recognition that flitted across her eye was quickly replaced with scorn. The only one who showed any warmth for him was Romelle, who meekly raised one hand and waggled her fingers at him.“We are with-!”
“With the Blade of Marmora. We are well-aware,” Hunk cut in flatly.
“We worked with the Blade, long ago,” Allura said, her voice a bit tight. She stared at Keith hard before turning her attention to young Bopud. “We have also heard that the Blade has been doing what it can, where it can. That has been comforting, considering we have been repairing the Lions so we could battle properly.”
Bopud seemed to brighten under the slight praise before indicating the elder politely. “This is High Priestess Guuiel, who has been in charge of the planet,”
Guuiel raised one of her hands up in greeting. “I never thought I would live to see the day the Paladins of Voltron would return. Bless you all,” she said softly.
Lance offered a small smile before stepping forward, offering an arm to her and taking her cane with the other. “You must be tired from everything that’s happened. Let me help you back to the rest of your group, so you can rest a bit. Once the rest of our team gets here, we’ll also be able to properly tend to the sick and injured among you,” he said.
“Oh, why thank you, young man! Such a sweetheart you are,” she mused as they headed off. Romelle was just a few paces after them. Hunk and ALlura, seeming to sense the tension between the other two, guided Bopud away, Allura inquiring into the type of equipment and resources the Blade had been using to assist the masses in the last four years.
Pidge stayed rooted to her spot, one hand resting against Black’s nose, staring him down. “I’m surprised you’re alive,” she commented evenly.
“I could say the same to you,” he admitted, trying to get his posture to relax some. He knew Pidge wouldn’t actively attack him; not without being provoked, as least. “Considering how Matt reacted when I asked about you and the team, I kind of assumed…”
She laughed outright at that. “Ah, he actually listened to me! I told him to give you a nice one if he saw you before I did,” she hummed. She then turned to look back out at the other Lions. “It took a lot of time to get the Lions to where they are now. But… Much like a phoenix, the Lions have been reborn from the ashes of what they once were. Interesting what a little bit of teamwork can do, huh?” she said, finally letting her hand slip away from Black. Then, without another word, she began following the path the others had started.
He watched her go, a dull ache in his chest. Once again, it seemed he’d be left in the dust.
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hitachihanoi · 6 years ago
My Aspiration Guy Out of cash My Heart-and Allowed Me to Find the Appreciate of My entire life
My Aspiration Guy Out of cash My Heart-and Allowed Me to Find the Appreciate of My entire life
Reader’s Digest publishers asked the Reader’s Break up contributor networking to tell us their stories of fine people and places. The following piece was written reacting to that fast. To share your company’s own 100-word true tale for feasible inclusion inside magazine or perhaps on RD. com, click this link.
Back in my college times, I chop down very beautifully into the group girls who efficiently filled up a male need for an associate or a minor sister, but never to get a girlfriend. We were obsessed with sporting activities, by this point working the night shift and writing sporting activities for a daily newspaper, intensely independent, and a country mile from everything that one may define since hotness. Simply speaking, it looked like that I was a real hoot to hang with, but quite possibly not at the top of the scale of alluring adolescent females to date. It’s OKAY; a decade in the future I’ve obtained over it, I promise. Significantly.
I say so much so that you will have the background intended for the story I actually is going to tell. The idea involves the weirdest thing anyone offers ever thought to me plus the nicest matter anyone features ever carried out for me. Concurrently.
It was later part of the at night within a Starbucks building. At the very least , in my college years, Starbucks parking tons were types of the place where stuff went down. That it was hot in that thick summer time night means, the type of high temperature that you form of swim through, the type that catches within smells and magnifies these people. In this case, coffee hung uphill, sweet and nutty. Comments and fun came in dunes as the Starbucks’ door opened and closed. I just stood outside the house my car after a long evening of chatting with close friends and silently laid. (These summer time love tales will melt your heart. )
Observe, it was the past time I used to be meeting with a team of twenty-somethings the fact that was structured through a local church. People met regular at Starbucks but got summers away, which supposed that I would end up being unlikely to cross trails with some of the other associates until October. They were close friends, but solely in the sense that our friendships had been rooted in your weekly group meetings. The capture was, mainly because these things tend to go, there buy a wife online is “this person. ” This specific one was cute, had an accent, and was just the right volume of wacky to make my family think I would have a go with him. We got on great, i had started to get the tone that he may be right into me. This is where I just let you know the fact that my “vibes” at the time had been pretty undependable.
Right. So I was located at my automotive. He was not moving one position over, and now we stood now there semi-awkwardly as I tried to deliver him enough time to ask me personally out. If it was at any time going to happen, he and that i both knew it had to become now. People trickled via the last feasible stream of small talk, unlocked all of our cars, did start to climb into our driver’s seats, and when the common and literal door was closing, he turned to myself.
“Yes? ”
“Kiss a lot of children this summer! ”
And he was gone. Door shut, engine started, building vacated. What precisely. Just. Happened.
I driven home within a moderate bear. What did he imply by that? Kiss loads of boys come july 1st? How have he imagine that was also remotely the proper thing to say? Whether or not he was not going to question me out, at the very least , he could not say that! The content his challenge? What was my very own for loving him to begin with?
I stewed on his separating words for your good very long time. But as the summer months heat rose, I gradually cooled down. Everyone knows that slipping in love involves a family, somehow miraculously sharing the same feelings regarding each other. Plainly, we could not. There was nothing I could carry out about that.
But some of us wonder what still irked me is the fact that I had spent a long period crushing on this guy. We may float to and from of each other peoples lives, each time we all reconnected, Outlined on our site think, might be . Still there was hardly ever a possibly on his end, not even close. I actually promised by myself that the when I attained a guy and started installing my thoughts in him, I didn’t waste years hoping he’d make a move.
August burned off and my additional friends arrived from college or university. I had graduated a . half-year earlier during the cold months, but now the full crew acquired caught up. Considered one of my good friends from high school came residence and asked me to attend a DISTINCT VARIATIONS . with her. That’s wherever I met Jim. My initial attractive force to him was purely physical. He was c-u-t-e. Then, the circle of friends suddenly began to meet constantly. The more I leaped into this Jim dude, the more I actually liked him. Maybe however ask me out. Probably . Delay. No . Simply no, no, not any, no .
The good news is moment in every area of your life when you have to assess if you’re going to leap off the high cliff. For some people, it means taking a risk at work, or quitting university, or switching cross country. My cliff was Jim, and once I dived cowardlessly, I produced myself really emotionally prone. These quotations perfectly take what it seems like to are in love.
John was quite shy and liked for you to do things the proper way. That designed taking his time just before he asked a girl away. That decided not to really fit in my eye-sight of our marriage, though, therefore i asked for his phone number a single night. The person obliged, are costly we started to text and got along great, he even now didn’t consult me away. A month passed. Then one night, we were getting together with friends and went through the usual dance of talking and flirting till we talked about goodbye. Yet not even a touch of a time invitation. So , I dived cowardlessly off the ledge. I owned to a Starbucks (a distinct one than back in August … just like I reported, a lot went down at Starbucks in the ones days), requested a espresso, and made up a wording.
“So, Now i am just wondering … are you thinking we’re friend materials or more than friend? micron
I continued to wait. And anxiously waited. An hour ticked by. Solely then did I realize I had no stick in the Starbucks and the communication had not also sent. Sleek operator. My spouse and i moved out of doors, the text directed, and an answer followed a short while later. The guy didn’t think this was one thing we should text message about. Could we meet up with sometime that week to talk?
I’ll keep it to themselves the extended beautiful love story that follows. In short, all of us met within a park and took an extended walk. The guy said the person thought we have to develop a stronger friendship prior to we went out with. I explained I was chock full of friends and had not been particularly considering climbing in the beloved friend-zone with him. He did not commit to anything that day, however the next day, this individual asked me away. He proposed less than a 12 months later. Six to eight years in our marriage, I emphasize him frequently that I on their dragged him into the most effective marriage often of us would have ever dreamed up. You aren’t welcome, Rick.
And that brings us back around to the best thing any person has previously done for me personally. Back in the Starbucks parking lot, as being a guy which has a cute accent told me to “kiss numerous boys come july 1st, ” that felt like lowest position of playing. Not considering that he designed to hurt me, but because he didn’t want me personally. What I didn’t realize was that in this moment, Outlined on our site develop the resolve Required to refuse anything less than a deep romance with my next smash.
I discovered an important class that night. That sometimes, for anyone who is not willing to take a associated risk, you don’t find the reward. Therefore , thanks, Starbucks guy. And the way, I did so kiss a single boy that summer. However kissing him today.
Keep reading for another history about how just one woman’s initially romantic devastation taught her an important appreciate lesson.
The post My Aspiration Guy Out of cash My Heart-and Allowed Me to Find the Appreciate of My entire life appeared first on Hitachi Hà Nội.
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