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lovelyprincesslady · 5 months ago
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Leon Kennedy/Shen-mei
I love this couple.
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thongazambil · 2 years ago
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adriheavymetal · 2 years ago
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10 years already?? I remember like it was today when I started playing it, since then I never stopped 🔫👊👌🎮🎮🔝🎮📷💯🙃🎮💀 #residentevil6birthday #2012 #residentevil6 #biohazard6 #leonscottkennedy #helenaharper #residentevil4 #residentevil2 #xbox360 #xbox360rgh #favsgames #residentevilvillage #residentevilinfinitedarkness #residentevillover #residentevilfan #pcgamer #xbox360 #xboxone #playstation4 #leonscottkennedy #sherrybirkin #jakemuller #helenaharper #pcmodding #myedits #bestvideogamecharacter https://www.instagram.com/p/CjPJWK-sovN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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the-enzyme · 3 years ago
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I received some stuff from earlier in the year (some even from last year, maybe?), I had on hold in Japan, to save on shipping. I am a quite disappointed with the Eren PUP. I knew what he looked like, from the moment GS showed their promos of the figure, but I was hoping they would fix it somehow, before release but they didn’t. I still wanted to own one, because I know I’ll regret not owning one. However, I did change my mind about getting two, to display one out of box due to the horrible proportions (now I regret not getting two of his titan form). I don’t mind the facial sculpt as bad, it’s not beautiful, but the size of the head is what bothers me to no tomorrow. I can see they did an excellent job with Zeyan, and I don’t even play Otome games, but just by looking at game art based on him, he looks quite accurate. They did a good job with Eren’s titan form as well, so I don’t know why they gave human Eren those proportions; they make him look dwarf-y, despite him being pretty tall in the anime (and manga, from what I have read about it). I do appreciate that the plastic they are using now seems less waxy, once again. I notice it with Giyu, but these two also look less waxy and less yellowy. I didn’t mind the semi-translucency, but the yellowness did bother me a bit on the other PUPs I own, with the exception of Kaneki. 
From top right to bottom right row: Tomytec Little Armory (LABH02) Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness Weapons 2 (1:12 scale); Good Smile POP UP PARADE Love & Producer Zeyan Li Non-scale Figure; Good Smile POP UP PARADE Attack on Titan Eren Yeager Non-scale Figure; Ensky Attack on Titan: Paper Theater PT-175 Eren & Levi; Ensky Naruto: Shippuden Paper Theater Naruto VS Sasuke.
Overall, and despite Eren being as disappointing in person, just as he was in promos. I am pretty happy with all these. I could always attempt repainting his face, if that was all that wasn’t to my liking, but I can’t shrink his gigantic head, and that’s truly what bothers me the most. It’s kind of irritating with just about any character whose figures I collect, when companies get their specific proportions, or features wrong. More so, when they clearly do a good job with others. As I mentioned, I don’t play Otome games (no interest in mobile games in general), but I find Zeyan Li a gorgeous looking figure, so I pre-ordered him, but I have no intention to play the game whatsoever. I just like collecting toys I find beautiful. So, I’m particularly sad, Eren was given the short end of the stick with his human version PUP figure (we’ll probably won’t get another, at least not licensed that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg). DX
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the-devouring-void · 4 years ago
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Johnny Bravo is back everybody 👏 Pls bring him back in re9/ re:id 2💜💜💜 #residentevilvillage #residentevil #re8 #residentevilinfinitedarkness #reinfinitedarkness #residentevilfanart #donnabeneviento #angiethedoll #chrisredfield #residentevilvillage #residentevil #albertwesker #residentevil #ethanwinters #wesker #karlheisenberg #residentevilviii #residentevil8 #leonskennedy #gamecharacter #claireredfieldedit #leonkennedy #residentevil2 #digitalartwork #residentevil8 #alcinadimitrescu #salvatoremoreau https://www.instagram.com/p/CRWoajMKWpj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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chris-world-official · 4 years ago
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Leider ist die Serie nur sehr kurz mit gerade mal 4 Folgen aktuell, aber sie ist sehr gewaltig in der Qualität. Ich muss sagen, dass ich seit ewigkeiten keine so verdammt gute Animation mehr gesehen habe. Auch ist sie wie es sich für Resident Evil gehört, schön blutig und gewalttätig. Es ist schön auch mal wieder alte Gesichter zu sehen. Das weckt Erinnerungen. Das muss man gesehen haben. . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #capcom #netflix #netflixoriginal #anime #Resident #evil #residentevil #residentevilinfinitedarkness #infinitedarkness #infinite #darkness (hier: Netflix) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTNuI2jMX56/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tomorrowedblog · 4 years ago
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Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness premieres today
Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness, the new TV series from Hiroyuki Kobayashi, is out today.
The world of Resident Evil that intertwines horror, action and suspense is presented with beautiful and realistic visuals in this brand-new entertainment epic on a unprecedented scale!
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godlikedevil · 4 years ago
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Sunday #Netflix is #ResidentEvilInfiniteDarkness https://www.instagram.com/p/CRL8Ec9jMXE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thongazambil · 2 years ago
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ninjagamergirls · 4 years ago
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Viendo Resident Evil infinited darkness 🧟‍♀️ . #ninjagamergirls #residentevil #netflix #torreon #mexico #torreonchido #residentevilinfinitedarkness #residenteviloscuridadinfinita #leonkennedy #claireredfield #instagram #instagamer (en Torreon, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTSqgJWp2R1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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the-devouring-void · 4 years ago
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Some water color doodles I did while watching re:id a few days ago 💜💜💜 #residentevilvillage #residentevil #re8 #residentevilinfinitedarkness #reinfinitedarkness #residentevilfanart #donnabeneviento #angiethedoll #heisenberg #residentevilvillage #residentevil #beneviento #residentevil #ethanwinters #moreau #karlheisenberg #residentevilviii #residentevil8 #leonskennedy #gamecharacter #claireredfieldedit #leonkennedy #salvatore #digitalartwork #residentevil8 #dimitrescu #alcinadimitrescu #salvatoremoreau https://www.instagram.com/p/CRUdEfhFqAO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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24xero · 4 years ago
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Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness is available to stream now on Netflix! #ResidentEvil #InfiniteDarkness #ResidentEvilInfiniteDarkness #ResidentEvil25thAnniversary #Netflix https://www.instagram.com/p/CRLBdehtsdO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tomorrowedblog · 4 years ago
Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness gets new trailer, releases July 8
A new trailer has been released for Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness, which is set to release July 8, 2021.
The world of Resident Evil that intertwines horror, action and suspense is presented with beautiful and realistic visuals in this brand-new entertainment epic on a unprecedented scale!
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tw33dler · 4 years ago
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netflix you lie like a dog! majority of anime/movies they claim "nf original" or "only on nf" can be found on anime apps everywhere. lol smh @netflix #netflix #lie #hsstorm #anime #residentevil #residentevilinfinitedarkness https://www.instagram.com/p/CRF8rhmL8Uc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dominicanmusic · 4 years ago
El Androide EL DEMBOW ESTA MUNDIAL 🔥 @anitta se montó en "La mamá de la mamá Remix" 🇩🇴 juiderooo 🔥🇩🇴 #yesdominicanstv #alofokeradioshow #estonoesradioshow #logo #santiagomatias #españa #colombia #cartagenadeindias #bogota #netflixmovies #mc #elalfaeljefe #therockstarshow #dominicangottalent #residentevilinfinitedarkness #dmx #movimientocallejero (en New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQfErjDBg4n/?utm_medium=tumblr
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etcemais · 4 years ago
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A Netflix liberou o primeiro trailer oficial da nova animação de Resident Evil: No Escuro Absoluto. A animação, que conta com Claire Redfield e Leon Kennedy como protagonistas, está previsto para estrear em algum momento de 2021. Maiores informações ainda não foram liberadas, apenas que é "uma série de terror com um toque de ficção científica". A sinopse diz que "em 2006, foram encontrados rastros de um acesso inapropriado aos arquivos secretos Presidenciais na rede da Casa Branca. O agente federal norte-americano Leon S. Kennedy está no grupo convidado pela Casa Branca para investigar o incidente, mas quando as luzes se apagam de repente, o time da SWAT é forçado a abater uma horda de zumbis misteriosos. Enquanto isso, a integrante da equipe TerraSave, Claire Redfield, encontra um desenho misterioso feito por uma jovem em um país que ela visita para providenciar apoio aos refugiados. Assombrada pelo desenho, que parece ser de uma vítima de uma infecção viral, Claire começa sua própria investigação" A série está prevista para estrear em julho deste ano. Gostou? Não se esqueça de curtir, salvar e mandar o post para alguém que vai gostar da novidade. Fique ligado no story, pois sempre compartilhamos informações curtas por lá. #ResidentEvil #Jogos #Capcom #Filme #Longa #Netflix #ResidentEvilInfiniteDarkness https://www.instagram.com/p/CN0iCuRD6BY/?igshid=1vv1whlp1yv0e
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