#resident evil : operation javier
janny-aqua · 10 hours
Green Faerie babygirl 🧚‍♀️🧚🏽‍♂️
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daily-leon · 23 days
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anastasui · 9 months
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I really love poster art and The Operation Javier. I really love the chemistry between Jack and Leon. It's unlikely that we'll wait for a remake of this part of RE games but it would be great to see it with new details. No one will forbid you to fantasize~ Jack protected Leon from injury. I think that's what he would have done.
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wastedskins · 2 months
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Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles, 2009
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j3tsabyss · 2 months
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Summary of me after watching Operation Javier bad ending
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punk-hare · 7 months
Somewhat old drawing of what I imagined a remake operation javier Leon would look like
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alvivaarts · 10 days
I don't know if I can ask two questions, but I have one more question. What does Krauser look like in your mer au ?
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You're welcome to ask more than one question! I love hearing from folks, especially repeatedly. (All I ask is that you ask one question at a time instead of sending me a list. It makes it much easier to do answer doodles for you!)
Krauser is a cecalia Leon was actually in a relationship with for some time when he was younger! It was soon after some unfortunate events forced him to split up from Jill, and also led to him taking in Sherry and Manuela as his own pups. It's hard being a brand new single father with no pod, so Krauser offered protection... at a cost. It didn't last particularly long.
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hell--kat · 7 months
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tyanis · 7 months
"Long as we stick together, we'll be fine."
I have not been able to stop thinking about this line from the ending of RE 2 Remake. In the original, Leon's final words are about stopping Umbrella. And at the time, I assume that's what Capcom intended. Everyone grouping up to stop Umbrella... but things changed and RE 4 happened.
Can't really blame them for losing that story thread (actually you can and should, but I digress). In hindsight, they probably regretted it. But they didn't have a crystal ball to know the future with.
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Can't really say the same thing about the remakes though. By virtue of being a remake, Capcom kinda already knows how the story is going to go... so why have him say this line when they know for certain that they'll be separated from each other very soon? Maybe to give new players an optimistic note to end on while also twisting the knife for veterans?
There was a recent IGN interview with RE 4 Remake's producer, Yoshiaki Hirabayashi, that has stirred up some rumors of an Operation Javier remake of some sort. Combine that with the ever present rumors of a Code Veronica remake and...
What if we ARE getting that CV remake with Operation Javier being a "Separate Ways" style dlc later on? Maybe the game could even start with Leon saying those words only to go on to show how he, Claire, and Sherry all get separated from each other and how they all ended up very not fine.
Anyway, that's just where my mind has been lately and this is purely speculation. But please excuse me while I go cry into my pillow.
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the-hanged-man-ao3 · 11 months
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I got that Operation Javier dog in me
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merrixmas · 9 months
Ngl Steve looks like Leon's long lost brother, imagine them being siblings AAAAAAAAA
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anastasui · 9 months
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This is a kind of continuation of this drawing. Jack was such an ass, but he could appreciate and praise for good results and hard work. I've always seen that Leon has self-esteem issues and worries about people sacrificing themselves for him, but Jack would unknowingly help him deal with it. He is rude and demanding, but he is able to consider talent and help build an inner core rather than oppress a person. I think the individual approach to the students helped him become an excellent major.
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mychoombatheroomba · 6 months
Four Roses
Disavowed (Krauser x GN! Reader/Krauser x Leon) - Chapter 2
Krauser had retreated to the bar, content to drink a little and enjoy the rock music playing over the speakers. It hadn’t spared him the attention of the youth, but at least most of them didn’t bother him while he was drinking.
Most of them. 
(Cross-posted from Ao3)
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December 20th, 1997
Washington DC
The bourbon had a good burn to it as it went down Krauser’s throat. Wasn’t often that he drank, but tonight was a special night, right? Might as well make an exception. It would hopefully make getting through this easier. 
He wasn’t the only one who seemed to share that sentiment. 
Or maybe the young blood lining the bar around him just wanted to make this more of a party than the ball that had been advertised. 
Krauser had never liked these things. Good for morale, they’d said, so he’d shown up, even if he wasn’t interested in peacocking around like some of the older Generals and other ranking officers. Well, not entirely interested. He supposed he got a bit of a kick out of seeing the younger soldiers sweating when he was around, their eyes getting all buggy when they saw his red beret and all the chest candy pinned to his dress uniform. 
Rookies trying to make a good impression, and often fumbling the ball. 
It was one of the more entertaining aspects of these things, but it did get old after about the first half hour. So, Krauser had retreated to the bar, content to drink a little and enjoy the rock music playing over the speakers. It hadn’t spared him the attention of the youth, but at least most of them didn’t bother him while he was drinking. 
Most of them. 
“What’s that you’re drinking, sir? Or, what were you drinking?” 
It wasn’t exactly the most formal of greetings he’d experienced tonight. In fact, it was almost downright familiar, even if he didn’t recognize the voice. With a raising of his pale brow, Krauser turned to his side, where another person had slid into the open space by the bar to his left. He was surprised to find someone so young raising a brow back at him expectantly, waiting for his answer. Like you were blind to the pins and badges and ribbons that identified Krauser as a decorated officer. Or, maybe, you weren't so much blind as you didn’t care. 
As much as his uniform was a warning to you of who you were dealing with, your own was a book for him to read. 
Relatively plain, you boasted the standard array of badges, your nameplate, your unit insignia . . . but there were a few things that caught his eye. No combat pins - not exactly surprising. A little cross over your heart with a rifle suspended beneath it - sharpshooter. A red bar just above your right breast pocket - meritorious unit commendation. And, finally, three gold chevrons proudly displayed on your shoulder.
A Sergeant. 
Probably thinking you were on top of the world for having earned that third chevron so early in your career. 
A young hotshot with more balls than brains. That was Krauser’s first impression of you. It was a hell of a lot more entertaining than the rest of the rank and file, so despite the insubordination, Krauser answered you with an amused smirk. “Four Roses.” 
“Kentucky. Nice,” you hummed your approval, then turned to the bartender. “I’ll have one of those.” You spoke with a confidence that Krauser wasn’t sure you’d earned, but again he couldn’t help but find it entertaining, if nothing else. 
Of course, that confident smirk on your face faltered a little when the bartender looked you over and asked what seemed to be the one question you hadn’t accounted for. “Can I see your ID?” 
You blinked, and Krauser’s smirk only grew. “Seriously?” you asked, like you were legitimately offended. Definitely someone thinking they’re on top of the world. 
The poor bartender looked a little apprehensive as he nodded. “If you’re under twenty-one, I can’t serve you.” 
Krauser wasn’t sure if he was impressed or not as you tilted your head, giving the man a discerning look. “So I’m old enough to die for my country but not old enough to drink?” you asked, and the bartender’s face drained of color. "Seems a little fucked up to me."
Oh, Krauser liked you. 
“Come on, you’re torturing the poor kid.” Now that voice, the Major did recognize, even if the last time he’d heard it had been some years ago. It took him a moment to place, because even when he had heard that voice, it hadn’t been often. Age had deepened it since then, but Krauser supposed the same could be said of him. He turned just in time to see Simon Reynolds - Captain Simon Reynolds, judging by the badges on his uniform - approach. He’d aged well, his dark skin offset by graying, short-cropped hair, his smile just as bright as those days spent at boot camp all those years ago. Simon had always been a charmer. Jack hadn’t spent much time with him, being a few years younger than the now-Captain and a few weeks behind him in training. Still, he’d run into him enough times over the years to know the man decently well. Served with enough to recognize him as a damn fine soldier. Even if he got far too attached to the men under his command for Krauser’s taste. You were no exception, it seemed. Reynolds’ words weren’t directed at the bartender, but rather at you. Spoken with an almost paternal affection, and Krauser knew it was likely due to the matching unit insignias you both wore. 
Always had a soft spot for troublemakers, Simon. 
“Still wrangling the spitfires, huh?” Krauser chuckled, and Reynolds turned his way, seeming to notice him for the first time. 
That smile he wore only widened. “Well, look what the cat dragged in.” He wondered if you got your disregard for formality from Reynolds. Probably. Callused hands clasped in a firm handshake, and the two officers grinned at each other. Reynolds’ eyes caught on the pins on Krauser’s shoulders. “Thought I heard something about you making Major a while back.” 
“And you’re still stuck at Captain?” 
“Hey,” Reynolds defended with a smile, “if that means I don’t have to get all stuffy with the big wigs all the time, that’s fine by me.”
“You two know each other?” you asked, inserting yourself into the conversation casually. 
Krauser and Reynolds both nodded. “Yep,” the Captain nodded, answering for Krauser - which the Major was happy to let him do. At least, until Reynolds went on. “Saw his sorry ass get the shit kicked out of him his first day of basic, right before I graduated. Now look at him,” he tapped Krauser’s broad and metal-bedecked chest. “Got enough medals to make a cast of himself in gold. Not that anyone should immortalize that ugly mug.” 
“You speak that way to all superior officers?” Krauser smirked. “No wonder you haven’t been promoted.” 
That just made you grin wider as you listened. “Really? Cause I talk that way to him all the time and I still made Sergeant,” you grinned, too proud as you gestured over to the Captain with your chevron bedecked arm. Had to be a pretty recent development, then, if you were bragging about it that much. 
“Careful, kid,” Reynolds cautioned, “you’ll pull a muscle patting yourself on the back.” 
Krauser laughed, glad for some honest conversation at last. “A Sergeant who can’t drink? Not often you see that.” The bartender didn’t look thrilled to be roped back into the conversation.
“Oh I can drink,” you insisted with another grin like a sparking flame. “Here, I’ll prove it to you-” 
Reynolds put a hand on your shoulder. “Sergeant, give it a rest. Plenty of fun to be had tonight without you getting wasted and losing this man his job in the process.” 
“I’m just saying,” you went on, looking over your shoulder at the Captain. “Not like I won’t be twenty-one in a few months anyway. I could die between now and then, you know.” Now, you turned back to the bartender. “How would you feel, knowing you could have given me a drink but refused because of some bullshit rule, and I died without knowing what it was like to share a bourbon with my comrades?” You were relentless, weren’t you? Again, Krauser found himself entertained.
And, again, the bartender just looked shell-shocked, probably regretting his decision to pick up this shift. 
Reynolds just rolled his eyes, about to speak further. 
Krauser beat him, this time. “I’ll take another of the same,” he told the bartender, who looked even more cautious as his eyes flitted between you and the two older men at your side. The kid wasn’t dumb, he knew what was going on. Eventually, though, he must have decided that, hey, he was technically selling to someone of age. In fact, he was even kind enough to grab a new glass, one he filled with the same Four Roses Krauser had been drinking before. Smart kid. 
He didn’t look surprised or too bothered when Krauser handed the drink to you, even as Reynolds looked less than thrilled. 
You, though, beamed as you took the glass. 
“Subverting my command?” the Captain asked, raising a brow. 
“Eh,” Krauser shrugged, “the Sergeant made a compelling argument.” 
“Glad to know the right people are in charge,” you grinned, taking a sip of the alcohol and doing your damned best not to make a face as it went down. 
Relentless and sharp - both words that applied to you. Krauser nearly told you that you could pay him back for it, some day. Not enough liquor in his system yet to make that bad of a call, luckily. 
“Alright,” Reynolds shook his head, shoving you away from the bar. “Go on. Go make sure Morales isn’t doing something stupid.” 
You gave a salute with your free hand, perfect but for the way your lips curved up in a victorious smile. “Sir, yes, sir,” you nodded, and then you were off to accomplish your mission. 
Captain and Major both watched you go, and the former shook his head again as he settled in at the bar. 
“That one seems like a handful,” Krauser observed, and he wished he could say he was surprised by the proud smile that took Reynolds’ face. 
“Oh, you have no idea,” he confirmed. “Damn fine soldier, though. Probably put up with too much because of that, but . . .” he trailed off with a shrug. “Not bad to have someone to call you out on your bullshit, hm?” 
“Speak for yourself,” Krauser gave a humored huff, looking back at you as you joined a crush of younger soldiers, all smiles and laughs as you nursed the drink you’d been given. 
“Alright, you old bastard,” Reynolds scoffed, “good to see you haven’t changed much.” 
“Not as old as you. And good to see you’re still taking in strays,” Krauser shot right back. 
Reynolds didn’t seem to mind the jab. “Old habits.” He looked to the young bartender, who was listening far too intently for his own good. “You gonna ask me for my ID too, or can I get a beer?” 
The bartender jumped, like he hadn’t really been expecting to be addressed. “Oh, no, sir,” he said, and Krauser laughed again. 
“Thought you were overseas,” the Major started up the conversation again, once the beer was in Reynolds’ hands.
The Captain nodded. “I am, technically. Up in Finland. Got lucky this year, got to go home and see the family for the holidays.” Family. Krauser had never understood how soldiers could manage the job and a family. Then again, he knew plenty of them who didn’t manage both. 
Reynolds didn’t seem like one of them. “Good for you,” Krauser nodded, ordering himself another bourbon. 
“Good for them, too,” Reynolds gestured with his bottle towards you and the other soldiers you spoke to. “Lot of them haven’t seen their families in a while.” 
“Your own family know that you’ve adopted a bunch of Army brats?” 
Reynolds laughed, but didn’t exactly deny it. “Yeah, not exactly the kids that the missus wanted, eh?” Still, there was undeniable affection in his eyes, for you and the others. Krauser huffed a laugh to himself when he saw it, shaking his head. 
“Not exactly kids, period,” he went on, because based on what he'd just seen, calling you a kid would be a disservice. 
“No,” Reynolds agreed. “Lot of ‘em have had it pretty rough.” 
“So they joined the Army.” 
“You know how it goes.”
“Guess I do.” 
Reynolds pursed his lips together, taking another swig of his beer. “Well,” he smiled, taking a step back from the bar, “if you’re ever in Finland, look me up. I’ll have the Sergeant give you a tour of the base. Pay you back for the drink.” 
Krauser doubted he’d be heading that way, but he didn’t write off the idea. After all, he never knew exactly where his job would take him. And besides, as his eyes drifted back towards where you stood, he found himself wondering if you would be as brazen while on duty. Something told him that your fire didn't die easy. “You’ve got a deal,” he said to Reynolds, and the older man nodded once in affirmative. 
“See you around, Major,” he said, and then stepped off to join you and the others. Krauser just hummed and took another sip of that bourbon. 
Not the worst of these damned parties he’d ever been to after all.
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A/N: Young Sarge means the actual world to me, what a little hooligan.
Also at long last I get to utilize the one piece of military life that I've actually experienced: going to a military ball 😂 Wherein I did witness a superior officer buy a drink for my date who was 19 at the time. Art imitates life.
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fortune-fool02 · 1 year
Sunshine with Clouds
Jack Krauser x female reader
Requested by: @alewesker
Grumpy x sunshine with Krauser please ✨
Warning: Fluff
I love this request so much! Please reblog and comment as it really helps and is much appreciated. Thank you.
Please enjoy!
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The sound of rain patting the window softly was mixed with the sound of the T.V playing something in the background that [Name] had stopped listening to a few minutes ago, her attention on the rain outside. A smile on her lips as she noticed the thick, dark clouds rolling in the distance, growing closer with each passing minute.
An idea came to mind and she turned around to face Krauser, a bright smile on her lips, "Let's go dance in the rain!" She said, the idea of dancing in the rain with Krauser one that had bothered her for a bit now but the weather had kept her dream from being a reality.
"No." He replied without even glancing up from his book. His posture was relaxed now that he was off duty for a bit, the feeling of being back home a comforting presence for him. [Name] pouted lightly at his refusal.
"Why not? Give me one solid good reason we can't go dancing in the rain, Jack." Not a second passed before Krauser gave her the reason,
"Hypothermia." He stated it like it was the most obvious thing in the world, which in his eyes, it was. Having spent many nights himself out in the field, drenched and soaked from heavy rain and still pushing through. It wasn't himself he was bothered about, it was [Name]. A soft sigh of defeat left her lips for a second before it was replaced by a sweet smile.
[Name] moved across the room and sat on the couch beside Krauser, their legs touching as she leaned to him a little, a smile on her face and just looked at him.
".... I'm not looking at you, [Name]." Krauser knew exactly what she was trying to do and he was not going to fall for her antics. Try as he might, his resolve would crumble if he looked at her, and [Name] knew that.
"You're going to, Jack." She smiled, leaning even closer to him until her head was resting on his shoulder, fluttering her eyelashes at him in an innocent manner. He took a deep breath, keeping his eyes fixed on the page but not even registering the words on them anymore. Her presence leaning against him, her lips lifted in that sweet smile that would make him bend over backwards for.
"No, I'm not." He tried to steel himself, refusing to give in. [Name] smiled more, nuzzling up against him and resting her hand on his large arm,
"Because if you do, you'll crack like an egg." With an irritated sigh, Krauser closed the book in his lap and turned to her, much to her delight. "See? You like looking at me." She leaned up to him, pressing a sweet kiss on his lips before standing up. "Come on, let's go!" She grabbed his hands, setting his book aside first, and dragged him outside into the back garden, not bothering about coats or anything that could fend off the nipping cold.
The back garden was quite spacious, giving them both plenty of space to move around without worry of bumping into something. A feature [Name] was planning to take full advantage of. Krauser sighed lightly at being dragged outside, already knowing to grab towels the second they both go back inside.
"You're going to end up catching a cold, [Name]." He told her, feeling like he was speaking to a child almost.
"Then I'll be okay knowing I'll have you to take care of me." Again, that damn smile that he could never say no to. He was a former Major of the U.S Special Forces, he has faced off against all sorts of horrors and brutality. But this? Her smile? That was the thing that crumbled him. With a light shake of his head, he followed her to the centre of the garden, the rain already soaking the pair of them.
And yet, [Name] continued to smile without a care in the world. A smile that held such brightness and warmth to it that Krauser could compare it to the sun, and the sun wouldn't be able to even hold a candle to her light. He supposed he could humour her for a few minutes, let her have her fun before pulling her back inside.
[Name] took her hands into Krauser's, one hand on his shoulder while she guided his other hand onto her waist, as if they were ballroom dancing. "You slip, I'm not catching you." He commented as he followed [Name]'s pattern and began to slow dance in a steady rhythm, holding her hand securely despite his words.
"You're holding me securely, love." She chuckled as Krauser slowly twirled her in the rain then held her close again. Her body fit so well into his hands, her body moulded to fit his hands and his hands alone. Something he silently cherished. Krauser pretended not to hear her by giving a low hum as he guided her through the dance. His eyes never once moving away from hers.
The world around them was nothing to him. Not the grass beneath their feet or the rain pouring from the sky. All that mattered to him at this moment in time was her. Her eyes. Her smile. That look of devotion that sparkled in her beautiful eyes. He knew deep in his heart that he would never grow tired of those eyes. There was nothing in this world he could compare her to that could even scratch the surface of how much she meant to him.
[Name] moved her foot, the lack of friction causing her to slip out from Krauser's hold. Before she could even hit the ground, his arm wrapped around her waist, holding her against him while his other hand held her arm. [Name] smiled a little, "I thought you weren't gonna catch me?" She teased lightly, looking up at him.
"I lied." The faintest crack of a smile tugged his lips before he pulled her in close, pressing his lips against hers.
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mysteriousanderfels · 3 months
Plotline idea for the remake of ‘Operation Javier’
What do we know about Operation Javier from the new canon? 
They were a unit this time. And judging by the number of dog tags seen in-game, they were quite a bunch. I counted 24 dog tags on his desk! (no wonder he’s mad!)
They went through something harrowing in that jungle. 
They were left to die, without honor, without mercy, only devastating power. 
Personal remarks now : 
As much as I saw many people analyze Leon’s look when he first sees Krauser—him going through confusions, realization, shock etc… I actually see something different. I see confusion and realization, yes, but I don’t see Leon’s surprise that Krauser’s alive. Which is even more demonstrated in his choice of words. He’s not surprised that Krauser's alive. He’s wondering what the hell’s he doing.
I’m sure that if anyone who would have thought someone was dead and suddenly sees them before their eyes would first say “You’re alive?” But there’s no such reaction from Leon like that. Not even a ‘What?!’ or ‘How?!’. He automatically says ‘why’. 
From this new set of evidence, I decided that it would be fun to craft the new events of Darkside Chronicles - you know, while wondering if Capcom will do something about it. Or not. I entered this fandom through an insta-lock on Chreon before even knowing what Resident Evil's really about. But as I blow my 1 year candle into this fandom in august, I wanted to say that thanks to this slow interest I developed for Krauser and Metaltango that turned into a freefall infatuation in these last months, a remake of Operation Javier is the one official content I’m wishing for on the subject of RE.
So while we wait for that to happen or not, let’s see what we can come up with for the new version of the chronicles that happened in 2002, somewhere in South America… 
A splinter cell inside the government with ties to Umbrella sets a trap to Krauser and his unit.
I was bound not to speak about what happened in Racoon City. But my Major Jack Krauser didn’t understand why someone like me was dropped onto his special training force on Presidential orders out of the blue. Regardless, the man took me under his wing and personally trained me. We grew close that way and that’s how I ended up telling him what happened to me that night.
Major Krauser tried to investigate my story. I don’t know how far he got but we never spoke about it again. 
Krauser’s unit is sent to investigate and take down Javier’s cartel in South America. They quickly realize it’s more than just ‘people’ they had to deal with and no one’s prepared to face monsters of all shapes and forms and the mission quickly takes a wrong turn as it proceeds.
When learning that a high-ranked officer of the US military was fishing about and asking pesky questions, the deep state government that had ties and interests in the viral and BOWs traffic devised a trap to get rid of Krauser’s unit. We can come up with two reasons : First, they don’t want another S.TA.R.S disaster and another BOWs specially-trained unit interfering with business. Second, a high-ranked military officer sniffing about their business can quickly become bad news. That’s why these Umbrella and BOWs-affiliated government officials set up ‘Operation Javier’ to destroy Krauser and his whole unit. What they didn’t count on was that someone already familiar with BOWs is among that unit.
Krauser takes a unit of twenty four soldiers plus him and Leon. Two were sent prior to infiltrate and scope the village while the others advanced on the village from the jungle side. Through comms, they quickly understand that something wrong was going on there and make quick to join the two men in the village where they found it infested with zombies and BOWs. One of the two undercover soldiers succumbs to his wounds as they find Manuela in the church and the debacle with Manuela’s mother unfolds, only this times, it unfolds ten times the hardship (we’re in the remakes versions after all so everything’s bigger and nastier).
This first fight already results in casualties. Collecting themselves and coming to terms with what just happened, Krauser decides to take only one man for what’s coming next and chooses Leon. It doesn’t go well with some of the other men but Krauser is the leader and there was not enough space on the boat they had to take anyway. Before leaving, he tells them to regroup and wait for his signal to join him at Javier’s mansion once they locate it. Krauser has chosen Leon so that the latter can disclose everything he knew about BOWs and Umbrella - in detail this time. Leon does so on their boat ride just like in the OG and everything follows suit somewhat similarly.
Once they finally locate the mansion, Krauser sends the coordinates to his unit and that’s where shit hits the fan. The mansion is in the middle of the jungle and the battle quickly takes gargantuan proportions as Javier’s humongous form turns the fight into a shitshow of screams, explosions, kalash sprays, smoke and fire. Javier makes their chopper that joins the battle to help from the air crash around them. 
But they beat Javier and receive the news that another chopper from base was heading their way. Krauser had lost a few men by now and while assessing the damage and tending to wounds they see the aircraft supposing to extract them open fire. The artillery gets unloaded on them in the most unforgiving way and the real bloodbath begins. The effect of surprise is what it takes to slaughter the soldiers as the first to fall are those that waved in relief. Soon, it’s another cacophony of shouts filled with anger and confusion that takes place. They try to communicate that they’re US army, that there’s no danger anymore, that they’re not compromised in any fashion, they try to reach out through radios but they get no response and no ceasefire. Krauser brings the plane down with a missile at last but the damage is done, and he, Leon and Manuela are the only one standing amidst the flames. 
Krauser has to put the last man standing out of his misery and the dying soldier agonizingly tells him that this was all a trap - the intel was false from the beginning so they wouldn’t be prepared and fail, and when that didn’t happen, they finished the job themselves. They have been betrayed. Right then, Krauser slowly turns to glance at Leon.
Major Krauser threw me a glance through his alarmingly bleeding face that froze me to the core. It was like I was suddenly… a stranger. And with that a new kind of fear unlike anything I felt before gripped me.I only hoped he could see in my eyes that I didn’t know anything. 
This time around, Krauser, Leon and Manuela leave on a truck until they find another village where they mend their injuries. There, they manage to reach new contacts that come fetch them. 
In that hospital room, we looked like we just dug ourselves out of the deepest pits of hell with our bare hands. Major Krauser looked like a haunted shadow of himself. His face—his face hurt to watch. And he suffered that atrocious injury trying to save one of his men from Javier’s claws.
“When that helicopter comes, I won’t be getting in it with you.”
“What do you mean?”
Krauser’s explanation made sense as much as I hated every second of it. This operation was a disaster lined with too many casualties to be left alone. Whoever sent us on a suicide mission and opened fire on us didn’t want us to come back. The anger that boiled inside of Major Krauser at this fact was only placated by the realization that what happened was bigger than anything else. Bigger than ranks or careers or egos or feelings of discard. He needed answers. He needed the truth. And admittingly or not, revenge. He didn’t care for anything else anymore - not when the fist clenching around the bundle of dog tags was still dripping blood. What about me? Shouldn’t I disappear just as well? After all, I knew what they were capable of when taking care of the last survivors of a governmental fuck up. Krauser told me I should petition the President and Benford to investigate what happened to us. That if this didn’t go that higher up, I’d be protected given my particular status. What I read between the lines was that any type of echo about this mission in the White House or the Hill will help Krauser pluck out the perpetrators. He counted on me to let it be known. And to let it be known that I was the sole survivor. Again.
It was also my duty to take care of Manuela. Given her mutated status and ailment, I had no other choice but to trust her in the protection of governmental professionals. She’d be about the same age as Sherry. Maybe they could become friends…
“Promise me you’ll be in touch. No matter what happens.” 
Despite the gauze, the bandages and the stitches surrounding half his face, Krauser graced me with one final, albeit tired smirk and said “Can’t wait to see what you become, Rookie.”
After this, Krauser disappears, Manuela is taken by the government and Leon is placed on furlough by his handlers as they refuse to send him back to any military corps.
Jack went looking for Wesker and Leon ended up cleaning after the government through the DSO, both of them unknowingly working for the same corrupt people that betrayed them on that fateful day.
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knifefightandchill · 1 year
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♪ I'm all over you, I'm not over you.
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