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Aan de Europese buitengrenzen worden nog steeds mensen vermoord. Ja, vermoord, door Frontex en kustwacht van Europese landen die weigeren mensen die in nood zijn op zee te redden. Er wordt gespeeld met mensenlevens en de #coronacrisis is het laatste excuus om de grenzen nog strenger te bewaken. “They came to us and said, ‘Malta has a virus called corona if you’ve heard about it. We can’t take you there because everyone is sick in Malta. And Malta is small and can’t take all of you’,” one of the passengers who eventually made it to Pozzallo, in Sicily, on 12 April, told the Guardian. “They gave us red life vests, a new engine and fuel and told us they would show us the route to Italy. Then they pointed guns at us and said: ‘We give you 30 minutes’.” In early April, both countries declared their seaports “unsafe” due to the pandemic, closing their borders to migrant landings. As a result, boats carrying asylum seekers were left adrift in European search and rescue (SAR) zones. An unknown number died at sea of starvation, dehydration or drowning. #corona #covid_19 #coronavirus #coronacrisis #leavenoonebehind #rescueatseaisnotacrime #rescueatsea #refugeeswelcome #vluchtelingenwelkom #geenmensisillegaal #nooneisillegal https://www.instagram.com/p/CAcdjDCFLyv/?igshid=1kcsgt0bycyih
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