arcitechs-archive · 5 years
a handwritten note on his desk “ its date night , don’t be late. - p”
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“ perry the platypus you sly dog you . . . ” 
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heartinol · 5 years
❝ i don’t want to feel this way about anyone else. ❞
                                  “                        i know.      ”              he’s never been the best at interpersonal relationships.         honestly,         tony thought it was him.         SOMETIMES IT DEFINITELY WAS.          but it turns out          :           it’s a lot easier when the person you’re with actually gets you.           she knows what he’s going to ask      &      he knows what she’s going to say.           it’s pretty fucking great,       something he knows he’s a lucky bastard to have at all,          let alone for as long as he has.          maybe that’s what gets him thinking about it.         she’s always wanted him to be safer,          to stop taking so many risks,          all the while knowing he can’t.         that part kills him,       because he wishes he could stop just because she wanted him to.        but the whole goddamn universe is a lot bigger than them,          even if she’s all he can see.         sooner or later,      he knows what pepper said all those years ago is gonna ring true    :    YOU’RE GOING TO KILL YOURSELF,      TONY.          she didn’t want to be apart of it,         but here she is anyway.        in his tangled mess of a life,       loving him like he deserves it.          this … this is the least he can do,     isn’t it?
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“       i set the bar pretty high,        huh?          definitely on purpose.          you know i like to leave an impression.         and  . .  . it was always you,         for me.         there’s no one that knows me better.          no one i love more.        but i just want you to know,         if anything happens to me     :         i wouldn’t be mad.        you don’t need anyone,       i know you don’t.         you’ve been taking care of yourself  and me for so long,       that’s not what i’m worried about.          i just want you to be happy.              whatever that means.       okay?       ”    
@resckue trying to kill me
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blindinlight · 5 years
you’re late.
‘ 𝙞𝙩’𝙨 𝙞𝙢𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙗𝙡𝙚. 𝙞’𝙢 𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚. ‘  gaze drops downward, checking his silver rolex. ‘ i was told to be here at 6 pm. it’s 6 pm. ‘ he straightened up. slender digits fix his black suit. ‘ i’m never late, ma’am. ‘
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galaeus · 5 years
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MISS DANY. You have been a constant in my writing career here on tumblr in a lot of different universes. Star Wars, Jurassic World (still among my favorite summers like holy shit), the list goes on and on. You are a FORCE to be reckoned with (get it, did u get it) because you have been so freaking amazing on this site and such a good fucking friend. No matter how long we go without talking because my ass is off in no man’s land doing god knows what (OMG REMEMBER STEVE AND DIANA) I can always count on you to have my back through thick and thin. And you can have my back thru the thick of it all mami because I will fight for all of your blogs and then some xoxo NAVY AU FOR LIFE.
         Send me ♥ and I’ll write some positivity for you / @resckue
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qwilll · 5 years
Happy birthday you beautiful angel. 😘
THANK YOU SM  I hope ur having a great day / night ,  u  have  to have a great day / night bc it's my birthday so it's Law
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alloyally-archive · 5 years
And I said no. You know, like a liar.
{ john mulaney memes | @resckue | accepting! } 
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He raises an eyebrow. “Like a liar, huh? Yeah.” 
Rhodey takes a drink from the soda he ordered, using the motion to cover up the grin from splitting across his face. He and Pepper had gone out for lunch, something the two of them are want to do every once in a while. It’s not expressly a meeting to talk about Tony Stark – but that’s what the majority of the conversation ends up being about anyways. Like now. He hadn’t been entirely successful from hiding his grin, and his voice is tinted with amusement when he speaks. “So, how long do you think you’ve got till he finds out you lied? Or until FRIDAY finds out?”FRIDAY was the real danger – Pepper was smart to tell him away from the tower, where there were no prying eyes or ears.
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getinthefunvee · 5 years
❝ do you mind if we stay like this for a little longer? ❞
touch-starved starters: { accepting! }
“I think we should just stay like this forever.”
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“Though I guess that’d make for awkward meetings with the board, considering I’m wearing your shirt and you’re wearing my boxers.”
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arcitechs-archive · 5 years
resckue replied to your post: tony used to wear polo shirts u_u
pepper has had them destroyed.
this is why divorce rates are going up 
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heartinol · 5 years
                              “                     ms.   potts.     ”             there’s a faint slur in his words,        though he is far from unintelligible.          all the same he is sprawled across a plush chair,       drink in hand        (     HONEYED WHISKEY,       ALMOST GONE.     )    while looking far too thoughtful for someone who was pretty damn sloshed.          not to mention that grin of his can only mean trouble.  
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“       i need your opinion on something.       CRITICALLY.        got a sec?        ”    
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blindinlight · 5 years
‘  MISS POTTS,  i’m your driver tonight.  ‘
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YOU DIDN’T ASK, BUT  ...  ;  @resckue
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assetmanager · 5 years
@resckue II Starter Call II Verse: TBA
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“I’m going to be honest.. I lost him.” He hated to admit that Tony had managed to trick him again and manage to escape his watch, but he really didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. 
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galaeus · 5 years
“ did you just forget about me or something? ”
// @resckue
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        “----just because I don’t visit doesn’t mean I forgot about you.” It’s supposed to be funny, though she’s never been a comedian to save her life. With the softest of sighs, Echo fiddles with the sunglasses hanging idly on her button-up as she hangs over the car door and gestures to Stark Tower. “Quite frankly, it’d do you real good to step out of this place. Get some fresh air. Stop breathin’ in the fumes of whatever the fuck Stark’s doing downstairs and maybe grab a MIMOSA.”
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shellheadtmark2 · 5 years
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“Pep!  Oh, wow, hi.”  The smile that accompanies that oh-so eloquent statement is wide, bright, genuine.  It’s funny, in a way, because usually clapping eyes on Pepper Potts can mean one of two things:  Either everyone’s about to suit up and assemble, and it’s bad enough they’re pulling in non-Avengers like Rescue, or he’s about to be in trouble.  It’s definitely not the first, and he doesn’t think he - he, personally, that is - has done anything thus far warranting getting cut off at the knees.  So he’ll count this a pleasant surprise, because anywhere Pepper Potts exists, it means the world just got a hell of a lot more organized and ready to call him on his shit.  “You have no idea - none - how glad I am to see you.  Well, a you.  You look-”  Different.  Taller.  Still unmistakably Pepper Potts.  “-Like you probably don’t have a single idea who I am, shit, I’m sorry, it’s me.  I mean, it’s Tony.  A Tony?  It’s a long story, forget it.  Hi.”
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stormweathered-arc1 · 5 years
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@resckue asked: 26!
character solidifying questions - always accepting. What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
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this sort of depends on verse and where he’s at. his quarters in asgard are huge and luxurious and ridiculous and very traditionally asgardian: lost of gold, heavy wooden and stone architecture, lots of elaborate and runic design. his personal taste trends toward reds and golds and browns and a sort of light, non-cluttered and airy feel. open balconies, open windows, lots of open air.
when staying on earth, a lot of times things feel very tight and close together. he’s not particularly good about keeping things organized himself since he’s had a lifetime of being a prince who has things taken care of for him, and doesn’t have much of a sense of decoration, but he also doesn’t have that much stuff, so earthside he can come across as a little spartan at times.
for himself, he really takes great care in his appearance in most things. his hair is a particular point of pride, and he takes ridiculously good care of it most the time; particular braids hold significant importance and it shows. clothing-wise, aside from the regalia of the thunderer - he’s awful at earth fashion and, after he can be convinced to actually wear it, just wears shirts and hoodies and jeans and such in neutral colors that others give him.
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titaniumforged-blog · 5 years
Continued from here: 
A long moment passes between them. Tony looks at the cupcake, then back at Pepper, then back at the cupcake, then back at Pepper. There’s a correlation here . . . Pink . . . poison . . . Pepper . . . “Strawberries!” he finally exclaims. “You are allergic to strawberries . . . which I clearly, totally, remember and was obviously just um . . . testing you. Good job, Pepper. Now I can sleep easier knowing that if anyone attempts to offer you strawberry cupcakes, you know to say ‘no.’”
There’s an awkward pause. A nervous smile. The silence is stretching too long. Sweat lightly pricks at his temples. He needs to do something. Say something. Dropping the cupcakes to the floor, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a box instead. “M-Marry me?”
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arcitechs-archive · 5 years
resckue replied to your post: tony dancing to hey look ma i made it 
Pepper, standing at the top of the stairs, with just as goofy a grin on her face.
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