amatesura · 1 year
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Tove Jansson, Den farliga resan (The Dangerous Journey) 1977
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laaskrin · 2 years
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TES OCs sketch dump, with bonus Miraak
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imaginationshow · 1 year
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Today is a sad, sad day. Animator Per Åhlin has passed away, 91 years old. He was Sweden’s own Miazaki and his 1989 The Journey to Melonia should be on the watchlist of anyone with an interest in animation.
He gained his place in the heart of most Swedes with an animated short, Sagan om Karl-Bertil Jonssons julafton, shown on Christmas Eve each year sins 1975.
I once met him in a local store and got the opportunity to tell him how much his work has meant to me - in a rather incoherent way I’m afraid.
The picture is an homage to his style I did as a reaction of getting the news a few hours ago.
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maewvelous · 3 months
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Tid för tystnad
2016 version :
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And a scrapped 2024 version because I kept the watercolor paper too long. So it's getting expired. T_T This never happened when I did the watercolor art on last May. You can see that the paper absorbed watercolor badly.
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stressedbeetle · 1 year
Currently debating whether or not I should do a cover/extend the outro of Tillbaka till vintergatan. It's literally amazing and I was always so sad it was so short when I was little.
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4mandalii4rt · 1 year
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A quick collage and my Vildvittra again in honor of Per Åhlin. May his films traumatise and radicalize many generations to come.
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fairytalemovies · 2 years
Maritza Horn - Längtan till Melonia (singel-versionen)
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cinemaquiles · 2 years
Você encara? Os filmes mais longos de todos os tempos já lançados em circuitos!
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iambountyfan · 5 months
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ionnalee watching Filip Hammar & Fredrik Wikingsson's film "Den Sista Resan" via instagram stories. 📺
🔗 youtube.com/watch?v=AA_3Bn_AECk
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saruvanthewhite · 1 year
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“It ain’t the years, honey. It’s the mileage.”
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murphysletsdraw · 2 months
oh my god!!! "The journey to Melonia" is on YouTube with what looks like really decent English subtitles - I'm so excited to share this animated masterpiece with my wife and non-Swedish speaking friends!!! I think it's worth watching for the Björn Isfält music and beautiful art :3
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tjurenfrangubbangen · 1 month
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Tycker sista avsnittet är fantastiskt
De tre svenska tonåringarna (och Annika) har samlats hos Glen för att se på tv
Benke Bengtsson våldsgästar tillställningen (alltså en random 40 åring och några tonåringar som har en filmkväll??)
Benke och Mira hyssjar varandra i början på tv-inslaget om Irina
Nyhetsankare kommenterar att Irinas tal är "märkligt nog på svenska "
Irina inleder med att säga att hon inte tänker avslöja var hon spenderat de senaste snart 40 åren (eller varför hon inte åldrats)
Hon håller ett fint tal!! Där hon påpekar att vi inte tar hand om vår planet genom miljöförstöelse, krig och annat elände
Sen håller hon upp en väska och säger att däri har hon lösningen
Hon tar upp en plan för hur vi kan ha klimatsmart energiförsörjning och sitt manifest som hon skrev mot slutet av resan
Men Benke tror ärligt att hon ska ta fram intergalaktisk multitool och blir lite besviken
Innan hon går av scenen avslutar hon med "Medmänniskor från planeten jorden .. det finns hopp för oss!"
Efter det direktsända inslaget kommer en intervju med Petter Bragee (seriens skapare) som säga ha anat detta redan för ett år sedan.
Tv-soffan gänget vill dock inte lyssna på intervjun oc börjar prata. Men kul easter egg
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laaskrin · 2 years
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Sketches of my elven babies.
I saw a few nerevarine fanarts where they revert back to chimer slowly and just….dope concept, so here we are
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yurnu · 2 months
Para Consecuencia Divina
Se me ocurrio una locura, te acuerdas del dios flaco y con muchos ojos sonriente que todos usan y ama a Lucifer y Cahrlie? te imaginas que se enfrente contra tu dios en una habitacion con los personajes de la serie de cada de su universo y discuten cual es el mejor hijo y si la idea de charlie es buena o basura y terminan peleando nivel universo y los personajes se esconden asustados por ver a 2 dioses peleando como unos viejos tercos que no cambian de pensamientos jajaja
Dios fandom: Pues mi hijo favorito Lucifer me dio una hermosa nieta y solo se equivoco estaba en sus dias de rebelion adolecente
Dios Consecuencia Divina: Como te llamas dios y adorar a ese traidor que fornico con otra traidora y engendro a esa gusana con ideas estupida sin fundamentos
Dios fandom: Como te atreves, al menos mi favorito no murio apuñalado por la espalda de manera estupida tu Adam es desecionate como el mio pero me da lo mismo
Dios Consecuencia Divina: Se acabo te eliminare intento mediocre desnutrido de mi
Dos fandom: Ven aqui anciando con barba de santa claus y obeso
***Pelea equiva biblica***
Charlie de Consecuencia Divina: Ojala gane el dios flaco, el nuestro da mucho miedo y es tan cruel
Charlie del dios fandom: Ojala que gane el mio, es un ebrio pero le gusta nuestra idea de la redencion
Adam Consecuencia Divina: Acabalo papa ese huesudo en una mala imitacion de ti
Los Lucifers: Solo dices eso por que tu version de dios te mima
Adam Consecuencia Divina: Vallan al carajo, mi Lucifer no quiere enfrentar las consecuencias y el otro es un pelele divorciado farcasado
Los Lucifer: A quien llamas pelele divorciado
***Adam se enfrenta a los 2 Lucifers mientras los otros personajes, resan para que gane el dios flaco y no al dios castigador barbudo***
Mirá. Por más que esté MUY tentada a responder esto y hacer una escena chingona y épica, no me voy a meter con la versión de Dios de otra persona, más por respeto que por otra cosa.
Pero mi Dios le gana.
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dandelionsprout42 · 9 months
I'm pretty sure Finland is lying about their Swedish-speaker statistics
(Having begun to appeal to Norwegian-speakers earlier today, I can probably do a dual post in English and fluent Swedish too.)
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I was on vacation in Finland in August 2021, a very, very rare feat for a Norwegian (as older Norwegians still have PTSD from near-weekly depressing socio-realistic Finnish movies airing in the 80's), even more so when the Norwegian gov very strongly told people not to go on vacation. One of my many goals on the journey was: How many Finns could actually speak Swedish, and where?
The results were rather… disappointing.
In Vaasa, most major facilities had staff that spoke or understood Swedish very well. Scandic Hotel, Tropiclandia, K-Citymarket Kivihaka, and the Shell station that saved me from critical dehydration at 01:30. The Lidl staff however did not.
In Seinäjoki just 60km inland, I quickly realised it wasn't even worth it to try speaking Swedish except at the hotel reception. The pesäpallo kiosk and Hesburger spoke good enough English; the café at Megakeskus couldn't even that.
The less said about PowerPark and the nearby Harpa-Halli, the better. I had managed to mismount the carousel wagon stick thing, slid around, and hung on for dear life. I could've possibly died that day. Also got bruises from rodeo, and the forest elf didn't show up. No one there understood Swedish either.
Åbo (Turku) was also a place where I didn't try Swedish, mostly because I spoke to almost no one that day. At Moominworld, the backpack handlers spoke perfect Swedish with a Swedish accent, whereas the icecream kiosk staffer looked at me like I was from Jupiter and started making something at random before I corrected him in American English.
Viking Line Åbo-Stockholm had no problems with Swedish, of course.
Jag var på semester i Finland i augusti 2021, ett högst mycket ovanlig prestation för en norrmann (eftersom äldra norrmänn framledes har PTSD från "Finsk fjernsynsteater" på 80:talet), även mera så när den norska regering stärkt frarådade folk emot att åka på semester. Ett av mina mål på resan var: Hur många finnar kunde värkligen prata svenska, och var?
Resultaterna var nogså… oimponerande.
I Vaasa (Vasa) hadde dom flesta stora faciliteterna ansatta som talade eller förstod svenska mycket bra. Scandic Hotel, Tropiclandic, K-Citymarket Kivihaka, och Shell-stationen som räddade mig från allvarlig dryckvattenmangel kl. 01.30. Lidl-affären gjorde däremot inte det.
I Seinäjoki just 6 mil innomlands, innsåg jag snabbt att det inte även var värdt innsatsen att prata svenska, med unntag av hotellreceptionen. Pesäpallokiosken och Hesburger pratade bra nog engelska; kaféen på Megakeskus kunde inte även det.
Jo mindra man kan säga om PowerPark och den närliggande Harpa-Halli, jo bättre. Jag hadde presterat att felmontéra karusellstang-tingesten, skled runt, och hållt fast för hela mitt jävlere liv. Jag kunde fullt möjligt ha dödats den dagen. Fick också blåmärkor från rodeo, och skogsälvan dukkade aldrig upp. Ingen där förstod svenska hällre.
Åbo var också en plats var jag inte försökade svenska, i huvudsak eftersom jag pratade med nästen ingen den dagen. I Muminvärlden pratade dom säckskap-ansvariga perfekt svenska med svensk aksent; honom i kassan i glasskiosken stirrade på mig som om jag var från Jupiter och började laga nått helt tilfällig, för jag korrigerade honom på amerikansk engelska.
Viking Line Åbo-Stockholm hadde inga problem med svenska, självklart.
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mmollymercury · 2 years
People forget these freela moments and I've HAD IT
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Fry takes Leela to prom🥺
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"Big deal. Looks change. No matter what happens, you'll always be Leela, the woman I love."
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Not Leela resanating with me more because of her body dysmorphia😭
"Fry, is my colossal eye too big?"
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"No! It's what makes you, you."
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"But it's so round... so hideously round..."
"Leela, listen, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever known."
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Again, Fry comforting Leela🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I love this about them, Leela’s mental health is very bad, but Fry's always there to say something sweet😭
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Again, Fry comforting... in his own way. I feel like at first, Leela saw this as just Fry trying to make her happy, while not believing in what he's saying himself. Yet, she needs to realise that Fry likes abnormal things, he's always liked sci-fi and the concept of aliens, so when he says stuff like this, he's actually meaning it as a compliment... although, wording Fry, wording-
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In 'The Sting', it's up to interpretation whether particular parts were just Leela’s imagination, or Fry talking to her and her being influenced by that. But I like to think that Fry being romantic with her here, is him talking to her while she's asleep, telling her what he wished he'd done for her, or telling her all the amazing stuff they could do when she wakes up.💞
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Fry sees Leela as his soul mate, I need a moment😭😭-
They invented love.
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