ravenscorp7-blog · 5 years
Are Reylos Aware of the #ReleasetheJJCut Movement?
Hello All, it has been awhile. Figured to throw this out there since so far I have not seen a reylo tumblr talking about this, of course it's very possible I just missed it... 
BUT, it does appear that there is a possibility that JJ Abrams actually did not create an intentional F-you to the reylo vision afterall. As you all may see in the link below, possibly up to 40 minutes of footage is missing from JJ's original cut and he was NOT happy about it. Now, could it be that it is not JJ we are to direct our heat but rather Disney?? Is it at all possible to make enough noise that could help Abrams succeed with a re-release of a more "complete" version of TROS - similar to how Avengers 4 and Cats were re-released into theaters? I know I would indeed go see TROS in theaters in it's pre-edited-40-extra-minutes-of-footage condition, you betcha. 
Link: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/star-wars-rise-of-skywalker-dominic-monaghan-release-jj-abrams-directors-cut-disney-a9270356.html 
So the fiasco going on against the reylo community just overall... as the saying goes bad publicity is good publicity y'know? Makes you wonder, just what if it's all just to hype up a re-release maybe. Perhaps there were not enough people who knew/understood reylo to allow a happily-ever-after presentation of the dyad? I personally know a star wars fanatic and he was totally shocked by their kiss, he was like "omg, so it actually was a thing".   It does appear that there are several camps that were unhappy with the overall ending of TROS, and that the actual ending, even according to Daisy, was so beautiful it left everyone on set speechless. 
I don't know how true all this about the JJ cut thing is, but I sure hope it is. And if this be true, I too will owe JJ Abrams an apology - perhaps even Abrams didn't intend for Ben Solo to have such a patchy end? Hmm...
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