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vici-2023 · 1 year ago
Last week, we spent our weekends revising our paper from Chapters 1 to 5 and planned everything for the upcoming Oral Defense. Our Oral Defense is fast approaching, day by day we tend to overthink everything. If we happened to fail the Capstone Project Proposal, all the efforts and sleepless nights spent making our paper will be worthless.
This week was filled with fear as we contemplated the worst-case scenario. The multitude of "what-ifs" in our minds led to stress and overthinking. All of us sacrificed sleep in the remaining days, preparing rigorously for the fast-approaching Oral Defense. As a group, we meticulously planned to ensure thorough readiness and, of course, committed ourselves to doing our best in addressing all questions raised by the panels.
Today is Day 1 of our Oral Defense for the Capstone Project Proposal. It's a nerve-racking experience, and all of us are experiencing mixed emotions. Each group coming out of the room after delivering the verdict among the panels makes us feel nervous. However, after the verdict is announced, we tend to relax, knowing that none of the morning shift presenters failed, and hopefully, this trend continues until the last presenter of the day.
Before our scheduled time, we gather as a group to pray to God and seek His guidance. During the presentation, we ensure to keep ourselves relaxed for a smooth flow and to prevent mental blocks while enjoying the entire experience. After presenting our project, questions and clarifications are raised by the panels, and we are grateful for that because they provide us with ideas about how our system especially the diagrams should be.
After the Q and A session, we exited the room for feedback from the panels. We overthought too much due to the clarifications that we believed might be the reason for the project proposal to fail. Following the panels' feedback, Sir Gulfan called us in for the verdict. We were extremely anxious about the results, and when we heard the phrase "I regret to inform you," we thought we had failed the project proposal.
Thankfully, it was for a clout, and YES! We made it, and we are very grateful. Our era of overthinking has come to an end. All the efforts and sleepless nights we spent revising our papers have become fruitful. Above all, we thank God for everything and for the early Christmas gift we prayed for a long time ago. We are now going to welcome Christmas with happiness because our nerve-racking week for the Oral Defense has come to an end. Lastly, we are also grateful that all the Day 1 presenters passed the Capstone Project Proposal and are rooting for the Day 2 presenters tomorrow to pass as well.
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endeavor-group · 1 year ago
Week 13: The Final Update
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Final Topic: Student Palakasan Information System for Supreme Student Council of Mindanao State University at Naawan
Target Client: Supreme Student Council (SSC)
On the 11th day of December, the Endeavor group is working day by day to ensure that our project proposal won't be rejected. The Project Manager, Jolander Guiral, already completed the papers in preparation of our capstone defense on the 15th of December. The Endeavor group is rehearsing for the upcoming defense to ensure that all of the questions will be answered during the q and a portion.
We are feeling overwhelmed and nervous as our capstone defense is somehow near. We can't wait to introduce our capstone project proposal from our dear panelist. During our capstone journey, we have silent battles to face and endure, but it doesn't stop us from overcoming whatever obstacles that come along the way. We used this as a chance to grow and learn from those mistakes.
One thing we have learned from this journey is learn to be patient, learn to communicate and most especially, learn to accept things with gratitude. I hope one day we will be able to achieve our goals with burning passion from these experiences.
We are hoping that everything will pay off one day as we dedicate this journey to our family, especially to Christ who strengthens us. This is your Endeavor group, signing off, as we are one step closer in molding ourselves to become a better person from our community.
We would also like to take this opportunity to show our deepest gratitude to you, Ma'am Lamis, for sharing and imparting your knowledge with us since the beginning of this semester. THANK YOU AND WE WILL NOT FORGET YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS! 
"For by grace you have been saved through faith" - Ephesian 2:8
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keybored1960 · 1 year ago
Last week, we finalized our chapter from 1 to 5. We initially provide more defendable data to our manuscripts so that it will be easy to defend them. My co-proponents had a brainstorming with our revisions and had a lot of confusion but we worked hard on it so that we could proceed to the preparation of our Final Defense.
This week, we had work to do, which was the creation of a login page and the dashboard. This login page and dashboard are from the Grades Management System for Initao National Comprehensive High School. The login page is quietly complicated because it needs the credentials to work. My co-proponents were a bit in a rush because of some lack of time in making the log-in page, but luckily my co-proponents already made a dashboard advance last week.
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For us to make this task successful, we have to conduct a meeting or forum to initially start the login page as well as give ideas and suggestions about the dashboard. The meeting was conducted through Google Meet, which is online. My co-proponents were giving ideas and comments about the work, and we complimented our dashboard for having it so clean and simple yet so readable. Our dashboard was not complete with all the functions, but we will still work on that, and hopefully, this system will be accepted successfully.
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This log-in page and dashboard are required by our subject in requirements engineering. It must have a working log-in page and a dashboard with five functions. We have a slight problem with the log-in page because it needs to have a database so that it will prompt that the username or password is wrong or incorrect. As of now, we practically have a Teachers module with its functions: Manage Student Grades, Generate Reports, School Calendar, Profile, Settings, and Log Out in the side bar. But the special feature of our system is the visualization of the performance of the students.
As of now, we are preparing for our final defense, which will happen from December 14th to December 15th, and that was Thursday. We hope that this project will go successfully because we put a lot of effort into it, and my co-proponents are doing everything to finalize and revise our papers so that we can easily defend our project. We manifest that all of our projects, together with my classmates, are all accepted, and no one will leave behind.
Project: Grades Management System for Initao National Comprehensive High School
"May he grant your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans!" Psalm 20:4"
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theirregulars2 · 1 year ago
The Mindanao State University-Naawan Palakasan which was themed "THE RETURN OF THE LEGENDS: MSU NAAWAN GOLDEN LEGACY" is finally over and we are now back into reality. However, the face-to-face classes have been suspended until further notice because of the bombing incident that happened at MSU Main Dimaporo gymnasium last December 3, 2023.
During the palakasan, we have witnessed different kinds of physical activities and sports that was played by the students in different colleges. And as it ended, the College of Forestry and Environmental Sciences was awarded as the overall champion in MSUN Palakasan 2023. Going back, as the palakasan ended, we are now back into our cramming days and sleepless nights as our capstone oral defense is fast approaching
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Since the face-to-face classes has been suspended, we spend our time on creating a prototype for our propose project. Mr. Riemann Villaroza spend his time on creating the prototype for administrator, teacher, and parents/guardian module. While Ms. Princess dawn Sijalbo will be assign on revising the chapters 2-5, of course with our help. And as for me, I spend my time on planning the design for our website project in Application development.
In addition, we will start to work on the functionalities in our system since the checking of the system is fast approaching as will as the deadline of our final manuscript. And ofcourse our oral defense which will happen this coming December 15 and 16.
Truly, college life is a cycle of "Hala nakatulog ko" and "Hala wala koy tulog", but we know that in the end, all our hardwork, sleepless nights, tears, and exhaustion will be paid off.
Project Title: Pupils Information System for Patag Elementary School
Client: Patag Elementary School
Proponents: MADRIDANO, Charlyn- Hustller VILLAROZA, Riemann - Hacker SIJALBO, Princess Dawn - Hipster
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding-Proverbs 9:10"
-Code your way to success
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semantics-group · 2 years ago
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WEEK 3 Project Title: Enrollment and Student Information System with Data Visualization of JHS and SHS of Balo-I National High School
Group Members: Eliodra, Rozel Hyacinth S. Elviña, Jebonne T. Amirah, Mangotara
Here is week 3 progress, we conducted our first official interview with the teachers of Balo-I National High School as our target client. We have gathered most of the data needed for our project and will most likely be followed by a follow-up interview for further questi
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marketing-adaptiveus · 4 years ago
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Essential Factors for Requirements Elicitation: Requirements Elicitation is one of the most critical tasks for a Business Analyst. The success of the project is also largely dependent on how well the requirements are articulated and how comprehensive is the process of Requirements Elicitation. Here are some key factors for a successful requirements elicitation process: 1. Involving the right stakeholders 2. Study and prepare from the right set of documents 3. Set of best practices 4. Things one should avoid while conducting the Requirements Elicitation Process:
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stellenanzeiger · 5 years ago
Project Editor*in, Requirementsengineer*in
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stousn · 9 years ago
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#RequirementsEngineering #ITM14 #Internettechnik (hier: IT@Kapfenberg - FH Joanneum)
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passingloop · 14 years ago
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vici-2023 · 1 year ago
Week 12
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Week 12:
Last week, due to the 5 days of Palakasan and 3 days Foundation Day, we were not able to update the Week 12 progress of our project. The continuous events have made us feel tired because most of us joined a contest and happy because we were able to participate physical activities that we don’t mostly do on a daily basis. The events were successful and for that, we are all grateful for the people behind the events that made it all possible.
              All fun and games but it is bound to come to an end. This week is the reality of all the due dates set for our tasks. We present our Capstone project to one of our subject and virtually met with Sir Gulfan for our final Capstone defense. He also instructed us on what to prepare and what to submit during and before the final defense. We will also gather as a group to prepare and discuss the things that will be needed for our final defense and for our project.
              This day (Thursday), we were about to present our login and the dashboard but most of the groups aren’t ready yet, thankfully, Ma’am Steph postponed the virtual meeting and gave us the chance to finish our project. There were problems faced during the creating of codes because the almost finish one got disappeared out of the blue due to the computer’s update. Luckily, one of the member, Clint, restored the codes.
              We are all nervous because our final oral defense is getting near. Day by day, we prepare ourselves for that day and make sure to really answer all of the what ifs and loopholes of our project. It is better to prepare because one mistake can really affect the whole presentation. All preparations aside, we also want to prepare ourselves for answering in straight English language. Speaking English and writing English is indeed a different task. In writing, we can still think of what we will write and erase it if we don’t like our inputs but in speaking, we can never undo it. The goal is to not focus too much on the grammar (but it’s a plus), but to focus on how we can relay the answers from the panelist in a manner that they can easily understand.
              Being a 3rd year student has been really challenging. It will really test how depth is our understanding towards the 2 years of learning. Thankfully, we have groupmates and blockmates who can help us when we have concern or clarification regarding the tasks. We are also very grateful for the patience and guidance of our instructors. All this will be fruitful someday. God wills!
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endeavor-group · 1 year ago
Week 12: The Development Progress
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Final Topic: Student Palakasan Information System for Supreme Student Council of Mindanao State University at Naawan
Target Client: Supreme Student Council (SSC)
On the 1st of December, the Endeavor group already made a huge progress in building the system dashboard. We are currently working hard in order to meet the expectations of our stakeholder before it will be officially deployed. Kent Cunado, the back-end developer, is collaborating consistently with our front-end developer, James Bryan Balambao.
Jolander Guiral, the project manager of the group, is finalizing and revising the papers as it will become our basis to defend our capstone project on December 15. We are in the middle of completing our tasks as developers.
The Endeavor group remains positive and efficient as much as possible to achieve the desired goal at the end of the day. We are very much thankful to Sir Gulfan who serves as our guardian and supervisor in our capstone project.
Back to the topic, the Endeavor group is one step closer in making the project possible. We are performing our responsibilities one at a time. On the 2nd of December, the Endeavor group conducted an urgent meeting to finalize our Chapter 5.
During the meeting, we are sharing our collective ideas and knowledge to illustrate the design of our system. Before the meeting adjourned, we prayed and hoped that all of our efforts would pay off one day. This is all the things that we can share on Week 12. Stay tuned and God Bless!
"For by grace you have been saved through faith" - Ephesian 2:8
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keybored1960 · 1 year ago
Last week, we changed our client again for a very good reason, conducted a formal interview with the principal, and asked for permission to interview one of the teachers in junior high school for our project, which is the "Grades Management System" for their school.
And now, we have chapters 1–5 manuscripts to be passed on Friday, November 24th. We actually do not expect that the deadline will be this week, but we will do our best to pass the manuscript. Since our chapters 4 and 5 are already about our new client, which is the Initao National Comprehensive High School, we double-checked Chapter 1 with revisions, and for Chapters 2 and 3, we also finalized and double-checked due to the new client.
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During the finalization of our manuscripts, we are quite uncertain about our own revisions, and we do brainstorming to manage some confusion regarding the diagrams and especially the narrative listing because this is the most important part. And we hope for a good result and comments about this. Even though we are not sure, we make sure that everything is understandable to the three of us so that there will be no problem.
While we are working on chapters 1–5, one of my co-members for this project initially constructs and builds our dashboard for the "Grades Management System," and we give ideas and suggestions regarding the functions that need to be included in the dashboard. We want everything ready to explore more and face new challenges so that we can avoid them as soon as possible. We communicate through Facebook Messenger, group chats, and Google Meet.
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As we continue to make this project successful during the final defense, we hope and pray that everything will be good and successful. We are only positive about better results and ready to face any challenges. For our final project, It would be the "Grades Management System for Initao National Comprehensive High School," and we wish ourselves luck for the upcoming final defense.
Final Project: Grades Management System for Initao National Comprehensive High School
"May he grant your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans!" Psalm 20:4"
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endeavor-group · 1 year ago
Week 11: Features Per End-User
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Final Topic: Student Palakasan Information System for Supreme Student Council of Mindanao State University at Naawan
Target Client: Supreme Student Council (SSC)
On the 20th day of September, the Endeavor group conducted a virtual meet to finalize the features per end user. The endeavor group is somehow excited to present the front-end of our system after the palakasan event which will be revealed later on. During our discussion, the Endeavor group contacted the SSC office through messenger to get a softcopy of the scoring sheet per event as it will become our basis in developing a scoring system for the volunteer’s module.
During the meeting, we also rehearsed our topic in preparation of our proposal capstone defense. We are actually nervous and overwhelmed as the defense is somehow getting near day by day. The Endeavor group is also preparing for the possible questions that might be thrown to us during our defense.
However, the Endeavor group is determined enough to overcome whatever obstacles that may come along the way. Even though we are going through a lot of difficult times, we remained positive and persistent in developing our proposed system on time.
These past few days, we are actually finalizing our capstone manuscript before the defense. The Endeavour group is working every single day to complete our tasks and commitments in fulfillment of our capstone project.
Overall, the Endeavor group is now ready to make our dreams possible. I hope that God will guide and lead us towards success. These are all the insights that the Endeavor group can share on Week 11. God bless you ma’am and more power to come!
"For by grace you have been saved through faith" - Ephesian 2:8
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vici-2023 · 1 year ago
After the so-called "hell week", we are very grateful that we survived. All the sleepless nights we spent studying for all the upcoming quizzes, exams, orals, and laboratories has come to an end. The supposed schedule for our mock defense is postponed due to some reasons, we will not be able to do it onsite, but sir Gulfan said that we will be presenting it through a video presentation which will be submitted on or before the deadline which is this coming Friday, November 24.
The said video presentation was posted last week, and we as a group planned to do the video presentation during the weekend, since we are not so busy yet. And with that, we recorded the video presentation last Sunday night, in order for us to use our vacant time during the weekdays for the revisions of our Chapters 2-5 papers.
Supposedly this week's task is for the revisions of Chapters 2-5, however due to some reasons, we will not be able to start the revisions because it's not returned to us yet. We did think of revising the papers without the comments from sir Gulfan, but we are afraid to revise it since we don't know what would be the revisions we should do without it. We aren't sure about our revisions without the comments and suggestions. That's why we decided to wait for our Chapters 2-5 to return to us. And that's the time we will start the revisions, for us not to get disappointed for the time and efforts we will spend in revising the papers without the comments and suggestions from sir Gulfan.
The deadline for our final manuscript is fast approaching and so with our oral defense. Though next week is the most anticipated moment for the students which is called "Palakasan", we were in the middle of the happiness and sadness era. Of course we will enjoy this year’s Palakasan because it will only happen once a year, but the tasks that will be submitted after the Palakasan will always be at the back of our heads.
In college, taking a break is truly needed and we are grateful that in the next 5 days, we will be able to experience and witness physical activities that don’t usually happen in college. As a student comes with great responsibility but for now, we’ll let ourselves enjoy Palakasan in the next coming days.
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keybored1960 · 1 year ago
Last week, we talked about the write up of the chapters 4 and 5 which are the "Methodology' and the "Results and Discussion" respectively, where we communicated each other through online via Google Meet and discussed the things that need to include in the chapters.
Now this time, we will talk about the change in the client once again and the reason why we change the client.
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Before the academic break started, we ask for an advice from our Capstone Adviser regarding our client because despite of having no stable structure or system, they only have a very few student population. And we are not so sure if the project is accepted in our upcoming defense. So while it's still early, we decided to go to his office to have a consultation regarding to this concern of ours and after he heard our concerns, he recommends to change a client. And without a second thought, we accepted his recommendation.
We chose Initao National Comprehensive High School as our client because geographically speaking, the members' house is nearer to the location of the client and also has a huge student population. After that, we discuss the things in regards with the preparation for the formal interview.
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On the day of our interview, we went to Initao National Comprehensive High School to interview the principal and she is Ma'am Joan Calope J. Longakit and she is the principal of the school. Our interview with her went smoothly as she is very accomodating and very professional in responding to our questions.
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After our interview, we found out that they follow the standard grading system base on what deped is mandated. And by the way, we only limit it to the Junior High School only and Senior High School is not included.
Base on the result of our interview, our system is still Grades Management System integrated with a Student Module where they can only see their grades.
We are hoping that this changes will lead us to a successful outcome. And may God Bless Us All.
"May he grant your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans!" Psalm 20:4"
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theirregulars2 · 1 year ago
Week 10 Finalizing Figures
After the Special Non-working holidays, the Ir-Regulars group were able to revise the contents of chapter 1 guided by the corrections of our instructor. These revisions include finalizing the narrative listing as such multiple figures were added into the chapter. Images below are just a few examples of the added figures.
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Other revisions include generalizing the contents such as the objectives, and design and methodology as this will be discuss more in the later chapters. Hence the chapter is now shorter and more concise which is more suited to an 'introduction' chapter compared to before which had the mistake of expounding too much where it should have been explained in the latter chapters.
Project Title: Pupils Information System for Patag Elementary School
Client: Patag Elementary School
Proponents: MADRIDANO, Charlyn- Hustller VILLAROZA, Riemann - Hacker SIJALBO, Princess Dawn - Hipster
"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus- 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18"
-Code your way to success
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