#replies | dae novack
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hedxnism · 2 years ago
Continued from here - @aggwaseon
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Even as he says it he’s flushed, it’s embarrassing and just… not what he wanted to happen but clearly the hook up he snuck off with wasn’t as stealthy as he thought. To have his bodyguard out of all people walk in with Dae bent over the bathroom sink… he’s royalty, first of all. He feels Jihoon probably thinks he’s disgusting more than anything else and is expecting him to quit any day now.
The place wasn’t crowded but there were people around and Dae is ready to drop it but decides not to, “I get the feeling you’re going to try and avoid being alone in private with me… I - I’m sorry, I really didn’t think anyone was going to walk in… it’s not like they really know what we are talking about anyways. I just… you’re not going to say anything, are you?” His secret out in a number of ways and Jihoon could easily ruin Daes future with the information he holds about the marquess being gay.
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seudxnimx · 2 years ago
Continued from here - @papercrwn
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It’s been a day… it feels like the the request for him to pick a wife is going to be sooner rather than later. To be married before Dae is to accept the Duke title and create a happy family before it’s his time to step up. That’s not how he saw this going. He thought he’d be able to arrange something for the status but he won’t have the status until he has a child… he feels like a let down to his parents for not being as excited as some would be and he feel guilty towards himself for considering it.
Kija is his safety, always has been and he’s glad he’s here and his arms open to him and Dae doesn’t hesitate cuddling up in his lap, although size differences makes it a little awkward but he buries his face in his best friends neck and nods. “I wanna nap.” Is all he speaks after a few seconds, getting up and taking Kijas hand to lead him to the bed. Dae takes over and pulls Kija close, face to face and wraps an arm around him, “You’ll always be here, no matter what?” Voice quiet when he asks, nudging Kijas legs so they could be fully entangled with each other. Daes eyes were closed but he’s just a few inches away from having their foreheads touch. It feels wrong to ask such a question but if he lost Kija and his freedom at the same time, he’s not sure he could survive.
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seudxnimx · 2 years ago
Dae simply laughs at the tease about Kija waiting naked, but, what if? He won’t think that through, not when he’s about to be wrapped up in the other for the foreseeable future. Kija was home sweet home though, someone who he could drown in affection and love and he never had to worry about Kija betraying him or hurting him over it. It was his best friend and Dae had a lot of love to give, he just didn’t give it to anyone. Kija was the exception. “Lucky you.” He comments about being able to take a long long shower.
Eyeing over the dragon who was now self soothing, Dae listens again and strips down to nothing before stepping into sweats and the black gotten long sleeve. Being dressed by Kija was like second nature, he liked putting something on that Kija liked, that he thought Dae looked good in. He knew the other wouldn’t lie and Dae didn’t have to have a thought in it. “Horror.” Making a stop in the bathroom to wash his face bare and do his nightly routine even if they hadn’t even made it to dinner hour yet, comfy was comfy. Through and through.
Dae then grabs the two glasses and fills their cups while Kija puts the movie on, “Did you look up anything to do in Paris?” Pushing blankets aside and climbing into bed, carefully, holding Kijas glass to him to take and Dae taking a sip of his own before setting it on the nightstand, an arm opened up to let the dragon fit into his side as the movie opening started playing. Cheek nuzzling the top of the red hair before settling back a bit. Content for the first time all day.
What Dae gets up to in his travels isn’t a secret between them but he’d prove he didn’t have to leave Kija to go do all that. He could enjoy a trip without sex, he wasn’t an addict… well, that could be debatable but he went months without so yeah, his week away tended to be full. He crosses his heart at Kija giving him the right to smack him when he leaves him, if he does, a week in Paris with a best friend would be more than enough. “You’re cute in the morning..” he laughs a bit, “Just wanna make sure you’re taking care of yourself and not just getting swallowed by the bed.” A tease added in before he had left.
He mostly just feels guilty leaving Kija here sometimes and doesn’t like to think of him just binging Netflix or walking around aimlessly, at least he’d bro g him with next time and they’d see how the time after that goes, maybe if Kija wanted to go somewhere special he could. He wasn’t a prisoner here… Seeing Kija light up a bit when he walks in though, he kind of hopes he never leaves. “I did miss you.” A soft flick to the dragons forehead once a hand was empty - he is about to complain but the air is taken from him as he’s pushed onto the bed and buried under Kija, a light laugh as arms wrap around the others shoulder and he just lays there for a moment.
“I won’t complain, why do you think I brought wine.. I am going to complain that you’re in comfy clothes though.” Wiggling a little under Kija and peppering a few playful kisses to Kijas cheek and temple. Dae was affectionate, very much so but he never had anyone to show that to other than Kija, even his one night stands, it was simply sex, no connection and Dae wasn’t looking for more but he could be clingy and affectionate with Kija and have the other be the same in return. “You smell good.” Nuzzling into his red hair a bit but gives him a soft nudge so he can get up and change - then he doesn’t have to move again the rest of the day and night.
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The flick to Kijas forehead has the dragon groan softly, playful. Dae was back and now they could start having a good time. The red haired male would soak into the bonding time, the affection.. just being around his favorite human. Something he had so desperately craved. His head tilts while looks down on the human, pleased, that Dae just wraps his arms around him instead of trying to get him off immediately. They were a little bit like magnets, at least, for Kija it felt this way. He felt like they found themselves so drawn to one another. His arms hug around the males head while he straddles him, eyes closing with the muscular arms holding onto his shoulders. “Me in comfy clothes gives you no right to complain either. You wanted me to get showered and dressed..” And how weird would it have been if he was laying in the bed naked, right? “You were hoping to have me waiting and naked?” There is a playful teasing in his tone. He’s exhaling slowly though, happily and the kisses cause him to giggle a bit. This was couply behavior, not that he had any experience with that since being so hopelessly devoted to the human, but it had him feel so warm. He was soaking in affection like this. “Mhm, I mean, I did take a long.. long shower.” Maybe thinking about Dae had extended it and the self care had turned in... self care. In the beginning, when he had first thought about Dae that way he had felt ashamed but by now, since he for sure knew that he loved Dae, it was just way too normal for him that he needed up touching himself thinking of the other. Again Kija groans when he is nudged to move and so he lays down in the sheets, leaning on his elbows. “The grey sweatpants, yes, they are great. Very soft.” And grey sweatpants somehow had an effect on him. “The long sleeved black shirt is kinda one of my favorites on you.” He for sure didn’t need to tell Dae what to wear when it was about cozy comfy wear, but still, habits die hard, right? “Now can you like, hurry up?” He wanted cuddled. He needed cuddles. More of them. Kija lets his head sink back into the sheets, eyes on the ceiling while he slowly rubs his chest and belly through the fabric of his own, white shirt, a gesture to relax himself.. and attempt to calm his impatient tendencies. “You can decide between horror and an action comedy kind of thing.”
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hedxnism · 2 years ago
Continued from here - @irrwicht
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Dae wasn’t one to pay for sex, he’d get that anonymously and it was enough to get by and get his fix. He’d never be able to actually come out of the closet with a marriage to a woman at his finish line and a kid expected soon after but he was given an… allowance in his sexuality and so he took it. He doesn’t have anyone he’s actually close with, that he talks to on a deeper level or even connects to. He doesn’t trust those he calls friends in that way and his parents brushed it off and still held his expectations… So, really, Dae feels like he has no one and all he wants is to be with someone. He wants a connection and love and - everything that comes with it but it’s literally not allowed and so he settles for… an actor of the sorts.
When Kiho leaves he knows the familiar feeling will come haunting in, how lonely he really is. How desperate… how regardless of how he actually feels with the other and about him it’s not actually reciprocated and it’s all for money. It eats at him, really, he should never call Kiho ever again for his own mental health but… he does. Often.
“Don’t call me that…” a soft roll of his eyes and a smirk, sometimes he hated having a title at all but it’s more a tease than anything but eyes go wide when he’s quickly pulled in, taking just a second for his free hand to wrap around the other any way he can and kissing in return. It’s the kind he’s seen in movies, it’s firm and lingering and Dae melts into it as of it’s melting his doubts away and the words spoken make him linger there with his eyes still closed, soft smile and dimple poking out with a nod, “Barely.” He adds with more of a smile, eyes opening just to wrap arms around Kiho and hug him, “Can.. you stay?” He felt pathetic asking, Kiho is busy and has a schedule but Dae wants the fantasy to stay, “Just till morning?” Still hugging him and speaking more against his shoulder than anything.
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seudxnimx · 2 years ago
Continued from here - @unavernales
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Dae didn’t actually believe in love before Kieran, it’s weird how the fates align but then don’t… He was never going to be allowed to have Kieran with his own families beliefs but to have his person be married off to another was something Dae didn’t see coming even if he knew it was possible. While it makes him cherish these moments it makes him insanely jealous and there wasn’t a word to tip off the anger that hears under his skin when they have to part and yet Dae has kept his cool fairly well so far…
Maybe it’s why he’s thought of their own wedding, since Kieran has already had one and he does wonder what theirs would have been like. A light laugh at the tail thumping, knuckles brushing against his jaw as he speaks and Dae can see just how much their day would mean despite the circumstances they are given, “We’d have a feast and I think we could dance well to flutes.” A nod added and a hum, “What colors would we wear?” As they stay tucked in Daes bed, stealing every second he’s going to get with Kieran until he’s forced to leave for the next few days.
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seudxnimx · 2 years ago
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Key points ::
Adopted at age 8 into a royal family in England
Is the one and only son of the Duke and Duchess
His mother and father know he is gay and have no feelings about it
He’s allowed a private fwb but cannot be seen in public with another man
Being the only child it’s on him to carry on the family name with a woman at some point
He is invested in the family business and learns from his father about ruling
He’s torn on giving what he feels is owed to his family since he is adopted and they gave him this life
Or breaking ties with the family to have a genuine love life
England is home for him but he does get a weekly travel visit to wherever he wants
A break away from the stress (as his father would put it) but they treat him being gay as something to just get out of his system and he’ll be ready to take his place when they need if they let him have this time
He’s anemic - low iron, cold hands and feet, will pass out if stands up too fast and can get dizzy if he’s not eating right
Verse top/bottom dom/sub - is happy for attention in that way is really it for him
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seudxnimx · 2 years ago
Continued from here - @papercrwn
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They’ve known each other all their lives, Dae is undoubtedly comfortable with Kija and the other knows his secrets better than anyone else and yet he still lays here with him as if it’s not a care in the world. When, in fact, there are many. Still, it’s nice to be accepted and wanted all by one person, even if Dae will still chase the same from strangers.
“I think if you’re the pillow I should be laying on you then!” With a little umph he rolls them over and lets his body weight relax on Kija, scooting down to rest his head on the others chest and wrap arms around him, “Oh, body pillow indeed. A little firm…” giving Kija a squeeze here and there with a soft laugh.
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seudxnimx · 2 years ago
random starter for @papercrwn because dae won’t shut up now
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Paris was beautiful, it was his third time here and Dae always loved the city and fashion it had to offer, the food on top of it all was the cherry on top. Bringing Kija had him nervous for a number of reasons but day three and he hadn’t left Kijas side still - he just wasn’t going to take him to Daes normal spots. Still a club, nonetheless, just not a gay one.
Even if they had messed around while drunk ages ago - Dae wasn’t going to assume and this would be an easier way to stay put. However, a few drinks later and a handful of dances that mended into one infinite one with Kija, a particular spin and roll of the dragons hips have Dae at his buzzed haze end, “You’re a tease.” He comments just after he catches the head tilt and smirk, it’s a movement lost in the moment when Dae grabs the sides of Kijas face and kisses him. Melting into it, lips parting to taste alcohol and Kija mixed but it’s seconds of bliss that churn to dread when he pulls back with a “Fuck!”
And does finally leave Kijas side, searching for an out with embarrassment high and feeling like he violated and ruined this trip, made it awkward. It was different the small handful of times they’ve messed around - never kissed but always in the dark, just looking for a means to get off, well, it was always a little more than that to Dae but he figured Kija was just lonely. He could definitely and would definitely just blame the alcohol… and maybe throw up said alcohol now.
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seudxnimx · 2 years ago
He honestly thought he was being a little inconspicuous about checking out Kei but who could blame him for starring a little bit longer than what was maybe appropriate. It’s not like it’s the first time he’s been lost in some daydream about his very own bodyguard, it’s a common trope that he’s sure every gay has thought about at some point or another - actually having a bodyguard that looked as good as Kei did just made it easier to fantasize and piece together his own little fiction about it all.
Dae has made small talk with the bodyguard many times, he’s not there to talk though small is as far as he’s gotten so he figured it safe to just look… that’s all he’d ever be allowed to do anyways.
A little surprised at him being right there and Dae bows as he excuses himself from the conversation being had, “Did he say what it’s about?” His father calling for him always made him nervous. He doesn’t get an answer, or at least not to that question. He’s scared for a brief second until Kei’s words settle and then he’s kissed before he can even react. A sharp inhale through his nose, eyebrows raised and after a fe seconds his eyes close as he kissed back, hands gripping Kei’s shoulders to pull him closer but he’s pulled back by his hair it’s a surprise enough it earns a louder gasp, hips already squirming a bit but he doesn’t fight it, opening his mouth and slicking his tongue out with a faint smirk.
It’s a messy make out and Dae doesn’t try and hide how hot this is now, legs wrapping around Kei’s waist and rolling his hips in a want for more as he pants. Dae doesn’t hesitate returning the favor of a hand in Kei’s hair and pulling it back, not nearly as hard but enough for Dae to lick up the side of the others neck and catch his breath, “I’ve been playing scenario after scenario in my head about you, if that’s what you’re referring to. Bathroom stall can be checked off.” Daes voice is quiet, still breathy as he whispers between them, “You just planning to make out with me like we’re some high schoolers or what?” A soft whine as he rolls his hips again, when it comes to hook ups and sex, Dae is far from shy… the thought that Kei might use this against him won’t cross his mind until they’re finished, then he can panic.
@seudxnimx asked ; sneaking off to a public bathroom to make out . Dae @ any male muse
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another long day following the man he was hired to protect, though he only took on bodyguard gigs when he really needed it or when he was extremely bored of being home. sometimes if he was lucky enough, he would get off early and get paid that very same day. though that was not what had his attention at the moment, all day he had been dealing with a certain male gaze that happened to be who was hired to protect.
though he prides himself on being very focused on work, he wouldn't deny that out of the corner of his eyes, he would catch the others eyes. how could one ignore when a very attractive male was staring apothem while biting their plump lips, as if to lure him into a honey trap.
once his captain gave him the go ahead to switch off for his shift, kei walked over to dae, ❝  excuse me sir, your father is requesting to have a word with you . ❞ using his professional voice, he whispered the words into his ear, not even paying attention to whom he was having a conversation. turning on his heel to lead him to his 'destination' , though once they made their way down the hall kei took hold of his wrist and quickly pulled him into the private bathroom, locking the door behind him. ❝  you know exactly what you've been doing today don't you? ❞ his voice lower in octave when speaking to him. though before he could get a reply, he pinned dae to the door. large hands pressing against his waist as his lips found his in a desperate attempt to taste every corner of his mouth. sighing against his lips, he grabbed a fistful of his locks and tugged his head back. ❝  open your mouth. ❞ a command that he was already used to giving, he slides his tongue against his before picking him up and wrapping his legs around his waist.
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hedxnism · 1 year ago
out of all the people, sebastian is who he wants to see but he doesn’t want the other to see him like this. he felt there was no other choice but this - was barely a choice. his feet just took him here, seeking out some sanity in all of this but now he’s embarrassed as he’s picked up off the ground and let inside. standing at the front door once it closes behind him and taking a breath. his chest aches from the long journey here and he knows he reeks but for a brief moment, he thought maybe seeing sebastian would answer the questions he has but instead he feels it’s only solidified what’s coming. what’s set before him.
his takes his shoes and suit jacket off, he’s dressed in a finer tux, signet ring on his left hand even but it’s slipped off and put in his jacket pocket where he leaves it at the door. as if taking more off will leave more of the novack name behind.
being nervous with sebastian comes and goes at times but right now it feels as if he’s going to be sick again. at times he feels sebastian wants him in more ways than one but other times he feels it might be something different all together and Dae can’t even figure out his own feelings for the man - he shouldn’t have them according to his parents… clearly, according to their plans.
he hasn’t moved from the doorway but a few steps, a moment of silence between them before, “They found a wife…. i’m… i’m set to be married.” saying it out loud makes his stomach churn all over again. making a break for where he knows the nearest bathroom is, his stomach empty but there’s a dry heave into the toilet, eyes well up from the constricting feeling around his throat and chest. “I wish… i was the son they wanted.” is whispered, cheek resting against the porcelain as a few tears trail down his temple and into his hair. it isn’t just the fact that its marriage, that his sexuality is really being dismissed but it’s also the disappointment he is by not just sucking it up and sticking it out. he ran. he has no phone and he’s sure his parents aren’t exactly pleased he’s already run out on his future wife.
@okajibana - dae x kang
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it’s late and he shouldn’t be out, he knows better and everything in him is telling him to go back home - for a number of reasons. his image being found out, being seen at all, his parents, his name, his loyalty to them… Dae does not do this - break their trust, even the very few times he’s sick out it’s never really been in complete secret with security on watch but he’s never been a bad son, he’s never went against what they’ve said or wanted for him. he owed them this, all of him.
except tonight a wife was chosen for him. he’s had to entertain and entice and be the near prince he is, he’s had to show interest and speak of a wedding and the mention of children and where they will live… he’s had to swallow the feeling of dread for the last five hours, to mask and swallow the nausea thats threatened to creep up his throat with every smile he gave. The moment he stepped out alone though everything threatening comes out in a planter near the back gate. the food he was forced to eat, the secrets hidden, all of who he is and having to shove it even further down. he’s always said it wouldn’t be a question, he’d do it, marry a woman, have kids, all of it but that was before Sebastian.
so, while he’s by the gate, he makes a run for it. running and running and catching a train just to run the rest of the way just to end up at his front door. a frantic knock on his door before slumping against it. he’s not necessarily something with sebastian but it’s the closest thing Dae has ever had to a relationship - to even a genuine friend. someone to be honest with, well, as honest as he could be. someone he’s actually shown himself to though, who knows him and the second he sees Sebastian all Dae can do is shrug, sweat has his hair sticking to him, clothes damp and face flushed as his heart is still rapid in his chest, “I - i didn’t… i didn’t know where else to go… i just, i started running and… i came here. i’m - i can, i should go…” Sebastian does still make him nervous at times but in a good way, right now it’s more stupidity. as if Sebastian might have the answer and Dae secretly hopes he might.
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seudxnimx · 2 years ago
The argument about it is not what he expected, a head tilt as Kija seems set on making a scene of it. It just was different… different setting and mood and reason. He doesn’t voice it but he imagines Kija can read his mind and reasoning and Dae stands up a bit taller when Kija is set on holding him here and stepping into his space.
The next line hits him though, he did promise that. He wanted Kija to enjoy his time away, wanted to be able travel with him more and get away. The added part is another surprise, eyes widen at the confession and Daes heart is pounding in his chest, in his ears - and then he’s being kissed and it’s silent. Dae barely has time to process again and barely purses his lips to kiss back when Kija is pulling away but he’s not far… decisions were made by the both of them, Kijas far more intentional though and Dae pulls back just enough to be able to look at Kija properly, “Okay…” his chest moving with his breaths as he nods as his own affirmation. His hands come between them to cup kijas neck, resting his forehead against the others for a second as if he was trying to really navigate where this would lead. Thumbs stroke against the others cheek, Dae breathing him in and nodding again before he leans in and kisses Kija… All intentional and no pulling away.
It’s just a press of his lips at first, his heart racing and full at the same time. Having Kija want to kiss him, and only want him… Even if its for just this trip, Dae will take it. A swallow of air when he pulls away just an inch before parting his lips over Kijas, taking his bottom lip between his own and kissing him again. Tilting his head to deepen it, tongue flicking into his mouth as he goes in again and his hands move to cradle the back of his head, to push fingers into his hair. A soft hum against his lips as the club continues on but they are at a stand still.
It was different before, it felt like maybe it was them just doing it to get off in the darkness of the room. He would not treat or do to Kija what he does to other men on these trips where they are really seen as a means to an end. No emotion involved and Dae could care less as long as he gets to cum. This was Kija he just killed in the middle of a club on a vacation that they had to share space and room with. Of course he could get Kija a separate room, maybe hotel, maybe they just head home.
He’s stopped before he can spiral further though and of course Kija is trying to brush it off, trying to play it as a heat of the moment and leave it at that. He still taste the others lips though and he wants to do it again and what does that say about him… “Kija…” his name coming out more pained than anything. “Before was different.” A glance around them and over each other. They aren’t exactly hiding away in his room. Lips press together and his fingers come to run along his own bottom one before he shakes his head, “Sorry, I.. panicked. You.. should finish the night though. There’s a lot of options for a decent hook up..” trying to lighten his tone, “You are a tease.” Giving a soft shove of his shoulder but hoping Kija will take the out, take the space given if he needs it. Even if he was seemingly okay with being kissed like that in public, Dae had never done such a thing and he currently just wanted the ground to swallow him. “I’ll meet you back at the hotel.” Giving a soft nod in hopes Kija will take the offer and not let his friends actions ruin the night in all it’s glory.
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Oh no, he wasn’t going to let Dae run from him, acting like this didn’t happen. Not when he had craved this kind of affection for so long. They needed to be at another country for Dae to kiss him like this and maybe, when they would get back to the palace, Dae would go back to their platonic cuddling. But he would be mad at himself if he wasn’t going to take a chance.”What makes before different? Hu? It was you and me and we kissed. That’s exactly like we did now.” He’s watching Daes face, taking in all the emotions that seemed to rush over it, showing everything he felt. His brows furrow and he definitely doesn’t like the option given to him, it sounded ridiculous and really, Dae can’t do anything to have Kija move out of his way, actually he is just holding more onto the males face, coming just a little bit closer. “You promised you wouldn’t leave me alone here in Paris.” There is a stern tone in his words while he makes the other male look at him. “We came here to spend time together and I won’t let you leave to find someone else when there is no one else I want to kiss but you, bloody hell.” And to proof his point, Kija is the one connecting their lips together. He could care less who saw them. Who would know them in a place like this? No one did. They were far away from the palace and they needed a damn break from this all planned out life. He doesn’t dare to open his eyes while his lips linger against Daes lips, even when the kiss ends he keeps them close just because he is painfully aware of what he had said prior to it.  “We... stay together or leave together. It’s up on you. But if I kiss someone.. it will be you.”
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hedxnism · 2 years ago
When his wrist is grabbed he’s too much in shock to fight it or pull away, he does trust Jihoon so he’s not sure he would anyways but he more thinks that there’s a threat or a reason to run. Being shoved back into the bathroom makes his stomach drop and a huff of air leaves his lungs as he’s shoved back. Eyes wide as he tries to wrap his head around what might be happening but as the words set in there’s that familiar twist in his gut.
Eyes close tight when the first hits the door by his head, a natural reaction, not that he thought Jihoon would actually hit him. “Forget me?” Eyes searching Jihoons face, bottom lip pouting just a bit as Dae tries to understand what the other is getting at, “I - no… I mean, yes, forget… what, what was happening. It was just a hook up, they… didn’t know who I was or, I’m not compromised…” shaken a bit from being shoved and from what Jihoon is saying, Dae isn’t sure if he finds him a disgrace to the name he was given or just finds the act itself that he walked in on being some sort of burned into his memory image that’s not in a good way. “Im sorry.” Surrendering with the apology, this isn’t how he saw his day going and his worst fear - regardless of how reckless he is with it, is his sexuality being outed or being thrown at his parents.
Continued from here - @aggwaseon
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Even as he says it he’s flushed, it’s embarrassing and just… not what he wanted to happen but clearly the hook up he snuck off with wasn’t as stealthy as he thought. To have his bodyguard out of all people walk in with Dae bent over the bathroom sink… he’s royalty, first of all. He feels Jihoon probably thinks he’s disgusting more than anything else and is expecting him to quit any day now.
The place wasn’t crowded but there were people around and Dae is ready to drop it but decides not to, “I get the feeling you’re going to try and avoid being alone in private with me… I - I’m sorry, I really didn’t think anyone was going to walk in… it’s not like they really know what we are talking about anyways. I just… you’re not going to say anything, are you?” His secret out in a number of ways and Jihoon could easily ruin Daes future with the information he holds about the marquess being gay.
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seudxnimx · 2 years ago
It was different before, it felt like maybe it was them just doing it to get off in the darkness of the room. He would not treat or do to Kija what he does to other men on these trips where they are really seen as a means to an end. No emotion involved and Dae could care less as long as he gets to cum. This was Kija he just killed in the middle of a club on a vacation that they had to share space and room with. Of course he could get Kija a separate room, maybe hotel, maybe they just head home.
He’s stopped before he can spiral further though and of course Kija is trying to brush it off, trying to play it as a heat of the moment and leave it at that. He still taste the others lips though and he wants to do it again and what does that say about him… “Kija…” his name coming out more pained than anything. “Before was different.” A glance around them and over each other. They aren’t exactly hiding away in his room. Lips press together and his fingers come to run along his own bottom one before he shakes his head, “Sorry, I.. panicked. You.. should finish the night though. There’s a lot of options for a decent hook up..” trying to lighten his tone, “You are a tease.” Giving a soft shove of his shoulder but hoping Kija will take the out, take the space given if he needs it. Even if he was seemingly okay with being kissed like that in public, Dae had never done such a thing and he currently just wanted the ground to swallow him. "I'll meet you back at the hotel." Giving a soft nod in hopes Kija will take the offer and not let his friends actions ruin the night in all it's glory.
random starter for @papercrwn because dae won’t shut up now
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Paris was beautiful, it was his third time here and Dae always loved the city and fashion it had to offer, the food on top of it all was the cherry on top. Bringing Kija had him nervous for a number of reasons but day three and he hadn’t left Kijas side still - he just wasn’t going to take him to Daes normal spots. Still a club, nonetheless, just not a gay one.
Even if they had messed around while drunk ages ago - Dae wasn’t going to assume and this would be an easier way to stay put. However, a few drinks later and a handful of dances that mended into one infinite one with Kija, a particular spin and roll of the dragons hips have Dae at his buzzed haze end, “You’re a tease.” He comments just after he catches the head tilt and smirk, it’s a movement lost in the moment when Dae grabs the sides of Kijas face and kisses him. Melting into it, lips parting to taste alcohol and Kija mixed but it’s seconds of bliss that churn to dread when he pulls back with a “Fuck!”
And does finally leave Kijas side, searching for an out with embarrassment high and feeling like he violated and ruined this trip, made it awkward. It was different the small handful of times they’ve messed around - never kissed but always in the dark, just looking for a means to get off, well, it was always a little more than that to Dae but he figured Kija was just lonely. He could definitely and would definitely just blame the alcohol… and maybe throw up said alcohol now.
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There aren’t many chances like that, him and Dae alone. While not really alone, in a crowded club, they seemed to be safe from any judging eyes that wanted Dae to do better than him, that wouldn’t want to see the other male so close to his dragon. But in this club, they are save from this, the judgement, the expectations. Maybe they needed that trip. he knows Dae needs them and he can get behind why he does, it feels good to be somewhere else. Now they had been drinking, dancing, more drinking and then even more dancing and honestly, Kija was doing his best to be a tease. His attention was on Dae, full on trying to impress him. It’s been.. a while that they were out like this and that he could act slutty without coming off too weird. It was a club, it was his way of dancing, after all. And whatever he did, it seemed to work, he could feel the males gaze glued to him, which definitely had his ego grown into infinite heights. Yes, he is slightly buzzed but he for sure knows what he is doing, maybe trying to achieve and while he didn’t want to straight up attack, he was at least.. testing his powers. It’s when Dae calls him a tease that has Kija chuckle and before he can reply he feels the humans lips on his own. His heart is hammering in his chest, pulse rising and he can feel a warmness spread through his body. But just when he is about to lift his hand to the males neck.. the kiss is over. “Hey!” He calls after Dae, while he had needed a moment to grasp the situation, his friend was pretty much rushing to get away from him. Fuck. Fuck indeed. He was quick to follow him, though with a room full of people, Kija would always spot Dae, it was like he could feel him. To him Dae was something like a soulmate, maybe this was why he indeed tracked him down, using all the powers a dragon his age had. Mostly following the scent of the males perfume and his own perfect scent..  “Can you stop running like this?” He takes hold of his friends shoulder, making it quick to get in front of him and blocking him from running further. His gaze is.. worried. He takes in Daes face, checking if he was okay. “Why are you running, shit, we did that before, Dae.. no- no biggie, okay?” Oh to him it was. He had missed kissing Dae since the last time they did it but he wasn’t allowed to want this. “You- the mood got to you, okay? And I can’t blame you.. I am pretty damn sexy.” He’s attempting to cheer the other up, trying to remove any feeling of awkwardness when it lingered there so obviously. He is staring, right into Daes eyes, fighting inner demons before he takes hold of Daes face to kiss him. If not here... when would he get the chance to do it.
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seudxnimx · 2 years ago
Dae didn’t know this torn feeling when they were growing up, he had a childhood and it was a good one. He was spoiled and he was grateful, he had Kija and that was that. It’s not until their teen years did he realize he had a crush on the dragon… it’s not until recent that he knew he loved Kija but there’s nothing he can do about it and god forbid his parents knew about this… even if Kija respected and needed, he can’t see his parents letting him stay as he does if they knew there was something going on. None of the risk is worth it for Dae, losing Kija or being rejected by him or his family. He’d much rather just deal with the attitude when he comes back and try to win the dragon over with a gift or two in hoped he doesn’t mind the knowledge of where he was and what he was doing. Dae took it more as a protective friend and he appreciated that, thought Kija was cute when he got pouty about it but he thought the jealousy maybe came from not being able to go with was all.
“You can come with, you just might be bored.” He laughs a bit, he doesn’t want to be separated either but he doesn’t want to drag Kija through the palace just to sit and wait. Once the gift is open, a slight nose scrunch when it’s licked, Dae gives in the request made earlier and moves to lay back on Kija as he has the gold in his hands, “It is. But they are from a temple I went to, I’ll take you there one day… it’s full of gold and gems. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen.” Arms shifting to wrap around the other again and take a deep breath in, “Maybe next month you can go with me, I’ll ask for you to have the time away when I go see my dad so it can be planned. I’m thinking Paris…” More or less thinking out loud, a habit with Kija, the one person he doesn’t exactly have to hide from in any way and he lets his through to slip through his lips easily. “What did you do while I was gone?” His hand resting on Kijas chest to let Daes chin rest on top of it so he can look at the other, it’s unfair how handsome the other is, he wants to trace the lines that make up his face, the dips and curves of smiles and eyes and nose. He hopes one day Kija can find someone to love him openly and return it.
Hands squeeze sides and shoulders, “All the right places, yep.” Head resting on the dragons heart, listening to it beat. Being as close as they are, Kija knows of Daes sexuality and the trouble it brings - more to himself than the palace and the royal name since it will never earn a seal of approval. He doesn’t feel judged by Kija for it all though, he’s not really sure how the other feels about Dae life of hook ups in other countries but they don’t dwell on that much, sometimes Kija can go, sometimes he can’t. This was their first night back together after a week of being apart - and it’s home.
Slipping his phone from his pocket to bring it to his face, “You don’t have to go anywhere but I’ll need to meet with my dad soon.” Phone being tossed on the sheets next to them, “It’s just to go over the spring festival approaching, he wants me to be over some decisions to see how I do kind of thing.” It would sound boring to most but Dae wanted to do it, he’d never feel like he paid his dues to his parents but he was raised to hold the highest respect for their family name and what they did for this place. Dae had pride in that - just not much in himself. “I’ll come right back though! And… I got you something…” shimmying off Kija to dig in his still packed suitcase, he hands the small box to the other and sits on the edge of the bed. It’s four pure gold figurines of some of the gods of a temple he visited. He sat and watched Kija open it though, always excited to see people’s reactions to gifts - not for price value and shock but Dae bought things he thought others would actually enjoy.
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Growing up with someone helped forming an unmentioned bond. It was just there and Kija didn’t need any outing from the other male. he just knew. Maybe it made everything harder for himself. He liked Dae. Which was an understatement. Because he felt deep love for the other man, knowing well enough that he wasn’t good enough to ever be accepted by his side properly. He was.. respected, as a guard so to say. After all, a dragon was a strong ally for the family, but then, he was a man and he wouldn’t be able to bear a heir for Dae. Even though they were best friends, at some point Dae had stopped telling him about who he met and what he did on his trips. Maybe it was because of the tantrums Kija would throw, pretending he was not jealous when he definitely was. Dae had stopped telling him and honestly, Kija preferred it this way. It was enough that Dae would smell like whoever he had been with when coming back to him. But now he has the human back in his arms and it’s moments like this he likes to pretend it’s just them and that there was a them. “So that means you will leave me alone again?” He doesn’t mean to sound as pissed off, but can’t help it but.. well, do sound that way. He grimaces when Dae actually moves to get up, desperately trying to keep the other against his body. “Don’t- no don’t get up.” His voice is whiny, still a bit raspy but mostly leaning into a whimper. Groaning, he sits up as well, running a hand through messy red hair while watching Dae through sleepy eyes. He’s quick to open the box, not really on the patient side of life and finds himself admiring the gold moments later. He loved gold, he loved shiny. Maybe it came from being a dragon. “They are pretty.” He pointed out lifting one.. and shortly licking on it. “That is pure gold?” He looks back at his friend, the features on his face just a bit softened. He appreciates the gesture still.. he would pick having Dae with him over any gift brought to him from one of the trips.
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