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misseducator · 2 years ago
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Nogozo - One stop solution for all your book related needs ! Download today and Use Code *SHAILJA50* for exclusive offers !
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believer046 · 3 years ago
Why an assignment is given?
Since an assignment is a task that is usually “assigned” by the teacher, the idea behind it is to test a student’s ability to grasp what the teacher has taught. A teacher might ask to write a general summary of what has been taught in class or a book review on any one of the books referred to in the list of reading materials
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readrentrelax · 3 years ago
Rent and Hire Books Online: Kitabo.in
Lease the book that you need to peruse in every one of the provincial dialects at India's First local language library in Indore, Now get all your beloved books under one rooftop Only at Kitabo. To know more visit: https://kitabo.in/
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novellakitabevi · 3 years ago
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Novella Kitab Evində kirayə kitablarda günlük kirayə haqqı hər kitab üçün cəmi 10 qəpik təşkil edir😇 İlkin müddət seçirsiniz, əgər o müddət ərzində kitabı oxuyub bitirə bilməsəniz narahat olmayın, mağazaya gəlmədən, özünüz sizin üçün yaradılan kabinetdən müddəti uzada bilərsiniz ☺️ Müddət uzatmaya görə yaranan əlavə ödənişi isə kitabı təhvil verdikdə ödəyirsiniz. Kirayə üçün olan kitablara: "kiraye.novella.az" saytında baxa bilərsiniz. Bütün qaydalar da orada izah edilmişdir. Eləcə də Android istifadəçiləri Play Market.dən "Novella kitab evi" tətbiqi yükləyərək daha rahat istifadə edə bilərlər 😇 🚫Kirayə kitablarda çatdırılma yoxdur. Sadəcə mağazaya yaxınlaşıb götürə bilərsiniz . Minimum kirayələmə beş gündən başlayır☺️ Sizə mağazada qeydiyyat olunduqdan sonra login və parol veriləcəkdir. Ünvan: Gənclik metrosu, "Caspian shopping"in yanı, 80 saylı bağça ilə üz-üzə, Fətəli Xan Xoyski 83. Xəritədə "Novella Kitab Evi" yazaraq tapa bilərsiniz 😇 Səhifəni izləməyi unutmayın @novella.kitabevi #novellakitabevi #kitabkirayesi #kirayekitablar #kitab #arendakitablar #kitabicaresi #icarekitablar #book #rentbook #bookrent #booklover #bookstagram #bookblogging #kitaboxumaq (at Novella kitab evi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdSnFqZOhSG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ttlifemall41 · 3 years ago
Rent textbooks
Stanza text books is a leading book store in plano provides used school books and textbook for sale online. We offer rent textbooks at best price. (888) 578-2692.
Rent textbooks
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years ago
Monday 4 July 1836
7 ¾
11 ¾
no kiss very fine morning F65° at 8 ½ at which hour out to speak to Robert Mann + 2 at the drain cutting into and in the garden for the lead water pipes - all hands at hay-stocking from early this morning George Naylor’s and John Bottomley’s team - and Holt’s came about 11 am - and my own 2 horses as chain horses to help up the hill from Mytholm,  and the Godley paddock and from the Lowground - had Mr. Husband a few minutes about the old ranges (iron) of A-‘s Hatters fold cottages - to be sold for old iron - breakfast at 9 - had Washington - ordered rent and cash book - A-‘s rentbook to have 220 to 230 leaves, and my rentbook 150 leaves - took A- out to the wheel-race, Long goit beyond Mytholm, and back thro’ the walk § at 11 50 then with Robert Mann at the cave-work against the arch and Low fishpond till came in at 12 ½ - then with my aunt a few minutes and sat with A- at her luncheon and had imperial (very hot thirsty day) - A- rode to the school and Cliff hill at 1 ½ - I wrote the above of the last p. and so far of this till 2 ¼ -
§ saw Mawson at the meer - he would be glad to take the paddock (lately Godley top field) no! should not let it to anybody but would let Mawson have the fog this year if I did not want it myself - at my accounts - had A-‘s Beestonley tenant Charles Law to pay his rent - ordered him cold meat and beer - A- returned about 3 ½ before he went away - Mr. Horner came about  3 ½ and A- took her lesson in sketching from about 3 ¾ to 6 - again sketched the rocks and tinted them this time- I out with Robert Mann at the cave-work at the cascade or rockbridge from about 4 to 6 - sent off my letter to ‘Messrs. Rundell and Bridge, Jewellers and Silversmiths etc Ludgate hill London post paid’ to say I expected being in London about the 13th instant and begged them to keep the watch sent to them on the 18th ultimo, till my arrival - dinner at 6 ½ - A- had note from Mr. Adam this morning to say had not then been able to come to terms with Blamire about the Water Lane mill Smithy, and note again this evening from Mr. A- to say they had at last brought B- to consent to give up the place for £7.10.0 and the  old flood-gate if A- would consent - she wrote back by the bearer of the note that she authorized Messrs. P- and A- to agree with B- on the above terms - coffee - had John - Frank all wrong about the stack because John said it was out at one corner - went out - very quietly sent Frank off to the post, and told him to clear saddles and bridles and carriages (with George) tomorrow - determined to have him out of the way of the stacking - John says he is too much given to ordering which, as I told John, would not do here - then out with A- at the Lodge and about till 9 - then I out ¾ hour longer setting out the place for the little stack (round) to last as till Xmas or after - with my aunt from 9 ¾ for 10 minutes - then wrote the last 12 lines till 10 5 at which hour F61° very fine day - Charles Howarth painted red the gin etc today - had 20lbs. paint got yesterday and 30lb. got 6 or 8 months ago - Hoylands’ men had put little or no paint on last autumn - Robert Schofield and Joseph Sharpe breaking stones on the new road near the farmyard doors today as on Saturday - at accounts till 10 40 pm
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annelisterofhalifax · 4 years ago
Picking locks and sauntering.
Thurs[day] 2 (April)
No kiss Ready in 50 min[ute]s, fine spring morn[in]g, a gentle show[e]r and F54° at 8. Look[in]g ov[e]r and sid[in]g
stand[in]g desk, writ[in]g desk, till br[eak]f[a]st at 9.20 to 10. T[he]n till 11.55 sat d[o]wnst[ai]rs  read[in]g
+  Phil[ip] on the vit[al] funct[io]ns, t[he]n 50 min[ute]s burn[in]g old papers out of draw[e]r of w[hi]ch Ch[arle]s H-[Howarth] h[a]d picked the  
lock in the green room t[ha]t Sharpe br[ou]ght
me, it n[o]t hav[in]g been op[ene]d of man[y] y[ear]s, n[o]t prob[abl]y s[in]ce my unc[le] Joseph left Shibd[e]n. His old trade
books and copies of trade letters and pattern book of cloths from about seventeen hundred and seventy two
and before and perhaps after Id not examine but burnt them all. From 12.50 to 1.50 siding in
my study, out w[i th A-[Ann] at 2 al[on]g the walk and by Low[e]r brea wood to Mytholm h[ou]se. So[me] ti[me] in
the gard[e]n. Thorp jun[io]r and his man digg[in]g t[he]re. Nat[han] Pickles and John P- [Pickles] t[he]re wall[in]g up ag[ain]st the
mill-end. Saunt[ere]d ho[me] the sa[me] way we w[e]nt and left A-[Ann] in the h[ou]se at 3 3/4, t[he]n talk[in]g to John Booth
and Ch[arle]s and Ja[me]s How[ar]th and John B-[Booth] ag[ai]n in the gard[e]n and a min[ute] or 2 w[i]th my fath[e]r put well ag[ai]n a
few min[ute]s w[i]th my a[un]t, ver[y] poorly today and ca[me] to my study at 5 till 6 1/4 mak[in]g out acc[oun]t w[i]th
Joseph Mann and w[i]th Pickells. Din[ner] at 6 1/2, 3/4 h[ou]r w[i]th my fath[e]r and Mar[ia]n t[he]n coff[ee] and ca[me] to my study
at 8 1/4 . Fr[om] t[he]n to 10 3/4, exc[ept] 1/4  h[ou]r w[i]th my a[un]t till 10.5 and h[a]d A-[Ann] w[i]th me 1/4  h[ou]r after 10, at the 2  
just ab[ov]e nam[e]d. Fine glow[in]g soft warm day, a few dr[ops] of rain at 3 3/4  b[u]t held off till 6 – ab[ou]t 6 1/2  p.m
heavy rain and thund[e]r and light[enin]g and wet ev[enin]g F57° now at 10 3/4 p.m – rainy night.
+ - refers to book/text
Fri[day] 3
No kiss Ready in 50 min[ute]s. Rainy morn[in]g, at acc[oun]ts till br[eak]f[a]st at 9.40 in 1/2  h[ou]r. Fr[om] 9.10 to 12
+  r[ea]d fr[om] page 163 to 272 Phil[ip] on the Vit[a]l Funct[io]ns. A-[Ann] sat by me d[o]wnst[ai]rs, at h[e]r rent b[oo]ks. My a[un]t m[u]ch  
bet[ter] today, br[ou]ght
d[o]wn int[o] the draw[in]g room. 1/2  h[ou]r w[i]th h[e]r and my fath[e]r and Mar[ia]n t[he]n till 12 3/4 at w[hi]ch h[ou]r F58 1/2 ° Fr[om]
12 ¾ to n[ea]r
4 at Coll[er]y acc[oun]t, made out acc[oun]t of the tot[a]l of exp[ense] and the acc[oun]t w[i]th the 3 Manns Jos[e]ph John and Rob[er]t
V  for sink[in]g and driv[in]g. H[a]d Jos[e]ph M-[Mann] for 1/4  h[ou]r till 4.10, p[ai]d h[i]m for the last fortnight’s driv[in]g and ga[ve] h[i]m
b[a]ck h[i]s b[oo]k w[hi]ch I ha[ve] br[ou]ght d[o]wn today inclusive. He th[in]ks the drift will be ab[ou]t 300 y[ar]ds
will perh[aps] get thro[ugh] int[o] Walker pit tomor[row]. Mr Stocks n[o]r fath[e]r nor son, goes n[o]t int[o] the pits
hims[elf], h[a]s bottom stew[ar]ds. Fr[om] 4/1/4 to aft[e]r 5 3/4  look[in]g ov[e]r Pickell’s acc[oun]t etc. T[he]n A-[Ann] ca[me], she h[a]d
been d[o]wnst[ai]rs all the day at her rentbooks, and we sat talk[in]g 1/2  h[ou]r. T[he]n whi[le] she w[a]s w[i]th my a[un]t I at acc[oun]ts  
+   Din[ner] at 6 1/2  coff[ee], fr[om] 8 to 9 3/4 r[ea]d fr[om] 272 to 329 Phil[ip] on the Vit[a] Funct[io]ns. T[he]n A-[Ann] h[a]d let[ter] fr[om]  
h[e]r sist[e]r, a civ[i]l part off Capt[ai]n
and Mrs S-[Sutherland] will co[me] in July and see ab[ou]t the divis[io]n. W[i]th my a[un]t fr[om] 9.55 to 10.10 ver[y] well today and in high  
sp[iri]ts. Rainy day F 51° now at 10.20 p.m.
+ - refers to a book/text  V- Visit
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believer046 · 3 years ago
What is an assignment? The assignment is a set of task, job, work or something given to a particular person or a group to work on it. The categorization of something as belonging to a specific category
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readrentrelax · 3 years ago
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Books Rental Service in Indore: Kitabo.in Each peruser wishes to peruse however much as could be expected in their life, yet buying books is a cost for them. The main practical choice is to lease books from rental outlets or libraries. To know more visit: https://kitabo.in/
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novellakitabevi · 4 years ago
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♦️Qeyd: Bu şəkli öz hesabınızda post kimi paylaşaraq bizi tag edirsiniz (profilinizin açıq olması önəmli deyil), 8 martdan etibarən Kitab kirayəsi üçün yaxınlaşdıqda paylaşımı bizə göstərin və bir kitabı ödənişsiz götürün😇(İzləyici sayı ən azı 1 nəfər) Kitabların kirayəsi😇 Günlük kirayə haqqı hər kitab üçün cəmi 10 qəpik təşkil edir😇 İlkin müddət seçirsiniz, əgər o müddət ərzində kitabı oxuyub bitirə bilməsəniz narahat olmayın, mağazaya gəlmədən, özünüz sizin üçün yaradılan hesabınıza daxil olaraq müddəti uzada bilərsiniz ☺️ Müddət uzatmaya görə yaranan əlavə ödənişi isə kitabı təhvil verdikdə ödəyirsiniz. Mağazamızda satış və kirayə bölməsi ayrıdır. Satışda sadəcə yeni kitablardır. Instagram səhifəmizdə paylaşılan kitablar əsasən satış üçün olan kitablardır. Kirayə üçün olan kitablara: "kiraye.novella.az" saytında baxa bilərsiniz 😇 Bütün qaydalar da orada izah edilmişdir. Eləcə də Android istifadəçiləri Play Market.dən "Novella kitab evi" tətbiqi yükləyərək daha rahat istifadə edə bilərlər 😇 🚫Kirayə kitablarda çatdırılma yoxdur. Sadəcə mağazaya yaxınlaşıb götürə bilərsiniz ☺️ Sizə mağazada qeydiyyat olunduqdan sonra login və parol veriləcəkdir. Ünvan: Gənclik metrosu, "Caspian shopping"in yanı, 80 saylı bağça ilə üz-üzə, Fətəli Xan Xoyski 83. Xəritədə "Novella Kitab Evi" yazaraq tapa bilərsiniz 😇 Səhifəni izləməyi unutmayın @novella.kitabevi #novellakitabevi #kitabkirayesi #kirayekitablar #kitab #arendakitablar #kitabicaresi #icarekitablar #book #rentbook #bookrent #booklover #bookstagram #bookblogging #kitaboxumaq (at Novella kitab evi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMCBaIynCXn/?igshid=1re2g0fi06ef5
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arickgrimes123-blog · 7 years ago
Arley Vacation Rentals, Arley BnB, Cottages, Cabins, Apartments, Villas & Condos for rentBook and stay at Vacation Rentals in Arley with no booking fees or service charge on findamericanrentals.com.Enjoy beautiful cottages, condo, homes with your family at a affordable rent.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years ago
Thursday 11 December 1834
9 10
11 35
No kiss breakfast and reading the morning Herald till 12 – Washington here at 9 dined and staid till after 4 doing A-‘s rentbooks – out with A- from about 2 ¾ to 3 ¾ or near 4, setting at Matty Pollard’s –then ¾ hour in the walk alone – hazy moonlight – with my aunt a little this morning -  Had Thomas Pearson with his cousin Dewhirst about 2 to take the Mytholm Farm – said I had told John Pearson (père) my uncle did not like the skin pits, nor did I – but if Dewhirst wished to make any offer he might do it to Mr Parker and I would consider about it – then saw my father and told him what had passed and that I had rather not let it to Dewhirst – better unlet than ill-let to which my father agreed – some while with Charles H- in the workshop before 2 - have dawdled away the whole of this day – dinner at 6 – coffee – then sat in the blue room – read aloud a few pages from p. 468 to 483 of Bakewell’s geology – ½ hour with my aunt till 10 fine day but hazy in the afternoon - F46° at 11 ¾ and rained at that hour
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believer046 · 3 years ago
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believer046 · 3 years ago
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readrentrelax · 3 years ago
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Rent your favourite Books in Indore: Kitabo.in Kitabo has a colossal assortment of books, Get the best assortment of all the books at one spot in Indore without worrying about cash and get it conveyed to your entryway in the blink of an eye. To know more visit: https://kitabo.in/
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readrentrelax · 3 years ago
How to Rent Books and Novels to Read: Kitabo.in
Every reader wishes to read as many books as possible throughout their lives, yet acquiring books is an outlay of money. The only realistic approach is to rent books from book rental services or libraries. To read more visit: https://bit.ly/3zGpuYg
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