#rent boat Santorini
boatrentalgreece · 6 months
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how much does it actually cost to charter those boats all the barça girls seem to be on right now? 😅 like is it something ”regular” spanish people do in summer?
oh yeah, in my experience it's quite common, but there are all types of options for all types of budgets. not everything is a super fancy yacht. and sometimes your school friends' parents have their own boat (which is the best case scenario!😅)
but i've done catamaran and smaller boat charters with friends and loved ones from around € 500-800 per group. when you split it up among a group of friends, it ends up being more economical and a lot of times they throw in lunch or snacks/drinks. that's why you'll often see friend groups on these charters like with patri/pina earlier this week and cata coll below. the ibiza-formentera route is pretty popular.
but also keep in mind that a lot of times these players are gifted trips by their agencies or resorts on the islands and that often includes these types of day trips on the water.
it's not just spain though. i've also had the same experience in greece. rented a private catamaran charter last summer in santorini and it ended up being around € 750-800 for 8 people with lunch/drinks.
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smoooothoperator · 1 year
Beautiful Stranger
01: Way To Fall
Driver! Lando Norris x OC (Lily Barton)
Summer love, strangers to friends to lovers, Greece and Greek mythology references
Words: 3.2k
Warnings: Lando being Lando, crash, injuries
Official playlist
next part
a/n: here you have the fist chapter of my new story! I hope everyone likes it and welcomes my new character Lily
kalimera: good morning
glykiá: sweety
efkharîsto: thank you
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When the summer break arrives, everyone wants to know where the drivers will go. They ask where their vacations will be, if they'll spend time with their families, go to parties or stay at home to do the activities they couldn't do during the first half of the season.
"So? What are you going to do?" Carlos asked me, a glass of God knows what type of drink on his right hand, and his left arm on the back of the long couch. "You'll go with your family somewhere with that big boat?"
"I don't think so, mate" I sighed. "I just don't feel like that. My brother has to take care of two kids, my sister has summer competitions… I'm not in the mood, actually"
"And what are you going to do? Stay in your apartment and play videogames?" he laughed, making me roll my eyes and look away. 
"I don't know, maybe I will do that" I groaned.
"Go somewhere alone" he said, placing the glass on the table and grabbing his phone. "Buy tickets to somewhere far enough of the spotlight and rent an apartment. I bet that would be exciting"
"Yeah, right. That only happens in movies" I scoffed while drinking a little of my beer. 
"And you don't want it to happen to you? Come on, I know you are tired of the dating rumors, of being always on tabloids asking about your love life in summer. You should go somewhere alone, far from the media" he said, patting my back.
Maybe he's right. Maybe I should go to a place where no one knows who I am. Maybe I should grab a map and find a place where I can be on my own.
That's how I ended days after searching for a place where I should go. 
Portofino? No, even if it's a beautiful place there are a lot of tourists and famous people there.
Somewhere in Spain? No… I was there last summer.
France? The Netherlands… no, they would recognize me.
Greece. That country has many islands. Maybe I can go somewhere and stay there all the break. 
There are some islands where communication barely arrives, where you live in a mix of the past and the present and ignore the exterior. Right, that’s what I need. 
I tried to find a good place, somewhere not too difficult to access. I shouldn’t rent a car, right? I have to look like a normal guy that casually has lots of money. No big luxury brands to be seen, no expensive watches or jewelry. I have to look like another tourist that wants to be in a village for a few weeks.
Now… How should I go there? Which place should I go? Not Mykonos, not Rhodes or Santorini. Somewhere in the middle of nowhere. 
“Huh? Where are you going?” Max asked, walking behind me and watching the screen of my laptop. “Greece?”
“I want to go alone” I sighed, rubbing my forehead and looking at the screen, the list of all the islands of Greece were shown in front of me. “But I don’t know where to go”
I saw Max sitting next to me, looking at the screen and  reading it. I searched in Wikipedia the list of islands just to know the name of them. But then the population was next to the names.
“Tell me a number between 1 and 144” he said, taking the laptop away from me.
“What?” I frowned looking at him. “Mate, it’s not a game, come on…”
“I’m helping you decide where you’ll go. So tell me a number” he frowned.
“God… Okay…” I sighed, closing my eyes and thinking of a number. “32?”
“Well, now you’ll go to Parga” he said.
I sighed. That was easy. It was too easy, and I didn't like it. I needed a place to get lost, my mind wanted to be in somewhere where neither my best friend knew where I was.
"But…" I sighed while brushing my hair with my hand. 
"I won't tell anyone" he sighed. "Lando, mate… you need it. I understand. Now with those rumors about you saying things you never said and the girls they say you are dating, you need to be somewhere away from the problems"
I look at him and nod. He's right, of course he's right. Carlos and him know me, they know how bad the hate affects me and how it makes me feel. 
"I'll go to that place" I sighed nodding. "But promise me you won't tell anyone"
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The started great. Everyone in the village started their routine as always, going to their boats, opening their restaurants and starting to cook. The streets smell of food, the women making their traditional dishes just to serve the tourists that came here, kids running and playing on the streets with their friends and the old people talking on the door of their houses.
"Kalimera, Nora" I smiled at the woman that was preparing some breakfast.
"Oh, Lily" she smiled, kissing my cheek. "Today we have a reservation. Someone will come to one of the apartments"
"Oh, really? At what time?" I asked, serving myself a cup of coffee. 
"Don't worry about it, Dorien will take care of it" she smiled. "He works for me, glykiá. You can go do your work"
I smile and nod, taking a deep breath and looking at her.
Nora Makris, owner of some of the apartments here in Parga. The day I came she adopted me as one of her kids, taking care of me and helping me with everything I needed. 
"What are you going to do today?" she asked, putting a plate of fruit in front of me.
"I think I'll work for a while at the cafeteria and then I'll go to the beach" I smiled at her.
Life here is easy: you wake up, get dressed always with a bikini under the clothes, work for a while and then go to the beach. Do you need more money? You can guide the tourists and help them with everything they need and translate things from the local people. 
Three years ago I came with the idea of escape from my life, needing a place to disconnect and forget about my past. And thanks to Nora now I have a place to call home. Working in the cafeteria is always fun. The villagers come and teach me some of their traditions, they teach me their language and how to live like them.
After I finished my breakfast I started to help Nora, making coffee or baking things. I know everyone in this place, so I greet them with their name and make their favorite things the way they like.
"Kalimera, Lily" they smile when I arrive at their table, complimenting my coffee or my outfit.
Everybody wants to know about me. Why would a young woman come here alone for a trip and stay longer than expected? They say I'm mysterious, that I'm a gift from the gods. Maybe that's why they treat me like I was born there, not asking about my origins or about my life, only accepting that I'm one of them.
The morning went quick, the same routine as always. The upstairs neighbor wanted a coffee with a plate of mixed fruit, the old lady that lives two doors away wanted her morning tea with one of the pastries of the day, the mother that lives with her two kids wanted her usual morning coffee and a toast with avocado and cream cheese. Everyone has their story here, and that's what I love about this place. 
"Lily, you can leave now" Nora said walking towards me. "I'll for a while for the lunch time and them I'll start preparing some dishes for whoever wants to come"
I nodded and smiled, grabbing my bag and taking off my apron, leaving it on the hanger that is next to the backdoor.
I went to my apartment, going upstairs and opening the door. I have to get changed and make something for lunch, something quick and easy so I can go to the beach soon.
Everything was going great. I was listening to music while cooking, singing on top of it and moving around. Cutting tomatoes, making some bread and making chicken to make a gyro. 
I heard noises in the apartment next to mine, like someone talking in English and opening and closing doors, even someone talking dirty English. Walls here are thin, but I won't complain. I prefer having thin walls rather than not having anything.
When I finished making my lunch I grabbed my laptop and went to the balcony, eating everything while watching a show.
"That's Peaky Blinders?" I heard a voice from the other balcony.
I stopped the episode and frowned, looking at the tall wall that separated both balconies. I can't see the face of the person that talks to me, I only can hear him.
"Eh… yeah" I nod, blushing. "How do you know?"
"The accent and that they are always saying Thomas Shelby" he chuckled. "It's a great show"
"Yeah it is" I nodded, smiling. "It's the second time I watch it"
"That's nice" he said, and then silence again.
I continued watching the show, but it was awkward. Nora should have told me that the tourist was going to be my neighbor, that we were going to share walls.
The rest of the lunch time was relaxed. After I finished the lunch I laid on the couch to watch a little more of the show while packing my beach bag and getting changed to go there.
The beach here is some streets away, and on the way to it there are many stores to get the attention of the tourists: souvenirs, ice cream shops, things for the beach, even swimwear and sandals shops.
I grabbed my earphones and started playing some soft music after getting out of the apartment, locking the door and putting the keys on the bag. 
I started my way to the beach, smiling at some people that recognized me and even stopping to talk with some of them. The old women always have something to talk about, even some of them try to make me date their grandsons.
"They would settle down with someone like you" they use to say. "You are so responsible and down on Earth!"
It always makes me laugh. I'm mysterious to them, no one knows why I came, only Nora. 
I kept walking down the street, hearing music that now wasn't as soft as before. It was some type of rock, making me not hear my surroundings.
Making me not hear the scooter that was driving straight towards me.
"Stop!" the guy screamed, but it was too late for him to break and for me to jump back. "Shit!"
I fell to the floor. It was so fast, making me fall hard. I could feel blood in the plan of my hands and my knees, even a sharp pain on my ankle.
"Shit, are you okay?" he gasped, leaving the scooter on the floor and kneeling in front of me.
"What the hell?" I groaned, but I immediately moaned in pain. "Just pay attention to the road!"
"I did! You were the one that wasn't paying attention!" he exclaimed and it made me gasp, looking at him.
"It's you" I frown, recognizing the voice.
"Me?" he frowned, nervous. "What? You know who I am?"
He looked around, searching for someone or something. I could feel how anxious he was feeling right now.
"Shit, do you know who I am" he groaned.
"Yeah, my neighbor" I said, looking at him. 
"What?" he mumbled, frowning. "Oh, you are the one that is watching Peaky Blinders… yeah, sorry"
I frown and look around. Was he searching for someone? No one was around, at this time people are already on the beach or working on their shops.
"Shit, you can walk, right?" he sighed, helping me to get up.
"Yeah… no" I groaned when I stood on my feet. "No, I think I hurt my ankle"
"Ah shit" he sighed. "Is there somewhere I can take you? Like… a medical center?"
"Yeah" I sigh, leaning on him since he was holding me to not stand on my ankle. 
"Get on the scooter" he said, holding it and sitting on it, looking at me.
"What? No! You just crashed on me with it! I won't get on it!" I exclaimed, but the pain was worse than my own pride.
"I'll help you, okay? And I'll go slow and pay attention to every corner. Now, please, get on the scooter" he sighed.
I look at him and then at the back of his seat, where I'm supposed to sit. I have to get close to him to fit, wrap my arms on his waist and hold him. God, it will be really awkward.
"Come on" he hurried me.
I sighed, grabbing my bag from the ground and hanging it on my shoulder, standing on my good leg while I watched how he was offering me his hand to hold it. I looked at the palm of my hand, gow scratched and bloody it was, then at my knee. I’m surely going to get his shirt dirty with my blood.
“But the blood…” I sighed looking at his hand.
“I really don’t care, come on” he sighed, moving his hand to hold mine helping me get on the scooter. “It’s just blood, I can wash it away. And if you don’t look that ankle it will get worse”
I sigh and nod, getting on the scooter in a really uncomfortable way. He doesn’t have a spare helmet, so he took his helmet off and put it on my head. He didn’t start the engine, making me believe the vehicle was broken.
“Wrap your arms around me” he said looking back at me. 
“What? No!” I exclaimed, raising up my  hands, trying to not touch him.
“You’ll fall if you don’t do that!” he sighed, and grabbed both of my hands wrapping my arms around his waist making me blush hard.
This guy has really a strong rizz, he didn’t even flinch when I placed my hands on his abdomen, the dry blood getting on his shirt and my fingers feeling the line of his abs. 
I tried to not blush, looking away and making sure he couldn’t see me through the mirrors. He smells good too, I wonder what type of perfume he’s using. And his curls are so good made, just on top of his head and on his sides is kinda shorty.
“It’s on this way, right?” he asked me, pointing to a signal that had a cross on it. “It’s in greek”
“Yeah, it's that way” I said nodding.
He parked the scooter in front of the door of the medical center, getting off of it after holding it with the stand. He took off the helmet from my head and then hung it on the handlebar. 
“Do you need help?” he asked, looking at me.
Now I can see his eyes, his face. Well, he's cute. 
“I think so, yeah” I sighed after trying to get out of the seat, but it was impossible.
He helped me, holding my arm and then he turned around. He wanted to carry me on his back? Can this be more awkward than it already is and looks? I sighed, sitting with both my legs hanging on the side of the scooter and looking at his back.
I hope no one is around. Because it’ll be the talk of the town.
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I felt bad. Really, really bad. The moment she recognized me I panicked, thinking that she recognized me because of who I was, not because of my voice. She’s the girl next door that when I walked inside the apartment Max rented for me was playing music while cooking. I heard her voice and then I heard the dialogues of the show I watched not long ago.
Her voice was soft, like velvet, and when she talked to me after I crashed into her, her mad voice made me remember Yuki. She was panicking and in pain, andI could feel how nervous she was while we had the ride on the scooter.
When we arrived at the medical center and I carried her inside of it she started talking in greek, making me impressed. She speaks perfect english and a perfect greek, where is she from?
“I have a sprained ankle” she sighed looking at me.
The moment the nurse saw her when we walked inside the local she guided us to a room, so I placed her on the hospital bed and sat next to her on a chair. I’m not an idiot, I know that it’s my fault and I should take care of what happened.
“Oh…” I frowned, looking at how the nurse was rolling a bandage around her right foot. “I’m sorry, it’s my fault”
She sighed and looked away. I still can feel how  uncomfortable she is. 
“I’ll pay for the medicines you have to take” I said, and she turned her head quickly at me, surprised. 
“No, don’t worry about it! I can pay for them” she frowned, like if she was offended that I was offering to pay for the medicines. 
She sighed and looked away again, crossing her arms in front of her chest and looking out through the window. I bet she wanted to be on the beach, she was wearing a bikini under her summer dress, and on her bag there was a towel and a book too. 
“It’s the least I can do, I ruined your day” I sighed, shrugging my shoulders. 
The nurse looked at us and said something that made her blush. I wonder what she said.
“Okay” the girl sighed. “Yeah, okay”
I smiled weakly and nodded at the nurse, watching how she got up to grab something. I grabbed my phone and sighed, searching the dictionary I downloaded.
“How do you say thank you in greek?” I asked the girl, frowning, then I heard her chuckle.
“Efkharîsto” she said chuckling softly. “You came to Greece with no idea of how to say the basic things to survive here?”
“I survive thanks to a dictionary” I said sighing. 
“Well, let me tell you that it’s useless” she laughed. “You should learn the basic words, just to not waste time searching them”
“What’s your name?” I asked her suddenly, looking at her and how her face changed.  “I crashed into you, at least let me know the name of my first victim”
“Your first victim? I feel honored” she laughed, making me laugh. Good, the tension is now less present here. “Lily”
“That doesn’t sound Greek at all” I frowned, looking at her surprised.
“That’s because I’m not from here” she said shrugging her shoulders. “And what’s your name? In case I have to demand you, you know”
“Oh…” I laugh, but my mind immediately started to panic. Should I tell her my name? What if she discovers who I am? “Logan” lie.
“Well… nice to meet you in a bad way, Logan” she nodded.
Well done, Lando.
@lestappenloverr @racinggirl @roni-midnights @livster @kakorrhaphiphobia @starkeyellow @celestialpierre @ophcelia @msliz @lorarri @ironmaiden1313 @imsorare @mycenterfold
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“Braden, I hear you and your girlfriend of 4 years are finally engaged. Is that correct?!” the interviewer asked, he immediately smiled at the thinking of the night he proposed to you.
“Uh yeah.. I- that’s correct”
“Congratulations! How did you propose to her?”
“I surprised her with a trip to Santorini . Ever since she was little she’s always talked about wanting to go there. So.. I had rented us a boat, we had dinner, talked and right when the sun was about to set, I pulled out the ring, and asked if she wanted to marry me.” Braden said, while smiling ear to ear.
“Are you excited to spend the rest of your life with her?”
“Yes, I’m extremely happy! She is just absolutely amazing. I have never met anyone so kind, generous, strong, confident, supportive, hard-working, caring, funny, and patient. Cannot wait to marry her, I’ve been waiting for this moment ever since I met her. She’s the one for me. That’s my girl forever” He said
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mulaasritha · 6 months
Vlychada Beach A Serene Gem Among Santorini's Stunning Shores
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A Natural Marvel:
What sets Vlychada Beach apart is its awe-inspiring landscape. As visitors approach, they are greeted by towering cliffs sculpted by centuries of wind and sea erosion. These majestic formations, known locally as "moon-like cliffs," create a striking backdrop against the azure waters of the Aegean Sea. The beach itself is adorned with fine black volcanic sand, adding to its allure and providing a stark contrast to the whitewashed buildings that Santorini is famous for.
Tranquil Seclusion:
Unlike some of the more well-known beaches on the island, Vlychada offers a sense of seclusion and tranquility. While it has gained popularity in recent years, particularly among travelers seeking a quieter alternative to the bustling shores of Perissa and Kamari, Vlychada maintains a peaceful ambiance. Visitors can unwind under the Mediterranean sun, listening to the gentle lapping of waves against the shore, and relishing in the unspoiled beauty of their surroundings.
Activities and Amenities:
Despite its serene atmosphere, Vlychada Beach is not devoid of amenities. Beachgoers will find a selection of sunbeds and umbrellas available for rent, providing comfort as they soak up the sun's rays. The beach is also home to a handful of tavernas and beach bars, where visitors can indulge in refreshing drinks and traditional Greek cuisine.
For those seeking adventure, Vlychada offers opportunities for exploration both on land and at sea. Adventurous souls can embark on hiking trails that wind through the surrounding cliffs, offering panoramic views of the Aegean Sea and the island's rugged coastline. Boat tours are also available, allowing visitors to discover hidden sea caves and secluded coves along Santorini's southern shore.
Preserving Nature's Beauty:
Efforts have been made to preserve the natural beauty of Vlychada Beach and its surrounding environment. The beach is part of a protected area, home to a unique ecosystem of flora and fauna. Visitors are encouraged to respect the environment and adhere to responsible tourism practices to ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy this pristine paradise.
Visiting Vlychada Beach:
Access to Vlychada Beach is relatively easy, with ample parking available for those traveling by car or motorbike. Additionally, the beach is accessible via public transportation, with regular bus services connecting it to the island's main towns.
Whether seeking a peaceful retreat or a captivating adventure, Vlychada Beach promises an unforgettable experience for travelers exploring the enchanting island of Santorini. With its stunning natural scenery, tranquil ambiance, and array of activities, it remains a cherished destination for those in search of beauty and serenity by the sea.
In conclusion, Vlychada Beach stands out as one of the captivating gems nestled along the stunning coastline of Santorini. Its unique landscape, characterized by striking cliffs sculpted by nature's artistic hand, offers a surreal backdrop for a day of relaxation and exploration. The contrasting hues of the volcanic ash cliffs against the azure waters of the Aegean Sea create a picturesque scene that captivates visitors from around the world.
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vinodgumparlapati · 2 years
The Beauty of the Blue Lagoon Santorini Beaches
Located on the western side of Santorini, the Blue Lagoon beaches are some of the most beautiful and serene beaches in the world. The clear blue waters, towering cliffs, and pristine white sand create a picturesque backdrop for a relaxing beach getaway.
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There are three main beaches in the Blue Lagoon Santorini area, each with unique charm and appeal. So, Let's us go to explore each one in more detail.
A Closer Look at Amoudi Bay:
Amoudi Bay is a small fishing village that is accessible by a winding staircase that starts at Oia. Once you reach the bottom, you'll be greeted with a tranquil harbour that is home to a small beach.
The beach itself is relatively small, but the calm waters make it ideal for swimming, snorkelling and sunbathing. There are also several taverns and cafes where you can enjoy a meal or a drink while taking in the stunning views.
The Charm of Katharos Beach:
Katharos Beach is a secluded beach that can only be accessed via a steep staircase that leads down from Oia. The effort is worth it once you reach the bottom and are greeted by golden sand and crystal-clear waters.
The beach is surrounded by towering cliffs. Then which provides a sense of privacy and seclusion. It's the perfect spot to unwind and relax while soaking up the sun.
Exploring Armeni Beach:
Armeni Beach is a unique beach that can only be accessed by boat. The beach is located on a small island that is just a short boat ride from Amoudi Bay.
The beach is surrounded by towering cliffs. The crystal-clear waters make it an ideal spot, especially for snorkelling and swimming. You can rent a boat from Amoudi Bay or take a tour to explore this hidden gem.
Best Time to Visit the Blue Lagoon Santorini Beaches:
The best time to visit the Blue Lagoon Santorini beaches is during the early morning or late afternoon. This will help you avoid the crowds and enjoy a more peaceful and relaxing beach experience.
What to Pack for Your Blue Lagoon Santorini Beach Adventure:
When visiting the Blue Lagoon Santorini beaches, it's essential to pack sunscreen, a hat, and plenty of water. You may also want to bring a beach towel, a swimsuit, and a cover-up for when you're out of the water.
In conclusion, the Blue Lagoon Santorini beaches are a must-visit destination for beach lovers. With their crystal-clear waters, pristine white sand, and towering cliffs, these beaches offer a truly unique and unforgettable beach experience. Whether you're looking for relaxation, adventure, or a stunning view, the Blue Lagoon Santorini beaches have something for everyone.
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epostravel · 4 months
How to Plan Your Dream Island Hopping Adventure in Greece for 2024
Discover Your Dream Greek Island Hopping Adventure for 2024
Embarking on a journey through the enchanting Greek islands is a dream many travelers hold dear. Picture yourself basking in the sun, exploring pristine beaches, and wandering through quaint villages with their unique charm. Planning such an adventure might seem daunting, but with the right steps, you can craft an unforgettable experience. Let's explore how to plan your dream island-hopping adventure in Greece for 2024!
Why Island Hopping in Greece?
Greece is home to over 6,000 islands, each offering its slice of paradise. From the breathtaking sunsets of Santorini to the lively nightlife of Mykonos, there’s something for everyone. Island hopping allows you to immerse yourself in the diverse beauty, culture, and history of Greece in one trip.
Best Time to Visit
The ideal time for island hopping in Greece is between late April and early October. This period promises warm weather and inviting seas. While July and August are peak tourist months, opting for May, June, or September can provide a more peaceful experience with fewer crowds.
Selecting Your Islands
Choosing which islands to visit is a thrilling part of your planning. Here are some top recommendations:
Santorini: Renowned for its stunning sunsets, caldera views, and unique beaches.
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Mykonos: Mykonos is a lively island famed for its electrifying nightlife, where you can dance until dawn at beach clubs and elegant bars. The island also boasts stunning sandy beaches perfect for sunbathing and water sports. In addition, its charming old town, with its white-washed buildings and narrow cobblestone streets, offers a delightful setting for strolls and shopping excursions.
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Crete: Offers rich history, diverse landscapes, and delectable cuisine.
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Naxos: Blends beautiful beaches with traditional Greek culture.
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Paros: Known for its quaint villages, pristine beaches, and water sports.
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Planning Your Route
To maximize your adventure, plan your route thoughtfully. Consider the proximity of islands to minimize travel time. Here’s a suggested itinerary:
Start in Athens: Explore historical sites and experience the bustling city life.
Head to Mykonos: Enjoy the lively atmosphere and stunning beaches.
Travel to Naxos: Experience traditional Greek life and beautiful landscapes.
Move to Paros: Relax in charming villages and on pristine beaches.
End in Santorini: Conclude your journey with breathtaking sunsets and unique volcanic features.
Transportation Options
Navigating the Greek islands is relatively straightforward. Here are some options:
Ferries: The most popular and scenic way to travel between islands. Several reputable ferry companies, such as Blue Star Ferries and Hellenic Seaways, provide frequent and reliable services between the Greek islands. These ferries are well-equipped with modern amenities, ensuring a comfortable and scenic journey across the Aegean Sea. Whether you're travelling during the day or opting for an overnight trip, these services facilitate easy and enjoyable island hopping.
Flights: For longer distances, consider domestic flights. Airlines such as Aegean Airlines and Olympic Air operate flights between major islands.
Boats: Renting a boat can offer a flexible and fun way to explore smaller islands and hidden coves.
Accommodation Tips
Greece offers a wide range of accommodations to suit different budgets. Here are some tips:
Book Early: Secure the best deals and availability, especially during peak season.
Local Guesthouses: For an authentic experience.
Stay Near the Port: For convenience, particularly if you have early ferry departures.
Packing Essentials
Packing wisely can enhance your island-hopping experience. Here are some must-haves:
Lightweight Clothing: Opt for breathable fabrics like cotton and linen.
Swimwear: Essential for frequent beach visits.
Comfortable Shoes: For exploring cobblestone streets and hiking trails.
Sunscreen and Hat: It's crucial to protect yourself from the intense Mediterranean sun while exploring the Greek islands. Always apply a high-SPF sunscreen to shield your skin from harmful UV rays, and wear a wide-brimmed hat to provide additional protection and keep cool. This not only helps prevent sunburn but also ensures you can enjoy your outdoor adventures comfortably and safely.
Travel-sized Toiletries: Save space in your luggage.
Insider Tips
To make your trip even more enjoyable, keep these insider tips in mind:
Local Cuisine: Sample traditional dishes like moussaka, souvlaki, and fresh seafood.
Cultural Etiquette: Greeks are known for their hospitality. Learning a few basic Greek phrases can go a long way.
Stay Flexible: Ferry schedules can be affected by weather conditions. Keeping your itinerary flexible can help accommodate any changes.
Planning your dream island-hopping adventure in Greece for 2024 can be both exciting and rewarding. By choosing the right travel time, selecting the best islands, and planning your route and accommodations thoughtfully, you can ensure a memorable trip. Embrace the local culture, savour the delicious cuisine, and soak in the stunning landscapes. Greece is ready to offer you an unforgettable adventure.
Which islands are best for first-time visitors to Greece?Santorini, Mykonos, Crete, Naxos, and Paros are great for first-timers due to their unique attractions and convenient ferry connections.
How much time should I spend on each island?Spending 2-3 days on each island is ideal to fully explore and enjoy the local attractions.
Is island hopping in Greece expensive?Costs can vary based on your travel style. Ferries and accommodations can be budget-friendly if booked in advance. Local food and activities are generally affordable.
What should I pack for an island-hopping trip in Greece?Pack lightweight clothing, swimwear, comfortable shoes, sunscreen, a hat, and travel-sized toiletries.
Is it necessary to rent a car on the islands? Renting a car can be convenient for exploring larger islands like Crete. However, public transportation and walking are often sufficient on smaller islands.
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ionianqueen · 6 months
Experience the Magic of Greece: Rent a Boat and Set Sail!
Greece, with its stunning coastline and myriad of islands, offers a captivating experience for adventurers seeking to explore the wonders of the Aegean and Ionian Seas. While mainland Greece boats ancient ruins and bustling cities, it’s the allure of the Greek islands that truly captures the imagination. And what better way to discover these gems than by renting a boat and setting sail into the azure waters?
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The Greek islands are synonymous with paradise, each offering its own unique charm and beauty. From the iconic whitewashed buildings of Santorini to the lush landscapes of Corfu, there’s something enchanting about these sun-drenched destinations. By renting a boat, you may set your own itinerary and explore remote beaches, undiscovered coves, and charming towns along the way.
Choosing the Right Boat
Before embarking on your Greek adventure, it’s essential to select the right boat for your needs. Consider factors such as size, amenities, and budget. Whether you prefer the luxury of a motor yacht or the simplicity of a sailboat, there are options to suit every preference and pocket.
Planning Your Route
With thousands of islands to explore, planning your route is key to making the most of your sailing experience. While popular destinations like Mykonos and Rhodes are must-sees, don’t overlook the charm of lesser-known islands like Milos and Symi. Researching the best anchorages and attractions ensures a seamless and enjoyable journey.
Preparing for Your Trip
Packing the right essentials is crucial for a successful sailing trip. Sunscreen, hats, and lightweight clothing are a must, along with seasickness remedies and first aid supplies. Safety should always be a priority, so familiarize yourself with emergency procedures and ensure your boat is equipped with necessary safety equipment.
Navigating Greek Waters
Navigating the waters around the Greek islands requires a basic understanding of maritime rules and regulations. Keep an eye on weather forecasts and be prepared to adapt your plans accordingly. While the summer months offer calm seas and clear skies, unexpected changes in weather can occur, so vigilance is key.
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Exploring Greek Islands
Each Greek island has its own distinct character and charm, from the cosmopolitan vibe of Mykonos to the rugged beauty of Crete. Take the time to explore both well-known hotspots and off-the-beaten-path destinations, immersing yourself in local culture and cuisine along the way.
Immersing in Greek Culture
Greek culture is rich in history, tradition, and hospitality. Take the opportunity to learn about local customs and traditions, whether it’s joining in a traditional Greek dance or sampling regional delicacies at a waterfront taverna. Engaging with the local community adds depth and authenticity to your sailing experience.
Activities Beyond Sailing
While sailing is undoubtedly the main attraction, there’s no shortage of activities to enjoy during your time ashore. Snorkel in crystal-clear waters, hike scenic trails, or simply relax on sun-drenched beaches. The Greek islands offer something for everyone, whether you’re a thrill-seeker or a laid-back traveler.
Budgeting Tips
Sailing in Greece can be surprisingly affordable, especially if you’re willing to forgo luxury amenities in favor of a more authentic experience. Budget-conscious travelers can save money by cooking onboard, anchoring in free or low-cost harbors, and taking advantage of local markets for provisions.
Sustainable Sailing Practices
As stewards of the sea, it’s important to minimize our impact on the marine environment. Practice eco-friendly habits such as reducing waste, conserving water, and avoiding single-use plastics. Respect marine life by observing from a distance and refraining from feeding or disturbing wildlife.
Safety Measures
Safety should always be a top priority when sailing in unfamiliar waters. Familiarize yourself with emergency protocols and ensure all passengers are aware of safety procedures. Carry a well-stocked first aid kit and know how to use it in case of injury or illness.
Choosing the Right Time to Sail
The best time to sail in Greece depends on your preferences and priorities. Summer months offer warm temperatures and calm seas, but also attract larger crowds of tourists. Spring and autumn offer milder weather and fewer visitors, making it an ideal time for those seeking a quieter sailing experience.
Benefits of Sailing with a Crew
While solo sailing can be a rewarding experience, sailing with a crew offers numerous benefits. Shared responsibilities make tasks easier and more enjoyable, while the camaraderie of a close-knit crew adds to the overall sense of adventure.
Capturing Memorable Moments
Don’t forget to capture the magic of your Greek sailing adventure through photos and journaling. Documenting your experiences allows you to relive your journey long after you’ve returned home. From stunning sunsets to chance encounters with local wildlife, every moment is worth preserving.
Conclusion: Embrace the Adventure
Sailing in Greece offers a unique opportunity to explore some of the world’s most beautiful islands at your own pace. Whether you’re an experienced sailor or a novice adventurer, the magic of Greece awaits. So hoist the sails, feel the wind in your hair, and embark on the adventure of a lifetime.
Is sailing experience necessary to rent a boat in Greece?
While sailing experience is beneficial, many boat rental companies offer skippered or crewed charters for those without sailing skills.
What are the visa requirements for sailing in Greece?
Citizens of many countries, including the EU, the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, do not require a visa for short visits to Greece.
Are there age restrictions for renting a boat in Greece?
Age restrictions vary depending on the type of boat and rental company. Most landlords demand that tenants be at least eighteen years old.
Can I bring pets on a sailing trip in Greece?
Some boat rental companies allow pets onboard, but it’s essential to check their pet policy and any additional fees before booking.
What happens in case of medical emergencies at sea?
In case of medical emergencies, contact the nearest port authority or coastguard for assistance. It’s essential to have travel insurance that covers medical evacuation and treatment.
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bookingmyholiday979 · 9 months
Rent a Yacht and Navigate Paradise: A Guide to Sailing the Greek Islands
Greece, with its rich maritime history and stunning archipelago, stands as an alluring haven for sailing enthusiasts. If you're dreaming of azure waters, quaint harbors, and the freedom to explore at your own pace, renting a yacht in Greece is your ticket to an unforgettable adventure.
The Allure of Greek Waters
The Aegean Sea, a sailor's paradise, beckons with its crystal-clear waters and a constellation of islands collectively known as the Cyclades. Picture yourself at the helm, wind in your hair, as you embark on a journey through the iconic whitewashed landscapes of Mykonos, the romantic charm of Santorini, and the vibrant energy of Naxos.
Rent a Yacht Greece Tip #1 The optimal time to sail the Aegean is during the summer months, from May to September, when the weather is warm, and the sea is calm.
Sailing Serenity in the Ionian Islands
For those seeking tranquility, the Ionian Islands provide a serene escape. Rent a yacht in Greece to explore Corfu's Venetian architecture, Kefalonia's breathtaking beaches, and the secluded coves of Paxos. The Ionian Sea's gentle breezes and lush landscapes offer an ideal setting for a leisurely sailing experience.
Rent a Yacht Greece Tip #2 Navigate the Ionian Islands in late spring or early fall for milder temperatures and fewer crowds.
Off the Beaten Path Adventures: Saronic Gulf and Sporades Islands
Venture off the beaten path by sailing through the lesser-explored Saronic Gulf and Sporades islands. Rent a yacht in Greece to discover hidden gems like Hydra, Poros, Skiathos, and Alonissos. These destinations offer a more intimate connection with Greek culture, unspoiled landscapes, and the joy of charting your course.
Rent a Yacht Greece Tip #3 Embrace the spontaneity of your sailing journey by exploring secluded bays and discovering local treasures along the way.
Practical Tips for Your Greek Sailing Expedition
Before embarking on your Greek sailing adventure, it's crucial to ensure a smooth experience. Chartering a yacht or hiring a skipper can make your journey stress-free. Familiarize yourself with local regulations and maritime customs to ensure a seamless experience on the vibrant Greek waters.
Rent a Yacht Greece Tip #4
 When searching for rental options, consider reputable companies that offer a variety of vessels to suit your preferences and group size.
Savoring the Sailing Lifestyle in Greece
Beyond the thrill of sailing, Greece offers a delightful blend of experiences. Anchor in secluded bays to witness breathtaking sunsets, immerse yourself in vibrant nightlife at popular sailing destinations, and indulge in authentic Greek cuisine at waterfront tavernas.
Rent a Boat 
 As you rent a boat, take advantage of the freedom to explore hidden coves and pristine beaches only accessible by sea.
Rent a Yacht Greece Tip #5
 Plan your itinerary to include both popular hotspots and lesser-known gems, creating a well-rounded Greek sailing experience.
Conclusion: Embark on Your Greek Odyssey
Renting a yacht in Greece opens the door to a world of maritime wonders, where every wave carries a story, and every island is a chapter waiting to be explored. Whether you're a seasoned sailor or a first-time adventurer, the Greek Islands promise an enchanting voyage, filled with breathtaking landscapes and the freedom to navigate your own paradise. So, hoist the sails, embrace the spirit of adventure, and let the Greek winds carry you to an unforgettable seafaring experience.
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boatrentalgreece · 8 months
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bysumex · 10 months
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How to Savor Every Moment in Santorini: A Guide to Blissful Island Living 👉 https://bysumex.com/how-to-savor-every-moment-in-santorini-a-guide-to-blissful-island-living/
Santorini, with its stunning sunsets, crystalline waters, and charming white-washed buildings, is a true paradise waiting to be explored. To ensure you make the most of your time on this enchanting Greek island, follow this guide for an unforgettable experience:
Sunset Serenity in Oia:
Head to Oia, the iconic village known for its breathtaking sunsets.
Secure a spot in advance at a cliffside restaurant or find a cozy nook to enjoy the panoramic views.
Allow yourself to be captivated as the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange, pink, and purple.
Leisurely Strolls in Fira:
Explore the capital, Fira, with its charming alleys, boutiques, and cafes.
Take a leisurely stroll along the caldera’s edge, enjoying the stunning views of the Aegean Sea.
Beach Bliss in Kamari and Perissa:
Unwind on the unique black sand beaches of Kamari and Perissa.
Rent a beach chair, feel the warm sand between your toes, and take a refreshing dip in the azure waters.
Culinary Delights with a View:
Indulge in the island’s delectable cuisine at seaside tavernas.
Try local specialties like moussaka, souvlaki, and fresh seafood while enjoying the sea breeze.
Wine Tasting in Pyrgos:
Visit Pyrgos, a quieter village known for its medieval charm and local wineries.
Sample Assyrtiko, the famous Santorini wine, amid vineyards with panoramic views.
Historical Exploration in Akrotiri:
Discover the ancient ruins of Akrotiri, a Minoan Bronze Age settlement preserved in volcanic ash.
Immerse yourself in the rich history of the island and witness the advanced civilization that once thrived here.
Boat Excursion to Neighboring Islands:
Take a boat excursion to explore the neighboring islands of Thirassia and Palea Kameni.
Snorkel in hot springs, enjoy secluded beaches, and experience the tranquil beauty of the Aegean.
Relaxation in a Traditional Cave House:
Stay in a traditional cave house for a unique Santorini experience.
Enjoy the comfort of whitewashed walls, blue-domed churches, and panoramic terraces.
Local Festivals and Events:
Check the local calendar for festivals and events, such as the Santorini Arts Festival or the International Music Festival.
Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and celebration of the island.
Capture the Memories:
Don’t forget to bring a good camera or smartphone to capture the moments.
Create lasting memories of your Santorini adventure, from scenic landscapes to joyful encounters.
By embracing these experiences, you’ll find yourself fully immersed in the magic of Santorini, savoring each moment on this enchanting island in the Aegean Sea.
#santorinigreece #santorini #greece #travelphotography
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856654 · 11 months
Navigating Paradise: Exploring the Best Boat Experiences Around the World
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When it comes to extraordinary travel experiences, few can rival the enchantment of setting sail on the open water. Whether you're seeking the thrill of adventure or a serene escape from the daily grind, the world is teeming with remarkable boat experiences that cater to every taste and preference. In this article, we'll take you on a journey across the globe to discover the best boat experiences, from exhilarating water sports to tranquil sunset cruises, and everything in between.
Island Hopping in the Maldives The Maldives, a tropical paradise in the Indian Ocean, is synonymous with luxury and relaxation. One of the best ways to explore its beauty is by hopping from one idyllic island to another aboard a traditional Maldivian dhoni. Crystal-clear waters, vibrant coral reefs, and overwater bungalows await those who embark on this unforgettable boat experience.
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Sailing the Whitsunday Islands, Australia Set sail along the stunning Whitsunday Islands, located on Australia's Great Barrier Reef. With their powdery white beaches, lush rainforests, and an abundance of marine life, these islands are best explored by boat. A sailing trip here offers a unique blend of adventure and natural beauty.
Venetian Gondola Ride, Italy Venice, Italy, is synonymous with romance, and there's no better way to experience its charm than by gliding through its intricate network of canals on a traditional gondola. As you float beneath ornate bridges and past historic palazzos, you'll be transported to another time.
Komodo Island Yacht Expedition, Indonesia For those seeking a more adventurous boat experience, a yacht expedition around Komodo Island offers the chance to witness the world's largest lizard, the Komodo dragon, in its natural habitat. The rugged landscapes and vibrant marine life add to the allure of this incredible journey.
Sunset Cruise in Santorini, Greece Watching the sun dip below the horizon over the breathtaking caldera of Santorini is a dream for many. A sunset cruise around this Greek island, known for its dazzling white architecture and crystal-blue waters, is the epitome of romance and relaxation.
Houseboat Vacation in the Backwaters of Kerala, India The backwaters of Kerala offer a unique and tranquil boat experience. Rent a traditional houseboat, complete with all the comforts of home, and meander through a network of serene waterways, surrounded by lush vegetation and local culture.
Fjord Tour in Norway Norway's dramatic fjords are a marvel of nature. Embark on a fjord tour to witness towering cliffs, cascading waterfalls, and serene fishing villages. The stark beauty of the Norwegian fjords is a testament to the power of nature.
Canal Cruise in Amsterdam, Netherlands Amsterdam is a city of canals, and a canal cruise is one of the best ways to explore its rich history and charming architecture. Glide past historic houses, picturesque bridges, and vibrant neighborhoods while learning about the city's unique culture.
click here for more information :-
Amalfi Coast Capri
Blue Grotto Tour Capri
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smoooothoperator · 1 year
Beautiful Stranger
Daphne's first love and heartbreak
a/n: Hello loves! As you may (or may not) know, my characters will be on @elisysd new story Gold Rush! They won't me important, but on the prologue she talked about Daphne and I wanted to do her point of view of that part of the story! I hope everyone likes this!
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Summer of 2042
Greece was a place she always loved.
Every summer since they met, her parents went to that country to spend their summer holidays, making it a family tradition. All the Norris rented a house in Parga and then a boat to go around the coast.
On a shelf of her house there's an album of photos from all those vacations. She always opened those albums when she was a kid, watching how her parents used to be, how her mom used to look like. 
There are pictures of the first time they met, both of them on a camper traveling together. Then there is a picture of them hugging, her mom with a beautiful engagement ring on her finger. Then pictures of their wedding, and their honeymoon.
And then the first time she was in Greece: inside the womb of her mother.
One of the reasons she loved going to Greece was because she felt like she belonged to that place. She never met her mom's family, only an old woman she considers her grandma.
When the old woman started to get sick, Lando and Lily decided to be with her on her last moments.
Lando was now retired, and Lily was a well known artist in Europe. But, even if he had three championship titles and she had her paintings in important art galleries all over the globe, luck and fortune weren't always by their side.
In 2039, the Norris family moved into Parga, wanting to spend the time and make memories with the woman that welcomed them as her own kids the first time they stepped in the town. 
But unfortunately, Nora Makris died in January of 2041. Leaving the family with a hole on their hearts 
Now, in the summer of 2042, after the death of the beloved woman, they were on a blanket with snacks and drinks in front of them, sitting in front of the grave of the woman.
"So… we wanted to tell you something, Nora" Lando smiled weakly, hugging his son on his lap. "Will you say it, buddy?"
"I am on a karting team" the eight years old boy said, hugging his dad. 
Daphne smiled weakly looking at her brother Percy. He's the exact copy of her father, with the same smile and same curly hair.
Otherwise, Daphne is the reflection of her mother, but with her father's eyes. She loves art, she loves Greece. Some of her parents' friends joked around saying that she saw her mother painting while she was in her womb, because since she was little she already showed her will to make art.
"I miss you, Nora" her mom sighed, making her dad hold her hand and kiss her head. "We all miss you, mom"
Daphne sighed and left a flower in front of the grave, tracking the name and numbers with her fingers.
Nora Makris
Your family will always remember you
"Come on, kids" Lando sighed, helping his son get up and then he did it. "It's time to go"
Daphne looked at her family. Her brother held her hand tightly, hugging her while they walked away from the cemetery. She looked back, how her dad hugged her mom's shoulders kissing her temple.
Since she was little she always dreamed of having someone that could love her how her dad loves her mom. 
"Are we going to Santorini?" Percy asked his dad, holding his hand. "Will Louis be there?"
"Yeah" he smiled, picking him up. "Come on, the rest of the group is already on the boat"
That summer, the Norris family boat will be full with the Leclercs, the Gaslys and the Vestappens. The four families will spend their summer together, going by boat to Santorini and staying in a house together.
"Julia!" Daphne smiled, hugging her childhood friend.
"Dane!" she smiled, hugging her back.
The Gaslys had twins, but she never got along with them a lot, they were always with Ethan, the Verstappens' son. 
Julia Leclerc is her best friend. Even if they live in different countries and study in different places, all the time they went to the races to support their fathers, they spent time together. She's like the old sister she never had, and she loves her as a sister.
"How are you?" Julia asked with a weak smile.
"Yeah… well… I mean, I miss her" she smiled weakly. "It is hard. She was there since I was born, but now she's not…"
"I get it, Dane" she sighed. "She was part of your family. I miss her too, but I totally get it that you feel this low now"
"Yeah" she sighed.
In previous summers, Nora liked to have the kids with her when their parents went out to have fun as adults. Julia and Daphne always sat on the floor in front of her learning about Greece and the history of it. Thanks to that woman they know and love this place.
"Come on, I bought some things to spend time here" the older girl said, walking in front of her.
The yacht wasn't big enough for the four families to sleep there, so they had to share rooms to make sure there wasn't a problem.
"How is Louis going?" Daphne smiled weakly, watching the little Leclerc sitting next to her mother, wearing noise canceling headphones. 
"Nice… he goes to therapy and they are trying to find a way of communicating with him" Julia sighed. 
Daphne nodded and walked with her friend, looking around. She saw the Gasly twins and Ethan, looking carefully at Julia to see her reaction. Since she was little she remembers the arguments the two kids had, how Ethan tried to make her angry and how upset she reacted.
"I hate that he's here" she heard Julia groan, making her chuckle softly.
After they got changed into their bikinis, they went to the living room together, sitting on one of the couches.
"Sometimes it makes me sad to look at your brother trying to get closer to Louis" Julia sighed, watching how Daphne's brother was sitting meters away from Louis.
"He brought a book about insects, you know?" Daphne said, smiling softly. "And he even bought some small plushies of bugs for him"
"Really? That's so sweet" Julia smiled weakly. "Do you want me to ask him if he wants me to give them to him?"
"Would you do that for him?" she smiled softly. 
"Sure" Julia nodded, nudging her side.
Julia is a wonderful person. Daphne knows she suffered from bullying, she saw how her friend changed. One week she was friendly with her and the next one she tried everything to keep a distance with her. But she tried to keep contact with her, until she discovered what happened.
She saw how Julia got up and sat next to Percy, hugging him and playing with him to make him laugh. If there's something true about the older Leclerc is that no matter what, she will always love and protect her family and loved ones. And because she has known the Norris since she was born, she feels they are part of her family too.
"A bird told me you have a gift for my brother, hm?" Julia chucked, tickling Percy.
"Oh, yeah" he laughed. "Is a plushy of his favorite bug"
"Yeah? Do you want me to give it to him?" she asked. "I'm sure he will like it, you know he likes the gifts you give him"
"But he doesn't know those are mine…" he sighed. 
"Percy, he knows you want to be his friend" she smiled weakly. "But you know how he is… it's hard for him, yeah? But you are doing an amazing job"
Daphne smiled looking at them. She's grateful for her father, because thanks to him she has a big family. Charles and Lyanna are her godparents, and Louis her parents' godson. She's happy to be part of the Leclerc family.
Spending the day on the yacht was borning, because they couldn't go to the water since the boat was moving. 
"Hey" Daphne heard him sit next to her. 
"Oh, hey" she nodded at him, the Verstappen sitting next to her made her blush.
"So… are you having a good time?" Ethan asked, showing interest in her.
"Well, you know how it is. We can't go to the water" she shrugged. "And you just interrupted an interesting book"
"Oh, sorry" he laughed. "What were you reading?"
"Oh, one of my mom's favorite fictional books" she said, showing him the book. "Lore. Did you hear about The Hunger Games?"
"Eh… no" he laughed. "What's that? Guys being hungry?"
Daphne wanted to hit him with the book. How can someone be so stupid?
"No, idiot" she laughed. "Is like a dystopia where a country had a rebellion and the president of that country decided to make every year something like a show that made two people, called tributes, from all the twelve districts fight in a random place until one of them is alive"
"Oh… I never imagined you would like something as bloody as that" he laughed. 
"Yeah well, it's a classic" she said, rolling her eyes. "The thing is that in this book the author mix that with the Greek mythology"
"Ah yeah, I get it" he nodded. 
She doesn't use to talk with Ethan. Julia always tries to keep her away from him, but it's inevitable to not look at him. She always thought he was good looking, like one of those illustrations of her mythology books.
Something inside of her, like little tickles on her stomach, made her blush every time she found Ethan looking at her while the twins talked with him.
During the days on the beach in Santorini, she could feel his eyes on her. He talked with her when they were alone, and she casually started to feel things for him.
"I swear, I really think he likes me, Juls" Daphne sighed, laying on her friend's bed. "Sometimes I catch him looking at me"
"He's disgusting, Dane" Julia sighed. "Come on, I'm sure he's having dirty thoughts while he looks at you"
"I don't think he's like that" she frowned. "He's sweet with me… maybe I can make him be a good guy"
Oh, she really believed that. She heard all the things Julia said about him, how bad he is since he was born. But, as the teen she is, she really thought that she could change the bad guy and make him a good guy. 
Some days he would flirt with her, talk till late and then walk with her to the door of her bedroom. Somehow, she started to fall for him.
Is he her first love? Would he be her first kiss? First boyfriend?
Then, that night came.
They went to have dinner, and since none of the kids, except Louis and Percy, wanted to stay in the restaurant, all of them decided to leave and go to the house.
In that moment, Ethan was with her, walking next to her on the beach. She thought it was romantic, being alone with him under the stars.
"It's a beautiful night, right?" She smiled, looking up at the stars.
"Mhm" he nodded, standing in front of her.
Then he did what she was dreaming about for the last few days. He pressed his lips on hers.
It was a messy kiss. Sure, he knows how to kiss, he did it tons of times with random girls at school. But she never kissed someone like that, so she just let him lead the kiss. It was something she never expected, to feel his tongue and his hands on her ass.
But she didn't care. Ethan Verstappen was kissing her.
She went back to the house with a silly smile, going immediately to Julia's room and telling her everything.
But of course, not everything is perfect.
Even if he spent the next day with her on the beach, kissing her sometimes when she noticed no one was watching, the next day things changed.
He was distant, not looking at her and ignoring her. 
Somehow, that hurt her.
But what hurt the most was going to the beach at night, hoping to find him there and ask him what was wrong and why he was ignoring her. 
Dane couldn't believe what her eyes were watching. She really didn't want to believe that was real.
Ethan kissing a random girl.
"Ethan?!" she gasped, making the boy pull away from the kiss and look at her. "What the hell is this?"
"Oh, you" he laughed, holding the waist of the girl. 
"Why are you kissing her?! After everything you said to me?" she exclaimed.
"Ah… come on! It was just to have fun!" he laughed. "Nothing serious. You really should calm down. I would never be with someone like you"
She could hear her own heart breaking. It was so cruel, she was one of the many girls he played with. She was part of that long list he likes to brag about with the Gasly twins. 
When she went to the house, she ran inside Julia's room, jumping in her bed with tears rolling down her cheeks.
"He… he just said that he would never be with someone like me" she mumbled, hugging her friend. "What does it mean? Why?"
"Don't listen to him, Dane…" Julia sighed, running her back and brushing her hair. "You are better, too good for him, okay? You deserve to be with someone that makes you happy"
"It hurts… I thought he liked me" she mumbled.
"Look, I'm going to tell you something and I really want you to listen carefully" Julia sighed. "Ethan Verstappen is not good news. Now you know what happens… don't look at him, okay? Ignore him"
Since that day, Ethan Verstappen was a man she never wanted to talk to ever again. She was dead for her.
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sources-across · 1 year
Best Luxury Superyacht Rentals - Catamaran Charter
Mykonos is obviously typical in addition desired by means of investigators of gorgeous shorelines in addition intensive days of excursions in addition detours having said that largely by no means relaxed atmosphere when if you move suitable finally, there, that is principally simply because of its various sea-loving exercises such as jetski, planning, luxury cruises during high end vessels, catamaran adventures together with using a sailboat, a puddle consequently on. Outside of the Mykonos yacht charter, organized adventures may be classified available beginning out of the quicker town. The most prevalent in addition true lesser alleys of Greece can even be cost visiting. Chapels in addition chapels aren't absent, using galleries and museums as well as free galleries pairing individuals art work and also the underwater in a historical establishing of this oldest. To have illustrations or photos fans, that you can free airline of this area, some type of compilation of properties the identical form when a variety of package throughout the water. A brand new surroundings not really negligible! El born area will be known as "Small Venice" and doesn't leave unnoticed. Undoubtedly, that attracts lots of people as well as is especially a please of musicians in addition photographers.
Sailing yacht charter Greece A number of shorelines, various streets inducing the piece and many shuttles while in the year. They each one is offering deckchairs for your public. A number of fishing boats for sale, rigorous, semi-rigid, to get small people, close friends, members of the family together with neighbours are to compliment in addition lease bills for just about any excellent retreat concerning atmosphere in addition underwater, without or even using some type of skipper.  Progressing by means of 105 km2, in addition installing aside from the Aegean Sea owning 89 km of coastline, Mykonos is obviously the most normal Ancient expressions islands. This particular hence gets every bit as Mykoniates in addition subscribers by their particular important process that's tourism. This is the a great deal of commercialized warm section once Santorini. You can navigate to the piece throughout the Mykonos Nautical charts Greece, in addition bypass their particular coasts. The most urban center during Mykonos is obviously Chora, a admin middle of the town of Ios Place, set higher than the conceal using a hillside called the Spiritual Incline by means of their particular many chapels in addition churches. The particular vessels consuming a variety of folks include 5 vacation cabin rentals to get 1 or even 2 folks, bedding depending on assortment, bathtub vacation cabin rentals; all of the security in which often fans of this underwater seek. Contact all4yachting.com as well as identify your best Rent yacht pertaining to the top specials!
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skyvoyarent · 1 year
Hire yacht from the best online worldwide yacht charter platform | Voyarent
Voyarent boats and yachts provide a unique sailing experience, making Voyarent one of the best online worldwide yacht charter platforms. We provide only verified boats at the lowest price guaranteed. Some of the popular destinations for which we provide yacht charters are Greece, Santorini, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Croatia, France, and Cyprus. You can plan your next exciting cruise with your friends and relatives and feel the freedom of being lost in the deep blue or turquoise waters of the sea. You can rent a yacht, boat, or catamaran and enjoy a comfortable and luxurious private cruise to your preferred destination.   https://voyarent.com/
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skolarrssolutions · 1 year
10 Hidden Gems To Visit While Studying Abroad
Studying abroad is an incredible opportunity to explore the world, expand your horizons, and meet new people. While many students opt to visit famous landmarks and tourist hotspots, there are also many hidden gems that are worth exploring. These hidden gems offer a unique glimpse into local culture and history and can help you create unforgettable memories.
In this blog post, we’ll be sharing 10 hidden gems that you should visit while studying abroad. From secret gardens to underground tunnels, we've got you covered.
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1. Grunewald Forest, Berlin – If you're studying in Berlin and need a break from city life, head to the Grunewald Forest. This beautiful forest covers an area of around 30 square kilometres and is home to a variety of wildlife, including deer, wild boar, and foxes. There are also plenty of walking and cycling trails, and a lake where you can swim or rent a boat.
2. Oia, Santorini – While Santorini is known for its stunning sunsets and white-washed buildings, the village of Oia is a hidden gem. With its narrow, winding streets, blue-domed churches, and traditional houses carved into the cliffside, Oia is a picture-perfect Greek village that should not be missed.
3. Park Güell, Barcelona – Designed by the famous architect Antoni Gaudí, Park Güell is a whimsical public park that is sure to delight. The park is filled with colourful mosaics, sculptures, and other fantastical elements. There are also fabulous views of the city from the upper levels of the park.
4. Kalemegdan Fortress, Belgrade – This fortress dates back to the Roman era and is located on a hill overlooking the Danube and Sava rivers. In addition to its study abroad consultants coimbatore historical significance, the fortress is also home to a park and a zoo.
5. The Vasa Museum, Stockholm – This maritime museum is home to the Vasa, a 17th-century warship that sank on its maiden voyage. The ship was salvaged in the 1960s and has been painstakingly restored. Today, visitors can explore the ship and learn about its fascinating history.
6. The Catacombs, Paris – Beneath the streets of Paris lie a network of ancient tunnels known as the catacombs. These tunnels were used as burial sites in the late 18th century, and visitors can now explore a small section of the tunnels on guided tours.
7. The Blue Lagoon, Reykjavik – This geothermal spa is one of Iceland's most popular tourist attractions. The naturally heated water is rich in minerals and is said to have therapeutic properties. If you're visiting Reykjavik, a trip to the Blue Lagoon is a must.
8. The Secret Garden, Florence – Tucked away behind the Palazzo Pitti in Florence is the beautiful Boboli Gardens. The gardens are filled with ornate fountains, statues, and manicured lawns. Be sure to visit the Secret Garden, which is hidden behind a massive hedge and has beautiful views of the city.
9. Kruja, Albania – This historic town is located just a short drive from Tirana and is home to the Kruja Castle, which played a key role in Albania's resistance against the Ottoman Empire. The town also has a busy bazaar where you can shop for traditional handicrafts.
10. The Wine Cellars, Porto – If you're a wine lover, a trip to the wine cellars in Porto is a must. Porto is famous for its port wine, and many of the cellars offer tastings and tours. Some of the most famous cellars include Taylor's, Graham's, and Sandeman.
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Studying abroad is all about exploring new cultures, and these hidden gems will give you a sense of the local flavour of your study destination. From beautiful forests to mysterious catacombs, there is something for everyone on this list of hidden gems. So, get out there and start exploring!
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