#rent a car in Qatar for a day
qatarchauffeurs · 2 months
Best and Reliable Luxury Chauffeur Car Service in Qatar
When you need a premium and luxury chauffeur car in Qatar, look no further. Our company offers the best and most luxurious car rental service, all available at your fingertips. Book our premium car rental service online for a comfortable and luxurious ride. Opting for a premium ride with us ensures a hassle-free and comfortable journey, backed by our solid reputation for providing the best transportation solutions. 
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multifandomfanfic · 2 years
could you do something where ronaldo is your ex and you broke up because he cheated but he saw you with another man at a party and he got really jealous??
Cold Air
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Word Count: ~2.2k
A/N: I hope you enjoy! Sorry this took so long and sorry if any descriptions of Qatar are inaccurate. Just suspend reality for a bit :)) (also, I proof-read this, but it hasn’t had a second pair of eyes look at it)
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The city lights passed by your car as you made your way to the club. The World Cup was in full swing and, today, Portugal had beaten Switzerland by five goals. You wrinkled your nose. Portugal. As good of a team they were, any mention of their team, and especially a certain player, left a foul taste on your tongue. 
It wasn't like you didn't love Ronaldo. You did.., well, you had loved him at one point. Months ago you had been positive your relationship was going to last forever; you were living together, you went with him to his events, and you were even certain you had spied an engagement ring in his bag once. All of that was squashed within seconds thanks to Ronaldo’s unlocked phone and a few Instagram DMs. 
Within days, you had moved out of your shared house and into an apartment far away from Manchester. Ronaldo agreed to pay the first year of your rent in return for you not going public about his infidelity, but you took the high road. You did not need his help and, after what he did to you, you decided that you did not want to have any connection to him any longer. Enough was enough.
But here you were, in Qatar, the day his team beat the Swiss.
Your phone vibrated and you dug it out of your purse. 
I'll have to leave a little early tonight, Emi texted you.
What? Why?
Coach wants us to get at least eight hours of sleep before some extra practice in the morning. He explained, I'm free to do whatever you want tomorrow night.
You groaned and slumped back into the car seat. Great. Just great. The only reason you were going to this club was to celebrate Emi’s friend’s birthday, whom you had never met. In fact, you hardly knew anybody on his team. You had spent so much time with Portugal and Manchester United that you hadn’t become acquainted with any of the other teams. Besides, you had only been seeing Emi for a couple of months. 
“Is this it?” your driver asked. 
“Yes, this is it,” you sighed. The cold night air raised goosebumps on your skin as soon as you pushed open the door. It was refreshing and briefly distracted your mind from the awkwardness awaiting you inside.
The bouncer opened the rope as you approached. The club’s exterior was lit by LED lights, beckoning people to venture inside. Quite a crowd had amounted outside, drawn by the possibility of seeing a world-class futball player in person. They watched you as you entered the building. Who were you? And why were you here?
The interior of the bar was as exuberant and bright as the exterior. The only difference was the number of people crammed within its walls. Bodies were pressed against each other, moving to the music blaring from the speakers. Two bartenders were hurriedly making drinks for the growing crowd. They had been instructed to prioritize the futball players and serve them first, but they were struggling to keep up with that demand.
You scanned the throngs of people. One or two of the men close to you looked familiar, but the lights were set just dim enough that you couldn’t distinguish people from a distance. Their forms blended into one, swaying mass.
Person after person bumped and shoved you (whether on accident or on purpose, you couldn’t tell) as you forged your way to the bar. Surely, there were too many people in the club to be safe, but nobody paid attention. They were all having fun. You were the walking embodiment of dread.
You tugged on the end of your dress. It wasn’t yours–one of the players’ girlfriends had lent it to you–and it wasn’t exactly your taste either. The color was off and it fell awkwardly on your thighs. Anyone who knew you would know the dress was not your first choice. 
“Excuse me?” you asked the bartender closest to you, “Can I get one of those?”
The mixture of alcohol he was making was taking all of his attention, and he made no effort to respond. You groaned, leaned against the bartop, and began people-watching. There was no sight of Ronaldo or Emi. You weren’t expecting Ronaldo to be there, but you could never be too sure. 
“Y/N!” a familiar voice called from behind you.
You turned around and smiled, “Emi!” 
He pushed his way through the crowd, nodding and grinning at his friends. You recognized none of them, despite going to many of Emi’s games. Maybe you were too stuck in the past.
Once he reached you, Emi grabbed your waist and pulled you towards him. 
“It’s so good to see you,” he said, leaning over slightly and began kissing your neck. Several people’s eyes landed on the two of you. 
“Babe, please,” you whispered, “Not in public.”
He stepped back, “Why not?”
“I just don’t feel comfortable with it, ok?” you replied. To be honest, you had no idea why it made you so uneasy. People looking at you was one thing, but something else was off.
Emi smirked and loosened his grip on your waist, “Fine. But I will be seeing you tomorrow night.”
“It’s a date,” you chuckled. He left you one more kiss on your lips as he started to back away. He smiled and nodded his head goodbye. Before you knew it, Emi had disappeared into the mass of people.
The bartender continued to pay attention to other patrons, leaving you drinkless and bored. There was a full-length mirror behind the back of the bar. You examined yourself in it, rubbing off the lipstick that had made its way off of your lips and adjusting your hair so it fell just right on your face. A figure began to form behind you. Someone was making their way to the spot to your left. The way the lights were positioned and flashing, you could not tell who it was.. that is, until they spoke.
He ordered two of your favorite drink and, like clockwork, the bartender had them finished within seconds.
“You look good,” he almost mumbled as he took the first sip from his drink. His eyes scanned your figure, soaking in every aspect of how the dress fell on your body. You could have slapped him, “Although, I wouldn’t peg you as the type of girl to wear something like that.”
“What do you want, Ronaldo?” you spat. His face changed for a moment at the use of his last name instead of Cristiano–what you used to call him–but, within seconds, it was back to his usual, sly look. On the other hand, you could feel your face turning red. Months of pent-up rage and regret flooded back into your head. Why had you come here? Why did he have to be here?
“You haven’t changed a bit,” he said as you picked up your drink. You slammed it back down on the counter. A little sloshed over the edge and the bartender immediately wiped it with his towel. He scowled at you but smiled at Ronaldo. You pushed the glass to the farthest point on the bar that you could reach. You refused to drink it. That would make it seem like you were diving in.
“I asked you what you wanted,” you seethed, arms crossed across your chest, “Can you answer my question?”
He rolled his eyes and looked around as if you were the only person in the room who did not know what he was going to say. He then leaned closer, “You could do much better than an Argentinian. That’s all I wanted to say.”
You froze. Your mouth hung agape, your mind was apparently empty of any good comebacks. After a moment you managed a “Are you kidding me?” and a small, all-too-exaggerated laugh. The audacity this man had. He cheated on you, not the other way around. 
“Do you think I’m joking? I’m just stating the obvious, darling,” Ronaldo smirked. He leaned against the bar, drink in hand. Triumph was written all over his face. 
You pulled out twenty dollars from your purse and slammed it onto the bar to cover your drink. You stood up straight, staring your adversary in the eyes. 
“I’m done with your bullshit, Ronaldo. Do I need to remind you whose fault it was that we broke up? It wasn’t me!,” you shouted just loud enough so the people closest to you could hear, “Have a good life.”
You stormed past him, purposely bumping into his shoulder on the way to the back. Your feet carried you past the mob of bodies. Instead of annoying you, they acted to your benefit, creating an almost impenetrable sea for Ronaldo to cross to get to you. You made it to the back exit swiftly and, without hesitating, escaped the room.
The chilly air greeted you like an old friend. Your dress was hardly enough to keep you warm, but it didn’t matter. Compared to the inside of the bar and its patrons, it felt more friendly and calm in the frigid night.
You pulled out your phone and started searching for an Uber to take you home. You began walking down the alleyway, enveloped in the screen in front of you rather than paying attention to your surroundings. That was why you nearly jumped out of your skin when you felt a cold hand grab a hold of your arm.
You whipped around and tried to strike the attacker with your bag but, after a moment, you saw that it was none other than Ronaldo. Despite recognizing him, you still managed to hit him with your purse. You ripped your arm from his grasp and backed up. You weren’t truly scared of him, not at all, but he repulsed you so much that you wanted to distance yourself from him as much as you possibly could.
“What the hell are you doing?!” you exclaimed.
“Y/N, listen to m–”
“No, tell me what you think you’re doing!”
“I don’t know what I–” he stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly and shifting his weight.
“You don’t know what you’re do–”
“Y/N, would you just listen to me, please?!” Ronaldo finally begged. He stood with his arms extended to you, silently pleading with you to let him speak, “Please?”
You checked your phone and then crossed your arms, “You have two minutes, Ronaldo, then I never want to see you again.”
“That’s fine, that’s perfect,” he took a step back. He looked at the sky as he took a deep breath. The stars were shining down on the two of you, illuminating the alleyway just enough that you could see Ronaldo’s breath and the sweat dripping down his face. What was bothering him so much?
He sighed, exasperated with his own thoughts, “Y/N, I.. you know I love you right?”
You did not reply, nod, or shake your head. You kept your eyes glued on him but, on the inside, your stomach was turning. This conversation could lead nowhere good. In the months since your break-up, you had thought about getting back together plenty of times. Yet, in reality, you could never let yourself do that. He cheated on you once. He had broken your trust. That could not happen again.
“I know you do. And I know, I hope, that deep down you still love me,” Ronaldo continued, trying to get any reaction out of you, but none came, “I will never love another woman as much as I love you. You were the light of my life, the thing that made me smile every single day without fail. You enchant me, Y/N,  and I went and screwed everything up. Will you forgive me?”
You scoffed, your arms only crossing tighter in front of your chest, “Don’t give me this ‘I love you most ardently’-esque crap. You cheated on me, Ronaldo. I have proof!”
“And I regret it every day! Y/N, you don’t understand how much I’ve beat myself up over this. I love you! You make me happy!”
“Ronaldo, if I really made you happy, frankly, we would not be in this situation right now,” you said, pursing your lips. You shrugged, “I am sorry, but I can’t forgive you.”
With that, a grey sedan drove to the end of the alleyway behind you. You checked the description on your phone–it was your ride.
“That’s me,” you said. The amount of water vapor in front of Ronaldo’s mouth only increased as he grew angrier and more confused. His mind was running, trying to find some solution to have you back, or to get you to at least forgive him, but he could not find one.
“Can you at least call me Cristiano?” he finally called out as you started to walk away.
You turned around. After a moment, you nodded, and made eye contact with him once more, “Alright, Cristiano. As I said earlier, I hope you have a good life.”
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mandelaprofessor · 2 months
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roomchailimited · 2 months
Sydney to Cairns: A Bangladeshi Traveler's Ultimate Australian Road Trip
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Australia, the land down under, promises a mesmerizing blend of bustling urban life and serene natural beauty. For Bangladeshi travelers, embarking on an epic road trip from Sydney to Cairns encapsulates the essence of Australia – from iconic cityscapes to pristine beaches, rainforests, and the Great Barrier Reef. This journey, spanning over 2,500 kilometers, is an odyssey that promises unforgettable memories.
1. Planning Your Aussie Road Trip
Choosing the Right Travel Agency
Starting such an extensive trip requires meticulous planning. Roomchai Limited, along with other reputable travel agencies like Obokash and ShareTrip, provides comprehensive packages. These agencies offer everything from flight bookings to customized itineraries, ensuring your journey is hassle-free.
Booking Flights
Begin your adventure with a flight from Dhaka to Sydney. Major airlines such as Singapore Airlines, Emirates, and Qatar Airways offer convenient routes with layovers. Booking in advance can help you secure the best deals and preferred flight times.
Accommodation Options
Australia offers a wide range of accommodation options to suit every budget. From luxury hotels in Sydney's heart to charming coastal bed-and-breakfasts, and budget-friendly hostels, there's something for everyone. Using platforms like Airbnb and Booking.com can provide more flexibility and choices.
Visa Requirements and Assistance
Obtaining an Australian visa is essential. Travel agencies like Roomchai Limited can assist with the visa application process, ensuring all documents are in order and submitted correctly. This assistance can simplify the process and increase the chances of a successful application.
2. Exploring Sydney
Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge
Kickstart your journey in Sydney by exploring its iconic landmarks. Visit the Sydney Opera House for a guided tour and walk across the Harbour Bridge for stunning city views. A scenic ferry ride offers another fantastic perspective of the cityscape.
Bondi Beach and Coastal Walks
A trip to Sydney isn't complete without visiting Bondi Beach. Relax on the sandy shores, swim in the crystal-clear waters, or embark on the Bondi to Coogee coastal walk, which offers breathtaking views and encounters with marine life.
Taronga Zoo and Wildlife Encounters
Experience Australia's unique wildlife at Taronga Zoo, located on the Sydney Harbour. The zoo provides close encounters with kangaroos, koalas, and other native species, making it an exciting and educational visit for travelers of all ages.
3. The Coastal Journey
The Scenic Drive
The drive from Sydney to Cairns is a scenic journey offering diverse landscapes and attractions. Renting a car allows for flexibility, letting you stop at charming coastal towns, national parks, and lookout points along the way.
Byron Bay
Byron Bay, known for its laid-back vibe and stunning beaches, is a must-visit. Enjoy surfing, snorkeling, or simply relaxing by the sea. The Cape Byron Lighthouse offers breathtaking views and is a perfect spot for dolphin sightings.
Gold Coast
The Gold Coast, famous for its theme parks, shopping, and nightlife, is another highlight. Spend a day at Sea World or Dreamworld, explore Surfers Paradise, and take in the panoramic views from the Q1 SkyPoint Observation Deck.
4. Discovering Queensland
As you enter Queensland, stop in Brisbane, the state's vibrant capital. Explore South Bank Parklands, visit the Queensland Art Gallery, and enjoy a river cruise. Brisbane offers a mix of cultural experiences and outdoor activities.
Sunshine Coast and Noosa
The Sunshine Coast boasts pristine beaches and lush hinterlands. Noosa is renowned for its beautiful national park, upscale dining, and boutique shopping. It's an ideal place to relax and enjoy nature.
Fraser Island
Fraser Island, the largest sand island in the world, offers unique experiences. Take a 4WD tour to explore the island's rainforests, freshwater lakes, and sand dunes. Lake McKenzie, with its crystal-clear waters, is a highlight.
5. Tropical Paradise: Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef
Cairns: Gateway to the Reef
Cairns, the gateway to the Great Barrier Reef, offers a range of activities. Explore the Daintree Rainforest, visit indigenous cultural parks, and experience the vibrant city life.
Great Barrier Reef Adventures
No trip to Cairns is complete without visiting the Great Barrier Reef. Choose from snorkeling, scuba diving, or glass-bottom boat tours to witness the vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life.
Kuranda Scenic Railway and Skyrail
Take the Kuranda Scenic Railway through the rainforest to the village of Kuranda. Return via the Skyrail Rainforest Cableway, gliding over the treetops for breathtaking views of the tropical landscape.
6. Culinary Delights
Seafood Extravaganza
Australia's coastal regions are renowned for fresh seafood. Enjoy fish and chips by the beach, dine at waterfront restaurants, and visit seafood markets to savor local specialties like barramundi and prawns.
Diverse Dining Experiences
From multicultural Sydney to tropical Cairns, Australia offers diverse dining experiences. Indulge in fine dining in Sydney, farm-to-table cuisine in Byron Bay, and tropical flavors in Cairns.
Local Markets and Food Festivals
Explore local markets and food festivals to discover Australia's culinary delights. The Sydney Fish Market, Eumundi Markets on the Sunshine Coast, and Cairns Night Markets offer a range of local produce and gourmet foods.
7. Practical Travel Tips
Currency and Money Matters
The Australian dollar (AUD) is the local currency. Credit cards are widely accepted, but it's advisable to carry some cash for smaller transactions. Currency exchange services are available at airports and major cities.
Language and Communication
English is the official language, making communication easy for Bangladeshi travelers. However, learning a few local phrases and understanding Australian slang can enhance your travel experience.
Health and Safety
Australia is generally safe for travelers, but it's important to take standard precautions. Stay hydrated, use sunscreen, and be aware of wildlife when exploring nature. Health care facilities are excellent, but travel insurance is recommended.
A journey from Sydney to Cairns offers Bangladeshi travelers a diverse and enriching experience. From the bustling streets of Sydney to the serene beaches of Byron Bay, the vibrant culture of Brisbane, and the natural wonders of the Great Barrier Reef, this odyssey encapsulates the best of Australia. With the expertise of travel agencies like Roomchai Limited, Obokash, and ShareTrip, planning and executing this adventure becomes a seamless experience. Embark on this Aussie odyssey and discover the wonders of Australia through Bangladeshi eyes.
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ajiox · 5 months
We provide the best luxury cars to everyone - Red Limousine Qatar
We provide high-quality luxury car rentals that will take your driving experience to a whole new level. Our fleet comprises the most modern and finest models from famous brands. Each car is carefully maintained and serviced to guarantee that it not only looks great but also works perfectly on the road.
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Our premium car rental services in Qatar provide an ideal balance of style, luxury, and convenience. We ensure that all of our vehicles are well-maintained and in excellent condition. Whether you require airport transfers, business meetings, or special events, our luxury automobile rental services are tailored to your individual needs.
Are you tired of driving the same old, beat-up car every day? Rent a luxury car from us and live your best life. From sleek sports vehicles to elegant sedans, we have something for everyone's style and preferences. They are outfitted with cutting-edge technology and lavish amenities that will elevate your driving experience to new heights.
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wise-journey · 1 year
Discover Al Wakrah: Qatar's Coastal Gem
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Welcome to the charming city of Al Wakrah, nestled along the picturesque coast of Qatar. With its rich history, vibrant culture, incredible gastronomy, and a multitude of thrilling activities, Al Wakrah is a haven for travelers seeking an authentic Arabian experience.
Culture: Unveiling the Authentic Arabian Soul
Al Wakrah's vibrant culture elegantly fuses traditions with contemporary influences. Begin your cultural exploration at Souq Al Wakrah, a bustling marketplace, teeming with life and color. Wander through the narrow alleys adorned with shops selling an array of local handicrafts, traditional Qatari clothing, and aromatic spices. Engage with the friendly locals, admiring their craftsmanship and learning about their rich heritage. Al Wakrah Heritage Village For a deeper understanding of Qatari history, visit the Al Wakrah Heritage Village. As a living museum, you are transported back in time as you stroll through the reconstructed traditional houses, partake in interactive workshops, and watch captivating performances of traditional Qatari music and dance.
Gastronomy: A Scintillating Culinary Adventure
Al Wakrah is a gastronomic paradise with a diverse range of flavors that will tantalize your tastebuds. Begin your culinary journey at the Al Wakrah Fish Market. Here, savor the freshest catches of the day, pick from an array of seafood delicacies, and have them expertly cooked to your liking by local vendors. Enjoy dishes such as mouthwatering grilled shrimp, delectable fish biryani, and the iconic machboos – a fragrant rice dish cooked with tender meat or fish. Waterfront Dining Experiences As the sun sets, head to one of the many waterfront restaurants on the Corniche. These restaurants offer panoramic views of the Arabian Gulf and a delectable feast of traditional Qatari dishes like lamb machboos and harees.
Activities: Unleashing the Adventurer Within
Al Wakrah offers a plethora of exhilarating activities for adventure enthusiasts. The city's pristine coastline beckons watersports lovers to indulge in thrilling aquatic adventures. Dive into the clear waters for a snorkeling or scuba diving escapade, and marvel at the spectacular marine life beneath the waves. The Thrills of Khor Al Adaid For adrenaline junkies, a visit to the nearby Khor Al Adaid, also known as the Inland Sea, is a must. Embark on a thrilling desert safari, riding across golden sand dunes in 4x4 vehicles. As the sun sets, witness the magical transformation of the desert landscape and relish a traditional Arabian BBQ feast under the starlit sky.
Practical Information for Travelers
When to Go and How to Get There Al Wakrah's mild winters make it an ideal destination from November to April. Fly into Hamad International Airport, conveniently located just a short drive away from the city center. From there, easily hire a taxi or rent a car to reach your accommodation. Where to Stay Al Wakrah offers a range of accommodation options catering to various budgets and preferences. Experience Arabian luxury at a beachfront resort or enjoy comfort and convenience at a more budget-friendly guesthouse or apartment. Where to Eat Al Wakrah's culinary scene offers a wide variety of dining options. Along the Corniche, find an array of restaurants offering both local and international cuisine. Dine at Al Sultan Brahim for authentic Lebanese dishes or indulge in North Indian flavors at Royal Tandoor. Sights and Tours No trip to Al Wakrah is complete without a visit to Al Wakrah Beach. This pristine stretch of coastline provides a perfect setting to unwind under the sun or take a refreshing dip in the azure waters. Tips and Transportation While Arabic is the official language of Qatar, English is widely spoken. Dress modestly and respect local customs. Al Wakrah is compact and easily navigable on foot, but taxis and ride-sharing services are readily available. Money and Nightlife The currency in Qatar is the Qatari Riyal (QAR), and credit cards are widely accepted. As dusk falls, Al Wakrah's nightlife becomes vibrant. Enjoy a leisurely stroll along the Corniche, dine al-fresco, or visit a trendy lounge for a cosmopolitan experience. Shopping and Souvenirs For shopping enthusiasts, Al Wakrah offers a range of experiences, from designer boutiques to traditional markets. In nearby Doha, Souq Waqif is a treasure trove of handicrafts, clothing, spices, and souvenirs. Immerse yourself in Al Wakrah's rich culture, tantalizing cuisine, and exhilarating adventures for an unforgettable Arabian experience. This coastal haven's hidden gems await discovery, offering a truly unique and immersive experience that will leave you longing for more of Qatar's captivating allure. Read the full article
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rionaginger · 1 year
Your Ultimate Destination for Luxury Car Rental and Chauffeur Services in Qatar
Red Limousine offers you the best car rental and chauffeur services in Qatar. Whether you're visiting for business or pleasure trips, we strive to provide you with an exceptional experience that combines luxury, comfort, and convenience.
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Red Limousine offers a wide range of rent-a-car service options to cater to every requirement. Our extensive fleet of vehicles ensures that we have the perfect vehicle for any occasion. Whether you're attending a business meeting, or requiring transportation for a special event, we have you covered.
When it comes to car hire in Doha, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional customer service. Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to meet and exceed your expectations. From the moment you reach out to us, our experienced staff will assist you in selecting the right vehicle and package that suit your needs. We offer flexible rental options, whether you require a vehicle for a few hours, a day, or an extended period.
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Experience luxury, comfort, and convenience with our car rental in Qatar. Trust us to be your reliable partner in transportation, ensuring a memorable and hassle-free journey.
We provide you with well-maintained and fully equipped vehicles, ensuring a smooth and comfortable journey. Our fleet is regularly serviced and undergoes rigorous inspections to ensure your safety and satisfaction.
With Red Limousine, you can be assured that you're driving in a reliable and pristine vehicle and our goal is to provide unparalleled car rental and chauffeur services that go beyond our customer’s expectations.
For those seeking a touch of elegance and convenience, chauffeur service in Qatar is the perfect choice. Our professional and highly trained chauffeurs are experienced in providing a seamless and personalized experience. They possess an in-depth knowledge of the city and are committed to ensuring your journey is efficient and enjoyable. Sit back, relax, and let our chauffeurs take care of the navigation while you focus on your priorities.
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We understand that your time is valuable, which is why we strive to provide punctual and reliable services. Our chauffeurs are dedicated to arriving at your designated location on time, and they are well-versed in the best routes to take, ensuring you reach your destination efficiently. Whether you have a tight schedule or need assistance with your travel plans, our chauffeurs are here to make your experience stress-free.
At Red Limousine, we prioritize customer satisfaction and offer competitive rates for our services. We believe in transparent pricing, and there are no hidden fees or surprises. Our goal is to provide you with exceptional value for your money without compromising on quality.
Booking with Red Limousine is simple and convenient. You can make a reservation online or reach out to our friendly customer service team for assistance. Contact us today and let us exceed your expectations with our exceptional services.
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themarketinsights · 2 years
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Payday Loans Market to Witness Revolutionary Growth by 2027 | Money Mart, Speedy Cash, CashNetUSA
Advance Market Analytics published a new research publication on “Global Payday Loans Market Insights, to 2027” with 232 pages and enriched with self-explained Tables and charts in presentable format. In the study, you will find new evolving Trends, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities generated by targeting market-associated stakeholders. The growth of the Payday Loans market was mainly driven by the increasing R&D spending across the world.
Major players profiled in the study are:
CashNetUSA (United States), Speedy Cash (United States), Approved Cash Advance (United States), Check n’ Go (United States), Ace Cash Express (United States), Money Mart (United States), LoanPig (United Kingdom), Street UK (United Kingdom), Peachy (United Kingdom), Satsuma Loans (United Kingdom), OppLoans (United States)
Get Exclusive PDF Sample Copy of This Research @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/124850-global-payday-loans-market#utm_source=DigitalJournalVinay
Scope of the Report of Payday Loans
Payday loans are small amount, short-term, unsecured loans that borrowers promise to repay out of their next paycheck or regular income payment. The loans are generally for USD 500 or less than USD 1000 and come due within two to four weeks after receiving the loan and are usually priced at a fixed fee, which signifies the finance charge to the borrower. These unsecured loans have a short repayment period and are called payday loans because the duration of a loan usually matches the borrower’s payday period. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, in 2017, there were 14,348 payday loan storefronts in the United States. Approx. 80% of payday loan applicants are re-borrowing to pay a previous payday loan. The regulations for payday loans are strictest in the Netherlands.
The Global Payday Loans Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:
by Type (One Hour, Instant Online, Cash Advance), Application (Mortgage or Rent, Food & Groceries, Regular Expense (Utilities, Car Payment, Credit Card Bill, or Prescription Drugs), Unexpected Expense (Emergency Medical Expense), Others), Repayment Period (Upto 14 Days, 1-2 Months, 3-4 Months, More than 4 Months), End-User (Men, Women)
Market Opportunities:
Growing Adoption of Payday Loan in Developing Countries
Market Drivers:
Increasing Number of User for Payday Loan in North America and Payday Loans Are Only Legal In 36 US States
Rising Use of Quick Cash for Emergencies
Market Trend:
~43% Use 6 or More Installments Loans A Year And 16% Use More Than 12 Small Loan Products Each Year
Payday Loans are Attractive Alternative to the Highly Sought after Credit Cards
What can be explored with the Payday Loans Market Study?
Gain Market Understanding
Identify Growth Opportunities
Analyze and Measure the Global Payday Loans Market by Identifying Investment across various Industry Verticals
Understand the Trends that will drive Future Changes in Payday Loans
Understand the Competitive Scenarios
Track Right Markets
Identify the Right Verticals
Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa
Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.
Have Any Questions Regarding Global Payday Loans Market Report, Ask Our Experts@ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/124850-global-payday-loans-market#utm_source=DigitalJournalVinay
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Payday Loans Market:
Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Payday Loans market
Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary – the basic information of the Payday Loans Market.
Chapter 3: Displaying the Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges & Opportunities of the Payday Loans
Chapter 4: Presenting the Payday Loans Market Factor Analysis, Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region/Country 2016-2021
Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Payday Loans market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by Manufacturers/Company with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions (2022-2027)
Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source
Finally, Payday Loans Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies.
Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/buy-now?format=1&report=124850#utm_source=DigitalJournalVinay
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lifetravel19011 · 2 years
The Ultimate Guide to Renting a Car in Doha- From the Best Brands to The Cheapest Deal
Rental cars in Doha may seem like a daunting task, but it is actually quite easy. There are many different car rental companies in the city that offer different services and deals. Whether you want to rent a car for one day or for an entire month, these companies will have what you need.
Introduction: What are the Best Rental Car Brands in Qatar?
The car rental industry has been growing at a fast rate in recent years. It is estimated that it will grow by 3.5% annually in the coming years. Renting cars is a great way to save money on travel, as well as enjoy the freedom of driving yourself around, without having to worry about finding parking or paying for gas.
There are many companies that offer car rentals in Qatar, but not all are created equal. To help you make an informed decision when choosing a rental company, here are some of the best brands in Qatar:
Best Places to Find Cheap Rental Cars
We all know that renting a car can be expensive. The average cost of renting a car is around $30 per day, which can really add up if you are on vacation for an extended period of time. However, there are ways to save money on your rental car. Below are some of the best places to find cheap rental cars.
1) Rent from a local company: In many cases, the best deals for renting a car come from local companies. They have lower overhead costs and typically offer better rates for their customers than national chains do.
2) Book in advance: Another way to save money on your rental car is by booking it in advance online or over the phone with a company like the Budget Car Rental or Avis Car Rental agencies. By doing this, you will be able to get discounts and lower rates that might not be available when you walk into their office at the last minute.
5 Awesome Reasons You Should Use Doha's Best Airport for Renting Cars
The airport is a hub for easy and affordable car rental.
It is the best place to rent a car from if you are coming from Qatar Airways.
You can also find a wide range of cars to choose from when renting a car at this airport.
What Types of Vehicles are Available For Rent In Doha?
The kind of vehicle you can rent in Doha depends on what you need it for and how long you plan to use it.
There are a few different options available, such as a jeep, sedan, or SUV. You can also rent a motorbike if you want something more adventurous.
Conclusion: I Found the Perfect Vehicle For My Next Trip—What Now?
This paper concludes that it is not the perfect time to buy a vehicle, because the prices for vehicles have been increasing.
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e-idp · 2 years
How to Get an International Driving License in Qatar (2022).
What is an International Driving License?
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An International Driving License is a document slightly larger than a standard passport. It is a multiple language translation of one’s existing driver’s license, complete with your photograph and other information.
Who Can Apply for International Driving License in Qatar?
Anyone with a valid Qatar Driving License can now apply for an International Driving Permit in Qatar.
Where To Apply for International Driving License in Qatar?
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Where To Apply for International Driving License online?
You can apply for an IDP online At IMTA using the following website. All nationalities are welcome, All driving licences holders can apply. Soft copy will be in your email the same day. Hard copy will be in the post wordlwide the next day.
QATC Location and Timing
Qatar Automobile and Touring Club is located on C-Ring Road opposite Doha Petrol Station between the Gulf Cinema signal and Toyota signal. Here is the QATC Location Map on Google. Qatar Automobile And Touring Club.
QATC Working Hours
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Driving Schools Offering International Driving Licenses
Al Khebra Driving Academy
Alijarah Driving Academy
Karwa Driving School
Travel Agents Offering International Driving License
Go Mosafer
Regency Holidays
Safe Travels
Tourism Target Travels
Requirements for International Driving License
Valid Qatari driving license
Original passport (may be asked in some places)
Two passport-size photographs
QR 150 (Only cash accepted at QATC)
Procedure to Apply
The process is really simple and takes only five minutes. Go to any of the above offices and give your driver’s license, two passport-size photographs, and the fee (QR 150). They would print your details onto an International Driving License, affix your photo and stamp it.Sample of International Driving License
Other Things To Note
In general, temporary and international licence holders are restricted to driving rental vehicles (rent-a-car) as insurance companies require drivers of privately-owned vehicles to hold a full licence. The list of valid countries is included in the license. The International Driving License usually is valid for one year from the issuing date. The International Driving License is valid only when presented with the original Qatar Driving License. Many countries require an International Driving License to drive legally. Fines for driving without an International Driving License can be quite costly. Make sure to check the destination country’s requirements before travelling.
Driving With an International Driving License in Qatar
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It is not allowable to renew the license while the license holder is in Qatar. The IDP holders are only allowable to drive vehicle categories licensed for them. International licence holders normally have restriction to driving rental vehicles (rent-a-car) only due to vehicle insurance restrictions.
NOTE: After you enter Qatar on a visit visa or a business visa and apply for a resident permit or employment visa, your home license and international driving permit are no longer valid.
The IDP proves that you hold a valid driver’s license in your country of residence. It will also help protect you and your family in the event of an accident and/or vehicle damage while driving abroad or the loss of legal identification such as a passport. An International Driving License gives you peace of mind because exploring the world – even if you’re not planning to drive!
Can I apply for an International Driving License with an overseas driving license?
No, if you are applying from Qatar, a valid Qatar driving license is a must to apply.
Can I apply for the license with a Learner, Provisional or Restricted license?
No, A full and valid Qatar driving license is the only accepted license if you are applying from Qatar.
How long is the International Driving License valid?
International Driving License obtained from Qatar is normally valid for one year.
Can I apply for IDP if my Qatar driving license has been lost, suspended, cancelled or revoked?
No, you must carry a valid Qatar driving license in order to apply.
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qatarchauffeurs · 2 months
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Experience the ease and freedom of renting a car in Qatar for a day. If you want to grab some of Doha's stunning architectural horizons, or otherwise want to visit the wild, animals-inhabiting desert, in any case, there is no question that a car rental will provide the mobility to do these things at your own sweet time. Rental acumen, the way through the process, and necessary hacks - learn those and much more about a good car rental experience in Qatar. You have set a very nice dialogue, which is something you should be really appreciated for; however, it is sometimes not enough to accomplish a specific task without any help, even for the best ones. This is where something like car rentals comes in to save your day.
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leonwilliablog · 2 years
Climbing in the Rocklands
Let me start by stating what is perhaps obvious: the Rocklands is a special place. And I mean that in almost every way. The climbing is some of the best in the world, maybe even the absolute best. The formations you will see there that you will get to climb on, the colors and the shapes and swirls, are unlike anything this side of a Dr. Suess book. The landscape is stunning. Incredible blue skies during the day, punctuated with short bouts of rain that send the most vibrant rainbows arcing through the sky, are matched in beauty only by the dusty Milky Way spanning from horizon to horizon every moonless night. The hang in Rocklands is ridiculously easy and peaceful, with accommodations of every comfort level and the usual comforts like wifi, restaurants, a pub, and a full-service supermarket. The Cederberg feels and is a place removed from the troubles of the world. I have traveled all over the world, both for climbing and just for the sake of traveling. The Rocklands is the only place I have returned to more than once.
South Africa is also notable, however, in its storied and troubled history. In the Cederberg, you can find some of the most ancient signs of human life globally, but you can also see the scars of more recent problems. Like all countries that bear the stain of colonialism, you can see those problems out in the open in the townships. In the divisions of labor, in the land, and the people. Apartheid was not that long ago. Yet, there is a story of hope in South Africa as well. While they continue to struggle with corruption and the like, the people you will meet there are kind, generous, quick to laugh, and even quicker to make friends. Whenever I travel, I try to learn as much as I can about the place’s history and culture by reading, especially literature.
I have been to the Rocklands five times now, clocking a total of forty weeks there. Rocklands is a special place to me, and there is nothing I would love more than to share that with others. As such, I have done my best to think of everything, but if I missed anything or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. One more thing: this is going to read like a travel brochure. After finishing the first draft, I almost felt embarrassed by how many adjectives like “amazing” and “incredible” I used after reading it.
The first crux is getting to Cape Town. Various airlines offer flights, but the key is to find the best one with a baggage policy that will get you there with your pads. While you can rent pads from many accommodation places for around $2 a day, these pads are usually a bit more beat up than most of us would like.
When looking for an airline, be sure to check their sporting goods policy. Many airlines have policies that will allow you to replace a checked bag with a piece of sporting equipment. They often offer guidelines on size and weight, the latter being the primary concern. I have recently settled on using Qatar airlines. Their prices are average, and they allow two checked bags per passenger. As such, you can replace one baggage allowance with your pads and then still have another checked bag for your stuff.
There are a plethora of rental car options at varying prices. All the standard companies are there, but there are several cheaper options as well. Carisma and Rentacheapie are common ones and rent out older yet bullet-proof cars. Keep in mind that you don’t need a large vehicle to access all the usual spots. Most of the cheaper cars available for rent are small hatchbacks, and these work fine for the roads that lead to the climbing areas. Also, they fit a surprising amount of gear in them. Nonetheless, we always bring some straps in case we need to strap pads to the top.
The next crux is driving once you land, go through customs, and get your car. Some people choose to spend a few days in Cape Town. I have some information on things to do there below. The airport has WI-FI, so when you land, you can download the necessary maps and put them wherever you are staying, but the drive is not hard. Leaving the airport spits you right onto the N2, already going in the direction you need. From there, take a right (towards Malmesbury) onto the M7 and then another right onto the N7. This takes you to the exit for Clanwilliam. In total, it takes about 3 hours (barring traffic) to get there from the airport.
–Before you hit the N2, there is a BP gas station on the left when leaving the airport. If you fill up here, you’ll be able to make it to Clanwilliam (if you got a small car). The gas stations work like they do in Oregon. You pull up, and they fill it for you. You can tip the employee if you like. This is also an excellent place to get a cup of coffee and some snacks (for the coffee, you go order at the counter, then go pay at the cashier, and then use that receipt to get your coffee).       
–In Piketberg, where you’ll hit the only roundabout of the drive, there is a travel center on the right where you can stop for a bathroom and some more coffee/snacks. The muffins there are amazing!       
–If a truck or slower car is driving on the shoulder, that generally means they expect you to pass them and are making room. If you are the slow one, they will often expect you to do the same.       
– License checkpoints are common, so don’t sweat them.       
–You exit from the N7 onto R364. This road takes you past Clanwilliam and up into the mountains to where most accommodation options are. Clanwilliam has one main street, which Ts with R364. It’ll be the first major street you come across. Located here is the grocery store. It is worth stopping to get groceries, as the Rocklands proper is still another thirty minutes or so away.
As I said above, there are tons of options, ranging from camping to houses in Clanwilliam. DePakhuys, Alpha Excelsior, and Traveler’s Rest are the most popular places to stay, though there are other options as well. Those three are in Rocklands itself, so while you have to drive for groceries and the like, you won’t have far to go for any of the climbing. Most of the options are farms that have pivoted to climber accommodations since a drought started long ago and since climbers began flooding the area. Prices range from $7 a night per person for camping to almost $100 a night for multi-room houses that fit up to four adults. For us, it offers the best price-to-comfort ratio. Also, the family that runs it is the absolute best, and they make some damn good wine there! It is also where the Hen House is; more on that below. Either way, shop around and start early! Places fill up fast!
There are two full-service grocery stores in Clanwilliam, one just off the R364 on the main street and another in a shopping center just down the road from there. This shopping center also has a CVS-type store, a coffee shop, and a few clothing stores. Near that, there is a butcher’s store and a hardware store. Clanwilliam also has two gas stations and a few restaurants. All of it is on Google, so look for what you need and explore!
While Clanwilliam has most of what you need, some things can be obtained in the valley where the climbing is. The Hen House is a great coffee shop that serves all kinds of treats and meals. Travelers’ Rest has a restaurant and a small store where you can get some simple things.
Then, bring all your gear, and start climbing!
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petnews2day · 2 years
Qatar sets the stage to welcome eco-friendly Bird electric scooters
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/bird-news/qatar-sets-the-stage-to-welcome-eco-friendly-bird-electric-scooters/
Qatar sets the stage to welcome eco-friendly Bird electric scooters
Bird Global, a leader in environment-friendly electric transportation, is bringing the most eco-conscious vehicle— the Bird Three—to the Middle East, which is proven to have the longest life cycle of five years.
This launch adds another feather to Qatar’s cap with it being Bird’s first launch market in the Middle East.
Supporting Qatar National Vision 2030, all public transport in Qatar is to be converted to an all-electric operation by 2030. This launch amplifies the country’s vision to achieve a sustainable eco-efficient expanse and drive economic and sustainable growth.
Shared mobility space
Founded in 2017, Bird pioneered and catalysed the shared mobility space as the longest-serving and most responsible shared micromobility company to date—partnering with over 450+ cities across the globe to develop programs that maximise the positive impact of micromobility.
In partnership with cities, Bird’s proprietary technology and operations are revolutionising the existing transportation paradigm by making lightweight electric vehicles readily available to rent or own around the world. With the touch of a button, riders can conveniently transport themselves to work, to a local business, or anywhere in their community in minutes.
Bird products and services are designed with one goal in mind: to make cities more livable by reducing car usage, lowering carbon emissions, and improving the safety of all road users. The company’s scooters, developed by an in-house team of the leading engineering and vehicle design experts, offer residents without cars a convenient, affordable, and clean transportation option.
E-scooter ride volumes
Jonathan Adler- BIRD’s Sr Director, said: “The volume of e-scooter rides has compounded 3.5x per year since 2017, proving that micromobility has an important role to play in redesigning urban mobility for a cleaner and more sustainable future. As the creator of this industry, it has been exciting to see micromobility become a transportation category in its own right, as an affordable and sustainable solution to street congestion that riders across the world use every day.
“The timely launch in the Qatari market further strengthens our stance to support the government’s vision of enhancing sustainable expanse in the region. We are confident in receiving an overwhelming response from industry stakeholders and we are here to build long-term partnerships with them to make the city pollution-free and future ready.”
Bird micro-EVs come with an array of features significantly benefiting riders. The company’s inclusive Community Pricing Program offers a 50% discount to low-income riders, select local nonprofit and community organisations, veterans, and senior citizens. Moreover, Bird offers free rides to healthcare workers and emergency personnel. The company incorporates community feedback to improve its product offerings.
With the Bird Three, the company is set to become the first operator to achieve an independent, ISO-critically reviewed, vehicle Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of 5 years with refurbishment, setting a new industry standard and enabling reliable comparisons across European modes and vehicles. Bird’s cradle-to-grave LCA report confirms that the Bird Three is among the lowest emitters of greenhouse gases (GHG) of any vehicles on the road in European cities – including other shared modes and public transport.
Travellers who take a Bird Three account for on average approximately 21% less greenhouse gas emissions per kilometre than taking the metro, 77% less than driving a gas-powered car, and 87% less than taking a ride-hail car.
Copyright 2022 Al Hilal Publishing and Marketing Group Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc. (Syndigate.info).
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marjann · 4 years
Rooted in Western Asia and famed as one of the largest transit gateways for overseas travelers in the world, Qatar is all about luxuries and joyous moments of life. The hospitality that the country offers is world-renowned and one of the major reasons why travelers come rushing to Qatar for a vacation. 
 So if you're a traveler thinking of booking vacations on long weekends or just a person wanting to know about where to go around in Qatar,
here are some places you must visit:
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based just of the water of Corniche in Doha is the National Museum of Qatar. Build with an incredible view of the bay, the museum shows Qatar's history in three parts. One of the finest places to visit in Doha. visitors coming here get to see the beginning days, life in Qatar, and the modern history in the country that is enough to make you fall in love with this land. What is exciting about the museum is that it displays the pearl carpet of Baroda along with many other Qatar attractions.
Sunday to Wednesday: 9 AM to 7 PM
Thursday & Saturday: 9 AM to 9 PM
Fridays: 1.30 PM to 9 PM
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One of the finest places to visit in Qatar, the Museum of Islamic Art is nestled in the heart of Doha and occupies its own private island. The design of the museum is one of its main highlights as it appears to float on water from certain angles. Designed by the world-renowned architect I.M.Pei, the MIA has been coated with Limestone and houses over 15000 manuscripts and texts. These manuscripts and texts have been collected from all over the world and are a major highlight for the visitors. In fact, one can find the best of textiles, pottery, glass-works, etc., that have been collected from countries like India, China, Spain, Iraq, Turkey, and so on.
The best part? Visitors get to see the holy Quran from the seventeenth Century which is extremely to find anywhere in the world.
Timings -
Saturday to Thursday - 9 AM to 7 PM
Friday - 1:30 to 7 PM
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An Ancient Market In The Heart Of Doha, Souq Waqif is home to many mud rendered traditional shops and Qatari buildings where travelers can shop for various stuffs like traditional handicrafts, varied spices, jewelries and what not. Not only this, but it is also home to some of the finest restaurants you would find in Qatar where people can either sit indoors or help themselves with a feast at beachfront restaurants.
Saturday to Thursday: 7:30 AM to 12:30 PM & 3:30 PM to 10 PM
Fridays: 12.30 PM to 10 PM
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A Place Where Shopping Meets Luxury.  A man-made island and one of the finest examples of true luxury, the Pearl Qatar stretches over four square kilometres and is home to some of the finest cafés and shopping malls in Doha. It is, in fact, the first land in Qatar where foreign nationals can own freehold properties. One can find the finest of shopping brands from all around the world here. From the luxury of Versace and Aigner to multiple brands for diverse needs, shopping at the Pearl Qatar is a treat.
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Experience The Serene Beauty Of Venice. One of the finest places to go shopping in Qatar, the Villaggio Mall is a place you can't afford to miss when on a vacation in Doha. The mall boasts of its majestic architecture and top of the line facilities for the visitors. One can either take a gondola ride in the indoor canals of the mall or head over to the cinema or ice rink to experience true enjoyment with family.
The Villaggio Mall even has a number of food outlets and stalls functioning within its premises that offer the best of feasts to the visitors. From the finest clothing stores to the best of entertainment options, visitors get a whole lot more to enjoy at the place. 
The best part? There are various entertainment options for the kids as well.
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Another of those top shopping places in Qatar offering a fine experience of shopping in the country, the Mall of Qatar is a fine spot that ensures there are no dull days with your loved ones. The mall has a staggering 500 shops that are more than any other mall in the country. In fact, the Mall of Qatar is considered to be the largest mall in the country with options in plenty. One can enjoy the best of cinema experience at the mall. Featuring its 9-screen multiplex, this is a place that takes care of your entertainment. Besides, the Mall of Qatar even has a number of additional facilities. One can opt to the shop from the comfort of home and the items get delivered at home. Likewise, the mall even has 7000 parking spaces that are perfect in every sense. One can even locate the car at the mall’s parking facility by simply using the app.
Timings -
Sunday To Wednesday -
10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Food & Beverage
10:00 AM - 11:00 PM
Thursday -
All Retail Shops
10:00 AM - 12:00 Midnight
Friday -
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM & 1:00 PM - 12:00 Midnight
Food & Beverage -
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM & 1:00 PM -12:00 Midnight
Saturday -
All Retail
10:00 AM - 11:00 PM
Novo Cinemas
Sunday to Saturday: 12:00 PM - 2:00 AM
Sunday to Saturday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 AM
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The Hub For Banana Boating In Qatar. Now here’s a thing, if you’re in Qatar and wondering about the best place to experience Banana Boating in the country then the Banana Island is the place for you. An artificial island nestled just off the coast of the capital city of Doha, it is one of best places to visit in Qatar with family and offers tranquility and water sports at their very best. Speaking of Banana Boating, it is an activity that is widely recognized all over the world and perfect for family fun. The activity features in some of the most attractive water sports in Qatar and is offered at the Banana Island just 24 kilometres from the heart of Doha. One can think of Banana Boating as a must try activity in Qatar on a vacation with family or friends.
Location: Doha, Qatar 
Timings: Open 24 Hours
Water sport - Kayaking
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A Place To Experience Jet Skiing & Sunset In Doha. Nestled along the Doha bay and stretching over a distance of seven kilometres, the Doha Corniche is one of the finest places to visit in Qatar in case you're headed for Doha sightseeing. It is a waterfront promenade that welcomes visitors all round the year and offers a number of attractions like sunset view and Dhow cruise tours that are a real treat for the visitors. While annual celebrations like Qatar National Day and National Sports Day take place at the Doha Corniche, the Jet-skiing experience is something of a treat in the area. One can rent a jet ski at nominal prices and explore the city's gorgeous skyline right from the waters. In fact, nothing beats the sight of the amazing skyscrapers and the Doha Corniche from the blue calm waters of Qatar.
Location: Doha, Qatar
Timings: Open 24 Hours
Bikers track
Jet skiing
Dhow Cruise Tours
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Your One-Stop Destination For Kite surfing In Qatar.  There are many local agencies in Qatar that offer reasonable Kite surfing activities. But if we are to pick the best one, then the one at Sealine Beach comes out on top. One of the most picturesque beaches in the country, the Sealine Beach is a perfect spot to enjoy activities like Kite surfing in Qatar. With a price range of QR 700 per person to QR 900 per person in a group of three depending on the days, this is one attraction that is definitely worth a try.
Location: Sealine Beach Rd, Mesaieed Qatar
Timings: Open 24 Hours
Water sports – Jet ski, kite surfing
Dune Bashing/Desert Safari
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far away from urbanization lies this  Spacious aquatic park featuring a wave pool, lazy river, surfing machine & a range of water slides. The perfect summer place for your kids to hangout. it not only has water slides but also food outlets to keep you going.
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ajiox · 5 months
We have something for everyone's style and preferences, rent a luxury car - Red Limousine
Are you tired of driving the same old, beat-up automobile every day? Rent a luxury car in Qatar from us and live your best life. From sleek sports vehicles to elegant sedans, we have something for everyone's style and preferences. They are outfitted with cutting-edge technology and opulent features that will elevate your driving experience to new heights.
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We provide high-quality luxury car rentals in Qatar that will take your driving experience to a whole new level. Our fleet includes the most recent and finest models from famous brands. Each car is meticulously maintained and serviced to guarantee that it not only looks great but also runs perfectly on the road. Our premium car rental in Qatar services provide an ideal balance of style, luxury, and convenience. We ensure that all of our vehicles are well-maintained and in excellent shape. Whether you require airport transfers, business meetings, or special events, our luxury automobile rental services are tailored to your individual needs.
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Football - as alien as ever
An entire country is sitting at home, many worry about their jobs. But footballers are back in training and extending their contracts. And now they even want to play. By Oliver Fritsch
Imagine if a Bundesliga player now said : "My teammates and I are worried about our country but also about our industry. So at least for the next three months we'll reduce our salaries to that of a nurse, the true key player of our society.
Though we do want to return to playing soon so that our club, as well as the whole of German football will survive and people can enjoy a little diversion. On top of that we really miss playing football very much. But as we know that, not only during a pandemic but all the more in these times, our job amounts to a privilege, we want to give something back. And we'll give gladly, because we have a lot."
The reality's looking different. Although some players do renounce parts of their salary, all in all it's very little. While the ball is resting many keep earning millions. The same goes for managers and coaches.
Thomas Müller even extended his contract this week. Soon he'll make yet more than the estimated 15 million Euros per year. Fans have been celebrating the announcement. Some of them are getting messages from their clubs these days asking them to reduce reimbursement for tickets they've already paid for, ideally by a 100%. An interview with Jörg Neblung illustrates what 'crisis news' sound like on spaceship football: "In the next two years," the players' agent told web portal transfermarkt.de "there probably won't be any 300-Million-transfers." Roughly translated: football will suffer and starve.
The football clubs were the last ones to grind into Covid-standstill. On 8 March the game Bayern against Augsburg took place in a sold-out arena, while at the same time politicians advised to cancel events with more than 1000 participants. The following day VfB Stuttgart played against Bielefeld, yet another day later Leipzig hosted Tottenham, each in full stadiums. Football games may not be foci of infection, as had been reported at first. But the clear signal was: no matter what, we'll keep going.
Now footballers are the first ones getting back into action. An entire country is sitting at home, many worry about their jobs. But since the beginning of the week all Bundesliga clubs are training in small groups, some started even earlier. And Deutsche Fußball Liga (DFL) is planning for Geisterspiele [lit. "ghost games", games without fans in the stadium] to take place early to mid-May. The declared aim being to finish the interrupted season by 30 June, in order to secure TV money.
The people's sport of football has long been well treated by politics and public authorities. But this time it may have a hard time to explain itself to the public and push through its privileges.
This is what football would look like in times of Corona: only a minimum of necessary staff allowed into the stadium, round about 240 people. The teams and the people around them get tested for Covid 19 about every three days, all in all around 20.000 times. And the players would have to observe social isolation measures for a few more weeks. The entire project will be accompanied by a task force, consisting mainly of sport medicine specialists. And from political circles it transpires there are considerations to have the games only in a few selected stadiums for financial reasons.
The representatives of football justify their plans saying they want to cheer up people and give them news apart from Covid 19. But head of DFL Christian Seifert speaking to ZEIT also admitted openly "Like in other businesses we're dealing with a product, one that is produced by employees on and off the pitch. And when production is halted it's threatening livelihoods and jeopardising jobs."
Though many fans like DFL's idea and are warming towards the atmospherically poor Geisterspiele, at least as a temporary solution, there are also those that recognise in it an undue privilege. Currently every laundry, every kiosk has to remain closed, people are chased off park benches by the police, other athletes are having to train in their kitchens or on balconies. And football wants to play. On top of using testing capacities that are needed elsewhere.
And anyway, which pictures would be shown, inciting not only children to mimic them, once playing resumed? This imperative interpersonal distance of 1,5m couldn't be continually observed on the pitch even by Dortmund's defense!
Curiously, despite its many crises football has seen a steady growth in recent history. The cheating referees Robert Hoyzer and Dominik Marks couldn't harm it, the dubious payments surrounding the "Sommermärchen" didn't cause any damage nor did corrupt FIFA, which reportedly flogged the world cups to highest-bidding Russia and Qatar.
But maybe football's behaviour in the times of Corona will lead to its fall. It's lamenting the loudest when it just wants to secure its business model. That's what many social media postings read like. Some fans are even asking angrily: is football supposed to be worth more than lives? Football to them is as alien as ever.
Critics may overlook the fact that when the Bundesliga is bound to return the situation in Germany and around the world will look different from today. In Covid times four or six weeks can make a huge difference. Until then there will probably be a relaxation concerning economy and social life. Presumably there'll also be more and cheaper testing options.
But when it comes to the negative atmosphere and the reactions of Schadensfreude football at least partially has itself to blame. As a representative of self-indulgent capitalism it has to face a moral debate. The fact that in the past years and decades it always acted as "taker" is now coming back to bite.
An elite is making obscene amounts of money. Even the most unsuccessful coaches have it made after two or three years. Some managers waste millions on nonsensical transfers, collaborating with players' agents who clean up on the deals. On instagram players show off their yachts and luxurary car collections. Some employees even below the level of upper management earn more than those in comparable positions in other business enterprises.
It's becoming clear: despite the abundance almost nobody thought of savings. Allegedly one Bundesliga club is even on the brink of insolvency.
And the fact that the chummy football scene lives in its own bubble is also coming back to bite. Outside opinions, public opinion, counts for little to nothing. Criticism, even from the inside, is never considered constructive but as disruptive to the business. At the same time of course, the men of football get validated by millions of fans idolising them, come what may.
And so, as in some other parts of society, the Covid crisis exposes the wretched state of football. Though there are some players with a conscience, too, for example the Bayern players Leon Goretzka and Joshua Kimmich encouraging colleagues to donate. They're not the only ones giving money to social organisations. And some coaches as well, stand out with reflective statements. Nürnberg's Jens Keller said "I think other branches have to be back and running before football can return." Lucien Favre of Dortmund pointed out the suffering of refugees on Lesbos.
But maybe the opposite examples stick out more. Dortmund's CEO Hans-Joachim Watzke downplaying the health threat, even to young people, posed by the virus. Horst Heldt of 1. FC Köln calling Markus Söder's wish, the professionals should voluntarily reduce their salaries "populist bullshit".
Some clubs in the second and third league are considering self-administered insolvency plans, though their financial management was poor even before the Corona crisis. But now they benefit from DFL adapting the rules, not deducting points in the instance of an insolvency. And the 20 Million Euro-worth aid campaign of the four Champions League participants from Munich, Dortmund, Leipzig and Leverkusen might turn out to be a bluff, according to Spiegel investigations.
And it isn't any better elsewhere. Liverpool FC, even with giant earnings still cultivating the image of a social club, alienated fans by [taking advantage of the government furlough scheme to pay staff]. After a shitstorm they retracted, issuing an apology. Adidas, not just a sports equipment manufacturer but also a shareholder of FC Bayern, behaved similarly. The corporation with profits running into billions initially applied to enter [government financial protection scheme] and stopped paying rent to shop owners.
And Dietmar Hopp fuelled likely false hope, repeatedly alleging his company's vaccine could be available in the autumn. Experts have rejected that prognosis. Furthermore it seemed rather calculating, the way Hopp attempted to use his role as biotech investor to bring to an end the debates of him as patron of TSG Hoffenheim.
Who will lead German football through this crisis? Once upon a time Uli Hoeneß or Theo Zwanziger seemed to have the right calibre. But that was long ago, and so now all hope lies with Christian Seifert. He may lack the charisma and emotional address to impress a wider audience. Yet intellectually and politically he's a match to these tough times. 
Seifert has understood how to maintain an influence on authorities and that others are calling the shots now, that their data reign. Virologists or  epidemiologist like Alexander Kekulé who made an appearance on ZDF-Sportstudio which usually broadcasts goals and [Torwandschießen]. He supposed a re-start of football in Mai was "feasible", Kekulé said. 
But he warned about the need "for a justification for people why football should get special treatment." It was a polticial issue, he said. In the meantime Armin Laschet (CDU), first minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, and Wolfgang Kubicki (FDP) made it clear that games without an audience would be possible soon.  
Kekulé said something else of note. He put the onus on big clubs - financially, maybe also socially. And in fact not all representatives of football have forgotten about the social assets they hold. Borussia Dortmund have made their stadium available as a Covid testing site, other clubs do the shopping for those in need. [translator’s note: “other clubs” - I beg your pardon, ZEIT? 1. FC Nürnberg, together with our ultras, have been doing this right from the beginning, when everything was first interrupted, credit where it’s due!] It's a service for the public health - but the football business could be doing much more. And for that they could look to their ultras: Many of them doing good and don't even want to talk about it.
Most of all football would benefit and be much better received if it could get back down to earth and deflate in general. After Covid many economical branches will have to make do with much less. This will concern football as well and that puts as back to the issue of personnel expenses which in the Bundesliga amount to 1,4 billion Euros a year. 
Salaries could be reduced, TV money distributed more fairly, mega transfers could be entirely dispensed with in favour of more investments into the youth. And it should be the aim of the Bundesliga to save all, even the much threatened third and fourth tier clubs. And is anybody thinking of popular/mass/amateur sports, the youth team of the village club? 
So far the Bundesliga couldn't even agree on common training rules. Even though the themes of the hour are consolidation and solidarity. All stake holders are on the spot, sponsors, association, staff, right-holders, fans or clubs. The inner logic of the sports dictates that there is no other way other than all together. FC Bayern don't want to end up playing against themselves. And by the way international competition isn't immune to the virus either.
If Bundesliga returns soon, and much seems to point towards it, it would obviously mean a lot to many people. But even more would understand and support it if football contributed something to the greater good. If character truly shows during crisis, there should be more left of football in times of Corona than players kicking around toilet paper rolls.  
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