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daelitesmom · 5 years ago
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Whatcha thinkin' #RenoPaintGelding #RescueHorse? https://www.instagram.com/p/B8fAiWqnhso/?igshid=dttj54bslc9l
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daelitesmom · 5 years ago
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I've been using this stall for my owners, first #RenaMustangMare and now #RenoPaintGelding #RescueHorse and for whatever reason I never noticed this in the rafters. So tell me: What do you see?? I can't tell if it's some type of sticker or some type of wood and dirt discoloration. https://www.instagram.com/p/B3LmoWJHp3j/?igshid=1lpookdyn77n3
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daelitesmom · 6 years ago
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#RenoPaintGelding #RescueHorse #HaydenBarnKittie #rescuekitties https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ZZzroHZk4/?igshid=y6srz0yyodm7
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daelitesmom · 6 years ago
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#HenriettaBarnKitty has found her safe spot in #RenoPaintGelding wall. Another barn kitty #Ditzy used to sleep in the wall in the winter because its semi insulated. https://www.instagram.com/p/B1WSVgsHxie/?igshid=rrd2u4qja6zh
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daelitesmom · 6 years ago
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Silly #HaydenBarnKittie #rescuekitties likes to lay on #RenoPaintGelding #RescueHorse and didn't even care I put his flysheet on top of him while she was being a lazy kitty. https://www.instagram.com/p/B0sFA4OHGiH/?igshid=132n5n7kw8tya
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daelitesmom · 6 years ago
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#RenoPaintGelding #RescueHorse https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzts0ddHV3e/?igshid=6vr6m91rplfs
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daelitesmom · 6 years ago
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So THIS is what #RenoPaintGelding #RenoRescuehorse #RescueHorse looks like clean and shiney. Whow knew? He wasn't very happy about an extra cold shower this am but he survived. https://www.instagram.com/p/BzBsdDLn2AO/?igshid=1mjoepytwvzdq
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daelitesmom · 6 years ago
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#HaydenBarnKittie just hanging around #RenoPaintGelding stall with her sister #HenriettaBarnKitty keeping an eye on her. https://www.instagram.com/p/BytJpfwHNFs/?igshid=74b8xr50gl9u
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daelitesmom · 6 years ago
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Poor #RenoPaintGelding #RenoRescuehorse lost his stall to #HaydenBarnKittie and her bigger sister #HenriettaBarnKitty https://www.instagram.com/p/ByNkqLtnfOy/?igshid=8c15vpnezx3s
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daelitesmom · 6 years ago
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Ride 'em kitty!! #RenoPaintGelding #RenoRescuehorse #HenriettaBarnKitty https://www.instagram.com/p/ByIUNyMnj5E/?igshid=vntuqwnk4iq1
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daelitesmom · 6 years ago
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Loiterer #HenriettaBarnKitty #rescuekitties trying to move into #RenoPaintGelding #RescueHorse stall! https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx7pm_rnIUj/?igshid=11zg80otwuyit
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daelitesmom · 6 years ago
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I spy a kitty cat in night vision @heimvision pretty clear however since its night vision this in black and white I don't know which kitty is loitering in #RenoPaintGelding #RescueHorse stall. It could be #HenriettaBarnKitty not her sister #HaydenBarnKittie because Hayden was a runt and is half the size of her big sister. It could also be #GrumpyTheoCat he's a long hair and this kitty looks larger than Henrietta, or it could be albeit unlikely #TommyTomCat. Tommy doesn't typically jump up onto Renos stall either way I'm thrilled they hang out on Renos stall. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx1GKbWnC39/?igshid=73f6tmnu4zar
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daelitesmom · 6 years ago
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Have a dirty boy but #RenoPaintGelding #RescueHorse is standing and has glorious gut sounds! One cup of grain after his hay per Dr. Davis and he seems content a little down not as exuberant as he normally is but as alive. Started to watch video from yesterday via his @heimvision webcam and realized he'd cast himself TWICE yesterday first at 12n all in camera, he got himself up then he cast himself again at 12:21p. I think I would have been horrified if I were here but watching him panic trying to get himself up was traumatic, I couldn't watch all of it. Today he's Alive, Standing and virtually uninjured which is amazing considering he front feet were stuck between the door and the wall and his back feet under his water bucket his only "injury" was a bloody lip and a scraped his front upper gum. I'm just so grateful someone heard the banging, investigated and called for help when the saw him directly underneath their view! #ColicIsNoJoke #CastingHorseCanBeTragic #GratefulRenoIsAlive https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxr-4AnnBjw/?igshid=4qssoaftes6g
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daelitesmom · 6 years ago
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#RenoPaintGelding #RescueHorse is greeting his two adopted daughters #YearlingfillyNova #TwoYearFillyAhyoke with #NovasMommaLuna looking on. (at Jokers Wild Equestrian Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxqr0bVHAkY/?igshid=vssoxu743h8f
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daelitesmom · 6 years ago
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Something only a horse owner can appreciate after almost 8 hrs #RenoPaintGelding #RescueHorse FINALLY POOPED!! https://www.instagram.com/p/BxqgYlTH8fM/?igshid=n4dywu9x1lr6
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daelitesmom · 6 years ago
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Five hours after #RenoPaintGelding casted in his stall because of colic and he tried rolling to make himself feel better. Hes only pooped once since he came in at 930a. Vets been called, he's been given banamine, lots of walking, hay and the only water he'll drink is from the pond. Gut sounds are finally back THANK GOD!!! But I've never wanted a horse to poop more in my life! Thirty years of horses and this is the first time my own horse has actually colic'd!? https://www.instagram.com/p/BxqL4ABH71c/?igshid=qih9bzsp7d3i
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