#reno vc ur not wrong bud. ur not wrong
halchron · 2 months
“must everyone be so exhausting?” / cloud for reno !
bg3 companion banter ━ accepting
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❝ is that really somethin' a hero should be saying ? ❞
reno doesn't really deny the blond's words though, because at the end of day, everyone was exhausting. if he thought the people of edge were tiring, than reno wondered what he'd think of the general workforce of shinra. those meetings and the endless amount of paperwork was enough to put anyone to sleep, even the strongest soldiers. so the turk just laughs, shrugging nonchalantly as he twirls his baton.
❝ you got a point though. this is why i always make sure to take vacations, safe myself the exhaustion of other people. ❞
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