melancholysai · 7 years
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I wanted to tell y’all about this girl I met. Her name is Ragan, but she goes by Willow. She says it’s her nature-given name. Apparently she’s some sort of hippie; hell I don’t know. 
Anyways, she came over to my house when she saw Kronos. She told me she couldn’t resist coming to admire such a beautiful soul. Kronos happily lapped up her affection; he’s a chick magnet like that. 
However, I for one, was completely awestruck. I couldn’t stop staring; God, she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I’m pretty positive she thinks I am an idiot.
 But she’s really into sunlight and nature and all that outdoorsy shit, so she told me to take a picture of her in the sunlight. I couldn’t resist, I had to take one of her for myself. I can’t really tell her type just yet, so I don’t know if she’s down for the kat or not. I’ll keep y’all posted.
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melancholysai · 7 years
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So, what’s up? If you haven’t guessed by now, I’m Renli Sai. And before you ask, yes I am mixed. My mother is of Nigerian descent, and my father is from Laos (asian...). Don’t ask me why my mom got with an asian man; I’m still trying to figure out why she got with a man at all *eye roll*. 
So anyways, I’m 22 years old and I just moved to a new city. I don’t know what I’m doing nor do I plan on anything. I’m more of one of those live-in-the-now types of people, even though I rarely do anything... Edgy. I keep to myself because it’s easier that way. I don’t have to worry about if I hurt anyone’s feelings or if they agree with my point of view. Even if you don’t, that’s cool too. I’m not here to change your mind. After all, you can’t change ignorant. So I’ve learned to leave well enough alone. 
I think the only company I keep (and prefer) is my pitty, Kronos. He’s only like, 4 months old I think? I don’t know, he’s just a smol fry. He’s ‘bout all I’ve got, need, and want. Maybe he’ll actually help me socialize, but don’t hold your breath. He’s just a lazy sack of bones. 
I don’t even know what else to say here. I think this is the longest I’ve talked about myself, truthfully. But, I guess that’s enough for now. Until next time, weirdos. Peace, love and taco grease. 
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melancholysai · 7 years
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So, let me tell you about Kronos. 
Kronos is a rescue; plain and simple. I rescued him from a really bad home where they made him fight. Despite him being the champ most times, he is one of the most gentle souls I’ve ever had the pleasure of encountering. All he wants to do is lay around and get belly rubs. 
He’s a little slow on the learning format, but overall he catches on rather quickly. He’s literally just a big teddy bear. I guess you could say he’s my best friend. I recently rescued another pitty and her name is Tali, and I hate to say it, but Kronos is my guy; my favorite (sorry Tali, we’re just not there yet). 
But for reals, this is my baby. He’s been getting sick a lot lately, and I’m beginning to worry. I don’t have the financial stability to afford the expensive treatment for things. 
I just wish I could give him an easier life, especially considering where he came from. But he knows I’m doing the best I can, and to me that’s all that matters. Well, until next time weirdo’s. Peace, love and taco grease.
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