#renji x ryomen
lostgracestories · 10 months
~The Hearts in Her Forest Eyes~
So this is a Sukuna x OC drabble that I might turn into a fic. This idea kind of came to me as I was listening to some soft love songs. I really enjoyed writing this and exploring not writing something with a character x reader. If you like it let me know if I should make a part 2!
TW: Sukuna (Need I say more?)
wc: 702
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The wind breathed against her skin and blew her elegant strands of white hair around. The image before Sukuna was surreal. The woman knelt to the lake side with a large bucket in her hands as she scooped water up, careful and gentle. Why was Sukuna watching her? The woman gingerly placed the bucket next to her and dipped her hands into the water, bringing her damp hands to her face and gently rubbing away a smudge of dirt. 
Sukuna couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of her. His mind tossed and turned in distress as he internally argued with himself. He was a king. He was the strongest. He was feared. He enjoyed the idea of killing innocent women and children. Yet here he was, eyes glued to this woman he didn’t even know. He urged himself to step forward and kill her to no avail. He couldn’t move from his spot, hidden up in a tree, only feet away from the woman.
Sukuna watched as the woman finished cleaning up her face and stood up with her bucket. He didn’t realize it at first but he was leaning in closer to see the woman’s face. As the woman turned he was met with two gorgeous forest green eyes and a face peppered in freckles. Wait. She was looking at him. “What are you doing up there?” She questioned him, her voice gentle and sweet. Sukuna felt a pang in his chest that made him furious. He came down from the tree and threatened her with his very presence. She didn’t budge and it angered him. “You are lucky to be alive”
Sukuna remarked and narrowed his eyes at her in irritation as his tall figure loomed over her. She should be afraid. She should run. She should scream. She should be startled by his striking figure. He should kill her. So why wasn’t he?
“Am I? Is this stream dangerous?”
She wasn’t stupid. She knew who he was. Every bone in her body told her to run. But her feet stayed planted. She knew what he could do. Yet even though her body was afraid, her heart and mind were unshaken. Why?
“Don’t be such a fool!”
Sukuna snarled the words out fiercely. He felt mocked and agitated by her lack of fear. He hated the idea of not having control.
“You know who I am woman. You know the danger I pose to you.” The woman simply smiled up at him. Not once had she glanced at his four arms, his markings, or his extra eyes.
“If you pose danger then I am not sensing I am in danger. I have done nothing but come to get water for my family. If I have wandered onto your turf I do apologize.”
The woman offered him another soft smile as she bowed and began to carry away the bucket of water, walking down the path back to the village. Sukuna stood there in shock. When was the last time he lost control of someone else’s emotions? The last time nobody feared him? He couldn’t remember. He didn’t want to, he found it a waste of time, yet his feet carried him to follow behind the woman and his mouth opened without thought.
“Your name, woman”
He demanded as if her life depended on the answer.
She met his eyes and nodded at the end of her answer. “Renji…” He repeated her name and thought about it.
“You should be afraid”
Renji chuckled at his insistence and shook her head as they approached the village, pausing her steps to look at him with full attention. “I am not afraid of you. You are simply another being are you not? The only difference between us is power. You would not kill me because I pose no threat to you and I am not strong. Killing me would be like breaking a stick. It is not an accomplishment.”
Sukuna’s expression soured further at her explanation and he whipped his head away from her. “Leave my sight woman”
Renji gave him a last smile and continued on her way. Sukuna stood and watched her walk away in the distance.
He hated her.
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sukun4scumdump · 4 months
18+, visual content, mdni - p!link included.
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He jerking his cock violently, on the verge to cum while you just stand in front of him, whining and begging to either touch his cock or be touched. He grunts when he sees your pouty little expression, your plump lower lip jutting out which turned him in even more. He's fisting his dick harder now, hips jerking to meet the pace of his hands. His other hand swiftly tugs the hem of your panties as he cums into them, watching his thick, translucent send drip onto your folds and clit. With a smile on his face he lets go, patting your sweet, aching and throbbing cunny through your panties, giving you a quick kiss.
"My cum dumpster will take such good care of my load, I know."
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satoru, toji, kento, eren, jean, ichigo, renji, grimmjow, sukuna, obito, simon, hiromi, gintoki, light, miguel, your faves >~<
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© 2024 @sukun4scumdump . do not copy, imitate or plagiarize. all content is purely an imagination, except for characters and universes .
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b4nka1 · 1 year
my favorite animated men and random things they do when jealous and want to grab your attention!
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warnings: suggestive content (mentions of smut), misogyny, toji being nice, jjk manga spoilers. not proofread.
�� FUSHIGURO TOJI : he would pout as you were busy with your office work. sure, you did love him, but your work was your priority for now. he would slowly walk into your room, standing behind you as you worked. he'd start massaging your shoulders, and within seconds, your eyes closed and body relaxed. "mmh, just right, baby..." you whispered to toji, you was still carefully and gently massaging your shoulders.
"if you gave me a tad bit more attention, i'd make you feel far far better, princess..."
— RYOMEN SUKUNA : he grumbled in annoyance when you paid no attention to him. the king of curses wanted to be mad but couldn't because you were so happy playing with the new puppy he'd gotten for you. you were laughing and giggling as the puppy kept whining and climbing over you. he got the most jealous when you kissed the puppy on its yucky, disgusting mouth, according to him. within seconds, he took the puppy from your hands and put the puppy back in his crate. he turned back towards you, picking you up and dragging you to the bathroom to make you brush your teeth.
"why'd you kiss that puppy on its disgusting mouth? now i can't kiss you without feeling disgusted."
— GOJO SATORU : he was pretty much annoyed at the fact that you were paying more attention to the three freshers than him. he scowled at megumi, who was getting more interest from your end. he was beyond irritated at this point. he sure was jealous but didn't admit it, not even to himself.bhe had to butt in, of course. his possessive ass simply couldn't handle the fact that you're quite nice and friendly. he stomped over to you, with a tiny pout on his face and his brows furrowed together.
"they're my students, but i hate the attention you're giving them."
— KUROSAKI ICHIGO : isn't exactly the type to get jealous, but he is very possessive. whenever he notices another man, especially abarai renji talking to you, he would ever so casually walk over to you, wrapping an arm around your waist. he'd indulge himself in the conversation, laughing and nodding with whatever was going on. his arms would then creep down your back slowly as the conversation proceeded. he'd ever so subtly squeeze your butt and act as if nothing happened after he did so. when renji notices, he takes a leave and waved goodbye to you. you turn to ichigo and scold him for doing so.
"what? i'm just squeezing what belongs to me, you don't get to scold me on that."
— GETO SUGURU (villain era, you're not on his side) : he is a calm and collected man. but when he notices you and satoru being too close physically, practically invading each other's personal space, a smile and a bulging vein of anger on his forehead is prominent on his face. he silently swore to get you fucked raw before the war broke out. mimiko immediately notices this and huffs, "why don't you already go claim what's yours?" she snorts, going back to doing something on her phone.
"well, she will suffer. so what if we drifted apart? who is she to move on from me? she's still mine."
— NANAMI KENTO : he had been working overtime and came home late. to make matters worse, he found you on a long ass call with one of your guy friends, who used to like you. dismissing the jealousy, he took a shower and ate the dinner you prepared for him. and to make matters even worse, you were laughing at something he told you about. he was clearly frustrated and irritated, and of course, jealous of your little guy friend. when he had enough, he snatched the phone from you, putting it to his ear,
"either you end the call or hear me fuck her dumb and make her scream my name."
— ZARAKI KENPACHI : despite his rough and tough demeanor, poor guy also gets jealous of you spending time with ikkaku and yumichika. he tries his best not to show it as a kenpachi but fails when yachiru notices it. "ken-chan, don't worry, i gor your back!" she giggled happily. she searched around the seireitei and finally found you casually hanging out with yumichika. she walked over to you and held your hand. you raised your brows in surprise when she tugged you to the direction of the squad 11 barracks. she pushed you into zaraki's room, closing it behind her. zaraki sighed, hugging your waist.
"sorry, i kinda felt...jealous but didn't show it because of my status...i'll buy yachiru some treats for helping me."
— ABARAI RENJI : has his zanpakuto ready in its shikai state when you were found talking to ichigo. he angrily stomped over before byakuya stopped him. "they're just friends." he told renji and ordered him to sheathe his zanpakuto. renji grumbled and followed his order, stomping towards you, with a small pout on his face. he kept on giving ichigo glares until he took the signal and left.
"next time i see that piece of shit, i'm making him watch me pound into you."
— ZENIN NAOYA : oh boy, this misogynistic bastard wasn't ready to accept the fact that he was being jealous because his stupidly handsome cousin toji was being nice to you, complete contrast of how naoya usually treats you. toji helped you in the kitchen, he helped you with cleaning and helped you do the laundry. but naoya lost it when toji's arm wrapped around you instinctively as you were about to slip and fall. naoya grumbled, waiting until toji was out of sight. he pulled you by your kimono to his room, slamming you ruthlessly into the bed.
"that bastard crossed the line. might as well show him who this pretty but useless wife belongs to."
— KINJI HAKARI : is chill on the outside but the anger is bubbling within him inside as he watched your yoga instructor from afar being too touchy with you. his let out a low growl when he placed a hand on your hip and squeezed the skin. hakari had enough when the yoga instructor smirked and placed a hand on your inner thigh to "fix your posture," rubbing it sensually. you were too innocent to notice that. in a flash, hakari punched him square on the nose, stomping on the scum's face before leaving with you.
"he doesn't know.who he's messing with. we are finding you a new instructor. this one's gonna be fed to the curses."
— KAMO CHOSO : is a VERY pouty baby. yuji was his brother, yes, but that didn't mean you spend the whole day with him when you met him for the first time. it almost felt as though you and yuji were a couple and choso was the third wheel. after the whole day passed by, you and.choso went back to your shared apartment. he immediately went into the bedroom, snuggling under the xxovers and crying into the pillows. when you went into the bedroom, you noticed what's happening and frowned, rubbing his back and asking him what happened.
"i-i felt so left out today, bub... i-i know yuji is my brother b-but i needed you a-attention..."
— HIGURUMA HIROMI : he sighs once he comes back home after a long day. he put his bag on the coffee table in the living room before going into the kitchen, finding you there with your 2 month old baby, putting her to sleep. higuruma pouted as he wanted you all to himself tonight, but your baby had different plans. it took you great effort to rock her to sleep, eventually putting her in a crib and walking back into the living room, hugging him tightly. he returned the long hug, sighing in content and rubbing your back.
"didn't know i'd be so envious of our own princess, baby..."⁹
hope yall like it!
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moonprisimbankai111 · 5 months
Bleach X Jujutsu Kaisen Fights I'd sell both my t!ts n buttcheecks to see
Since I'm a big s l u t for both series here are the fights I'd wanna say. Comment who you'd think would win
Ryomen Sukuna VS White Hollow Ichigo
Two demon daddies against each other? YES! Both are super duper strong, tbh tho I think Sukuna would win, both of these characters would be so interesting to watch engage in a fight as they give very similar vibes IMO
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Satoru Gojo VS Kisuke Urahara
I mean it's obvi that our blue-eyed king solos (sorry Kisuke fans) but they're both so fruity and goofy so I think a battle between these two would be so funny to watch, Tbh I thought of putting Gojo against Aizen, but something about him in a spare with Kisuke feels right, both are extremely talented, witty, and clever- oh and very sexy,
This would be such a great fight
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Toshrio Hitsugaya VS Megumi Fushiguro
Originally I chose Ichigo for this, but something about Toshrio felt right I like Megumi against Toshrio way more bc I think both are similar in some ways but also seeing Megumi summon Mahoraga while Hitsugaya brings out Hyorinmaru would be AMAZING- Like you can imagine how awesome a duel between these two would be???
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Toji Fushiguro VS Kenpachi Zaraki
Y'all gotta really hear me out here, Toji is a literal superhuman and Kenpachi (the strongest of the 13-court guard squad) has a nasty desire for serious bloodlust, these two in a heated spare filled with punches, kicks, and slashing of blades and cursed tools- would be so epic! I mean, I like to also imagine Toji is shirtless too- lol just girly things! I could imagine Kenpachi loving the battle bc of Toji's abilities and physical skills (I would sell my coochie to see this fight IRL)
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Maki Zenin VS Rukia Kuchiki
Two of the hottest and strongest in a battle- yes yes yes yes, IMO Rukia for sure solos, i mean c'mon she's a captain but Maki also has a fair chance against her because of her own talents and capabilities. A fight between these two would be amazing!
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Nobara Kugisaki VS Rangiku Matsumato
Both gorgeous, both confident, and both obsessed with shopping?
Totally! I think these two would be friends if the Bleach Universe and JJK Universe collided but since this is about fighting, I believe these two would have a fun battle. Both women are strong and have great skills and really cool abilities- It's hard for me to say who would win because both are equally talented! However, I think after the fight would be finished these two would love shopping with each other, talking about boys, and kicking ass together!
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Kento Nanami Vs Byakuya Kuchiki
Both sophisticated, both the perfect gentlemen, both with the same aloof composure, and both really strong? HELL YES! I would loveeeee to see these two in a battle seeing Nanami use his ratio technique and black flash against Byakuyas Senbonzakura would be amazing! Idk tho, I think Byakuya would win, but that is up for discussion <3
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Suguro Geto (Kenjaku) VS Sosuke Aizen
Don't even get me started, like just don't- I know Aizen has more of the advantage here but Geto, or Kenjaku has a really good chance IMO- I would love to see two villains who are both on similar missions of creating a new world would be in a battle with each other.
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Yuji Itadori VS Renji Abari
I just think this would be funny to watch, but I would also love to see Yuji's divergent fists against Renji's Bankai I think it would be badass honestly. I love Yuji lord knows I truly do, but I think after a great effort on Yuji's end, Renji easily solos
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Ichigo Kurosaki VS Yuta Okkutso
At first, I thought of Yuji instead, but I think Yuta would be way more interesting to watch, I could see these twos in a serious duel. Both are characters who faced massive losses that have pushed them to become strong. At one point in the fight I can see White hollow Ichigo coming out to help save Ichigo from a summoned Rika (yes I know the curse of Rika is already broken but let's act as if it isn't for the sake of the HC) Both are super strong, but Ichigo wins for sure IMO,
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Thats it for now, but let me know what pairings you would like to see in part two as I would love to include more characters
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eclipseslayer · 27 days
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ IN THE HAUNTED HOUSE... A KINKTOBER ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎EVENT, 2024.
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Spending a night in a haunted house, you notice a dusty old library. You pick up a book with what looks like an old, dusty, purple, leatherbound cover. Intrigued, you open it, and within the first few glances, you're sent into a dreamlike state, and are sent into the realm of the stories within the book...
Oct. 1st — Shinya Kogami x ghost!reader / Public Sex
Oct. 2nd. — Laios Touden x hybrid!doggy!reader / Accidental Stimulation
Oct. 3rd — Sukuna Ryomen x reader / Double Penetration
Oct. 4th — Stalker!Toji Fushiguro x reader / Knifeplay
Oct. 5th — Marcille Donato x reader / Wax Play
Oct. 6th — Roy Mustang x reader / Temperature Play
Oct. 7th — Guts x succubus!reader / Choking
Oct. 8th — Titan!Eren Yeager x reader / Cunninglingus
Oct. 9th — Deadpool x reader / Glory Holes
Oct. 10th — Siren!Suguru x reader / Dacryphylia
Oct. 11th — Incubus!Gojo Satoru x reader / Creampie
Oct. 12th — Vampire!Dio Brando x reader / Bloodplay
Oct. 13th — Priest!Nanami Kento x demon!reader / Impact Play
Oct. 14th — Levi Ackerman x reader / Pegging
Oct. 15th — Jotaro Kujo x mermaid!reader / Shibari
Oct. 16th — Ichigo Kurosaki x nurse!reader / Roleplay
Oct. 17th — Brother!Choso x reader / Incest
Oct. 18th — Yoshikage Kira x reader / Handjob
Oct. 19th — Oldseph! x reader / Breeding
Oct. 20th — Renji Abarai x witch!reader / Aphrodisiac
Oct. 21st — vampire!Suguru Geto x reader x vampire!Satoru Gojo / Group Sex
Oct. 22nd — Yuki Tsukomo x vampire!reader / Toys
Oct. 23rd — Hollow Form!Grimmjow x reader / Knotting
Oct. 24th — Femto!Griffith x reader / Noncon
Oct. 25th — Shoko Ieri x reader / Scent Play
Oct. 26th — Wolverine x reader / Primal Play
Oct. 27th — Mayuri Kurotsuchi x Espada!Kitty Reader / Edging
Oct. 28th — Kenpachi x reader / Size Kink
Oct. 29th — Higuruma Hiromi x ghoul!reader / Face-Sitting
Oct. 30th — Alduin x reader / Fire Play
Oct. 31st — Ghost Hunters! Gojo, Suguru, Toji, & Nanami x ghost!reader / Humiliation
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