haydenfitness-blog · 7 years
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#mexicanfood countdown on now #renewu
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stringsunraveled · 6 years
Treasured Trash.
What you need to know: I will have to gut this scene to fit into the story I have taped into, but I want this version to be posted. You are reading the original ending scene. In short, Talia and Raph got together and shortly after became estranged do to betrayal and feelings of jealousy. Talia has had a difficult pregnancy that Donnie has been trying to help her survive from. She has now given birth to a girl that Raph has just relieved is his. Unfortunately the difficulty has not ended yet. 
 Author’s note:I am not traditional in my writing style and I allow my dyslexia to take full credit. I tend to start backwards and them forwards again. The following scene was one of the first I wrote, and is in first draft form. In the last four months, this story has exploded into some thing new. The characters have also changed in their knowledge of what has happened in this reality and do not resumable who they truly are in this scene any more.
Disclaimer:  I do not own the characters of TMNT,but use them to get the story written down.  All other characters are my own and them and the plot may not be used with out my written consent. Warring! 18+ Viewer discretion in advised. There is vulgar language and what is considered smut through out the story but may not appear in every scene or chapter.
“NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! her vital sighs are dropping!” Donnie exclaimed
“What do ya me there dropping?” Raph said looking up from the baby that he cradled in his massive  arms.
“Heart rate is slowing and Talia’s blood pressure is falling! We’re loosing her!” Donnie screamed over the sounds of the flat line.
“Do something Donnie, you cant let her die!” Raph yelled covering the side of his baby girl’s head as to shield her from the words that her mother was dieing.
“I am trying.” He said as the sound of Talia’s ribs cracked under the weight of Donnie’s first CPR compression. “Grab the the syringe.” He yelled.
Mikey rushed over with the syringe filled with the last blue dose of anti-mutagen. As he looked down at Talia, Mikey stumbled over his words “I don’t think I can do it, dudes!”
“Take the baby!”  Raph snagged the syringe and put the little girl in Mikey’s arms. The movement disturbed her making her cry loader than when she came out of her mother who was now opening deaths door. Raph turn to Donnie.
“On the count of three in her heart. One! Two! Three!” Donnie moved away as Raph stabbed the needle into her heart and pushed the rest of the vaccination into Talia. After pulling out the needle, Donnie started to pump her chested again. “Raph breath!” 
Raph rapped his lump lips around Talia’s, which felt as cold as the blue color they were turning. He could see from the corner of his eyes her lungs expanded each time Raph tried to breath life back into Talia’s body, but he could not feel the energy that had pasted between them like it had every time their skin would touch .Leo rushed in, but he could tell Talia was gone. Her body had no light admitting from it, “guys stop! She not there.” Leo said trying to pull Raph off of Talia. Donnie stopped the compressions and put his hands on top of his head in sickening defeat.
“Fuck you, we have to save her!” Raph said as he started to compression on her chest where Donnie had stopped.
“No, dudes Leo’s right she is not there,cause she’s standing in front of me!” Mikey said wide eyed.
They all looked up at him and he was right. There was Talia touching the top of the baby’s head. 
“Sssshhhsshhhshhhsss!“ Talia said was she kissed her daughter’s forehead.”My beautiful Renewual. I am sorry I can not be with you physically in your reality any more! But, I will be there in your dreams and that is were you will hear me sing to you!”
“What the Hell!” Donnie proclaimed as he adjusted his goggles.
Talia looked up at Mikey and smiled. She then turned her head to the right towards Donatello. “You might want to start up your sensory equipment Donnie, or you are going to miss a wealth of data that will help explain to yourself and the rest of the world what is happening.
“What is Happening?” Mikey chocked out. “Are you a ghost?”
“This is her light-body, in other words her soul.” Leo said. Talia turned her head to Leo and stared at both Raph and him. 
Raph stopped giving her soul body CPR as his mouth opened in shock. Talia was the same, but different, just like Splinter said the night that they were introduced. Raph was hypnotized by how bright Talia’s blue eyes were. Her kimono hung low down on her shoulders exposing her back. Talia seen to glisten every color in the rainbow almost like she was a prism, casting color all over the room.  Her skin flawless except for the tattoos on her body. 
Tattoos Raph knew for a fact were never there before. From what he could see some were Celtic, others modern tribal, still some looked like sacred geometry. They seemed to appear and disappeared, the only one that staid was the tribal s in the middle of her back. 
As she turned around and moved over to the table, they were all memorized. Her movement was not a walk, but not quite a glide either. Talia looked down at herself watching her body turned a paler blue-gray. As her soul body color faded, her light body became more substantially and solid. 
“No matter how many times I have seen my shell in death’s state it is still a bite unsettling.” Talia said walking around the table.
“How many times have you seen your um shell?” Donnie asked as he was flipping the last switches on his sensory equipment. 
“This is the fourth reality that I can truly remember.” She then thought to herself, “When I have seen my shell it is because the puppet master did not seem ready for me to leave the reality yet. Did he not see a important factor?” 
She then looked up at Raph who was stark still. “Don't be afraid. The fact that everyone of you can see me, means you are all on the path to be light warriors.”
“Which one of us is the Light guardian, tho?” Mikey questioned. He rocking his newborn niece for his comfort as much as of her’s.
Talia turned to Mikey and preceded to move back up to him. “You all have the potential to become light guardians once you have faced your shadow selves and embrace it! But I believe you are asking which one of you is my light guardian? He is the only one who has completed that very task and the only one of you who has seen me in this form before.”
Talia then slid her hands on both sides of Mikey’s face and proceeded to tell him. “You have not been the innocent one for a long time. You have choose to stay that way because it is familiar and easy. But, You are no longer a little brother, but an uncle! You will not just be the joyful fun uncle for Renewual, but you will be her comfort. You will be the hand to wipes her tears when Raph and her don’t see eye to eye. You will be like your brothers are for you, but for her.” With that she kissed Mikey’s forehead and a strange feeling hit him. 
Mikey felt like he had a third eye and it opened. no longer burned by the weight to prove he was not the little kid any more, because Mikey was not. It was the soul he was holding in his arms, and Mikey knew what his path was of one of confidence and happiness to have and to give. 
A loud crack of light flashed above their heads. They all looked up. In the celling, a portal started to form. 
“Iss..thaat..AAA..” Donnie couldn’t get the words out.
“Tesla portal? Yes, Donnie it is.” Talia let go of Mikey and drifted over towards were Donnie was standing. 
Talia put her hands on Donnie’s shoulder and almost floated up to be eye to eye with him. “Don’t stop working with the crystals. Your work with the frequency will make them speak to you and access the Akashic Records. Don’t forget, do not let your head over run your heart.” Talia slide her right hand down placing it on his chest plate. 
“You will be Renewual’s best academic teacher. Through your work you will bring knowledge not only to her, but to this reality beyond what you can image. Don’t get discourage when your head gets in the way. Just remember some times going backwards is the answer to find the path.” She then placed her lips on Donnie’s forehead. Like Mikey, the sensation opened Donnie up, making him realize that he had the answers all a long. Talia was right; Going back to the start to understanding and to use his intuition.
Again another bright flash illuminated the room, but this time light strings darted out of the black hole that was growing bigger in the ceiling. The strings looked like wild rose canes with thorn like projection which transmitted electrical energy across each other. One of the strings swung over to Talia curling around her waist and picking her up.
Leaping in the air, Leo's ninjato came down severing the string from the hole it came out of. Talia was thrown towards the floor by Raphael. Before she hit the ground Raphael jumped over the table and caught Talia. The part of the string that was cut off hit the floor and shattered into crystal shards all around them. Raph don’t let Talia go, but held her tightly in his over sized arms. 
Talia looked at Leo saying,”This is not your fight yet, but keep them at bay as long as you can Leo. The battle will come soon enough for you to help me. Remember destiny is not the same as duty, my  guardian.”
Donatello grabbed his bo and started to swing deflecting the strings away long side Leo.
“For course Leo's the light guardian!” Mikey mocked, as he started to pull his nunchaku out and take Leo’s other side.
Leo yelled out to him “Mikey, don’t! You need to hold on to Renewual!”
“I can help dude!” 
“You are helping! Renewual has the same light energy as Talia. If one of these strings grabs her, we will loose them both!.” Leo shouted. With that realization, Mikey tucked Renewual closer into his body and covering her head with thick fingers.
Talia reached up and touched Raph’s face bring his attention back on her.“I don’t have much time my love.”
“Are you going to kiss my forehead, too?”  Raph smirked
“If I had enough time I would kiss you from your forehead to below your belt!” His eyes widened and cheeks flushed hearing Talia’s words.
“After seein’ those tattoos on your body, I want find how many are hidden?” Raph said licking his lips. 
“Most of them are. Come find me in your dreams, and I will let you find them all.” she whispered along side of his head so only he could hear. Talia wrapped her arms around his neck and without hesitation she kissed his forehead. 
With that shock of energy through the spot were her lips were still pressed, every hidden felling inside burst to the surface. He fell to his knees still holding her in his arms. Raph’s hazel green eyes welled up with tears. Wiping them away from Raph's cheeks, Talia’s eyes did the same. 
“Don’t leave me! I can’t take care of Renewual by myself. I am not a good enough turtle for you, how can I be a good dad for her?” Raph said as he lowered his head.
“For course you’re going to be a good dad! We are the same energy, the same frequency. That is why we were able to come together to make her. I know you can raise her with out me here, because I was able to raise my son by myself in the reality I came from.” She lifted his head up by wide chin to look into his heart broken eyes. 
“And you are not alone! You have a father to guide you when you need advise! Three brothers who have your back. You will have me to share communion when you meditate and in your dreams. You have the courage to face this! Will it be hard? Yes, but it is worth it my love.” 
She turned her head calling “Mikey, bring her here!”
As Talia held out her arms for Renewual, Raph deflected a light band that was darting towards his shoulder with his sai. Making sure Talia had his niece safe, Mikey grabbed his other nunchaku and started blocking the strings. Raph turned his back away to shield the two most precious light beings in his life.
Talia reached with her right hand grabbing his face again and pulled him into hers. As their lips locked exchanging the energy between their souls, Talia slided her tongue into his mouth which encouraged Raph to pull her closer. Raph knew in a few moments he would have to let her go. He tightened his hand in Talia’s hair and breathed her in as deep as he could. 
Raph tried to memorize every last detail just like he had the first night Talia asked him to stay and protect her. The feeling of her soft skin, the smell of roses in her hair, as well as the sweet taste of her mouth. A bitter reminder bought Raph back to earth, when a light band hit his shell with such force he had to shift his weight and let Talia slid to the ground.
 She grabbed his left arm and slid Renewual in it. 
“Now you have something more to live for. You have her! She is everything good about us and everything we could not be then we were alone.” said Talia as Raph pulled her in one more time so tight that either of them could barely take a breath.
“I love you, Talia! I always have!” Raph murmured
“I love you as well. We will find and see each other again, my love!” Talia replied grabbing him face and kissed Raph one more time. Talia stood up pulling her hair back into a pony tail yelling “ Leo, ninjato!” 
Leo turned and through one of the swords she had given him towards her. Talia caught the ninjato by the handle taking it behind her head she cut her pony tail off. She laid the sword at Raph’s feet and handed her hair to him. “This will protect her and remind all of you of me.” 
Sitting up and bending her head down, Talia clasped her hands together. With in the space between her finger a light ball started to form. “My bothers, you can stop now!” 
All the strings started to dart and attach to the ball. With each new string the ball grew bigger and bigger until the light engulfed Talia. “I love you all and thank you for everything!” With her last words, Talia was pulled into the black hole.
A large flash of light illuminated the room once again causing the hole to collapse in onto its self. An eerie silence was all that was let in the room. It was only broken when Donnie's sensory equipment stared to beep.
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unlikelybeardfire · 6 years
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dimple-21 · 7 years
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We are sensitive God help us #heal #renewus #steadyourhearts #steadyourminds #fixusjesus #weallhurt #newyeariscoming #helpustofollowyougod #ourpurpose #helpthemtoseehurttheycause #refreshourmind #refreshoursoul #
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athletio · 6 years
Trove – Renewus New Year Celebration!
Happy New Year, Trovians ~ 2019 is starting with a bang thanks to Renewus! This two-week long event celebrates the renewal that comes with the passage of time. Plus, some very festive new wings: Confetti Jetties! Complete six new Adventures to ring in the New Year right! Plus, every several minutes a Renewus Ball will […]
Trove – Renewus New Year Celebration! published first on https://plazapcgames.tumblr.com/
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psycotria · 7 years
#IStandWithIsrael The cup is passing to the nations #PJNET #RenewUS pic.twitter.com/gdAMN4wuIN
— Karee 🕊✡🇺🇸🇮🇱 (@Karee_news) February 26, 2017
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babyawacs · 7 years
@jstines3 @jorgenseptember #PJNET #RenewUS ithought sth like my hate disfigures each that sacrificed forthe beauty in us. swear iwas ashamed @jstines3 @jorgenseptember #PJNET #RenewUS but then ithought its allright whenure victimised its ok to hate scums
@jstines3 @jorgenseptember #PJNET #RenewUS ithought sth like my hate disfigures each that sacrificed forthe beauty in us. swear iwas ashamed @jstines3 @jorgenseptember #PJNET #RenewUS but then ithought its allright whenure victimised its ok to hate scums
@jstines3 @jorgenseptember #PJNET #RenewUS ithought sth like my hate disfigures each that sacrificed forthe beauty in us. swear iwas ashamed
@jstines3 @jorgenseptember #PJNET #RenewUS but then ithought its allright whenure victimised its ok to hate scums that mess,the ideals of
@jstines3 @jorgenseptember #PJNET #RenewUS spirituals that cannneverbe reached justmakepeoplenuts. Iftheres…
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videoaction · 7 years
MT @HLERadio: Praise Him with your whole heart! http://pic.twitter.com/4vjzbsf3qv #RenewUS #PJNET
— Coach Prasek (@DataGenesis) September 5, 2017
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haydenfitness-blog · 7 years
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@haydenfitnessrenewu with @drread_nd starting September 21... average weight loss 10-25 pounds in twelve weeks #renewu #register #healthyfood #fitness (at Hayden Fitness Studio Vernon)
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renewufit · 9 years
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Repost from founder @kimkla with a leg day #training tip to focus on the shape of your quads. #ForFitness #RenewU! "You can use the hack squat for a great quad squeeze if you place your feet at the very bottom of the platform with heels off of it. Push thru your toes only and lift your butt up in the air. It's a machine version of a sissy squat & super effective for great #quads shape!" (at Los Angeles, California)
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everassassins-blog · 11 years
RenewU has died
RenewU’s body went missing and the following note was discovered:
It was dark... too dark. All that kept me from my target was the glint of the disco ball as it rotated incessantly. This was a party for one.
As RenewU walked unsuspectedly away, I cocked the pistol in my hand and tightened the silencer.
Six bullets lay snugly in the clip. Why bother those cozy angels of death? No need- in stride I leaped from the shadows and in one swift motion brought the butt of my Desert Eagle across the back of RenewU's cranium. It cracked like an egg on sunday morning and she collapsed to the ground. A faint breath lingered but the boss said- "erase her".
I dragged the body down the alley and into the basement of Bertucci's. These next few pizza's were going to have some extra burnt flavor.
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haydenfitness-blog · 7 years
#ReNEWU @haydenfitnessrenewu (at Hayden Fitness Studio Vernon)
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haydenfitness-blog · 7 years
#ReNEWU #trx #core Series @haydenfitnessrenewu #ballastball #lululemon #bosu #toesox (at Hayden Fitness Studio Vernon)
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haydenfitness-blog · 7 years
#ReNEWU #trx @haydenfitnessrenewu #core #toesox #lululemon #bosu #ballastball (at Hayden Fitness Studio Vernon)
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haydenfitness-blog · 7 years
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#ReNEWU #cheesecake #vegan @haydenfitnessrenewu @nanahayden (at Hayden Fitness Studio Vernon)
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haydenfitness-blog · 7 years
#ReNEWU #core #workout @haydenfitnessrenewu (at Hayden Fitness Studio Vernon)
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