#renaissance orc period drama
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The Switch Chapter 16 Finalle

I'm sad to see it finished, but relieved it's done too. Granted, I'll still add more to this universe later. But for now, I really need to get this off of my plate so I can go back and finish others before I focus on even more because I never seem to have a shortage of unfinished fics that just...need to be finished before someone uses an AI to finish it for me.
But nonethe less, enjoy. And as always, thank you for reading.
Chapter 16
Meanwhile, Samantha had opened bids for all the ships besides the Magnifica, and the Superiore and the Ethereal, which belonged to their Majesties, Ron and Millie and your parents respectively.
And was starting the bid out for The Minor first and was working her way up the rest of the fleet.
And no sooner had you both finished basking in the afterglow before you snuggled into the couch and brought up the bidding on the messengerari as you both couldn’t help but laugh in delight as the fortune that was suddenly flooding into your accounts from the sales of each ship.
“Such sums don’t feel real.” You whispered as you watched it practically live from your spot, happily snuggled into Kragan’s chest as you kept the light blanket over your nakedness as well as his, happy to have as much skin as you did, touching his.
“They do to me.” Kragan laughed as he was content to comb his fingers through your hair as his other arm wrapped around you securely.
“Well at least to you it’s real, it’s all still, surreal to me.” You admitted.
“Oh, it’ll feel real when Serena comes. It’ll probably feel too real for that.” Kragan teased.
“Oh, don’t remind me. It’s going to hurt like hell. She’s huge!” You admitted as you gestured to your belly.
“Nah, she’ll be perfect. Just like her mother.” Kragan reassured you as he stroked down your arm before you turned to your side to turn your head up to look at him.
“She’ll be perfect like her Daddy.” You whispered before you leaned up to kiss him as he curled down to kiss you in turn.
But then it seemed, that was what Serena had been waiting for all along, as suddenly your water broke and you both gasped.
“Oh shit! Oh shit, she’s coming right now!” You blanched before Kragan got you up and got you moved to the delivery bed and quickly got dressed and then called the midwives from the galley that your water had broken and that labor was starting as your first contractions started.
“Don’t tell anyone at the wedding!” You urged Kragan as he came back with the midwives who came and helped you get resituated in the special sling from the ceiling to keep you in a quasi sitting yet reclining position for what you feared would be days of labor.
“No one else knows except who is in this room My Love.” Kragan immediately reassured you as he sat in his spot next to you and held both of your hands in both of his own.
“Good, Millie would never forgive…oh gods! Serena!” You exclaimed as your eyes shut tightly as tears formed in the corners of your eyes as another contraction hit.
“Tessa, we’re getting the bath poured right now, the water has already been boiled and purified. Serena may take several hours yet. But it will ease your body through the birth.” Madeline reassured you from her spot on the other side of her as her assistants had the water beginning to pour into the bathtub from where it had already been purified, boiled and then was running through a water heater that would quickly heat it up again as the assistants put special oils and salts into the water. And once it was ready, Kragan carefully walked you over there and carefully let you sit down into the supremely comfortably warm waters as you breathed a sigh of relief to feel a deep sense of relief from the pain and discomfort of the birth as Kragan even got dressed into the special swim trunks to sit in the special stool behind yours so he could hold you through the entire thing. But Kragan giggled to feel a small sense of numbing on his own skin from the special additives in the water to help with pain.
“Sorry, this isn’t funny, it’s just that the water is making my skin kind of numb and my own leg hair is tickling my legs.” Kragan admitted.
“More.” You demanded of Medeline who put another dose into the water.
“Oh that’s much better.” You sighed when you felt the pain melt away with the stress as you practically slumped and only frowned and slightly grimaced at the contractions, but could settle into the process as it felt like you practically slipped into a transe where nothing and no one else existed outside of this small tub, your husband, your baby and you and your midwife.
And before you knew it, you had progressed in labor to begin pushing.
“You’re doing so good My Love.” Kragan murmured to you as he let you use his forearms to brace your hands on as you hunched forward on your honches on the stool to help speed Serena’s delivery as Madeline knelt between your hands to keep her hands at your opening.
“Serena’s crowning. I can see and feel her head! She had quite a bit of hair!” Madeline announced loudly before you heard cheering and applause break out in the next room over.
“Who is cheering?” You asked between pushes.
“Your parents and your family as well as his. They’re all in the next room over to give you and Kragan privacy.” Madeline informed you.
“Oh, but Millie’s wedding…” You began to hazily argue.
“It’s already over. You’ve labored straight through it. It’s fine. They’re all here for you, for Serena and Kragan.” Madeline answered.
“Oh, is…is she happy?” You asked.
“You’ll get to ask her yourself soon enough Love.” Kragan soothed behind you as he kissed your back, between your shoulder blades.
“I…I need to be more forward.” You insisted.
“Ok, turn around, face Kragan and get on your knees.” Madeline encouraged you as she had you get on your hands and knees in the water before you turned and crawled into Kragan and wrapped your arms around his neck and shoulders as you buried your face into the crux of his neck and shoulder as you cried and whimpered from pain as you could feel Serena crown and then drop down.
“Serena’s head is out, just a few more pushes to get the rest of her.” Madeline urged before you beared down as hard as you could before the rest of her slipped out.
“You did it! She’s out!” Madeline cheered before she let you pull her up through your legs to your chest.
“Serena! Serena!” You cried as you were crying so hard as you watched as she opened her eyes under water but held her “breath” so to speak until you pulled her up from the water before she seemed to instantly try to “swim” which got you and Kragan to start laughing while you were crying to see her move until you lifted her up. And the moment she was clear of the water and you wiped it away, she looked straight at you, in her perfect blue green eyes and cooed right at you as you were already sobbing as Kragan cradled you and her into his arms.
“Hi Baby. There you are. I’m so happy to finally meet you.” Kragan cried as he reached down to stroke her face as she coughed and sneezed her own airways open and just cooed at you both and actually smiled to hear his voice.
“She knows who you are!” You cried as you clutched her to your chest as you sat down once again in Kragan’s lap.
“Of course she knows who I am. She knows who you are too. Don’t you Honey?” Kragan cooed to Serena who was happy to be held and look at you both and coo some more.
“I thought all babies were born crying. She’s born laughing.” You cried as you held her closer to your face only to have her reach out to touch the apples of your cheeks.
“She’ll cry soon enough, trust me.” Madeline smiled. From the waters that had turned pink from the bleeding.
“Oh no, Baby, don’t cry. Mommy is right here. Mommy will always be right here.” You cooed to her as you kissed her all over her perfectly beautiful face that showed off that she was definitely her father’s daughter.
“Ok, the cord has stopped pulsing. It can be cut now.” Madeline urged before Kragan took his favorite knife and cut the cord before it was tied off.
“Here, let her eat.” Kragan noted when he could see the milk already drip from your breasts.
“Oh! Yes, you poor thing, you are probably starving huh?” You asked as you moved her in your arms to your breasts as Kragan helped cradle her until she could latch on.
“Oh my goodness, like a barracuda!” You laughed when she had no sooner latched on before she sucked her first milk down.
“I thought it would hurt more. Why does all of this feel so good?” You wondered aloud as you marveled at your perfect daughter in your arms.
“Because the pain killer in the water. Which leaves just the natural happiness every mother feels after giving birth.” Madeline answered.
“Ok, now you have to deliver the afterbirth. Give me one more push.” She urged you before you did just that and you felt like something just as big as Serena passed as Madeline practically grabbed it up and pulled it out of the water to be tied up and removed.
“And no more surprises? Like a twin right?” You asked.
“No. You’re done. It’s just her. Ok. You guys can get out whenever Serena gets done eating.” Madeline proudly informed you.
“Thank you so much Madeline.” You thanked her.
“Hey, I’m a Kiana, it’s in my blood.” Madeline winked at you since Madeline was from a very long line of midwives.
You let Serena drain that breast before she popped off and started to fuss but you used that moment to get yourself and her- oh so carefully out of the tub and get moved to your own bed and in a nursing night gown and once you were dressed and she got a quick bath and dressed into a diaper and dressed, Kragan got dressed in a set of pajamas but didn’t get in bed with you as your family was then shown in by Madeline’s assistant Ivy to see you, Kragan and Serena, with your parents and his being the first “wave” of visitors as Kragan was happy and eager to get hugs from his parents and then get a hug from your parents too before they came over to see you.
“She’s so beautiful!” Your mother cried as she picked Serena up and held her in her arms as she instinctively rocked back and forth.
“Yes you are! Little Serephina! You’re just darling!” Your father cried as he peeked in to see his first grandchild.
“Congratulations. I’m so proud of you. And I’m so happy she’s finally here.” Your father bid you as he hugged you and kissed the crown of your head.
“Me too. I was worried she was going to come before Millie walked down that aisle.” You offered as you hugged him back.
“Ugh. tell me about it. She milked that walk for all it was worth.” He groused.
“I still am, so proud that you decided to go small and discreet for your wedding, I feel I need to give you the difference in expense as a trust for Serena.” Your father offered as he got Serena from your mother and got to cradle Serena in his arms. He had never imagined that his grandchildren would ever be anything that purely human, or even part elven. But he felt little Serena was the perfect blend of you and Kragan as his chest was filled with pride that Serena was his first grandchild and he was so proud and found it fitting that she was a girl and could only hope she would turn out just like her mother.
“Well, you still can, there’s no time limit for that.” Kragan offered.
“Well I just might then.” Your father grinned as he swayed softly with Serena in his arms.
“She really is, just…perfect.” Your mother cried as you could tell your parents didn’t want to hand her over to Kragan’s parents to hold her, but caved when Astrin reached for her.
“I’m surprised you’re not calling her Peppermint.” Thaddius teased as Astrin got Serena from your mother’s arm to hold her and coo to her.
“But you do look like a ‘Serena’ and you are awfully serene.” Astrin cooed happily at Serena who cooed sweetly back and smiled happily as your parents and his all practically surrounded her as you were relieved to simply lay back into the soft pillows and smile as you felt the ache and pain from the birth start to settle in. But Kragan was right there and watching his daughter, practically like a hawk. But you could tell he too was quite proud.
“You just couldn’t wait to crash the party huh?” Thaddius teased her as he prodded her chubby cheeks and marveled at her perfect little ringlets that had already been oiled and defined.
“Her hair is so fine and soft. It’s really a marvel. She’s going to bring ringlet curls into fashion, everywhere she goes.” Astrin marveled as she reached up and twisted the various locks into perfect little curls around her fingertips.
“Probably.” Kragan smiled and nodded.
“Well, we best be off, let everyone else get their turn too.” Thaddius offered as he got her from his wife and kissed her cheeks before he handed her off to Kragan before they left to let your siblings in.
“She’s too perfect.” Saffiro cried.
“Just wait till you hold your own.” Kragan winked at him.
“I know, won’t be too long now will it?” Saffiro smiled at Samantha.
“No, not too long at all.” Samantha shook her head as tears came to her eyes.
“And you were worried, for nothing I take it.” You teased as you hugged Samantha from your spot.
“For nothing, it’s like they all already knew.” Samantha admitted.
“And?” You asked.
“And it’s not at all a problem. I thought it would have been.” Samantha confessed.
“I’m happy for it.” You smiled serenely at her.
“We broke a new sales record last night.” She informed you before she showed you the final totals of all the sales from the rest of the fleet on a small hand held messengerari that showed all the sales from everything the night before.
“No…” You began to say as your eyes popped open to see such a sum.
“You did it. You broke a billion in sales in a single night.” Samantha proudly informed you.
“Granted half of it came from just the single fleet, the rest came from orders. That damn Magnifica.” She laughed through the last of her tears.
“I couldn’t have done any of it without you.” You thanked her as you hugged her again.
“I couldn’t have done it either without an amazing product to sell. I never thought…” She got choked up.
“Thank you. Thank you for this.” She thanked you as she hugged you tight.
“Thank Kragan, he’s the one that invented the ships in the first place.” You murmured into her shoulder.
“I should.” She nodded before she pulled away and playfully punched Kragan in the arm.
“Ow, what did I do?” Kragan asked with a chuckle as he reached up to rub his arm.
“Love your wife to the point of invention and make the single most profitable product in the world.” She answered as she handed him a copy of the final sales.
“No way, this can’t be right.” He shook his head in disbelief.
“Oh you better believe it. It was smart to unveil the fleet at the wedding. Every. Single. Guest. Bought a ship. If not one that was unveiled, then they ordered their own. Those damn Magnifica ships. There’s going to be no sunlight, just hulls of those ships as far as the eye can see.” Samantha teased.
“Oh good grief, we’re going to need to build at least two more skyports in each place, just for the magnifica ships then.” Kragan realized when he saw the number of them that got ordered.
“Yeah, I know, sign here.” Samantha said as she had already gotten purchase orders up for such a thing that needed your signature and his as you readily signed it with Kragan before Saffiro passed Serena to Samantha to hold so he could get the messengerari.
“You better be grateful for the damn empire your parents built for you Squirt.” Samantha urged Serena with a small growl before Serena outright growled back, her little grunt delighting everyone, as you were stuck by how similar it was to a lion cub trying to growl.
“There we go, now that’s a good orc baby.” Samantha cooed as she kissed her cheeks before Milie and Ron came in, their flowing robes glinting a gorgeous pearl as they did.
“Goodmorning Lovebirds.” You cooed from your seat to see them.
“Well it was a good night.” Millie giddily and gleefully answered as she hugged you and kissed your cheeks.
“I’m sorry you missed it but, then again, you had the best reason to miss it. So? Where is little Serephina?” Millie asked as she came over to see Gwen holding her securely.
“Rawr!” Serena squeaked at Millie with a big smile as Ron and Millie started bust up laughing.
“Oh look at you! Aren’t you just so ferocious!” Ron wrinkled his nose and mimicked her as Millie carefully got her from Gwen.
“Oh come now, don’t listen to him. You’re practically a little princess Serephina, yes you are! You’re just a little jewel, like a beautiful emerald gemstone, perhaps a bit more aquamarine though. Yes you are.” Millie cooed to Serena as Serena simply cooed and played with her fingers before taking one and biting it.
“Ouch! Oh, you must be hungry, ok, let go. Let go, you do not want to eat my fingers. You need your mama’s milk, yes you do.” Millie quickly walked her back to you and pried her finger out of Serena’s mouth.
“We’ll get out of your hair and let you guys get some rest. Congratulations, she’s beautiful.” Ron offered as he gave you a gentle hug and a kiss to your cheek.
“Thanks.” You thanked him as you were getting ready to put yourself and Serena down just as the dawn was coloring the sky and Kragan saw everyone out of the room before he got into bed with you after taking off his pajama top.
“There’s my girls.” He cooed as he gathered you and Serena into his arms once more.
“Here we are.” You smiled as you felt her nursing start to pull you down to sleep.
#The Switch#The Switch Chapter 16 Finalle#The Duchess and The Sailor#orc love story#renaissance orc period drama
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The Switch Chapter 15

Second to the last chapter. I will miss this story, but at the same time, I need to hurry up and get it off my plate (along with a few others) so I can focus on other stories.
The Switch
Chapter 15
Three Months Later…
Millie sat at the vanity getting her wedding makeup applied as she was both excited to finally get married, but also, to finally be reunited with you. But most of all, to see her wedding present- her skyship. Named The Radiant Contessina Especial. “The Special Radiant Contessina”. Which was supposed to be bigger and grander than the Contessina Originale that Kragan had drawn up on your wedding day at the start of the season. And with her wedding date being put back to right before the highest of the high holidays. She didn’t care if there was snow on the ground and she’d be have to cover her dress in a fur to finally see it. She would be using it to sail to Wakanear to have the honeymoon to end all honeymoons in a tropical paradise. It was literally a fairytale come true and then after that, she would get to travel the world, and while some Radiance Skyports were still being finished, over a dozen had been finished and were ready for her to come and enjoy them when she would be done with her honeymoon.
It had been an agonizing wait for this moment, for the last few weeks, royals had come from all over the world to stay at the grand houses of Nobility and even others staying at the skyport itself. The greatest ones staying with the King and Queen and then herself and with the Lavines and the wedding gifts had already begun to start pouring in.
And she was ever so grateful for the expansion of the skyport because otherwise there was no way everyone could be accommodated.
And while you had showed her via messengerari- certain rooms and more details to make sure it was built to suit her tastes as well as Ron’s, she wanted to see her ship in all of it’s glory. And for what Ron and his family had already sunk into it, even with the discount, she had very high expectations of it. And only hoped it would be as perfect as everything else. The same way she did of herself on this day. Everything was going perfect so far and she had planned every tiny detail so it would be the perfect day to start off the perfect new year.
The skyports, both for Salgria Shipping and The Order of Radiance Skyports- known simply as The Radiance Skyports- had already been built and the Salgria Shipping port and skyport were in a constant state of movement from ships coming and going to both ever since they were erected. But The Radiance Skyport had even been decorated in the same manner that Millie’s wedding had been for after the wedding and reception, the party could move to the skyport so all of her guests could view her ship and hopefully all fawn and awe at the perfect gift for the perfect bride. And then get to see all the others that would be unveiled soon after. And there were massive clouds in the skies that the mouras themselves had made to hide the fleet of ships until the right moment. But the way the sun would shine through the clouds, one could still make out beautiful details as the whole country had their eyes skywards, both towards the skyport and the ships in the skies, hidden by clouds. You and Kragan were actually taking up a suite on the Skyport as you had helped make the top “flower” perfect for her reception. And because of the advancements, a feast to end all feasts would be fed to the many royal guests.
You had been in contact with her all week, finalizing the very moment she wanted you to come, even as large as you had become in your pregnancy. Which thankfully had- since it’s discovery- gone very well, thanks to Agnes’ intervention and the further healing you had received at the hands of the healers at Audrey, Sarah and Benyana, since that fateful day five months prior. And when Saffiro had come home, he had done so with none other than Samantha as his bride. Who you had personally appointed as your Radiance De Major of The Order of Radiance Skyport. Which made her acceptance into the family easy and warmly welcomed.
And while Millie had felt a little irritated that Samantha was instantly loved by her parents as much as they still loved and favored you. She had to remind herself that to her own inlaws, she was treated and viewed the same. Because to Millie, Samantha had no breeding or impressive lineage. She was a Souja, from Fitsdale and supposedly an heiress from there. So Millie felt superior to her, but was displeased when that view wasn’t mirrored by Samantha. And while Samantha was polite, Samantha also would not be fawning over Millie the way everyone else was. But thankfully you had reminded her that after today, Samantha would be sister to her in name only. And that after today, Millie would be far too busy all around the world to be bothered to have any dealings with Samantha. Which had been enough for Millie to leave the matter alone.
Because Samantha was very no nonsense, all business kind of person. She spoke plainly, to the point and directly and did not mince or beautify her words, which your parents adored, especially your father. Especially when she had been so similar to you- in that she was extremely intelligent and very practical, kind and discrete but didn’t put up with any bullshit either. Plus, Saffiro and her genuinely loved each other, and were the perfect team and helped each other and communicated very well. And were very much like your own parents in that respect, which Millie found herself agreeing that for that- she could admire the match. And she could agree that Samantha would see to it that Saffiro would be the heir he was always meant to be. And for that, Millie was grateful. According to Saffiro- he and Samantha had rather spontaneously fallen in love at first sight, which Millie couldn’t speak for- only because that’s the way it had been for her and Ron.
But now, after so many months of hard work and negotiations, it was Millie’s day and Millie was relishing it. It was her time to shine and she would be damned if she didn’t sparkle like the diamond she knew herself to be. Now all it needed was her ship.
But that wasn’t her only cause for excitement. No. The famed King and Queen of Yekmeni were supposed to come along with Prince and Princess of Wakanear as your personal guests to her wedding and she couldn’t be happier about it and would be having them sit at the same high table she had set up for the King and Queen of Solowards along with the Crown Prince and Crown Princess, who were themselves, eager to see them. Especially the Crown Princess especially to see what gifts they might bestow upon her on such an important day.
And the “additions” to the skyport also got to go into production because you were sure this was going to be a thing from now on at every skyport all around the world. To have The Radiance Skyports be the preferred dining halls for all major weddings in all the countries. And the spaces could be “docked” on the lower decks to simply make the skyport seem larger, but when the additions would be flown to dock into place, it would make it almost look like a daisy blooming, setting it’s petals out wide like a table. Although, you were sure that from now on, you could change them to suit just about any other flower most popular in each country. And the fees you could charge for such a thing, could be anything you wanted them to be and also help the skyports- earn quite the income from hosting future events.
“You ok?” She heard Kragan’s voice out in the hall as Millie’s ears perked up to hear his deeper voice below all the other girl’s soft but high voices.
“Yeah, just…I have to go to the bathroom again.” Millie heard you answer back.
And thankfully you could slip from the hall to her bathroom and as much as she wanted to get up and come to you, you needed privacy before you entered her room with Mildred as Millie’s bridal party, the younger sisters of your friends were all excited and eager to see you and especially see your large belly bump.
“Tessa!” Everyone cheered as they came into the room from the bathroom as they all came around to hug you and kiss your cheeks as you kissed theirs in turn.
“Oh my goodness, are you sure you should be out? Aren’t you afraid you’ll go into labor at any moment?” They asked.
“No, I still have at least a week, if not two. I’ll be ok.” You reassured them before you finally got to hug and hold Millie as tight as you dared.
“I’m so happy you could make it.” Millie began to tear up as she hugged you as tight as she could.
“Me too. I wouldn’t miss this for anything.” You answered her before Serena seemed to kick at Millie before you both started erupted into laughter.
“She likes me!” Millie said as she pulled back to press her hands to your belly to feel your daughter’s kicks.
“Oh yes. He’s ecstatic. He’s seen to it that every place we would ever think of laying our heads has the perfect nurseries for her. He’s even built a small little bassinet, that floats like the ships do because he got tiny little anti-gravity discs that will keep the bassinet like it’s a buggy, but without wheels. And it looks like a tiny little rowboat, it’ll even rock and swing if you press different buttons on it. That way, even if she’s sleeping, she’ll always be within reach. He’s practically been over the moon since we found out. And once we settled on the name, he’s been buying nappies and clothes for her. She’ll surely grow out of things before she’ll ever get a chance to wear it all.” You revealed happily.
“She sure does.” You laughed as all the others came around to do the same.
“So Kragan really is happy and elated to have a daughter?” Millie questioned as she was still wrapping her head around the notion.
“Well you look truly radiant, I see you’re well and pregnancy suits you beautifully.” Cassandra offered sweetly.
“Thank you.” You thanked her happily.
“So is my crown ready?” Millie asked giddily.
“Crown? What crown?” You teased with a giggle as all the other ladies started giggling with you as Millie rolled her pretty blue eyes but couldn’t stop from smiling while crinkling her nose at you as you mirrored her.
“Yes. It’s ready. As is everything else, including your glorious ship. It’s still being kept hidden for now. But you should love it. It shines white and gold like pearls from heaven.” You hinted with a wink. Because you had actually put a fine veneer on all of the white surfaces of powdered pearls. It had been an extra expense, but it had come out so beautifully and you could only hope Millie would approve.
“Yes!” Millie cheered happily and bounced on her toes as she clapped her hands happily.
“Everything is all set and ready. We just need to wait for the perfectly auspicious appointed time. Ladies, don’t forget to eat a few bracing bites between now and then, can’t have any of you precious jewels fainting can we?” You urged them once a new snack tray was delivered before you went over and grabbed a quick plate full while the others did too before you left the room to make your way over your old room, where Gwen was hiding out and practicing her music piece she had composed for the event as you noticed all of her jewelry was still in it’s case on her vanity, as were other bottles of perfume. But they were practically ignored from her place on the piano forte as she was still changing a few notes to suit her highly trained ear before you sat with her and added the notes she seemed to be searching for.
“Thank you!” She exclaimed as she wrote those notes into the new music sheets.
“You’re welcome. It was getting too high and sweet, it needed balance.” You noted.
“Well Millie didn’t want it to be too dark, and hint at doom or gloom.” Gwen griped.
“Millie will be too distracted by her ship by this point. She won’t even notice or care about anyone or anything else.” You tried to reassure her before you reached into your pocket and slid her a special coin across the piano’s board which helped pull Gwen’s focus to it.
“What is this?” She asked as she picked it up.
“It’s your badge. You’re going to be sailing around the world and find members of your artisan guild, who will receive these. And this will be the way you will recognize each other.” You explained before you gave her the other artisan guild. Whether they have a craft of knowledge, or skill to create art of all kinds from all kinds of mediums.” You explained as she gasped softly to take them and noticed each coin like badge was it’s own work of art as she noticed that you had a few of each kind of medium of art on them.
“Do you like them?” You asked.
“I love them.” She smiled happily and hugged you the best she could.
“Oh my goodness, Serena! You’re blowing my sister up like a balloon!” She teased your unborn daughter as she reached over and held your belly in her hands as Serena kicked at her hands which got you both to giggle.
“Nah, she’s fine. I just don’t want her getting too big in there. Cause I still have to push her out.” You grimaced slightly at the thought.
“Well, you’ll have your moura friends, won’t they help with the pain part?” She asked.
“They will, but still, a big baby is still a big baby and it’s hard not to fall over, because between her, and these, I feel like my breasts and belly enter a room a good five minutes before the rest of me does.” You joked.
“Well, I’m sure Kragan doesn’t mind that though.” Gwen candidly remarked.
“No he does not.” You snickered a laugh as you both giggled.
“Have you seen what Millie’s medicine has done to her breasts? She looks like a stick with two cantalopes stuffed into her corset.” Gwen asked.
“I did. They felt unusually hard and stiff. Very unnatural.” You frowned and shook your head.
“She insists that they’re just firm. But they practically have a rind at this point.” Gwen muttered under her breath which made you laugh even harder with her.
“They do!” You cackled.
“So, I wanted to ask you something.” You prodded when you seemed to calm down a bit from your laughing fit.
“What?” Gwen asked.
“How would you like to spend tonight on my ship with me? I have some friends I really want you to meet.” You invited.
“I would love that!” She beamed happily.
“Good, Mamah and Papah will be too busy showing off, as will Millie and everyone else. I don’t think anyone in the family will notice your absence.” You grinned.
“Why do you have that mischievous twinkle in your eye?” Gwen asked.
“Because I have your first group of artisans for you to see them and their works of art and sculpture and to hear their music. Several composers and musicians to talk about music with. Just…like minded people to be around. Who like their privacy just as much as you do and who don’t like the huge masses of crowds.” You hinted.
“I would love that.” She smiled gratefully.
“Plus, tomorrow is the bidding war, which thankfully Samantha is handling. I no longer have the patience and my politic tongue is practically worn out. It will be nice to finally get a reprieve before Serena comes.” You admitted.
“Can I stay with you for your confinement too?” She asked hopefully.
“Do you really want to?” You asked her.
“If it’s on your ship, yes. I can’t even leave my rooms without feeling like I step into the halls of court in this house. I…I just want to be close to you and away from everyone else, Papah has already gotten so many proposals for my hand and I already know I’m going to be paraded around even at Millie’s wedding. And…I thought I had more time to prepare myself and I’m terrified of doing such a thing.” She confessed.
“Then of course you can Gwen. Besides, all you have to do is smile and wave and not commit to anything ok? All you have to say to invitations to go anywhere, is ‘I will have to check my schedule and get back to you, what’s your messengerari number?’ And write that number down. And then say that I got you a new messengerari that you haven’t gotten the new number memorized yet. That’s it. That’s all you have to say and give ok? Get numbers, don’t give any.” You coached her.
“Thank you.” She thanked you before she practiced that line with you until she was more comfortable with it.
“Perfect, you’ll be ok. It’s only a day, it doesn’t have more hours in it than any other. It will pass soon enough. I know my wedding day did.” You smiled.
“But yours was so different. Yours was romantic and so private it bordered on intimate and one that I wish I could have and that I wish could have lasted forever. I feel like everyone is looking to me to somehow top both your financial success and Milie’s production. And I can’t do either.” Gwen admitted in a small voice as her eyes looked so sorrowfully at her piano.
“Quite the opposite, Dearest. I’m looking to you, to find the private places of rest. Which is something I know you have a natural inclination for. And the more private and the more secluded, the better. Where you can be left alone to the quietness and simply be in awe of the creation around you, to enjoy it in serenity. Something I know you can do and will give you excuse enough to avoid any and all stages at all costs.” You encouraged her as you wrapped your arm around her shoulders.
“Thank you.” She thanked you.
“Now, that jewelry looks a bit much. Even for you. Would you like me to try to find something smaller? Or does Millie demand you be as gaudy as her?” You asked as you nodded over to where the jewelry is.
“It was a gift by our guests. Mamah and Papah insist I wear it to show my own gratitude in it’s acceptance. But it pinches me and I do not like it.” She frowned.
“Oh, well it’s a shame I love it so much that you were inclined to give it to me as a way to help boost the guests' relationship with me then huh?” You offered.
“Really? You would do that?” Gwen asked with sweet, relieved eyes.
“Yes, don’t worry. I got this.” You encouraged her as she helped you get to your feet again as you walked over to it and inspected it and frowned at it’s flashy nature but seeing why and how it would pinch the wearer.
“Well this certainly won’t do.” You shook your head and poked your head out into the hall and whistled lowly to get Kragan’s attention as he was sitting in a nearby chair and writing something down in his notebook while he patiently waited for you to have a few moments of privacy with your other siblings.
“Yes My Love?” He asked as he practically jumped to his feet to get to the door.
“Hey, I need you to get me something real quick. You know in my jewelry room on the ship?” You whispered as you went through your keys on your keychain to get the right one.
“Yeah?” He asked with a quizzical brow.
“You know how I have it color coordinated? I need you to get to the yellow section. And third drawer up from the bottom. I need you to bring me the jewelry set that’s second set from the left in that drawer, oh and use the staff staircase, it’s just through there, it’ll be quickest to the ship on the roof.” You specified as you handed him the keys he would need to get into it.
“Yup, you got it.” He nodded and got the keys and practically disappeared down the hall after he found the door to the back staircase.
“I love it that he just…does whatever you ask of him.” Gwen sighed dreamily.
“Well that’s only because I would do anything I could for him too.” You smiled.
“Ok, I need another potty break.” You admitted before she helped you to the bathroom and helped you get on the toilet without messing up your gown.
“Serena practically uses my bladder like it’s a pegasus springboard.” You admitted as you sat there, annoyed when it was barely a spoonful of pee.
But the remark made Gwen snicker a laugh.
“It could be worse.” Gwen tried to offer.
“Oh? How?” You asked.
“She could decide to break the water…” Gwen began to tease before you put your hand over her mouth to keep her from finishing that sentance.
“Don’t even say such things out loud! I do not want to tempt fate more than I already have. Don’t you dare. I would never live it down if Serena tried to come right now and take any spotlight away from Millie.” You practically hissed as you fixed her with a sharp look.
“It’s bad enough that my back is killing me and my feet are so swollen I can barely fit my feet into any shoes.” You admitted.
“Here, then wear this. It’s underwear with sponges, just in case.” Gwen encouraged you.
“Where did you get such a thing?” You asked as you looked it over.
“I made it. Because I was worried.” She admitted.
“Oh, you sweet thing, Yes, I love it. And yes I will wear it, just in case.” You readily agreed as you changed from the underwear you were wearing to this.
“Granted it feels like I’m wearing something of a nappy. But I do feel a bit better about this.” You admitted once you had her help you up and pull it up under you voluminous skirt, which she teased was like a proper circus tent which got you to bop her head under your skirt which only caused her to snicker a laugh even harder before there was a knock on the door as you both nearly tripped on each other to try to answer it which got you both to laugh even harder as you were grateful you were wearing it to catch the few drops of pee that escaped from the laughter as Kragan came in to see you leaning against the sink and laughing so hard, your chest was heaving and shaking while crying, while Gwen battled your layers of skirts to escape.
“Worst circus in the world in there.” Gwen laughed once she was able to crawl out on her hands and knees before she laid on her back on the floor and hugged her middle as she laughed in delight.
“I got so lost, I had to stop and ask your legs for directions, got turned around several times.” Gwen laughed so hard, she began to cry and streak her mascara as Kragan helped her to her feet as you helped her with her makeup.
“Are you two ok?” He asked the two of you.
“Yeah, we’re ok. Just…just needed a good laugh.” You waived off.
“Ok, well I couldn’t remember which one you needed from which side so I just brought…all of them from the drawer.” Kragan admitted as he gestured to his bag.
“Oh, sorry, I should have written it down so you didn’t have to carry all that.” You apologized.
“No, it’s fine. Better to be safe than sorry.” He waived off before he put them down on the counter and opened them as you went and got the other one.
“Which one do you want to trade this with?” You asked her.
“This one?” Gwen said as she pointed to one in particular.
“Oh, see then it’s a good thing Kragan brought the whole drawer, cause this was not the one that first came to mind.” You smiled before you helped her put it on.
“Much better.” You cooed once you put it on her and smiled when she seemed much more comfortable.
“Could you put these back please Dearest?” You requested of Kragan.
“Of course.” He smiled and took the others and left you with Gwen as you were happy to sit in your old sofa, your body secretly longing for the piece of furniture.
“I’m so happy you’re happy. This was not how I imagined you coming back home would ever look or be like.” Gwen admitted as she sat into the sofa with you and was happy to simply keep her hands on your belly to feel for kicks.
“Me either. But I prefer it this way. Millie will finally be the star of the show, you and I will happily slink back to the shadows to keep her in the spotlight for as long as possible.” You admitted before there was a knock at the door.
“Yes?” You and Gwen both answered at the same time.
“It’s just me.” Samantha admitted as she slipped into the room.
“Hey stranger. How are you?” You asked.
“Pregnant.” Samantha blurted a bit anxiously which caused you and Gwen to snap open your eyes open and look over towards her in surprise.
“Congratulations?” You and Gwen both offered to see Samantha there looking, conflicted and anxious but palming her belly nonetheless.
“Yeah, um, I’m apparently 5 months along.” She admitted.
“Ah, and you’ve only been married to Saff for three.” You realized.
“Yeah,” she nodded with a huff.
“Do you need to talk about it?” You asked her.
“Well no, well, yeah, well, I don’t know. I just hugged Audrey and she congratulated me. And I didn’t know I was to be congratulated and it was just…odd and awkward and Saff wasn’t with me, he was talking to your dad on the other side of the room and I really, just…don’t want your parents to find out.” Samantha admitted.
“I think they already knew.” Gwen offered.
“They did?” You and Samantha both repeated.
“Well, yeah, I think that’s how Saff got you to be his Lady without my parents putting up any kind of a fight about it. I think probably the morning after you slept together, Saffiro was already in love with you and was bound and determined to love you any way you’d let him.” Gwen ventured.
“Oh, oh.” Samantha realized.
“Were you really so busy that you didn’t notice you didn’t have your cycle for almost 6 months?” Gwen asked.
“Well I mean look at me! How do I look pregnant?” Samantha asked asked as she turned to profile herself and flattened her dress over her belly which was remarkably still trim.
“It’s possible that you’re in such good shape that the baby has just moved upward rather than outward.” You offered.
“Well, yeah, I guess.” Samantha had to nod in agreement.
“I just…I just don’t want this to take away from that.” Samantha said as she gestured to herself then gestured to the door.
“I don’t either. I don’t think it will. If you’ve kept mum about it until now, another week or two won’t kill you or hurt anything.” You offered.
“And if you’re really worried about the timing, you could always go back to Fitsdale, and no one will pay any mind if you come back in several months with a baby. And no one will remember to compare the dates or anything.” You added.
“Yes, that would solve the dilemma quite well, plus you’ve been quite homesick for Fitsdale anyway.” Gwen added.
“But what about you?” Samantha asked Gwen.
“Oh I’ll be just fine. I’m staying with Tessa for the next few months anyway to help with Serena.” Gwen smiled happily.
“Do you really need the help?” Samantha asked you.
“No, but Gwen needs the escape after today.” You shrugged.
“Well, when you’re done, then you can come and stay with me if you need to.” Samantha offered.
“Thanks.” Gwen smiled happily.
“Oh speaking of today, did you need help with Mrs. DeWinters and Mrs Danvers?” You asked.
“Yes.” Gwen all but whimpered.
“Girl, I got you.” Samantha offered before she turned on her heel and left, and passed your Mamah as she did so.
“Oh there you are my Darlings.” Your Mamah cooed as she came in.
“Your dance cards for the evening.” She offered to Gwen as she handed Gwen her already filled out dance cards for the reception.
“Mamah…” Gwen whined when she saw that the first two pages were just prince after prince.
“Oh hush. Besides Millie, you’re Belle of the ball tonight, you’ve only been promised to dance. You haven’t been betrothed yet.” Your mother rebuffed her before you took it and looked it over and just shook your head.
“I hate to remind you of this Dearest, but it is only for tonight. This is your last act as filial loyalty of your last night here at home. I promise it’ll be over before you know it. And besides, Prince…” You began as you told her about the princes you’d already met and knew of.
“See? Even Tessa approves, so you must follow through. You’ve been well prepared. After Millie says her vows, it will be your time to shine.” She admonished Gwen.
“She’ll be ready Mamah.” You reassured her.
“Good, listen to your sister in this regard.” Your mother urged Gwen before she left.
“You’ll shine like a firefly in a field. Only a glimmer before you disappear into the darkness.” You murmured to her once your mother left.
“Promise?” She pleaded.
“Promise.” You reassured her before Samantha came back with “reinforcements”.
“I have someone I want you to meet. This is Lieutenant Lucas Hampton. He will be your forest through the trees. He has two more sentinels that are out in the hallway. And this is Ashurah’s sister Ashanti. She knows, literally every language everyone else will be speaking tonight and she will also probably know everyone else there tonight as well.” Samantha proudly proclaimed.
“And the sentinels will give Mrs. Danvers and Mrs. DeWinters a run for their money.” Samantha added.
“Hi, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Gwen offered to Ashanti first.
“A pleasure to meet you too.” Ashanti smiled as they shook hands.
“At your service your Ladyship.” Lucas offered as he bowed and kissed her hand as Gwen grew bashful but allowed it.
“Thank you for coming Lucas.” She smiled happily.
“Do you two know each other?” Samantha asked.
“Yeah, Lucas answered the messengerari when I called Tessa the other day when she was busy with her other call and kept me company while I waited for Tess to finish with the other person. That’s all.” Gwen immediately offered.
“Thanks for doing this Lucas.” You smiled at him.
“I’m happy to be of service.” Lucas smiled happily.
“Would you know who these people are?” Gwen asked Ashanti as she handed her dance book over to Ashanti once she got her hand back from Lucas and tried to focus on Ashanti rather than Lucas’ rugged good looks and charm.
“Oh yes,” Ashanti nodded before she began to go though them all, one by one, giving Gwen a small rundown of them all.
“Oh thank all the gods you know who they are.” Gwen blew out a breath of relief.
“They are princes who court Dorierran brides, of course I know them.” Ashanti chuckled.
“Oh really?” Gwen blinked in surprise.
“Oh yes.” Ashanti nodded.
“My parents are expecting her to shine like a jewel in a crown. If you could help her glow more like a firefly in a field, only to appear for a moment and then disappear again until she needs to glow again, that would be most appreciated.” You offered from the couch.
“Yes please.” Gwen nodded in agreement.
“Understood.” Lucas nodded in agreement as you couldn’t help but grin a little to see Gwen looked relieved that they understood before Kragan came back.
“Hey, so this is where you pulled him to.” Kragan noted to Samantha as he nodded over to Lucas.
“Yup.” Samantha beamed proudly before Kragan came over to you.
“No, I’m one with this couch.” You mock complained before you dissolved into giggles as you hid your hands under your arms to keep him from pulling you to your feet.
“Do I need to have this couch moved with you on it?” Kragan asked as he laughed with you and gestured to you.
“Yes. I forgot how much I missed this couch.” You admitted.
“I can have it moved to your ship.” Gwen offered.
“No, it’s your couch, I have others. I just…have a lot of sentimental attachments to it, that’s all.”
“Like your desk, yeah I get it.” Kragan nodded.
“Come on, up, it’s about time to start making our way down there. With as slow as you’ve been moving we have to go now to get there in time. Plus there’s like five bathrooms between here and there that I’m sure you’ll want to hit.” Kragan urged you.
“Including this one.” You agreed as you let him pull you to your feet again and help you back to the bathroom.
“Plus I got you this. From Grandma Agnes.” He whispered as he handed you a flask.
“What is it?” You asked.
“She said it was a fortifying bone broth, to help you through today and keep Serena from coming today.” He offered.
“Oh thank the heavens.” You breathed as you took it and chugged it.
“Oh it’s really good too.” You admitted between long pulls before you practically had to pee all over again once you finished drinking it.
“Can you get more of that?” You asked him.
“Oh you mean like this?” He said as he traded flasks with you.
“Yes please.” You readily traded the empty one for the full one and drank that one down too.
“Refill those and come back to me ok? I think I have to poop now.” You admitted.
“Ok.” Kragan chuckled and kissed you sweetly before he did just that.
“Are you ok?” Gwen asked as she slipped into the bathroom once Kragan left.
“Yeah, just Serena doesn’t like my bladder to have more than a thimble of pee in it, or else it encroaches on her space.” You chuckled as you cleaned and wiped yourself up before she helped you back to your feet and helped you wash your hands.
“Is Lucas going to be ok? Or do I need to change him out?” You whispered.
“No. He’ll be fine. It’s just..why does Kragan always have the most handsome guys as his friends? How am I supposed to dance with princes when I have Mr. Dashing nearby?” Gwen breathed in a whisper.
“I don’t know. Is it too much of a temptation?” You asked.
“No. No, please don’t take him from me. It’s so wonderful to have someone I already have a rapport with rather than a stranger.” She readily offered.
“Ok. I’ll keep Mamah and Papah preoccupied so that, should any of those people not show up to dance with you, you might have Lucas stand in instead. And I could always dump whatever drink I’m drinking on it too.” You offered.
“Now that’s too tempting.” Gwen giggled softly.
“Ok.” You smiled before you got out of the bathroom and into her rooms to see your couch missing.
“Where did it go?” You asked.
“I had Lucas and Kragan take it your ship. You need your couch.” Gwen smiled victoriously.
“Oh my goodness, that’s ridiculous.” You laughed before they were back momentarily and Kragan took you while Lucas escorted Gwen to the site of the ceremony where your parents were already there at the front and receiving the guests who were streaming in as you were grateful to get to sit down in the cushioned seat and sit beside Gwen while Kragan and Lucas stood off to the side to talk while others seemed to come to you and come around you and chat before others came and soon the church was stuffed to the brim.
“Hello again Father Edward.” You cooed to the priest who had only, not that long ago, performed the wedding ceremony for you.
“Hello, it’s always a pleasure to see you again my Daughter. I see the gods have been very good to you and answered many prayers.” He happily said as he leaned over to kiss your forehead after taking your hand and squeezing it.
“Yes they have, they’ve been extraordinary in their answers.” Kragan offered as he reappeared beside you to see Father Edward again.
“Oh, look at the pair of you, so happy and healthy and expecting a girl I understand?” He asked.
“Yes, can we still count on you for the baptism?” Kragan asked.
“Of course, of course. Are you still settled on the name?” Father Edward asked.
“Yes, Adorabella Seraphina Magdelainluna.” Kragan repeated, his daughter’s name rolling off his tongue with all the love and pride that yours usually did.
“Oh, such a beautiful name, surely she will be just as beautiful as her mother.” Father Edward praised.
“Both inside and out.” Kragan smiled with a nod as you reached up over your shoulder to squeeze his hand that had settled on your shoulder as you looked up at him proudly.
“Of course.” Father Edward agreed before Serena kicked to hear Kragan’s voice again before you broke out into a laugh before Father Edward leaned and touched your belly.
“She is most fond of her father’s voice.” You explained.
“Of course, children usually are, both in the flesh, and in the heavens.” Father Edward cooed as he happily felt Serena’s kicks and squirms.
“I pray she does not come today of all days though.” Father Edward quietly whispered.
“Us too.” You whispered back as you smiled and crinkled your nose.
“Well, I must excuse myself, it seems the Holy Pontifix needs reminding of who he is marrying today.” Father Edward murmured to see the Holy Pontefix already out and almost staggering as he shuffled his feet in his holy robes as you and Kragan both gave each other a meaningful look before he came around and sat beside you.
“In case anyone wonders that such an office should come with an age limit.” Kragan breathed in your ear as you did your best to stifle a snickering laugh, lest you practically be smited in this temple.
“Stop, you’ll get us smited.” You urged him before the Holy Pontefix came over and you had Kragan help you to your feet o receive him as respectfully as you could.
“Oh, the holy Serephina, the angels themselves guard her, the lovely Serephina, she comes.” He praised as he came over and gestured to your belly.
“Thank you, Your Holiness.” You thanked him as your cheeks flushed.
“Yes, yes, she comes soon. Make ready for her.” He urged you.
“Of course, we stay at the ready.” Kragan tried to offer.
“Yes, yes, she comes to you with blessings and good tidings. And she does not come alone.” He said.
“Excuse me?” You asked, the smallest bit of worry coming from your tone.
“She does not come alone. Many others there are here.” He said as he gestured to the other ladies who were pregnant as you smiled in understanding.
“Yes, it is the season for new life to bloom in the cold of winter.” You offered.
“To hurry spring.” He nodded in agreement before he turned and wandered back to the front before you and Kragan looked at each other curiously before you sat down again.
“There should only be one of you in there.” You murmured to your belly.
“If there was two, Audrey and Sarah and Agnes would have seen them.” Kragan reminded you.
“I know, it’s just…why would he say that?” You asked.
“He’s old and senile.” Kragan excused.
“It feels like it’s more than that.” You shook your head as you went to push in on Serena to make sure she was head down and in position.
“My Love, please don’t get yourself worked up over this. It’s just Serena in there, don’t let his comment get to you. He just noticed you were pregnant as is just about every other woman in here today.” Kragan murmured.
“Including Samantha.” You murmured under your breath back at him.
“She’s what?” Kragan blinked.
“Don’t say anything, she just found out herself today and doesn’t want anyone else to know or detract from Millie’s attention today.” You whispered to him.
“Well, I mean, it’s not a surprise, they’ve been married for a few months now.” Kragan breathed as he turned towards you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders and held your hand and squeezed it reassuringly.
“The pregnancy is older than the marriage.” You breathed as you looked around you to make sure no one else overheard you.
“Well, that doesn’t surprise me either.” He admitted.
“No, me either, just…the poor thing is worried sick about my parent’s reaction and wants to go back to Fitsdale.” You revealed.
“Nah, I think she’ll be fine. I don’t think anyone will notice or care.” Kragan shrugged off.
“Except for the people who matter the most to her.” You gently argued.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine. Again, you have Serena to worry about it. And she’s more than enough as she is.” Kragan gently contested.
“True.” You had to admit.
“It’ll be ok. Everything will work out. You just have to trust that it will. Serena will come when she’s ready and if she’s anything like you, she’ll be well worth the wait. And she’ll be perfect, just the way she is and just like you are.” Kragan reassured you.
“Please don’t let the Fates be listening to you and think that you’re challenging them.” You offered in a teasing soft laugh as you looked up towards the ceiling and took a cleansing breath as you tried not to let Kragan’s sweet words render you to sweet tears that he clearly loved you and loved Serena so completely.
“No, of course not.” Kragan murmured with a soft smile before more and more people came into the temple and you got a new flood of visitors at your seat before the wedding was announced to begin to commence so that others could get their seats while you were happy to have Gwen on one side of you and Kragan on the other as Ron took his stand up at the front with His Holiness and the other priests, cardinals and bishops as you had never been so happy that he was not your groom as you locked eyes with him for a small eternity.
‘Thank you.’ He mouthed to you gratefully from his spot.
‘Thank you.’ You mouthed back to him as the two of you smiled fondly at each other before the wedding procession came down the aisle and your attention, as well as everyone else’s went to the gaggle of flower girls, practically looking like little angels as they practically floated down the aisle and tossed flower petals all around.
Then all of Millie’s 30- bridesmaids and her three maids of honor as you fought not to roll your eyes.
And then when it was Millie’s turn, you and the others stood and in that moment you could only smile pleasantly as Millie walked at a glacial pace, soaking up every single second of this.
And Millie did look like- the picture perfect bride. The perfect tiara, the perfect hair, the perfect face and cosmetics, the perfect skin, the perfect jewelry, the perfect dress, the perfect gloves and slippers and just..everything was almost uncannily perfect and you wondered if the more magic heavy guests were perhaps adding glamors and magic charm to her and her appearance. Her train followed for good twenty paces behind her, heavy with embroidery, fur and jewels.
But for you, to look over and see Ron crying a few glistening tears as you had never seen him smile so brightly and happily before.
You were sure he had never been as happy at the birth of his own bastards and you could only shake your head and look at the ceiling to keep your own tears from flooding your vision at the thought of how they must have been locked up for such an event as this, surly to be kept from making a scene to detract from the occasion.
You all sat down as Millie then knelt in front of His Holiness with Ron at the altar.
“I thought Serena was going to be born and baptized before Millie made it down that aisle.” Kragan muttered to you as you elbowed his side as Gwen and Lucas snickered a laugh.
“Me too!” Gwen whispered.
“Both of you hush.” You shushed them with warning looks, but not missing how Lucas slipped his fingers in with Gwen’s, as Gwen’s cheeks flushed prettily as you began to wonder just how…friendly those two had gotten since they first “accidentally” made each other’s aquaintances only a few months prior.
But you let it go and put a serene smile on your schooled features.
You could have sworn your parents paid the Temple ten years worth of tribute for this service to end all services that rivaled every high holiday all rolled into one. You looked over to see many start to lose interest and grow bored as even a few grew tired as the sun set in the windows, coloring the temple in color from the stained glass windows as His Holiness used the best versions of the holy texts for this service as the choirs had to be changed out five times to keep the poor children who were singing various hymns during the service from losing their voices all together. And you were ever so grateful for that broth because you could hear more than a hundred stomachs begin to growl all around you.
It wasn’t until the first one fell asleep and began to snore that the entire congregation looked over and all but snickered at the poor soul that got jolted awake that they finally got a move on for the service itself and when the children’s choir got the addition of the adults that you had any hope that this was going to end at a merciful hour before they finally got to the vows and finally got to kiss and be proclaimed man and wife and you had never been so happy to stand and clap as the certificate was signed and sealed as it seemed the entire temple breathed a sigh of relief that it was finally over.
You went with Kragan to the skyport and were ever relieved when everything was right on time and perfectly timed so that the moment the guests flooded in, they were greeted by an army of servers with all kinds of trays of little bites to eat while “grazing” tables were featured throughout from foods from all over the world that many of the guests appreciated to get a bite of familiar food and get a chance to converse with others.
You could see Samantha was still working, closing as many deals as she could, while she could. You were sure she had a messengerari in her holy book to keep doing business while she was in the temple itself, as were most of the royals in attendance as you were relieved to simply, once again, sit at the table and have just about every single waiter or waitress offer you what they had while Kragan was happy to finally get something to eat himself, because you had heard his stomach growl the most and the loudest through the whole service.
“I seriously thought Serena was going to be born and baptized, maybe learn to walk and talk by the time Millie made it down that damn aisle.” Kragan muttered as you snorted a laugh.
“Me too. But I dare not say such things and tempt Fate any more than I already have.” You admitted as you were happy to practically gorge yourself on the offerings.
“Ooh, grab a few more of these for me.” You urged him.
“Yeah, on it.” He nodded and made a whistle call and every single server within earshot flocked back to you as you blushed but gratefully took it as you apologized for the loud call, but they were all happy to oblige and soon your own plate was piled high with a bit of everything before Lucas brought Gwen back to the table, with a heaping plate himself before he slipped half the food from his plate, to hers, since it was clear she was trying to only get “appropriate” amounts.
“Ooh, that looks good. Where’d you get that?” Kragan asked.
“Oh, that one.” Lucas answered.
“Here, come with me.” Kragan nodded over to it.
“So how long have you and Lucas been talking?” You asked Gwen before she looked at her plate guiltily.
“Not long.” She shook her head no.
“Yes, I promise.” You reassured her.
“Dearest. I’m not trying to pry or probe, and I’m not judging you on the matter. It’s just that I’ve noticed there is a familiarity between you, is all. However, if you wish to claim that I proposed Lucas be your companion for the evening and that Lucas was someone I trusted in that respect, I can. I just need to know what and how to answer our parents- when they ask. And they will ask. I just need to know the answer so that our answers match and you do not get any grief over it.” You murmured to her.
“Promise you won’t get upset?” She asked.
“He picked up the call and talked to me a few months ago when I called you about my job. And from there we’ve just…talked.” Gwen admitted.
“How often?” You asked carefully.
“As often as I can get away with.” Gwen confessed.
“Which is why you’ve called the messengerari in that lounge instead of my usual one in my room.” You realized.
“Yeah. But we haven’t talked about anything inappropriate or anything untoward.” She insisted.
“And I would have thought being with him in person would have been odd or uncomfortable, but quite the opposite, it’s been, like I can face every prince in here down and play this stupid part Millie and our parents have demanded of me, but only as long as he’s with me. And Samantha, of course, has been covering for me and letting me steal every moment I can away until today and I was dreading even leaving my room, until he came in.” Gwen confessed.
“Oh dear, Mamah is coming, please, please don’t say anything.” Gwen begged.
“Of course not. Don’t worry about it. You just need to play your part tonight ok? Focus on Mamah’s list, remember, they all have to share you tonight. But for every day after today, it’s you and Lucas with me and Kragan on a ship around the world.” You reminded her.
“I know, I can’t wait.” Gwen smiled.
“My Darlings.” Your Mamah smiled pleasantly.
“Gwendowlyn, I need you to go and speak to the Prime Minister and his wife, and in particular their son who is by the fruit table.” She urged as she gestured over to them.
“Yes Mamah.” Gwen sighed in defeat and got up and obediently walked over as you slid Gwen’s plate next to yours.
“Oh, I see, using Gwen’s plate to satisfy your own hunger?” Your mother noted with a look of relief.
“Yes, Serena’s hunger grows just as much as she does. I bid her to lave my womb to satisfy it -herself, on every day but today.” You maintained.
“Oh good, so who is this young man you have with Gwendolyn?” She asked.
“Won’t you have a seat Mamah?” You invited.
“I believe I will.” She said before she sat down in the seat Gwendolyn just vacated.
“He is a member of my security team. The necklace she is wearing, is one of mine, it was given to me by the Raj Mahal of Shrivanka. Because the necklace given to her for today had shoddy workmanship and was pinching her skin and was very uncomfortable, so I am letting her borrow mine, with the understanding that she is to be guarded and keep the jewels safe. Because the Raj is very generous but does wish for the jewels he gives to others the same care they would receive should they stay in his royal treasury. So I asked my most trusted body guard to guard her, because she is one, the second most precious woman here tonight, besides Millie herself. But also, because she just happens to be wearing the largest yellow diamond in the world that is currently known.” You explained nonchalantly.
“Oh! So who is he beyond that?” She asked.
“His name is Lucas Hampton, he is a Lieutenant Commander of my guard on my ship. Today is the first day they’ve ever been in each other’s company. But the only reason why she knows him at all is because of how close I keep him with me usually. And I do not take Gwendolyn’s safety lightly. Since, not only will she be the belle of the ball besides Millie tonight, but I need to make sure that all of those princes you’ve lined up, get the best Gwen for the few moments they do get to have her. I would not put anyone who I did not implicitly trust with my own life, with her. I know how precious and important she is, especially today of all days. She needs to feel calm and she needs to feel safe. She can not feel like a lamb in a den of wolves, which this assembly very much can turn into at a moment’s notice.” You reassured your Mamah.
“I do not leave anything to chance any more Mamah.” You added as the two of you watched as Lucas seemed to find Gwendolyn again and simply escort her around the room as she simply double checked her dance cards for the evening.
“And those two?” She asked as she noticed the sentinels that seemed to shadow Gwen and Lucas.
“That is Brick and Mortar. The two most terrifyingly impressive body guards I have. But if you look closely, there are six more, not too far away. Meant to blend in and meant to be the forest through the trees. And then of course, there is the mouse.” You hinted.
“Mouse? What mouse?” Your mother asked as she leaned over towards you as you leaned towards her in turn.
“Duchess Ashanti. She is the younger sister to Grand Duchess Ashurah. She is there to serve as Gwen’s translator. And because she is Dorierran, she knows each and every single person you put on Gwen’s dance card tonight and will help Gwen transition from prince to prince with ease. And she will remember anything and everything that is said both to and around Gwendolyn.” You reassured her.
“I see, a mouse, meant to listen in and not really be seen until it squeaks.” Your mother grinned proudly.
“Exactly. So you see mother, everything is taken care of and you have already gotten Millie and myself to the altar in a single season. I dare say, Gwen may well be meeting her future husband tonight. And what a pool she has to pull from. But don’t put all your eggs in Gwen’s basket, You still have two more sons too now.” You recalled.
“Well if Gwen is practically all of taken care of, then I believe you are right, I believe I should be focusing on your other brothers, for they have the same magnificent pool too.” Your mother nodded her agreement.
“Happy to see that Serena did not see that she needed to crash the party either.” She cooed with a pat to your belly before she got up and walked back to your father to give him the answer she just got from you.
“You shouldn’t have stuck your neck out like that for Lucas.” Kragan remarked as he came up and sat down in his seat next to you.
“I didn’t do it for him. I did it for Gwen. I can only hope he will not betray such a confidence.” You offered somberly.
“He won’t, I made sure to explain things to him as I walked with him around the various food tables.” Kragan offered.
“Thank you.” You thanked him.
“Don’t thank me yet. We still have the rest of the evening to get through.” He admitted.
“True.” You nodded.
“My Lord and Lady, the bride and groom have arrived.” A servant informed you as you had Kragan help you to your feet once again as you stood and made ready to applaud their entrance.
Ron and Millie looked like a crown prince and princess becoming king and queen the way they entered the large banquet hall and took their seats at the head table at the banquet and you had never seen them so happy to sit so high above everyone else as everyone else got their seats as the banquet was then immediately served.
“So what did you tell Mamah?” Gwen whispered to you as she took her seat beside you once again.
“That the necklace you’re wearing is very valuable, and that it needed its own security guard and I put one my most trusted with it and you.” You explained as you ate the first course.
“Is it really?” She asked.
“Eh,” you shrugged nonchalantly.
“Well, I shall act accordingly.” Gwen assured you.
“You already do. It’s fine.” You reassured her in turn.
You got through the dinner and it was time for toasts. And to see and hear Millie’s friends basically kiss her ass and Ron’s ass and go on and on about the ‘star crossed soul mates’ and even read “poetry” which was a very loose term to apply to such prose.
“Thank you.” Kragan began to say to you.
“For what?” You whispered back to him.
“For not wanting our wedding to be anything like this. They are gilding the lily and the baby’s breath with all of this. This is practically torture for it’s overly sweet syrupy sappyness that will rot every tooth I have out of my head, and practically rot my brain out.” He complained.
“Well, in that case, thank you My Love for giving me a perfect wedding. I thought ours was perfectly dignified, still sweet and happy but there was a somber seriousness that suited the occasion. And it really only had the people we cared the most about in attendance. This is just pandering for the sake of pandering.” You replied.
“Exactly. It’s all theatrics, it’s incredibly insincere. Ours was at least sincere and heartfelt and genuine.” Kragan appraised.
“And intimate.” You waggled your eyebrows with a grin at him.
“Oh, don’t start that now, or I’ll just go fully feral and throw you over my shoulder and haul you off if you start talking much more like that.” Kragan warned you.
“Mmm. Good to know.” You cooed licentiously until you heard your name and snapped your attention to Ron who had stood to give a toast…to you.
“I won’t make you stand, for you are quite heavy with child, and you’ve been made to get up and down quite enough today.” Ron said as he gestured to you as you flushed when it seemed everyone turned their attention to you as you grabbed Kragan’s hand under the table.
“As I’m sure all those in Solowardian society know, but for those who do not. I had actually been betrothed since birth to Her Radiance Contessina Salgria since infancy, something I fought most viciously against, because, I knew in my bones that it was not the right match for me. And one that Contessina also knew was not right for her. For we were much more suited to be siblings than fiances. And then His Radiance Kragan Salgria came calling on my beloved and Contessina, being the practically all wise and all knowing genius she is, instantly knew that she and My Beloved had been mismatched, and proposed to switch. I know the gods themselves blessed her and her intuition in this regard. And from there, everything fell perfectly into place. For the gods themselves knew she was capable of so much more than I could ever fathom. Just look around us tonight. Only a genius is capable of envisioning such splendor. And only Kragan could have recognized such brilliance and given her the entire supersphere as her oyster to create such a wonder. But none of this would have been possible, if Contessina had not insisted that she switch. And it was that one, pivotal, yet perfect change that brought all of this about. I couldn’t be happier with her foresight, her forethought and her courage to change something she knew was set wrong at first glance. So I urge you all, to consider this- women are rational and wise, beautiful and intelligent, and that if only they are given the chance to choose for themselves what is best for them, that the world will be better for it. Which is why, from this moment on, The Order of Radiance, will be the only thing that brings law and order to myself and my family.” Ron announced before everyone erupted into thunderous applause as you looked over at Ron to see him giving you a standing ovation before you stood and simply curtsied and sat down to bring an end to this before it was Millie’s turn to give a toast as Kragan immediately reached for his other flask that had a very good brandy in it and spiked his wine cup with it.
“I too would like to thank my sister for the switch she made at the beginning of the year. For such a switch has brought us all entire lifetimes of happiness. And I would also like to thank…” She began as she brought her ‘list’ for those who gifted her various things just to get an invitation as she made sure to practically spell out who gave what as she publicly thanked them for their generosity which appeased everyone else. While also bringing looks of approval and small sets of applause to all the other royals in attendance.
Then it was Kragan’s turn to give his “toast” and most importantly, his “gift” to the couple, being his skyships.
“I would also like to start this with a toast to my wife, who was the inspiration for the greatest ships I have ever had the honor and privilege of designing. On our wedding day I awoke early to a vision of a skyship that had no equal in beauty, sophistication and supreme sailing ability. And would take to the twelve winds as easily as any bird takes to soaring in the skies. The first ship I designed was the Contessina Originalle. From there, over two dozen designs ranging in size from a lightning rider, to the largest airship to ever take to the skies to date- came to be. And it is my privilege to unveil the entire line up. Starting first with Contessina De Minor.” He said as he made a gesture and the first ship sailed around the skyport as applause broke out among the guests to see them.
“Then the Contessina Honorable`.” Kragan announced as the next flew around.
“The Contessina Exuberance`.” Kragan continued.
“The Contessina Champione`."
“The Contessina Emaculente’.”
“The Contessina Brilliance`.”
“The Contessina Originalle`, which is the original design.” He specified.
“The Contessina Especial.”
“The Contessina Valiance`.”
“The Contessina Celebrante`."
“The Contessina Courageousa`.”
“The Contessina De Faithful.”
“The Contessina De Truth.”
“The Contessina Illumina.”
“The Contessina Jubilea`.”
“The Contessina Excellence`.”
“The Contessina Superiore`.”
“The Contessina Extraordinaire`.”
“The Contessina De Jewel.”
“The Contessina Opulence`.”
“The Contessina Adorabella.”
“The Contessina Magdalena Luna.”
“The Contessina Serephina.”
“The Contessina De. Crowne De Jewele`.”
“The Conessina Ethereal.”
“And last, but certainly not least. The Contessina De Magnifica!” Kragan beamed as the largest and grandest ship of all flew around as everyone else got to their feet to give a standing applause before Kragan walked over and presented the key to Millie and Ron’s ship to them before he presented the key to the Magifica to their Majesties. Knowing that they had already had to make good on their “downpayment” for their ship. And knowing that he all be owned the very National Bank that was financing such an expenditure.
“Enjoy.” Kragan smiled like ‘fuck you’ was written on his teeth as he was sure this was the hopefully the last time he would ever have to see them face to face before he strutted back to his spot just as the ships docked with the very large platform, it being just big enough that a ship could dock with each part of the platform.
Millie and Ron quickly cut their cake and did one dance before they opened the doors to the ships so that they and their guests could get a first hand experience with their ships as you were happy to simply sit in their ship’s main salon after using the bathroom so that they could get the grand tour from the butler they had stationed on the ship.
“Are you happy with it?” You asked once they reappeared and came back to you.
“Yes!” Millie giddily squealed as she hugged you tightly.
“I’m so happy you’re happy. Enjoy.” You bid them before they went back to their wedding and you and Kragan slipped away to your own vessel that flew by just long enough for you to get on board and then float away, sailing just above it all as you and Kragan just looked down at it all before a familiar song began to play.
“Oh, remember? This was the first dance we ever danced with each other at my parent’s ball.” You recalled.
“I do. Can I have this dance?” He asked before you giggled but took his hand and danced the same dance again, granted, a bit differently because you were now pregnant and couldn’t quite hop and your steps didn’t have the same spring in them.
“What?” You asked him as he danced with you on the deck of your ship.
“I’m just realizing how everything is the same yet everything is different. I still felt out of place and awkward, the same way I always felt on Solowardian soil., but a lot less intensely this time. But because I had you with me. It was like, nothing else mattered and that it didn’t matter if I was in crowd that felt innumerable, all that mattered was you and me. And that you are dancing with me, and how after I met you, I knew I didn’t want to dance, or even get to know or be intimate with anyone else other than you. And that has never changed and probably will never change.” Kragan explained.
“Aww, I feel the same way. I don’t care what anyone else thinks or feels about me or you or us. The only good opinion I need is yours. And as long as you love me and our daughter, and care for me and her too, nothing else matters. Just us and her.” You fawned as you slowed your steps to simply walk in circles, shoulder to shoulder with him before he moved and just began to dance how the music was moving him to, which felt much more natural and happier, having you practically chest to chest and belly to belly but moving gracefully across the boards of the deck, as if they were any other ballroom floor.
“Always and forever.” Kragan readily reassured you before the song ended and you paused to simply hug each other as the stars were coming out to glitter in the sky the way diamonds did when cast over a sheet of inky blue velvet. You kissed him sweetly but soundly all the same. Before that kiss quickly morphed from sweet, to sensual to needy as Kragan was happy and eager to get you inside and away from any prying eyes to disrobe you and make love to you on the very same couch from your old room.
“Finally, the sex I always wanted to have on this couch with the one person I was always meant to have it with.” You cooed as you laid back into your favorite spot as Kragan carefully laid over you to kiss you before he leaned back up to pillow your bottom up so that his pelvis met yours just right as you breathed in relief to finally be rejoined with him. To be free of all constraints of jewel and gown and undergarment. Where it was just his body and yours, coming together as one flesh, where if it had not been for the contrast of skin color, it would otherwise be quite hard to tell where he started and you ended. Your pleasured cry of bliss was the most beautiful music to Kragan’s ears as his own grunt and small roar of your name from his lips was your favorite sound in the world.
#The Switch#The Duchess and The Sailor#Renaissance Orc period drama#Orc love story#Orc husband#orc babies!
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