houkagokappa · 5 years
Haha this is the one I was expecting to get! Thank you!
Favorite Male Character: Sanetoshi. Definitely Sanetoshi. I also like Shouma, if I should go for someone nicer hahaFavorite Female Character: Himari!!!!Least Favorite Character: I used to have a issues with Kanba, but when I rewatched Penguindrum a few months ago he wasn’t as bad as I remembered. Maybe Tabuki? Although picking him feels like cheating a bit. Favorite Ship: Shouma/Himari. The episodes where they were revealed to be soulmates were so sweet and they’re really good for each other. It’s not super romantic to me though.Favorite Friendship: Himari and Ringo. Favorite Quote: There are so many good quotes! I really love the speeches Shouma, Kanba and Ringo make about hating/loving fate. Shouma’s my favourite out of the three, but the fact that it gets mirrored is what makes it even better.Worst Character Death (if any): Himari’s both deaths were tragic. Her death in episode 1 actually made me cry the first time I watched it. If we count Shouma’s and Kanba’s disappearances at the end as deaths they were even worse.This made me so happy you have no idea Moment: Yuri was revealed to be a lesbian? Idk, there are lots of good moments. My favourite scenes are mainly jokes or sad and tragic so I’m not sure what to go with here, other than Yuri’s reveal because it’s always a small victory to discover a new gay character.Saddest Moment: So many to pick, but it’s got to be when Himari finds a note inside her stuffed teddy bear that’s signed by her brothers, only she can’t remember them at all.Favorite Location: The Takakura household is super cozy and Himari’s room is really nice. I also like the Crystal World.
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r4bbitdragon · 7 years
Milo Murphy's Law vs Kamen Rider Fourze
Which has the better protagonist: ok milo is a good boy whom i adore but GENTARO KISARAGI, POMPADOUR DELINQUENT, PERFECT FRIEND, WINS BY A LANDSLIDE
Which has the better villain: interestingly, if the pistachio duo had continued being antagonists to milo (altho thank goodness they didn’t) they’d win this one easily. otherwise though, the zodiarts are hellsa cool, whereas the pistachions are??? they’re ok. im interested in seeing what new villains develop as mml continues tho. but yeah fourze wins.
Which has the better plot: mml 100%. like, as far as a fifty episode show goes i think fourze is structured fine, although obviously a lot lighter than a lot of other kamen riders, its a Good Show. but milo’s pitch perfect integration of an constantly developing plot with the episodic shenanigans of an 11 minute cartoon?????? god its the stuff of legends in season 1 already i cannot believe it.
Which has better cinematography: oh fourze. milo’s is functional, but fourze being in live action just seems to give it more freedom. also when they do space time and it actually zooms out to space thats always good.
Which one is more fun: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................oh this is difficult. i think they’re, pretty equal, actually?????? im spending my one cop out point here ha ha
Which one makes me think the most: mml. time travel logic and surprisingly complex plot and sudden horribly tragic reveals that completely recontextualize multiple past events hoo boy.
Which do I watch when I want to relax: i mean both but probably fourze? especially those intro arcs, just a good time. oh, and the movie, perfect.
Which do I watch when I want it to consume me: i guess by process of elimination from the above mml???? maybe not intentionally but i mean there really is so much to over analyze in that show
Which is my favorite: MMMMMMMMMMM well fourze is winning right now for seniority and being a pure warm fuzzy beacon of hope, but mml is already super high in my esteem after only one season, so im excited to see where it goes from here???? They’re Good Shows
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kazliin · 7 years
I'm still not over, and honestly don't expect to be over for a while, Victor going "Yes he hates me and everything, but I'm sure I can overcome that so I'm willingly going to fall in love with Yuuri." Vitya could you be more of an optimist.
Viktor and Yuuri are at complete opposite ends of the optimist-pessimist scale! 
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shangyang · 8 years
High school au (hi here from pdd, which I love)
put a fanfic trope in my inbox!
how likely am i to write it: uhhhhh idk? it really does depend on the fandom, b/c lets face it, high school is hell. not too likely. maybe a year or two ago? but now, not really. 
what pairing i would most likely write it for: ooooooo. hmmmm…ahhhh maybe tsukikane. yeah. if i was going to write a high school au for any pairing, it would definitely have to be tsukikane or kawoshin. let them be happy please
ah oh my gosh hi!! i’m so glad you like it ♡♡♡
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analogwatch · 5 years
I haven’t made a writing update post in a while
Last night I finished the latest chapter (chapter 7, covering second half of episode 4) of Everything I Am is in Your Eyes. Scrivener tells me final word count is 9,325. This means it isn’t my shortest chapter, but it’s not my longest. All I have to do is revise it (as with all NaNoWriMo-created stories, it favored quantity over quality) and then I’ll be able to post it!
@renach4n will tell you about me sitting there going “is this long enough? Do I need to make it longer??”
Her response was “Erin. I’ve read and enjoyed one-shots shorter than that. YES, IT’S LONG ENOUGH.”
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meatjake · 3 years
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@renach4n summoning what i remember from the music i would disagree considering how much jake harley spends trying to set up everything for the game . even going as far as entering the medium even past his “death” to help out the beta kids . while as bro waits until the game is put into motion to do his own thing (setting up the scratch on his own before being unceremoniously killed by jack noir)
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lazuliblade · 7 years
AnimeFest Day 0
In Dallas at AnimeFest! Or rather, the night before it starts. I’m excited to be here, to have finally met @sachiro @renach4n and @wolfsflei, and looking forward to meeting the other half of the group when they arrive from their cross-country road trip. Rena and I had some fun travelling across Texas and we made it just in time for the raffle. 
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The raffle for the signed boards went well. The announcer made it entertaining and everyone was very supportive of the winners. The boards were of Milla, Yakov, Celestino, J.J., Yurio, Victor, and Yuuri -- in that order. It was amazing seeing the entire room do the pose and say the phrase “It’s J.J. Style!” Some of the winner’s reactions were amazing and heartwarming with shrieks and wide smiles. It’s surreal being in a room of hundreds knowing that everyone there is a fan of this little (not-so-little) series.
Also, apparently Kubo was spotted leaving the room after the raffle was over...
Lots of amazing Tumblr and Twitter people are here too. I hope to run into at least a few of them!
There are quite a few panels and events I’m looking forward to in the coming days. I’ll do my best to take pictures and document it here.
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sachiro · 7 years
Yuri!!! on Ice Marathon!
Hey there everyone! Today we’re going to be watching Yuri on Ice episodes 1-12 over in the linked above Rabbit channel starting at 8:30pm EST (so roughly an hour from the time of this post). It’s a different channel from the usual so a big thank to @renach4n for hosting this week. Everyone is welcome and no account is needed so we look forward to seeing you there!
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For @renach4n !! Hope you like it! I really tried!
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dovetail-17 · 8 years
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Tagged by @sachiro, thanks a lot!
Rules: post your lockscreen/home, last song you listened to, and a selfie
Tagging (only if you want to) : @yukination, @lazuliblade, @renach4n and anyone else who wants to do it (and no pressure if you don’t want to either)!
Since I have two devices that I use equally, hence 2 of both screens. Phone is YOI, tab MM and NGE. I won't be posting a selfie though!
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miss-meri · 8 years
I’ve never been tagged in a tumblr thing before! <3 Thanks, @youremarvelous. Being mutuals with you is a little like getting noticed by Senpai--I read your Spamano years ago (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
relationship status: So married. Been with my husband for 10 years this March (!!!!!!), married for almost 4. We had a meet cute (IMHO) at an anime con, both cosplaying halves of an OTP (Gundam SEED, AsuCaga). favorite color: mint green/blush pink pets: Elderly tabby cat  last songs i listened to: Starving - Hailee Steinfeld (for fanfic reasons) favorite tv show: In the US, airing on TV? Steven Universe.  first fandom: pre-internet: Star Trek/Animorphs | internet: Pokemon/Sailor Moon/Gundam Wing (in that order) hobbies: Writing an Iwaoi RO AU with my BFF, reading fic, drawing, cosplay, thinking about Yuri on Ice constantly, forever, all the time. books i’m currently reading: L-lots of fanfics are novel-length, okay? Lots of those. Lots. 
I tag @raspberry-merbutlers @bottle-it-out @right-in-the-wooper @o-boussole-o @frozennomad​ @phlegmaticbabe @arasigyrn @renach4n <3 <3 <3
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houkagokappa · 5 years
Sarazanmai for that ask would be fun, to compare what you say now vs after the series is over
I know I’m mostly a Sarazanmai blog, but you can’t all pick Sarazanmai!
I already answered it here :)
It’s a really good idea to compare my answers now with what I think when the series is over. Even if I tend to pick all my favourites based off the first character designs/reveals, I change my mind sometimes! Especially for Sarazanmai I think the characters and their relationships will change a lot over the series, the more things get revealed.
Thank you!
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r4bbitdragon · 8 years
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@lookerdewitt @renach4n good, small, loud, boy
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kazliin · 8 years
I'm rereading umfb&mha, and Victor's song choices continue to be painfully hilarious. Yuuri thinking things like "..Reminding him that Viktor had been right all those years ago. That Yuuri would never be good enough, would never compare. Not to him." while Victor is skating for him with lyrics like "Who is he who throws the first stone at her?/That one doesn't deserve to be on earth." The companion fic is going to kill me with the journey to their happy ending, and I can't wait XD
I (and Viktor) were not subtle in the song choices at all!
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shangyang · 7 years
@renach4n oooo really?? in a good way or a bad way, because i the breakfast club is a p good movie,,,ngl,,,
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spelviin · 8 years
renach4n said: THERE WAS POTENTIAL. And i loved parts of it!!!! but oh my god parts of it
ohh man i completely agree. there were a few good points, but honestly on the whole it was just a big infuriating clusterfuck
(other replies under cut for spoiler reasons)
renach4n said: i was so satly about jumin’s speech retroactively about truth DONT PICK UP YOUR BFFS HABBITS THAT *LIT GOT HIM KILLED*
honestly the fact that all this shit happened in the first place because certain people (naming no names to respect the dearly and frustratingly departed) decided keeping shit secret was the best way to go about things and then his bestie decides to MAKE HIS MISTAKES ALL OVER AGAIN? THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?????
renach4n said: also MC. Did you. Did you TELL people about Saeran fucking killing V? since you and vanderwood were the only ones in any state to do so in that room
honestly this pisses me off the most. it’s fucking infuriating that she saw what she did and STILL decided to disrespect V’s memory by perpetuating the lie that he killed himself. even worse is the idea that i guess she just stood by and let the others protect rika, even tho she knew what she really was. i’m so mad like COME ON MC EXPOSE THE SNAKE FOR THE ABUSIVE PIECE OF SHIT SHE IS.
renach4n said: Zen you are just trying to help and DONT KNOW YOU LIT ARE HIDING SOMEONE WHO’S DRAMA HAS A BODY COUNT
ugh that honestly makes me the most bitter out of anything, the fact that she managed to make it out with an untarnished reputation, still adored by the very people she planned to kidnap and brainwash, while the one who was actually trying to help them (albeit in a really misguided and stupid way) is rotting in the fucking ground and none of them trusted him. because fuck v i guess right? god im still so mad abt it lmao 
renach4n said: *screams into the distance*
*screams with you*
*doesn’t stop screaming ever*
*or at least until cheritz decides to FIX THIS MESS AND WRITE AN ACTUAL SATISFYING ENDING FFS*
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