rivalsofnycupdates · 4 years
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“First, we make them look. Then, we make them scared.”
■ ABOUT. ■
name: Remy Stormwind age: twenty-four pronouns: he/him occupation: Assassin gender: cis male sexuality: homosexual
The Royals of Purgatory had spread it’s wings from California to five other charters across the country, one of them being in Chicago, Illinois. The first president of the Chicago faction was Rhys Stormwind, who had the challenge of competing with the city’s many rival gangs to claim dominion over all it’s treasure. His strategy was simple, one the Royals were quite known for. Obliterate the competition by any means necessary. Remy’s grandfather began the legacy of not only the Royals, but of the Stormwind name itself. Leading with a combination of respect, fear, and sheer ruthless force, Rhys brought in the money through heavy weaponry manufacturing. Members of the Royals gang walked the streets of Chicago with their heads held high, with no fear towards any cop or rival gang. When he finally retired, he passed the leadership to his son, Remy’s father. Robert Stormwind successfully expanded the business side of of the Royals, using the cover of many successful restaurants across the city to fool the authorities. He also began making deals with some of the city’s most influential politicians, proving the Stormwind name proud for a time. During his reign, he met his wife and they had two sons; his older brother, Rory, and himself. Even at a young age, everyone around Remy compared him to both his infamous grandfather and his precise father. He challenged authority, was unafraid of confrontation, and calculated most of his decisions based on who he was dealing with at the time. His brother showed great potential as well, mainly in his passion and charisma. They grew up with the knowledge that his brother, Rory, would eventually take their father’s place as president and Remy would be his right hand man, dealing with any potential threats they would face. They were treated like true royalty throughout their youth and while his brother was a bit more bashful, Remy soaked it all up to his advantage. He learned how to fight, attended his father’s meetings, and even learned how to fire a weapon by the time he was fourteen. It was very clear to everyone around that Remy planned on being a Royal no matter what. He saw the gang as his family, every single one of them, and that soon it would be him and his brother’s turn to guide them to glory. The Stormwind’s fall from grace was one that could have been prevented. Thanks to his grandfather, Remy’s father reigned in a time with hardly any conflict. When whispers of of a traitor began circulating the gang, no one could handle themselves. His grandfather demanded a ruthless approach, force the truth out and then deal with the traitor in a way that would make anyone with similar thoughts think twice before betraying them. His father thought it was too rash and figured he could handle the situation quietly. He was wrong. Remy was sixteen when the cops raided his home, but they weren’t ordinary cops. Without proof of a warrant, they opened fire on his brother and both his parent while he was away at school. Remy remembers the way his lungs pained from all the screaming he did. His whole world collapsed on him and all because his father did nothing when action needed to be taken. The Royals had to elect a new leader and began focusing on regrouping. His grandfather wasn’t confident that whoever betrayed their family would stop coming for Remy’s life now that his father was dead. Pulling some strings, his well connected father was able to have Remy stay with a Royals member in New York City to finish school. He warned his grandson not to return, but to begin a new life and a new legacy for the Stormwinds. A couple of weeks after he left for New York, his grandfather died in his sleep. Now living in New York, Remy focused on finishing school as fast as he could so he could hurry and join the Royals as one of their assassins. He got along with the other new members well enough over the years and was beginning to think of them all as his new family when they Royals faced another betrayal. Tubb’s double crossing heavily reminded Remy of his family’s fall in Chicago, something he refused to let happen again. Over the next five years Remy managed to take out everyone his president wanted him too.
Despite his dedication to the gang, Remy does know how to let loose. Over the years he’s been known to celebrate anything and everything with his fellow members. He known for his teasing which, for the most part, is harmless and all in good fun. Losing his family has definitely taught him that sometimes it’s nice to live in the moment. Remy is proud to be a Royal and to be a Stormwind. He may not be as big of a visionary as his brother was, but he wanted nothing more than to help The Royals return to their former glory. As an assassin, he’s known for his signature weapons, a pair of claw hammers that bring the pain and fear to anyone who dares to cross his new family. His new targets? Tubbs and these good for nothing posers he calls a gang. The man has a lot of nerve showing his face again, let alone try to claim the city as his own. What he wouldn’t give to be the one to take this man’s life and erase one of the biggest blimps in their history for good.
The only way to get rid of the traitor and his devils is to rage war on them, just like his grandfather would before him. The way the Royals have been handling things, with politics and rules, he can’t agree with. There are no rules when it comes to defending your territory. He just can’t seem to get them to see that. So if he can’t get his own gang to start this war, he has to try to get his enemy to start it. It’s as easy as sneaking into their territory (although none of it is theirs in his opinion) marking a prophet of their gang, and then leaving their dead bodies on display for the whole world to see. Then repeat. He doesn’t see this as betraying his gang, despite the fact that they took him in when he had nothing left for him. In fact, that’s exactly why he’s doing this. Only through the blood of their enemies can they rise and enter the golden age of their legacy. That’s what he wants for his new family, and he won’t stop until he can accomplish it.
■ Malcolm Alcott: Friendly competition is healthy for anyone trying to grow and master their skills and there’s no one else Remy loves to hate than Malcolm Alcott. Granted, he thinks he’s way out of the other’s league in just about everything, but he can admit that the other has proven him wrong…once or twice.
■ Travis Patterson: When he lost his entire family, Travis was the one who took him in. He was the first to show him that he could have a new family and he will never forget his act of kindness. He is forever in his debt.
■   Anastasia Jones > Friend
■   Chris Krongold > Friend
Remy Stormwind is an TAKEN character and is portrayed by Gavin Leatherwood who’s FC IS NON-NEGOTIABLE.
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