dnangelic · 4 months
Does Daisuke have a preference in sports or physical activity beyond his usual phantom thief shenanigans? Does Dark enjoy anything similar?
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hmmm! i can give a few different forms of answers to this so let me start by saying in any sort of school / public setting daisuke usually tries to hide his physical capabilities as a phantom thief. there are things like his grades in PE being poor or himself landing really nasty falls when he could easily save himself because he's always trying so hard to not look conspicuous, but he also gets caught up in things like being picked for active roles in school stageplays/performances that requires stunts anyways, so he "flubs" up practice nonstop then does perfectly fine during the real thing.
these are just examples of him sucking on purpose though (and sometimes he really does suck on clumsy accident, like not paying attention and falling flat on his face, or falling flat on his face because he's stealing someone's wallet back from a pickpocket,) obviously he's got stellar acrobatic capabilities overall and has a surprising amount of strength for someone with his build, (this post covers it well, really, nobody's allowed to forget daisuke climbed an entire ferris wheel with his bare hands lmao) but if it's an actual sport you want to see him enjoying, then he's probably going to pick swimming.
group oriented activities generally stress him out, and frankly he'd probably stress out any group he was with too - he's got that sad, awkward 'last kid picked for PE' energy and always does all his heists alone!! this rules out 99% of sports for him. swimming does away with all of that group necessity, and he's canonically a good swimmer too- has to be since his parents trained him for anything. (even though thanks to transforming and wiz trying to cover for him, everybody at his school thinks he almost drowned one time.)
most of daisuke's physical 'skills' he feels only should apply to his 'work,' so on top of the social anxiety ruling out, the range of things he enjoys doing alone is left extremely small - and really, if he actually has that much freetime and is feeling restless, (daisuke is almost always sleep deprived, he should be asleep, just like me fr) then he's probably going to be flying, which is also dark's preference outside of pulling a heist.
dark needs the thrill of pursuit on occasion, but on others he and/or daisuke just want to cruise. azumano is beautiful, and it's even more beautiful from above, so as the freaks(singular) with wings they'll just go for a nighttime flight in the sky, sometimes heading over to tokyo since that's where a lot of daisuke's friends (as in, my muts' muses,) are, and it's supposed to be close by. (azumano is a fictional province, but it's imagined around east japan, not too north or south.) otherwise, dark has even less interest than daisuke in actively participating in sports or anything; he's never gotten to try anything in the past and he doesn't expect himself to ever be able to anytime soon, so it's a moot point for him.
he's still, of course, very flashy and plainly skillful anytime he does manage to get his hands on something to mess around with - for example, hand him a basketball and he can keep it spinning on a single finger without any trouble, he can juggle quite literally anything, and he had no issue twirling a glass shoe around on his finger for fun while he chat with someone else in one of the light novels or catching arrows with his bare hands or dodging piano strings laced up in some woods purely by ear. dancing, forms of it like ballroom, waltz and tango would be something he could deeply enjoy --- but those require a partner, and that loops back to him not usually having the freedom to pursue any of that.
that's about it, i think. dark n daisuke's jock alignments are very very low LOL but that's because their heists nearly kill them all the time and push their physical capabilities to the extreme! if it's not the usual phantom thief shenanigans then this boy should be in bed, but sometimes you'll see him in the sky anyways because what's the point of bearing the burden of black wings if you can't indulge in the occasional gift and itch of flight. 🦅
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kotaerukoto · 2 years
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" Hey. Wake up. " Pokes his sleeping face.
" I wanna get cake. Wake up. "
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Makoto looked peaceful while he slept, surely dreaming of something fun-- piloting a giant robot, being on a secret mission, maybe flying through space? Or perhaps something more normal, like a nice experience at a curry restaurant that spiraled into an adventure... But wait, that wouldn't be much of a dream. That would simply be what he went through on unlucky days. His snoring halted the moment Sirin spoke-- he may now have been in a state of half-sleep, that peculiar moment just before waking up and just after being out cold.
"Mm..." Whose voice was that? Makoto didn't recognize her request for cake. What time was it? All he knew was that it wasn't a weekday, so he didn't have any reason to get up super early. His eyes were still shut as he unconsciously frowned as Sirin poked his face, like someone who had just seen the sun after a long period of darkness, and... ...Makoto turned over. The snoring started back up, and he returned to dreamland. Had he spent too much time playing video games or studying last night?
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lostusagis · 4 months
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@remunporium asked:
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Hey there, Co-worker.
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''Yeah hi or whatever. Name's Kagura.''
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sercphs · 3 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀Committed the crime of loving her girlfriend, now she's wanted as a criminal or something. So be it, that's what it is.
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aetherose · 4 months
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Saves this because it's funny.
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astrxlfinale · 4 months
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" I can't help but recall what Sunday said to us when we confronted him before -- equating the people of Penacony to the bird in the cage.. "
Hand closes tightly into a fist over her chest.
" .. in a sense, I've already experienced that for the majority of my life. S.A.M., in a sense, is my cage. But if it ever comes down to it.. I don't want to remembered as S.A.M. I want to be remembered as Firefly. "
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" I still don't know how much longer I really have left-- but promise me, Caelus. When that time comes.. "
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" .. You'll keep carrying on the legacy you want to leave behind, too. "
I don't want to be remembered as S.A.M.
What kind of victory festival was this?
Somehow their steps have led them all the way back here. Upon this same scenic wonderland of dancing start, coupled multiple skyscrapers making that desperate grasp for the skies above. Unlike the bond they've come to learn and mold, what stands is that same.. weight. A lingering sense of finality that never found itself escaping its clutches.
He could hear a toiling war set within her tone. Strength found, memories cherished, not to mention a grappling sense of weight that any Stellaron Hunter would be privy towards. Yet, why did he find it so difficult to actually look her in the eyes in this moment? What breathes akin to smoldering ash is a sense of dread, crawling through each and every vein of his body in this moment.
It's only when the heat of that gaze could be felt upon him did he turn, did a more disheveled, concerned, and increasingly terrorized frame of mind come to face Firefly in return. If she wanted to draw a mark about a fate they wanted to fight again, there was success found in such an endeavor.
If it's a momentary instance before then, it'd always go without saying.
What could she expect him to say when it comes to a promise reserved for a Caelus in one potential future. Initially his jaw hangs in stunned astonishment, only for a boiling surge of emotion to rage within his veins, for those once bleary eyes to immediately sharpen as he pivots swiftly to step before her. "And just what the hell are legacies to you!? Epithets!? Something we'll just stick on the damn wall when it's all said and done!? Regardless of the time!?"
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"Don't say that like it's over!" It was a painful strength that shot from the nooks of his rib cage. Another step, and soon those broad hands would immediately seize Firefly's shoulders as he'd peer deep into those twilit eyes. He'd let her see the burgeoning desperate, the fear, the blossoming courage, it was a maelstrom that refuses to relent.
Another shudder rocks within his being, battling the surge of a taken breath before his jaw tenses once again. "Aren't you the one who overcame two damn deaths down here!? Eating them for frickin' breakfast no less! So what are you deciding to go and tell me now!? That one more is where it becomes too much, Firefly!?"
It feels insensitive and in some ways intrusive, daring to nudge into a resolve such as this.
Caelus would worry about appearances later.
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"You're finding that life out of that damn cage, and I'm sure as hell not giving up on that! Especially if you have any half-assed plans of contemplating doing that! Your life to live well has a ton of damn more chapters!"
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thebreakfastmuses · 6 months
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"His first mistake was taking what Sparkle says at face value."
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boomania · 3 months
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One could say she was used to barge-ins thanks to Nicole's repeated entrances being over-the-top and panic-inducing, but this one is certainly not Nicole and certainly a little louder (and weirder). Part of her wanted to ask why he was talking like that. Is he a neet? Well.. as long as someone has a job that needs doing, no point in turning down a potential offer. After the Bangboos have all sought ample shelter from the sweaty muscle-house, Belle turns around in her swivel chair to face him. " Hi - you know people invented knocking for a reason, right? Anyway - my brother's currently out running errands but I can take a look at your commission. What's the problem? "
Pretends he cannot hear.
The hulking samurai man plops onto the sofa, turns on their TV in their- is this supposed to be their hidden hideout? They could do better, honestly.
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"Wareware wa, za Steelu Ronin de gozaru, are once again asking for your support in finding our Bangboo, Bob. Last seen somewhere, probably up a tree or some shit. Waga no apprentice, Basil, is gonna get his ass beat by his corpo sis if he can't find Bob in a day." BUUUURRPPPPPP! Reclines back. Rapidly switches channels.
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ancicntforged · 10 months
Would you lose against the Herrscher of the Void?
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abyssmalice · 3 months
@remunporium replied to your post “@sercphs replied to your post “"Hmm? What's this...”:
nah :)
@wise-innocence replied to your post “@sercphs replied to your post “"Hmm? What's this...”:
they match each others weird tbhhh
@boomermania replied to your post “@sercphs replied to your post “"Hmm? What's this...”:
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She's going to kill all these useless bystanders the moment she becomes unplushie-ified!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Start counting your days!! And your wallet!! She'll steal your wallets too while she's at it and treat herself to some well deserved cake too!!
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dnangelic · 7 months
" Is he yours!? " Sirin's change of approach to Daisuke was like the flip of a switch the second Wiz poked out into view. Before Wiz came into the picture, Sirin was feeling passive, but now she is almost immediately next to Daisuke, reaching for the little critter and gently petting and scritching them with her fingers.
" Oh my goood.. I love him. What kind of animal is he? "
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cute ... is probably what she's thinking , right ? but the niwa can't help except think it all the same when he watches his company get so excited over wiz . the assortment of questions isn't anything he should have to mull over , especially when sirin knew now all about his other self , but he ruminates on it all anyways . ' he's ... like a family pet , i guess . '
an answer like that was simple enough , but as for what kind of animal wiz was supposed to be --- ? ' i , uh , don't think he's anything like that . he --- i know he kind of looks like a rabbit , but he can do a lot more than ... anything a normal rabbit could . so , i'm pretty sure there's only one of him ... ' and when you got right down to the heart of everything , ' he's --- probably a work of art . '
what else could turn into a perfect copy of himself or dark , or transform into an extra pair of black wings ? magic was definitely involved somehow , even if he didn't really understand the specifics of how anything worked . of course , wiz as he normally was ( and perhaps a little similarly to his master , ) remained nothing more than a harmless , red-eyed creature with a few odd talents .
' i guess you could call him dark's familiar , too . ' ah , but when it leaves his mouth , he can't help but wince a little . it sounded lame . ' we ... um , steal together a lot . he's always helping me out of all sorts of pinches and trying to protect me . ' though the bare truth , unpleasant to admit , makes him nervous before he tries to move away from the topic .
' there are some strawberries in that bowl on my desk ... if you want , you can feed him a couple . they're always his favorite ! ' and of course , bright in response , he can hear wiz's own affirming kyuu-kyuu !
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hxroic-wxlls-rxborn · 3 months
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“ Baaaaaaaald. “
His eyes burn at the sight…but it IS funny.
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sercphs · 4 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀From a trustworthy(?) smile to a trustworthy(?) smile!
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Fuck you!
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aetherose · 5 months
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The Discord RPs of Project Moon Seele and Veliona Part 1: Seele's No Good Very Bad Day
Read this drabble for more context. It happens like, hours before this.
Ignore that this post got evaporated previously.
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Cast: Rose as Seele and Veliona [Mirror World] Neu (@sercphs) as Cradle Remun (@remunporium) as Alice and Fyuga Boomer (@boomermania) as Basil
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astrxlfinale · 7 months
@remunporium replied to your post “..... "Huh. A whole lotta ways to tell a guy to...”:
throw salt. :3c - sparkle
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"HEY YA SICK BASTARD-- YER PURIFYING ME, QUIT THAT!! This ain't an everyday local haunting!!"
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thebreakfastmuses · 4 months
@remunporium replied to your post “"Tsk. Glad Kagura and Sirin haven't met yet. Not...”:
sirin vc who??
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"You know that bum upstairs that I have you collect rent from whenever he stiffs me? He has a girl about your age working for him. Kagura. Rides around on a giant dog, eats everything she can get her hands on, will throw hands at the slightest provocation..."
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