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lanottediamsterdam · 1 year
Mi viene da ridere a scrivere ancora cazzate su questa pagina che nessuno ha mai particolarmente cagato e che nessuno cagherà particolarmente in ogni caso ma nel rempo si è come tramutata in una piccola bacheca personale, poi in un diario, poi un mausoleo e poi ancora in un diario barra circo dei ricordi che fanno solo comodo a me quando ho voglia di passeggiare nel viale dei ricordi. Sto adulteggiando nella mia vita, cercando di combattere i miei piccoli mostriciattoli daybyday e di costruire qualcosa. Mi sembra io ci stia riuscendo ma nemmeno troppo, mi sembra che qualcosa mi sfugga ma non so cosa. Ogni settimana ho almeno due momenti in cui ti ripenso e mi sento una stretta che mi dice che dovrei correre nella tua direzione subito, ma è così infattibile da essere divertente (se per divertente intendiamo una persona mentalmente stabile che mi osserva dall'esterno e ride delle mie inutili e travagliate rogne). In ogni caso ogni settimana cerco un segno e quando mi convinco di averlo visto o percepito, mi dico che sicuramente sarebbe una enorme cazzata e che non vorresti avere mie notizie. Poi risorgono i dubbi, ho sempre questa impressione che le persone con cui sono stato a contatto (e noi a contatto lo siamo stati molto) siano felici con la loro vita e non indugino mai nei ricordi legati a me, e men che meno vogliano riavere contatto con me, mentre io penso e ripenso a loro, e a te in particolare chissà che cosa ho combinato, e cosa hai combinato tu, chissà se ti rivedessi, soprattutto ora che la possibilità di vederti è palpabile, chissà se mi rivedessi, uno schiaffo? un abbriaccio? un insulto? una risata? chi lo sa. Io intanto provo a fare finta di niente e a seminare l'orgoglio sotto una bella sigarettina simpatica, come le chiamano i boomer, e ripenso alle frittelle e alle lasagne, alla sigaretta sul balcone dopo pranzo e ad uno sguardo preciso, un preciso sguardo di un preciso momento che mi ha fatto tremare. La cosa che mi fa ridere (se per ridere intendiamo sghignazzare di imbarazzo, timore e vergognina) è sapere esattamente la tua possibile reazione alla lettura di questo piccolo testo. Chissà se un giorno riuscirò a scontrarmi con l'orgoglio e la paura e a vincere.
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yeeticusdeleticus · 1 year
Play Avalon Code Play Avalon Code Play Avalon Code Play Avalon Code Play Avalon Code Play Avalon Code Play Avalon Code Play Avalon Code Play Avalon Code
I need more people to play it. I need more people to know why I spend so much time rotating Rempo and Duran in my mind.
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cirgaydian-rhythm · 1 year
I've been dicking around with ChatGPT for a couple days. It's been fun to see where it does very well and where it does surprisingly poorly. For example, it's very good at giving writing prompts, building story elements, composing limericks, and even fleshing out a homebrew D&D setting.
But then you ask it to create male Plainsfolk Lalafell names, which have a consistent "AB CB" structure, and...well...
Me: Good morning! Could you come up with some male plainsfolk lalafell names for me?
ChatGPT: Good morning! Of course, I'd be happy to help you come up with some male Lalafell names for your plainsfolk character. Here are a few suggestions:
Pipkin Meadowbloom
Thistlebrush Wheatfield
Tumbleweed Dustwhisper
Willowgrove Greenleaf
Bramblethorn Hopper
Sagebrush Swiftfoot
Pebblebrook Stonefoot
Glimmerwind Frostbranch
Quicksilver Flintlock
Starling Moonwatch
Feel free to mix and match or modify these names to suit your preferences. Let me know if you need more options or if there's anything else I can assist you with!
Me: Do you know the naming conventions for lalafell from Final Fantasy XIV?
ChatGPT: Yes, I'm familiar with the naming conventions for Lalafell in Final Fantasy XIV. Lalafell names in the game often follow a pattern of two given names. The first name is typically shorter and more playful, while the second name is longer and more descriptive. Here are a few examples:
Male Lalafell Names:
Tataru Taru
Papalymo Totolymo
Riripu Pipiru
Fufucha Nencha
Toto Kewkalo
Chachanji Gegenji
Petyr Patteryn
Momo Jjimomo
Kuplo Kopp
Yuyuhase Yuyu
These examples should give you an idea of the naming conventions for Lalafell characters in Final Fantasy XIV. Remember, you can mix and match syllables or create new combinations to come up with unique names.
Me: Following the syllabic pattern of "AB CB" for male plainsfolk, can you come up with some lore-compliant lalafell names?
ChatGPT: Certainly! Here are some lore-compliant Lalafell names following the "AB CB" syllabic pattern for male Plainsfolk:
Popoto Bumbli
Pippin Glimli
Kukuru Rattli
Dodo Boombi
Lolo Tinkli
Toto Quivvi
Koko Frondli
Ruru Bristli
Zizi Fizzli
Kiki Paddli
These names should adhere to the syllabic pattern and maintain the playful nature of Lalafell names in Final Fantasy XIV. Feel free to customize or modify them as you see fit. Enjoy creating your Lalafell character!
Me: This seems to be a bit beyond your grasp. Male plainsfolk lalafell names are like "Penco Zunco" "Peneli Bureli" "Kubuna Mobuna" - can you follow that pattern to make more names?
ChatGPT: Apologies for the confusion earlier. I understand now that you're looking for Lalafell names specifically following the pattern of "AB CB" for male Plainsfolk. Here are some more names that adhere to that format:
Pono Tofu
Bimo Zano
Gobo Rudo
Zido Lamo
Rono Noso
Buno Sogo
Lido Vero
Mono Zico
Piko Hano
Vono Joso
I hope these names align more closely with the pattern you're seeking. Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with!
Me: Still not quite, but you're making a valiant effort
ChatGPT: Apologies once again for the confusion. I apologize for the misunderstanding. Let me try again, focusing specifically on the "AB CB" pattern for male Plainsfolk Lalafell names. Here are some revised suggestions:
Penko Zanko
Benco Fumfo
Renlo Kumgo
Tenco Rando
Zunco Pimpo
Jenco Rempo
Tundo Lingo
Lumbo Vimto
Penli Curli
Kumbo Lonbo
I hope these names are more in line with the pattern you're looking for. If there's anything else I can assist you with, please let me know.
Me: 1, 9, and 10 follow the correct pattern. Do you think you can come up with some more names like that?
ChatGPT: Apologies for the mix-up once again. I appreciate your patience. Here are some more Lalafell names following the "AB CB" pattern for male Plainsfolk:
Denlo Fenmo
Penro Limbo
Kenbo Zindo
Henlo Jumbo
Renko Vanbo
Senlo Tindo
Genro Kumbo
Fenlo Penko
Menbo Zanbo
Jenlo Lenpo
I hope these names align more closely with the desired pattern. Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with!
Me: Let's try this: can you come up with some monosyllabic words or word parts?
ChatGPT: Certainly! Here are some monosyllabic words or word parts that you can use to create Lalafell names:
You can combine these monosyllabic words or use them as standalone elements to create Lalafell names that suit your preferences. Feel free to mix and match or add additional letters to create unique combinations.
Me: Using monosyllabic words and word parts along those lines, can you create two-part name sets where each part combines two or more monosyllabic word parts, but both parts of the name use the same monosyllable at the end?
ChatGPT: Certainly! Here are some two-part name sets where each part combines two or more monosyllabic word parts, and both parts of the name use the same monosyllable at the end:
Daxip Nipnip
Zanix Banban
Jaxux Quipquip
Yonex Poxpox
Luxip Kipkip
Vexon Nimnim
Bopux Zanzan
Quipy Jaxjax
Poxex Vexvex
Nimon Loxlox
In these examples, both parts of the name end with the same monosyllable, which adds a sense of cohesion. Feel free to modify or combine these names as needed to create unique combinations that suit your preferences.
Me: Still not quite there. How about this: following the pattern of "AB CB," where "A" "B" and "C" represent different monosyllables, can you try to create names?
ChatGPT: Apologies for the continued confusion. I appreciate your patience. Let's try to create Lalafell names following the pattern of "AB CB," where "A," "B," and "C" represent different monosyllables. Here are some revised attempts:
Pembo Zanko
Jenpo Tundo
Rinco Nampo
Daxmo Jempo
Kipbo Lanco
Zinlo Penpo
Tonbo Kemco
Vaxso Hinro
Limco Daxmo
Nipdo Zinco
I hope these examples are closer to what you're looking for. Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with!
Me: Looking at number 1 in that list, can you identify the monosyllables used for "A" "B" and "C" in the pattern?
ChatGPT: Apologies for the confusion in my previous response. In the example "Pembo Zanko," the monosyllables used for "A," "B," and "C" in the pattern are as follows:
"A" monosyllable: Pe "B" monosyllable: mbo "C" monosyllable: Zan
I apologize for any confusion caused earlier, and I appreciate your patience. Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with!
Me: In that case, shouldn't the prescribed pattern of "AB CB" result in "Pembo Zanmbo"?
ChatGPT: You are absolutely correct, and I apologize for the oversight in my response. The correct interpretation of the pattern "AB CB" in the example "Pembo Zanko" would indeed result in "Pembo Zanmbo." Thank you for pointing that out.
To provide some revised examples that adhere to the "AB CB" pattern with monosyllables:
Kembo Tanmbo
Jinpo Rencho
Linco Jaxmco
Dexmo Kinbo
Sanbo Penmbo
Rinlo Zinpo
Voxco Menpox
Lenso Vaxnso
Tinxo Kenpo
Banmo Dexnmo
I apologize for the previous inaccuracies and appreciate your understanding. If you have any further requests or questions, please let me know.
Me: You're getting much closer now. Can you get more varied with your monosyllables and keep them to 2 or more letters?
ChatGPT: Certainly! I apologize for the previous limitations in the monosyllables provided. Here are some revised examples that include more varied monosyllables, each consisting of two or more letters, while following the "AB CB" pattern:
Rondo Pimto
Hexen Minco
Zephyr Fipry
Jaxon Quirlo
Blizko Voltro
Sylva Thondo
Nimbus Crimto
Zenith Viflo
Lyric Solpo
Rumble Pixto
I hope these examples better meet your criteria. Feel free to mix and match or modify them to create unique combinations that suit your preferences. Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with!
Me: Ah, no, you've strayed from the "AB CB" pattern. Remember that the "B" part needs to stay the same within each name
ChatGPT: Apologies for the continued confusion. Let's try again, making sure to follow the "AB CB" pattern with monosyllables where the "B" part remains the same within each name. Here are some revised examples:
Kiplo Zanko
Jenbo Tondo
Rinmo Pempo
Daxco Jempo
Zinpo Penko
Tonso Kembo
Vaxdo Hinco
Limto Daxmo
Nipso Zinco
Hexbo Minpo
In these examples, the "B" part remains consistent within each name, following the "AB CB" pattern you specified. Once again, I apologize for any confusion caused earlier. Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with!
Me: You've got the concept of sticking the same letter on the end, but the letter preceding it also needs to remain consistent within the name, such as "to" "se" "pi" "ru" and so on. Can you try again with that in mind?
ChatGPT: Apologies for the confusion once again. Thank you for clarifying the requirement. Here are revised examples of Lalafell names following the "AB CB" pattern, where the letter preceding the final monosyllable remains consistent within each name:
Zito Peto
Gimo Limo
Fupo Sero
Keno Teno
Miso Duso
Rupo Nipo
Bemo Jeno
Lodo Puno
Siso Vexo
Holo Zono
In these examples, both parts of the name follow the "AB CB" pattern, with the consistent letter preceding the final monosyllable. I apologize for any confusion caused earlier, and I appreciate your patience. Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with!
Me: You're getting there. 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 are correct. In 3, "po" and "ro" are not the same, neither are "mo" and "no" in 7, "do" and "no" in 8, "so" and "xo" in 9, nor "lo" and "no" in 10. Do you understand that?
ChatGPT: Apologies once again for the oversight. I apologize for the confusion caused. I appreciate your patience. Let me provide some revised examples, ensuring that both parts of the name follow the "AB CB" pattern with the same letter preceding the final monosyllable:
Zito Peto
Gimo Limo
Tupo Sero
Keno Teno
Miso Niso
Rupo Nupo
Bemo Jeno
Lodo Puno
Siso Xeso
Lono Zono
I apologize for the mistakes in the previous examples and thank you for pointing them out. These revised examples should now accurately follow the "AB CB" pattern you specified. If you have any further requests or questions, please let me know.
Me: 3, 7, and 8 are still incorrect. Would you like to try again?
ChatGPT: Apologies once again for the mistakes in my previous responses. I appreciate your patience. Here, once again, are revised examples of Lalafell names following the "AB CB" pattern, where both parts of the name have the same letter preceding the final monosyllable:
Zito Peto
Gimo Limo
Sipo Miro
Keno Teno
Nimo Gino
Rupo Nupo
Jedo Buno
Podo Lono
Xiso Tuxo
Lono Zono
I apologize for any confusion caused by the earlier mistakes. These revised examples should now accurately follow the "AB CB" pattern as you specified. If you have any further requests or questions, please let me know.
Me: Still not quite there. Try to break down each of your examples into the "AB CB" pattern to see where you're going wrong. Remember that within each example, "B" needs to stay the same in both parts.
ChatGPT: Apologies once again for the persistent errors. Let me provide you with revised examples of Lalafell names that accurately follow the "AB CB" pattern, with the "B" monosyllable remaining consistent within each name:
Zizo Bibo
Gigo Lilo
Soso Roro
Kiko Tito
Nono Gogo
Ruru Nunu
Jijo Bibo
Pipo Lolo
Xixo Toto
Lolo Zozo
In these revised examples, both parts of the name adhere to the "AB CB" pattern, with the consistent "B" monosyllable within each name. I apologize for the confusion caused by my previous incorrect responses. If you have any further requests or questions, please let me know.
Me: Oh dear, you've strayed even further from the pattern. I know that you're trying your best, but I'm not sure how to explain it to you in a way that makes sense to your programming. Perhaps we should just end this exercise here.
ChatGPT: I apologize for the continued difficulties in providing the names according to your specific requirements. I understand that it has been frustrating, and I'm sorry for any confusion caused. If you have any other questions or need assistance with a different topic in the future, please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you for your understanding, and have a great day!
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wiwsport · 1 year
COUPE DU MAIRE : Le DUC prend sa revanche sur l'ASC Ville de Dakar (Dames) Ce dimanche 30 septembre, le DUC rempo...
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baemys · 1 year
VAI TOma no cu eu acho q vo desativa por um rempo
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Venticinquesima giornata di Serie A: tra risultati e classifica  
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Venticinquesima giornata di Serie A: quasi tutti, esclusi pochi intelligenti, hanno gioito, hanno festeggiato ma sopratutto hanno parlato anzi sparlato. Scusate la sincerità ma lor signori hanno guardato la classifica in modo reale o secondo le indicazioni del corto muso?? Venticinquesima giornata di Serie A: che succede? Hanno parlato di possesso di palla, di crisi e di tutto quello che non hanno potuto dire da circa 8 mesi. Ebbene si, il Napoli ha perso la sua prima partita in casa con la lazio del fu comandante Sarri. Un comandante oggi molto più vicino ai dettami calcistici del 'paron rocco', il maestro del cateneccio italico e della palla tirata alla "viva il parroco" che non è il sarrisimo bello e maledetto fatto vedere a napoli in 3 anni. Torniamo a noi, i partenopei perdono giustiamente più per demeriti loro che per meriti altrui. Un primo tempo amorfo e senza luce regala ai laziali la convinzione che possono far risultato e con un goal del rinato e fortunato Vecino riescono a fare bottino pieno al Maradona. Senza Mario Rui le uniche sconfitte sono arrivate quando lui non ha giocato. Sarà pure una coincidenza ma se due prove fanno un indizio allora sappiamo dove trovare le prove per la sconfitta.  Quindi questa settimana che riporta la capolista a 15 punti di distacco dalla seconda milanese la beneamata internazionale, mentre i cugini rossoneri si squagliano ,da speranze a chi al disopra del garigliano aspetta i savoia piemontesi e gli asbugici lombardi a braccia aperte. Lotta Champions Invece la breccia di porta pia laziale e romana le regala i posti champions.  al napoli per l'orrendo non giocato primo rempo un 5 non lo toglie nessuno invece il secondo tempo si arriva al 6 politico di sessantottina memoria. Lotta salvezza In coda la Salernitana pesca un punticino che dà ossigeno ma non la tira fuori dalla lotta dei bassifondi. Sempre più inguaite Verona, Ccremonese e Sampdoria. I conti si fanno alla fine Si aspetta sabato prossimo l'Atalanta del "mitico" Gasperini e nel frattempo come il marchese del grillo... facciamo i debiti scongiuri. Ad maiora Read the full article
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freshpostlover · 2 years
Minority Report (2002) Steven Spielberg
Honestamente no tenía muchas ganas de verla, no me llamaba mucho la atención, tengo que decir que Tom Cruise no se me hace un atractivo como a muchas personas para seleccionar una película, sin embargo cuando la comencé a ver, llamo mi atención la cierta atmosfera que se creo en mi habitación al verla, no sé porque, casi nunca hago esto, pero apagué la luz, la única fuente de luz era la de la pantalla de mi laptop y al principio todo parecía tener un tono azulado, así que logró adentrarme más rápido a la película o eso supongo ya que las condiciones fueron particulares a como normalmente veo las películas.
Lo más reconocible de su lado tech-noir, del cual he investigado recientemente y me llama la atención visión futurista a inicios de los 2000, el suspenso me atrapó, la verdad por alguna razón no podía adelantarme a lo que podría pasar, todo se fue dando conforme pasaba el tiempo.
Por lo general saco mis conclusiones en las primeras escenas, pero esta sin duda me hizo querer ponerle más atención a medida que pasaba algo, sin duda me hizo recordar a la película “Rempo Men” (2010) de Miguel Sapochnik, cuando el “héroe” protagonista, el mejor empleado, el más eficiente, de una forma dramática se vuelve el más buscado de la empresa para la que trabajan y para esto tienen que adentrarse más en la misma para poder encontrar respuestas y salvarse.
Creo que de ahora en adelante veré más películas con las luces de mi habitación apagadas y cobijada en mi cama, me agradó la experiencia y el nivel de atención que logré darle a la película.
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rhinoyo · 2 years
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hi <3
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jazzykurl · 2 years
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On tiktok there r three videos under the Avalon Code hashtag and guess who made 2/3s of them
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who-do-i-know-this-man · 10 months
⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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acediee · 5 years
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Chance meeting
Avalon code was something I picked up as a quick breather from studies! Bizzare writing but unique gameplay for a rpg
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yazziescribbles · 5 years
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Been replaying Avalon Code today so why not doodle my fave Rempo.
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iluminalma · 6 years
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O cristão é alguém que sabe quem é, de onde veio, porque está aqui e para onde vai. É alguém que rompeu com um estilo de vida e abraçou novos valores, nova conduta, novos sonhos. É alguém que abandonou o caminho largo das facilidades e das permissividades sem limites. É alguém que agora trilha o caminho estreito da verdade e da probidade, rechaçando as propostas vergonhosas e despudoradas daqueles que corrompem e são corrompidos. O cristão é alguém que é sal da terra, luz do mundo, mas não tem aqui cidadania permanente, pois sua pátria está no céu. O cristão é alguém que granjeia tesouros aqui, investe recursos deste mundo nos projetos terrenos e temporais, mas está cônscio que a sua verdadeira herança está no céu, e lá ajunta os seus tesouros mais excelentes. O cristão é alguém pertinente no seu tempo. Ele faz diferença. Ele é referencial e modelo. Sua vida é digna de Deus. Sua palavra é verdadeira, sua conduta é ilibada, suas ações são justas, suas reações são misericordiosas, pois seu viver é Cristo e seu morrer é lucro. O cristão é alguém que está preparado para viver e morrer. A vida não o acovarda, a morte não o amedronta. A vida é a semeadora, a morte é a colheita. A vida é a luta, a morte é a coroação. A vida é o percurso do ventre materno à sepultura, a morte é a porta da eternidade que nos leva ao paraíso, ao nosso lar permanente, onde a morte não mais existirá, mas viveremos para sempre com o Senhor. Por Rev. @hernandesdiaslopes 
📖#ClarearDiario #Devocional #TodoDia #Sabedoria #cuidado #carinho #amor #EleCuidaDeMim Abençoe alguém com essa palavra! Marque ele nos comentários . 🔄Compartilhe🔄 . ▶Recomendem nossa página !🙏💕 . ▶SIGAM: @clareardiario ⬅⬅⬅ . ______________ Recomendamos👇❤ . @meu_paodiario @projetosemeadores @seja_um_amigo
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erik595 · 3 years
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"La funzione del genio non è dare nuove risposte, ma porre nuove domande, che il tempo e la mediocrità possono risolvere". . . . . . #hughtrevorroper #trevorroper #frase #frasi #frasitumblr #frases #citazioni #aforismi #quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #autore #scrittore #storico #genialità #domande #risposte #rempo (presso Glanton) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQxl8quFM8N/?utm_medium=tumblr
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