#removals price list London
mtcremovalsposts · 3 months
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
Madripoor High (Part 1)
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A/N: ok so hum... First part of something new... I have no idea for a title so please throw some ideas in the comments... Yes i have added a little hint of marvel but it is not in the marvel universe! I just love Madripoor. I kinda have the tittle 'Madripoor High' in mind but I'm not sure... Don't even know if I'll keep this going just... Let me know in the comments. Also edited this on my phone... Kinda sucky, I'll put it back correctly if I do keep it going.
Warnings: sexual talk, weapons etc.
Cars passing by and people walking to their destinations. The busy city boomed around you, muffled by the headphones on your head. Your music blocked the chaos of London. You enjoyed London. You found it beautiful. Amongst all the countries you've been to… and that list was quite long, you enjoyed the weather. Exactly. The gloomy, rainy weather. The black umbrella shielding you from the crystal droplets as you walked to a small cafe. You were greeted as you entered, dropping your shield at the entrance before taking place at a table in a corner far from others.
Your coat was removed, your backpack opened to free your laptop. The nice waitress walked to you after several minutes, asking for your order.
"I'd like a hazelnut cappuccino and… the crumble please" you answered with a smile.
As she walked away you looked around, the almost empty cafe was quiet, the few people chatting or working. You smirked, turning to your laptop you went to check for your payment. You smiled as you watched the enormous figure in your credit account. Yes. Credit. Because in the underground, money is important, but credits… Those are so much more valuable. The Madripoor currency.
Sighing, you let yourself lean back on the sofa chair, crossing your arms. You were proud. After everything you've gone through, you have managed to become one of the most prized citizens of Madripoor. The hard work you've put in has paid off, the contracts have piled up, the price tag always climbing up. Your speciality? Tracking. To get into details, it was hacking. Now you mostly used it to track down targets for big mean people who always have something against another big mean one. You were good. You were the fucking best. So yes. You were proud, even if you had no one to be proud of you.
Cup placed in front of you, you were taken out of your daydream. You smiled up, thanking the waitress, closing your laptop and pushing it to the side to bring your little treats closer to you. Contract over, now you were free until you accepted the next one. It would fall quite fast, yes, but you thought you might get some rest. Go back to Madripoor, to Hightown, and rest.
You took a bite of the crumble, feeling the sweetness of it making you relax. You thought you might go shopping once you'd got back. Maybe you'd stay in and play, watch some movies. Maybe you'd go to Downtown…
A soft buzz captured your attention. You grabbed your phone, looking at the screen. Someone was calling. No one called. Very few… barely anyone had this number. It was used for emergencies only and it had been a year and half since it rang. You frowned. It foreshadowed something entirely different than a break. You sighed. Curiosity eating at you. Before it was too late you answered.
You frowned. A woman's voice. A woman who knew your screen name. Only people from Madripoor knew it. Or people extremely close to Madripoor.
"Be quick." You said.
"You were never patient muñeca."
Muñeca. Doll. In Spanish. You sighed, closing your eyes.
"Valeria, you fucking bitch, I thought you were in jail."
"I was. I got out. Then that cabron de Alejandro trapped me."
You smirked. Alejandro. You haven't met the man, but by the amount of times she had complained about him, it's like you knew him already. A little voice was heard behind her, notifying you that she wasn't alone in that call.
"Where are you calling me from?"
"A military base. I need your help."
"You didn't listen."
"Go on I'm listening."
"We need help to find-"
She sighed. Helping her? It was already risky. You could. You could get her out and free her but she'd get herself into trouble again. Helping the military? You? Tangled in the deepest roots of criminality? It was the stupidest thing to ask of you.
"Come on. You love a challenge. And I have one just for you."
"It doesn't matter if I love a challenge. You're on high speaker aren't you?"
"Of course you are. They wouldn't let you call anyone without supervision. They know who I am? They know what I do?"
"They do." She said, a hint of amusement in her voice.
"So what's going to happen? I help and then what? They got pretty little pink handcuffs for me?"
"Well you can ask the skull face to put them on. Or the ADHD Scot." She answered even more amusedly.
"Valeria… what?" You asked confused.
"Come on. It'll be very interesting. I know you're curious. And this… is like tracking a sin cara."
"A no face?"
Damn. She might succeed to make you interested. But she might be bluffing as well.
"Yes. We need to find Echo."
"Echo? The scientist working for various cartel's and Mafia bosses? The man that no one has ever met or even seen?" You asked, irony dripping from your tongue.
"Are you skeptical?"
"Echo doesn't exist. It's a stupid invention from some idiots to sell products at a higher price. You're wasting my time. Goodbye and good luck Valeria" You rolled your eyes.
"I have proof."
You froze. Proof? Now curiosity prickled your skin. What kind of proof? How did they get it?
"Shut up. I'm thinking."
She chuckled on the other side.
"We've heard that your work is based on contracts. We'd like to offer you a contract." A voice rang.
The raspy voice was soft but commanding. A man, probably in his 40's. He sounded calm, determined.
"And who might you be?" You asked, taking a sip of your cappuccino who was growing cold.
"I'm Captain John Price."
A captain. Fair enough.
"What kind of contract?"
"You help us, we find Echo, we neutralize him and get Intel. You get immunity on this mission and after your part is done, you have 24 hours to vanish."
You thought about the question. Finding Echo. Might be the golden contract for you. Not that you needed it. But this… this was a challenge. Not the boring easy tracks that you had to do. You knew how even the high table of Madripoor was starting to get annoyed about this intriguing character. Countering rules in Hightown and Downtown. This might be an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. You looked around you, at the calm cafe. Fuck… you might not get that break after all. You closed your eyes, preparing yourself to accept a deal you might regret.
"48 hours. Full immunity from the moment I step into your base until the end of the contract. I do things my way. You get your guy, your Intel. That's it. I'm not getting in the middle of the cartel's and other big brainless gorillas." You stated.
"Fine." You heard after a few pending seconds.
"Alright. I'll think about it." You finished.
"Didn't you just agree?" Another voice rang.
This time it was more… alive. The Scottish accent meant it was one of the men Valeria had mentioned.
"I'll agree when you'll receive the contract. I have to check something before I agree. I'll contact you and travel to you. Don't worry, you'll get an answer in the next few hours." You explained, opening your laptop.
"Should we send you a location? An email?" Another voice again. British accent but cute voice.
"No. I know where you are. I know how to contact you. I'll do so when the time's come."
"How?" The Scottish voice echoed in your ear.
"Oh… she'll have no problem with it." Valeria answered.
"See you soon." You concluded, hanging up.
Entering the base was easy. The new recruits keeping the gates were easily distracted. You infiltrated the base, making sure to deviate the cameras and stealing a 'visitor' badge.
You walked around, white wool shirt, black shorts with tights. Thigh high socks over your tights and comfy running shoes. Your black backpack and phone in hand. Sometimes, the best way to hide is to get attention… especially from men. You'd feel the looks, the way they were directed to your thick thighs, or neck, in plain view as you had pulled your hair back.
You were chubby, not exactly thin, tummy showing and chubby cheeks. At least, that was what was usually romanticized, the thighs, ass and boobs being overly sexualized. You wanted to roll your eyes. But eventually sometimes, men or women easily fall for it.
You took your time to walk around, discovering the grounds, the badge often being watched by what seemed to be higher ups. You'd fain innocence and bat your lashes when getting caught in places you shouldn't be, before letting them turn their backs and walking straight to where you wanted to. You weren't exactly wanting to be hidden right now. You were good at it. Hiding. But right now you wanted to explore.
The contract had been sent, signed and sent. You had gotten a chance to engage with the high table who agreed to such a contract. You didn't really need their approval. But you didn't want your place in Madripoor to be compromised by working with 'the good guys'. Not only did the high table saw no problem in it but they greatly appreciated you going after Echo. You were right, the character was definitely getting on their nerves, the echoes of him creating some ruckus in downtown.
You walked around a huge warehouse, military gear sprawled around. Most were used for training. You heard some noise not too far, deciding to hide behind big wooden shipping boxes. Voices echoed through the big place. You tried not to look too much. If you can see them, they can see you. You'd rather use your other senses to localize them. You only took one glance at two men standing back to you near a table full of items. One was overly talking while the other one rummaged through what seemed to be his gear bag. The man talking had a mohawk. It made you smile. The other one… was obviously wearing something over his head, but with their backs turned to you, you couldn't make out any more details.
The light reflected into the shinny blade of a combat knife. You blinked, almost hypnotized by it. You wanted it. The two men walked away, still babbling. You waited a few minutes before stepping out of your hiding place, going straight for the bag. You opened it, looking through the different things, looking for the pretty black mat combat knife. You almost jumped in place when you found it, taking the thingy with you before skipping back to your little exploration. This time, in a much more concealed way.
You watched, you spied. You wanted to understand how the base worked before letting yourself meet your contractors. Above the training ground, higher up in some kind of level that was used to put away all the training mats and other training things. It was the perfect spot to look over the training grounds, inside of the warehouse. You watched the men fight each other. It was almost entertaining. Your eyes caught the mohawk boy again, teasing another man. The boy with a cap seemed to joyfully indulge in whatever he was saying.
They looked next to them, a big figure stepping into view. You frowned. The man's face was veiled with a mask, a skull… it wasn't printed. Was it a real skull? You put two and two together, now realizing this was the owner of the combat knife. You chuckled to yourself. As he stopped into the training ring, young recruits palling, your interest peaked.
Thirsty minutes passed by in a flash. You watched in amusement and almost in awe how the mountain of a man threw around the soldiers. He was strong. Fast. You could hear him scold every wrong move of the poor soldiers who faced him. He seemed to look around swiftly every time he had a break.
You stretched, feeling your limbs getting sore from sitting here watching the show. You blinked, watching down again, telling yourself that you should get going.
Eyes. Dark eyes. Looking straight at you. Your breath caught in your throat, a cold wave running through you. His gaze was cold looking up through the mask. You immediately rushed back behind something to hide. How? How?! You wore nothing shiny. You made sure that nothing could reflect light. You were hiding perfectly. How?!
You wanted to take another glance but it was too dangerous. You decided to get moving, your position now compromised. You hopped around to reach ground level. You skipped your way into an empty part of the warehouse. You remained as silent as possible, making sure that even your steps were inaudible. After twenty long minutes you allowed yourself to breathe. Maybe he hadn't seen you in the darkness and you were fine. It had been three hours that you were on base, and you were getting slightly hungry. Perhaps you'd get a snack before finally meeting the contractors.
You looked around, trying to figure which way out could lead you to a building where there was food. The empty warehouse only seemed to echo the voices of soldiers outside, barely audible and muffled. You grabbed your phone, walking towards a back door. Maybe you'd get off base to eat and then come back. You were craving pizza, perhaps-
You slammed against a wall. Not exactly a wall. A wall of a man. You looked up. Eyes falling into a skull mask. Shit. Something told you. That playing innocent. Batting your lashes, won't help with this one. You took a step back, his brows furrowing. You both froze for a split second, tension giving you goosebumps before you reacted the only way your brain could at the moment. You ran.
Throughout the warehouse, jumping over gear, boxes and other stuff that you didn't mind to look at. Why were you running? You were supposed to have immunity. But he didn't know who you were. Not yet. The sound of his heavy boots was the only thing you could hear. Shit the man was swift. He was fast and nimble. You parkoured your way to the back door, almost reaching it until you were tackled against a wall. The shock made you wince, cursing out. You were stuck. Stuck in between a wall, and a strong body. Unfortunately you had both run to a dark corner of the warehouse. You could barely see his eyes in the darkness. You were panting.
He shared your gaze. Eyes never leaving yours. The darkness of them made you shiver. It was odd. That tingly feeling all over you. You barely realized how your wrists were pinned above your head, in his large hand. Didn't even notice his other hand… around your throat. He wasn't applying pressure. He was securing you in place, warning you. You were trapped. You have been trapped very often at the beginning of your… career. However, it had never made you feel like this. Small. Hunted. Like a prey under the claws of a predator. There was no ego, no dumb boy trying to prove something. He had chased you down on instinct, caught you in a primal way. Honestly. It was hot. Thrilling.
"Who are you?" His deep voice said.
Shit… even his voice was hot. Putting your new kink aside, you frowned, gaining back some composure.
"Santa Claus." You let out ironically.
The hand around your throat squeezed menacingly. You gasped. He remained silent awaiting your new answer.
"I.. I'm a visitor." You tried, maybe the innocent act would work.
He pulled on your wrists, having you on your toes now. A last warning.
"T..tracker…" you mumbled.
He seemed in thought for a few seconds before releasing the pressure on your neck and wrists, but keeping them in his hold.
"How did you get in?" He questioned.
Ah yes… the usual interrogation.
"The young boys at the entrance are easily distracted…" you mumbled again.
You weren't pissed. You weren't exactly pouting… maybe a bit. You weren't expecting to be caught, or to be put in your place. You weren't expecting to be under someone's hold like this. You looked away.
"You armed?" He asked.
"I have my phone. It's the only weapon I need." You said, keeping the combat knife a little secret. Mostly because you wanted to keep it and he won't let you. He straightened himself, towering over you.
"I'm going to let you go. You better behave." He warned.
God.. you wanted to brat. You wanted to anger him and test him. You rolled your eyes at him, as the hand holding your wrists released. However the other remained on your throat. You frowned looking up at him, as your hands wrapped around his wrist. He stepped closer to you, eyes never leaving yours. Now what was he doing? He said he was letting you go…
Eyes widening, you felt the other hand roam your waist. You tried to push him away but he squeezed at your throat keeping you in place, your hands flying to his chest to fist in shirt. The hand traveled to your sides, down your back, then back to your side to finally reach your thighs.
"S..stop!" You let out, blushing.
"Breathe… I'm checking for weapons." He said in a chuckle.
He frowned, his hand meeting the handle of… shit. The combat knife was tucked into the back of your shorts, hidden by your shirt. You closed your eyes as he pulled it out.
"No weapons huh? You're already-" he stopped looking at the handle. "That's my fucking knife. You stole it?"
"I borrowed it. Sharing is caring right? We're on the same team…" you answered with a smile.
He put away his knife before spinning you around, bringing your back to his chest. How the hell did he move so fast?! How did he manage to pin your wrists behind you… and HANDCUFF YOU?
"Hey! Where's my immunity?" You complained.
"I'm not arresting you."
"You're handcuffing me to satisfy a kink?" You teased him in a bitter tone.
"I'm keeping you from stealing again. And I'm taking you to Price."
No answer, he simply pulled you forward, holding your wrists behind your back. Well. Wasn't this the perfect start to a contract?
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xappetites · 7 months
this was supposed to be a little Price thought but it got away from me and it's 1112 words
warnings: fem!reader who's decided kids aren't the best idea for her, mentions of sex and breeding kink, brief mentions of a disordered relationship w/food
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“Are you still planning on children?”
It takes John a minute, in the post coital haze, to understand the question his wife whispers from the bathroom doorway, naked in the easy way of years together.
She stands there, skin reddened in the places he was just holding onto like a lifeline, and she looks at the towel in her hands instead of him. It’s steps, between them, but they turn to ice for John, a little Siberia in the middle of South East London.
“Loaded question, isn’t it, love?”
“You brought it up,” she breaks the frost, moving to settle on the edge of the bed, right next to him. Her towel is warm, he realizes, as she works it over where he’s drying itchy with sweat and cum. Barely wet and gentle on his skin.
And John knows what she means, can still feel the words on his tongue: I’ll fill you, love, fill you ‘till it takes. He doesn’t regret them, doesn’t want to regret them because it gets him there in record time, does the job so well for him that just thinking about them has his cock hardening again to the warmth and the wetness and the subtle pressure of her hands.
But that’s all it is, a fantasy that ends here, when he cums. He doesn’t spend his days imagining his wife pregnant in his daily life. In fact, now that he thinks about it, the thought’s strange, leadens his stomach with an irrational sort of anxiety. He spends too much time away, too far removed from this unstoppable woman, to think of her vulnerable and not feel a certain kind of madness tugging at the threads of his self control.
“Do you want children?”
He counters, buys time, though he knows it’s unfair to twist the question on her. They talked about it, once, before the marriage, when they felt younger and the future seemed so terribly malleable. John said it might be good to have a couple. But he didn’t want to be a Christmas dad, seeing his offspring every four to six months and have them cry in his arms because they don’t recognize a man who’s more thought than father to them.
He’d planned to retire, cut back at least, before he’d consider any children. And now he can’t, not with so much to do. He couldn’t sit by a desk and watch other people forced into the kinda shit only he —and Kyle and Soap and Simon— will voluntarily sign up for. So it’s looking more and more like it might not happen for him, and he’s comfortable with that.
But they’d agreed, back then, on an indefinite but small amount of kids. And now his wife, the one with an actual life and a home where she welcomes him, is not looking at him as he refuses to answer. Not until he hooks his fingers in the crook of her knee and smooths his thumb over her thigh. She sighs at the touch, leaves the towel in favor of drawing nonsense patterns over his stomach.
“I don’t think it would be a good idea for me to have children, John”
He frowns, but waits in silence. There’s something sad hiding behind the fleeting smile she gives him, something guilty that makes him brace himself for movement. The impulse he’s felt since the moment he fell in love with her, to fight for her, against the world. Like he’s an attack dog, built for violent resistance in her name.
“My body feels off, some days, like I don’t belong in it. I skip breakfast sometimes, I leave the metro a station back, for the walk.”
Her voice is soft, but her eyes are unrelenting, now that she’s started. And she rushes through the admission, makes it a simple stating of facts, like making the shopping list.
“I don’t think I can survive having someone else in this body without hating them, and a baby doesn’t deserve that. I don’t deserve that. I’m sorry.”
John’s heart balloons in the quiet of the moment. He can’t help the lopsided smile that tugs at the corners of his mouth, which he realizes isn’t a reasonable reaction. But it’s this, the clarity and the unflinching honesty, why he adores her so completely.
Whatever ache is in the confirmation of closing this particular door, outweighed by the pride of knowing she trusts him with the naked, uncomfortable truths of her. And that, John supposes, is what burns at him and he doesn’t know how to put into words when he talks about filling her up, when he thinks about breeding, in the most primal, basic sense of the kink. He just wants to make himself a part of her, wants to know her to the last little cell and live in the spaces between them.
“So if you want to have children, I think we would have to consider other options.”
That comment brings John’s focus snapping back to her hands, to the way she spins her wedding band, tugs on it until it hits the speed bump of the knuckle, a gesture he isn’t sure is conscious but that telegraphs exactly where her head is at.
“You’re all I want, love. No hypotheticals.”
“No,” he catches her hand, pulls it back to his chest. He uses it to anchor himself, sitting up to kiss away whatever objection she’s cooking up. “I don’t say what I don’t believe in, right?”
“Right,” her stance slackens and her body tilts forward so her torso slots against his, a perfect fit.
“Won’t bring it up again, love.”
“I like it,” it’s a mumble against his neck, his jaw, that turns into kisses that follow the line of his beard. “Just wanted to let you know, in case—“
John simply hums, keeps the groan in his throat, the one she likes best; because however tempting her sweet weight is on him, he’s weighing his options for breaching the other touchy subject this impromptu conversation raised, on a cold morning in the middle of his first week home in a while.
“About the eating—“
“I have it handled,” she says, stretching and twisting until her legs end up on each side of him again, "I'm trying."
"Ok. But you'll let me know if you need something from me, right?"
She nods, pulls back from him just to grin like she's misbehaving, or just about to.
"Could I have another round for now?"
And John laughs against her until she's squirming at the feeling of his whiskers on her skin, 'cause how could he ever deny his favorite girl.
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blueiscoool · 4 months
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Hoard of 17th-Century Coins Hidden During English Civil War Found
During a kitchen renovation, a family in England unexpectedly discovered a hoard of coins that was likely buried for safekeeping during the first English Civil War.
A family in England discovered nearly 400-year-old buried treasure during a recent home renovation project. The find includes more than 1,000 gold and silver coins that were likely hidden during the first English Civil War.
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Betty and Robert Fooks unexpectedly unearthed the 17th-century hoard at their cottage in South Poorton Farm, Dorset, in 2019. Now, these coins have hit the auction block and sold for upward of $75,900 (60,740 British pounds), according to the hammer prices listed by Duke's, an auction house in Dorchester that handled the sales.
Robert Fooks made the discovery while pickaxing the kitchen floor to remove about 2 feet (0.6 meter) of flooring material, including modern concrete, old flagstone and bare earth. Then, he saw a broken glazed-ceramic vessel brimming with coins in the layer of soil dating back about 400 years. It's unclear if the bowl was broken before or during the recent discovery, according to Duke's.
The couple contacted a local finds liaison officer, who arranged for the coins to be sent to the British Museum, where they were cleaned and identified, according to The Guardian. The British Museum noted that the coins were likely deposited on a single occasion between about 1642 and 1644, dates likely based on the coins' mint dates.
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The coins in the collection, named the Poorton Coin Hoard, range from modest sixpences, which were worth six pennies, to a coveted gold "unite" coin that was worth 20 shillings, or 1 pound, and depict the visages of English monarchs Edward VI; Mary and her husband Philip; Elizabeth I; James I; and Charles I, who ruled successively from 1547 to 1649.
Many of the coins sold individually or in groups at auction on April 23. A single gold coin of Charles I brought in the highest price, at 5,000 British pounds ($6,260), while some lots went for far more than their estimated value.
The period in which the coins were likely hidden — 1642 to 1644 — coincides with the first English Civil War, which lasted from 1642 to 1646. The three civil wars were fought between supporters of the English monarch, then Charles I, and Parliament, to determine the balance of power between the crown and Parliament.
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"Perhaps the most important short-term significance of the Civil Wars was that it culminated in the execution of King Charles I in 1649 and a republic was established for the first time in English history which lasted 11 years," Waseem Ahmed, a doctoral student of history at University College London who specializes in 17th century British political history but was not involved in the hoard's discovery or analysis.
It's no surprise that people hid their money back then, as warfare during this time included the seizure of opponents' property, he said.
"If you were a royalist or suspected royalist, you could have your estates sequestrated (seized) by the Parliamentary side and vice versa," Ahmed explained. This may be the case for the 17th-century homeowner, as Dorset was a hotspot for troop movements and the turbulence that followed.
It's likely that someone buried the Poorton Coin Hoard with the hopes of safeguarding it and retrieving it later. And while the treasure was certainly safeguarded, its retrieval took four centuries longer than its owner likely desired.
"If we hadn't lowered the floor, they would still be hidden there," Betty Fooks told The Guardian. "I presume the person intended to retrieve them but never got the chance."
By Hannah Kate Simon.
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Disability in Books: Pansexual & Panromantic Visibility Day
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[ID: A poster. Large black text reading "Pansexual & Panromantic Visability Day" is in the centre. Above it, to the left, smaller black text reading "Disability in Books". The background is a straight diagonal version of the Disability Pride flag. In the upper right corner, the logo for the Disability Book Archive. In the lower left corner, the Pansexual Pride flag. /end]
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[ID: The same poster. The flag and logo have shrunken slightly in size. The title has been removed, and replaced with two book covers and some text listed next to them. The first cover is "Our Bloody Pearl" by D. N. Bryn in the upper-left corner. Black text listed next to it reads "Adult", "Paraplegia", "Sign Language", "PTSD", "Non-Binary Agender Aspec MC", "Asexual Panromantic LI" and "Fantasy, Romance". The second cover is "Learning Curves" by Ceillie Simkiss and is in the lower right corner. Black text listed next to it reads "New Adult/Adult", "ADHD", "Fat Peurto-Rican Lesbian MC", "Asexual Panromantic LI", "Novella", and "Contemporary Romance". /end]
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[ID: The same poster. The book covers and text have been replaced. The first cover is "Fortitude Smashed" by Taylor Brooke in the upper-left corner. Black text listed next to it reads "Adult", "Dissociative Dysthymia", "Bisexual Male MC x Pansexual Male MC", "Romance", "Science-Fiction", and "Series". The second cover is "Once Stolen" by D. N. Bryn and is in the lower right corner. Black text listed next to it reads "Adult", "Autism, Deaf, Sign Language, Anxiety, Sensory Disorder", "Pansexual MC x Non-Binary MC", "Science Fiction Fantasy, Romance" and "Series". /end]
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[ID: The same poster. The book covers and text have been replaced. The first cover is "How to Sell your Blood & Fall in Love" by D. N. Bryn in the upper-left corner. Black text listed next to it reads "Adult", "Autism, Chronic Pain", "Urban Fantasy, Romance, Paranormal", "Series", and "Demisexual Male MC x Pansexual Filipino-American Male MC". The second cover is "Harmony" by London Price and is in the lower right corner. Black text listed next to it reads "New Adult/Adult", "ADHD", "Pansexual Female MC x Fat Non-Binary LI", "Contemporary Romance", and "Series". /end]
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[ID: The same poster. The book covers and text have been replaced. The first cover is "Fight + Flight" by Jules Machias in the upper-left corner. Black text listed next to it reads "Middle-Grade", "hEDS | Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome", "Anxiety", "Pansexual MC", "Questioning MC", and "Contemporary Realistic Fiction". The second cover is "A Shot in the Dark" by Victoria Lee and is in the lower right corner. Black text listed next to it reads "Adult", "Addiction", "Pansexual Female x Transgender Male", "Contemporary Romance", and "Ex-Orthodox Jewish MC". /end]
🩷💛💙🩷💛💙🩷💛💙🩷💛💙🩷💛💙🩷💛💙🩷💛💙🩷 [22 heart emojis, varying in pink, yellow and blue colouring]
A short collection of books featuring disabled characters for Pansexual & Panromantic Visibility Day!
I haven't seen a lot in the way of things for today, so this is my contribution. I had more in the pan tags than I thought, although "Fortitude Smashed" isn't yet on the archive, it will be in the future.
Books in this list:
🩷 "Our Bloody Pearl"- Bryn, D. N.
💛 "Learning Curves"- Simkiss, Ceillie
💙 "Fortitude Smashed"- Brooke, Taylor
🩷 "Once Stolen"- Bryn, D. N.
💛 "How to Sell you Blood & Fall in Love"- Bryn, D. N.
💙 "Harmony"- Price, London
🩷 "Fight + Flight"- Machias, Jules
💛 "A Shot in the Dark"- Lee, Victoria
Most of these books and more can be found on The Disability Book Archive!
If you would like more books with pansexual and/or panromantic characters, please see this list by @duckprintspress.
Happy Pansexual and Panromantic Visibility Day!
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stephensmithuk · 2 years
The Noble Bachelor
Watson's bullet remains in his shoulder and an attempt at removal with the surgical tech of the day was probably not a good idea.
A tide-waiter is a customs inspector at a port.
Yes, there were books dedicated to listing the aristocracy. Still are.
The "charming invaders" would become known as "dollar princesses" - under the nationality laws of the time, a wife took her husband's nationality and lost her own. By the end of the 19th century, a quarter of the Lords would have some American connection.
The most notable "dollar princess" for history would be Jennie Jerome, the mother of Winston Churchill. She was also one of the *many* mistresses of the then Prince of Wales, later Edward VII.
You could get across the Atlantic by steamship in under a week by this time, but only the richest or government officials would do this regularly.
"The season" was the social calendar of London - based on the residence of the royals in London and the Lords attending Parliament. It started at Easter and went up to the start of the grouse shooting season in August. This included the whole debutante business.
Flora is a former ballet dancer. Those and actresses have frequently ended up as mistresses to the upper classes, who could not marry someone that below their ranks. Their wives frequently just had to put up with it - or had their own affairs.
8 shilings or 40p in modern money would be 40 quid in today's prices. Cheap hotel today!
Hatty has probably not committed bigamy - Frank was probably declared legally dead and the marriage would be deemed to have ended. The five year rule (under California law) does not apply in cases like shipwrecks, where no body is likely to be found.
The marriage to Lord St. Simon can be annuled, as no consumation has taken place - and she can legally remarry in a church.
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cindylouwho-2 · 4 months
Etsy Shop Closures - For Shipping Late?
UPDATE [May 27, 2024] - I am happy to announce that Heather's shop has been restored, with no explanation from Etsy as to what happened or why her appeal was denied. The only thing we know for sure is that publicizing the situation brought swift action. I am leaving this post up as a cautionary tale.
Warning to all sellers: it appears Etsy is now closing shops for a few orders being scanned or shipped later than the processing time that was listed on Etsy. 
That used to be something you might get a warning for, and in the last few years you might get a 90-day payment reserve, but closure is something new. 
I’ve come across a few of these cases in the past few weeks. The most egregious one where I can confirm most of the facts is Etsy’s closure of HeatherJordanJewelry, on May 23 or 22. The shop had Star Seller status (SSS) at the time (proving that SSS is useless to protect you from much, if Etsy decides they want you gone). Heather opened the shop in 2010 and had almost 10,000 sales, almost all at a much higher price point than the average Etsy order. 
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What happened to Heather could happen to almost anyone. She had been commuting between her home in Toronto and her parents’ place near London ON to help them out. She had been mailing orders in both cities through ChitChats, a popular Canadian shipping service that allows users to ship via USPS (they transport the packages across the US border). ChitChats closed its London location April 30, but opened a London drop spot in mid-May, through courier service Intelcom. 
Heather started submitting her ChitChats orders there, and saw them scanned by staff. However, she only discovered later that those scans did not transfer to Etsy, so by the time the mail services scanned the packages 1-2 days later, it was past some of her processing times. This had not previously been a problem with the ChitChats office, and appears to be related to their new drop spot. 
Just a week later, Etsy notified Heather that it had issued a refund for one of her recent orders. When she went to her shop to check the case, she discovered the shop was suspended. She had not been notified of the suspension in any way. Heather appealed immediately and was rejected, with the Etsy rep claiming the account had “several risk indicators”.
After extensive discussion with Heather, the other known risk factors I identified are
Higher order values than most Etsy shops
Original shop location and current bank in the United States, where she lived when she opened. Since Etsy cannot transfer shop locations from the US to Canada (or between most countries), this is a common situation. Etsy never told her to close this shop and open a new one with Canadian banking info, and Heather was able to verify her bank etc. as most of us have had to do in the past few years.
Some orders show as shipping from Niagara Falls NY, where ChitChats drops off the USPS orders. Shipping from a different country is common, not just for Canadian shops using similar services, but also for anyone using print-on-demand services to fulfill orders. (Heather was only doing the former) 
If Etsy were shutting shops for 2 or 3 alone, we should be flooded with reports right now, but we aren’t. I know many Canadian shops with US bank info and/or US ship-from addresses, and they are still open. So the main trigger has to have been “shipping late” in Etsy’s eyes, even though the orders were dropped off and scanned within her processing times. Since I have received more than one message this month where “shipping late” seems to be the major issue, I am convinced this is now a large risk factor for being suspended, even if the shops do likely need other minor anomalies to get removed. Remember, Heather’s shop had Star Seller status at the time she was closed; it’s not as if she was doing tons of things wrong. 
So what does this mean? 
If I drop orders at UPS or Canada Post and they don’t scan them until the next day, does that mean Etsy closes my shop? 
What if you get into an accident after printing your shipping labels, so you can’t mail the day you said you would, just once? 
What happens when Etsy’s own systems make errors and say that tracked orders aren’t actually tracked? (Yes, that is happening.)
I sincerely think that Etsy’s automated systems have made a significant error here, which has taken away a major source of income from an innocent small business owner. Someone needs to review this case.
Mark this down as reason #5943 that you should never rely on an Etsy shop as your main income. 
Heather's own post on her Facebook page:
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Please spread this story around so people can be aware of the risks of selling on Etsy.
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
Kelly list of events | Part twelve
(idk what else to call this 😭)
Anon: Anon please!
06. December: her birthday. 10 people wished her well. Of course you have to repost all of them. Who is missing? His family. Not even teasing and reminding Victoria that she has the same birthday as her son got a reaction. Oh and dear you are 34. Just because you like to pretend you are 22 and act like 12 doesn't mean you are actually that age 
08. December: posting a birthday picture with the reservation sign that reads Mr. & Mrs. Verstappen clear in view. They are at desert so the table should have been reset minimum 3 times. This reservation sign usually gets removed as soon as you sit down. But obviously need to imply as always. So pathetic.
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09. December: Kelly flew to London to get "fitted" supposedly and fly in full hair and make up to Italy for price giving. Luis Vuitton must not like her as 1. It's not fitted well and 2. Sophie Turner wore it 3 years ago to the Game of Thrones premier. You know am actual 22 year old model.
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10. December: Max deleted a picture from his page from Christmas 2021 with Nelson Sr and Kelly
12. December: year end party at Redbull. Of course she couldn't miss that. Doesn't matter it's very cold in Milton Keynes and she is supposedly so sick. No problem taking 4 flights within a 3 days just to party and drink alcohol. Nanny can take care of the kid like she's doing 99% of the time unless mommy dearest needs IG pictures for content
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13. December: he actually believes that doesn't he?
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15. December: remember how Kelly claimed she was oh so sick poor girl. While partying and flying around. Well thankfully she can use it as advertisement for IV vitamin drips. Not recommended by real doctors but people buying crap from stupid influencers will rather believe those bimbos than medical professionals.
17. December: Kelly friend gets married in Florence. Max looks miserable as always. How many times will he be asked when he's getting married today?
19. December: Kelly is cover model for Vogue Netherlands. Theme is "women in sports". F1 community is not happy and rip Vogue and her to shreds. Look who is back to defend Kelly? Janssen. You thought we forgot. Nope. That's alright we see your backup finsta account in Elisabeth already. Vogue NL only sells 5000 copies a month and a year ago they filed for bankruptcy. They are pay to play now. This photoshoot was organised by Kelly in Brasilia at her family's residency and paid to be published in Vogue. Netherlands naturally. And oh the lies and grooming and making Max look bad by comparing him to her racist and homophobic father.
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26. December: not known where Max spend Christmas. No pictures. He was racing sim all day until 22. December. Today they are off to St. Barths for vacation
And now my watch has ended. Several other nonnies have already compiled lists of all the shenanigans that went on since the vacation. In the meantime remember they are the best most in love couple in the history
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twistedtummies2 · 1 year
Fifteen Days of Disney Magic - Number 14
Welcome to Fifteen Days of Disney Magic! In honor of the company’s 100th Anniversary, I am counting down my Top 15 Favorite Movies from Walt Disney Animation Studios! Our newest entry is a film that gives us two fabulous characters for the price of one! Number 14 is…The Adventures of Ichabod & Mr. Toad.
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This movie may or may not be a less surprising entry than my previous choice, but it’s nonetheless worthy of placement. Just like “Fun & Fancy Free,” this was one of Disney’s 1940s “package features,” which acted as anthology films featuring two or more cartoon shorts combined into one picture. Most people agree that, of all the package films Disney released during this time, “The Adventures of Ichabod & Mr. Toad” is arguably the best one. As you can probably guess, I agree wholeheartedly. “Fun & Fancy Free” I love primarily because it’s such a nostalgic movie for me; it’s just a film that influenced me a lot and which I still have a massive soft spot for. “Ichabod & Mr. Toad” has that distinction, too, but it’s also a bit different. The movie combines a short version of “Wind in the Willows” with another cartoon based on “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” The framing device is a mysterious library, where two unseen narrators – one voiced by Basil Rathbone, and one voiced by Bing Crosby – declare they want to showcase two of their favorite “fabulous characters” from literature. One chooses Mr. Toad as his subject, while the other chooses Ichabod Crane. It’s pretty basic, but it’s effective: it ties the stories together both thematically and in terms of mood without getting in the way of the focus of each portion. It's honestly kind of bizarre how complete the film feels, because not only are Kenneth Graham’s and Washington Irving’s undisputed masterpieces INCREDIBLY different, on many levels, but the way the shorts treat them is “coincironically” quite different, too. “Sleepy Hollow” is actually REMARKABLY close to its source material. Disney doesn’t soften up the characters, nor even remove all traces of the strange ambiguity that makes this ghostly tale such a great work of art. Indeed, even the language is mostly taken straight from Irving’s pages, and very little from the story is lost. “Wind in the Willows” is the opposite: it actually changes quite a few things from the story, and – being only about a half hour in length – it also has to cut out a lot of the book. The original story was essentially a two-part piece, with the first half of the novel focused on Mole and Rat, and the second half focused on Toad. The short focuses pretty much entirely on Toad’s half of the tale…which, to be fair, is generally considered to be the best part of the book.
What manages to make this film feel more whole, in my opinion, is that for as radically different as the two stories are in a lot of ways, not to mention the ways they are handled separately…not only are both tales presented as representations of literature, which helps in terms of the framing setup, but they also do have sort of an interesting comparison in tone. Both are stories that combine darkness and light: “Wind in the Willows,” on the one hand, features talking animals and zany antics abounding, but it also features characters being thrown in the tower of London, being shot at on steam trains, nearly drowning to death…the list goes on. There’s this dark edge that runs underneath the silly surface. “Sleepy Hollow” is exactly the same: underneath Bing Crosby’s showstopping tunes and the cartoonish shenanigans Ichabod gets up to, there’s an ominous undercurrent, which foreshadows the climactic and frightening final confrontation with the fabled Headless Horseman. This movie introduced me to both these stories, and when I think of either one, I tend to think of the Disney version(s) above all the rest. “Sleepy Hollow,” in particular, has become one of my favorite stories of all time, and I still say the Disney version is one of the best interpretations of the tale, as well as one of my favorites. I’ve already written a play based on that story, and I actually do have thoughts about writing a stage adaptation of Mr. Toad’s story, too, if I can ever figure it out. That, alone, should give you an idea of how influential the movie was on me as a person, and it’s telling that I make a point of watching not just the latter half but the whole picture at least once every year…in fact, I usually watch it around this VERY time of year…
…In fact, after posting this…I think I will watch it today. I do so love this movie. The countdown continues tomorrow with my 13th Favorite Disney Movie! HINT: It Is the Source of Disney’s Anthem.
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yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
how do we know Philip was a "theater kid"? 😭 at least for his day that is
We really don't, it's kinda just a silly headcannon I made up because theater is a surprisngly consistent trait in Philip's life and friends.
For instance, Philip and Price ran into Eacker at a theater, where the confrontation would take place. Where they were planning to watch The West Indian by Richard Cumberland.
Thomas Rathbone - an old college classmate and friend of Philip's - wrote to his sister about his death where he mentions he was at the theater;
“At the theatre I was informed of it about 9 O'clock Monday evening - I immediately ran to the House near the State Prison from whence I was told they dare not remove him - Picture yourself my dear Girl my emotions which must have assailed me on my arrival at his room to which I was admitted as his old College classmate.”
(source — Thomas Rathbone to sister from New York [November 21, 1801]; Historical Magazine: And Notes and Queries Concerning the Antiquities, History, and Biography of America, Volume 1)
And not to mention Price's massive theater career. Despite his education that suited him to be a lawyer, Price became more interested in the entertainment industry, and never did a single law case. He instead invested in the same Park Theater where he was challenged to a duel by Eacker just a few short years earlier — The Park Theatre, ( Originally known as the New Theatre. It was a playhouse in New York City, located at 21–25 Park Row in the present Civic Center neighborhood of Manhattan, east of Ann Street and backing Theatre Alley ). Price was even famously tilted; the Father of Theatre Management. He became a very influential theater manager in New York, at a time when theaters were generally run by the actors themselves, Price neither acted, nor directed, nor wrote scripts himself. He simply viewed the Park Theatre as a money making enterprise, to increase his profit; Price abandoned the old system of a set troupe of actors circling through the same list of plays. Instead, he hired famous performers to come to New York from England. For the first time, entertainment was focused on bringing stars to the public’s attention. With his frequent trips to Europe, eventually led to a four year stint as the manager for the famed Theater Royal, Drury Lane in London. Because of this, he was able to secure the rights to Europe's most famous faces and added a touring company of his shows to travel the United States.
You can read more about it here, if you're interested.
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The Park Theater and surrounding neighborhood [1830]
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 2 years
I REALLY hate shopping day.
I spend hours on my feet, with no chance to give my ankle braces a break. The pain gets incredible by the end, like my ankles are being sliced into. I hobble and think constantly about getting out of those damn braces, despite knowing I can’t walk without them.
The whole time I am keeping a running tally, fingers crossed that prices haven’t gone up too much since last time. I end up removing things from my list, debating each thing for how long I can put off getting it or if there is some dirt cheap option like at the dollar store. And every damn time I run out of money.
And then there is the socializing aspect. These shopping trips are my one and only chance of talking to people, and they happen every two weeks. This puts a hell of a lot of weight on every opening I have to interact, whether someone checking me out or someone in a bit of a shopping cart traffic jam. I need to make it count, and a little bit of me hopes each time that I will have a special sort of moment, one to hold onto, even if it is just a shared chuckle.
Every time I get home I am in pain, my feet throbbing in agony. Every time I get home I feel a despair about my finances. Every time I feel all battered by regrets. So many regrets. Regrets over a choice to say, buy cottage cheese and not roach poison, like “I didn’t NEED that! I should have saved the money!” Regrets about every conversation, the things I should have said, the opportunities missed. Every choice, no matter how carefully made, feels wrong.
I have my rations, and am locked up again in solitary. There is no way out of this cycle of desperation, pain, anxiety, and frustration. Every two weeks I get this one single chance to go out into the world.
“World”. That’s laughable. I go shopping in a small, rural town that’s only big compared to my 500 person town. I run the same circuit of stores, buy the same things, see the same people running the checkout. Going to Walmart or Food Lion or Tractor Supply hardly counts as “the world”! It’s just chain stores in hickville!!
But it’s what I have. Where I can go. What I can afford. I can’t go further. Writing this the crushing reality of it is hitting me again. I will never leave the country again. I will probably never even leave the state or visit a city. My world had shrunk to a 50 mile circle, and that’s only in theory. In practice it’s only 10 miles, errands and then home. No one to visit. No going out to eat or going to a movie except on my annual birthday treat for myself. I am caged by a lack of money and plenty of responsibilities.
We used to go places, you know. My family. We didn’t just stay here!
We never had much money, but once in a long while we took proper trips, maybe every five years. Sometimes a full week. Alaska, Hawaii, London, a road trip across the country, a convention in San Francisco, a cruise on the Rhine, even absurd ol’ Disney World, or making a delivery of tanks to Maine…
And in between there would be quick trips, day trips or weekend ones, for meetings or conferences or talks. To the beach or the mountains. Off to a museum or concert or park or historic site. I have no idea how many battlefields and old houses I visited before I was even five.
And even closer to home, we went places. Several times a month we’d go to the movies. About every month we’d go to Greenville to go to a book store, get Thai food, buy chard and fancy cheeses. Restaurants, shops, malls, shows, fairs….
That was the world. New places. New things. Most of all, new people.
I’m resting now, ankle braces off but the pain still there. The physical pain will ease, and be forgotten as quickly as that heart racing spell I had yesterday.
I didn’t mention it before, because why would I. When a spell passes, a wound heals, or whatever it is out of my mind entirely. It all fades from my memory, because it’s the every day cost of being alive. Alive hurts, and too many hurts too often to keep track.
Hurts don’t matter. I shrug off this stuff, shove through it, endure. Pain is exhausting, but it isn’t important.
Emotions though…I have always hated that I feel too much. They are what crush me.
The sadness is setting in. The loneliness. The hopelessness.
This is how shopping day always ends for me. I start seeing the bars on my cage. This is my life, my world. And this is all there ever will be.
I REALLY hate shopping days! LOL
Don’t worry. Tomorrow I will be too busy, trying to patch a roof, use a new medicine on a cat, and a dozen other things. I won’t have time for the sadness.
Well, until 1am or so. Then I have time to think again. If only could think without feeling! LOL
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Introducing Premium Dry Cleaning and Laundry Services in Birmingham
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Are you fade-up of washing and ironing your clothes? It is always tough to keep your dress crisp and clean whenever you attend any meeting or social gathering. Are you in search of a professional laundry service near by Birmingham? Prime Laundry offers top-grade, varied laundry services per your requirements.
Our exclusive services
We have a professional team offering exclusive, advanced laundry and ironing services. We have extended our services to many areas, and at present, we are happy to announce that customers in Birmingham can avail of our advanced dry cleaning services. Let’s check out the professional services that we are launching.
Laundry Service
If you are in search of expert-driven laundry service, Prime Laundry is the one-stop destination in your city. We offer friendly laundry services within your locality. We carry on the laundry services, following the necessary steps. Proper segregation of clothes, pre-treatment before washing clothes, washing, drying, and folding services are the crucial stages that we follow.
Dry cleaning
We have launched dry cleaning services, and you can find our laundry nearby London. Dry cleaning is necessary for some particular types of fabrics that cannot withstand the machine washing treatment. Silk, leather, woven, etc. are delicate fabrics that require dry cleaning. Only professionals knowledgeable about dry cleaning treatments can offer you the best service. We ensure that we offer top-ranked dry cleaning services to keep your clothes fresh and long-lasting. You can check the rate of the dry cleaning services we offer.
You will never wish to attend a meeting or social gathering wearing a wrinkled dress. But keeping your clothes crisp and wrinkle-free can be a daunting task after a hectic day. We are here to offer you advanced ironing services so that you can get your clothes ready before your meeting.
Repairing Service 
Besides offering top-notch dry cleaning and washing services, we have also launched premium services in the repair of clothes, and you can get in touch with our professional tailor near by Birmingham. You may need to alter your dress or repair it. If your dress is oversized, you can reach out to our technicians to get it in your size. We offer a wide range of repair and alteration services, like button repair, coat-lining repair, dress shortening, repairing open button holes, patch repair, removing front pockets, skirt repair, etc. So, you can easily book our pick-up service, and we will collect your clothes on time. You can check our price list before contacting us for alteration and repair services.
Laundromat and Laundrette Service
At present, laundrettes and laundrettes services have become extremely popular, and we have launched a professional Laundromat near by Birmingham. If you have a huge volume of clothes to wash and your washing machine does not support this volume, you can opt for our Laundromat service without hassle. Both Launderettes and laundrettes typically offer different types of washing machines and dryers in different sizes. These machines can easily accommodate huge heaps of laundry. We can also get the required amenities, such as cleanser vending machines, alteration machines, folding desks, etc.
Our Laundromat service comes with different benefits. You can easily opt for the below-mentioned advantages of our advanced Laundromat services. 
Convenience: Launderettes and laundrettes have emerged as suitable selections for individuals who do not have access to washers and dryers in their homes or apartments. Individuals who also have a huge load of laundry can also take advantage of our expert service.
Cost-Effective: Our Launderette near by Birmingham service will help you get your required cleaning and washing service at an affordable price. As per experts, opting for a laundromat or laundrette can be more profitable than having your washer and dryer at home. This service is beneficial for those who do not require laundry service daily.
Time-saving: We ensure that our professional launderette and laundrettes service can save you valuable time. This will allow you to wash and dry your clothes in a short amount of time.
Commercial Laundry cleaning service
In addition to offering expert laundry services to individuals, we have also launched our commercial laundry cleaning services. Our experts possess professional knowledge in commercial laundry, and we have started offering our advanced service to various corporate bodies. 
Medical laundry service: We put in our best effort to take care of human healthcare and make sure to maintain the utmost cleanliness within the hospital or doctor’s clinic. We have emerged as one of the leading healthcare laundry services in London.
Restaurant laundry service: Restaurants can also get our exclusive laundry service near by Birmingham. We have launched our professional services within the city so that restaurants can get top-ranked laundry services from Prime Laundry.
Besides the above commercial services, you can also opt for our professional laundry services for cafés, hotels, spas, gyms, etc. We also offer 24-hour or same-day laundry service so that you can get your clothes ready well before the stipulated time.
This content is originally published on Prime Laundry’s Website: Introducing Premium Dry Cleaning and Laundry Services in Birmingham
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propertyhousesforsale · 5 months
South East London Buy House
South East London to a mortgage broker to see what you can borrow so you know your maximum budget. You'll also need funds for a deposit of at least 5% of the purchase price. Once pre-approved, start your property search. View listings online or connect with an estate agent for viewings. Visit properties on your own first before making offers. South East London factors like location, layout, condition and price.  When you've found the perfect house, make an offer in writing through your selling agent. Negotiate carefully your first offer may not be accepted. Subject to contract and satisfactory surveys searches, exchange contracts once an agreed price is reached. This legally binds the sale. The completion date is set for around 4-6 weeks later when money changes hands. In the meantime, instruct a qualified solicitor to handle conveyancing. Arrange buildings and contents insurance ready for moving day. Final preparations include notifying utility providers, redirecting your mail and cancelling existing services. Allow at least a week for the removal company to arrange your removals and new connection dates. On completion, transfer funds by bank transfer on your agreed date. South East London from the estate agent and take ownership of your new home! Careful planning makes the South East London property purchase process smooth. By following this structured process and doing thorough research, buyers can feel confident navigating house purchases independently or with expert guidance from agents every step of the way.
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removalsservices · 5 months
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Simplify Your Move: Easy Way Removals' Trusted House Removal Services
Moving to a new home can be an overwhelming experience, filled with endless to-do lists and logistical challenges. From packing up your belongings to coordinating transportation, there are countless tasks to manage, leaving many people feeling stressed and exhausted. However, it doesn't have to be this way. With Easy Way Removals' trusted house removal services, you can simplify your move and enjoy a stress-free relocation experience.
Why Choose Easy Way Removals for Your House Removal?
Easy Way Removals is your trusted partner for house removal services for several reasons:
Professionalism and Experience: With years of experience in the moving industry, we have the expertise and professionalism to handle every aspect of your house removal with care and precision. Our team consists of highly trained professionals who are dedicated to providing you with a stress-free moving experience.
Comprehensive Services: We offer a comprehensive range of house removal services to meet your unique needs. Whether you're moving locally within London or relocating to a different city, we have the resources and capabilities to handle every aspect of your move. From packing and loading to transportation and unloading, we'll take care of all the details so you can focus on settling into your new home.
Personalized Approach: We understand that every move is different, and we take a personalized approach to each relocation. We'll work closely with you to understand your specific requirements and preferences, and tailor our services to meet your needs. Whether you have valuable antiques, delicate artwork, or oversized furniture, we'll ensure that your belongings are handled with care and attention to detail.
Transparent Pricing: We believe in transparency and honesty when it comes to pricing. That's why we provide upfront and accurate cost estimates based on the scope of your move. There are no hidden fees or surprises – just straightforward pricing that fits your budget.
Stress-Free Experience: Moving can be a stressful experience, but it doesn't have to be. With Easy Way Removals' house removal services, you can enjoy a stress-free moving experience from start to finish. We'll take care of all the details, allowing you to focus on the excitement of starting a new chapter in your life.
Our House Removal Process
When you choose Easy Way Removals for your house removal, you can expect a smooth and stress-free experience from start to finish. Here's how our process works:
Consultation: We'll start with a consultation to discuss your moving needs and preferences. We'll take the time to understand your requirements and develop a customized moving plan that meets your needs and fits your budget.
Packing and Preparation: On the day of your move, our team will arrive on time and ready to get to work. We'll carefully pack and prepare your belongings for transportation, using high-quality packing materials and techniques to ensure their safety and security during transit.
Transportation: With our fleet of modern and well-maintained moving trucks, we'll transport your belongings to your new home safely and efficiently. Our drivers are experienced and familiar with the best routes to take, ensuring a smooth and timely delivery.
Unloading and Unpacking: Upon arrival at your new home, our team will unload your belongings and assist with unpacking and arranging items as needed. We'll work quickly and efficiently to get you settled into your new space as soon as possible.
Follow-Up: Once your move is complete, we'll follow up with you to ensure that everything went smoothly and that you're satisfied with our services. We welcome feedback and strive to continuously improve our processes to better serve our clients.
Simplify Your Move with Easy Way Removals
At Easy Way Removals, we're committed to making your house removal a simple and stress-free experience. With our trusted house removal services, you can trust us to handle every aspect of your move with care and professionalism. Contact us today to learn more about our services and schedule your consultation. We look forward to helping you simplify your move and start the next chapter of your life with ease.
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malisa987 · 5 months
Moving Like a Smooth Operator: Let's Discover Wembley's Top Movers
Transitioning to a new residence is an exhilarating journey, yet is often paved with stress and doubt. From organising your possessions to guaranteeing their safe arrival at your new dwelling, the to-do list can seem daunting. Nevertheless, inhabitants of Wembley can take solace in the fact that they have access to one of the area’s best removal companies in Wembley: Minicabs.co.uk Removal Service.
Reliable Removal Service in Wembley: When it comes to choosing a removal service in Wembley, reliability is paramount. You want a company that you can trust to handle your belongings with care and professionalism. With Minicabs.co.uk Removal Service, you can rest easy knowing that your move is in capable hands. With over 25 years of experience serving the Wembley community, they have earned a reputation for reliability and excellence. Their team of skilled professionals knows how to pack, load, and transport your belongings safely and efficiently, ensuring a stress-free moving experience.
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Affordable rates: One of the biggest concerns when it comes to hiring movers is often the cost. With Minicabs.co.uk Removal Service, you can trust that you'll never be hit with any hidden charges. They believe in transparent pricing, so you know exactly what to expect from the outset. Whether you're moving locally within Wembley or embarking to a different area in London, their competitive rates ensure that quality service remains affordable for all.
Customised Services: At Minicabs.co.uk Removal Service, they understand that every move is unique. That's why they offer personalised services tailored to meet your specific needs. Their team is dedicated to ensuring your move is as smooth and stress-free as possible. Plus, with various types of vehicles in their fleet, they can accommodate customers with diverse needs. With a Trustpilot rating of 4.5 and a Google rating of 4.4, they are popular with customers all over London and surrounding areas. 
When it comes to navigating the complexities of a move in Wembley, Minicabs.co.uk Removal Service stands out as a trusted ally. With their commitment to reliability, transparent pricing, and personalised service, they have earned a reputation as one of the top removal services in the area. Contact their 24-hour control room at +44 208 204 4444, via live chat on their website, or by email to [email protected]! Book your move today and discover why they are the preferred choice for providing removal services in Wembley!
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