#remote psychic services
plethomacademia · 10 months
I just got a commission so everyone has to meet one of my other OCs, Merla the halfling life cleric with her spectral slotted spoon! Art by @sadmages !
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I have been looking for an artist with the right style for Merla for a long time and when I saw @sadmages comics of their dark urge bard I knew I had found the one. Merla is new to adventuring and is also an absolute mama's girl, so I asked for the vibe to be "picture your mom insists on taking before your first adventure" and they nailed the concept.
I'm going to gush about this OC under a jump because she's so different from the OC I normally talk about and since she's in a campaign I never get to talk about her.
In our setting, we live on a moon circling a large planet called Mother. Worshipping Mother is a niche religion and one that Merla inherited from her family, but her family isn't too over the top of it. Merla is the kid who grew up in a moderately religious family who went really hard into it and joined the clergy.
She helps with a healing clinic when she is home and her skill was why she was contacted by the local adventuring guild. She spent AGES deciding if she wanted to join and only did so because her mother used to tell her stories about adventurers and also because she convinced herself it's a way to provide service to her community.
Merla is the fifth of thirteen children. They have a family band, she plays an ukulele type string instrument. She and the party bard are very annoying.
Merla has a gap tooth and cuts her own hair.
She is the youngest in the party and the only one without adventuring experience. Her family is very well known in the city though, so she knows lots of people and her family connections come up a lot. But when her and her friends get into anything remotely of note, her parents hear about it immediately.
She leads with kindness, but if she's in a situation where she runs into something she finds unholy, she becomes a little zealot. She is strict lawful good but her law is in reference to her god.
And my favorite Merla fact:
Her spiritual weapon when she's trying to be cool is a large sphere that looks like Mother. But when she's scared or in a hurry, she conjures a large slotted spoon because when she was younger and her siblings were misbehaving, her mom would threaten to throttle them with one. She never did but the psychic damage stuck. Merla's mom actually doesn't know about it and if she did, it would probably result in a family meeting.
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yourwitchmama · 2 years
Psychic readings + my abilities
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Most readings $17, 3 page 13 font pdf sent to your personal email. Cheapest reading is $3
About my abilities:
I have been communicating with spirits and feeling energy since I can remember. Because of this, I have undergone many forms of testing, both physical, neurological and psychological. I have no psychotic disorder or any history of hallucinations or delusions. I am a clairvoyant, empathic, telepathic, physical medium, and remote viewer. I believe that everyone can expand on their psychic abilities, so labels aren’t necessarily something you should stick to. I just want to explain my abilities in a clear way so you know what to expect. Clairvoyant means that I have “clear sight” and can see the future. I also experience visions (which are like intense daydreams). Being a physical medium, it is easy for me to communicate with the departed as well as other spirits. “Physical” means that it is easier for me to communicate with spirits in person, particularly when I’m in a spiritually active area. I can touch objects and feel where they have been and what energies they hold. Remote viewing is when I can see places and experience them without being there. It is different than astral protecting because I do not leave my body. My telepathy comes from knowing what someone says before they say it, including strangers. I can also “feel” what people are thinking. The empathic nature of it comes from me knowing how someone feels in depth, even when I can’t see them.
I have read for many people in person, groups of people at parties, hundreds of people long distance, and over one thousand free online readings. This is my life path and passion, and I do not overcharge for my services because I believe everyone needs to have access to affordable, accurate readings.
Click here to check out my website!
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frank-olivier · 7 months
IRVA (International Remote Viewing Association, Alamogordo, New Mexico)
Ingo Swann was the discoverer and original developer of the remote viewing protocol. Already a widely-collected artist and an accomplished intuitive, Mr. Swann remote viewed the interior workings of a sophisticated quark detector in the physics department at Stanford University, the report of which attracted the interest of the CIA and led to the founding of the consciousness research program at SRI-International from which the military remote viewing program later sprang. Mr. Swann worked with Dr. Harold Puthoff at the SRI lab to create controlled remote viewing (CRV), which provides the foundation for the majority of remote viewing methods in use today, none of which has been able thus far to surpass it in effectiveness.
Mr. Swann will present a two-part lecture on the history and practice of remote viewing. His historical lectures, titled 'Remote Viewing Viewed from the Outside' and 'Remote Viewing Viewed from the Inside', promise to be exciting and informative.
Ingo Swann: Expanding the Information Base About Remote Viewing (2002)
Part 1: Remote Viewing Viewed from the Outside
Part 2: Remote Viewing Viewed from the Inside
Bill Eagles
Since the 1970s, the American secret service has been intensively researching the existence and possible use of paranormal techniques in intelligence gathering and psychological warfare. The result of years of US Government-funded research at the renowned Stanford Research Institute (SRI) is the technique of Remote Viewing. This technique makes it possible to recognize and describe in detail things, persons, events and places independent of local and temporal boundaries. Dozens of military personnel have been trained as Remote Viewers. The work of these PSI agents is documented in detail in this film. For the first time, Pentagon and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) senior officers, Stanford Research Institute (SRI) scientists and Remote Viewers talk about the amazing success of this secret military development.
The Real X-Files: America's Psychic Spies (UK, 1993)
Steve Murillo (UPARS, Los Angeles)
Angela Thompson Smith: "High Strangeness" Remote Viewing (September 2015)
Jeffrey Mishlove (New Thinking Allowed)
Paul H. Smith: Remote Viewing of UFOs and other Mysteries (November 2018)
Daz Smith: Ingo Swann's 'Penetration' (November 2021)
Talk with Daz Smith: Ingo - Beyond Penetration (Applied Precognition Project presentation, 2021)
Society for Scientific Exploration
Jessica Utts: Why All Scientists Should Take Psi Seriously (June 2023)
Dr. Harald Puthoff, Dr. Russell Targ (Electronics and Bioengineering Laboratory, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California)
Magnetometer Experiment with Ingo Swann (April 1976)
In early April 1973, in an effort to emerge from the daily boredom of repetitive testing, Ingo Swann suggested that the he and the SRI team once in a while do something far out, something that might reintroduce a sense of adventure, excitement, and enjoyment.
The planet Jupiter was literally far out. NASA had earlier launched Pioneer 10 and 11 to fly-by that planet, and information telemetered back by the two crafts would undergo technical analyses. Information from Pioneer 10 would commence in September 1973.
The only real difference between Jupiter as a “target,” and mundane target objects in the next room, was its distance from Earth. But for Ingo Swann there was another difference. It would be exciting to try to extend one’s ESP to the planet, a form of remote viewing. Jupiter was more remote than the next room—and there might be a thrill of “traveling” in interplanetary space.
Ingo Swann and Harold Sherman compare notes of their planetary probe of Jupiter over the Phone (April 1973)
Saturday, February 24, 2024
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fantasyfantasygames · 8 months
Narcissist: Antedesertium
Narcissist: Antedesertium, Aetherco, 2006?
Narcissist is a dimension-traveling game that revolves around a central timeline, ostensibly our own world. Your characters ("Drifters" or "Crashers") skip in and out of that timeline, creating new worlds in an attempt to generate the perfect one they want. You can find my review of Narcissist back in mid-November 2023.
The future of the central timeline is home to the Inheritors, post-human people with advanced technology and incredible psychic power. In its past, from the years of about 18,000 BC to 14,000 BC, is a period known as Antedesertium. This era is home to the Inheritors' opposite numbers: the Kings of Yrnë.
The Inheritors seek to preserve the central timeline, apparently successfully. The Kings of Yrnë seek to splinter it, a task at which they eventually fail. There are millions of Inheritors; they may actually compose the majority of living beings after the Hour of Inheritance (sometime around 2221). There are twenty Kings of Yrnë. The Inheritors look like "grey" aliens, but still basically humanoid. The Kings of Yrnë look like nothing that was ever remotely human - and yet each of them once was.
The Antedesertium supplement for Narcissist details the era when the Kings of Yrnë ruled the world. It describes the Kings themselves, the non-dimension-traveling people of Yrnë, and the many forking timelines that clutter these four thousand years. It's an incredibly chaotic period. The farther downstream (into the future) one goes, the more overlapping, shattered worldlines stack up upon one another, until the Interregnum, when a massive explosion shifts the Earth's axis and turns the Sahara into a desert.
The descriptions of the Kings of Yrnë set them up as driving forces for the game, the same way that 13th Age does with its Icons or Exalted does with the Deathlords. Seven of them get multi-page writeups of their personality, powers, goals, and supporting characters. The rest get about a half-page each. The people of Yrnë get a 20-page chapter, which honestly feels a little short to cover 4000 years of history. Three main time periods are covered: the rise of the Narcissists when the Kings were still honorable, the turning point when things start to go wrong, and the chaotic end-times before the Interregnum. The book does a good job of not falling into the usual tropes one sees depicting Africa and/or prehistoric times. People are described as, well, people, rather than as animalistic idiots.
Art and layout are very similar to the rest of the books in the series. Each King gets an illustration, some of them simple and concrete (a black dome), others abstract and confusing. It's serviceable.
The best part of Antedesertium is that it's full of plot hooks. There are over a hundred mysteries, side characters, cool moments, and whims of the Kings that could provide grist for the adventure mill. The weak part is that there isn't much that ties them together. The book seems to assume that the GM will be creating antagonists using Span 4 or 5 characters from Continuum. I suspect a lot of games will pit a group of Narcissists against the servants of other Kings in an attempt to bend the timeline to their will, rather than protecting Yrnë from its actual enemies. Still, I'll take 100+ plot hooks over the one half-baked adventure that most games have. The best piece of GM advice it gives is that most of the inconsistencies in the book are intentional. In a game like Narcissist, every plot hole is a plot hook.
My copies of Narcissist and Antedesertium arrived unexpectedly in the mail quite a while back. I still haven't found any reputable sources for physical or PDF copies of the books, but I'll keep looking.
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braintapes · 9 months
Ramblin a bit about my Pokemon OCs over here before I go back to shiny hunting
My main setting premise is that some years after the events of XD:GoD, some former higher ups of the now-technically-defunct Team Cipher fucked off to either some region adjacent to Orre, or some remote part of Orre, and started to build a giant amusement park slash battle resort slash tourist attraction. Like if Poketopia of PBR was a Vegas knockoff.
It's full of all sorts of shows, acts, attractions, anything and everything to get people to stay and spend their money. They have their own imitation league/gym challenge (not officially registered)
Dark-type lounge singer who adores all things noir. Desperately trying to write and star in her own noir mystery thriller feature. Way more interested in the act than in actually battling
Rock-type rock band and you have to fight each member and they all fight in character and try to incorporate you into their rock opera story
There's a kid. Like some random child running the Bug-type facility. Very child emperor vibes, kid very openly wants to be the leader of his own evil team and loudly plots world domination and whatnot. Also not really interested in battling and brazenly ignores you when you challenge him in favor of watching obnoxious tiktoks at max volume. the entire time.
Circus themed fighting-type facility run by a cutthroat mime. Probably one of the most dangerous areas of the park but they also have some of the best shows
The main restaurant is run by a Psychic-type expert who reads customers minds to get their orders as soon as they step in the door. Worst customer service known to man as a result, but some of the best food you've ever eaten. They also maybe send subtle psychic suggestions to customers to Extend Their Stay and Spend More Money. it's fine dw about it
Ghost-type roller disco run by the overlooked youngest sibling of a Very wealthy family who happen to be investing heavily in the project. all good vibes and spooky scariness
Pokemon Rancher pulled in off the farm to be their Dragon-type specialist. Actually an expert with Flying-types and birdlike Pokemon but they thought Dragon-types would draw more crowds and the guy was too much of a pushover to say no. Turns out he is amazing with dragon-types, but no matter how hard management tries they Cannot sell the guys image as a fearsome big bad dragon guy 'cause he's so amiable and friendly
Guy who was the now-technically-defunct Team Cipher's head tech. Got teasingly called a human computer and genuinely loved that so much he wholeheartedly threw himself into that role. Wears a former snag machine as his main prosthesis, though it no longer functions as one. Instead, like his monitor head, it allows him to interface with all the electrical parts of his facility as well as anything with a signal in the rest of the park. Plays the role of the 'Champion' and absolutely hams it the fuck up in battle and does not hesitate to manipulate the building itself to throw hazards and puzzles at you
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drarreckyninja · 1 year
Gotham, in the Star Trek 'Verse
The USS Penguin is on an exploratory mission to leave the galaxy. En route, a damaged ship's recorder of the SS Valiant, an Earth spaceship lost 200 years earlier, is found. Its record is incomplete, but it reveals that the Valiant had been swept from its path by a "magnetic space storm," and that the crew had frantically searched for information about extrasensory perception (ESP) in the ship's library computer. The recording ends with the captain of the Valiant apparently giving a self-destruct order.
Captain Cobblepot decides that they need to know what happened to the Valiant, and the Penguin crosses the edge of the galaxy. There, it encounters a strange barrier that damages the ship's systems and warp drive, forcing a retreat. At the same time, nine crew members are killed and both helmsman Barbara Kean and the ship's psychiatrist Dr. Tabby Galavan are knocked unconscious by the barrier's effect. When she awakens, Barbara's eyes glow silver, and she begins to display remarkable psychic powers.
Barbara becomes increasingly arrogant and hostile toward the rest of the crew, declaring that she has become godlike, enforcing her desires with displays of telepathic and telekinetic power. Science Officer Nygma comes to believe that the Valiant crew members might have experienced the same phenomenon, and destroyed their ship to keep the power from spreading. He advises Cobblepot that Barbara may have to be killed before her powers develop further, but Cobblepot angrily disagrees.
Alarmed that Barbara might take over the Penguin, Cobblepot decides to maroon her at a completely automated lithium-cracking facility on the remote planet of Delta Vega. Once there, the landing party tries to confine Barbara, but her powers have become too great. She kills navigator Lee Thompkins by telekinetically garroting her and escapes by knocking out Cobblepot and Nygma, taking with her Dr. Tabby, who has now developed ESP powers of her own.
Cobblepot follows and appeals to Dr. Tabby's humanity for help. Before Barbara can kill Cobblepot, Tabby attacks her using her powers and weakens her. Barbara fatally injures Tabby, but before she can recover from the effort, Cobblepot uses a phaser rifle to create a rock slide, killing Barbara.
Back on the Penguin, Oswald makes a log entry that both Tabby and Barbara gave their lives "in performance of duty". He explains to Ed that he wants his friend's service record to end positively: "She didn't ask for what happened to her."
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deezeyrabbidy · 10 months
INFO ABOUT MY ROGUE PSYCHIC OCS because I'm bored and trying to stave off anxiety weeeeeeeee (1/2)
THORNE -Female (She/They) -Pansexual -PSI Powers: Arbokinesis, Telepathy, Levitation -Age: Late 20's -Information: Thorne is an individual plagued by trauma and instability in her life, but somehow manages to keep on smiling. Formerly a trained assassin, she is considered the wild card of the Rogue Six by the rest of the group, and their motives are prone to swing wildly along with her emotional state, ideas, etc. She loves plants more than she does humans, considers them 'friends', and belives in helping them fight back against the damage humans cause to them. Maybe people would be more sympathetic if she wasn't an unpredictable and rude asshole though. Thorne is not her actual legal name. That real name is pretty much unkown to everyone butthe Rogue Six members themselves, as Thorne themselves directly states she despises it.
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MORRIGAN -AFAB Nonbinary (They/Them) -AroAce -PSI Powers: Spirit Communication, Divination, Teleportation, Telekenisis, Astral Projection -Age: Early or Mid 30's -Information: Ever since childhood, Morrigan displayed an ability that struck fear into the hearts of many; seemingly legitimate necromancy. However, as a lonley soul who struggled to interact with other human beings, Morrigan stuck to using their powers to bring life back to the perished woodland animals they came across on their many walks through the forests. However, for every soul brought back, Morrigan knew, a tragedy in turn would strike the townsfolk around them. Anxious, guilt-ridden, and shaken from years of torment from the other kids at the orphanage they grew up in, Morrigan really wishes they could get others to understand their socially forbidden power and that they truly do not wish to use it for malice. But, for now, they are resigned to work alongside the rest of the Rogue Six as a vital member, mainly due to their additional talents in psi abilities.
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AUORA -Cis Female (She/Her) -Bisexual -PSI Powers: Divination, Future Prediction, Clarivoyancy, Pyrokinesis -Age: Mid-Twenties -Information: Hailing from a remote reigon of a faraway country, Auora spent her childhood living in a mountainside village, one in a series of villages known for their unusually high concentration of psychics living amongst their population, specifically seers who tended to offer their divination services to both other locals and tourists alike. However, Auora was considered an outcast among the others, as it seemed like the majority of her own divinations were negative, dire, and/or grim in nature. Whispers were passed amongst the townsfolk that Auora naturally brough about foul luck.......In reality, Auora's mother had drilled it into her daughter that you did not speak unless you felt it was needed. And it turned out, foretelling unfortunate events was deemed rather important to Auora, and so she tended to ONLY tell the negative visions she saw. Her reputation as a seer of doom strained her relationship with other villagers, yet she still cared for them deeply. So when her nation's government began to crack down on her hometown in order to pave it over for urban expansion, she silently vowed to do whatever it took to preserve her people's way of living. She's very much anti-governmental intrusion, very anti-authority, and also carries some issues with trust due to her strict mother's treatment of her.
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summerwritesfics · 2 years
⛓️Kinktober 2022 Masterlist
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Masterlist of fics for Kinktober 2022!
Current Status: Complete!
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In The Flick Of A Feather, He Flies To Your Side - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Wing Kink + Shibari + Fire Play
One, Two, Three, Not Only You And Me - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️💨Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang/Tomas Vrbada - Poly Dynamics + Cock Rings + Creampie
You Know I’m Yours So Rip My Clothes Off - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Size Difference + Wrestling + Cum Marking
We Can Get Down Like There’s No One Around - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Public Scenes + Nipple Clamps + Glove Kink
Let Me Maid It Up To You - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Costumes + Begging + Roleplay
Thank You For Your Generous Donation - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Livestreaming + Breeding Kink + High Heels
You Better Make Sure You Put Me In My Place - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Bathing + Obedience Training + Nipple Play
What If I’m Weak And I Need You Tonight? - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️🌺Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang/Harumi Hasashi - Clothed Sex + Interrogation Scenes + Cunnilingus
Don’t Know If You Love Me Or You Want Me Dead - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Hate Sex + Face-Fucking + Restraints
Father, Did You Miss Me? - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Priest Kink +Deep Throating + Prostate Massage + Crying
You’re Eager And Unashamed - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - BDSM Universe + Sex Work + Handcuffs
So Come And Taste The Reason, I’m Nothing Like The Rest - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️🔥Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang/Hanzo Hasashi - Flexibility/Contortionism + Rimming + Power Dynamics
Why Are You In Such A Rush? - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Naked Dom/Clothed Sub + Fucking Against A Wall + Hand Kink
He Bit My Lip And Drank My Warmth From Years Before - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Cock Warming + Vampirism + Sexual Rituals
Full Moon Is On The Sky And He’s Not A Man Anymore - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Transformation + Piercings + Primal Play
To Get A Bit Of Your Attention - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Lingerie + Biting + Service Kink
You Can Count On Me To Misbehave - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Masturbation + Remote Control Vibrators + Spanking
The Centre Of Attention - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️🌺💨🗡️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang/Harumi Hasashi/Tomas Vrbada/Kenshi Takahashi - Gangbangs + Clothespins + Posture Collars
Working The Night Shift - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Anal Hooks + Overnight Bondage + Edging
Shower Me With Your Love - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Shower Sex + Body Writing + Aftercare + Body Worship
Sharing Is Caring - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️🗡️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang/Kenshi Takahashi - Muzzles + Partner Sharing + Psychic Bonds + Spitroasting
Push Up To My Body, Sink Your Teeth Into My Flesh - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Rough Body Play + Intercrural Sex + Scent Marking
Who’s The Fairest Of Them All? - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️🌺Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang/Harumi Hasashi - Mirror Sex + Pegging + Body Art
Maneater, Make You Work Hard, Make You Spend Hard, Make You Want All Of His Love - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Role Reversal + Dirty Talk + Fetish Wear + Gentle Dom
Got One Eighty Degrees And I’m Caught In Between - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️💨Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang/Tomas Vrbada - Double Penetration In One Hole + Bit Gags + Body Suspension
Cause I May Be Bad But I’m Perfectly Good At It - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Choking + Belting + Armbinder
Here Kitty Kitty - 🔞 Explicit - 💨❄️Tomas Vrbada/Kuai Liang - Kitty Play + Ring Gags + Face Slapping + Tongue Bathing
Oh, Do You Know What You Got Into? Can You Handle What I’m About To Do? - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Erotic Photos + Orgasm Control + Sounding
Your Greedy Eyes Upon Me And Then I Come Undone - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Vibrators + Voyeurism + Masochism
In The Depths Of Hell - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Tease And Denial + Danger Kink + Weapon Play
Riding High - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Humping + Body Harnesses + Delayed Gratification
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Gridworker Mission.
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As a Planetary Gridworker there are a variety of possible tasks and jobs that may be presented during phases of the Starseed mission that are relative to the current planetary crisis or issues that are directly impacting the earth body and collective consciousness, at any given time. Many of us work with past, present and future timelines simultaneously, to effect positive changes in the future evolutionary direction of humanity on the earth, and beyond. We each have a personal mission directive based on our special talents and skills, and those skill sets fit into the position we have that connects our service work with the larger group in the Starseed and Indigo mission. Most Planetary Gridworkers that are active now on the earth have come from the future time cycle from other Star systems, universes, planets and even from the future earth, in order to help the lowest density fields of the earth and humanity undergo Ascension and/or liberation from the NAA. As a result of the Starseed mission, many Star people are more aggressively targeted with psychotronic mind control, psychic attacks or dark interference from human or non human sources, in order to prevent that person from awakening and realizing their specific mission. Our service mission with the earth is generally co-created in pre-birth agreements that are written into our Lightbody via the core manifestation body template or 12 Tree Grid. To activate the Starseed potential, many of us will be led to the Law of One, 12D Ray platinum white or rainbow field, Alien Implant removal as well as studying the 12 Tree Grid, in order to stimulate our spiritual awakening and consciousness memory to activate our higher potentials or skill sets. The written instruction set included in our Lightbody contains the information that defines our Consciousness history, Blueprint, star origins, spiritual purpose and role with the earth to serve the divine source plan for activating the higher evolution potentials for all of humanity. As an example, a Planetary Gridworker mission may include such tasks as:
Providing conduit while in a body for higher frequency transmission or for the direction of running energetic currents, working to align the multidimensional connection and correction of the many planetary grid networks. The physical body acts as an acupuncture point for the earth to run higher frequencies and DNA star coding for a variety of positive applications.
Traveling to assigned locations or remote viewing to observe consciousness records or energetic signatures that manifest impacts in the earth's holographic Lightbody, to view false or real Timelines inserted into the field that reveal the historical record of the planet, track the source of major trigger events in the timelines, such as tragedies, war, holocaust, genocide, Blood Sacrifice, Alien Implants, abduction, breeding-hybridization programs, to recollect accurate historical records, reorganize the time fields, measure energetic impacts, and track the causality of events that manifested destructive or harmful events in time.
Survey energetic current and spiral forces, recode EMF ray spectrum, observe how energetic current is running in horizontal Ley Lines and vertical Axiatonal Lines that impact the black and white hole spin and their systems of energy. Many of us are recoding the planetary grid network from running bi-wave code to elevate into tri-wave code or to run Trinity Wave frequency sets that feedback into the source fields.
Reconnect Geomantic Structures, holographic geography or build light networks to help open portal systems, activate power vortices or hubs in megalithic or ancient builder race structures hidden throughout the earth, reconnect to celestial bodies and stars in collaboration with the Guardian Host. Clear black magic grids and alien technological abuse of these systems.
Inspect, recon work or take inventory of extremely damaged planetary grid networks, damaged areas of the earth field, dormant or inactive portal systems, Alien Machinery, Holographic Inserts, and artificial intelligence technology networks used by NAA or human military organizations working with the NAA. Examples: Crucifixion Implants, Anubian Black Heart, Metatronic Reversal, Black Magic Grids, Thothian Grid, GEG, Alien Machinery.
Identify, locate, remove and repair false records implanted in the timelines, clear out destructive events that have manifested DNA damage, as well as biological and neurological damage to the earth and humanity.
Provide transit services for many human and non human entities that must be moved out from that time space continuum, or sent back to the Mother. Many people have been stuck in Consciousness Traps or are confused souls that do not know how to leave or evolve beyond where they have been trapped in time.
Provide reading of rights, eviction notice and transit services for Imposter Spirits, Negative Aliens and other entities.
Currently, the planetary body is undergoing a space-time reorganization that ripples out many strange anomalies that influence the quantic field. As a result, there are new patterns of electromagnetic disturbances, interruption or distortions in the collective field. The quantum field, also referred to as inner space-time, is rippling these effects into the unmanifest layers of the core manifestation template, otherwise known as the blueprint matrices that make up the layers of morphogenetic fields in the earth. Gridworkers may feel the Blueprint structure in the planetary field transforming completely with the shifting timelines, and this feels like something very different, extraordinary and even bizarre is occurring in the earth fields. It feels like it is a new design that is encompassing our consciousness with the necessity to learn a foreign language, and yet it feels distantly familiar and vastly powerful. The Blueprint alterations impact the dark matter template, and this appears to have direct consequences to altering and changing the Earth Elements, and the elemental structure of the earth body.
The planetary grid network is a living consciousness matrix that is encoded with the blueprint or original instruction set for the divine plan of humanities spiritual evolution. Much of our mission as Starseeds is to extract the alien machinery and fallen entities which obstruct, siphon or damage the energies in the planetary grid system. Deeply hidden in the organic matrix of our planet is the mirror image of the cosmic projection of our Galaxy of Stars, which is the multidimensional hologram of the Cosmos. When we are describing planetary grid work, we are describing the consciousness body (holographic geography) which is representing the map of the Galaxy on earth. When we consciously understand this interplay, we can help support consciousness evolution by dedicating ourselves as conduits to express the divine plan for planet earth. We currently refer to this level of participation or conduit, as a Planetary Gridworker. Over the ages the spiritual science of gridworking has also been referred to as the “Templar”. Templar defines a person who comprehends planetary architecture, and the math behind the geometries of earth consciousness that is built in the geomantic structures. Templars can sense how the spiritual-energy current moves in the earth and how to create or work with the geomantic structures to help increase or direct that energy for the greater good of the whole planet.
Reference: Ascension Glossy.
Post art by : cosmicsvati
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tailsrevane · 2 years
[tv review] ds9 3x06 "the abandoned" (1994)
this is a well-structured episode that sets up two main plots that have drastically different stakes & scale but have very coherent themes that dovetail effortlessly with each other. one of those times when it’s very clear what the show is saying without it being remotely forced.
the problem is that what the show has to say in both of these plotlines fucking sucks.
(cw: this episode depicts an adult dating a minor, and does not condemn it. i am about to rip it to shreds for this, but yeah, didn't want to spring that on anyone.)
in one corner, we have a rapidly-aging jem’hadar that was recovered from some gamma quadrant salvage and became the station’s problem. odo takes the boy under his wing, and it’s all very sweet until it isn’t? but we’ll come back to that. in the other corner, jake sisko, a 16-year-old boy, is dating a 20-year-old girl. his father is, rightly, really fucking upset about that, but the whole plot is about making him okay with that and just. fucking. can we not?
in main, serious plot land, we actually get off to a pretty great start. sisko oohs & ahhs over the infant in sickbay, and i just fucking love how much he lights up in this scene. one of the many things i love about sisko is that he’s consistently portrayed as a kind, nurturing father, and this scene is just such a wonderful concentrated form of that. and when odo takes the boy under his wing, he’s uncomfortable & awkward as hell but clearly has the boy’s best interests at heart.
for like maybe 50% of the episode things are going swimmingly, and then odo boots up a combat program to give the boy a healthy outlet for the aggressive urges he’s having trouble regulating, and kira barges in & pulls odo aside to tell him she violently disagrees with this? and the episode totally bears her point of view out? the only way odo is able to defuse the situation is by taking the boy to the gamma quadrant and turning him over to the dominion to be a soldier-slave, and worse the episode literally ends with him sitting down & telling kira, “you were right.” BARF!
so if you’re keeping score at home, this episode spends most of its runtime asking interesting questions about nature vs. nurture and head-fakes at breaking down prejudice, and then ends up coming down decisively on the side of “nature” & justifying a prejudiced view of the jem’hadar, a race of people that is literally enslaved. COOL.
over in subplot land, there’s some goalpost shifting where sisko’s objections to jake’s relationship with mardah is framed as being about her being a dabo girl rather than JAKE BEING A LITERAL CHILD AND HER BEING A LITERAL ADULT???
they have this family dinner and sisko finds out that she’s actually very smart & pursuing an education, which like, NO SHIT? a lot of people are in demeaning service industry jobs to support something like this, and those of us who are stuck there and have no path out are oftentimes also well-educated? like, that’s his objection? really??? so yeah, that whole thing is just immediately off the rails and at the end of the episode he’s like… still got his misgivings, but not like “this is probably illegal & definitely not okay, STOP”-shaped misgivings?
i just. this whole thing is SO fucking weird & irresponsible, and i cannot believe that it got written, performed, edited, and aired without anyone with the power to stop it doing so? like, i know that plenty of skeevy shit ends up on the air, but this is fucking star trek staking out an “idk, maybe it’s fine actually?” position on adults dating minors????? fucking… HOW is that a thing that happened???
you know what, i don’t care that parts of this episode were good, both of its plotlines are morally bankrupt in ways that are inextricable from the very nature of the episode, i’m not giving this one a pass. it dealt me psychic damage. d-rank
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 year
I read a book about a guy saying he had mk-ultra programming at china lake during childhood and ETs transplanting his soul in a super soldier clone body for 20 years of service. How much of that do you think is true? Have you read the book "Ceres Colony Cavalier: A True Account Of One Man's Twenty Year Abduction" by Tony Rodrigues? I would love to hear your comments on this. Thanks
I think none of it is true. A soul can’t be transplanted. I haven’t read the book. I did a search and read overviews, reviews, and information about him.
“Tony created a disclosure community channel. He offers consciousness expansion training and remote viewing group practice.” Source This sort of thing is a red flag.
“Tony Rodrigues was abducted as a young boy and eventually ended up in the "20 and Back" program.
He claims he was abducted by 5 aliens after teasing another kid in his grade whose father was high up in the Illuminati. He had Grey ETs in his house. He met a funny Reptilian who joked around with him and did a Bruce Lee impersonation.
He ended up in a situation where he was used with other children as sex slaves in Seattle at age 13. He underwent brutal training, including sexual abuse and being forced to attend Satanic rituals and engage in cannibalism.
He or his group tested as "theta" (psychic). Later on at age 16 in 1988, he went to the Moon.” Source
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Accurate Astrology Orlando: Navigating Your Spiritual Journey with Expert Guidance
Accurate Astrology Orlando
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In the bustling city of Orlando, known for its vibrant culture and entertainment, many seek guidance through astrology to navigate life's complexities. Accurate astrology provides valuable insights into personal strengths, challenges, and potential paths, helping individuals align their actions with their true purpose. This article explores the significance of accurate astrology in Orlando, focusing on its impact through psychics and astrologers, and how these services can enrich one's spiritual journey.
Understanding Astrology: A Brief Overview
Astrology is an ancient practice that studies celestial bodies' positions and movements and their influence on human affairs. By analyzing the positions of the sun, moon, and planets at the time of an individual's birth, astrologers can create a natal chart—a personalized map that reveals insights into personality traits, relationships, career paths, and life events.
The Pillars of Astrology
Natal Chart: The foundation of astrology, a natal chart outlines the celestial positions at the moment of birth. It serves as a blueprint for understanding one's character and life path.
Houses: The natal chart is divided into twelve houses, each representing different aspects of life, such as career, love, and family. The planets' placements within these houses offer insights into how individuals experience these areas.
Aspects: Aspects are the angles formed between planets, influencing how they interact with one another. Understanding aspects helps astrologers interpret the complexities of a person’s life and relationships.
Transits and Progressions: As time progresses, the planets continue their journey, creating transits that affect individuals. Astrologers analyze these movements to predict upcoming challenges and opportunities.
The Role of Astrologers in Orlando
In Orlando, many skilled astrologers and psychics provide services tailored to individual needs. They utilize various techniques and tools, including tarot cards, palm readings, and astrology charts, to offer comprehensive guidance.
Choosing the Right Astrologer
When selecting an astrologer, it's essential to consider their qualifications, experience, and areas of expertise. Here are some tips for finding the right match:
Research Credentials: Look for astrologers with formal training or certification from reputable astrology organizations.
Read Reviews: Customer testimonials provide insights into the astrologer's accuracy and approach.
Consultation Style: Some astrologers offer in-person consultations, while others conduct readings remotely. Choose what feels comfortable for you.
Services Offered by Astrologers in Orlando
Natal Chart Readings: A detailed analysis of an individual’s natal chart, focusing on personality traits, life purpose, and challenges.
Relationship Compatibility Analysis: Understanding relationship dynamics through synastry charts, comparing the natal charts of two individuals to reveal compatibility and potential challenges.
Career Guidance: Insights into career paths based on astrological placements, helping clients make informed decisions about their professional lives.
Forecasting: Astrologers provide predictions about future trends and events based on current planetary movements, enabling clients to prepare for upcoming changes.
Spiritual Guidance: Many astrologers integrate spirituality into their readings, offering advice on how to align with one’s higher self and navigate spiritual growth.
The Spiritual Aspect of Astrology
Astrology is not just about predictions; it's a spiritual tool that fosters self-awareness and personal growth. Here’s how accurate astrology can enhance one’s spiritual journey:
Astrology encourages individuals to explore their true selves. By understanding their strengths, weaknesses, and life purpose, clients gain clarity and direction. This self-discovery process is transformative, leading to improved self-esteem and confidence.
Astrology can aid in decision-making by highlighting the timing of significant life choices. Astrologers can identify favorable periods for starting new ventures, such as relationships, careers, or relocations. This guidance empowers clients to make choices aligned with their true purpose.
Healing and Growth
Astrology provides insights into past experiences that may hinder personal growth. By identifying patterns and lessons, individuals can work through emotional blockages and heal from past traumas. Astrologers often incorporate spiritual practices, such as meditation and affirmations, to facilitate this healing journey.
Accurate Astrology in Orlando: Testimonials
Many individuals in Orlando have experienced profound transformations through accurate astrology. Here are a few testimonials that illustrate the impact of astrology on personal lives:
Jane’s Journey to Self-Discovery
"I was at a crossroads in my career and life. After a reading with my astrologer, I gained insight into my strengths and what truly fulfills me. The clarity I received allowed me to pivot my career toward a path that resonates with my soul."
Mark’s Relationship Insights
"My partner and I were struggling to communicate effectively. Our astrologer created a compatibility chart that revealed our communication styles and areas of friction. This understanding helped us navigate our differences and improve our relationship."
Sarah’s Spiritual Awakening
"I never realized how much my past experiences shaped my present until my astrologer highlighted them in my natal chart. With their guidance, I embarked on a healing journey that has brought me closer to my true self."
Finding Accurate Astrology Services in Orlando
Orlando is home to various reputable astrologers and psychic services. Here are some tips for finding accurate astrology readings:
Local Astrology Centers
Many centers specialize in astrology and psychic services, offering workshops, classes, and private consultations. Look for centers with experienced practitioners who focus on accurate readings.
Online Resources
In today’s digital age, many astrologers offer online consultations, making it easy to connect with skilled professionals regardless of location. Websites, social media platforms, and astrology apps can help individuals find trustworthy astrologers.
Community Events
Orlando hosts various spiritual and metaphysical fairs, where individuals can meet astrologers and psychics. These events offer opportunities to experience readings firsthand and connect with like-minded individuals.
The Future of Astrology in Orlando
As the interest in astrology continues to grow, so does the demand for accurate and insightful readings. Astrologers in Orlando are embracing innovative approaches to deliver their services, integrating technology and holistic practices to enhance the client experience.
Embracing Technology
Many astrologers are now utilizing online platforms for consultations, making their services more accessible to a broader audience. Virtual readings can be just as effective as in-person sessions, allowing clients to receive guidance from the comfort of their homes.
Holistic Approaches
Astrologers are increasingly incorporating holistic practices into their readings, such as energy healing, mindfulness techniques, and herbal remedies. This integrative approach enhances the overall experience, promoting emotional and spiritual well-being.
Conclusion: The Transformative Power of Accurate Astrology
In conclusion, accurate astrology in Orlando serves as a powerful tool for self-discovery, healing, and spiritual growth. With the guidance of skilled astrologers and psychics, individuals can navigate life’s challenges with clarity and purpose. Whether you seek insights into your career, relationships, or personal growth, astrology offers a profound path toward understanding yourself and your place in the universe.
If you’re ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, consider exploring the rich world of astrology in Orlando. With the right guidance, you can unlock the secrets of your natal chart and navigate your life with confidence and purpose.
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worldtopnews99 · 1 month
Divine Connection
Discover Clarity and Empowerment with Divine Connection: Your Premier Choice for Psychic and Clairvoyant Readings in NZ
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Are you seeking insight into life's mysteries, clarity in your personal journey, or guidance through challenging times? At Divine Connection, we offer a range of psychic and spiritual services designed to bring you the answers and healing you seek. Located in New Zealand, our spiritual organization is dedicated to providing authentic Psychic Readings, clairvoyant services, and more, all tailored to help you connect with your inner self and the divine.
Why Choose Divine Connection for Your Psychic Readings?
Divine Connection stands out as a leading provider of psychic readings in New Zealand, thanks to our team of highly skilled and trusted psychics and clairvoyants. Our commitment to offering genuine, insightful, and transformative services sets us apart. Here's why we are the best choice for your spiritual needs:
Authentic Psychic Readings: Our psychics are renowned for their accuracy and deep connection with the divine. Whether you're seeking guidance through psychic readings, clairvoyant readings, or medium readings, you can trust our team to provide you with honest and clear insights.
Comprehensive Services: We specialize in various forms of spiritual guidance, including online tarot card readings, angel readings, Reiki, and crystal healing. Our services are designed to cater to your individual needs and can be conducted remotely or via phone, ensuring that you receive support wherever you are in NZ.
Personalized Approach: Each reading at Divine Connection is tailored to meet your specific needs and questions. Our gifted practitioners work closely with you to understand your situation and provide the most relevant and helpful insights.
Experienced Practitioners: Led by the highly qualified Reiki master Angelene, our team is dedicated to holistic healing and spiritual growth. With extensive experience in tarot readings and medium readings, Angelene and the rest of our practitioners are equipped to offer profound guidance and support.
Safe and Comfortable Environment: We prioritize your comfort and privacy. Our readings are conducted in a secure and safe environment, ensuring that you feel relaxed and open during your session.
Explore Our Services
At Divine Connection, we offer a wide range of services to meet your spiritual and healing needs:
Psychic Readings: Gain insight into your life’s most pressing questions and find clarity with our expert psychic readings.
Clairvoyant Readings: Tap into the power of clairvoyance to uncover hidden truths and receive guidance on your life's path.
Tarot Readings: Explore the wisdom of tarot cards to gain understanding and direction in various aspects of your life.
Medium Readings: Connect with loved ones who have passed on and receive messages from the other side.
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Reiki: Experience the healing power of Reiki to restore balance and energy in your life.
Crystal Healing: Utilize the energy of crystals to support your healing and spiritual growth.
Book Your Reading Today
Ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment? Divine Connection is here to guide you every step of the way. Visit our website at Divine Connection to learn more about our services and book your session online.
Whether you’re seeking answers, healing, or a deeper connection with the divine, our dedicated team is here to support you. Trust Divine Connection for the most authentic and empowering psychic and Clairvoyant Readings in New Zealand.
Experience the clarity and transformation you deserve. Contact us today and start your journey with Divine Connection.
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Navigating Bangalore's Courier Services: The Role of DTDC in Domestic and International Shipments with Insights into Spiritual Connections
Courier service in Bangalore
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In a bustling metropolis like Bangalore, the need for reliable courier services is paramount. With a growing population and a thriving business environment, both individuals and enterprises require swift and secure delivery options. DTDC Courier Services stands out as a leading player in this domain, offering a range of domestic and international courier solutions. However, in exploring the practical aspects of courier services, we can also delve into the intriguing world of psychics, astrologers, and spiritual connections that influence various facets of life, including business and logistics.
DTDC: A Brief Overview
DTDC (Desk to Desk Courier & Cargo) has been a prominent name in the Indian courier industry since its inception. With a robust network and a reputation for reliability, DTDC offers comprehensive services catering to various needs. Their domestic and international courier solutions are designed to meet the diverse requirements of customers, whether they are sending a parcel across the city or across continents.
Domestic Courier Services
DTDC’s domestic courier services cover an extensive range of locations across India. The company is known for its timely deliveries, comprehensive tracking system, and customer-centric approach. Key features of DTDC’s domestic courier services include:
Speed and Efficiency: DTDC ensures fast delivery times, making it a preferred choice for both urgent and routine shipments.
Tracking and Transparency: Customers can track their shipments in real-time, offering peace of mind and ensuring transparency throughout the delivery process.
Wide Network: With a vast network of branches and partners, DTDC can reach even the most remote areas in India.
International Courier Services
For international shipments, DTDC provides a range of solutions tailored to the needs of global customers. The company’s international courier services are characterized by:
Global Reach: DTDC partners with international logistics providers to ensure that parcels reach their destinations worldwide.
Customs Assistance: Navigating international customs regulations can be complex. DTDC offers support and guidance to ensure smooth customs clearance.
Delivery Options: Customers can choose from various delivery options based on speed, cost, and specific requirements.
The Role of Psychics and Astrologers in Business and Logistics
While DTDC excels in the practical aspects of courier services, the intersection of spiritual practices such as astrology and psychic readings can offer unique insights into business operations and personal decisions. In Bangalore, where both traditional and modern practices thrive, the influence of psychics and astrologers is evident in various aspects of life, including business logistics.
Astrology and Business Planning
Astrology, particularly in the Indian context, plays a significant role in business planning and decision-making. Astrologers often provide insights into auspicious timings for launching new ventures, signing contracts, or making significant business decisions. In the realm of courier services, astrological consultations might influence decisions related to:
Optimal Timing: Choosing the best times for launching promotional campaigns or expanding services based on astrological advice.
Business Partnerships: Understanding compatibility with business partners or clients through astrological charts.
Psychics and Intuitive Insights
Psychics and intuitive advisors offer a different perspective, focusing on the subtle energies and intuitions that influence business decisions. While less conventional than astrology, psychic readings can provide:
Intuitive Guidance: Insights into potential challenges or opportunities in the business landscape.
Personal and Professional Harmony: Helping individuals align their personal energies with their professional goals.
Spiritual Considerations in Logistics
The logistics industry, including courier services, often involves high-pressure situations and tight deadlines. Incorporating spiritual practices can aid in maintaining balance and clarity. For instance:
Meditative Practices: Encouraging mindfulness and meditation among employees to enhance focus and reduce stress.
Energy Cleansing: Using spiritual practices to clear negative energies from workspaces and promote a positive environment.
Integrating Spiritual Practices with Courier Services
In a city like Bangalore, where spiritual practices are deeply rooted in the culture, integrating these practices into business operations can offer unique advantages. For DTDC and other courier services, this might include:
Spiritual Workshops: Organizing workshops on mindfulness and stress management for employees.
Astrological Consultations for Expansion: Seeking astrological guidance when planning for business expansion or entering new markets.
Case Studies and Examples
To illustrate the practical benefits of integrating spiritual practices with business operations, consider the following examples:
Successful Business Launch: A courier company in Bangalore consulted an astrologer to choose the best timing for launching a new service, resulting in a successful and smooth launch.
Enhanced Employee Well-being: A company introduced mindfulness sessions for its employees, leading to increased productivity and a more harmonious work environment.
Challenges and Considerations
While integrating spiritual practices into business operations can offer benefits, it is essential to approach these practices with a balanced perspective. Challenges may include:
Balancing Spiritual and Practical Aspects: Ensuring that spiritual practices complement rather than overshadow practical business decisions.
Cultural Sensitivity: Being mindful of diverse beliefs and practices within the workforce and customer base.
In Bangalore, where the fast-paced world of courier services intersects with the rich tapestry of spiritual practices, the role of DTDC stands as a testament to the city’s dynamic nature. While DTDC continues to excel in providing reliable domestic and international courier solutions, the integration of astrological and psychic insights offers a fascinating dimension to business operations. By embracing both practical and spiritual aspects, businesses in Bangalore can navigate the complexities of the modern world with a unique blend of efficiency and insight.
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astrologerintexas · 2 months
Exploring the Mystical World of Psychic Mediums in Texas
psychic medium TEXAS
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Texas, a land known for its vast landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture, is also home to a growing community of psychic mediums. These gifted individuals claim to possess the ability to communicate with spirits, offering comfort, guidance, and insight to those seeking connections with the beyond. This article delves into the world of psychic mediums in Texas, exploring their practices, the services they offer, and the impact they have on their clients' lives.
The Essence of Psychic Mediumship
Psychic mediumship is a practice where individuals, known as mediums, claim to communicate with spirits of the deceased. This spiritual communication can provide solace to those grieving, offer guidance for personal decisions, or deliver messages from loved ones who have passed on. Mediums utilize various methods to connect with the spirit world, including clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing), clairsentience (feeling), and more.
The Historical Roots of Mediumship in Texas
The practice of mediumship has deep historical roots, with evidence of spiritual communication dating back to ancient civilizations. In Texas, the tradition of spiritualism and mediumship gained prominence in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Influenced by the broader spiritualist movement sweeping across America, Texans began exploring and embracing the idea of communicating with spirits.
Prominent Psychic Mediums in Texas
Annabelle Carter - Based in Austin, Annabelle is renowned for her compassionate and accurate readings. With over 20 years of experience, she has helped countless individuals find peace and understanding through her mediumship abilities.
Javier Martinez - Operating out of San Antonio, Javier combines his cultural heritage with his psychic gifts. His unique approach integrates traditional Mexican spiritual practices, offering a distinctive experience for his clients.
Claire Bennett - In Houston, Claire is a well-respected medium known for her detailed and specific messages from the spirit world. Her readings often provide clarity and closure for those seeking answers.
The Services Offered by Psychic Mediums
Psychic mediums in Texas offer a variety of services tailored to meet the needs of their clients. These services include:
Private Readings: One-on-one sessions where the medium connects with spirits to provide personalized messages and guidance.
Group Readings: Sessions involving multiple participants, often conducted in a circle, where the medium delivers messages to various attendees.
Phone and Online Readings: For those unable to meet in person, many mediums offer remote readings via phone or video calls.
Workshops and Classes: Some mediums offer educational sessions to help individuals develop their own psychic abilities or understand the principles of mediumship.
The Impact of Mediumship on Clients
The impact of psychic mediumship on clients can be profound. Many individuals find comfort and closure through the messages received from their departed loved ones. These communications can provide validation, reassurance, and sometimes, the resolution of unresolved issues. Clients often describe a sense of peace and healing following a session with a reputable medium.
Ethical Considerations and Skepticism
While many people find value in mediumship, the practice is not without controversy. Skeptics question the validity of spirit communication, often attributing the medium's abilities to psychological techniques like cold reading. Ethical considerations also arise, as vulnerable individuals seeking solace may be susceptible to exploitation.
To address these concerns, reputable mediums adhere to a code of ethics, ensuring transparency, honesty, and compassion in their practice. They prioritize the well-being of their clients and avoid making guarantees or promises about the outcomes of readings.
How to Choose a Reputable Medium
Selecting a reputable psychic medium is crucial to ensure a positive and meaningful experience. Here are some tips to consider:
Research: Look for mediums with positive reviews and testimonials. Personal recommendations from trusted sources can also be valuable.
Credentials: While mediumship is often based on personal experiences and gifts, some practitioners may have certifications or affiliations with reputable spiritual organizations.
Initial Consultation: Many mediums offer a brief initial consultation to discuss their approach and address any questions or concerns.
Comfort Level: Trust your instincts. Choose a medium with whom you feel comfortable and at ease.
The Future of Mediumship in Texas
As interest in spiritual and holistic practices continues to grow, the future of mediumship in Texas looks promising. The state's diverse population and rich cultural heritage provide a fertile ground for the continued evolution and acceptance of psychic mediumship. With increasing awareness and acceptance, more individuals are likely to explore and embrace the insights and healing that mediumship can offer.
Psychic mediums in Texas play a significant role in the spiritual and emotional well-being of many individuals. Through their ability to connect with the spirit world, they offer comfort, guidance, and healing to those seeking connections with their departed loved ones. As the practice continues to evolve and gain acceptance, the impact of psychic mediums in Texas is likely to grow, providing a valuable service to those in need of spiritual support and understanding.
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psychicsinmichigan3 · 3 months
We offer services that encompass love, career, destiny, and other topics through the use of tools such as crystals, oracle cards, and remote viewing. Their psychic abilities include expertise in different techniques like clairvoyance, mediumship, and astrology. The site also provides a diverse range of educational articles and daily horoscopes tailored to each zodiac sign. Macomb Psychics was selected for its constant availability of customer service and accurate screening process, aiding users in easily locating a reliable psychic.
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