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il-cielo-dei-colibri · 2 years ago
41- The karma - Equilíbrio entre (final)
41- The karma – Equilíbrio entre
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Eu posso sentir,                         Sim, eu posso O que há entre nós está muito além do que há em mim apenas         Sinto nossos laços apertarem.            E quero ouvir de você, o que sente?           Você me completa.
Eu desejo conhecer...       O que há de mais profundo em seu coração. Minhas terras e funções são tão opostas... Pois nossos sentimentos são iguais.            Mas posso respeitar-te,               Posso entender-te. Em mim, há algo como um carma, Que dirige este mundo nosso E nos faz depender a felicidade um no outro. Assim como nos cai tristeza Consolamos-nos juntos Além das contrárias vontades.
Eu pude sentir... Aquilo que há em você e uma vez senti tanta falta. Eu pude relembrar o sentido de viver Encontrando-me contigo e teu sorriso.
Sim, eu pude, Envolver-te com meus carinhos, para comigo, quem não conhecia o amor. Eu pude partilhar o sentido de viver Sentindo-me plena salvação
Salvação de ter-te para que eu possa continuar a sorrir, E mesmo minhas lágrimas me agradam agora... Em repleto conforto, a vossa magia nos faz querer ser quem somos... Em pleno equilíbrio.
// final //
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brtschmllr · 11 months ago
reminiscence (n.)
1580s, "act of recollecting," from Old French reminiscence (14c.) and directly from Late Latin reminiscentia "remembrance, recollection" (a loan-translation of Greek anamnesis), from Latin reminiscentem (nominative reminiscens), present participle of reminisci "remember, recall to mind," from re- "again" (see re-) + minisci "to remember," from root of mens "mind" (from PIE root *men- (1) "to think").
The meaning "a recollection of past incidents, events, conditions, etc. within one's personal knowledge" is attested from 1811; especially, in plural, "the collected memories and experiences (of someone) in literary form." The 17c. also had reminiscency "faculty of reminiscence."
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love-being-free-heart · 1 year ago
De Memoria et Reminiscentia
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NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has observed the well-known Ring Nebula in unprecedented detail. Formed by a star throwing off its outer layers as it runs out of fuel, the Ring Nebula is an archetypal planetary nebula. This new image from Webb’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) shows intricate details of the filament structure of the inner ring. There are some 20,000 dense globules in the nebula, which are rich in molecular hydrogen. In contrast, the inner region shows very hot gas. The main shell contains a thin ring of enhanced emission from carbon-based molecules known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). 
Credit: ESA/Webb, NASA, CSA, M. Barlow (University College London), N. Cox (ACRI-ST), R. Wesson (Cardiff University)
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oursongofhealing · 7 years ago
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     The deaths never got easier no matter how many times they went to battle. Some may deem Class Fourth cadets as easy to brush off because they were medics, but they were the ones sent to the battlefield. Over and over again, she would heal and save fellow cadets, but the exhaustion was settling in, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to save others while saving herself. The reliance on magic was limiting, unfortunately, and eventually she was bound to run out of mana. Being separated from her team had been terrible enough, but only moments ago, she could no longer recall their faces, which meant only one thing...
   Now she was alone.
   She staggered, hands against the wall both for support and to feel her way through the smoke that flooded the field. A cough that had been held back managed to be choked out, arm raised to cough into it, before stopping to press her back against the wall and slump down onto the ground. She had no plans to die, not here, not now, but what would it take to reach that goal when communication was lacking at a critical time like this? The firing of bullets sounded so far and though she knew this was not a safe spot, a short moment to catch her breath would be more than enough for her. It was the safest for now considering all other options would surely put her at a worse disadvantage than she was already at.
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kyouminaine · 7 years ago
7: Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
Character development asks | @reminiscentiae
     Prior to the events of Kadaj’s, Loz’s and Yazoo’s arrival, and the epidemic of the Geostigma, he had a hard time letting go of the past. He dwelt on his failures, not just post-Meteorfall, but during the journey leading up to its descent, and even before when he was still a cadet in ShinRa’s military. He had a hard time letting go of the mistakes, the shortcomings, and the frustrations. 
     Now that all of that is settled, Cloud doesn’t have such a hard time anymore. There are the occasions when his mood will drop and he’ll remember all that he couldn’t or didn’t do. However, because of the support of his friends and family, and because he knows that the present and future are what truly matter now, he doesn’t let the past drag him down. 
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il-cielo-dei-colibri · 2 years ago
40- Apenas ti traz-me cor
Cogitatio:  Thanatos
40- Apenas ti traz-me cor
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           Eu fingi dormir em teu colo para que me levasse contigo, eu confesso. Confiando em ti, que me curava, nada iria machucar-nos desta vez. Zoí me levou para seu lar, o que foi um convite para mim; significa que confia em mim.
           Eu confio em você também, Zoí.            Lá eu pude ouvir-te dizer... - Eu sinto tua falta, desde o momento em que fechou os olhos. - Doí o que resta de meu amor que tenta sutilmente reviver... Por você, que tanto ama esta sensação.
           Eu posso ouvir-te a cantar... É tão lindo como as palavras que escolheu cabem perfeitamente em meu coração. Senti que podia abrir os olhos, pois você queria vê-los, o quanto eu queria te ver. Levantei, olhei-te, sentei-me; E como passou a atenção para mim, eu digo: -Pode continuar cantando.
           A Vida fica tímida e isso me encanta, o quanto gosta de mim. Senta-se ao meu lado e ficamos por alguns poucos apenas com o que havia à nossa frente. - Thanátos, aqui não é seu lar; você gosta de observar este meu horizonte?
           Sempre achei tudo o que vinha de ti mais brilhante; então amo tuas cores. Porém, eu quero que sejas capaz de entender a única que possuo também, a ausência delas. Eu te convido a ir conhecer meu lar também, o qual nunca pôde ver: - Você também virá ver o meu, não virá? - Eu entendi seu sorriso como de quem não me decepcionaria, e que iria, sim.
           Em mim, eu fico com a dúvida do que deveria dizer agora. Se fosse para declarar meus sentimentos, nunca faltaria o que dizer, mas sentia que não era o que a Vida desejava ouvir...
           Olhando para ti, lembrei de algo que parecia interessante...: - Sabe Zoí... Minhas costas doem. - Não era bem interessante, mas eu não me lembrava de sentir dor, você sempre sente?
           Mas então, lembrei de algo ainda mais importante do que isso: Nosso abraço, que nunca completamos. Nós nos encaramos como quem espera um pelo outro; eu vi em seu olhar que viria...: - Você vai tentar? - Eu pergunto. - Vamos tentar juntos? - O horizonte azul brilhava ainda mais seu rosto. - Sim, vamos...
Seguinte: 41- The karma - Equilíbrio entre (final)
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luxarcum · 8 years ago
@reminiscentiae replied to your post “The end of the cycle came soon, and Ace was glad that no one was able...”
Blinking up at him, the blond tilted his head as he let go of Lux's pants. "Does that mean that you remember me? It's me, Ace." He knew that it'd lead him to explain... a lot, but it was better that now that he was lucky to find him.
“But how?“ he asked, brow creased with concern. He was so small that Lux was a bit worried about him. When they had met, Ace hadn’t been with family. Was he all alone in that tiny body? Not willing to leave him there, he reached down and lifted him up to sit on his hip.
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cookiearting · 4 years ago
reminiscentia-off -> cookiearting
My first and probably only URL change. Matches my twitter art handle (CookieArting).
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leorugiet · 8 years ago
reminiscentiaeがあなたの投稿に返信しました: .
They might follow the instinct of “following the dominant/leader”. Ardyn is definitely stronger than them, and they know that he can end with their lives if he wanted to, so maybe they follow his orders to have this feeling of safety?
that makes sense to me, especially since on the road higher level daemons have lower level lackeys helping them, maybe on instinct. since Ardyn has a lot of scourge in him, maybe he’s technically the most powerful daemon/human in the world, so all the daemon/human magitek listen to him? and being with him makes them feel safer.
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somnus-lucis-caelum · 8 years ago
@reminiscentiae | Closed Starter
Izunia was not too keen on this meeting. Today he would finally see his newly assigned protector. A young one, the name the only personal information the young Prince had gained from the council and his parents. Ace. What a peculiar name that already was. Personally Izunia would have wished for Osiris to be his protector, but the King had decided that Osiris was still too young and needed a few years of practice before he would allow him to become a Shield. For now, this young man… actually still could be considered a boy – would protect the young Prince Izunia. The raven-haired looked up as the door finally opened and he could come in. His blue eyes immediately focusing on the other one. Light blonde hair, almost seeming white, as the sun hit his head in spots through the windows of the training hall. His eyes brightly blue. Izunia was surprised, but hid his emotion. That male could only be his own age, or even slightly younger! How was that one supposed to protect him? Was he really that good? Doubts lingered in the back of his head, feeding the idea to test Ace’s abilities. The elder left them alone. And only then the Prince stepped forward in silence, giving a small bow, fitting for someone of Ace’s position. “Ace… you will be my shadow from now on?”
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il-cielo-dei-colibri · 2 years ago
39- Serenata para o amor
Cogitatio:  Zoí
39- Serenata para o amor
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                    Estou muito feliz de ter encontrado em ti... O que faltava em mim, e perder o que havia em excesso, eu confesso. Não morrerás, Thanátos.
Ah, o que estou dizendo? Com medo de que a Morte desapareça... Não quero que sumas, pois há tanto o que desejo mostra-te; inclusive a fonte de meu amor.
           Acorde, querido, estamos bem agora. Eu fui capaz de fazer o que nasci para cumprir, aquilo que mais amo, À quem mais amo, isto é plena realização, não é?
           Falta apenas tua parte em meu coração. Quando voltarás? - Eu sinto tua falta, desde o momento em que fechou os olhos.
           Ponho-te a dormir em minha casa, pois ainda devo proteger-te. Durma bem, não a com o que temer, estou ao teu lado. Esta é minha canção que faço para ti apenas, então ouça-a; Eu garanto que irá agradá-lo. Gosta de minha doce voz, sei o quanto gosta.
           A Morte abre os olhos e mostra para mim que está me vendo. Eu deixo cair uma lágrima porque você sorri, Thanátos. E levanta, e olha diretamente para mim, e senta. E pede, tão baixo que quase não ouço: “Pode continuar cantando”.
           E eu me mantenho, eu continuo para agradecer-te.            Eu termino, e você ri porque me envergonho. Eu sento ao seu lado e olhamos juntos para o interminável azul à nossa frente... - Thanátos, aqui não é seu lar; você gosta de observar este meu horizonte? - Você também virá ver o meu, não virá? - Eu deverei ir. Não discuto e aceito.
           Então, espero... Esperando que você note o que desejo de ti... Quero que tente comigo outra vez. - Sabe Zoí... Minhas costas doem.
           Eu fui capaz... De dar a você sensações de corpo? Minha felicidade é imensa, então eu mesmo, estava quase... - Você vai tentar? - Pergunta, - Vamos tentar juntos? - Sim, vamos...
Seguinte: 40- Apenas ti traz-me cor
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luxarcum · 8 years ago
Ace approaches Lux hesitantly, a frown on his face. "Izunia and you are friends, right?" He asked in a hushed voice. "Please, tell him to stop attempting to put on me a white dress with feathers. It's awful."
Now, Lux was not the jealous type, but that sounded like some sort of fetish. “Ah, sure, I’ll tell him that,” he promised with a reassuring smile.
As he jogged down the corridor, though, that smile was not present, just worry. “Izunia!” He would wear the dress if he wanted to see a man in a dress!
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brainplaguerewind · 6 years ago
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These are sure entertaining.
@jorratedlegs @reminiscentia-off
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rexcrystallis · 8 years ago
😰 - what is one character you desperately want your muse to interact with
Emoji mun questions || @reminiscentiae
{{ People who are so closely related in his life.
Regis. A constant Regis who actually doesn’t flake. One I can write long threads with. There is so much to explore between their relationship as father and son, king and heir.
Drautos. It’s interesting to me Noctis looks up to him. I’d like to develop that.
Gladiolus. Despite my muse’s aversion, I really want to develop a relation with a Gladiolus. 
An Ignis who’s also constant and doesn’t flake. I want all the long threads.
Luna. Who can delve into the more complicated implications with my muse, like her opinion about the two of them being grown and definitely no longer the kids they used to be.
So much character development still to be done, nobody to write with.
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fudcshin-moved · 8 years ago
♟: Patching up a wound
Nonsexual acts of Intimacy || ACCEPTING || @reminiscentiae
♟: Patching up a wound
Hell on Earth-- the battleground with Milites troops over the borders. Everyone was fighting for their lives, for their country, for their loved one that is waiting for their return. Everyone was so desperate to win, no matter what.
Thanks to their special condition, the class zero cadets were all back safely to the headquarters to prepare for the return back to the magic academy. Heavily wounded, the cadets from all classes struggled to get back to the medical tents. Every healer was doing their job to ease the pain of the wounded. Thankfully for Eight, Ace was around to patch him up. On the card dealer's command, the boy sat down without moving a muscle. Ace knew that the monk would try to help the others around before himself, thus why he used this tactic.
Carefully wrapping the bandages around the brunet's arm, Eight thanked Ace for his concern. He urged him to be a bit faster so they can help around. After all, there were a lot of injured cadets waiting to be treated. The blond huffed squeezing the bandage around Eight's arm before getting up. Cue for Eight wincing because of the card dealer's action. Heavens! He is scary! He told him to let his arm heal for a bit before going around and reopening that wound, which he won't assist him in patching it again. 
"Ugh....Alright. I won't. H-hey! But do be careful yourself! Jeez...he preaches me when he is running himself around with those injuries."
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leorugiet · 8 years ago
starter w/ @reminiscentiae
The sunlight is strong, piercing over the dry Leide desert, and the Imperial Airships have been flying in nonstop. With the ruins of Insomnia being half-abandoned, the last place in the world free from the Niffs clutches was now rubble, with dead strewn about in the ashes. Unfortunately, Cor was not an army, and the remaining Crownsguard still with him he could not afford to jeopardize the lives of. Instead he disbanded and retired them, and tried to find ways to make sure they got their pay. Some needed medical attention, but days turned to weeks and people were slowly coming to stand back on their own two feet.
Cor quietly pulled his right leg over the back of the Chocobo’s saddle, and planted his feet on the ground. He gave it a pat on it’s feathery side, and told it to run along in Lucian, before actually giving it a command. Trained well, they obeyed, and trotted off into the dusty Leide desert, off towards the direction Hammerhead was in. The airships were dying down more and more. He wasn’t one to strike by himself, but all the same it wasn’t an unfamiliar feeling.
Something odd is around him. He was quiet in taking out the MT posted on the top of the watchtower, and getting a survey of the inside. Like most of the other quick bases, it had a simple and strong layout, built in a night or two. The wind howls through the dry dusty metal frame. It’s shiny and new, but the place will soon be sand blasted and rusting. Cor hopes, it’ll be blown apart and abandon if he does this all properly.
The issue of the new MT type began to bother him. He’d never seen it before -- but there was only one of it. That made him sure that only two possibilities were of it. It was expensive and dangerous, or it was volatile and new. The volatile things could be dangerous too, but often they had flaws that were too big to not notice. The Imperials were rapid in their advancements, but they could only be so fast. He wanted to hope it was something flawed -- it certainly looked strange. The armor reminds him of some old Doman tales that his mother taught him about warriors of old. He doesn’t doubt maybe some inspiration is there.
Taking a deep breath, he summoned Kotetsu in that glistening blue crystal lights. It’s not that bright in the heat, but it was loud with the crackling of crystals. The sky burns. He feels sweat on the back of his neck. He warps one foot. Then another foot. He knows not to overdo it or blood will spill out of his mouth. He launches forward on the MT -- and strikes.
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