#reminds me of the bc group analyses of lyrics except now it's just us lol
sparkly-skies ยท 12 days
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I also need to know which of them had Issues (TM, because that's in need oftherapeutic help my dude).
song is Never and I am wondering why they had such a different vibe with that one song. it starts out slow and deep like Arctic Monkeys and then gets angry, and it just doesn't sound like the rest of their songs. It's like when a band puts out a breakup song.
Ooooh I remember having listened to that at some point and also thinking "oh, that sounds different than their usual music". I have to admit I still don't know Arctic Monkey's music.
Ngl I don't love the music video (they do love old movies, huh?) but I really like the... like, the non-chorus part of it? The first eight lines. I can't describe it, but it has a certain something.
So, I think it could be obvious issues, like a literal meaning of the lyrics, or if you wanna go from "words like razorblades", that it's about the words hurting physically, sort of when you get so sad you can feel it in your chest and lungs?
I just checked and in the same year (2020. ew), they also published Sixteen, which seems to be about struggling with drug/alcohol addiction, and Oklahoma, which.. I'm not sure what it's about but it does talk about not wanting to talk about it and asking someone to wait for the narrator. I'm not sure where I'm going with this. It could be taking some guy and making him suffer/telling a little story about him because it's fun (you would know), or it could be processing some real-life experiences through music. Or a combination, or something else entirely that I'm not thinking about. I do remember seeing an interview where Jules said that basically all their songs have at least some autobiographical stuff in it.
And since we just talked about Simon doing the wikipedia article: He also adds or corrects the lyrics on Genius lol. Guess he's in charge of the online presence that doesn't include putting a camera in your face and blabbing on about your band like Jules does.
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