#remember when i thought we would get to do learning curve for this episode? ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
lovecolibri ยท 2 years
SaL anon here bestie and, well, that episode happened. I have a lot of thoughts, that I'm sure we'll get to, but if I had to summarize I'd say KR looked at the only successful thing in S5 (meaning Eddie's storyline) and in all her originality decided to do it for Buck, but put it through a half cutoff funhouse mirror and we got THAT. I'll have more to rant about later but for tonight let's take a break and enjoy wedding planning shenanigans over on LS (please LS, i need some fun). Good luck ๐Ÿน๐Ÿธ
Guuuuuurl. This episode. I haaaaate that we got TOP TIER acting, from Oliver and Peter especially, and some really cool framing and camera angels and an interesting *concept*, and then the WHOLE episode was let down at every turn by the writing not making any sense and contradicting its own narrative within the episode! Like, pick a lane! It was so weird!
I am READY to sit and watch LS with zero thoughts and just relax because damn. How are you going to take something as simple as "Buck has a found family that loves him and doesn't need validation from his parents or to save others to be worthy of love" and bungle it THAT badly? Add to that the incompetent twitter girlies who don't know the difference between 85 people leaving a fan rating on the fan rating website, and official TV viewership ratings showing how many people tuned in (hint! It wasn't the Buddie stans that didn't show), plus the typical you're stupid if you don't Get It crowd, and I am tiiiiiired.
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Can we all just admit that the cast is great but the showrunner is shit and consequently drags everything down?
Yes, time for LS fun, wedding planning shenanigans and I'm gonna go work on a puzzle and then sleep because this time change fuuuucks me up. Can't wait to hear the rest of your thoughts!
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