#remember that one time when jody's sweater clipped and everyone was like 'omg ew what happened to her arm?? that's so unprofessional ugh'
softpine · 5 years
if we are giving constructive criticism i’d say maybe just more body types? even if you don’t like having fat sims maybe just making every sim not have the “perfect” body of slim with big butts and boobs yknow ? like having more muscley sims or flat chested or no butt! i hope this doesn’t come off as mean or rude! i love your story it’s just a thought! body diversity is something you don’t see much of in a lot of sim stories but it can make a huge difference to someone’s self confidence!
i completely understand what you mean!! seeing different body types in any kind of media goes a longgg way towards accepting yourself, and i want to contribute positively towards this as much as i can! i’ve tried to have body diversity in my sims (beth has muscles, but she’s not a crop top fan so its hard to see them; mikaela is plus sized with pretty noticeable stretch marks, but again, she’s not a fan of crop tops; cara gained weight after having asa, etc.) and i would love to make these things more pronounced, but poses alwayssss clip :( i’ve learned how to work the camera angles so that you usually can’t see the clipping, but for example, this is what literally every couple pose looks like for danny & mikaela:
Tumblr media
i’m not trying to excuse a lack of diversity at all (because i’m absolutely going to try harder to show more variety!), but it’s one reason why there’s maybe not as much body diversity on simblr. i’m trying to learn how to make my own poses, but i’m terrible at learning new things tbh.. but as soon as i can, i’m making loads of plus size poses so there’s no excuse lmao. ANYWAY i can still definitely do better at this, so thank you for letting me know!! i promise i’ll keep it in mind for the future 💖
edit: i just noticed the part where you said “even if you don’t like having fat sims”, and i know you didn’t mean that in a rude way at all, but i sincerely hope that i’ve never given off the impression that i dislike fat sims!! i absolutely don’t feel that way, and i’m sorry if you thought that :(
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