#remember my phoenix and redd white comic. yeah
picory · 7 months
the problem with putting away half-finished big projects and coming back to them weeks or months later is that looking at them with fresh eyes makes you want to completely redo the whole thing. even a week is enough time for the way you to draw to change, and i want it to look more up to date... fuck my life
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quonit-aceattorney · 6 years
Buying Game 1 - Playing 1 and 2
Put these all together because they were so short... and not even really recorded.
Q = Me, Quonit.
BF = Bardic Feline, the friend that made me spend 30 dollars on the game and whom I am messaging
I don’t use those when I send the messages close enough my username doesn’t appear.
Any typos (unless they are funny and part of the conversation) will be fixed.
(Backstory: Bardic feline and I have been talking about a fic she told me she was working one (Link here when i get it). Few about a week or so I’ve been motivating her to help her to finish it by the 20th, her deadline.)
Q: did you get the thing out?
BF: I didn't finish both parts of what I wanted to do, but i did enough to post the fic prologue on AO3
Q: yaaaaay that is something. Good job.
BF: thanks. ^^;;;
Q: yaaay can I have a link?
BF: Aaah hold up.  Also, going to warn you right now, it absolutely spoils the crap out of Farewell My Turnabout, aka 2-4
Q: dammit
I need to get the game how much is it and is it on steam or do i need to get it somewhere else
BF: Like it goes in assuming you already know the big twist
Q: welp I do not know
BF: You can get it on iOS or Android or from the 3DS shop
Q: I still call the people in the game "the objection guys"
BF: Hee hee fair enough
Q: dammit
well I have a 3DS so it can still work why not
BF: But when I say it assumes you know stuff, I mean it like straight up pulls the reveal that happens most of the way through the case
And yay!  That’s the easiest way to get it
Q: dang
I should've played the game yaaaaay :D
BF: You can get the whole original trilogy in one package on the e-shop
Q: Funny thing about the 3DS: I got it from a pawn shop for 60 bucks thinking it was a 2DS because well, it was. It is a 2DS it has that on the back it says everywhere on the thing it is a 2DS. When you open it though, it thinks it's a 3DS. This works out well because a 2DS has more power and the 3DS has more available games
I'll go find it. How long is it will I be able to play to the twist by the end of today?
BF: Unless you just fly through the first game?  It’s the last case of the second game
So...proooobably not
Q: dammit
do I have to pay for all three games??? Can't I just watch somebody else play it on youtube
BF: You can if you like? Or do an emulator?  I’m not gonna tell you how to do it.  Though I will say that that bundle is WAY less than what I paid for all three games used for the DS
They were probably about 15-20 bucks EACH individually
Q: dammit
well it's gonna be a while before I read that fanfic I helped encourage you to do. What out for that review 2-3 years for now.
BF: Hahaha awww
BF: It doesn’t take THAT long to play any of the games. XD
It’s just longer than a single night
Cause it’s like reading a book where you have to solve puzzles to advance
Tumblr media
Q: well it better be good if im going to end up spending 60 dollars on it. At least I get to understand yet another one of Zarla's interests so many of her comics are based off of
I don't even wanna read all of those fanfictions why couldn't it just be mostly comic based with like 6 fanfics like with the ladies
BF: It’s not going to be 60 bucks!
happy summer
3 games and they're like 15-20 something about a bundle how much is that
BF: That’s what each was a INDIVIDUALLY
By themselves
On the DS
BF: When you had to but the individual CARTRIDGES
Q: going in the shop to see if I can find it
ohhhh wonder how much they are now im looking in the shop
BF: The BUNDLE is all three games at once for like...16 or 20 bucks TOTAL
For all three games together
Q: :o that's not 60!
BF: That’s what I was trying to say haha
That it’s a BARGAIN
Even when it’s not discounted it’s a bargain
Q: im looking for it bleh i haven't used this thing in a while where is the search bar for a specific game
BF: Search “Ace Attorney”
And aww those eggs sound pretty
Q: where is the problem it just has filters
I remembered the thing about using vinigar instead of water for the color to stick on better and it worked very well
BF: Umm...there should be a search function
Q: there is one but that's just filters for some reason
I'm calling my brother one moment
BF: You may have parental controls on too high or something
Q: nope I got it
it's 30$...
bleh ill get it whatever
BF: Aaaah sorry
Q: it's fine!
BF: I was thinking when it was discounted, forgive meeee
Q: I'll probably like
BF: That’s STILL less than what I paid individually
And it’s a good series!
I really think you’ll like it
Q: yaaaay
BF: It’s so ridiculous and over the top Hahaha
Q: I can't face the shame I'm giving my brother the money so he can buy it
BF: Hahaha aaaah forgive meeeee
it is fine lol
BF: Ooooh!
Q: dumpster
it was your idea
it's downloading
Q: how many days do I wait before it's approprait to send Jaz another email
Q: I spent 30 dollars because of you
working on comic, very good progress. Got all of the backgrounds done and am doing pretty good on the characters.
Just when the game opened I saw what you meant by it being over the top this is great imma play it
Q: 2014???
must be when the bundle was released...?
BF: That sounds about right dang
Was it that long ago when the HD bundle got released
-Case 1-
Q: Back!
Finished chapter 1: I feel smart I very much enjoy this game. Wonderful. Good that I'm apparently better then most people at remembering names :D when will juan die
BF: last case of the second game!
hahah just settle in and enjoy a Juan-less first game
BF: and I really do sincerely enjoy every part of the first game
I do too it'
Q: It’s hard to believe Juan is even in the game
you made me spend 30 dollars on it and I am thoroughly enjoying it
(Edit: Thoughts i remember having but didn't record.
1st Case:
Hey look the tutorial person! She's a boob joke. of course.
I had no reaction to Winston, mainly it was just "objection guy".)
-Case 2-
Me: game about laywers. Somehow it was successful. Me later: and magic??? why is there magic why is there a chapter on why does this game exist it's so over-the-top I swear what was it's goal?
Q: the girl is too talkative
I should sleep >:( It's your fualt I can't
Q: why does the girl even call me nick
why does phoenix allow this his name isn't nick
(Edit: I refuse to call him Nick to this day.)
Q: where the hell is the save button i just wanna leeeaaave
>:( well I'm almost to a save point in the game
Q: dooone
Maybe I'm just tiered in the morning I won't despise the girl
BF: Hahaha aaah I love Maya, personally
BF: And yeah, there are times in the investigation periods where it’s all godammit where do I go next.  But half the fun for me is going around and poking at stuff just to see what Phoenix and Maya will say about it
BF: I guess Maya gets Nick from PhoeNICx...I dunno I stopped questioning it ages ago
BF: There is a way to save when you are investing though
BF: I’ll tell you where to find it in the morning haha
Q: I figured out it's the start button.
Maybe I could look up where she got the name. She just asked if she could call me 'nick' and phoenix had no objection so I GUESS IM NICK NOW. I really like seeing what characters say about stuff too, but sometimes you just wanna get to it and 'ohmygod just shut up i wanna be able to figure this out i've already heard this before what am I missing'. Also I was tired, but ya they are enjoyable for the most part. HONESTLY with Juan I see him as a Zarla character, him being in the game is just absolutely stellar... it feels like a huuuuge bonus. I know he originally came from here but I learnt about him from the ladyverse and a quick scroll through her ace attorney folder on devart. He seems like her character. Concept: The people making the anime actually did see one or two of Zarla's comics and liked the color she had for his shirt and kept that Me at first: ehhhhh i don't really like him. he should just... go over there. Me later: oooo cross universe? More interesting, still don't like him much. Me now: I WILL PROTECT WITH BOY WITH MY LIFE WHEN I FIND HIM AND HE'S ALREADY DEAD WHOEVER DID THIS YOU WILL PAY WITH YOUR LIFE
BF: Hahahaha
Yeah, I kinda consider him to be more Zarla’s character than the game’s because of how much of a blank slate character he really is
BF: I know I’ve made up traits for him practically from whole cloth, or based on the smallest clues I can glean from the game script
Q: niiice
I'm getting through it, thankfully I'm not getting stuck as often as I did.
Q: "guess I better go there later..." YES, ALRIGHT, HOW DO I MAKE TIME MOVE FORWARD THOUGH?
BF: lol a lot of time when they say that, that means 'head on over to that location if it's on the menu"
(Edit: This goes DIRECTLY into my 1-3 reaction. The very next message.)
(Edit: Thoughts i remember having but didn't record.
2nd Case:
Sense the beginning I knew "IT'S THE WHITE GUY". The cutscene had what looked to me somebody with white hair but later i found a guy named Redd White and knew It was him because "HE'S THE WHITE GUY”
"Aw no looks like the tutorial girl is dead. Oh well."
"So she has a sister, okay."
"weird, i haven't seen this before. this is cool. (investigation mode)"
I absolutely hated April May. She was the worst character to me.
"HEY LOOK IT'S THAT OBJECTION BUDDY (Edgeworth) :D" I didn't have much thought on him besides that. He was the other objection guy. I knew him from the little I've seen of Ace Attorney beforehand (mainly one ace attorney tumblr post).
"There's magic in this game. guess her death meant nothing apparently.")
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