#remember how she was ostricised from society
c10v3r · 1 year
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yoylecake :)
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 years
Same anon from the werewolf prompts ask. I was mostly asking because I'd love to see the 3rd, 4th and 10th prompt for a Polycho fic. You can decide who the werewolf is, or if all of them are wolves or not. I'm not picky!
The hardest part of getting bit is that, even when he's the "big bad wolf", Josh still can't find a place among his peers.
Luckily the wolf has an eye for good folk and maybe someone up there is finally looking out for him.
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Despite what anyone might believe, Josh Sawyers had always lived a little rough. He'd gone to school, was well read, enjoyed arts and history, and had dreams of being a teacher one day. Sadly, he'd not had the money to pursue a higher education and due to his area of residency and skin color he was considered nothing but a lowly thug.
No one wanted to hang out with the too smart black kid that lived very close to the woods. No one but his family really. But that too had changed when he'd gotten bit.
No point keeping another mouth to feed when it might try to take your hand with it, and having a werewolf in the family would have further ostricisized his parents and siblings from the All American Dream society they were busting their asses to belong to.
In the end, Josh had just accepted it and left.
If he could run from muggers and cops that looked at him with predatorial grins and murderous eyes, he should be able to run with the crew of wolves that further complicated his life.
Except he couldn't.
"Yes I understand I'm a big bad werewolf now but really, I dont want to hurt those cute little rabbits and deer, can't we just wait until we transform back to eat?" He shrunk back when some of the others glared at him with condescending exasperation "That's not how it works? Well can't I just eat before I transform so I won't be hungry–I'm sorry I'm just new at this and I'm sorta trying to go vegetarian here–"
"Jack did you really have to pick the pansiest lilly in the fucking garden? Christ the stupid cunt won't even eat what he can get!" Dimitri, a southern english blond with a thick accent and the worst case of resting bitch face Josh had ever seen on a wolf, colorfully hissed at the alpha of the pack.
"I figured the guy would make a mean wolf. Fuck me sideways, I was wrong." Jack, their leader and the stockiest member of the group, grumbled as he glared daggers at Josh "Fucking smarty pants too good for meat?"
"Might make a good bitch." Yuri, Jack's second in command and a rather spineless idiot, offered with a barking laugh that made everyone else chortle while Josh blushed furiously and looked down.
"Ugh... You guys are assholes. I'm just gonna go for a walk." He got up and moved out of their den, an old abandoned cabin that had definitly seen better days. The stench of wolf didn't help.
"Good luck finding any food, Flower Boy, werewolves are carnivores. You gonna die for being a pussy." Jack called out behind him, getting a hearty laugh out of everyone else in the cabin.
Josh kept his back straight and his head held high, but if his tail had been showing and his ears were just a bit more wolfish, they'd have hung low in shame and sadness.
Not even a group of outcasts wanted anything to do with him. That certainly took the cake.
As it turned out, the others were right. As much as Josh wanted to be a vegetarian (a thought he'd had since primary school), the wolf couldn't properly process green foods. It was frustrating, because he didn't want to kill any animals. The thought of blood and gore made him shudder, even if the idea of salty iron tang made his stomach croak painfully with want. He was hungry. Very hungry.
"Think Josh... If vegetables and fruits aren't an option, then what else...?" He mumbled to himself as he walked. He needed to feed, otherwise the wolf would have a few things to say as soon as he got too hungry to keep in control.
His wolf was gentler than the others in the pack, but it was still a wild animal and hunger tended to do strange things to the mind. Especially one driven by the more primal instinct to survive.
He noticed a stream running downhill and got an idea. It wasn't a deer or a rabbit, but if bears could get nice and fat from eating fish, surely he could sustain himself on them as well? It was just a matter of catching some.
"Well, I don't have anything to lose from trying..." He figured, as he took off his clothing and folded it neatly. He set it by a rock near a massive tree, marking it with his sharpened fingernails before letting himself change into a huge dark coated wolf.
The feeling was still strange and painful, but his worries eased considerably as an animal. The world was a much simpler thing for a wolf.
With a hearty howl the wolf sprung towards the stream, hell-bent on catching some dinner.
"You know..." A female voice startled Josh as he pathetically crawled up onto the sandbank. A young woman was sitting there, holding a fishing cane and other assorted supplies. She had red hair, wore clothing that looked a bit too big on her, and a pair of heavy boots that looked to have steel toes. "When I saw you climbing out of the stream I was fishing in dirty, wet, and naked, I assumed you had just survived some kind of intense mob hit or something..."
Josh gulped as she set aside her tools and crossed her arms. She was smirking at him.
"But really you had just detransformed from a werewolf after you were playing in the water trying to catch a fish, and ultimately failing." Had she been watching him the entire time? "Nice ass, by the way..."
Yelping as he remembered he was completely in the nude, Josh picked up the nearest thing to cover up. It looked all the more pathetic considering the flat rounded rock was much too small to cover much.
"Easy there. It's not like I've never seen a dick before." The woman rolled her eyes "Now, before I go get my ma's shotgun, state your business here dog boy. You and your pack off to cause us trouble?"
"I... Uh no, no? I'm not..." He shook his head. "I'm not with my pack and uh, I didn't even know anyone lived here."
"We don't. The cabin is a summer retreat." The woman shrugged "What's a wolf doing trying to fish alone?"
"Could you not call me wolf? I have a name..."
"So do I. What a small world."
Josh grimaced before looking back where he came from. He should go get his clothes.
"I... Should get going."
"Hm... Yeah sure. Whatever. Try not to scare the fishes even more, you just cost me and my friends our dinner."
"You have friends?" That was hard to believe. The woman had been nothing short of unpleasant for the entirety of their short-lived and awkward conversation.
"Yes. One of them has a crossbow. Beat it pooch." She glared.
He didn't need to be told twice.
A couple of nights later, Josh had finally mastered his fishing abilities and was anxiously awaiting the rise of the full moon.
He hated going back to the den, but cuddling for warmth was the only way not to freeze to death in the woods, and it was risky to wander off too far without the pack. There were other wolves and worse, bears.
Not that his pack cared that he ran off anyway.
Still, as soon as the moon rose he could slink off to the stream and catch himself a good meal. He'd found a massive school of fish in a hole that lead to an underground pool. The fish either got stuck there by accident and couldn't leave due to low lighting, or were just too greedy when feeding on the vast surplus of food that the hole had to offer them.
All the better to keep him nice and full.
He had almost completely forgot about that woman from the other day, until he'd rushed off on all fours towards the stream and caught an odd sent in the wind.
The wolf grumbled in annoyance at the intrusion, but its curiosity was just as great as its human side's.
On feather light paws, it crouched and tracked the sent, before a whiff of grilled fish made its mouth water.
In the same spot Josh had met the woman, were three humans making dinner out of a bucket of large fat fish. It seemed like the redhead was a skilled fisherwoman.
"It's a loud night." A man with a shaved head, tan freckled skin and heterochromia, commented as he listened to the occasional howl in the distance. This trio was far away from the pack's hunting grounds, so there was no danger.
"Werewolves. I met one the other day..." The redhead murmured. "Took me longer to get a catch because the dumbass was flopping about like a drowning lamb."
"You met a werewolf? How come you didn't say anything, North?" A blond man with tired eyes and pale complexion asked.
"Didn't seem important at the time." North huffed "Besides, at the mention of my shotgun and your crossbow, he fled."
"You mean your mom's old shotgun. That thing is rusty as hell North. Wouldn't kill a fly..." The freckled man chuckled "But in all seriousness, Simon's right. You should have said something."
"Oh lay off Markus. It's fine! We're not staying much longer, just a couple of days anyway, and the wolves are far away."
The wolf watched them curiously. They were an odd trio. North, Simon and Markus.
Their names sounded... Nice somehow. And their interactions were all in good jest, rather than aggressive.
Whining softly, the large wolf lay down and kept watching them. It's heart ached for companionship it did not get from it's peers.
The blond's head perked up suddenly.
"Did you hear that?"
"Not everyone has your bat ears Simon..." North pointed out. "What's up?"
The blond didn't reply, instead staring off into the treeline where the wolf hid.
Had he heard it? That was impossible, humans didn't hear that well.
The man squinted, before getting up. His posture was intimidating to say the least, and the look in his eyes was one of warning.
Before anyone could say anything, or the wolf could process what was going on, the blond was right in front of it with his lips curled back so the wolf could see his long fangs. A vampire.
"Simon!" Markus called out, seeming just as startled at the wolf. "Don't do that!"
"We've got a wolf!" The blond called back.
"Is it big and got black mottled fur?" North asked from where she was sitting.
"Same guy from last time. Hey you caught any fish yet or just did a bad impression of the Little Mermaid?" The redhead grinned.
Simon rose an eyebrow in question before noticing the grimace on the wolf's face.
"I don't think it liked that."
"It can say that to my face. Come on, bring the thing over, if it didn't pounce us yet, it's not going to."
The vampire shrugged and looked back at the wolf, still suspicious, before motioning for it to get up and follow. The wolf decided it best not to argue, especially when the redhead offered a grilled fish.
It had been ages since it ate something cooked.
"So you really do run solo, don't you?" North asked in the morning, when the moonlight was no longer coursing through his veins, and after they'd all introduced themselves at the cabin.
The redhead hadn't been kidding about owning a shotgun. It was on display at the cabin, but it was also rusted to kingdom come. Markus had been right about it not harming a fly.
She used it as a threat to intruders. Uninvited guests were unwelcome, which was funny considering she had invited a vampire and a wolf into the threshold.
That was certainly some risk taking. Not that he was complaining.
The offered blankets had been so soft he'd practically rolled around in them when he woke up. The texture felt nice against his bare skin. It helped ignore the dull aches and sores of transformation.
"I prefer it." Josh replied. "It's calmer when I'm on my own. Quieter. Easier to get food and rest instead of getting pounced on and forced to submit to some asshole's command..."
Simon held the blanket he'd covered himself in tightly as he took a sip from a glass. The breakfast table was nicely organized, and he'd given them all plates of pancakes and glasses of orange juice. He himself ate nothing and drank a tinted glass that Josh's nose noted was full of pig's blood.
"Sounds rough." The blond commented as he shielded his sensitive skin from the sunlight creeping into the cabin.
"It is... Honestly though I hate my pack so much, like theyre a bunch of assholes but I ran into you guys on my full moon run in the forest and..." he shrugged "I don't know you seem pretty cool..."
"We seem cool? Bitch we're the coolest." North grinned.
"North..." Markus rolled his eyes. "Well... Uh, aren't werewolves social? Running solo seems very lonely for a wolf."
"It is but uh... I don't know, I was hoping I could sorta... You know." Josh stammered in embarrassment "Go hunting or scare some people or some shit? With you guys? I know this lake thats always really warm, I can show you... and uh, there's this hole in the stream that's full of big fat fish that just kinda hang in there? In case you uh, needed more?"
The three looked among each other debating what to do. They only had a couple of days left at the cabin and Josh would surely be lonely after they left.
North looked back at Josh before looking at Markus intently.
"... No." The heterochromatic man said flatly.
"Oh come on, we kept the vampire living in your attic, can't we keep this poor lonely lost puppy too?" North put on an exaggerated pout.
"I'm not a puppy. Also you were living in Markus's attic?" Josh asked Simon incredulously. That seemed a bit weird.
"Technically his dad's attic which technically is my attic because that mansion has been in my family for generations, but yeah sure let's go with that." Simon shrugged.
"A vampire doesn't shed or howl." Markus argued with North.
"I don't shed!" Josh was slightly offended.
"Come oooon. I can walk him, and feed him, and teach him cool tricks." North grinned.
"What the fuck is happening right now?"
"Your pack sucks and you're nice. You're getting adopted by the two most insufferable humans in this part of Michigan." Simon smiled "Don't worry. You'll get a bed, access to hot water and tv, as well as treats. They'll spoil you rotten."
"...Well I can't argue with that." Josh snorted. "I haven't showered in months and the smell of wet dog after I take a dip in the lake is pretty bad."
"Good choice." Simon laughed "Come on Markus, you always did say you wanted a pet."
"I was thinking along the lines of a canary or cockatoo..."
At the end of their trip to the cabin Markus relented, having grown very fond of Josh, and the werewolf collected what little belongings he had at the den before joining them at the cabin and sitting in the back of North's car with Simon.
The other wolves wouldn't miss him anyway, so he didn't bother to say goodbye. If anything he hoped he'd not hear from them ever again.
Thank god his wolf had a good eye for nice folk. North, Markus and Simon were weird, but they were his brand of weird.
He could get used to not living rough for once.
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