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gabriellannissa · 7 years ago
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Legs day Done! . . . . . . . . . . #onyxfitclub #fitness #strenghtandconditioning #crossfit #HIIT #workout #cardio #training #suteraonyx #stayfit #getfit #remainfit #alsutsquad #onyxparkmade #632crew #onlythefit #stateoffit #fitlikeabull #trainlikeabull #trusttheprocess #havefun #olahraga #fitbullers #fitbuller #senam (at Onyx Fit Club)
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khotsosetlow-blog · 8 years ago
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Stay focused, never tremble in your own way and be persistent until you see the results should you fall, fall therefore forward...#transformation#health#remainfit
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gabriellannissa · 7 years ago
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Good to be back! ❤💪 . . . . . . . . . #onyxfitclub #fitness #strenghtandconditioning #crossfit #HIIT #workout #cardio #training #suteraonyx #stayfit #getfit #remainfit #alsutsquad #onyxparkmade #632crew #onlythefit #stateoffit #fitlikeabull #trainlikeabull #trusttheprocess #havefun #olahraga #fitbullers #fitbuller #senam (at Onyx Fit Club)
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gabriellannissa · 7 years ago
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Good to be back! ❤💪 . . . . . . . . . . . #onyxfitclub #fitness #strenghtandconditioning #crossfit #HIIT #workout #cardio #training #suteraonyx #stayfit #getfit #remainfit #alsutsquad #onyxparkmade #632crew #onlythefit #stateoffit #fitlikeabull #trainlikeabull #trusttheprocess #havefun #olahraga #fitbullers #fitbuller #senam (at Onyx Fit Club)
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gabriellannissa · 7 years ago
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Emang suka gitu anaknya! Belom nyoba udah keburu panik duluan! Keringet dingin sampe deg2an heboh! Bgitu udah bisa aja cengengesan! . . . . . . . . #onyxfitclub #fitness #strenghtandconditioning #crossfit #HIIT #workout #cardio #training #suteraonyx #stayfit #getfit #remainfit #alsutsquad #onyxparkmade #632crew #onlythefit #stateoffit #fitlikeabull #trainlikeabull #trusttheprocess #havefun #olahraga #fitbullers #fitbuller #senam (at Onyx Fit Club)
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gabriellannissa · 7 years ago
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Another Wednesday Night at @onyxfitclub . . . . . . . . . . #onyxfitclub #fitness #strenghtandconditioning #crossfit #HIIT #workout #cardio #training #suteraonyx #stayfit #getfit #remainfit #alsutsquad #onyxparkmade #632crew #onlythefit #stateoffit #fitlikeabull #trainlikeabull #trusttheprocess #havefun #olahraga #fitbullers #fitbuller #senam (at Onyx Fit Club)
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gabriellannissa · 7 years ago
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Moment paling terodong odong! Udah baca info obstacle nya itu dipping 10x ! Yang dibikin apa sodara sodara sama saya? Leg Lift 10x. Maaf ya pak. Udah gak konsen!😂 . . . . . . . . . . . . #komandowarriors2018 #komandowarriors #iwillnotbestopped #onyxfitclub #fitness #strenghtandconditioning #crossfit #HIIT #workout #cardio #training #suteraonyx #stayfit #getfit #remainfit #alsutsquad #onyxparkmade #632crew #onlythefit #stateoffit #fitlikeabull #trainlikeabull #trusttheprocess #havefun #olahraga #fitbullers #fitbuller #senam (at Markas Kopasus, Cijantung)
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gabriellannissa · 7 years ago
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Maafin kita kita anak kota tangerang & tangerang selatan ini ya pak @komandowarriors Kesenengan naek mobil di Cijantung pak. Tahun depan jangan di banned ya kita pak.. KOMANDO! 💪 . . . . . . . . . . . . . #komandowarriors2018 #komandowarriors #iwillnotbestopped #onyxfitclub #fitness #strenghtandconditioning #crossfit #HIIT #workout #cardio #training #suteraonyx #stayfit #getfit #remainfit #alsutsquad #onyxparkmade #632crew #onlythefit #stateoffit #fitlikeabull #trainlikeabull #trusttheprocess #havefun #olahraga #fitbullers #fitbuller #senam
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gabriellannissa · 7 years ago
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Thanks to Mba Wulan for taking tons of ours photos! Maaf ya mba klo dipanggil panggil gak nengok! Cari pijakan kaki buat mendarat udah susah. Apalagi cari pijakan hati. Ehh loohh. Hahaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . #komandowarriors2018 #komandowarriors #iwillnotbestopped #onyxfitclub #fitness #strenghtandconditioning #crossfit #HIIT #workout #cardio #training #suteraonyx #stayfit #getfit #remainfit #alsutsquad #onyxparkmade #632crew #onlythefit #stateoffit #fitlikeabull #trainlikeabull #trusttheprocess #havefun #olahraga #fitbullers #fitbuller #senam
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gabriellannissa · 7 years ago
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Pic 1 & 2 Expectation.. Pic 3 4 5 6 7 Reality.. 😂 . . . . . . . . #onyxfitclub #fitness #strenghtandconditioning #crossfit #HIIT #workout #cardio #training #suteraonyx #stayfit #getfit #remainfit #alsutsquad #onyxparkmade #632crew #onlythefit #stateoffit #fitlikeabull #trainlikeabull #trusttheprocess #havefun #olahraga #fitbullers #fitbuller #senam #komandowarriors #komandowarriors2018 (at Onyx Fit Club)
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gabriellannissa · 7 years ago
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Friends that workout together - Stay together - Laugh together - Smile together . . . . . . . . . . #onyxfitclub #fitness #strenghtandconditioning #crossfit #HIIT #workout #cardio #training #suteraonyx #stayfit #getfit #remainfit #alsutsquad #onyxparkmade #632crew #onlythefit #stateoffit #fitlikeabull #trainlikeabull #trusttheprocess #havefun #olahraga #fitbullers #fitbuller #senam (at Onyx Fit Club)
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gabriellannissa · 7 years ago
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Monday at @onyxfitclub . . . . . . . . . . #onyxfitclub #fitness #strenghtandconditioning #crossfit #HIIT #workout #cardio #training #suteraonyx #stayfit #getfit #remainfit #alsutsquad #onyxparkmade #632crew #onlythefit #stateoffit #fitlikeabull #trainlikeabull #trusttheprocess #havefun #olahraga #fitbullers #fitbuller #senam (at Onyx Fit Club)
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gabriellannissa · 7 years ago
Dateng pas pas 6.30pm.. Napas pas pas mengarah ke abis napas.. Selesai pas pas mau mejret.. Mau pulang pas hujan badai.. Pokoknya hari ini judulnya pas.. 👌👌 @onyxfitclub @fabio.halim @ckriono @yukasilvia @juliomow @sandyterisno . . . . . . . . . . #onyxfitclub #fitness #strenghtandconditioning #crossfit #HIIT #workout #cardio #training #suteraonyx #stayfit #getfit #remainfit #alsutsquad #onyxparkmade #632crew #onlythefit #stateoffit #fitlikeabull #trainlikeabull #trusttheprocess #havefun #olahraga #fitbullers #fitbuller #senam (at Onyx Fit Club)
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gabriellannissa · 7 years ago
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3 minutes amrap of burpees got us like... . . . . . . . . . #onyxfitclub #fitness #strenghtandconditioning #crossfit #HIIT #workout #cardio #training #suteraonyx #stayfit #getfit #remainfit #alsutsquad #onyxparkmade #632crew #onlythefit #stateoffit #fitlikeabull #trainlikeabull #trusttheprocess #havefun #olahraga #fitbullers #fitbuller #senam (at Decathlon Alam Sutera Indonesia)
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gabriellannissa · 7 years ago
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- Friends that workout together stays together - moments from today's event @onyxfitclub X @kinsei_do at @decathlon.indonesia . . . . . . . . . . #onyxfitclub #fitness #strenghtandconditioning #crossfit #HIIT #workout #cardio #training #suteraonyx #stayfit #getfit #remainfit #alsutsquad #onyxparkmade #632crew #onlythefit #stateoffit #fitlikeabull #trainlikeabull #trusttheprocess #havefun #olahraga #fitbullers #fitbuller #senam
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gabriellannissa · 7 years ago
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If you still look good by the end of the workout, you're not doing it right.. (read : mukeeee udah gak bisa kekontrol. Paha pant*t tangan udah tremor) -sekian- . . . . . . . . . . . #onyxfitclub #fitness #strenghtandconditioning #crossfit #HIIT #workout #cardio #training #suteraonyx #stayfit #getfit #remainfit #alsutsquad #onyxparkmade #632crew #onlythefit #stateoffit #fitlikeabull #trainlikeabull #trusttheprocess #havefun #olahraga #fitbullers #fitbuller #senam (at Onyx Fit Club)
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