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royalbloodedbastards · 4 years ago
self-para // bitch, please
DATE: Saturday, September 18, 2021 CHARACTERS: Kieran and Jack ABOUT:
"Don't you feel degraded? As though you're the inferior one, succumbing to his every will, tending to his every need?"
Jack blinked twice. "He's a dog."
"Even more so," Kieran added. "Look at the size of him. You could be his destroyer, and yet here you are with a handful of his feces."
Jack grimaced up at Kieran. "Have you ever loved?"
"Yes, myself, constantly."
"Ew," Jack groaned. "It's not about the... I don't know, the servitude. That's just, like, part of the deal. It's about the comfort and love that the dog gives you. The companionship." Lil' Jack barked, almost as if in agreement.
"Fascinating," Kieran muttered in response, rubbing his chin in contemplation.
"I don't know why I have to explain this to you. You of all people should get it."
"Why so?"
"I mean, you're lonely as fuck."
"Eat your words, hermit."
"Pfft," Jack spat with a laugh. "Tell me I'm wrong. Weren't you the one who texted me to hang out for the last three days?"
"I felt pity for you," Kieran defended.
"I have plenty of other friends with whom I could have spent my time, you should be thankful."
"Name three that aren't related to you."
"There's the friendly airhead with whom I tan in close proximity," Kieran listed, putting up one finger. "And Alec, whose energy could compensate for two whole people. So there."
Jack rolled his eyes. "If you really had that many friends, we wouldn't be hanging out now. I mean, we don't even like the same things. You just got to know me because of Parker."
"Isn't it good that I branched out?"
"I mean, yeah, I guess." Jack glanced down at his dog, who was very intently examining a fallen acorn. "How about this—I told Elaine I would farm-sit for her tonight while she makes an overnight delivery. I was gonna bring Lil' Jack but he honestly doesn't like sleeping anywhere outside of my bed. Would you be down to dog sit him tonight? Just like keep him company, feed him at 8, and then you can leave once he falls asleep."
"Me? You want me, who just verbally eviscerated you as a dog-owner, to watch your dog?"
"Yeah," Jack confirmed with confidence. "Lil' Jack is, like, the chillest dog I've ever met. And he's a little bitch, just like you. You'll get along great."
Kieran flashed a middle finger.
"Come by at six." Jack tugged on his dog's leash and started back toward his cabin.
"I didn't agree to this," Kieran called out.
"See you later!" Jack sang.
"What the fuck..." Kieran stood with his mouth agape at the nearly empty refrigerator. A bag of white bread, a pint of white milk, and a mason jar of white yogurt were all that occupied the top shelf. The only color that occupied the space was a sliced-up steak in a Tupperware marked 'LIL JACK'. Kieran gave the dog, sitting beside him in anticipation, a nasty side-eye. "How is it that the only real food in this house is reserved for you?"
He watched in disdain and amusement as the dog lapped up the small pieces of steak off the floor.
Had the privilege of living with Parker colored Kieran's perception of how common folk actually ate? Was it standard practice for dog owners to live in starving conditions while their animals feasted like kings?
'To feast on meat while my servantly owner starved,' Kieran pondered. 'Then to make him pick up my excrement with his own hands! The lowly remains of my fine dining and a reminder of his servitude to me!'
Kieran laughed and shook his head. "Wow," he whispered down at Lil' Jack. "You really are a little bitch."
"Why are you still here?"
Kieran's eyes flickered open. The room was dark with the TV still going in front of him. Lil' Jack was curled up on Kieran's lap and Kieran's fingers were curled up in Lil' Jack's fur. A smug grin formed on Jack's face.
"Well, look who's getting along."
"Alright, fine," Kieran admitted. "I did find his company to be quite comforting."
"What did you do?"
"I fed him his dinner—which was pitiful to find, by the way—then sat on the couch and watched telenovelas with him until we fell asleep. His comprehension skills are disturbingly high, you should consider training him bilingually."
"Um, I can barely speak English, so..." Jack shrugged. "Anyway, Elaine actually just made the delivery and decided to make the drive back tonight, so you can go now. That is if you can stand to leave your new friend behind."
"Don't flatter yourself. Or your dog." Kieran lifted the sleeping dog off of his lap and onto the couch.
"Okay, but clearly you enjoyed his company, so."
"Fine. I'll admit that I was wrong about dogs. Or at least this one," he relinquished. "His company was quite pleasant. But you were wrong about one thing too."
"And what's that?"
Kieran glanced down at the dog, whose fur was still stained with the grease and juice of the steak dinner from hours before. Jack would have to give him a bath later, Kieran imagined with a smirk. Kieran started toward the door and leaned in toward Jack as he passed him. "The only bitch in this house is you."
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royalbloodedbastards · 5 years ago
self-para // two tops
DATE: Monday, April 13, 2020 CHARACTERS: Jack and Kieran ABOUT: Jack and Kieran have a secret rendezvous. 
“Are you sure he’s not gonna walk in on us?”
Kieran watched Jack hover at the doorway for a full ten seconds before he finally shut the door behind him.
“Sit down,” Kieran offered. Jack was floating around aimlessly by the front door of the apartment and it was giving Kieran secondhand anxiety. “Parker’s shift doesn’t end for two more hours, you can relax.”
“Okay, I know you don’t really know me, but I think you know by now that I literally am never relaxed.” Regardless, Jack took a seat on the couch while Kieran stepped into his room. The apartment looked just as spotless as it did the last time Jack came to visit. For a second, he wondered if Kieran knew that he had been here before.
“Alright,” Kieran announced as he stepped back into the living room. “I wouldn’t call them corporate attire, but these should be more fitting than your current options.” He laid out two button-down shirts on the arm of the sofa. 
Jack loathed the fact that he was reaching out to Kieran while he still hadn’t texted Parker in over a week. He blamed himself for letting half of his entire circle of friends become Parker’s family. Why couldn’t he have befriended some daughters of Demeter or children of Athena? Now, Jack found himself asking for favors from the brother and best friend of the boy he couldn’t even speak to.
“Where’s your bathroom?”
“Second door.”
Jack escaped into the bathroom to try on the two shirts while Kieran took his spot on the couch. 
“Okay. Ew. No,” Jack protested from the other side of the door. “Is it supposed to look so... Billowy?”
“It’s silk,” Kieran explained.
“What? Why would you give me a silk shirt? The interview’s at a farm, not a motel.”
Kieran shook his head with a chuckle. “Then wear the other shirt.”
A few moments later, Jack stepped out in a blue linen button-down. “Why do I feel like a cowboy?”
“Is that such a bad thing if the job is at a farm?”
“Ugh. Whatever. It’s better than a sweatshirt anyway.” Jack returned Kieran’s other shirt to him. “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it,” Kieran nodded as Jack headed toward the door.
“Hey...” Jack paused and turned toward Kieran. “Um. If you could not mention that I came over to Parker—”
“I have no intention to.”
“Thanks.” He hesitated. “I just think it might be weird if he knew that I was at his apartment since I’ve kind of been like... Ghosting him a bit?”
“Please stop confiding in me, I’m extremely uninterested in the drama of your personal relations.”
“Cool.” Jack turned the knob to leave but hesitated again. “He hasn’t, like... Asked about me, has he?”
Kieran sighed and dropped his head back on the couch. “Jack, despite any impression that my sister might have given you about the Aphrodite clan, I really try to avoid these kinds of conversations with everybody. Especially my siblings.” He turned to look back at Jack, who was once again floating sheepishly by the front door. Kieran sighed. “Look—you know the type of person I am. There’s a reason that I’m extending this grace to you now and it’s not because I think we might become best friends.”
Kieran rolled his eyes. “All I’m saying is I wouldn’t be making this effort if I didn’t think that Parker truly relished your relationship.”
Jack just nodded. He wasn’t entirely positive but Jack was fairly sure that what Kieran just said was a good thing. “Thanks.”
“Good bye.” Kieran shut his eyes as he heard the door close behind him. 
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royalbloodedbastards · 5 years ago
chatzy // rooftop rager
DATE: Saturday, April 4, 2020 CHARACTERS: Akira, Malia, Parker, Kieran, Jack, Alec, Ime, Blue, Casey, Rosie, Miranda, Graves, Jacob ABOUT: A birthday bash on Rat Cage rooftop turns into a series of scuffles and romantic rendezvous. TW: blood, mild violence
 "Darling Gregory!" Akira clapped their hands together as they approached the manager of the warehouse above the Rat Cage. "Don't call me darling, Akira." "Sure thing, cutie. So," Akira leaned against a pallet of wood, "I was just wondering if the roof was structurally sound enough to support a small party of, say, thirty people?" "I don't want to answer that question." Gregory sighed. "Sounds like a fearful yes." Akira grinned wickedly.  
"Welcome to the Rat Cage!" Akira held his hands out, at the first guests scaling the ladder to the roof of the Rat Cage. Akira had strung up a long rope of fairy lights that he had stolen from the rec room closet. Scattered on the floor and taped to the ducts were photocopied fliers that read:
AKIRA WAZ BORN: party at dark, rat cage. BYOB—BRING UR OWN BO(Y/I) TOY
Similar fliers were plastered all over the windows and doors of every building on the main promenade downtown. "Glad to see you got my message."(edited)
Parker stood at the bottom of the ladder and looked at his siblings and Jack. He bobbed his head from side to side respectfully despite not recognizing the loud music and smiled. To him, nothing wrong had ever happened at the rat cage and all he had there was a good time, so he was somewhat looking forward to this party. "Oh crap, do you think we were supposed to bring a present?" @spexile @ellis(edited)
“We are the present,” Malia replied with a shrug. She moved toward the ladder and made a face. “We have to climb this?” @caitlin @spexile(edited)
"Seems like it," Kieran responded. "This doesn't seem fire safety compliant." "Yeah, this is, like... Sketchy." Jack craned his neck looking up at the roof of the warehouse. "How did he even carry the speakers up there?" @caitlin @ellis
Parker didn't see too much of a problem until everyone else pointed it out. "Um, maybe it's a power or something? Or he strapped them to his back?" He shook his head, realizing that it was probably a rhetorical question. He watched their expressions. "Did you... not want to go up?" @spexile @ellis
Alec came to a stop behind the gathering of Aphrodite kids. "What's wrong? Oh, there's a ladder? Awesome!" They turned to Ime and gestured towards it. "S'just like home, eh? Knew all that practice would come in handy one day!" @caitlin
Ime grinned widely as they looked at the setup, tilting their head back to look up at the roof. They patted Alec on the back. "Oh, awesome, roof party. Let's scamper on up there. Unless this is a waiting line. You think they weren't on the list?" @brynnith
“Who are they a child of anyway?” Malia wondered out loud. She sighed. “No, lets go up. Let me go in front so one of you can catch me if I fall.” @caitlin @spexile
"Uh, can I go after?" Jack asked Parker. "Since my depth perception is... You know. In case I fall." @caitlin@ellis(edited)
Parker smiled and nodded, not looking behind him despite hearing more voices. "Yep! I can go after that. Catch you guys if you fall." He looked at Kieran. "Unless you're also doubting your climbing skills." @spexile @ellis
Kieran shook his head with a slight smirk, glancing back at Alec. "Alas, this is not my first roof climb." @caitlin @ellis @brynnith
Alec laughed at the ridiculous idea the Aphrodite kids weren't on any list. "Looks like a line, we'll have to wait our turn. I haven't been to a roof party in ages." They grinned at Kieran and gave him two thumbs up. "You're a master! Perfect technique!" @spexile @caitlin
Malia thought Kieran’s comment was cute and worth investigating later on. She put a pin on that thought, though, to focus on climbing. Carefully, she made her way up, hating every second of it. When she emerged on the roof, she wiped off her hands and found the guest of honor. “I see the devil is keeping us on our toes, huh?” @caitlin @spexile @brynnith
Ime wiggled their fingers in greeting to Kieran and sighed at Alec. "That's such a shame. I guess we know that we came here while the party's bumpin, though." @spexile @brynnith
"What's life without a little adventure?" Akira smiled as Malia crested over the edge of the roof. "Glad you could make it." Akira peered down to see who else was coming up. "No friends this time?" @ellis
Jack started ascending the ladder next. "Okay, if I fall off this ladder, please make sure they get me away from this warehouse before I die. I swear to god if I have to haunt this place..." Jack trailed off as he reached the top. @caitlin
"Oh, everyone is my friend," Malia replied, moving out of the way of the ladder. "I guess I'm just the most adventurous of them. Who knew?" @spexile
Parker exhaled a laugh at Kieran's comment, giving Alec a little nod of acknowledgement finally. He laughed at Jack and stood at the bottom as he began to climb. "I won't let you die." He waited until he was most of the way up the ladder and looked back at the rest of the group. "I think they're a bit dramatic about climbing a ladder." He shook his head before following Jack once he was fully on the roof. @spexile @brynnith
"I'm very impressed," Akira dipped his head. "Welcome," he added as Jack reached the roof. "Hi." Jack stepped forward a few paces to give some clearance to everyone climbing the ladder. Jack looked around at the measly decor. "Nice place." "Nice face." Jack grimaced. @ellis
Alec waited for the ladder to be free and then quickly scampered up. They waited at the top for Ime, gazing around at the new view. @caitlin
Malia's mouth opened in shock, and she covered her mouth so Jack wouldn't see her start to laugh. "Hey now, let's play nice on that one topic specifically." @spexile
Parker stood on the roof and looked around. "Uh, happy birthday." He smiled at Akira politely and then stood near Jack. "Hey, you managed to get up in one piece." @spexile
"Uh, yeah," Jack replied to Parker, turning away from Akira. "Let's hope it stays that way." As Kieran, Alec, and Ime stepped onto the roof, Akira welcomed the full group. "Make yourselves at home, everyone! It's an open floor plan, but if anyone's feeling particularly frisky, the air ducts toward the north side are a bit of a labyrinth." They winked. "I'm sure you'll get creative." @caitlin @ellis @brynnith
Ime managed to climb onto the roof rather quickly for someone in heels and smiled wickedly at Akira before nudging Alec's side. "Are you feeling creative? Want to figure out some air ducts?" They stretched their arms over and behind their head. @brynnith
Parker smirked and shoved his hands into his pockets as he looked around. "Some place," he said to nobody in particular.
Alec wiggled their fingers at Ime. "I gotta figure out my mood tonight first! Are you feeling creative?" They turned towards Akira and produced a root beer Dum Dum from the inside of their jacket. "Hey, happy birthday! You probably have a million of these already but I'm broke and know you like them and figured, thought that counts?" They offered it to them. @spexile @caitlin
Malia hooked her arm through Parker's. "I think it's.... versatile?" she offered, trying to not sound too judgemental. @caitlin
Parker nodded and exhaled. "Very different from the last rooftop we were on." He shrugged. "It's a nice idea for a birthday." @ellis
Ime flashed a smile. "I'm always feeling creative." They looked at Kieran, Parker, and Malia. "I like that you all match. Was that planned?" @brynnith @spexile @ellis
Akira pressed a hand to his heart as he took the lollipop. "The thought does, but this is also incredibly thoughtful," Akira winked. They pulled the wrapper off the Dum Dum and popped it in their mouth. Akira reached into their pocket and produced two more for Alec and Ime. "Care to join?" @caitlin @brynnith
Malia sighed. "They can't all be that nice," she said sadly. When Ime complimented them, Malia flashed a grin. "We're just naturally fabulous." @caitlin @spexile @brynnith​
Alec beamed when their gift was accepted. "I would love to! You're a right good host, eh? Party snacks." @spexile
Ime took the Dum Dum graciously, a hand over their heart. "Why thank you." They rummaged around their jacket pocket and produced a D20, and held it out in the center of their palm to Akira. "For you." @spexile
"Well now," Akira sang. "What is this?" They picked the D20 up off Ime's palm and held it up in the light. "Incredible. How does one use this?" @caitlin @brynnith
Blue wandered over to the famous rat cage, holding her phone out with the flashlight on to guide their way. "This is sketchy as fuck, I love it so much." She grinned back at Casey. "Did you talk to them about the fight club?" @spexile
Alec scoffed when Ime produced the die and nudged their shoulder. "That was mine." They didn't actually look offended and looked back at Akira. "You roll it and there's twenty different options! Great for making decisions." @spexile @caitlin
Ime winked at Alec. "Oh, well, I guess it was, then. It also was at my apartment, so I just assumed." They shrugged without finishing the sentence and looked back at Akira. "Yeah, more style than flipping a coin. If you have less than twenty options you can make it in intervals of fives, fours, tens, the like." @brynnith @spexile
Also Ime responded to Malia totally on time with a wink. @ellis​
Parker looked down at himself and then at Kieran and Malia. "I guess we do match." He looked at Jack again so he could be included in their conversation again. "Did you want any wine? Or are you afraid of not being able to climb down again?" @spexile @ellis
"Um, I'll be afraid whether or not I have wine." Jack snorted. "So wine would be great." Akira smiled at the little token. "Most of my decisions number far less than 20, so that's great information. Thank you," they smiled at Ime then looked to Alec. "And thank you again, indirectly." @caitlin @brynnith
"Ew, I didn't even think about climbing down," Malia groaned. "Oh my gods, wait, I meant to say it earlier but did you know that someone legit got like, punched at the last party here? I didn't even see it happen." She shook her head. "Um, also, I want more wine, too." @caitlin @spexile
"I heard that it happened, yes. I think I even noticed the fight developing, but I try my best to avoid fisticuffs in public settings, so I turned a blind eye," Kieran shrugged. Jack narrowed his eyes. "What... Why do you talk like that." @caitlin @ellis(edited)
Alec ran their fingers through their hair to mess it up. "No problem! Happy to be of assistance." They unwrapped the Dum Dum to start on it. "I love your roof. Something about being up high sparks joy, I feel like a cat sitting on the top of the wardrobe." @spexile @caitlin
Malia waved her hand. "Don't question it, Jack." @spexile @caitlin
Parker unhooked the reusable water bottle keychain from where it hung on his belt loop from when he was climbing up the ladder. He held the bottle out to Jack and frowned at Malia. "Really? I hadn't even noticed. Who was fighting?" He snorted a laugh at Jack. "I think it makes sentences more interesting." @ellis @spexile
"Oh my gods, it gets so much sketchier, you don't even fucking know, Blue!" Casey was almost galloping forward in excitement. "And yes! Oh my fucking gods—" He stopped in his track and grabbed Blue by the hands. "I went this morning. And one, Akira is actually really intense. Like, you'll notice it at this party probably, but holy shit—one on one? I thought I was gonna die and I have never been more turned on. Which brings me to number two—the fight club is on, baby." @ellis
Akira laughed. "Happy to provide you with a vantage point. I thought I'd shake up the elevation this go around, since the last party seemed to inspire... Chaos." @brynnith @caitlin
Blue whooped. "Fuck yes, Casey! I cannot wait to kick ass! Okay, you and I gotta fight, too. I swear one day I'm going to actually hit you." They were alternating pulling each other along to the warehouse. She looked at the ladder in confusion. "Up?" she asked, but already started climbing before getting an answer. @spexile​
Rosie spread her arms to present the ladder to her siblings. "Bueno, time to make like monkeys. I fucking knew I wore pants for a reason," she announced, as though she ever wears anything but pants. @a general chris @electriclightparade
Ime unwrapped the lollypop. "Of course. What kind of birthday would it be if I hadn't gotten you a present?" They winked at Alec and nodded at Akira. "I heard that quite a lot that happened last time, so I showed up today so as not to miss out again." @brynnith @spexile
Alec looked around as they heard more people start to arrive. "Ime was devastated to have missed the chaos! They'll never miss a party here again." @caitlin @spexile
Casey shrugged. "The flier said rooftop." He waited until she was all the way up before climbing up to the roof himself. @ellis
Malia sighed. "I think it was Ben? But also, he had it coming because he cheated on his girlfriend so..." She looked at Jack. "Pass that to me when you're done." @caitlin @spexile
"You're in luck. I've been working on a little something and I think you can expect to see a lot more happening here in the near future," Akira teased. @brynnith @caitlin
Miranda looked up at the ladder, then down at her white pants, then shrugged.  "Fuck it.  Not like I paid for these anyway."  She glanced between her two siblings, and when Rosie gestured to the ladder, she moved to climb up first.  "No need to fight children, I'll go first." @brynnith @electriclightparade
Jack took a big swig from Parker's wine bottle just as Kieran took a swig of his flask of whiskey. For a brief moment, their eyes connected and neither of them liked it. "Here," Jack offered, passing Malia the bottle. @ellis @caitlin
"That's so vague and exciting! Wow." Alec looked between the two of them, then spun around to head over to the main other group. They pointed to Kieran's flask. "Whatcha got there?" @spexile @ellis @caitlin
Blue scanned the crowd on the roof, immediately saw Parker and his company, and frowned. She felt a little flush of anger and unscrewed her flask. "Who's the birthday boy?" she asked loudly. @spexile
Ime raised their eyebrows. "Is it a secret little something?" @spexile
Graves glanced at the ladder and whistled. "Starting the night off right, oh-kay!" He patted his pockets, checking for his flask(s), then watched as Miranda started up the ladder. "Watch your step Mont- no promises I'll catch you if you fall!" he called to her. He nodded at Rosie, "You're up next, hermana." @brynnith @a general chris
"It might be—" Akira was interrupted by a loud question. Akira raised their hand and Casey quickly grabbed Blue's arm to bring her over to where Akira and Ime stood. Akira smiled as they approached. "You're looking for me?" @ellis @caitlin
Rosie snickered and bumped Graves' shoulder as she skipped over to the ladder. "Going last 'cause you're scared, tumbitas? You better catch me if I fall, I'll be aiming for you anyway." She started to scale the ladder after Miranda. @electriclightparade @a general chris
Jack flinched at the sound of Blue's voice, but he quickly caught himself and took a deep breath. "Whiskey." Kieran held the flask toward Alec. "If you'd like to try it." @brynnith @ellis @caitlin
"Yeah I am, I've heard a lot about you from the president of your fanclub," she replied, baring her teeth in a grin. She regarded Ime with a head nod. "What's up?" @spexile @caitlin @brynnith(edited)
Parker nodded. "I guess so." He frowned, wondering how he missed that. He heard Blue and felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up. "Um, pass that to me when you're done?" He asked Malia. @ellis(edited)
Ime was rapt by the suspense. They nodded at Blue and took the lollypop out of their mouth so they could speak. "Not much, learning about chaos." @ellis @spexile
"Sure, thanks." Alec took it and took a sip before passing it back. They only made a slight face at the taste. "That's pretty good! Is whiskey your favourite drink?" @spexile
Malia regarded both Jack and Parker with interest, and then Kieran and Alec, and wondered how in the world she became the fifth wheel. She took a large gulp of wine. "Here you go. I think I need to make out with someone. Sorry, is that weird to talk about with you? Do you think the guest of honor would be down?" @caitlin @spexile @brynnith
Casey turned his back toward Akira and muttered quickly to Blue, "Wow, I can't believe you just exposed me like that, not cool." Akira didn't seem to notice. "Well, I'm throwing this party, in case you missed it." They smiled. "Feel free to dance, make love, wreak havoc. Maybe even all at once if you can manage." @ellis @caitlin
Miranda paused to flip Graves off halfway up the ladder.  "Pendejo." She stepped off the ladder when she reached the top, she leaned her arm against the side of the ledge of the roof, acting like she had been waiting a century for the other two to finish climbing.  "You're so fucking slow!  Hurry up, I wanna drink." @brynnith @electriclightparade
Parker blinked at Malia and looked at Akira. "Um, kind of? I think they're talking to someone." He looked away so Blue wouldn't see him looking in her direction and sipped his wine. @ellis
"Um, robe guy?" Jack looked back at Akira. "I mean—their hands are literally on their hips holding open their robe. Like, that is definitely not accidental." Jack turned back toward Malia with a shrug. "I feel like your odds are pretty good." @ellis @caitlin
"It is," Kieran chuckled. "I suppose it's not one of yours?" Kieran took back the flask, screwing the lid on tight before pocketing it. @brynnith(edited)
Ime grinned. "I didn't know that you could separate the three." @spexile @ellis
Akira tapped his nose then pointed to Ime. "I love the way you think." @caitlin @ellis
Malia shrugged. "My odds are always good. I'll give it a few minutes." She glanced between Jack and Parker again and smiled, flipping into a more teasing tone. "Or do you want me to leave you two alone?" @spexile @caitlin
"Maybe I should've gone first so you could catch me," he laughed, pretending to rub his shoulder like it hurt. Once Rosie was climging the ladder, Graves unscrewed the flask he was holding and took a sip. He waved to Miranda, then flipped her off with a crooked grin, before screwing the top of his flask back on. Graves tried to stuff his flask in his already full pockets but quickly gave up. He held the flask between his teeth like a heathen as he started up the ladder. @a general chris @brynnith
Alec laughed. "It is one of my favourites! After wine. I just don't drink much." They gestured to themself. "Strictly 'no bring, only mooch'. Wow, that makes me sound like a terrible person to hang out with at parties." @spexile
Kieran laughed. "It does." @brynnith
Parker rubbed his cheek and shook his head. “Um, I don’t think it’s that easy to be alone here.” He took another sip of his drink before holding it out to both Malia and Jack @ellis @spexile
Rosie flipped Miranda off with one hand as she retrieved a small bottle of tequila from one of her many pants pockets with the other. "You could've started without us!" @electriclightparade @a general chris
Alec grinned at him. "Will you still hang out with me? @spexile
Jack took Parker's drink once again. "Yeah, you don't have to ditch us every time." He took a drink of the wine and held it out to Malia. "Unless you secretly hate us, then I guess go for it." @ellis @caitlin
Ime gave a small salute so they could do something cool back. “Fools hardly differ.” @spexile
Kieran smiled and shrugged. "I suppose we'll just be two terrible people to hang out with at parties." @brynnith
Miranda rolled her eyes, pushing off the ledge.  "I could've, last time I try to be at least somewhat gracious."  She opened her trusty bag of alcohol, pulling out a bottle of rum, already twisting off the cap as Graves reached the top of the ladder.  "I mean, I'm all up for the change of scenery, but I'm actually annoying I can't show you the fucking human sacrifice lair in the basement.  We barely got out alive last time."  She said dramatically, before taking a drink from her bottle. @electriclightparade @brynnith(edited)
Malia rolled her eyes. "It's very easy to be alone on an open floor plan! Just go to the corner and radiate big 'don't bother me' vibes. And I'm not ditching you, just, giving you some space." She sighed. "I guess I'll stay while there's wine." She moved so she was at Jack's other side. @spexile @caitlin
Graves laughed as he brushed some dirt off his jeans. He blinked for a second, taking in the scope of the rooftop party. It wasn't until Miranda said human sacrifice lair that he tuned back in. "I'm sorry, I didn't know we were here to witness a sacrifice. Who's the volunteer?" He snaked an arm around Miranda, swiping the rum from her grasp, "gracias sis." Graves took a big swig. "Let's get this par-tay started! Woo!" @a general chris @brynnith
Miranda rolled her eyes when Graves stole her bottle, in turn reaching into one of his pockets and stealing one of his flasks.  She scanned the roof, observing who else was there already.  "Hm, that depends.  Do you think we need a virgin sacrifice.  If yes? Nos chingamos."  @electriclightparade @brynnith
"Thank gods, I'm safe," he smiled another crooked smile and followed his sister's gaze. "See anyone fun? Who- uh who's hosting this anyway?" He traded her bottle for his flask, sniffing it to see which one she'd taken. "Fireball, sick - cheers!" He tapped the bottle with the edge of his flask, smiling when it clinked, and then took another sip. He wasn't pacing himself well, but hey, it was a party.
Miranda laughed, lifting her bottle to clink against his, taking a drink as she once again scanned the crowd.  "Fun? Sorry, there doesn't seem to be any mirrors here right now, so that's an overwhelming no.  As for host," She pointed out Akira from the crowd. "Them."  @electriclightparade
Alec laughed. "Hey, I don't think you're terrible to hang out with at parties! But I don't think that about myself either. Did my loft give you a good warmup for the ladder tonight?" @spexile
Parker turned so that he, his siblings, Jack, and Alec made a big circle, making it harder for people  Blue to jump in. "That's true, I guess." He smirked. "I knew you only liked my for my alcohol." @ellis @spexile
Rosie grinned at her siblings then held up her tequila. "Shots? I have enough to go around!" @electriclightparade @a general chris
"It did," Kieran nodded. "You know, as treacherous as a single construction ladder propped up against the side of a warehouse might seem, it's still an easier climb than maneuvering out of a window." @brynnithApril 5, 2020
Graves looked to the person Miranda pointed at and tilted his head, taking in the sight. "Now that is an outfit," he said to his sister. "YO! THAT'S A SWEET ROBE!" he shouted, waving an arm in Akira's direction. At Rosie's mention of shots, he nodded vigorously. "Fuck yeah, shots! Always shots! Monty, you ready? Shots city!" @brynnith @a general chris @spexile
Alec waved a hand. "So humble! I've never seen such roof-climbing talent!" They laughed. "And now it's becoming a habit." @spexile
Blue grinned at Ime, swatting Casey away. "I like you, too," she said. "Oh shit, name's Blue, by the way, shirtless guy. Happy birthday and all that." @caitlin @brynnith
Akira laughed at Graves's boisterous greeting. They gave a wave back before stepping away to some shadowy vantage point. @electriclightparade
"No, no," Kieran protested. "Twice is a coincidence. The next time I'm on your roof, you can call it a habit." @brynnith
Malia rolled her eyes. "Don't be so dramatic. I also like you for your spice cabinet." @caitlin @spexile
Miranda let out a laugh as Graves screamed across the roof, being jostled around slightly due to his arm around her.  She looked back at Rosie when she mentioned shots, and grinned.  "Do you know me at all?  I'm so in." @brynnith @electriclightparade
Jack snorted. In a laughing sense not the other way. @caitlin @ellis
"So you're going to go on my roof again?" Alec sounded incredibly pleased by that. "Or are you going to never go again so it doesn't become a habit?" @spexile
Ime smiled. "Amazing. I love the lewk. Classic egirl aesthetic." @ellis
Parker flipped Malia off and held his hand out for his bottle. "Go make out with robe guy somewhere I can't see." @spexile @ellis
Malia laughed. "Give me the wine one more time and I'll stop embarrassing you." @caitlin @spexile
Rosie passed the mini tequila bottle to Miranda and immediately produced another one from a different pocket. "To having a fucking blast tonight!" @a general chris @electriclightparade
"No. I'm not embarrassed. You're just mean and maybe I want to save my wine for me and Jack," he joked. @ellis
Blue did a little bow, her arms out dramatically to either side. "You look hot, too, and I love the shirt." She couldn't help but notice Parker again on her way up, then took another gulp from her flask. "Casey," she said, holding out the flask for him. @spexile @caitlin
"Blue," Casey accepted the flask and took a big gulp. "So is someone gonna fight at this one or what?" @caitlin @ellis
"Thanks. It's actually impossible for me to have FOMO because the party only happens when I'm there, but, y'know." Ime shrugged and smirked at Casey. "I hope so. I missed the last one." @ellis @spexile
Malia narrowed her eyes. She thought of a joke but knew Parker would have a stroke if she said it. So she just rolled her eyes again. "Fine, but only because I like Jack." @caitlin @spexile
Miranda gladly took the bottle Rosie offered up, twisting off the cap as she looked over at her brother.  "Do one of those have tequila in it? Or do you need a bottle from your amazing, wonderful, sisters?" She held her bottle out to Rosie.  "May we stumble home and not remember shit." @electriclightparade @brynnith
"I think I could make it happen," Blue said with a dark chuckle. "If you really want. People might cry, though, because it's me. Should we get Akira to watch?" @spexile @caitlin
"I'm so glad," Jack grinned. @ellis @caitlin
"Watch? They'd probably participate." Casey looked around for Akira, but they were nowhere to be found. "Or... Not. Uh," Casey turned to point at the Hermes kids, "I bet Graves would be down." @ellis @caitlin
Parker stuck his tongue out at her but held his bottle out to her anyway. "One more sip." @ellis @spexile
Ime raised their eyebrows and exhaled a laugh. "That'd be a great birthday present, I think." @ellis @spexile
Blue followed Casey's finger and saw her girlfriend standing next to Graves. "Hold that thought," she said, taking back her flask. "BRB." @spexile @caitlin
"To getting fuckin' blasted tonight!!" Graves grins and takes his tequila flask out of his pocket in response. "I brought my own to save more alcohol for my amazing, wonderful sisters." He raised his flask to their tiny bottles, laughing as Miranda spoke. "I know I climbed up that ladder, but the more we drink, the less likely it is that I'm getting back down. I'll audible it. Bottoms up bay-bee!" He winks at Rosie and drinks. @brynnith @a general chris
Blue walked over to the Hermes kids, sliding in next to Rosie and draping an arm over her shoulders. "Hi babe and babe's brother and sister," she chirped. "What's up?" @brynnith @a general chris @electriclightparade
"To blacking out and falling off this roof!" Rosie finished with a laugh and took her shot. She pressed a kiss to Blue's cheek when she put her arm around her. "We're taking shots! Y'want?" @ellis @electriclightparade @a general chris
Malia grinned and took the bottle back. She took more than a sip. "Kay, see y'all later!" She walked off in search of the host. @spexile @caitlin
Miranda took her shot, throwing the now empty mini-bottle in a random dark corner of the roof.  "Are we dooming ourselves to spending the night on this roof?  I mean, I'm down." She watched Blue walk over, and grinned in greeting.  "Hello, manita's babe." @ellis @brynnith @electriclightparade
Malia didn't see where Akira went, but she weaved her way around people until she made it back by the air ducts. They weren't kidding, it was a maze back here, especially in the dark, but she made her way through it and heard a faint muttering. "Are we doing a ritual back here? Should I turn back and pretend I didn't see anything?" @spexile
Parker gave Malia a little wave and stood a bit closer to Jack. He looked between him and Kieran and Alec. "So... Watch any good movies lately?" He cringed and took a sip of his wine. "I haven't watched much in French since I was uninvited to our family movie nights." @brynnith @spexile
"Hey!!! Blue!!!" Graves beamed when his sister's girlfriend joined their little group. "Those pants are sick. Want a drink? I have five flasks, pick a number." He raised an eyebrow at Blue, then looked at Miranda. "Roof would probably be as comfortable as the floor so....I'm in."  @ellis @brynnith @a general chris
"We'll just see," Kieran shrugged at Alec's question, way back when it was still timely. He turned to face Parker and Jack after Malia left. "Alec and I watched Cléo de 5 à 7 the other week, which I thought was pretty excellent." "Wait," Jack interjected. "Do you all speak French?" @caitlin @brynnith
"Aw, we'll make it." Rosie took another swig of her bottle. "Even if we gotta lower us by rope." @a general chris @ellis @electriclightparade
Blue gave Miranda a hang-ten sign from the hand draped over Rosie. "Three," she said automatically to Graves, tucking her own flask in her pocket and holding her now free hand out for Graves' offer. "Thanks, kiddo. Hey babe, I have two questions. Well, I guess one, now, since your brother just gave me more alcohol." @brynnith @a general chris @electriclightparade
Alec turned in towards the group as well. "It's one of my favourites!" They tilted their head at Jack. "I do 'cause my step-mom's from Québec." @spexile @caitlin
"Oh," Jack nodded. "My mom's from Milwaukee, so..." @brynnith @caitlin
Rosie wrapped an arm around Blue's waist. "Shoot." @ellis @electriclightparade @a general chris
"Cool!" Alec grinned at Jack. "Where's that?" @spexile @caitlin
"Good choice," he passed her the flask without comment. "Gotta guess what it is." @ellis @a general chris @brynnith
Blue held the flask out for Graves. "Unscrew, please!" She turned her attention back to Rosie. "Would you encourage or discourage me from talking to Parker right now?" @electriclightparade @a general chris @brynnith
Parker shrugged and motioned and himself and Kieran. "Well, our mom's the goddess of resent and pettiness, so we get to speak French." @spexile @brynnith
"Hm, let's see." Rosie tapped her chin. "Are you pissed at him? In a serious way?" @ellis @electriclightparade @a general chris
Kieran snorted. "That's not inaccurate." "That... Checks out," Jack snorted. He turned back to Alec. "Um, Milwaukee's in Wisconsin. I never lived there though, it's just where my mom grew up." @brynnith @caitlin​
Miranda took another sip from her bottle, her eyes bouncing from person to person as they spoke.  "Oh, is there drama incoming?" @brynnith @ellis @electriclightparade
"Oop, I gotcha." Graved unscrewed it quickly, sneaking an amused look at Miranda. Once Blue was set, he took another drink for himself from a different flask, listening to the gossip. @ellis @a general chris @brynnith
Alec nodded their head along. "Wisconsin," they repeated, trying and failing to visualize where that was. "They have... cheese?" @spexile @caitlin
Akira emerged from behind a duct to approach Malia when they heard her calling. "No, no, not interrupting. I was just readying a little surprise for later." Akira stepped closer to the light so Malia could see him more clearly. "How are you enjoying yourself?" @ellis
Blue shrugged. "I might be a little annoyed, but I'm not planning on melting flesh, if that's your concern." She lifted the flask to her nose. "Smells like metal," she said, then took a sip. "Raspberry vodka?" @electriclightparade @a general chris @brynnith
"Nah, no concerns." Rosie waited for her to finish tasting the drink. "If you're just a bit annoyed, sure, why not?" @ellis @electriclightparade @a general chris
Malia's brows lifted in interest, but she figured they'd want to keep the surprise a surprise. "So far it's been pretty dull for me, I won't lie," she said with a shrug. "But I have faith you can make it more interesting." @spexile
"I guess? I don't know, I've never been there," Jack repeated. "But they probably get cheese?" @brynnith @caitlin
Parker smirked at Alec, wanting to make fun of them but also not really sure what else they had in Wisconsin. "Cheese... like Colby Jack." He sucked his cheeks in. "Um, but that movie sounds cool. What was it about?" @brynnith @spexile(edited)
Unlike him, Miranda didn't bother to hide the amused look on her face.  She reached into her bag, and pulled out two more mini bottles of vodka. She reached up to rest her elbow on Graves' shoulder, looking only slighter ridiculous due to their height difference, and dangled them in front of his face.  "Wanna take another shot?  I'm bored." @electriclightparade @brynnith @ellis
"Probably," Alec agreed. Their eyebrows drew together for a moment as they tried to figure out what Parker was talking about, and then they realized the movie he was asking about was the film they had watched with Kieran, not one called 'Colby Jack'. "Oh! It's about a vain woman believing she has cancer and coming to terms with beauty being temporary."
"Well, he has a friend with him," she muttered before taking another shot from the flask. She eyed the crowd she was with. "Would you guys like to interrupt a conversation for me?" @brynnith @electriclightparade @a general chris
Jack shut his eyes and pressed his fingers to his temple. He wasn't sure if he was meant to laugh or cry. Kieran, hoping to pretend like the moment hadn't occurred, added onto Alec's description. "It's also a nice study on existentialism." @brynnith @caitlin
Parker wondered briefly if he should jump off the roof. "That sounds like your kind of movie." He laughed and took another sip of his drink before holding it out to Jack again. @spexile @brynnith
Akira grinned. "There are always ways to make things more interesting. How dangerously would you like to live?"
Alec understands the joke belatedly when wondering why everything became weird. "Oh! Colby Jack." They laughed. "I get it now." @spexile @caitlin
Parker covered his eyes with his hand and sighed. @spexile @brynnith
Jack clapped a hand over his face. "Oh my gods." Kieran just pressed his lips together and nodded. "Dairy humor." @brynnith @caitlin
"Bingo!" Graves answered Blue on time. He laughed when Miranda reached up to lean on his shoulder, and crouched a little to help her out. "A shot would be excellent," he elongated the word, for dramatic effect. "You are carrying me home tonight, right Monty?" @ellis @a general chris @brynnith
Malia tilted her head, appraising Akira. "Why don't you set the pace and I'll tell you if I want you to go further?" @spexile
Miranda laughed, shoving him off of her at his question.  "Oh definitely.  Look at all this muscle."  She flexed, and while she had some definition, she definitely wasn't gunning for 'brawniest camper' anytime soon.  "I'll get us down this roof in no time, Gravy."  She turned when she heard Blue, intrigued.  "I'm listening.  What do you need?" @ellis @electriclightparade @brynnith(edited)
Alec laughed again at what Kieran said, shaking their head. "You guys are hilarious." @spexile @caitlin
Blue glanced over her shoulder then leaned a little closer. "I wanna talk to Parker without the white-haired boy having a meltdown." @brynnith @a general chris @electriclightparade
Akira turned his head toward the light to get a glimpse of the crowd before stepping in toward Malia. "Just say the word." Akira brought a hand up to the back of her neck, tracing a finger down her shoulder blade, across the back of her arm, and down past her wrist until he found her hand. With a soft tug, he stepped back toward the darkness behind the ducts, urging her to follow. @ellis
Ime glanced at Casey after rebooting and raised their eyebrows at him. "Do you think anyone's gonna start a fight? Or should we spill some oil on the roof and make everything just slightly more exciting?" @spexile
Rosie looked over to Parker and Jack and made a face once she understood. "Y'wanna get Parker off to the side, or the guy away from the group?" @ellis @electriclightparade @a general chris
Miranda pointed at Rosie when she asked her question.  "You beat me to it.  And I'm guessing just...sending a text is a no-go?" @brynnith @ellis @electriclightparade(edited)
Blue drank again. "Mmm, I think I'm finishing this," she informed Graves. "Parker aside." @a general chris @electriclightparade @brynnith
Jack snorted. "I mean... I like cheese." He shook his head quickly. "Nope. Sorry, shouldn't have—let's just move on. New topic." Kieran smirked and took another sip of whiskey. @brynnith @caitlin
"I could just go over and ask Parker to walk away with me," Rosie offered. "At this point nothing I do can come as a surprise, he's used to it!" @ellis @electriclightparade @a general chris
Malia thought that was simultaneously so strange and so hot and absolutely followed Akira into the darkness. @spexile
"Ugh, babe, you're so smart." Blue kissed Rosie on the cheek. @brynnith @a general chris @electriclightparade
Graves stood beside his sisters, listening to their conversation with Blue. He made a face as she finished his flask, but he just pulled another out of his pocket in response and winked at her. "Happy to be of service," he smirked, then drank. He wondered who else was here, but hadn't gotten a very good look at the group before doing shots with his sisters. @ellis @a general chris @brynnith(edited)
Parker didn't really know how to bounce back from this. He ran his hand down his face and groaned. "When's everyone's birthday?" He already knew Alec and Kieran's birthdays. @brynnith @spexile
Alec mouthed 'wow' silently, in awe, and was about to spring into action towards a new topic when Parker spoke. They gave him an odd look, but answered nonethless. "October third. Like, the Mean Girls day." @caitlin @spexile
Rosie kissed Blue before she leaned too far away. "Cool cool, now?" @ellis @electriclightparade @a general chris
"Fuck it, might as well." @brynnith @electriclightparade @a general chris
"That's definitely the easiest option. Go for it, Manita." She then handed the mini bottle to Graves, before unscrewing her own and taking the shot.  @ellis
Akira led Mal through the darkness, the ducts buzzing deeply around them. They walked slowly, taking an almost grid-like route, each turn perpendicular, almost counted out. Then, without notice, Akira stopped and guided Mal slowly against the wall of a towering, silent duct before closing the distance between them. @ellis
Parker frowned at Alec's look. "Mean Girls day," he whispered after Alec, not really knowing what that meant. @spexile @brynnith
Alec squinted at Parker. "Why do you always repeat what I say under your breath?" @spexile @caitlin
Jack and Kieran pressed their lips together. They looked at each other in silence, once again sharing a moment of awkward solidarity. Kieran suppressed a small grin at the thought. "My birthday is the 18th of January," Kieran piped up. "In case you were wondering." @caitlin @brynnith
Rosie patted Blue's back then detangled herself from her girlfriend and headed over to Parker's little group. "'Scuse me girls and gays, I gotta grab Parker for a sec," she addressed to all of them. @spexile @caitlin
Graves grimaced as he unscrewed the mini bottle that was presented to him. "Okay, I- last one before I take a little breather." He quickly downed the shot and pocketed the bottle. "Sis, how do you feel about roaming the roof?" Graves moved to take a step forward and felt himself sway a bit. He laughed at his own drunkenness, his nose crinkling, then turned to look at Miranda, "Lead the way." @a general chris(edited)
Parker flushed and opened his mouth to respond, but then jumped on Rosie's opportunity to leave. "Oh, yeah. S'why I was asking, for the birthdays... Anyway yeah, bye." @brynnith @spexile
Casey has been drinking from a small water bottle of pure tequila that he brought and talking up some townies.
"Uh, bye." Jack was almost grinning in disbelief. "Wow." "When is your birthday, Jack?" Kieran asked. "Uh, it's August 11. '99." Kieran nodded. "Warm." "Uh-huh." @brynnith(edited)
Rosie laughed. "The fuck did I walk in on, Parks? C'mon." She lead him away from the group. "Heads up, I'm leading you to your doom. Yo, babe, I got him!" @caitlin @ellis
Parker followed along with Rosie and felt the sense of dread appear as his anxiety about his last situation faded. "Oh. Um, hey." He looked over Blue's shoulder so he could seem like he was looking her in the eye.@brynnith @ellis
"A Leo," Alec commented to themself. "Awesome. So Jack! I know like, nothing about you. Sick eye patch, you're like an intriguing pirate. Not drinking tonight?" @spexile
Miranda laughed as she watched her brother sway. He had beaten her on pre-game shots and it was definitely starting to show. “Okay, you drunk idiot. Let’s go.” She dropped her arm, from his shoulder and started walking in a random direction. “Anyone in particular you’re itching to talk to?” @electriclightparade
Blue turned around when Rosie hauled Parker over to her. She bared her teeth in a grin and then turned to Rosie, kissing her quickly. "Thank you, babe. I'll come find you." She took Parker's arm. "Lets go for a walk, Valentine." @brynnith @caitlin
Ime scampered up and rested their elbow on Alec's shoulder. "Hey, this shoulder still hurt?" They nodded at Kieran and Jack. "I like the 'fits." @brynnith @spexile
"Ugh." Jack folded an arm across his chest and pressed his fingers against his eyepatch. "I was—I mean, I was having a bit of Parker's wine. I don't—I'm not 21 yet soo I can't buy myself alcohol for these things." "Here." Kieran held out his flask. "It's whiskey." "Uh... Thanks." Jack took the flask hesitantly. He took a sniff, didn't like the smell, and took a sip anyway. He tried not to make a face. "Thanks. Um," Jack handed the flask back to Kieran. "Sorry, I think we've talked, like, twice. Remind me your name?" As Ime walked up to join them, Jack appended, "Thanks." @brynnith @caitlin
Rosie wiggled her fingers in a wave goodbye to her girlfriend and then headed back to Graves and Miranda. @a general chris @electriclightparade
Parker let Blue take his arm and followed along after Blue, tense. "sure thing, Byrne." He tried not to sound suspicious. @ellis
Alec laughed and wrapped an arm around Ime's shoulders. "A bit!" They gave Jack a sympathetic nod. "Not being legal here sucks." @spexile @caitlin
Graves leaned into Miranda just as she dropped her arm from his shoulder and almost tripped. He took a moment to steady himself and began to laugh. "I'm not drunk Mont- just a tiny bit tipsy." He held his fingers close together to demonstrate how much, still laughing. "I dunno, maybe Casey? I saw him talking to some randos. I gotta ask him about a uhhh about a thing." Graves steered them in Casey's general direction. @a general chris @spexile(edited)
"It's Bluebryn, you asshole," she said, but she said it casually so it was unclear if she was really angry about this. "Want some raspberry vodka? I also have tequila in my pocket." @caitlin
"Well, I turn 21 this summer, so..." Jack shrugged. "I'll get trashed, I guess." Kieran snorted. "Good to have goals." He turned to Ime. "Hi. I believe I neglected to shake your hand at some point." @caitlin @brynnith(edited)
“Right, cause that doesn’t sound sketchy as shit.” Regardless, she scanned the crowd, changing their direction when she stopped Casey in the crowd. Her attention was torn away for a second when Rosie appeared and grinned at her. “Welcome back. I think our brother is about to try and join a cult or some shit.” @electriclightparade @brynnith @spexile(edited)
Casey was in the middle of regaling some townies about the wonders of spicy noodles when he noticed a much more interesting group of people walking towards him. "If you'd just excuse me—" Pushing the strangers aside as if parting the sea, Casey made a beeline towards the Hermes kids. "Oh my gods, please save me from these white people. One of them just pronounced La Croix like a French word." @a general chris @brynnith @electriclightparade
Ime nodded sympathetically. "I legally helped with an autopsy before I could legally drink." They smiled at Kieran and held a up an. "Yes, I remember that, as I always will, like an elephant." @spexile @brynnith
Rosie slung an arm around Miranda's shoulders. "Sweet! Can't wait to witness that." She grinned at Casey. "Yo, my guy. When am I gonna get to try and hit you again?" @spexile @a general chris @electriclightparade
Alec shook their head. "Twenty-one. That's some old drinking age." They looked between Ime and Kieran with a wide smile. @spexile @caitlin
Parker laughed. "Yeah." He looked at her and then at her pocket and shook his head. "I have wine." @ellis
"Cool, fine, I guess we'll just get straight to the point." Blue dragged Parker to a relatively empty part of the roof while she drained her flask, and then spun to face him. "So are you just going to fucking ignore me forever?" @caitlin
Miranda let out a laugh as Casey came running over. “Fucking idiots, all of them.” Her head tilted when she heard Rosie’s reply. “Whose fighting who? Now I’m interested in this conversation.” @brynnith @spexile @electriclightparade
Parker rubbed his forehead and shook his head, giving her a small smile. "I'm not ignoring you." @ellis
Kieran chortled. "I've always wanted a pachyderm for a nemesis. Thank you for realizing a lifelong dream." Jack gave himself a tight squeeze and idly scanned the room, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. In the dim lighting, he couldn't see where Parker went. Jack exhaled and looked back toward the group. "Sorry, wait—did you tell me your name?" @brynnith @caitlin
"Cay-sey! Dude!" Graves punctuated each syllable with a finger gun because he's more drunk than he thinks. "We're fighting," he said, in response to Miranda. He gestured between himself and Casey, and then around the whole roof. "It's gonna be WILD." @spexile @brynnith @a general chris
"You literally pretend to not see me every time you see me, but okay." She angrily shoved the now empty flask into her other pocket and took her phone out so it would fit. Because she was drunk, and impulsive, and angry, actually, she turned her flashlight back on and shone it in Parker's face. "Please try that response again." @caitlin(edited)
Alec leaned against Ime as they laughed at Kieran's joke, despite having no clue what a pachyderm was. An elephant? It didn't matter. "That's Ime! My sibling, and best person on this earth." @spexile @caitlin
Casey cackled. "Oh my gods, you guys don't even know! Listen to this—" Casey held his hands out, as if to pause the conversation. "I talked to Akira... I think we're starting an actual fight club." @brynnith @electriclightparade @a general chris
"Fight CLUB!!" Graves yelled and punched the air. @spexile(edited)
Ime pressed a hand to their chest, not really understanding the word. "I'm known to make dreams come true." They flashed a smile and pointed at Alec. "And this is Alec. We're like those statues where one tells only lies and one only truths and you have to guess who is who." @spexile @brynnith Parker hadn't felt especially anxious until the light was shone in his face. He shook his head. "I wasn't, like, ignoring you. You just didn't come over to me." @ellis(edited)
Miranda almost face palmed when Graves spoke. “Holy shit, you’re so dumb and even more drunk.” She looked over at Rosie and Casey to roll her eyes but didn’t when she heard about the fight club. “Wait,” she turned to face Rosie. “Didn’t Akira mention that in the murder basement?” She now faced Casey again. “That shits actually happening?” @electriclightparade @spexile @brynnith
"No fucking way! I'm fucking impressed at that commitment. Here's to following through and shit." Rosie took another shot. "I'm so in." @spexile @a general chris @electriclightparade
"Because you always come over to me!" she snapped. "Or because now, when I'd come over to you, you're with," Blue lowered the light from his face so she could shove Parker, hard, surprising herself with how angry she actually was, "that fucking guy! You know, the one who almost killed my brother!" @caitlin
Jack snorted. "That's reassuring." Kieran stepped in towards Jack so the four of them were forming more of a circle. "Interesting dynamic. So who's the liar, then?" @brynnith @caitlin
Parker crossed his arms and frowned. Because he had drank a lot of his bottle very quickly due to being so awkward he felt somewhat more impulsive. "I'm sorry that I have to be the one to come over to you when I'm hanging out with the guy you maimed." @ellis
Casey looked around, but couldn't spot Akira. "You guys should fight me," he proposed to the Hermes trio. "You should all fight me right now and the first person who hits me, I'll take you out to hangover brunch tomorrow." @a general chris @brynnith @electriclightparade
Alec grinned. "Ime, of course! Except they aren't. My name is Alec." They blinked at Jack as realization dawned. "Holy mackerel, were you asking me for my name the whole time? I'm sorry! I thought you were talking to Kieran for some reason!" @spexile @caitlin
"Uh, no," Jack shook his head. "We know each other." "We do. Jack is—" Kieran quickly caught his tongue as he remembered the present company. "Jack is a friend." Jack looked at Kieran then quickly down at the ground. @brynnith @caitlin
Ime raised their eyebrows. "Quite obvious that Alec is the liar, they can't stop talking in circles." Ime raised their eyebrows and looked between Kieran and Jack. "Are you lovers?" @brynnith @spexile
Alec threw back their head and laughed. "Ime! Oh my god." They recovered and tilted their head at Kieran and Jack. "Do you know each other through Parker?" @spexile @caitlinracheljones
"Ew." Kieran rolled his eyes. "Absolutely not." "Just ew. No offense," Jack turned to Kieran, who was already shaking his head dismissively. "Yeah, we know each other through Parker." @brynnith @caitlin​
Ime flashed their teeth in a smile. "Ah, okay. They were acting like Parker with you." They laughed a bit and then hummed at Jack and Kieran. "What were you talking about before I rudely interrupted?" @brynnith @spexile(edited)
Jack tipped his head. "Um... What?" Kieran clapped a hand over his mouth. @caitlin @brynnith
Alec tipped their head back to look at the sky. "Oh my god," they repeated, under their breath as they shook their head. "Ime." @caitlin @spexile
Miranda assumed her previous position of resting her elbow on Graves’ shoulder. Partly because she had no desire to punch Casey, and also to force her brother to have to bend slightly and not do anything more stupid while fucking hammered. Last thing she needed was to explain to Chiron how her brother fell off a roof. “See, a hangover brunch implies we actually get a hangover. Which of course.” She gestures to herself and her siblings, though not as long at Graves. “We’re pros so that’s not a huge concern for us.” @spexile @brynnith @electriclightparade(edited)
Blue's face flushed as she ignited with instant rage. She wanted to hit him, and she grabbed his bottle in an impulsive urge to use it against him. But instead, she held herself back and shoved him again. "Fuck you." @caitlin
Rosie nodded along for an appropriate amount of time to what Miranda was saying, and then lunged towards Casey to try and hit him. @spexile @electriclightparade @a general chris
Ime tilted their head. "Were you just introducing yourselves, was I not interrupting?" They linked their hands behind their back. "Is somebody going to fight tonight? Or am I at the wrong party?" @brynnith @spexile(edited)
"Honestly," Graves said, trying to shrug off Miranda's arm, "brunch sounds delicious." He took another, long drink from his flask of tequila, just as Rosie lunged at Casey. Graves hooted in amusement. "Rosie YES! Get that brunch!!" He bounced on the balls of his feet, getting hyped up and taking one more drink before pocketing his flask. @spexile @brynnith @a general chris
Miranda knew she’d never be able to contain Rosie, so she didn’t even attempt to stop her. “If you hit him, I want French toast in the morning.” She looked at Graves. “This is why you don’t get drunk at the pregame. If you didn’t, I would let you punch him.”  @brynnith @spexile @electriclightparade
Parker held his hands up and took a step back. "Blue, are you kidding me right now? Leave me alone." @ellis
Jack pressed his hands to his face, exhaling deeply. "Okay... Why do I always end up feeling like there's a big joke in the room that only I'm not a part of? Is it me? Am I the joke?" Kieran stayed silent, his lips pressed together. @caitlin @brynnith(edited)
Casey's vision blurred as suddenly he entered hyper-speed. Except this time, he had already been hit. "Fuck!" What felt like a minute later, Casey caught his balance from the impact and turned around. He touched his fingers to his lip and found blood. "Oh my fucking gods. You hit me." He looked up at Rosie, smiling ear to ear. "You fucking hit me!" @brynnith @a general chris @electriclightparade
"No, no, not at all!" Alec shook their head immediately, concerned now. They launched into an explanation. "Ime meant 'cause Parker's always really weird with me about being friends even though we hang out sometimes. 'Cause I annoy him. And you guys just had a weird, like, 'dot dot dot friends?' moment. So they were saying it was awkward?" @spexile @caitlin
"No, fuck you Parker. I'm allowed to be pissed about it! If you hadn't just avoided me like a fucking coward we wouldn't be having this conversation!" Blue shouted back, her voice getting steadily louder. "Dude, I don't even— I just— Ugh, fuck! So you get some good dick and now you think I meant to do that?"
Ime tilted their head at Jack, actually unsure about what he meant, for once. "I wasn't making a joke. I wanted to know if people were..." They spun as they heard a scuffle happening. "Fighting," they whispered. @brynnith @spexile
Rosie jumped up and down in excitement and fist pumped. "Fuck yes!" She held out her hand for fist bump from Casey. "You owe me brunch!" @spexile @a general chris @electriclightparade
Miranda couldn’t help but laugh when Rosie made contact. “Wow, I don’t think that could’ve backfired any harder for you.” She dropped her arm and released Graves, now crossing her arms over her chest. She liked to think that she provided a great distraction. @brynnith @spexile @electriclightparade
Parker balled his fists. "Fuck off, Blue, I haven't even fucking..." He took a quick breath. "Whatever. I haven't been ignoring you. Sorry that I didn't come over to you so you could make fun of me while I sit there like a clueless asshole." @ellis
"Oh shiiiet! Rosie, damn hermana!" Graves' face broke into a huge grin when his sister's fist made contact with Caseys' face. "Damn Case," he laughed. His vision swam for a sec and the world turned a little off kilter, but he shook his head and it cleared. He didn't realize he was so drunk, but he definitely felt more impulsive. "Case, Casey, man. My man. My turn. Hit me, " Graves gave Casey a super bro-y sup nod, and raised his hands. "I'm ready." @spexile @brynnith @a general chris
Jack shut his eyes, and pressed his fingers against his temples. Kieran, at a loss for words, gave Alec a look and nodded toward Jack with a shrug. @brynnith
Blue unscrewed the cap of Parker's bottle and threw the contents into Parker's face. Wine soaked his head and shirt. "You're an asshole, Parker. You and that freak are perfect for each other." She turned, and then turned right back. "Oh, by the way! I've been telling you to buy ugly clothes so you'd look ridiculous." @caitlin
Casey cackled. "Backfired?! That's exactly what I've wanted! Oh my gods—" Casey stepped in to fist bump Rosie. "Fuck it, brunch and mimosas, god damn!" He turned to Graves. "Wait—what? I'm not gonna hit you!" Casey laughed. "The point is that it's a fair fight, I don't wanna just hit you to hit you." @a general chris @brynnith @electriclightparade
Alec gave Ime a distressed look. "Are you okay?" they asked Jack, running a hand through their hair. "It was just a bad joke. Us Tyche kids are known for those." @spexile @caitlin
Miranda was distracted from Graves being an idiot again by Blue screaming. She looked over just in time to see her dump wine on Parker, and covered her mouth to hit a quick laugh that bubbled out of her. She glanced over at Rosie to see if she noticed what was going on, slapping her brother to get his attention. “Oh, shit. There’s the drama.”  @electriclightparade @spexile @brynnith(edited)
Akira led Malia back to the point where they met. "You can find your friends, I'll hang back." Akira squinted towards the crowd. "Though it looks like... There's fighting happening." Akira was caught somewhere between a grimace and a smirk. "Figures, right?" @ellis
Rosie threw her hands up in the air. "Fuck yes. Score." She laughed at Graves, but turned her head in time to see Blue cover Parker in wine. "Fuck." Her smile faded. "Shit. Fuck." She immediately started towards where Blue was headed. @a general chris @ellis @electriclightparade
Parker didn't process anything that happened until Blue had turned for the second time. He took a step forward. "If I'm an asshole then we're the perfect friends!" He was yelling now. He pushed his hair back. "You know what, fuck you for that. I look like a fucking jerk to my siblings who make me feel like a fucking idiot and I thought it was funny but you know what, it isn't! You're fucking mean, Blue." @ellis
Jack just shook his head, trying to ignore Alec's inquiry, but the sound of Blue and Parker's screaming had cut through the noise of the party. Or maybe it was that the noise had subsided to give them way. "What the fuck—" Jack stepped in their direction to get a better view. Kieran sighed, seeing what was happening in the distance. @brynnith @caitlin
After 20 minutes with Akria, Malia decided her hair was a lost cause. She was mid-tying it up into a ponytail as she glanced over her shoulder, following their stare. "Oh, shit," she muttered. "That's my brother." @spexile
Ime turned back when they realized that Alec was actually upset. "Oh. Yes, I did make a bad joke." They frowned, confused. "Did you want to hear a good joke?" They looked over when Parker started yelling and pulled out their phone. "I'm not on my game, missing everything." @spexile @brynnith(edited)
"Go," Akira suggested. "Before she spits on him." @ellis
Alec pressed their hands to their cheeks and turned towards Blue and Parker as well. "Oh my." @spexile @caitlin
"Better mean than a clueless douchebag and a terrible friend, you fucking prick." She spit at his feet, then spun on her heel to march away. She remembered that she still had his bottle in her hands. She turned back once again and threw first the bottle, and then the cap at him as hard as she could. @caitlin
Graves' grin only broadened at Casey's response. He nodded, trying to be solemn, "T'was a test. Y'passed. A fair and generous oppo-" He broke off in the middle of his sentence when he heard a scream. Seeing Rosie walk away, he put the pieces together, then looked at Miranda. "Should we uh, 'elp her?" He looked in Casey's direction, eyeing his face, to see what damage Rosie had done. His glance lingered a second too long over Casey's split lip, before he focused on the other fight brewing. @spexile @brynnith @a general chris(edited)
Rosie winced when Blue threw the bottle at Parker. "Fucking christ." She stopped a couple feet away from her girlfriend. "Y'wanna go?" @ellis
"Doesn't everyone want me to go?" she asked Rosie sharply. She headed toward the ladder. @brynnith
"Um..." As his attention shifted to the other fight, Casey stepped in toward Graves and Miranda. "Maybe we should let this one play out." @electriclightparade @a general chris
Rosie hurried after her. "I'll go with you." @ellis
Parker stepped out of the way of the bottle and spun to avoid the cap. His eyes stung. He wiped more wine off his face and pressed his palms into his eyes. "Fuck!" He sighed and tried not to notice anyone looking at him.
Miranda watched Rosie approach Blue, but didn’t immediately follow her. “Hang on a second.” She took a few steps forward, so she was closer just in case, but paused when Blue headed towards the ladder with her sister not far behind. “That’s a no.” She let out a sigh, first Macey, now Rosie. Thank god she wasn’t dating. “I’ll check up on her later, give Blue some time to cool off.” @spexile @electriclightparade
As soon as Blue stepped away, Jack made his way quickly to Parker. "What the fuck was that? Are you okay?" Jack spoke softly but quickly, trying not to sound harried. His eyes scanned over Parker's body for any cuts or bleeding. "I'll be right back," Kieran muttered to Alec before slowly heading over to his brother. @caitlin @brynnith
It was too late to stop him being spit at, and from blocking the things being thrown at him, but Malia hurried over anyway. She took her brother's hand and glanced at Jack, and Kieran approaching. @caitlin @spexile
Alec nodded at Kieran and looked back at Ime, eyebrows drawn together. @caitlin @spexile
"Um..." Casey looked between them. "Group decompression brunch?" Casey half-joked. @a general chris @electriclightparade
Blue shook her head without looking back at Rosie. She paused at the top of the ladder to blink away tears that were blurring her vision. "You shouldn't have to stop your night because of me." @brynnith
Ime kept recording and whispered to Alec. "Should I stop recording? Or should I get a tearful end?" @brynnith
Akira waited until Malia reached her brother before returning to the shadowy location where they had retreated to. He turned on his phone flashlight and swept the area, revealing several wooden crates packed full with small explosives. He sighed disappointedly before clicking the light off and starting back toward the main area.
Parker flicked wine from his hand and shook his head, grabbing his bottle. He crouched and occupied himself with looking for the cap. "Yeah, I'm fine." @spexile @ellis
Graves stopped mid-step when Miranda called for pause, like an obedient puppy. He looked over her shoulder at their sister, a worried look on his face. When it seemed like the fight was dissipating, he relaxed and turned to Casey. "Brunch! Even though I didn't punch you? I'd kill for some eggs and hash browns, honestly," he winked and raised his eyebrows at him. @spexile @a general chris
Rosie hesitated then touched Blue's back. "Duh, but I'm gonna anyway. Let's go smash some bottles or shit like that." @ellis
Alec frowned at Ime. "Stop recording. You should delete that." @caitlin
Malia quickly scanned the outfits of the two boys surrounding her, then glanced back to the party, then back to Parker. "Give me two minutes," she said to them. She gave Jack a look that he hoped he would understand to mean to keep him there. She then ran over to Alec. "Hey. Can I take your flannel? I'll buy you a new one." @brynnith @spexile @caitlin
Alec started pulling their flannel off as soon as Malia mentioned it. "Yeah, yeah! Don't worry about it." They handed it to her. @ellis @caitlin
Miranda wasn’t as quick to turn back to Casey as Graves was. She kept Rosie in her  peripheral vision, and her smile was wiped from her face. “I was serious when I said I wanted French toast.” She butted in, but not fully paying attention to the conversation.  @spexile @electriclightparade
Ime sighed and turned off their camera but didn't delete it. "I wish I got her throwing wine at him." @brynnith
"Aw, I'll take you out for brunch any time, baby, you don't have to kill for me," Casey winked back at Graves. "So group brunch it is, then!" Casey nodded at Miranda. @electriclightparade@a general chris(edited)
Jack wasn't entirely sure what Malia meant with her look, but he stepped in toward Parker after she left. "Are you hurt?" Kieran hovered right behind Jack, shooting dirty glances at anybody who came too close. @caitlin
Malia took the flannel and gave them a grateful look as she immediately rushed back to her brother's side. "There are air ducts over there, no one will see you, if you want to change. We can use the bottom of that shirt to dry your hair. Kieran or Jack, can one of you try to find some water to get this out of his face?" @spexile @caitlin
Blue pressed two fingers under her eyes, then shrugged. She smiled at Rosie a little. "Sounds fun." @brynnith
"Um, yeah, I can—" "Here." Kieran unzipped the small bag at his side and pulled out his hydroflask. "This is water, I swear." He handed it to Malia. @ellis @caitlin
"No." Parker said gruffly and frowned, but softened his expression when he remembered he was talking to Jack. "No, I'm fine. I'm okay." He sighed at Malia and shook his head. "It's not a big deal. I don't care, I'm just trying to find the bottle cap." @ellis @spexile
Rosie smiled back at her tightly. "Let's go. Your place or mine? Or somewhere else, I have glass bottles on me." @ellis
Graves' eyes widened for a second, before his face broke into a lopsided grin. He felt his cheeks warm as he replied, "Deal. No to the killing, yes to the brunch. You tell me when." He gave Casey a little salute, tapping two fingers to his temple. "Monty, I need...water, and sleep. Time to go home?" Graves started towards the ladder. Over his shoulder, he called to Casey. "You have my number." @spexile @a general chris
Malia took the hyroflask and cradled it along with the flannel. "You'll find it better when you get that out of your eyes." @caitlin @spexile
Miranda watched Graves make his way over to the ladder and low-key wanted to scream. “He’s gonna fucking fall off that thing, isn’t he?” She looked over at Casey. “But yeah, we’ll figure brunch out, especially since mimosas were mentioned earlier.  We’ll talk later.” She then went after her brother to start attempting to get him down safely, Macey’s speed dial ready to go if it got to that point. @electriclightparade @spexile
"I'll help—" Casey decided the drama had subsided and ran over to help steady the ladder as they both went down. @a general chris @electriclightparade
Blue shook her head again. "Wherever you wanna go. Somewhere else, I guess." @brynnith
Rosie nodded and hung back as she watched her siblings go down the ladder. "Looks like my cabin's gonna be full tonight. Wanna swing by, grab some empty bottles, start a campfire by the woods and break shit?" @ellis
Parker felt strangely like he might cry. "Ugh. It doesn't matter, I found it." He sighed and stood up as he held the cap in his hands. "I might just leave. He wiped his face. @ellis @spexile
Once Parker stood up again and seemed like he wasn't physically injured, the sting of hurt from Ime's joke returned to the surface and Jack took a step back. "The apartment?" Kieran asked, taking Jack's place beside Parker. @caitlin @ellis(edited)
Alec shook their head at Ime. "You don't need that." @caitlin
Akira hovered at the corner of the lit area, watching carefully to see if anybody looked physically injured, but otherwise said nothing.
Malia recognized her brother's expression and didn't try to push, lest he get more upset and then even more upset for getting so upset. She silently made him switch his empty bottle for the hydroflask. "I'm done here, too." @caitlin @spexile
Ime hummed and shrugged. "You're right. This was not the fight I came for. You seem stressed." @brynnith
Alec pressed a hand to their forehead and shook their head again. "I feel bad." They made a face before speaking. "I think I need to stop sleeping with Parker?" @caitlin
Parker opened the hydroflask and took a sip from it. He held it out to Jack, Kieran, and Malia. "Does anyone else want water? I know I just finished that bottle, but I feel fine." He exhaled a shaky laugh. @ellis @spexile
Ime frowned and tilted their head. "Do you? That's upsetting. Are you sure?" @brynnith
Kieran took the bottle from Parker and took a sip before passing it to Jack. Jack brought the hydroflask up to take a sip, but stopped short. "Why does it smell like—" "It's my kombucha bottle." Jack lowered the bottle and slowly passed it back to Kieran, grimacing. @caitlin @ellis
"It is, isn't it?" Alec pressed a hand to their forehead. "I dunno. Isn't it kinda weird? If Jack likes Parker? I don't wanna upset him." @caitlin
Malia smiled at her brother's joke. "I think I'm okay." She glanced over her shoulder, making sure Blue was gone. "Want to head back?" @spexile @caitlin
Ime shrugged. "Aren't you sleeping with Parker's sister?" @brynnith
Parker sighed and shrugged. "Yeah, I don't care." He looked at Jack. "Will you come with us?" @ellis @spexile
Jack looked up at Parker, a little stunned at the request. "Uh... Yeah." He glanced at Kieran, who was very decidedly looking away. "I'll come." @ellis @caitlin
"Well, yeah, but less often." Alec watched the scene with Aphrodite kids and Jack over Ime's shoulder. "But it's not the same," they sighed. "Who's gonna rail me now?" They shook their head once again after speaking and looked sheepish. "That's not what's important. I hope he's okay."@caitlin
Ime shrugged. "Just ask him to rail you some other time. I won't bring it up again. Or go out with a bang." @brynnith
Alec shrugged and looked back at Ime. "Eh, it'll work out." @caitlinNEW
Malia smiled to herself and lead the group to the exit. @caitlin @spexile
Parker lifted his lips in a bit of a smile and then shrugged again. "You don't have to. I just don't want you getting, you know, shanked by a raccoon or something on the way home." He followed after Malia. @ellis @spexile
Ime poked Alec's cheek. "I'm sure it will. You always get lucky, no?" @brynnith
The smile on Jack's face didn't quite reach his eyes. "Thanks." Jack let Parker and Malia start ahead. Kieran locked eyes with Jack for just a moment, but still didn't know what to say, so he gave a small nod and followed after his brother. Once they were a few paces ahead, Jack followed too. @caitlin @ellis
Alec brightened up at Ime's words. "You're right!" They glanced around and noticed Akira standing by the edge of the lit area. "I gotta try to expand, eh? See you later!" They patted Ime's shoulder and headed over to Akira. "Heya, guest of honour? How's lurking going?" @spexile @caitlin
Akira was smiling, but their brows were furrowed. "Swimmingly. Lots to observe." They leaned back against a duct to face Alec fully. "Something about this place just really gets people going, huh?" @brynnith
Ime nodded at Alec and then sighed when they saw them walk over to Akira. They moved to follow the Aphrodite kids out and took out their phone to text Jacob.
😩 It's April first! 😩That means it's April fools 😝 and it's time to 😜 FOOL 🍆 around!!!!💦👅 April SHOWERS 💦💦💦 bring May flowers!!!🌺🌸🌼🌷😩😈 TRICK bæ into 👉👌 and you'll have a wHOLE YEAR of 🙌🙌GOOD LUCK 🙌🙌 😵💦👅🍆 IGNORE THIS MESSAGE AND NO TRICKS 🍆💦👌👈 for 10 YEARS 😩😩😷 SEND to YOUR 10 😈😈 SLUTTIEST 😩😩friends and you'll 😵 SPRING into a SEASON of 😵💦😈👄Pleasure 🍆👌💦😩😈
Malia paused at the ladder. "You go down first, I'll make sure it stays steady. Are your eyes bothering you?" @caitlin @spexile
Parker went down the ladder easily. "I'm fine. I'm just upset that I washed my hair for this." @ellis @spexile
"I would agree but people seem down to fight anywhere." Alec smiled at Akira. "Not that your place doesn't get people going. This is awesome as fuck." @spexile
"Parker," Malia said, her voice falling back into a gently exasperated tone, "you should be washing your hair anyway. What kind of Virgo are you?" @caitlin @spexile​
Parker scoffed at Malia. "Of course I wash my hair anyway. I just meant that I washed it specifically before this, and now I have to wash it again. Stop calling me a Virgo." @ellis(edited)
"Glad you think so." There was a sparkle in Akira's eye as the smile on their face grew fuller. They stood up properly, taking a step toward Alec. "I take it you had a nice time then, despite the chaos?" @brynnith
She shook her head since it was too dark for him to see her rolling her eyes. "Hold the ladder steady," she said as she started to climb down. @caitlin
Jacob responds to the text once his ears recover.
Alec grinned wider and lifted their chin. "I'm easy to impress." @spexile
Ime smiled at their phone.
No tricks for ten years 😩😩😷 so sad 4 u
Kieran did as he was told, holding the ladder and trying not to focus on the drop down. "Why always the roofs?" He muttered. @ellis Jack stayed a few feet back, waiting idly for his turn. He almost jumped when he noticed Ime standing nearby. Jack's immediate instinct was to look the other direction, but after a short moment, he turned back and walked in their direction. "So Alec and Parker are hooking up?" @caitlin
"Hmm." Akira furrowed a brow and crossed their arms, but a smirk still pulled at the corner of their lips. "I'm not sure how to take that. Are you saying I'm really not all that impressive?" @brynnith​
Ime raised their eyebrows at Jack and they tilted their head. Their lips curled as they acted as though this was the first time they were hearing this information. "Are they?" @spexile(edited)
Alec laughed and ran a hand through their hair. "Not in the slightest. I'm saying I'm still having a good time." They tipped their head to one side. "But it could always be better." @spexile
Parker held the ladder steady for both Malia and Kieran. @spexile @ellis
Jack scowled. "Don't fuck with me right now. I'm not gonna flip a shit, I'm just..." He sighed. "I just wanna be in on whatever this is." @caitlin
Ime shrugged. "I think so. My sibling doesn't kiss and tell. I was making a joke to my sibling. I think the awkward boy likes you." @spexile
Akira couldn't help but smirk. "Funny you say that. And your idea of a better time?" @brynnith
As Kieran descended the ladder, he noticed Jack talking to Ime, but had already committed to going down. "Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," he muttered to himself. @caitlin @ellis
Jacob texted back after a few minutes.
Trix are for kids.
Malia stood at the bottom of the ladder and waited for Kieran to follow, and then frowned at him while he descended. "What's wrong?" @spexile @caitlin
Alec rocked back and forth on their feet. "You live downstairs?" @spexile
"Ugh." Jack rolled his eyes. "No fucking duh, he likes me." He walked away from Ime without another word and started descending down the ladder, his heart sinking in his chest. @caitlin
Kieran glanced between Malia and Parker, then up at Jack as he descended the ladder. "Doesn't matter," Kieran lied. Jack's feet hit grass and he gave an awkward smile at the others, not really looking Parker in the eyes. "Ready?" @caitlin @ellis
Malia was frustrated with this weirdness but decided this was secondary to Parker right now. She nodded at Jack and settled back at Parker's side. "Let's go." @caitlin @spexile
"I live downstairs," Akira repeated. "But looks like almost nobody's left up here." They shrugged. "If you're into that."
Ime frowned a bit and shrugged.
Where do you live? Don't worry, I'm just trying to rob you.
They followed Jack down once he was the whole way down. @brynnith Parker frowned a bit and smiled at Jack. "Yeah. If you don't want to come back with us, I can just walk you back to yours." He looked down. @spexile @ellis
"Was I hoping you'd say that? Maybe." Alec raised their eyebrows at him. "In the shadows here, or you gonna lead the way?" @spexile
"Um." Trying hard to ignore Ime, coming down the ladder just behind him, Jack tried to make the best decision. He sighed. "Yeah. I'd appreciate that, if you'd be cool with it." Kieran was preoccupied with a moth fluttering by. @ellis @caitlin
Read 04/05/20
Jacob sent the message after he had to correct the speech-to-text multiple times, then added his address to the next text and sent it. @caitlin(edited)
Akira chuckled. "Not to overstep on a first encounter, but I set up some special birthday candles for the party." Akira shrugged. "Didn't really get the opportunity to light them, but I'd hate to see them go to waste. If you wouldn't mind a little ambience." @brynnith
Ime grinned, not really noticing Jack, and left, possibly going to Jacob's,,,,,, who could ever be sure.
Alec took a step forward to close most of the distance between them. "Special birthday candles? What does that even mean?" They laughed. "But yeah, ambience, let's go." @spexile
Parker smiled at Jack and dipped his head a bit before looking at Malia and Kieran, slightly flushed. "Um, we can walk home with you guys first, it's on the way." @spexile @ellis
Akira found Alec's hand and lead them back to where the bigger ducts were. Before stepping into the dark, Akira let go of Alec. "Wait here." They stepped into the dark for a few moments. Then suddenly, there was a loud hissing sound and a fountain of sparks started spewing from some point in the dark. Then another. Then another. Akira laid each sparkler down on the ground in a big triangle before returning to Alec and pulling them into the center. "Surprise." @brynnit
Malia assessed the situation then made eye contact with Kieran, unsure if he'd agree with her but doing it anyway. "Kieran and I can walk back together while you two go to Jack's place, it's no big deal." @caitlin @spexile
Kieran hopped onto Malia's instinct. "I'll be up when you get back." He nodded at Jack. "Take your time." Then, without waiting for Parker to respond, Kieran turned and gave Mal a look of let's go before walking away at a slightly brisker pace than usual. @caitlin @ellis
Alec followed and waited without issue. As soon as the sparks lit up, their eyes widened and they gazed around, pulled inside the lights easily. "Whoa," they breathed, grasping the front of Akira's robe. "Some birthday candles." They turned to kiss him but changed their mind at the last moment and returned to watching the sparklers so they didn't miss a moment of the light or effort of the display.  @spexile
Malia pressed the flannel into Parker's hands. "Call me tomorrow, okay?" she asked, then gave him and Jack a smile before turning and rushing to catch up with Kieran. @spexile @caitlin
Akira leaned in to kiss Alec before they turned away to watch the sparklers. Akira chuckled under their breath. "Don't worry about that. I've got a box of thirty." Akira wrapped a hand around Alec's lower back. "We can light them slow. One at a time."
1 note · View note
royalbloodedbastards · 5 years ago
txt msg // jack & kieran
Jack: I still have ur shirts lol
Jack: Are u gonna be home later I'm hanging out w Parker I can drop them off
Kieran: What time?
Jack: around 730
Kieran: That's fine.
Kieran: Would you lend me a shirt of yours in return?
Jack: r u joking
Kieran: I've never joked.
Jack: Uh for what
Kieran: It's for a function. Any shirt will do. Thank you.
Jack: .|
Jack: r u ok
0 notes