seo-sprendimai · 3 months
Reklamos Agentūra - Jūsų Verslo Augimo Partneris
Mūsų reklamos agentūra specializuojasi kuriant inovatyvius ir efektyvius sprendimus, skirtus verslo matomumui ir pelningumui internete didinti. Atraskite SEO Sprendimai - mūsų komanda yra pasirengusi padėti jums pasiekti geriausius rezultatus rinkodaroje, naudojant naujausias technologijas ir metodus.
SEO Sprendimai ir Konsultacijos - Raktas į Sėkmę
Mes siūlome platų SEO paslaugų spektrą - seo konsultacijos ir įvairūs sprendimai, kurie yra pritaikyti pagal jūsų unikalius poreikius. Mūsų seo konsultacijos padės jums suprasti, kaip geriausiai optimizuoti svetainę, kad ji taptų matomesnė paieškos sistemose. Įgyvendindami rekomenduojamus sprendimus, jūs galėsite ne tik pagerinti svetainės pozicijas, bet ir efektyviai pritraukti tikslinę auditoriją. Daugiau apie seo sprendimai rasite: https://seosprendimai.lt/
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izekiellookscool · 12 days
Lakas nya magreklami akala mo tumulong sa groupings eh 💀 "ang gulo nyo magreport" edi magreport ka, reporter ka rin eh gago
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nice2meetyouu · 2 years
A variation of bloom where you are planted, I guess? I'm affected since I complain a lot about being overworked and underpaid, but the sentiment has some value:
"If you are engaged in some business, and feel that it is not the right one for you, do not wait until you get into the right business before you begin to act.
Do not feel discouraged, or sit down and lament because you are misplaced. No man was ever so misplaced but that he could not find the right place, and no man ever became so involved in the wrong business but that he could get into the right business.
Hold the vision of yourself in the right business, with the purpose to get into it, and the faith that you will get into it, and are getting into it; but ACT in your present business. Use your present business as the means of getting a better one, and use your present environment as the means of getting into a better one."
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backgrounds-for-ads · 2 months
Pirkite vaizdus Parsisiųsti paveikslėlius
Sveiki atvykę į C-Stock! Mūsų platforma yra ideali vieta, kur galite įsigyti ar atsisiųsti aukštos kokybės vaizdus, kurie patenkins visus jūsų kūrybinius poreikius. Nesvarbu, ar esate grafikos dizaineris, rinkodaros specialistas ar turinio kūrėjas, mes siūlome vizualinius išteklius, kurie pagerins jūsų projektų poveikį.
C-Stock didžiuojamės plačiu aukštos raiškos vaizdų asortimentu, užtikrindami, kad visada rasite tobulą vaizdą. Nuo įspūdingų peizažų iki gyvybingų miesto scenų, mūsų plati biblioteka apima visas temas ir estetiką.
Ieškote profesionalių nuotraukų savo tinklalapiui ar tinklaraščiui? Neieškokite toliau. Mūsų kruopščiai atrinkta vaizdų kolekcija sukurta taip, kad pagerintų jūsų internetinės buvimo vietos vizualinį patrauklumą, padarant jūsų turinį patrauklesnį ir interaktyvesnį.
Mūsų sėkmės paslaptis yra mūsų įsipareigojimas kokybei. Kiekvienas vaizdas mūsų kolekcijoje yra griežtai tikrinamas, kad atitiktų aukščiausius aiškumo ir kompozicijos standartus. Tai reiškia, kad galite pasitikėti C-Stock, kad tiektų ne tik gražius vaizdus, bet ir profesionaliai sukurtus.
Mūsų platforma yra lengvai naudojama, todėl lengva rasti ir atsisiųsti vaizdus. Tiesiog įveskite raktinius žodžius, o mūsų intelektualioji paieškos sistema greitai pateiks tinkamiausius rezultatus. Tokie raktiniai žodžiai kaip "high resolution", "HD images", "stock photos", "royalty-free", "creative commons" yra tik keletas pavyzdžių, kuriuos galite naudoti norėdami rasti tobulą vaizdą.
Be nuotraukų, mes taip pat siūlome įvairius vektorgrafikos, iliustracijų ir ikonų. Šie ištekliai idealiai tinka dizaineriams, kuriems reikia sukurti patrauklią spausdintinę ir skaitmeninę medžiagą.
Vienas iš pagrindinių C-Stock išteklių yra mūsų plati fonų tekstūrų kolekcija. Nesvarbu, ar jums reikia abstrakčių raštų, gamtos įkvėptų tekstūrų, ar geometrinių dizainų, turime ką nors tinkamo kiekvienam projektui. Raktiniai žodžiai kaip "background", "texture", "pattern", "abstract", "geometric" padės jums rasti šiuos išteklius.
Mūsų sezoninės ir teminės kolekcijos nuolat atnaujinamos, kad atspindėtų naujausias tendencijas ir įvykius. Nuo šventinių vaizdų iki šiuolaikinio gyvenimo būdo nuotraukų, jūs visada rasite naujų turinių, kad jūsų projektai būtų švieži ir aktualūs.
Tiems, kurie dirba prekės ženklų ir reklamos kampanijose, mūsų komercinės licencijos galimybės suteikia ramybę. Naudodamiesi C-Stock, galite naudoti mūsų vaizdus su pasitikėjimu, žinodami, kad turite teises juos integruoti į komercinius projektus.
Socialinės žiniasklaidos rinkodaros specialistai taip pat pasinaudos mūsų atrinktų vaizdų pasirinkimu, optimizuotu tokioms platformoms kaip Instagram, Facebook, Twitter ir LinkedIn. Šie vaizdai sukurti taip, kad pritrauktų dėmesį ir padidintų įsitraukimą, padedant jums sukurti stipresnį internetinį buvimą.
C-Stock taip pat tenkina švietimo įstaigų ir ne pelno siekiančių organizacijų poreikius, siūlydama nuolaidas ir specialias licencijas. Mes tikime palaikydami tuos, kurie daro skirtumą, ir mūsų ištekliai gali padėti jums efektyviau skleisti savo žinutę.
Tinklaraštininkams ir influenceriams mūsų gyvenimo būdo ir mados vaizdų kolekcija siūlo gausų turinį, kad jūsų auditorija būtų suinteresuota. Tokie raktiniai žodžiai kaip "lifestyle", "fashion", "influencer", "blog" yra idealiai tinka rasti vaizdus, kurie rezonuoja su jūsų auditorija.
C-Stock kelionių ir nuotykių nuotraukos yra idealiai tinkančios tiems, kurie nori įkvėpti aistrą keliauti. Su įspūdingomis nuotraukomis iš viso pasaulio galite vesti savo auditoriją vizualinėje kelionėje į egzotiškas vietas.
Gamtos ir laukinės gamtos mylėtojai ras platų vaizdų asortimentą, kurie atspindi gamtos pasaulio grožį ir įvairovę. Tokie raktiniai žodžiai kaip "nature", "wildlife", "landscape", "plants", "animals" padės jums rasti šiuos nuostabius vaizdus.
C-Stock maisto ir gėrimų nuotraukų kolekcija yra vizualinė puota, idealiai tinkama kulinariniams tinklaraščiams, restoranų meniu ir su maistu susijusioms rinkodaros medžiagoms.
Mūsų technologijų ir verslo nuotraukos idealiai tinka prezentacijoms, ataskaitoms ir įmonių tinklalapiams. Tokie raktiniai žodžiai kaip "technology", "business", "corporate", "innovation", "startup" padės jums rasti tinkamus vaizdus, kad išreikštumėte profesionalumą ir žinias.
C-Stock meniniai ir kūrybiniai vaizdai siūlo unikalius ir vaizduotę skatinančius vizualius elementus, kurie idealiai tinka tiems, kurie nori peržengti įprastos fotografijos ribas. Atraskite raktinius žodžius kaip "artistic", "creative", "abstract", "conceptual", kad rastumėte šiuos įkvepiančius vaizdus.
Renginių planuotojai ir organizatoriai gali pasinaudoti mūsų renginių ir švenčių vaizdais, kurie atspindi švenčių, konferencijų ir susitikimų džiaugsmą ir energiją. Tokie raktiniai žodžiai kaip "event", "celebration", "conference", "wedding", "party" padės jums rasti tobulą vaizdą.
Mūsų istorinė ir kultūrinė kolekcija siūlo žvilgsnį į įvairius laikmečius ir visuomenes, suteikdama turtingą vizualinį turinį švietimo ir kultūros projektams. Tokie raktiniai žodžiai kaip "historical", "cultural", "heritage", "tradition" padės jums rasti šiuos vertingus vaizdus.
Nekilnojamojo turto profesionalai gali pagerinti savo skelbimus su aukštos kokybės interjero, eksterjero ir architektūros detalių nuotraukomis. Tokie raktiniai žodžiai kaip "real estate", "architecture", "interior design", "property" idealiai tinka rasti šiuos vaizdus.
C-Stock taip pat yra vertingas išteklius sveikatos ir gerovės vaizdams. Nuo fitneso ir jogos nuotraukų iki su medicina ir sveikata susijusių vaizdų, turime viską, ko jums reikia, kad skatintumėte sveiką gyvenimo būdą. Tokie raktiniai žodžiai kaip "health", "wellness", "fitness", "yoga", "medicine" padės jums rasti šiuos išteklius.
Mūsų klientų aptarnavimo komanda visada pasirengusi padėti. Jei turite klausimų apie licencijavimą, jums reikia pagalbos surandant konkretų vaizdą ar techninę pagalbą, mes čia, kad užtikrintume, jog jūsų patirtis su C-Stock būtų sklandi ir maloni.
Dėkojame, kad pasirinkote C-Stock!
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skiagrafia · 9 months
Kung kelan sembreak dun lang matutuloy ng matino ang research project na last year pa sinimulan 😭
Kaso magchecheck pa ng papel 😂
Ang hirap ng full-load teacher na may co-&extra-curricular tasks at may research project. 0/10 don't recommend 🥹
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karchsmusicblog · 11 months
and here's the second installment of our irregular series "famous slovak songs in different languages"
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kazuuaki-archived · 1 year
i will lose it come to think of it i already am
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gme-news · 2 years
View On WordPress
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Naki- tambay na nga lang sa kwarto ko, andami pang reklamo. xD
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Hinayaan ko na, shooo gwapo naman e. Kahit inubos nya mga snacks ko HAHAHAHA.
Thank you so much @ask-emilz-de-philz for this Maliksi. Mahal na mahal ko sya, paano ba yan?
((Maglabas ka lang ng dakimakura netong si bibilo sa sofa na matutulog bf ko HAHAHAHA.))
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ratedfleur · 9 months
i’ll teach you.
kim gyuvin x reader 1.9k word count genre ୭ explicit
📁 : wherein fuck boy!gyuvin has nerd!y/n doing his assignments on a daily basis and yet surprisingly, he has a reward for you today.
🏷️ : dialogue written in taglish, fuck boy!gyuvin & innocent!y/n, corruption kink, school sex, public sex, gyuvin kuya kink haver, creampie.
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“oh, natapos mo within an hour? good girl.” gyuvin says as you handed to him his assignments, finger reaching up to push your glasses up your nose bridge as you stood shyly in front of gyuvin who towered over you.
“pwede na ba kong umalis? i’m sure kasi na you don’t have any assignments i need to answer—“ you said to him before gyuvin placed his index finger against your lips to hush you.
“what do you think about a little reward, hmm? it’s harmless, just one reward tapos pwede ka na ulit pumunta sa mga nerdy friends mo.” gyuvin said with a smirk as he pulled you over to his side and wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
“gyu, b-but what about class?” you asked with your doe eyes, innocently coming with gyuvin as he walked with a smirk on his face as he met eyes with his friends.
“you can afford to miss class, baby girl. papalampasin naman ni prof isang absent mo.” gyuvin whispered to you as you both turned into a corner, walking into the closed area of the hallways where the lights are closed with the vacant rooms locked.
“w-wait, we shouldn’t be here..” you muttered as you both stopped at the farthest room. gyuvin’s free hand reached to unlock the door before he looked down at you, “but your reward is here.” he said softly with a gentle look in his eyes, easily fooling you.
you blinked before you let gyuvin pull you into the dark room, closing the room behind you which you didn’t know was a mistake you’d regret later on.
“say, baby. ever heard of oral? anal? jakol? kain pepe?” gyuvin tutted behind you, circling around you as you stood frozen.
you blinked before shaking your head no, this gets gyuvin chuckling evilly before he stopped in front of you, hands holding onto your shoulders.
“hmm, how would you feel if the reward is learning about those?” gyuvin said as he backed up, pulling you with him before he blindly sat on the abandoned teacher’s chair.
“pero paano? it’s so dark in here tapos—“ you asked before gyuvin hushed you, hands reaching for your tiny waist before he made you sit on his lap.
you warily sat on him, eyes confused as you turned your head to look at the tables behind you. “i don’t think i could learn this way, may mga table naman doon na pwede nating gamitin..“ you said as you looked back at him before gyuvin shakes his head no as he was slipping off the straps of your backpack and placing it on the floor behind you.
“it’s better this way, one on one.” gyuvin said as he was slowly unbuttoning your top, revealing a cute pink brassiere that cupped onto your small tits.
“now now, this is a reward. bawal na bawal mag reklamo.” he says when your eyes watched as he slipped your top off of you, flinging it elsewhere before his huge hands cupped your tits, groping them as if they were stress-balls that were fit for his huge hands.
“gyu..” you whimpered as one of gyuvin’s hands reached behind you and unclasped your bra, the other hand slipping it off of your shoulders before he flung it somewhere.
he hushes you with a fake gentle look in his eyes, “this is the lesson, baby.. don’t you want to learn?” he asked with faux sadness before you hesitantly answered, “gusto..” you said.
with that, gyuvin makes you stand up before he instructs you to take your inner shorts and panties off, reassuring you it’s all part of the lesson while he himself stood up and unbuckled his pants and slipped off his boxers, letting them pool at his feet.
he smiles with a glint in his eyes as you stood innocently in front of him, telling him that you slipped your underwear off.
“good girl.” he says before he makes you sit on the dirty teacher’s table, sitting right at the edge where he has you for easy access.
“look at me and listen, yeah?” he says before you nod.
gyuvin holds onto his length as you looked down between you two, eyes landing on his huge flesh in between his legs.
“now this is a cock, it can make you feel good all over— fuck.” gyuvin says before he hissed, jerking himself off as you had your eyes on him.
you blinked and looked back at him, eyes glimmering with intent to learn.
gyuvin smiles before he comes close to you, free hand flicking your skirt up as his other hand kept pumping him to full hardness.
“eto yung pepe mo tapos eto yung tinggil mo, pwede mong pasukan ng kahit ano ‘yan but it’s best to put this in there.” gyuvin said as he pointed out which is which before he popped his head into your hole, pushing his entire length into you which has you gasping, hand panicking to hold onto gyuvin’s school shirt.
“too big— kuya, oh my god ang laki masyado!” you gasped when gyuvin pulled himself out and pushed into you in one go, pelvis pressing against each other as gyuvin sighed in content, hands holding onto your waist to pull you close.
gyuvin coos, “it’s okay.. tinuturuan lang kita, no need to be scared.” he said as he started thrusting into you, making your eyes brim with tears as you felt him touch you in the weirdest places and yet you teared up out of pleasure, feeling good in the weirdest places.
“mmm kuya, ang laki..” you whimpered as you felt weak underneath him, feeling the table creaking underneath you as gyuvin thrusted into you.
“tinuturuan kita how to take dick, how to take my dick.” gyuvin emphasized my as his eyebrows furrowed, feeling you clench around him when he spoke.
“puta, gusto mo yun? tuturuan nalang kita maging puta?” gyuvin groaned as you clenched around him once more, hand pushing your shoulder down to lie you down onto the table instead.
with this position, he has you at his merciless hands. gyuvin suspended your legs into the air and onto his shoulder as he fucked you, watching as your little tits bounced along to his thrusts.
“sige lang, take me like a good girl.” gyuvin said as he pistoned his hips into yours, balls slamming against your ass as he fucked you.
gyuvin watched as your lips had themselves in a perfect O before you let out a loud moan escape your mouth when he thrusted a little harder than earlier.
he watches as you blindly reached up for your tits, holding them into your even tinier hands. your body was tiny, easily manhandled and corrupted by him. gyuvin watched with lust in his eyes as your tiny tits were threatening to spill out of your tinier hands, instead, your fingers prompted to twist and turn at your nipples, making you whimper as gyuvin kept thrusting into you silently.
“tignan mo? you’re learning, you’re learning how to be a whore.” gyuvin says as he held onto your wrists so he could lever you towards him, pulling you closer to his pelvis.
“kuya! feels weird po, aah!” you cried out as he pulled you to him. while gyuvin on the otherhand marveled at how you took him like a champ, taking his huge dick as if it was nothing.
right when you let him slip your shirt and bra off, gyuvin could’ve cum in his pants in that instant, dick satisfied at how you were pliant at his hands.
“no no, i’m making you feel good. just a little more and we’re all done.” gyuvin purrs as he continues his thrusts, loving the fact that your pussy clenched around him despite your desperate cries of wanting him to stop.
“nooo, it’s too much.. too big, kuya!” you sobbed underneath gyuvin who simply listened to your cries, pounding away on your pussy.
he liked that you lied flat underneath him, pliant at his hands as you let him fuck you however he liked. he loved how you were so easy to corrupt, so easy to ruin and taint.
your sobs were continuous, hands pulling away from his grasp only to wipe away your tears as you sniffled, listening to gyuvin’s cooing as you whimpered when his thrusts get harsher.
his balls slap against your ass as gyuvin’s thrusts get harsher, slamming his entire length into you before pulling out and then pushing it in in one go, making you cry out loud, forgetting that you were still in school, just in the private side of the campus.
“shhh, you’re okay..”
you whimpered once more when his hands grip your skin tight, hand marking up on your skin.
“f-feels weird… kuya, wanna pee!” you whined out when you feel a warmth pool in your stomach, tears stream down your face as you sobbed underneath him, feeling gyuvin’s thrusts turn harder and harsher.
you moaned at how it was like he went deeper inside of you, poking you in places where you didn’t even know existed inside of you.
gyuvin on the other hand groaned at how you took him nicely, keeping his dick snug and warm inside of you. he feels a shiver down his spine when you clenched around him, clenching hard enough to the point where he nearly can’t move inside of you.
“it’s okay, baby. you’re okay, it’s called having an orgasm.” gyuvin tuts when you sniffle and nod underneath him, creating long strokes before he pushed hard into you once more, making you screech as you shakily held onto gyuvin’s shirt, wrinkling the fabric in your fingers’ grasp.
“baby relax ka lang, i can’t move in you if you keep clenching on me like that.” gyuvin purrs when you clenched hardly on him, your gasps and whines getting him to grow harder inside of you.
“wanna pee..” you sniffled, crying as you felt more warmth pool in your pussy.
“just release it when you feel it, labas mo lang.. be a good girl, hmm? cum for kuya.” gyuvin said gently as he slowly got to pull his length out of you before pushing right in, starting up a faster pace to get you to cum.
he continued to fuck you senseless, making sure you were crying and sobbing underneath him, begging to make you cum on him.
gyuvin grunted, his veiny hands gripping on your thighs to pull you close as he pounded into you. he marveled at how your pussy was slowly growing wet around him, slick dripping out of you and onto your thighs and his pelvis.
you’re in tears by the time that you’re by the edge, thighs squirming in gyuvin’s grasp as you felt that warmth in you slowly subsiding. what you didn’t know was that you were cumming on gyuvin’s dick, clenching around him tighter than earlier.
“oh fuck— puta— shit, ang sikip mo aah fuck!” gyuvin cursed as he thrusted a few more times as you came around him, body shaking like a leaf when you were cumming.
your pussy spasmed around him, pussy clenching warmly around his dick which gets gyuvin stilling his hips, balls deep inside of you as he started spurting cum in your warm hole.
“ah shit, sarap mo baby.” gyuvin groaned as he came deep inside, marking your walls with his warm cum.
you whimpered when it feels like gyuvin grew bigger inside of you but in reality, it was his cum filling your virgin hole up.
“taking kuya’s cum like a g-good girl.” gyuvin coos with a smirk, the faux niceness of him coming out of him when you shake uncontrollably underneath him.
“bukas ulit ah?” gyuvin says before he pulls out, eyes liking the sight of your pussy dripping with yours and his cum.
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jopetkasi · 6 months
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"mas gusto ko na chubby ka. pag pumayat ka mag flat yung pwet mo saka tatanda face mo" - dyowa
baby, hindi mo gets, yung gamot ko sa diabetes eh nakaka payat. isama mo na yung bago kong insulin replacement na nakaka tangal ng appetite cravings.
oo from 80kg i am down to 69kg pero alam mo ba yung side effects ng saxenda? and this serves as a warning to the rest who do not have diabetes but wants to shed off fats...beware. Saxenda is not for you. it is fucking expensive and you need a prescription to buy it.
Sakit sa ulo
Nakaka hilo
Nakakawala ng sex drive
Pagsusuka (as in everyday parang kang naglilihi kasi you keep on throwing up)
yung pagpayat ko eh hindi naman para lumandi ako (well...) pero imagine kung mataba ako imagine the risks...hypertension, blurred vision and ang malala either stoke or chronic kidney disease.
ayaw ko magkasakit.
and yes, bumabalik na din yung self confidence ko kasi kaya ko na ulet mag slim jeans. ayaw mo bang umayos ako physically saka emotionally?
eh ikaw nga nag steroids injection pag nag gym eh (nag reklamo ba ako?) tignan mo kaka inject mo parang lumiit na dila mo at pag nagsalita ka para kanang si Coco Martin diba?
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notababy-babygirl · 7 hours
Travel now, sick later. Grabe! Trangkaso naman ang pang-bungad ng Manila sakin. 🙄 Wala ako sa ulirat magwork. Pwede bang magSL buong week? Char.
Then ayern, umamin nako sa boss ko na hindi ako si wonderwoman. 😏 Sana magets naman nila. Beri beri subtle reklamo lang naman ginawa ko. Hehehe.
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ask-emilz-de-philz · 10 months
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(( XDD na insulto yung pride (chicken) nya as a tamawo XDD ))
#philmytcrea #planetputo BLOG: ask-emilz-de-philz.tumblr.com If you like my work, pls consider supporting me @ ko-fi.com/haimacheir
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kasingliitngsiomai · 2 months
Wala pa rin tigil yung ulan. Napaka lamig pa dito sa loob 😭 di tuloy makapag lunch hahaha dami kong reklamo nanaman jusko!
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kimhortons · 6 months
though dump [016]
narealize ko rin the more na lagi kong binabanggit o nirereklamo or nilalagay dito, mas nagiging makatotohanan siya. remember, back in 2020 pandemic, i was in a dark situation sa buhay ko, i really wanted to move out of our house dahil nga sa conflict namin ng tatay ko. sabi ko nun, ayaw ko na sa bahay, gusto ko na lumayo sakanila, dun ko narealize na gusto ko na mag settle nalang sa bicol and here i am.
also remember, nung bawat post ko nalang dito noon how miserable my life is at work before, halos araw araw ko isumpa yung trabaho ko nun lalo na yung bisor ko nun na napaka impakta haha. sabi ko nun gusto ko lang naman ng work na may fixed schedule at weekends na off, look at me now. huhu
naalala ko may post din si faye last time na parang connected dito, na kapag daw may sinabi kang gusto mo mangyari, uudyokin ka talaga ng universe na kumilos para makuha mo yun. naalala ko rin yung post ni nikko noon sa fb about sa law of attraction, though may humor na kasama, yung point niya e kailangan talaga samaan parin ng actions. hindi yung parang mag wiwish ka lang sa genie na ibigay sayo yung gusto mo ng parang magic. haha. nag sisimula talaga mag manifest yung bagay na gusto mo pag sinamahan mo ng kilos.
kaya nag iingat din ako minsan sa mga bagay na naiisip ko, lalo pag mga negative thoughts, baka kasi mangyari din in real life. ewan ko kung nag manifest nalang din yung mga katoxican na nangyayari ngayon sa work dahil sinimulan ko rin ng reklamo unti unti or talagang toxic lang at nareveal lang siya saken.
hindi ko rin namanifest yung promotion kasi i tend to push it away, lagi kong ini-instill kasi na ayaw ko naman talaga umakyat ng corporate ladder, kasi ayaw ko ng responsibility at gusto ko lang sumahod ng sapat at mabuhay ng matiwasay. andun rin kasi talaga yung kailangan mo magpa bibo para makuha mo yung attention nila na para dun ka sa role na yun. e hindi naman nga ako pabibo talaga.
though sumama parin talaga yung loob ko dahil nalaman ko nga na ako yung ina-eye ng client pero hindi ako yung gustong irecommend ng boss ko. pinersonal narin siguro. wala naman kasi dapat siya magagawa kung ako yung gusto ng client pero dahil nga dalawa kaming candidate, siya yung nirecommend at dahil torned din si client kasi mas nakakasama naman kami ng boss namin, e pumayag nalang sa recommendation. hehe
dun ko naman biglang narealize na baka hindi rin ako para dito? baka way lang 'to para mapunta ulit ako sa mas deserve ko pa ulit, baka sinubukan lang ng universe kung kaya ko mag deal sa ganitong environment.
parang ang dami kasing red flag din sa mangement, nabubulagan lang kami ng magagandang benefits at maayos ka deal with the client. kaya mag titiis nalang kami.
narealize ko rin after ko matapos yung recording ni faye, our company is most likely to be a va agency than bpo. yung pagkaka describe kasi niya sa agency e halos ganun yung samin. hehe. like maraming pool ng clients, tapos pag nawalan ka ng client yung recruitment samin naman maghahanap ng client ulit na mag mamatch sayo. yung mga manager namin yung gumagawa ng invoice ng client namin, tsaka nung one time nadiscover rin namin kung magkano talaga yung binabayad ng client samin na dapat sahod namin kung hindi sila kumukuha ng part dun. haha pero ewan gulong gulo parin ako kasi bpo parin kami haha.
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jillaxkalangg · 4 months
for keeps
tinatawanan ako ng mga ate ko kasi ang konti lang talaga ng friends kong invited. well, meron naman di nakapunta kasi may prior appointments pero literal na bilang lang sa kamay ang circle ko. friendly naman ako hahaha its just that gusto ko same na attention ang nabibigay ko sa mga friends ko, hindi talaga ako for big group of friends hahaha. happy na ko sa circle ko, quality over quantity talaga ako. simula jhs and shs, sila na talaga kasama ko kaya i am at peace with them.
sad lang kasi nagmigrate na sa aus yung dalawang friends ko. and my other friends are busy pero understandable naman. but yk, i really love my friends. i care for them like my siblings na rin, since wala naman akong kapatid na mas bata. minsan nga para na rin nila akong nanay hahahaha im happy lang na once in awhile nagkikita kita kami kasi hindi namin kaya na over messenger lang ang chismis. who would have thought na ang dating puro reklamo lang sa acads at buhay, mga engineers na ngayon <3
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