#rejectory :: 001 :: Attuma
kukulkahn · 2 years
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@rejectory​ sent: “I caught one back there.” attuma
         "---máasima', íitsʾin?"
         From his position cradled in the underwater current, K'uk'ulkan grins at Attuma, his expression wide open and relaxed with the laughter he doesn't voice.  The leader makes a show of looking where his companion indicates, twisting smoothly in the water and mock-shading his eyes to peer out into open sea, lips pursed and clicking bubbles. He rolls his gaze back to Attuma, leveling the younger Talokanil with an unimpressed look that belies the mirth still lingering in K'uk'ulkan's crinkled eyes. 
          "... Because from where I'm swimming, it looks like the prey has escaped, and your spear shaft is empty."
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