#reincarnated semi-self-insert
halloween-neko96 · 3 months
senbazuru (a thousand paper cranes)
[One Piece - Senbazuru AU]
Before meeting and swearing siblinghood with Ace and Sabo, Luffy had sworn siblinghood with two others when he used to live in Foosha Village. In Luffy's old fashion, he forgot to tell them about it.
In which, Luffy has more sworn siblings besides Ace and Sabo, Uta wishes that Luffy bothers to inform her about the new siblings he has added to their sworn siblinghood, and Sally should have seen this coming when she realized that Luffy forgot to tell them about Ace and Sabo.
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Intro 1 - Sally ♣︎ Starting Point
“Greetings, my name is Sally, Luffy's older sister. By your reaction, I see that Luffy didn't bother to tell you guys about me at all.”
Sally, Sally, Sally!
Does the name Sally in One Piece ring any bells for you? I bet that only a few of you recognize this character in canon.
The first time she was introduced in canon was during Reverie Arc. The current Queen of the Goa Kingdom, Sally Isntoinette is her full name. She also is the wife of Sterry who was Sabo's birth parents adopted son and the current King of the Goa Kingdom. Back in the ASL childhood flashback, she was only a princess, not even on the successor line. The reason she became the Queen was because of the unexpected death of her father and her older brother.
But enough of her role in canon! Let's get to Sally's role in this AU.
You see, the Sally of the Senbazuru AU is not the same as the Sally in canon. This Sally is a semi-SI reincarnator. She was someone from our world who got reincarnated into the One Piece world as Sally Isntoinette. The girl was so confused to wake up one day as a baby.
At first, Sally didn't realize the world she got reincarnated into was One Piece world due to her recollection of One Piece being a bit out of date. It wasn't until she heard the name of the kingdom and the island that it finally clicked in her mind about where she was.
Sally spent a while to get around the fact that she was in One Piece. By the time she finally sorted herself out, she met with a new dilemma. She wanted to help the ASL brothers.
Back in her old life, Sally was a fan of the ASL brothers. She adored their found family dynamic. She always wished to meet them one day. But there was one problem. Sally didn't get the timeline. It took her a while but when she finally got it, it was a bit too late.
Sally was older than Luffy by two years. By the time she figured out the timeline, she was already 7, meaning that Sabo had run away two years ago. Frustrated with this, Sally aimed for the next available best thing. She threw a tantrum to get a vacation in the Foosha Village.
That was when the 7-year-old Sally met the 5-year-old Luffy.
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theonekrafter · 4 months
hello! i love all your writing so much - your characters are super unique and refreshing, i was so excited when i saw your new naruto si/oc. do you have any fic recs (any fandom)?
TY!! i dont really make rec lists often but here's some now!
(sidenote, i keep almost ALL of my bookmarks public on ao3, so if you ever want to see what i'm reading you can probably find it there)
I'll just stick to naruto recs for now!
Stretch, Fold, Expand by SenjuMizusaya
Kazue has not always been Kazue, but this does not make her less of a Nara, or less of a kunoichi, or less of a sister. Only less gullible. (Semi-SI into the Narutoverse.)
self insert into shikamaru's sister. there's only three chapters right now, but the clan political intrigue is super promising, as well as addressing a lot of canonical sexism.
Fallow Fields by zarinthel
For every rising star that the shinobi world produces, a hundred other geniuses are chewed up and spit out. Seiko crawls out of that grinder, only to find that she still has the rest of her life to face head on.
another si that is named seiko. completely embarrassed that i used the name as well without realizing, especially since this fic is so excellent and i would hate to cramp on the author's style.
a fic that is more focused on a slice of life story than an endless power grind, though the si does get a chance to be badass and awesome.
Glass Marionette by Haunted_Frost
It takes time to process the memories, but by the time Kankuro becomes a student at the Sunagakure Academy, he's certain he knows: he's in the Naruto universe, a village away, and he's standing next to a ticking time bomb at all times. One that he has an unfortunate urge to hug and tuck in for bed. Well, at least he gets to indulge in his inner theater kid with the whole puppet thing. That's a bonus. If he can just manage to wait out the worst of it, he might even become strong enough to make a difference in the upcoming war.
si into kankuro methodically destroys canon and makes a happy ending for people in under 100k words. marvelous, gay, and it's suna centric.
If 3 Reincarnated Ninja Were Fighting a Moon Goddess and One of Them Got Killed With a Rock, Would That Be Fucked Up Or What by mordox
Three random idiots were transmigrated into bodies of Konoha toddlers during the kyuubi attack. Each thinking they’re the only one who remembers a past life, they each try to hide it. Coincidentally, they are all assigned to Hatake Kakashi’s genin team since they were only average academy students and don’t have parents to complain about their children being failed via bell test, which happened with the last three teams he was assigned. What follows is three fools trying to hide their knowledge from each other and their jounin-sensei while desperately trying to reach chunin fast enough that Kakashi can teach the actual team seven, and a jounin-sensei who is very confused by his three genin but has so few (read: zero) points of reference for normal twelve year olds raised during peacetime that he can’t tell if they’re weird or not.
fucking hilarious. i'm not usually into multi-inserts but oh my GOD these three are disasters, and kakashi is just so confused. a series of assumptions from all three PLUS kakashi convincing them all that they're Normal.
"i sure hope no one realizes i just used the acronym PTSD, as in the english letters in the middle of my japanese sentence." "oh, i didn't know PTSD was a term in naruto. wow."
it's like watching a train wreck in slow motion. you can't look away.
The Scorpion and the Frog by zarinthel
Maybe the fate of Uchiha Itachi and the Uchiha Clan could have been changed if Itachi had just had one more family member he could trust -- someone as powerful, invested in Konoha, and devoted to the clan as him. Someone with a little extra knowledge up her sleeve. Unfortunately for Itachi, the Uchiha's abysmal luck with siblings has given him… Kaeru.
another zarinthel fic bc they are a super skilled and i appreciate them. completed fic. a genuinely good subversion of usual si tropes while still making the si op and kick ass. she's just uh. a little mentally ill about it. the entire time. and we love that for her.
THAT'S ALL FOR NOW! i hope you enjoy these!
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tsuraiwrites · 2 years
✨weekly fic roundup✨
fic I enjoyed this past week! please leave the authors a kudos and/or comment on these excellent works.
But then comes the curses of diamonds and rings - gen wip
House Lannister is the next oldest Great House after the Starks, whose founder was cousins with Bran the Builder, and originally of the First Men. What if Jaime got some of those nifty old powers?
Every time that you lose it (Sing it for the world) - gen wip
A self-insert into Jaime Lannister, except this is a normal guy who doesn't know how a printing press works and just wants to raise kittens and play with a sword
Assassin’s Creed
Memory more perfect - leonardo da vinci/desmond miles wip
In hindsight, the whole thing is a little ludicrous. Hiring a man he doesn't know, a man who doesn't know himself, off the streets with not even the chance of checking his credentials… it's foolish beyond measure. He knows little of Desmond, and what he does know is not something that should inspire confidence. Homelessness, thievery, starvation, memory loss...
Leonardo does it anyway.
Sons of No One - ezio auditores/ofc wip
Altaïr reincarnates into the year 1476.
Fulmination -  gen so far, wip
Hold on just a moment, I'm a main character? Excuse me? No wait, excuse you! I'm not having it! No sir! Uh-uh, no! I refuse! You stay away from me Green Boy! I know what trouble you bring and you can bring it to someone else! 
oc-insert!bakugou katsuki
Dragon Age
Few Against the Wind - solas/ofc wip
A woman falls from the sky just when she’s needed, what could it be but the work of the Maker? Why else should she speak in tongues but for being struck dumb by His grace? She would disagree if anyone asked her. Could ask her. But by the time she has the words it’s too late, and June is heralded the Herald of Andraste. Burdened with knowledge and an entire system of faith carried on her shoulders that she holds no stock in, an earthling muddles her way through Thedas.
Forbid/Forget - gen wip
From wisdom of the world comes wisdom of the self. Mastery of the self is mastery of the world. Loss of the self is the source of suffering. Suffering is a choice, and we can refuse it. Refuse the will of others exerted upon you, and strike in mastery.
self-insert!ketojan told from outsider pov
Rebel Archivist - krem aclassi/ofc wip
Elisabeth St-Laurent arrived in Thedas 9 years ago. She tried to be smart about it, not to get involved with "heroes", but there is only so much she can do without being in the Inquisition. She wants to help, but she'd rather not get murdered by Leliana, please.
Dragon Age & Naruto
Nobody Expects The Shinobi Inquisition - gen wip
In an act of classic Uchiha Melodrama, Uchiha Shisui leaps to his death... only to be thwarted when he wakes up, chained up and in a dungeon, with a splitting pain in his left hand.
Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
Shakespeare in the Park - male dovahkiin/sanguine wip
He wakes up in a horse-drawn cart to see a scruffy man, with shaggy blond hair, bound and sitting in front of him. He knows exactly how this story goes. The question is, how can a theater kid from modern America convince an entire fantasy world that he belongs there?
The Bewitching Hour - gen wip
Wherein a semi-si/oc gets reincarnated as some mythical japanese spirit instead of a badass ninja and proceeds to fuck with the plot. Features kidnapping small children, ancient mythology, and being a menace to ninja society.
Poor Timing - senju tobirama/uchiha sasuke
Sasuke’s thrown backwards in time to meet his soulmate, stuck in the past, he figures fuck it, maybe he can change the fate of his clan. But that’s only after he finishes panicking. Sort of Fix-it.
The Sandman
and in the waking world we wait and want - dream/hob gadling
“Did I hear you say,” the pale stranger asks, “that you have no intention of ever dying?”
Hob Gadling shrugs. No point in denying it.
Before I Wake - edward cullen/ofc wip
This was NOT part of the plan. I was supposed to wake up after brain surgery and get better so I could do all the things my mom and I had been dreaming about for years. I was NOT supposed to end up in the Twilight universe inside of Bella fucking Swan's body.
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carmen-sandie-go · 2 years
Fic recs plij? Marauder era se aur Golden trio se
omg omg omg yesssss !!!!!!
HARRY POTTER AND THE BUCKET LIST (self insert) please read this i loved it its again tom riddle (diary) x fem harry and well written
Moratorium -by Darkpetal16, is a great story. Wished the beginning was a bit more in depth but to each their own. Tom Riddle (diary) x Fem Harry COMPLETE
Lily and the Art of Being Sisyphus by The Carnivorous Muffin, one of the most interesting stories so far I'm currently reading. Kind of not exactly with I want, it's borderline crack if I had to be blunt. It's funny, etc, but not as dark later in in the chapters as I read. The author skims over very important parts of the story, etc, kind of annoying tbh. Overall a good story, don't let my words deter you if you plan to read it.
Harry Potter and the Bucket List by Darkpetal16 Being reincarnated as Harry Potter's fraternal twin sister really puts a new meaning behind "death is but the next great adventure." Grey!OC. -COMPLETED-
There’s Something About Potter by slytherin_nette There’s just something particularly strange about Rosie Potter this year. Unfortunately, the new 8th year Slytherins are determined to find out exactly what everybody's favorite golden girl is hiding. Post-DH semi-AU Hogwarts. DMxfemHP. REALLY WHOLESOME !!
The Ever Changing Face of Death by L0sts0uls In 2007 Hazel Potter takes her 9 year old blood adopted son Teddy through a modified Veil Archway, wishing to escape their dying world. The two exit out of an Archway in the Department of Mysteries in 1991 before being surrounded by Unspeakables. Hazel informs Director Saul Croaker about her world and he notes that theirs has enough similarities to be concerned. He convinces her to become an Operative for the DoM in order to give her a new identity and a place for her and her son.
Reincarnated As Holly Potter by Amberpoconuts Holland died and was given a chance to be reincarnated into another world. She chose to be Reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter where she will become Holly Potter. Read as she deals with the never-ending problems of the wizarding world. This book is totally cliche, I am a happy ending overpowered
my tears ricochet by cauldroncakes Rose’s dying face flashed in his mind, but he pushed her to the side. She had not cursed him. She only meant to scare him. He laughed. He didn’t scare easily at twenty-seven, he scared even less now. All his enemies were dropping like flies or worse. Where are you? You said you would be there at every turn of event, watching me, cursing me. And then a prophecy was made. Thirteen years after he returned to England, after he made himself invincible, Harriet Potter was born. Harriet Rose Potter. Voldemort stopped laughing. Or, the one where Tom Riddle repents for his sins.\
Hermione Granger and The Obliviated Parents Pretty interesting take on how hermione's parents took the obliviation ONE SHOT
The Well Groomed Mind By: Lady Khali On Halloween 1994, Harry learns his mind isn't his own. On Samhain morn, he vows to question everything. Armed with logic and an unlikely ally, Harry makes a last ditch bid to reclaim his life. The goal: survive at all costs. WIP but i think i liked it.
Escape By: SingularOddities AU. A marriage law is instigated during Hermione's sixth year. Hermione considers her options and makes her choice, it just wasn't the one they were expecting. By saving herself Hermione's decisions cause ripples to run through the Order. The game has changed, those left behind need to adapt to survive. Canon up to the HBP, Dumbledore lives, Horcrux are still in play. Really liked the competent adults COMPLETE
A Marauder's Plan By: CatsAreCool Sirius decides to stay in England after escaping Hogwarts and makes protecting Harry his priority. AU GOF.
Faery Heroes By: Silently Watches Response to Paladeus's challenge "Champions of Lilith". Harry, Hermione, and Luna get a chance to travel back in time and prevent the hell that England became under Voldemort's rule, and maybe line their pockets while they're at it. Lunar Harmony; plenty of innuendo, dark humor, some bashing included; manipulative!Dumbles; jerk!Snape; bad!Molly, Ron, Ginny. HILARIOUS
Stages of Hope By: kayly silverstorm Professor Sirius Black, Head of Slytherin house, is confused. Who are these two strangers found at Hogwarts, and why does one of them claim to be the son of Lily Lupin and that git James Potter? Dimension travel AU, no pairings so far. Dark humour. REALLY LOVE THIS ONE
A Hero By: Celebony Dudley begins to see his family in a different light. Warning: strong language and themes of child abuse. WINNER: Best One-Shot at Quibbler Awards
Wish Carefully By: Ten Toes REVISED. one-shot told by Lucius Malfoy. What might happen if the Death Eaters got what they wished for…
Two Sides of the Same CoinBy: Ten Toes Petunia & Harry become a team, and Harry finds the wizarding world much earlier than anyone suspects. He hides his Slytherin self under the guise of a naive Gryffindor. He also hides the wizard friendships he made years before Hogwarts. AU INCOMPLETE but i loved the writing and petunia and harry dynamic
MY fanfiction.net favs - https://www.fanfiction.net/favorites/story.php?sort=&categoryid=0&userid=0&p=3
Harry Potter and the Rune Stone Path by Temporal Knight
10 year old Harry finds a chest left by his mother with books on some of her favorite subjects. Discovering he has a talent for understanding and creating runes sets Harry onto a very different path than anyone had expected. Shortcuts, inventions, and a bit of support go a long way! Pairings: H/Hr/NT/FD/DG. Ron/Molly bashing and GreaterGood!Dumbledore. Site: fanfiction.net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 50 | Words: 517,775 | Reviews: 5,762 | Favs: 14,560 | Follows: 12,140 | Updated: 12/28/2016 | Published: 4/15/2016 | Status: Complete | id: 11898648 | Language: English | Genre: Fantasy/Adventure | Characters: <Harry P., Hermione G., Fleur D., N. Tonks> | Download: EPUB or MOBI
The Games They Play by DebsTheSlytherinSnapeFan
Thirty-Four year old Harry Potter travels back in time, adopting the name of Blake Slytherin - he interferes with his own trial and messes with Dumbledore's perfectly laid plans. What happens afterwards? will Blake have bitten off more than he can chew? Will it be left to Harry to do what needs to be done?
Site: Archive of Our Own | Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling | Published: 2015-06-19 | Completed: 2020-08-14 | Words: 233530 | Chapters: 55/55 | Comments: 2656 | Kudos: 11421 | Bookmarks: 3264 | Hits: 324421 | ID: 4167129 | Download: EPUB or MOBI
Oh God Not Again!
by Sarah1281 - easily my favourite 'Harry Goes Back in Time to Fix Everything' fic of all time
The Last Enemy Series
It’s the best written and most canon compliant Marauders fic I’ve ever read.
I like Marauders era stuff, but I’d be the first person to admit that it gets repetitive and people make the characters very different from canon. This series, however, seems to balance canon characterisations perfectly, while also being genuinely poetically written with excellent pacing and story arcs. It also very delicately and intelligently handles blood politics in a such a hauntingly realistic way.
The second book is currently being written now and somehow it’s even better than the first. I can’t wait to see what other directions the author will take the series.
Oh and the characterisation of Lily is incredible. She somehow fits the character from canon, but is so much more too. She’s strong, intelligent, fiery and kind, but also moody and ignorant and deeply frustrated with her surroundings. TLE Lily just may be my favourite fictional character ever actually.
I talk about this series a lot at the moment, but it’s genuinely because I love it a lot — and I want it to get the appreciation that it deserves.
The Making of the Map —
It takes place during their sixth year, there's a mystery at the heart of the plot (so it feels very Hogwartsy that way), the dialogue is funny without trying Too Hard, and the B Plot is creating the Marauder's Map. James is very much the glue in the group, and Sirius and James are incredibly close (which adds some interesting texture to the Wolfstar relationship that develops, i.e. that Remus/Sirius are worried how it will affect the group dynamic, particularly how James might feel about it; Remus isn't sure at first if Sirius is even romantically interested in him because of how close Sirius is with James, etc.). Peter also feels like a proper presence in the group — you can see why they would be friends with him but can also see the beginnings of how he might feel undercut by them, too. James has an obvious crush on Lily, which mostly expresses itself as anxious awkwardness rather than constant proclamations of love.
True Family By: Kellar21
Harry learns that true family is the one that chooses you when, after mistaking his name from his cousin's, due to the Dursley's praising one and disparaging the other, the neighborhood of Privet Drive finds out the kind, polite boy is the one named Harry and comes together to help him, changing his outlook in life and as a result, the future. AU Ravenclaw!Harry, Duelist!Harry.
Grounding Magic series
Literally, the best, world-building and personification of Harry that I've seen to date. It features wizarding culture, Paganism, rituals, liberal use of wandless magic and runes, Parseltongue, and prankster Harry. I recommend reading every part of the series, even the extras, because the author's worldbuilding and characterizations are the best things in the world.
The Art of Hunting Horcruxes by 888AthenaBlack888
When Regulus Black had walked into the cave with the intention of destroying Salazar Slytherin's's locket, he had known that he was going to die. In fact, he had been prepared to do so. Which was why he had been surprised when he was pulled out of the water and saved by a beautiful girl.
His brother's future daughter, to be more precise.
She's hunting horcruxes too (notice the plural form used), only she knows how to destroy them completely.
She is younger than him (albeit only by a few months physically), and displaced by time; so it's only proper that he joins her in her quest. After all, he is a pureblood, and pure bloods have always been (somewhat) perfect gentlemen.
So join us in the crazy, weird and exciting adventures of Regulus and Ara as they teach you, dear readers, about the wonderful art of hunting horcruxes.
in another life by drifting_melody
Rose Potter spent twenty-one years as the Chosen One. Reborn as Harry Potter's twin, he alone has the scar after that Samhain night. Harry knows there's something odd about his sister - she's too old, too mature, and knows far too many things she shouldn't - but he loves her anyway. He's been there for her ever since they were born, so Rose'll be damned if she lets history repeat itself.
(In her past life, Hogwarts didn't unite until the very end and everyone suffered for it)
(Lily Potter was willing to do anything and sacrifice everything for the safety of her family. Rose intended to do nothing less)
In which not all Slytherins are evil, not all Gryffindors are good, and the Wizarding World is more than just an extension of the Muggle one.
the salt and the sea by WizardGod
The year after her brother James graduates, Teddy Potter returns to Hogwarts for her final year. With the Marauders gone, it should be a quiet, peaceful year despite the mounting tensions in the world outside of school.
The problem, naturally, lies with Regulus Black, the broody boy who just might be the most effortlessly aggravating person she's ever met in her whole life. And for someone who was raised with James Potter, that's saying a lot.
"You know, it must be exhausting to be such a fucking prick all the time."
"I have fantastic stamina."
"Oh, fuck you-"
Seeing Fred by Chapter1991
Why could Leah Derijker, a muggle, suddenly see the ghost of one Fred Weasley?
21-year-old Leah, a girl in the muggle world met the ghost Fred Weasley, a fallen hero from a wizarding world, she never even knew about. Why was she the only one that could see him, talk to him. What is the link to this man she never met before. Her life is thrown upside down from the very first day, they crossed paths. NOT READ BUT THOUGHT IT WAS COOL
Not Your Heroes by Vemodalen
"No. We were brought here for a reason, Sammy." He grinned at her, a flash of white teeth. "We're here to wreak havoc."
Sam was not on board with that idea. Absolutely not. They weren't here to exploit this new world. They weren't going to mess with the story just because they could. And she wasn't grinning right back at him.
Of course not.
They were here to make things better. They were here with the foreknowledge of what would happen so they could help people. She wasn't thinking about how much chaos they could create, or how someone like Jim being Harry Potter was going to destroy the entire plot. And she definitely wasn't thinking about the damage they could do to just about everything with magic at their disposal.
She wasn't.
"You're right," Sam leaned across the table so they were inches apart as she whispered, "Let's fuck shit up."
Triumphant, the Dreamer by Shadowblayze
incomplete but good
In The Forest Of Dean T3Tohru
A complete rewrite of Book Seven with a darker and more dangerous outlook on war. Mostly Hermione-centric. Features other character POVs and pairings, but Harmony is the main pairing. That said, this fic is about more than just their relationship. It is a fully developed story about the war, following Hermione and her allies through the fight.
‘So why are you still here?’ Harry asked Ron. ‘Search me,’ said Ron. ‘Go home then,’ said Harry. ‘Yeah, maybe I will!’ shouted Ron, and he took several steps towards Harry, who did not back away.
What could have happened between Harry and Hermione in the Deathly Hallows after Ron leaves. This story mostly follows canon but provides a different look at how the relationships in HP could have formed had Hermione realized that she and Ron did not fit well together and that Harry, her best friend, was really what she was looking for the whole time. Includes added subplots, OC characters, and a gritty and realistic view of the war. **NOTE: this fic contains mature content, explicit language, and is dark in nature. PLEASE READ THE TAGS & WARNINGS. If you are looking for nothing but fluff, you will not find it here.** COMPLETE
A Brand New Start faewm
Rita spouting lies, branded as a Dark wizard and goblins in a rage; Harry's had enough. So, he seeks to jump back in time to save himself from a life of misery and fickle loyalty, maybe a little revenge and mysteries along the way. Time Travel! A Harry raises himself fic. Non-epilogue compliant, non-slash. cross-posted on FFN.
i have waaaay more but see if you like any of these and reddit has great recs if you read till here, love ya <3
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mrskurono · 3 years
i'm still kind of working on my oc for jjk?? i just don't have the thinking time😭all i know so far is that she's a sleezy scumbag with a god complex??💀and her curse technique has something to do with merging with her siblings who are now dead as hell and inside of her?? but yeah, it's the 5 cursed dragons, 4 of the dragons come from her dead siblings, all with different skills. she's an extreme asshat, and once she enrolled into the school she acts all innocent and weak, she even ranks herself as a grade 4, but she's actually semi grade 1💀she didn't even want to enroll before, she only enrolled to attract more attention to herself so that the sorcerer who was to blame for her siblings sacrifices would just pop up and fight her?? because all she wants to do now is avenge her siblings so they can hopefully reincarnate peacefully when she kills him. i could go on for paragraphs because it's a whole lot to take in😭but i actually just make a whole self insert for her later after the manga progresses a little more so everyone can read it
Bruh...did you just make fem!Toji with a god complex????
Ok joking! Joking of course! But also the cursed dragon idea? Fucking BADASS. Like, the horrible stuff that goes into the curse energy pleases me so much (is that fucked up of me?) Did you just think of this on your own or is it based on something or what bc the reincarnated sibling idea is morbid and cool as shit??? The sleaze personality charged with such a monumental and emotional task though *chef’s kiss* I live for that angst and drama and plot thickening stuff <333 And the literal character development you could put her through, good AND bad, is just so ripe with potential! Is she going to be based in current time or part of one of the past school groups or somewhere in between? Will she be tokyo based or kyoto based???
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zelskzerker · 3 years
Mangadex went down so I read alot 2/7
Lets CONTINUE reviewing a bunch of isekai and related stuff I binged because mangadex went down. The scale will be a single thumbs up to a single thumbs down in terms of how much I would consider recommending it in general. Lot more to come, brace yourself future me who is reading this.
The Reincarnation Magician Of The Inferior Eyes
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Chapters 1-55
This manga is FUCKING SHOCKING. [Insert reincarnation setup] but this time it is end tier level generic. I actually cannot believe the things that happen in this manga are so utterly within my prediction range. Calling the plot and characters lazy would not give this enough credit. It takes alot of force of will to produce something so utterly generic, devoid of spirit, bereft of theme and lacking in interesting setting. I keep reading only to be shocked SHOCKED at how basic the next fuckin plot point is. HOW FAR CAN THIS GO?!?! It is maddening. THUMBS DOWN.
The Reincarnation Magician Of The Inferior Eyes (Prequel)
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Chapters 1-21
I cannot believe this. How is there a prequel. How is it even worse. Is this a test? Did Cthulu write this to drive me insane? HOW IS THERE A PREQUEL. This must be a personal attack. Who asked for this. Why.
Revival Game of Wandering Reincarnations
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Chapters 1-20
Hmmm. This manga’s concept actually comes together and manages to have emotional highs and lows in a short amount of time. Where it doesn’t connect with me is how every arc completion in this ends with some plot-direction altering revelation about the world that its hard to grasp the theme. Its the best its concept allows I guess. THUMB SIDEWAYS. 
Do You Think Someone Like You Could Defeat the Demon Lord?
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Chapters 1-8. 
THUMBS SIDEWAYS. Biggest problem here is how little is translated. Great trajectory, bad total amount of content. Gorey story of a former hero tricked into slavery by an evil member of the hero’s party. Using the knowledge she got there and her skill to reverse effects, she fights for a daily life with her new maid friend. Edgy dark and sweet yuri mix.
Start a leisurely lord life with a plant magic cheat After farming with the knowledge of the previous life, a reversal life began
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Chapters 1-7
[Insert isekai startup here] but this time its about growing a town with MC’s OP plant growing magic. Nothing too interesting here, just slice of life slow town building. THUMB SIDEWAYS.
The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool "Asley"
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Chapters 1-41
[Insert reincarnation setup] but this time he didn’t actually die, just hikki researched for waaay too long. 5000 years too long. He drank an immortality potion he accidentally made, so old age can’t kill him(he can only die when killed.) Firstly, the story has got alot of chapters which means it clearly goes through multiple arcs and scenarios that allow the grand narrative to start coming into perspective and show how the MC is going for it. Most notable thing about this is how much a comedy duo The Fool Asley and his Trusty Dog Pochi make. It is every chapter, sometimes hit or miss, so you have to be braced for constant back-and-forth comedy acts. For a reincarnation-esque series, Astley is not overpowered for the world. Or at least he really does not want to show off what he can do and has invented himself willy nilly. It is really interesting to see how he self-describes himself as an idiot and he is slow to learn and talentless, his only real advantage being his massive age. As long as you can take the comedy antics and the sometimes iffy art, THUMBS UP.
Exceeding limits can only be handled by reincarnated people
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Chapters 1-5. 
Absolutely wild start, even though its isekai. THUMBS UP. For at least the first chapter. Skills in this world are mineable ores and each person only has 8 skill slots. Then of course the MC equips an ability that needed 10 slots. Story outside the inciting incident is cute shotasekai stuff. But damn chapter 1 pops off.
Saikyou Juzoku Tensei: Majutsu Otaku no Risoukyou
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Chapters 1-20
So [insert isekai startup here] but this time the MC’s clan uses totems to teach magic, therefore MC mostly uses totem magic. Alot of this series is made up of weird ideas like that and the biggest hook I saw is the chapter 6 stinger of the clan having its siblings marry, the MC obviously hating it and running away, and the YOOOO part of his little sister being a yandere out to fuck him. Surprisingly interesting. THUMBS UP. 
Shadow Hero's Daily Life
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Chapters 1-10
Displays and goes through the positivity in seeking revenge. One of the best complete expressions of the theme of “revenge” that I have ever read. A THUMBS UP based on that alone.
The Abandoned Hero is Going Home
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Chapters 1-6
THUMBS DOWN. Eh. Not worth reading based on its incompleteness and hiatus.
Shokei Shoujo no Ikirumichi
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Chapters 1-12
A well thought out world and story about an isekai slayer *coughcoughfuckisekaicheatslayercoughcough*. The world exists such that the isekai’d are many(relatively speaking) and are on a variable scale from good to bad. The only consistency about them being that their skills eventually grow out of control and instantiate nuclear-tier catastraphoes. So the MC is part of a group that assassinates them, before they know whats happening. Good depictions of present, past, and expectations of how the MC will grow given the recent isekai’d girl she meets and has to travel with because she can’t be killed by normal means. Also touches on how the assassins don’t neccessarily see themselves as good people. Some even see themselves as evil. THUMBS UP. Oh yeah also this is a yuri story so its anime as fuck and adorable.
Even Though I'm a Former Noble and a Single Mother, My Daughters Are Too Cute and Working as an Adventurer Isn’t Too Much of a Hassle
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Chapters 1-8
Cute concept, but its kinda only it’s concept so far. Mom is a god tier semi-immortal and fights for her daughters. Maybe the revelation of mysteries later will be interesting but, its exactly as the title says. THUMBS SIDEWAYS.
Vermeil in Gold
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Chapters 1-9
Gotta love these oneshota manga. Good design sense, really love Captain Kurys. Vermeil is shamelessly lewd and secretly tragic. This is a story that is going on constantly despite oneshota shenanigans every chapter. su-perb. THUMBS UP.
Ragna Crimson
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Chapters 1-40
THUMBS UP. This manga is absolutely wild. It has 4 different scenarios, each which are so radically different in setting and then they just flip out into a totally different setting, making it impossible to predict the trajectory of the manga or what kind of arc will happen next. The only thing worth describing here is the MC with big himbo that is beqeauthed power from his future self in order to protecc his loli this time. Thusly, Ragna wants to kill every “dragon.” They say dragon, its more like vampires. Then there is Crimson, one of the strongest dragons who wants to hunt the 12 elites, and then at the end have Ragna hunt him. Issue being Ragna hates Crimson, because Crimson is absolutely evil. More evil the 12 elites but also more pragmatic to reel it in. The power system of the world is simple and described well so fights make sense. The real most amazing part here is the art and the concept behind fights. Probably the BEST ART of any manga on this entire list. From silly cute gags like the MC’s head being a sword or tsundere love antics to Crimson’s face as he commits a warcrime. As for one of the many amazing fight portrayls I while mention a time where Ragna has to fight an enemy for NINE SECONDS. So the whole chapter takes place over 9 seconds and there is a countdown timer in every other panel. FUCKING SUGOII.
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I've been thinking about this scene a lot. One of my favorite moments from Picard was when Soji told him that Data loved him. It was something Picard couldn't tell for himself, but hearing it from Soji, who had Data as part of her, answered that question for him. Lately, I've been thinking about a different line, though one that very much relates.
"Data's capacity for expressing and processing emotion was limited. I suppose we had that in common."
This is why Picard couldn't tell if Data loved him, and why when Soji asked if he loved Data, his answer was, "Yes, in my way."
There are a lot of different kinds of love. Some are emotional, some are not. Data wasn't capable of feeling emotion in the human way, but he did love things. Picard wasn't great with emotions, but he did love his crew, and that was clear by how he treated them.
I've been struggling with my own emotions lately. There are many reasons why. I had a bit of a mental health crisis a few months ago, driven by the emotions of anxiety and trauma and grief and empathetic heartbreak. Farther back than that but continuing into the present, I've been making friends with several people, and my capacity for processing and expressing those emotions is limited. Just before the mental health crisis I created and played a semi-self-insert who very much embodied my RSD, and I also wrote a fic about them that rather highlighted the RSD. Sometime later I realized that all of those feelings could, in fact, be summed up by RSD and associated trauma. I knew about RSD and that I had it before, I just hadn't quite connected the concept to that trauma. That character is back, and I'm thinking about them again, and how they're going to deal with their prior relationship with another character, because like me, their capacity for expressing and processing emotion is limited. Then I was thinking about that scene from Picard for whatever reason (I love the last line, I think about it a lot). More friendship things happened but whether because I've been severely sleep deprived for months or because I just Can't, I haven't been able to process them. I started listening to a new song and some of the repeated notes make me feel sad but in a very good way, and I don't know why. The local bike shop said I can't bring my bike in anymore because it's too hard to work on (they broke it -.-), which triggered my RSD.
I listened to this in podcast form a few weeks? ago, and watched it in video form today. "[People] die, and I can't stop them." The character I created, played, wrote about, and will soon be playing again tried to protect people, and failed. Then they died themself, and that broke another character's heart. That in turn broke mine. It was rather a theme for that story, and it's also something I feel deeply myself. I want more than anything to save lives, but people die, and I can't stop them.
Later in the same quote is the line, "I am in love with the world." I know I love the world. I don't know if I'm in love with it. I am certainly in love with parts of it, though. My reincarnated character is established to be in love with the Woods. It's a direct parallel to how I feel about forests. For the character's last incarnation, I know they loved another character. I don't think they were in love with them. Maybe they would have been, eventually, if they hadn't died. But as it was, they simply loved them. They were very confused about how they felt about the other character, which was in large part because I the player was like "I see chemistry but am not projecting any particular feelings so *shrug*," but also because they as a semi-self-insert of me did not know where the lines were between friends and qpps and platonic attraction and alterous attraction and affection and caring and different kinds of love. This is confusion I also experience. In some cases, I don't think those lines exist. And in many ways, I don't think it matters. If you like someone you like someone, and if you love someone, that is enough.
That said, it is bothering me that I can't seem to access, process, or express a lot of my own emotions. And by "my own," I don't necessarily mean one person's. I've been speaking largely as one particular headmate, but sometimes as two, and the various emotions I am having trouble processing could belong to and be being blocked by anyone. I can't access my own emotions half the time, which leaves me feeling like I don't know what I truly feel, and so I don't know what I want. I don't know if I have the emotional range of a teaspoon or I feel everything far too intensely. Somehow it seems to be both.
Earlier in that video, someone says they seem to be writing their own life story, but because they're a novelist, it's all in code. In the same way, I only seem to be able to access, process, and express emotions about humanoids via fiction. A character's heart breaks and so does mine. A real person's heart breaks and not only do I feel nothing, I don't understand. I can't conceptualize it. All I know is that it's bad. I don't know how bad.
I love affection between characters. I practically live for it. Affection directed towards me makes me panic. I don't know why. I like having friends. I want people to like me and care about me and, in essence, hold affection for me. I'm constantly looking for validation that it's there. But when it's directly expressed, I panic. I don't know why.
I want to figure things out. But lately I've been too tired. I desperately need more sleep, and then I can think about all of this more.
- s/j
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negativeaperture · 4 years
Chapters: 12/? Fandom: Naruto Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kyuubi | Nine-tails | Kurama & Uzumaki Naruto Characters: Uzumaki Naruto, Kyuubi | Nine-tails | Kurama, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Dai-nana-han | Team 7 (Naruto), Maito Gai | Might Guy, Nara Shikaku, Hatake Kakashi, Hyuuga Neji, Aburame Shibi, Shimura Danzou Additional Tags: Trans Female Character, Trans Female Naruto, Trans Characters, Political Intrigue, Human Rights, Politics, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, OC insert, Self-Insert, but not really, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Orphans, political structures, so buckle up for a lot of politics, Political Bullshit, Konoha is not a nice place, The whole Shinobi world is not a nice place, semi-realistic, Military Dictatorships, Law, Fake Lawyer Jargon, Propaganda, I'm just really interested in the society there, Slow To Update, Will add as I go along, Morality, Logic, Unreliable Narrator, Reincarnation, Legal Systems, Child Neglect, Minor Original Character(s), People are Assholes, but they can be good too, Konoha Critical, Nana's gonna try her hardest to overhaul the system, please note the unreliable narrator tag though, WIP, blanket permission for art and podfic, im not kidding when i say SLOW TO UPDATE Summary:
The main question, she thinks, isn’t her chance at survival or whether she’ll stick to the plot. No, it’s whether she should change the flawed system that thrives off war and child soldiers. Arguably, she’s in the best position to fix it. People are certainly more willing to listen to you when you threaten them with the giant fox demon in your gut. But what would the cost be? Her morals? Her humanity?
The road to hell is paved with good intentions after all.
(In which a human rights lawyer is reincarnated into a world without morality, without logic, and most of all, without laws. Helping the world was easier when people weren’t ninjas.)
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Chapters: 14/? Fandom: Naruto Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kyuubi | Nine-tails | Kurama & Uzumaki Naruto Characters: Uzumaki Naruto, Kyuubi | Nine-tails | Kurama, Dai-nana-han | Team 7 (Naruto), Maito Gai | Might Guy, Nara Shikaku, Hatake Kakashi, Hyuuga Neji, Aburame Shibi, Shimura Danzou, Konan (Naruto) Additional Tags: Trans Female Character, Trans Female Naruto, Trans Characters, Political Intrigue, Human Rights, Politics, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, OC insert, Self-Insert, but not really, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Orphans, political structures, so buckle up for a lot of politics, Political Bullshit, Konoha is not a nice place, The whole Shinobi world is not a nice place, semi-realistic, Military Dictatorships, Law, Fake Lawyer Jargon, Propaganda, I'm just really interested in the society there, Slow To Update, Will add as I go along, Morality, Logic, Unreliable Narrator, Reincarnation, Legal Systems, Child Neglect, Minor Original Character(s), People are Assholes, but they can be good too, Konoha Critical, Nana's gonna try her hardest to overhaul the system, please note the unreliable narrator tag though, WIP, blanket permission for art and podfic, im not kidding when i say SLOW TO UPDATE Summary:
The main question, she thinks, isn’t her chance at survival or whether she’ll stick to the plot. No, it’s whether she should change the flawed system that thrives off war and child soldiers. Arguably, she’s in the best position to fix it. People are certainly more willing to listen to you when you threaten them with the giant fox demon in your gut. But what would the cost be? Her morals? Her humanity?
The road to hell is paved with good intentions after all.
(In which a human rights lawyer is reincarnated into a world without morality, without logic, and most of all, without laws. Helping the world was easier when people weren’t ninjas.)
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iamthespineofmybook · 4 years
Bleach OCs
As might have been noticed, there was no new Magic card today. That’s because we’ve reached the end of the current roster. When we get the next DLC character, I’ll post their card soon as it’s made.
In the meantime, here’s a post about some Fullbringer characters I made for Bleach.
The first one I made was a pseudo-self-insert, in that he was basically a version of me that already lived in Japan and also didn’t know what the events of Bleach were (I generally use “self-insert” for fics wherein the main character knows all about the world they were isekai’d into). His power was the ability to channel the spells in his Magic: the Gathering cards. He started off with a very limited capacity, so he couldn’t cast anything too high-costing, and it took him a long time to actually cast. I had him progress arc-by-arc until, by the Winter War, he could cast a ten-mana spell in about three seconds. He also had a Dangerous Forbidden Technique in using The Door to Nothingness, which he used against Barragan, and suddenly nobody remembered the Segunda Espada, even though everything he had done remained.
My second OC was Tsukishiro Yumei (which, I think, translates to “White Moon Dream”), whose Fullbringer focus was a lot more focused: on an MLPFiM charm bracelet she had made. She could use the powers of the Mane Six and an element like Fire, Water, Lightning, or Wood, depending on which Element of Harmony she was channeling. Eventually, she also unlocked forms based on Celestia and Luna, then two forms that allowed her to use all her powers at once, though the first of those drained her horribly and the other made her slowly forget her humanity. She also was made to be Ishida Uryu’s best friend growing up and had a crush on Rukia.
The last one is a true self-insert via reincarnation... into another version of myself that was young enough to do the student exchange program my school was putting on to Japan (I was two grades too old to go when they did it; also the past-life-memories became unlocked at the same time as the powers). This one’s Fullbringer is based around the class ring my grandparents got me, and I named it “The Power of Stories” or “The Power to Make Dreams a Reality.” What it entailed was the ability to create semi-solid illusions that were more real the more people believed them to be real. And the reason I did it was to give a character a real justification for why they would need to explain their powers to an opponent: because what he was actually doing was explaining the power he was faking having to make the enemy believe that’s what his power was. He also used it to stymie Aizen by overlaying the battlefield with illusions of the true state of things.
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
BNHA self insert AU [Book 3]
New? Read here! Then here!
Chapter 11: Don’t Rain on Me By Joji
Things weren’t as tense as I thought they were gonna be. I really did hurt my own feelings! As for the group punishment, Aunty Mimi didn’t fuck around and worked us until we cried. My body hurt so much that the showers I took stung.
-5 days before returning to the dorms-
I finished my shower and saw that it was just mom and I at home. She was in her office, laying on the day bed. I’ve always wondered why there was a day bed in here and why it was facing the window. But the scene was nostalgic to me, so I floated over to lay next to my mom. Just like I did when I was little. When I put my weight on the bed, she sensed me and put her arms around me.
“How was your training mijo?” she asked softly.
“It was rough, she had us pull a semi-truck up a hill without quirks” I groaned “luckily it was just the truck part and not with the cargo part.”
“She’s going soft on you guys” she chuckled, pulling me in closer “at least it’s not wilderness training.”
“Heh yea” I looked up to see her calm face, eyes closed but awake and gently running her hand through my curly hair. It made me wonder if I really do share an image with her, am I going to look like this when I get older? If I grew out my hair, will I look more like her? The only way to tell us part are the tattoos on her torso... hmmm, that makes me wonder about her what her high school file said about her. “Hey mom.”
“Yes mijo?”
“Can you tell me about your tattoos?” I asked as I poked her shoulder blades “The two skulls on your shoulder?”
“Oh these ones?” she asked as she pulled down her wide neck long sleeve from the top, exposing the two tattoos “I got them before I came to Japan.”
“Why? What do they mean?”
She pointed to the one on her left “I got this one before I left home, it represents my culture. So I never forget where I came from.” She pointed to the one on the right shoulder “This one I got in Austria, where I did my basic training before going to my final destination. It represents the death of my old life, to remind myself that things will never be the same and that I have to mourn and move on at some point. To move forward with my new life but never forget those memories.”
I traced the one on the left with my finger, it was a sugar skull “Was it hard leaving home and everyone behind?”
“It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I did it because I loved my family and I didn’t want them to get hurt over my doing. My life was going well for me before, I even had a long term boyfriend” she chuckled and blushed “I planned to marry him when we turned 18 and live the rest of my short life with him, start a family after I finished college and see where things go from there. But I guess his dreams were shattered too.”
“Wow you had a plan and everything!” I paused to think of my next question “When why did you fall in love with dad? If you planned to marry the other guy?”
“To be honest, I thought I was never returning home. Life was overwhelming me here and I thought I was just going to be alone for the rest of my life” her face shifted into sadness “I cried everyday as I prayed for someone to make my days less lonely, someone who’d make me feel complete. It took a while to see that it was your dad but he did make me very happy, even if we were just friends.” Her eyes got dewy “Then I got the family I yearned for, and at that point, I didn’t mind if I never returned home. Because I made a home here with all of you! And that was enough for me.”
Her words moved me to tears “Even if we’re little shits?”
She laughed “YES! Attitude and all! I love all of you because you’re the little pieces of me that I love the most about myself. I could never hate my children, no matter how bad.”
“Then, what will happen if you get word you can return home?”
“Well, the plan was, that I go back and live with my parents. If my boyfriend was still alive, then I’d reunite with him too and pick up where I left off in my life plan.” She listed “But that was before I started the company, got married and had children! Now it’s more that I’d go for an extended vacation back home. Because the new ordeal is that I was going to retire at both my jobs, hand over the company to a replacement, go visit my childhood home and visit all of my family members to show that I’m alive.”
“Will you take us with you?” I asked, scared of what she might say.
“If you guys want too” she looked at me “I know your dad wants to, he said before we got married that he wanted to accompany me because he wanted to see all the places I talked about in my little childhood stories. But I don’t know if you or your siblings would, I guess it would depend if you’re in your careers or not by then.”
“What if you want to stay there?”
“We’ll see, I haven’t thought that far ahead” she put her chin on my head “one day at a time Iwata.”
“Hmmm, okay one more question” I declared as I felt that I was maybe annoying my mom “Why are we protected citizen status? So many people don’t know about your children and act all surprised that I exist.”
She shifted her arms and had more of my weight rested onto her “Remember the night of the incident? And how we hid in Mr Hitoshi’s house for a few days?” she started off “I was waiting until you were a bit older to tell you the full story, but here it goes. The home invaders hacked into the protected housing database to get my personal cell number, they called me as a distraction so they could break into the house. I knew right away that I had to protect you guys but I wasn’t at my best because I was still healing from giving birth. I alerted Jin and Mimi to take you and the others to safety because I was ready to lay my life on the line.”
“Why did you do it?” I choked up, now understanding what I saw that night.
“I said I was going to protect my family and that if it costed my life, then so be it. I kissed your father goodbye and he understood that I had to do what I needed to do. So while he gathered you guys in the nursery to await uncle Jin’s portal, I fought this intruder but he made the mistake to tell me his motive.” She choked up a bit, trying to keep her composure “He said that he wanted to take my children and I away for quirk experiments. That they were going through the quirk registry of the country of double quirked citizens, us first, then the Todoroki family. That didn’t sit with me, I fought even harder but I pushed myself too hard and ended up face down and backed into my doom. I closed my eyes coming into to terms that this was it but at least my family is safe. But then I heard your little voice shout for the intruder to get away from me, and I shot up to use the last of my energy to protect you. But it didn’t matter what I did, you defeated them with your awakened quirk, I just finished the job with a shot to the spine to cripple them.” She took a deep breath “I saw that you were going into catatonic state, so I picked you up and held you, staggering my way to the nursery with everyone else for the portal.”
“You’re alive because of me?” I realized.
“Yes mijo, and I’m so thankful that you did. I couldn’t imagine a life where my children lived without their mother and only with a father that knows nothing about raising four very rowdy kids.” Her body curled around me “I informed the commission of the breach and everything got tighter security. I took an extra step and put the protected status on all of my children. Everyone on the Japan data base with a double quirk was advised to do the same or choose one quirk to have on the registry. But you’re just like me in a way.”
“You rose to the occasion and fought to protect the ones you loved, even if the chances of losing were high. And at the end, you won but life will never be the same and you live with the trauma of that day everyday.” She answered “Now you’re stronger, smarter and still have your loved ones around you...history repeated itself.”
“Damn, it do be like that huh?” That part blew my mind.
“Yea, but now all I wanna do is continue this nap” she closed her eyes again “Stay awhile longer Iwata, if we pretend to be asleep when dad comes home, he has to cook dinner.”
“Okay” I chuckled and closed my eyes “I’ll stay.”
I was no longer conflicted about my thoughts on my mom. She’s incredible and loves her family so immensely! She isn’t an empress, she’s divinity, love reincarnate. My wish is to feel that much love someday, maybe I will when I have a family of my own.
-3 days before returning to the dorms-
“How are you holding up chief?” asked Hoshi as he came outside to where I was “Last day of punishment training eh?”
I was face down on my trampoline that I jumped onto because there was a layer of snow on it and my body felt like it was on fire “Yea, and I want to die.”
“Bet” He chuckled as they sat on the rim of the trampoline “I brought berry tart for some cafecito with the fam.”
“Ooh that sounds lit” I lifted my head up, savoring that cup of hot coffee with dessert “Are you staying over today then? Lili won’t be back until dinner time.”
“Oh I know, Lili doesn’t know I’m here” he gave me a look “I don’t plan on sticking around too long, I just came to drop off the invite to my dad’s wedding and some...other news.”
I squinted my eyes in suspicion “What other news Hoshi?”
“You’ll see over some cafecito” He kept tight lipped.
“Ugh fine!” I put my head back down. I hate it when I get those responses!
Mom finally came home and Hoshi set the table for a cafecito. He even made the coffee so we could all sit down at the same time.
“Okay now that I have everyone I wanted to talk to here” spoke up Hoshi as we were eating our slice of tart “You’re probably wondering why I gathered everyone here.”
“No” blurted Hanaka.
“Because you fucked up” blurted Tensei.
“You got a job?” blurted Mom.
“You’re getting top surgery?” I blurted.
“Oh! It’s because you’re graduating early in the spring?” Dad blurted with an arm chop.
“What? NO!” He said to disarm us “I don’t know what I was expecting from such an outspoken family! But I gathered everyone here because” he took a deep breath and just broke out in a deep blush and grin “Wow this is harder than I thought it was gonna be! Heh, I was hoping to ummm” He looked at our awaiting faces “Hoping if I’d get your blessing to marry Lili, because you’re all so good to me that I want to take the family name. Do you accept this trans-boy as your future-son/brother-in-law?”
The whole table was in silent shock...until Tensei spoke up.
“Imma say it” he forewarned “It’s about fuckin’ finally Hoshi, the family name is unexpected tho.”
“Oh Hoshi! Of course you have our blessing!” Mom said as she hopped up to give Hoshi a hug “But I have to agree with Tensei, it’s been long awaited, huh Tenya?”
Everyone looked over to dad, tears pouring down like waterfalls “Oh my baby is gonna get married! She’s growing up too fast” he blew his nose on his table napkin “I approve and just so happy for you two! It feels like last year she was still screaming to welcome me home from work, and last week like she just entered high school.”
“Oh babe, don’t cry” Mom comforted “you’re embarrassing the kids.”
“Seriously daddy, put the water works away!” huffed Hanaka “Every time we do anything new you start crying!”
“I can’t help it! I didn’t think I’d get to see the day my children get married!” Dad wipes his tears “Someday you’ll understand when you have kids of your own.”
And so we spent the rest of our time together prying details from Hoshi on when and where will be the proposal. He said he’ll wait until they both finish school because he recently got in touch with his mother’s estranged family and found out that there was some inheritance waiting for him and his brothers. So no matter if they get jobs out of college right away or not, they can live off the inheritance comfortably for a good 3 or so years. Good on them! Maybe thats what I’ll do with my money...what’s with this family and inheritance?
-Day of returning to the dorms-
I pack my bag and savor the last of moments of home comforts. I really didn’t want to go back to the dorms but I still need to take my hero final.
“OwO r u decent?” chirped Hanaka from the door “Hewwo? Mr. Obama? May I come in?”
I sigh tiredly “No, pewish.”
“Too bad we’re coming in anyways” Lili said before busting in like Big Bird in that one meme video.
“WHY CAN’T YOU TWO JUST OPEN THE DOOR LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE?!” yelled Tensei from his side of the room, arm chopping “THE DOOR WAS UNLOCKED!”
“Ugh shut up DAD!” said the girls in unison, mocking the arm chop.
“Why tho?” I asked, hand on my hip “I need to finish packing.”
“We just wanted to do one last thing before you go!” Hanaka said bouncing up and down.
“I’m not dying guys! We’ll see each other in like 2 weeks for the Welcome Estate Ball” I turned back to my packing “What’s so important that can’t wait until-”
“Iwa look out!” warned Tensei.
I looked back to see the girls mid pounce, giving me just enough time to zip toward the door “Thanks Tensei!”
“Don’t try to escape the dog pile Iwa!” taunted the girls, eyes locked back onto me “It is futile!”
“Save yourself!” Tensei stood in the way of the girls with arms out.
“No! Don’t sacrifice yourself foo!”
“I have already excepted my fate as bottom of the pile” said the little brother as the girls picked themselves up “GO!”
I nod and dash out of our room to escape the dreaded dog pile. Since we were kids, we did these really full contact contests to see who ends up on the bottom of the dog pile. It was fun at first but now we run in fear at the sight of a pounce! Anything goes in this game! We use quirks, fists, throw objects, use distractions...but the moment mom stops everything, it’s game over. I just gotta run outside and get mom to insure game over!
Lili does a front rocket flip to stop me from running to the front yard “You’re not going anywhere Iwee!”
“When the hell did you learn that move?!” I was semi-impressed but still in fear for my life “that was clean as fuck!”
“OOOOOOO! You cursed!” Hanaka called out from the stairs “I’m telling daddy!”
“You little snitch! You wouldn’t dare!” I gasped.
“Watch me! Here, catch Tensei real quick” she said before tossing her twin over the railing, then parkour’d down the stairs to the backyard.
I couldn’t let Tensei just fall like that, so I caught him with my telekinesis before he could hit the ground. But I made the mistake of turning my back on Lili.
“Got cha- oof!” Lili got sight teleported by Tensei.
“Go get mom!” said Tensei before slumping over “I’m done for, they gave me a mad ass wedgie.”
“I’ll avenge you brother!” I did my dramatics before running toward the front door again.
The front door opened “Sopresa puto! It’s me!” Hanaka said as she ran full speed “fell right into my trap!”
I didn’t have time to stop, both of us were going top speed! So we crashed into each other, followed by Tensei that got in the way to soften the fall, then Lili that was in the right place at the wrong time.
“I heard a thud and some Spanish cursing! What’s going on-” said dad as he opened the sliding door from the back yard, poor timing as he got bodied by the four body mass going a full speed. We all slammed onto the just defrosted grass that dad finished doing.
“Oh shit dad are you okay?!” asked Lili.
“This takes me back” groaned Dad with a smile “you kids would always dog pile onto me every time I was laying down in the living room when you were little kids.” he chuckled “No so little now! That knocked the wind out of me.”
“Tenya, is everything okay back there?” asked Mom as she came though the side gate “I heard some- phfffff!” she started laughing “Look at you guys! Piled onto dad like that!” She levitated us off one by one “One last house mischief huh?”
“Yea, we haven’t done all of the winter break antics” grunted Hanaka as she got peeled off me “And I really wanted to spend more time with everyone! Tensei doesn’t wanna always play with me, even if I ask nicely.”
“I’m busy with my band and debate competition cases! We can’t play arson all the time” Tensei defended himself “Are you forgetting that we start middle school in a few days?! It’s time we get a little more serious with our education.”
“Oh wow it’s like listening to a recording” giggled Mom, setting us down on our feet “Your dad would say that last line all the time when we were in high school! It sent me back to those days” she sighed lovingly and turned to face Dad “Remember those times when everyone teased you for calling me up to explain strategy homework?”
Dad turned red and fixed his glasses “It was a difficult subject! I was just doing everyone a favor by asking you to come over to tutor us.”
Lili caught on to his body language “Oh I get it~ You say it’s for ‘tutoring’ but you did it as an excuse to spend more time with Mom” she did her little smug face with arms crossed “You had a big dumb crush on her, didn’t you dad?”
“I- well- I didn’t know how else to spend the maximized amount of time with her” He turned even brighter red and cleared his throat “She was intelligent, charming and super talented. How could I not develop feelings? If only I wasn’t such a coward and confessed when I wanted too, things could’ve been so much different.”
“It’s true, but those what if’s don’t matter anymore” Mom smiled “because we’ve exceeded our wishes and daydreams.” She turned to us “Now, lets get back to what we were doing! Iwata has to leave soon and I don’t want to keep the staff waiting on him all day.”
I go back to finishing up my packing, now with all my siblings in the room on their crackhead shit. When I took my bags down to the driveway, they didn’t want me to leave. And of course Mom had to pry them off me so I can get in the car in peace. The drive with my dad was calm.
“Hey dad” I asked as we stopped at the first light “Did you really pick a fight with Mr Hitoshi over mom?”
“I did” Dad said with a hint of regret “I wasn’t proud of what I did, but I didn’t know how else to express my hurt feelings. Your mom hailed me as her chosen family and I wanted to always be by her side, through whatever life had in store.” We move again “Imagine my hurt when she hid her relationship and shared living situation from me, only finding out by chance. And it was a stupid thing to do, I pushed her away even though I very much still loved her. But we all made up before the wedding and I’m close friends with Mr Hitoshi and Nieto. We go on double dates and other couple things with them, it’s so much fun.”
I thought about my next question carefully “If mom did have a child when you reunited with her, what would you do?”
“Funny enough, I thought about it before I reunited with her” Dad smiled “I was willing to help her raise a child. I’d babysit, teach them things, tuck them into bed... everything a parent would do. I wanted to show your mom I’m capable of providing and nurture, I really wanted to be as much as a man as I could be for her.”
“Did you show her all that?”
Dad chuckled “I didn’t have to try very hard! She had forgiven me way before we reunited and revealed to me that she had always had feelings for me” We turn into the final stretch of street before the dorms “But it felt so lovely to finally say it and have them reciprocate the feeling. I knew from then on, I’d never let her go and be outward with my feelings. Everyday I wake up next to her and think about how much I don’t deserve such an incredible woman nor the family that we made” he looked at me “But I guess I’m worth it.”
“Even if we’re disobedient, rowdy, weird pieces of shit?!”
“Yes, because life would be boring with out all those traits to balance my traits out!” Dad turns into the dorm parking lot “Well Iwata, you really threw us in a loop this winter break. Do your best on your make ups.”
I look at the dorms and take a deep breath “I’ll do my best, thanks dad.”
I waved him off until he was out of sight, then I took my bags into my dorm. Nobody was back yet in my class, mainly because our winter training was canceled due to the villain attacks back in September. I put all my things away and see the empty bed in my dorm. It made me miss Beizu, we’ve never been separated like this before. It’s about 2:45pm and I couldn’t delay my test any longer, to the hero dorms I go!
“Iwata! So nice to see you back in one piece!” beamed Mineta sensei.
I cringed “Don’t tell me my mom told you what happened.”
“No your dad did” Sensei corrected me “I have to say, never did I think it would be you to push it too far. But your dad did the same thing when we were in high school” He hands me the written exam “Alright, take your time on this.”
The written exam wasn’t too bad and I got it done in under an hour. I was excused for the day because the physical part of the exam was going to take place in one of the practice gyms at school in 2 days. Before I could leave to my dorms, the usual clowns saw me.
“Yo Iida-kun!” greeted Gon “You’re back so soon?!”
“Yup, had to take my exams that I missed”
“I heard what happened to your relative” Kage said worried “Are you alright? Sorry about your loss.”
“We’re good, I just had to help with the arrangements” I said relieved that they didn’t know about the other shit “I learned a lot about family this break.”
We went in Gon’s room to chat “...so are you going to take the hero licensing this year?”
“I guess so? But it’s not like I’m going to see you guys there” I responded “Everyone has their license right?”
“No, three people didn’t pass” said Kage “So they’ll be joining you on that.”
“Does that mean you’ll be in the sports festival too?!” Gon jumped excitedly.
“I’m still not sure” I gestured to have him calm down “I don’t want to do an internship for hero work and I don’t want to be on the scope for these villains. And don’t act like that’s not the reason why y’all get attacked on the regular!”
“I guess you have some reasoning there” Gon pondered my words “But imagine you kicking ass out there?! You’d easily get in the top 3!”
“Yeah Iida-kun! You’re one of the strongest ones in the class!” Kage joined in on the hype “At least think about it.”
I looked at the two and slumped in my bean bag chair “Ugh fine I’ll think about it!” I groaned “Still gotta figure myself out though.”
“Like what?” asked the two in sync.
“I’m thinking about getting a support item for my legs” I pointed at my shins “Even after all this training, I still can’t get my legs to keep up with the kick of my arm engines!”
“That would be helpful” Kage looked over my arms “Still can’t believe you haven’t figured it out.”
-Fast forward, afternoon of the Welcome Estate Ball-
“...Your tuxedo Iwata-chan.” said a butler as he draped the formal wear on the bed “Anything else you might need before I go?”
“Thank you, that’ll be all!” I said carefully, not to sound too aggressive.
To tell the truth I’m freaking out about all this! It feels like I’m a prince or something and I’m about to get coronated. Thankfully Beizu agreed to come with me to the estate to take the edge off and be moral support.
“That bath is no joke! Like damn bitch you can live like this?!” Beizu said as he got out of the joint bathroom in a robe in my estate quarters “Ooh! The champagne and snacks are here!”
“Bei I’m freaking out!” I slam myself onto the bed “I’m no rich boy, I’m on this ironic lucky streak that’s becoming my literal nightmare!”
Beizu walks over to me with two glasses in his hand “Iwa, it’s not like you’re pretending that you own everything! Nobody hates you and you just gotta be yourself, as corny as that sounds, it’s true” he hovers the glass of champagne over my face “Lets get a little loose before we have to go socialize with your family.”
All my worries took backseat “Okay a few drinks, I don’t want to puke and embarrass my uncle.”
“To inheritance!” Beizu toasted as I sat up “May you live comfortably the rest of your life!”
I toasted and really thought about those words. Yeah I am going to live comfortably but I also want Beizu to be part of that lifestyle too. In between getting whisked into conversations and having to order servants, I try to get some quality time in with Beizu. Yeah we dorm together but school is kicking our butts and we hardly have time for the usual hanging out. Finally there was a moment where we slipped away into the Lineage Hall for some peace and quiet.
“Wow, look at all the portraits” gasped Beizu “Fucked up eyebrows do run in the family!”
“Right?! Glad my mom has stronger, pretty genes” I chuckled as I led Beizu by the hand “This way! I want to show you something.” All the way at the end was four plaques “Here’s were my portrait will someday hang, alongside my siblings!”
“That’s so cool! When are you going to get yours done?” asked Beizu, taking a closer look at my plaque.
“I want to get mine done when I get married, ya know, so I can have couples portrait” I get a little choked up on my words and blurted “Hey Bei, would you be down to get married at 25 with me, if we’re both still single by then?”
Beizu froze and slowly turned to me, face flushed beet red “Wha?! You want to marry me?!”
“Why not? I trust you and I don’t care what others will say about it” I bring our hands together “Maybe it’s all the alcohol in me, but I want you to take part in these riches with me. You said you’d marry me when I told you how much I inherited, you might’ve been joking around but I mean it! Won’t you be part of my family and riches?”
Beizu pursed his lips to give it a thought “I’ll do it BUT I’M GOING TO HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE IWATA EL ROCA IIDA!” he posed and pointed at my nose “If by the time of the stroke of midnight on your 25th birthday and theres no ring on my finger, I’m going to propose in the most extra way that you’ll have to say yes.”
“Deal, I trust you’ll keep me accountable” I pulled them in for a hug “I don’t ever want to go through life without you.”
He brought his hands around my waist “That’s my line, silly” Beizu laughed as he rest his head on my shoulder “I don’t want to go through life without you too.”
We walk down the hall after our little moment to see my little brother having what looks like a mental breakdown. And just outside the window of the hall, in plain view, my parents were really going at it with the making out. It was just so weird looking at them making out like that when Beizu and I spent most of our first year of high school peeking into young mom’s romps with other boys. As for little bro Tensei, I’m sure it’s fine and he’s not on the brink of anything! He’s just a boy after all. Shiet, I’d breakdown if Hanaka was my twin sister too. Beizu and I just minded our business and re-joined the others in the main hall to drink a little more. I hope for more moments like these, then maybe life wouldn’t suck so bad.
-Chapter 11, End-
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g0atmama · 2 years
Have a 16 from the S/I lore ask game. Go ham, frien 💕
16. freebie! name a fact about your self insert you want everyone to know.
Okay so I've been playing ESO again, and my main there is the ancestor of my Neravarine. Gift-From-Skies "Sky" Indoril was lost when born leading to her being named and raised by a group of escaped Khajiit and Argonian slaves on the border of Morrowind. She was eventually arrested for petty theft and imprisoned on the other side of a cell wall from one of my other TES characters. They made friends in the prison and eventually found each other again when freed.
She's the successful reincarnation of Nerevar, eventually discovering her bloodline and reclaiming the Indoril name. I have AUs where she allied with a different member of the Tribunal, exploring how her relationship with them would have developed. She and Seht would have been great friends, while she and Ayem would have had a semi-romantic friendship. Though she is with Vehk and very much enjoys traveling with him.
ALSO, their ship name is Poet's Gift.... Because he is the warrior-poet god-king, and she is Gift-From-Skies.
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ao3feed-snape · 3 years
Hit the Red Line
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3c6GRrQ
by PhoenixReborn09
I wasn’t who I was before, I wasn’t who I was when I was whoever I was before, and there was no going back, ever. However, in the time I had to decide who I wanted to be, I already knew that I most certainly was not going to allow anyone to make major decisions for me without making sure my voice was heard and taking into account, starting with my own body. (Trans!Harry, Transition via Potions, Arranged Marriage, Polyamory, M/Harry/M)
Words: 8751, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Susan Bones, Dursley Family (Harry Potter), Potter Family (Harry Potter), Longbottom Family (Harry Potter), Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Cedric Diggory, Fleur Delacour, Krum Family (Harry Potter), Hannah Abbott, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Ernest Macmillan (Harry Potter), Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Luna Lovegood, Nymphadora Tonks, Andromeda Black Tonks, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Ted Tonks, Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, Crookshanks (Harry Potter), Weasley Family (Harry Potter)
Relationships: ?/Harry Potter/?, Pairings largely undecided
Additional Tags: Genderbending, transgender character, queer community, Gay Characters, Trans!Harry, genderbent!Harry, Semi-SI!Harry, Semi Self-Insert, Self-Insert, SI!Harry, Name Change, Transition via Potion, Polyamory, Arranged Marriage, magic is alive, Magic Knows Best, Reincarnation, Rebirth, Horcruxes, Non-Canonical Character Death, Canonical Character Death, Child Abuse, Physical Abuse, Mental Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Psychological Manipulation, Torture, Mental Instability, Animagus, Parseltongue - Dragons, Parselmouths & Parseltongue (Harry Potter), Parselmagic, possible eventual pregnancy, Prophecies, Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, Pureblood Culture (Harry Potter), Pureblood Society (Harry Potter), Pureblood Politics (Harry Potter), Crookshanks Theory, Harry isn't a hat stall, Harry Potter is a Good Friend, Harry Potter is a Little Shit
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3c6GRrQ
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davidmann95 · 7 years
You have been assigned to write the Rebirth revival of Grant Morrison, as in the in-comics version of Grant Morrison that was written into the continuity of the DC Universe by Grant Morrison and codified in the pages of Suicide Squad. Where do you take the character and his adventures?
Assuming I was meant to keep the title true to the spirit of his prior appearances, each issue would be him speaking directly to the audience about matters near and dear to his heart while a superhero gets the living hell kicked out of them in the background screaming “WHY HAVE YOU TAKEN MY POWERS AWAY!” If it was meant as a somewhat cleaner slate though, we know semi-biographical comics about the superheroes exist in the DCU (Mark Millar wrote a funny strip about a plotting session with the Flash once in Flash 80-Page Giant #1), so maybe you could have DC Comics writer Grant Morrison slowly realizing he’s the ‘reincarnation’/reboot of an authorial self-insert charged with making sure his Earth-Qwewq self’s last 30 years of work weren’t for nothing, maybe in the form of a quest to officially reinstate Hypertime (beyond the couple of vague shoutouts it’s had recently)? An assemblage of the 52 Morrisons of the local Multiverse would be mandatory.
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bluediva · 7 years
Fanfiction Recommendation
Naruto: Pre-Series, Minato and OC/Self-insert focus, older brother Minato and younger sibling OC. 5 chapters so far.
Sailing Across River Styx by Sakura Hyuga.
"'I know people called me slow, but I really didn't believe in reincarnation until I was quite literally reborn. Well, at least I looked cute with blonde hair and blue eyes' /In which a girl dedicates herself to making the Naruto world a better place. Not. Truthfully, all she wants to accomplish with her second chance is her goal of keeping her big brother alive. Semi-SI OC/"
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rataplani · 7 years
so I’ve been kinda writing a reincarnation!self-insert fic for fun (not a very long one because stamina what?) and yesterday the protag turned into an actual oc with semi-canon backstory and everything - who has the terrible luck of being shoved in the back of a villain’s brain post-death and holding on to their sense of self for dear life. Originally they were gonna basically be Wren, but I think I like them, whoever they are.
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