#reimagined werewolves
manofthepipis · 1 year
Do you think Spamton would have a personal problem with the existence of werewires and werewerewires? Considering that they're all actually Plugboys who are being controlled by wires/strings against their will, I was thinking that he might
Love your fics btw!! A relatively small number of Deltarune fics actually have Darkners using their magic regularly (or at all) and it's really cool to see in yours
honestly, spamton is the sort of guy who id imagine is so uber-focused on his schemes and neo, he doesn't care much for what unenlightened darkners are going through, and if anything he'd find some cruel, ironic humor in it considering the werewires are being controlled by queen, who's another darkner. Having a greater understanding of what's truly going on, the werewires' control is small potatoes to him, which is why he doesn't care about having them being additional victims of noelle's freeze sweep in snowgrave so he can take over the mansion.
yet i could also see it as unnerving him too, as his encounter with Kris immediately has him talking about his [[Silly Strings]], but what they have in common that the werewires dont is that they're both controlled by a higher power outside of the dark world, beyond their influence. Because he is unnerved, perhaps he's extra cautious of avoiding the werewires over other cyber city darkners.
Also, some werewires don't mind being controlled in the gameplay and they're totally chill with it, going about their lives when Queen isn't controlling them in the moment, so I can imagine a funny scenario of Spamton tryna get some help from some plugboys/werewires to get into the mansion in exchange for his help cutting their ties to Queen, but he's rlly shady about it and the answer he gets is a hard No. Like, they may be peons of Queen, but they trust her more than some smelly unhinged salesman who scared them half to death by leaping out of some manhole in the ground.
also tysm!! that means a lot :D! their magic was the highlight of their characters for me (particularly spamton's) because it's all just so goofy and cool at the same time. I love writing it so i'm glad hearing ppl like it!
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fuctacles · 1 month
<<4 | 5 | 6>>
Eddie held back and was nice enough to give him an ice pack after. 
"Thank you," Steve murmurs, placing the frozen peas on his chin. He's not taking his eyes off Eddie, who's wired up and walking back and forth in the tiny kitchen. Steve is low-key expecting another hit. If he had his tail, it would be tucked between his legs. 
"Why?" Eddie finally asks, the first thing he says since the punch. But before he can get an answer, he follows with: "Does everyone else know?"
"Yes," Steve admits guiltily. "I didn't want to drop it on you right after the Upside Down, but the longer it took, the weirder it got, and I just..." he trails off with half a shrug. 
Eddie scoffs, sending him a glare while his strides pick up speed. It would look ridiculous, since it takes only three of his steps to walk through the kitchen, if it wasn't so serious. 
"You made it weirder alright. Why did you follow me around instead of hanging out like a normal human being?!" He throws his arms wildly around, almost hitting the fridge. "Or did you just want to keep tabs on me? Like a weird little dog-stalker?!"
"No!" Steve protests indignantly, but then falters. "Well, I— Kind of? But just to, you know, protect you."
Eddie finally stops. Which is not a good sign as far as Steve is concerned, but Eddie just stares at him. 
He recounts the run-ins they had with the local righteous mob. He reimagines them with Steve by his side instead, the human one, and there's no universe in which it doesn't end up with an escalation. People don't normally pick up fights with dogs, apparently. But...
"Was sleeping on my couch and eating my hot dogs also to protect me?"
Steve folds in on himself and Eddie can almost imagine his sad dog ears flopping down. 
"No, I just—"
Eddie's suddenly in his line of vision, squatting in front of him to peer into his face mockingly.
"Was it just for fun? Little doggy wanted belly rubs and treats? Make everyone look at me weird because I'm scratching Steve Harrington between his ears?" he scoffs. "And dude, I would do all of it, if I knew it was you. You were worried it would be too much for me after Vecna? I'm a nerd! I eat that shit up. Do you know how much better I'd feel knowing werewolves are real?!"
Steve is not even surprised at his outburst. He just shuffles his legs and corrects softly:
Eddie jumps up, throwing his hands into the air.
"Oh, now you're gonna tell me?! You lost your naming privileges, man, you're a werewolf, period."
He leans against the cupboards behind him, foot tapping restlessly. But he was angry at so many things at once, that he didn't know what to grasp first.
"Why did you avoid me?"
"I didn't—"
"You did," Eddie interrupts him. "I never saw you around, only the dog. And then you started avoiding everyone else too. Why?"
Steve sighs, slipping the half-thawed pack of peas away from his face. His body slumps like any traces of fight have just left him.
"I guess it was easier. I could just walk around, keep an eye on everyone, and not... explain myself."
"Can't lie without vocal chords, huh?"
Steve sends him a tired look, and Eddie feels the tiniest of bits bad. He raises his hands placatingly. 
"I'm not your therapist. But I thought I was your friend."
"You are! Just..."
"Just not good enough to share the truth with?" Eddie offers.
Steve groans, this time unfolding to fall against the chair's backrest. 
"See, this is why I prefer shifting. I don't have to explain my thoughts to others, nothing is weird and unspoken, and everyone fucking loves me. They pet me and tell me nice things. But when I'm a human, I'm getting laughed at, dumped, used for rides, and have to stay alone in a big empty house."
Eddie just blinks at him, his anger slowly shifting into concern. 
"That's uh, a lot to unpack there," he says gently, pursing his lips in thought. "You know we've been worried about you, right? That we don't see you anymore. I mean, I didn't know at the time, but the kids knew something was going on with you."
Steve scoffs.
"Yeah, they noticed when they had to go beg Nancy for rides."
"Dude." Eddie frowns at him, both irritated and concerned. "I am so tempted to get your other cheek right now. Didn't Dustin call you to clear the air between us?"
"Yes, because you called him first," Steve reminds him. 
"Still, he could have left it for us to deal with on our own. But he cares, so he reached out. " Eddie sighs. "He wants us to be friends, but most of all, he wants you to open up; not to me, but to the rest of the party. So why are you holing yourself up, man? What's wrong?"
Steve doesn't move from his semi-open position, but he crosses his arms, and he's looking away at Wayne's cap collection, visible through the open space to his right. 
Eddie just looks at him, the worry in his stomach growing like a parasite. He decides that maybe this is enough for today. Enough feelings, talking, and confessions. That it is time to clear the air.
And by 'clear' he means 'cloud it with smoke'.
"Let's put a pin on that," he says and finally, Steve looks back at him, both worried and curious. "I think we both need to chill out and I still have that weed stored away for you. And a really bad horror from Gareth. The blood looks like ketchup, you're gonna love it."
Tags: @noodle-shenaniganery @jaytriesstrangerthings @imaginary-maggie-waggie @samsoble @croatoan-like-its-hot
@dragonmama76 @storyranger @scoops-aboy86
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novelconcepts · 9 months
Another year, another absurd amount of books read (296, because if I wasn't reading or writing this year, my brain was on fire). I was asked again for my top books of the year, so here we go: 2023's top 10, in no particular order.
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This was the first book I read of the year--literally, vacated the hangout with my wife and sibling-in-laws to sit on their couch upstairs and eat through it. Do you love The Fall of the House of Usher, but wish for a nonbinary protagonist and a lot more mushrooms? This is the book for you! (T. Kingfisher is fucking rad, I made a concerted effort to only list ONE of her books on here, but honorable mention goes to The Twisted Ones for fucking me upppp.)
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A gay, post-apocolyptic Pinocchio retelling involving copious robots, found family elements, and a cool-ass treehouse. Klune always hits for me with his unrepentant queer family dynamics and sense of humor. Honorable mention to the first two in the Green Creek series (although that's got a lot more...adult elements in among the werewolves, you've been warned).
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I thiiiink I found this through The Homo Schedule podcast (PSA: if you missed out on Jasmin Savoy Brown and Liv Hewson doing a podcast together, now you know better), and it wrecked my shit. Tons of trigger warnings, as this is a memoir about abuse within a queer relationship, but it's so beautifully written. I personally suggest listening to the audiobook first, then standing anxiously behind someone at a book warehouse sale, hoping they'll set down the only paperback copy so you can swipe it.
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A fantastical-historical reimagining in which the KKK is filled with literal monsters, and Black women are resistance fighters armed to take them out. Visceral and intense, and truly an excellent horror story.
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Just. Such a soft time travel story about a daughter and her father and cherishing the time you get with loved ones. I was thoroughly unprepared for how lovely I found this one. It's very kind.
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Spooky house, take-no-shit redhead, protective sibling elements, bisexual recluse with a sword who really just needs a nap. I haven't found a Harrow book yet I haven't slapped five stars on. She's so good at character and atmosphere, and I'm always surprised at how fast her stories race by.
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The whole Daevabad trilogy (of which this is the first book) is just magical. A girl from the mortal world finds herself embroiled with the centuries-long prejudices and wars of djinn in a fantastical city. It's one of the rare stories of its kind that does have a love triangle, but doesn't feel like a love triangle; it's far less interested in the insufferable "who gets picked" than it is in the actual horrors these people are both perpetrating and coping with. It's an intoxicating ride.
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Fuck You, TERFS: the book. Given that fact, there's obviously quite a lot of transphobia to deal with, but it's very clear that those people are wrong, and it's a super-engaging (and super-oh-god-what-comes-next) witchy time populated with queer, protective, interesting characters I'm excited to see again in the follow-up.
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Have you ever wanted a haunted house story with visceral imagery and a rather lovely twist? Gailey has you covered. As much as I enjoyed The Echo Wife, I think I actually loved this one more, and it makes me so excited to see what else they've got up their sleeve.
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One of my final reads for the year, when I was just churning through hardcovers at the speed of sound. I love this book. I recognize it won't be for everyone, but it takes so much of what I love about IT (one of my all-time favorite books, despite its flaws) and twists it through the lens of an author who escaped the Mormon church. It's horrific, it's fantastically abstract in places, it explores childhood and memory, imagination and abuse, and almost every character is queer. It's a great "I simply cannot sleep until I've finished" read.
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After having so much fun with Yellowjackets Appreciation Week (thank you @yellowjacketsweek for the inspiration) we thought we should have a Yellowjackets Month! And is there a better month to spend celebrating our favourite cannibal show than October? You can use those prompts, mix them together as you please and post at any time during the month of October. Let's see where your creativity can take you (psst i know where. it's to the tag where you can be among amazing creators like @taiturner who made the header of this post and this blog's icon). Make sure to tag your posts with #yjoctober2023 and feel free to send it directly to this blog if you don't see it showing up in the tag. With all that out of the way let's get into the prompts:
Horror element or trope from the show
Quote from other horror media that fits Yellowjackets
Horror media parallels
Yellowjackets reimagined as a different genre (i.e slasher, zombie movie, romantic comedy etc)
Dream sequence / hallucination / haunting of choice
Yellowjackets characters as classic horror monsters (werewolves, vampires, etc)
Scary or shocking scene of choice
"Came back wrong"
We hear Halloween and it hears us!
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sapphicsundial · 11 months
I designed some butch horror movies/ monster movies for Halloween
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First one is a Frankenstein reimagining, second one is a British lesbian twilight (my friend suggested it be a gay ‘Being human’ instead but I haven’t seen that let me know if it fits better) (two werewolves on the left, two vampires on the right) third one is a lesbian slasher flick
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sepublic · 11 months
I love the Castlevania show, but I can't help but be miffed by how much of the source material and colorful bestiary the show tends to ignore in favor of more vampires. I love characters such as Striga and Morana, but then you've got fairly generic ones like Dragan or Nikolai, who are just there to be obstacles and don't have any real personality themselves.
It's just a little confusing, because why do the writers keep trying to come up with OCs when they have plenty to pull from the actual games? In the games, vampires themselves are actually very rare; They're usually only represented by endgame bosses like Dracula, Bartley, Brauner, etc. Otherwise, the vast majority of enemies are night creatures, ghosts, haunted suits of armor, and the like.
But instead of embracing the weirder monsters like the Minotaur or Werewolves, the Castlevania show keeps defaulting to regular old vampires who are basically just humans with pointy ears and teeth. The show keeps defaulting to Vampire melodrama, like it's trying to emulate other pieces of Vampire media, instead of embracing what sets Castlevania apart from those stories. It has a concerning lack of weird castle exploration for a show called Castlevania.
Skeletons only appear in one scene, and I'm sorry but a common staple of a series should not be reduced to a mere fanservice cameo. It's like the Resident Evil live-action films making everything about zombies and reluctantly including a Licker as the ultimate monster. It's like if the Super Mario Bros. Movie barely had Goombas, they made the show too normal from the source material.
That isn't to say the source material is a perfect narrative, far from it; It can get pretty damn repetitive at times, especially with certain character roles and dynamics. I'll die on the hill that Annette's reimagining was justified, and Ortega and Hugh Baldwin are admittedly less interesting versions of Maxim Kischine.
The repetition makes sense! Castlevania's priority is gameplay, and each installment is meant to be its own thing. But when you're doing it as a TV show, a story, and having each story arc play a part in a larger narrative, you have to mix things up in terms of story and characterization, because you can't rely on different gameplay mechanics and levels to differentiate entries in an animated show.
But all that said, it's tiring how much the show will ignore aspects that wouldn't conflict with the writing at all in favor of more generic vampires. I don't want to see vampire politics and melodrama, but it's infinitely more interesting if its melodrama and politics between slimes and minotaurs!
I dunno, it feels like the show is limiting itself on an aesthetical level. What difference does it make in terms of writing if there's a flying Medusa head, or an Axe Armor? I think the writers are afraid of coming across as 'corny' as if Castlevania itself isn't crazy and anime as hell, but this just makes them come across as lacking sincerity. It's like how people complained about a bunch of 2000's movie adaptations of superheroes watering down everything to be more 'serious' and 'realistic' and 'believable', but it just made it grey and boring and cut away what made it unique.
The writers could've easily replaced characters like Dragan with, say, Sir Grakul from Super Castlevania IV, or had freakish looking night creatures be the ones to monologue (instead of treating Flyseyes as the one exception). There's acceptable departures from the source material, and then there's just straight up ignoring it, and then going out of its way to make up new things when stuff is already there to use. It's not as if the animators struggle with animating non-humanoid beings, considering how many unique night creatures they've come up with. So can we please stop being lowkey embarrassed of the source material???
It'd honestly make the show so much more memorable if we got to see Richter fighting a Skull Knight or Mummy. It's just so much wasted potential, especially when they ignore game Richter's compelling narrative of a Fallen Hero, in favor of making up something completely different. I can understand revising protagonists who barely have anything to them, like John Morris from Bloodlines, but Richter HAD a meaningful storyline to expand on, and one that deconstructs his role as a vampire hunter!
Given the show's attempts to be a grittier deconstruction and its suggestion that killing vampires isn't 100% good, I don't know why they didn't go with the idea of Knight Templar Richter whose desire to be needed in battle leaves him vulnerable to Shaft's brainwashing. The deeper, character-driven writing does not have to be mutually exclusive from fantastical and weird elements.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Oh darling fandom grandma, do you have any current recs for some good fiction books? Something kind of like Tamora Pierce's tortall books? (sorry if you haven't read those books, was the only series that I could think of to reference)
Perhaps surprisingly, I have never actually read any Tamora Pierce books, but I am going to categorize this request, hopefully not inaccurately, as "imaginative, diverse, feminist/female-centered fantasy." In which case, you are in luck, because that is also My Jam, and I have the following enthusiastic recs, many of which are doorstopper-size and should keep you busy for a while:
The Daevabad Trilogy by S.A. Chakraborty (City of Brass, Kingdom of Copper, Empire of Gold). Set in both 18th-century Egypt and the magical djinn kingdom of Daevabad; complex and morally grey female main characters; lots of garbage men; all characters are people of color; political intrigue, magic, sass, adventure out the wazoo, and Muntadhir al-Qahtani my most beloved, I NEED MORE PEOPLE TO READ THESE BOOKS
The Rook and Rose trilogy by M.A. Carrick (only the first two books are out: The Mask of Mirrors and The Liar's Knot). A lush Venetian-inspired fantasy setting, a con-artist female main character, family intrigue, political manipulation, complicated plots, exploration of colonization and cultural appropriation; MORE PEOPLE LIKEWISE NEED TO JOIN ME IN SHIPPING REN/VARGO/GREY;
The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon (The Bone Season, The Mime Order, The Song Rising, The Mask Falling): set in an alternate-history future England with sci-fi, telekinetics, fallen angels, a ruined Oxford, underground resistance groups in London, a badass female main character; generally one of the most imaginative spec-fic series I have ever read;
The Priory of the Orange Tree, also by Samantha Shannon; I recommended this book in a separate post recently because I love it. Tons of historically-inspired settings, lots of female, queer, POC characters; ASOIAF-style political intrigue and dragons without the Male Author grossness;
The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud (The Amulet of Samarkand, The Golem's Eye, Ptolemy's Gate, plus prequel The Ring of Solomon). This series was formative for me as a teenager, all right. F O R M A T I V E. If you have not read it you need to do so right away, and I don't care how old you are. Stroud absolutely rips the British Empire to pieces, dismantles the Special White Boy fantasy trope, explores slavery and imperialism and cultural genocide, and is also both incredibly funny and incredibly heartbreaking in the course of three YA books.
The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri; lush female-led epic fantasy set in a fantasy world based on ancient India; supposed to be the first one of a series so there are more to come;
Uprooted and Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik; retellings of fairytales with a cast of diverse female characters, especially Spinning Silver which is a reimagining of Rumpelstiltskin in an Imperial Russian-inspired world with a Jewish main character;
The Parasol Protectorate series by Gail Carriger (Soulless, Changeless, Blameless, Heartless, Timeless); set in steampunk Victorian London with vampires and werewolves; badass female main character; Absolutely Everyone Is Queer; like Jane Austen crossed with P.G. Wodehouse;
Anyway, there are possibly more that I could think of, but these are what came to mind after an initial perusal of my own bookshelves, and should be enough to get you started. Happy reading. :)
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richincolor · 1 year
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The Glass Scientists by S.H. Cotugno
Summary: The gothic worlds of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, Frankenstein, and more collide in this graphic novel series about buried secrets, mad science, and misunderstood monsters. For fans of stylish reimaginings like Lore Olympus and gaslamp fantasies like The Night Circus ! London isn’t the safest place for mad scientists these days. After that whole ordeal with Frankenstein, angry mobs have gotten awfully good at hunting down monsters and wiping out anything they don’t understand. In fact, if it weren’t for one extraordinary young man, every out-of-the-box thinker would have been locked up . . . or worse. That young man is none other than Dr. Henry Jekyll. He believes mad scientists would thrive if they could just fix their public image, which is why he founded the Society for Arcane Sciences, a place where like-minded eccentrics could come together to defy the laws of nature in peace. But everything changes when a mysterious stranger arrives, bent on taking the Society in a radical new direction. With everyone turning against him, Jekyll’s life starts to spiral out of control, shattering all his carefully laid plans and threatening to expose his darkest secret—one that could destroy everything he has built from the inside out.
Review: I can't get over what an exciting time in graphic novels it is right now, especially in the YA and Middle Grade space. There is just so much out there -- from queer romcoms to thrilling adventures to well, graphic novels like The Glass Scientists. Creator S.H. Cotugno is someone I already follow online, since S.H. has worked on cartoons like Gravity Falls and The Owl House. Not to mention the graphic novel has garnered praise from creatores like ND Stevenson and Molly Knox Ostertag.
It's gothic, it's spooky, it's funny, and it's heartwarming -- and I was along for the ride. The Glass Scientists follows one Dr. Henry Jekyll, the founder of the Society for Arcane Sciences -- where quirky scientists (deemed "mad scientists" by society) go to follow their passions and find a home with other like-minded innovators. Outside the Society for Arcane Sciences lies the city of London, a place that is none too friendly (read: lots of angry mobs) when it comes to these scientific endeavors.
This is a story that mixes werewolves in with Frankenstein and the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde -- a delightful gtohic mishmash set in London. The illustrations are evocative and perfectly suited to the tone of the story, which veers between heartwrenching to laugh-out-loud hilarious. There are plenty of characters to root for, from side characters to the hero, who is in a battle with himself.
The Glass Scientists collects the first 7 chapters of its webcomic iteration -- that means that the graphic novel does end on a note that leaves you looking for the next installment. I'll definitely be checking out the webcomic to keep reading. If you're interested in a fun, gothic read, perfect for spooky season, this is it. Check it out!
Recommendation: Get it soon!
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insertlovelyperson · 1 year
And I Don't Want the World to See Me - Bookworm0303 - The Quarry (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]
Rating: M
Pairing: Ryan Erzahler/Dylan Lenivy
Dylan could admit when he was wrong. Gotten pretty good at it too. Though that didn’t mean he enjoyed it—the confession nor the deed itself. Despite the admission, he felt his current situation required some serious self-reflection…
To start, maybe not staying in the lodge was a bad idea, to say the least. Yes, Mr. H had warned them to stay inside. And yes, that warning flew over every single one of their empty, little heads (except maybe Ryan and Abi…), but it’s not like he was completely responsible for that! One: it was a group effort. Two: he really wanted to get drunk in the woods. And perhaps partying in the middle of nowhere—in the middle of the night—with a bunch of drunk 18–20-year-olds, miles away from any hospital, police station, or cellphone tower could be seen as… risky. During a full moon, nonetheless. But he could own that, especially seeing as it was his own suggestion that got them there in the first place.
He could not, however, be blamed for the fucking werewolves. Despite what his father might’ve claimed if he could see his sorry excuse for a son now.
My reimagining of The Quarry but set in a universe where werewolves and hunters aren't that uncommon. For Dylan, at least.
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bluedivvy · 1 year
Resident Evil Quarry AU:
Resident Evil Zero and Resident Evil (posting these in 2 parts since most games are connected that way)
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gonna be completely honest, i dont know much about resident evil 0 but from the little knowledge i have of the game i added it to fit into the story. created in 1978 by professor james, leeches were released to create the W-virus. they were made with the intent to infect people with their bite and turn them into werewolves to create separate hosts. bravo team, members of the stars police forces, were sent into the arklay mountains to investigate a series of murders. their helicopter crashes due to an engine failure and discover a separate police force, including files of billy coen, a convicted murderer that they assume caused the unknown deaths in the range. they split up to find the man, however rebecca discovers a train and meets billy coen, who ends up helping her discover the unknown threat. they fight against the "man-eaters" otherwise known as werewolves that overrun the train, including a large scorpion and later a tyrant werewolf (the scorpion remains a scorpion because it was part of umbrella's research into arachnid-based bio-weaponry).
meanwhile, stars alpha team were sent into the arklay mountains to investigate the bravo team's disappearance. they arrived on a full moon, lost in the wooded darkness of the highlands. albert wesker, field leader, escorted alpha team across the arklay range until they were attacked by a large, feral creature, otherwise a werewolf. they fled inside the spencer mansion after brad vickers took advantage of the helicopter and left. however, in that short period of time, chris redfield had gone missing and the remaining members searched the mansion for him. after uncovering a series of letters, notes and clues left behind by the estates' owners, jill valentine learned about the werewolf virus and crafted silver ammo to go against them. she found the remaining bravo team, some turned to werewolves and others on the brink of death, and saved the remaining member, rebecca chambers. alpha team found chris and uncovered wesker's plan that set up their demise and betrayed the team. after fighting the tyrant werewolf, the team fled the arklay range and assumed wesker's death.
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a very poor representation of the tyrant werewolf. they were werewolves reimagined by umbrella to make them stronger and more advanced. this one is called T-002 and was created in the arklay lab. its basically a gigantic, veiny, warted werewolf with exposed heart and organs (not very smart umbrella) its most notable feature is its large claws
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jesperweidemann · 4 days
r/CreativeWriting on Reddit Writing Contest
(Copy/Pasted from the Reddit post)
As we continue to foster community interaction and encourage a regular writing habit, we're excited to unveil this month's theme:
This Month’s Prompt is: Scary Stories
Unleash your darkest fears and wildest imaginations. Whether it’s a haunted house, a ghostly encounter, or a psychological thriller, we want to be terrified by your tales. This prompt is open to any scary or horror story of any genre. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Realistic Horror: Stories that could happen in real life, making them all the more terrifying.
Psychological Thrillers: Tales that delve into the human mind, exploring fear, paranoia, and the unknown.
Supernatural Encounters: Ghosts, spirits, and otherworldly beings that haunt the living.
Fake True Stories: Craft a story that feels like it could be a true account, blurring the lines between reality and fiction.
Urban Legends: Modern myths that are passed down through generations, often with a chilling twist.
Classic Horror: Vampires, werewolves, and other traditional horror elements reimagined in new ways.
The only restriction this month is that they MUST be a short story (fits in a single post which is 40k characters or roughly 8k words).
How Does This Work?
Starting on the first Sunday of every month (delayed this month, sorry), we invite you to interoperate our given prompt into stories, poems, essays, or any form of creative writing that sparks your imagination. Remember to use the 'Monthly Prompt' flair when you post your submission.
At the end of the month, we'll highlight the three submissions that resonated most with our community (based on upvotes). The creators of these pieces will have the opportunity to share a link to an external site that promotes their work. This is your chance to showcase where your writing can be purchased, a rare exception to our usual guidelines.
We are excited to announce a new reward for the top posts! The winners of our monthly prompts will be featured in a video compilation. In this video, their entries will be read aloud and accompanied by simple artwork inspired by either the entry or the prompt. These videos will be uploaded to both Reddit and YouTube, providing a broader platform for showcasing your incredible work. Additionally, the videos will include information about the authors and any adverts they wish to include.
Winners will also receive their standalone segment, which they can upload to their own channels or platforms. If a drawing is created specifically for their story, they will receive the files and be free to use the art as they wish, provided proper attribution is given.
We are exploring collaborations with voice actors and narrators to bring your stories to life. Narrations will be done by BowtieMaddness and art will be done by our moderator JestJesper.
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After having so much fun with Yellowjackets Appreciation Week (thank you @yellowjacketsweek for the inspiration) we thought we should have a Yellowjackets Month! And is there a better month to spend celebrating our favourite cannibal show than October? You can use those prompts, mix them together as you please and post at any time during the month of October. Let's see where your creativity can take you (psst i know where. it's to the tag where you can be among amazing creators like @taiturner who made the header of this post and this blog's icon). Make sure to tag your posts with #yjoctober2023 so everyone can see them!
With all that out of the way let's get into the prompts:
Horror element or trope from the show
Quote from other horror media that fits Yellowjackets
Horror media parallels
Yellowjackets reimagined as a different genre (i.e slasher, zombie movie, romantic comedy etc)
Dream sequence / hallucination / haunting of choice
Yellowjackets characters as classic horror monsters (werewolves, vampires, etc)
Scary or shocking scene of choice
"Came back wrong"
Additional info and updates as of September 29:
All posts tagged #yjoctober2023 will be reblogged. if you don't see your post here two days after posting or it doesn’t show up in the tag feel free to send it in dms (which are open for everyone)
Reblogged posts will be tagged (there will be tags for gifsets, fanart, fanfics, fanvids, etc) and each prompt will have a separate tag based on their number on the list (example: "horror element or trope from the show" will be tagged as #prompt 1)
if you have any questions you can use dms or send an ask)
Additional info for fanfic writers:
All fics written for Yellowjackets October can be added to a collection on ao3. We encourage you to add a #yjoctober2023 tag to your works there (and of course on the post here on tumblr). While posting you can add it to the collection like on the screenshot below:
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The collection is called "Yellowjackets October 2023"
We hear Halloween and it hears us!
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Dead Cells (2023?)
Motion Twin has announced that Dead Cells is getting a new DLC called Return To Castlevania, and it's launching in Q1 2023. Announced during The Game Awards 2022, a teaser trailer was revealed showcasing the iconic cast of Castelvania alongside the Dead Cells protagonist fighting in what appears to be locations from the Konami classic.
In this collaborative crossover, players will be able to explore Dracula's castle alongside Castlevania’s Richter Belmont and Alucard and will get to experience a new storyline in which the playable character The Beheaded will earn new loot, deadly weapons, and combat new enemies like werewolves in the studio's biggest DLC yet.
Alongside Dracula's castle, players will get to traverse more secret biomes and take on three boss fights within the halls of the estate, including battles against Death and Dracula himself. Return To Castlevania also features an alternative soundtrack of 51 original Castlevania tunes and 12 iconic tracks that have been reimagined in the style of Dead Cells.
“Like so many millions of players around the world, we are huge fans of Castlevania and remember vividly what playing it for the first time felt like," said Ben Laulan, co-founder of Evil Empire and COO.
"It opened up a world of possibilities and potential for so many games to come, including Dead Cells. The original inspiration - the roots of Dead Cells- was born from a shared passion for the Castlevania franchise. We are so excited to bring this DLC to fans of Dead Cells and Castlevania early next year. It means so much to us to be bringing this to fans of both franchises."
Dead Cells: Return To Castlevania doesn't have a planned release date just yet, but it's coming to PC and consoles early next year.
Source: GameSpot
(images via YouTube)
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loveaetingkids · 2 years
My problem with 2nd gen of Monster High movies
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As most of us know,because of Monster Highs declined sales(reason for which may be parents' criticism of the "creepiness" of dolls) Mattel relaunched its toy line,with intention to shift towards younger audience by making the dolls more colorful and soft,which in turn upset the fans of the 1st generation of Monster High, and thus this brand was canceled.So after getting that out of the way,let’s take a look at two feature movies-Welcome to Monster High and Electrified-that were supposed to introduce the audience to a reimagined world of monsters.Were they any good?Did these films have some interesting lore or meaningful message?The answer is no.
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1) Change of characters
While most ghouls from original timeline were mostly unchanged,2nd gen introduced us to a few new students:Moanica D’Kay,Ari Hauntigton and Silvi Timberwolf.As names suggest they are zombie,ghost and a werewolf.The strange thing is-we already had those?In g1 the leading zombie was Ghoulia Yelps,who,unlike Moanica,wasn’t the main villain but a geek girl instead.While we know that Ghoulia had an older sister with the same name,the reboot doesn’t acknowledge that,which would’ve made more sense if they did by adding a one-liner about D’Kay having a sister or by incorporating this information in the plot.Then there’s Ari Hauntington,whose style was definitely inspired by Spectra Vondergeist,which again raises a lot of questions-why did Mattel exclude Ghoulia and Spectra from the reboot?Why have they added characters similar in style but different backstory and personality traits without any explanation whatsoever?And let’s not forget about Silvi Timberwolf,who first appeared in Electrified and had a supporting role in the 2nd movie.The problem with her is that there is already a werewolf among the main characters, and to understand why Sylvi was made the same species as Clawdeen,despite the fact that the film did not focus on their relationship,is confusing.Also,the way Timberwolf interacted with the leading trio only once,never accompanying them or helping like most secondary characters usually do felt as if the film crew didn’t know what to do with her.
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2)The portrayal of friendship 
As a franchise aimed at children,Monster High constantly raised the issue of how to build strong and healthy relationships, overcome certain misunderstandings and find common ground.The second remake,however,fails to do that.While we have to take into account that g2 has only two movies and web series compared to its predecessors tons of content,it’s still no excuse for poorly written interactions between characters.Instead of showing the audience different personalities and the way the mains different outlook can crash with each other,the ghouls instantly become friends at the first meeting.Not only does it feels rushed,but it also makes monster students all the more boring; the films basically gotten rid of their flaws,leaving fully positive,24/7 cheerful cardboard versions of original ghouls.
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3)The message 
Accepting yourself and others as they are has always been an important theme of Monster High,showing it on the examples of werewolves and vampires, monsters and humans.Through certain obstacles the heroes are usually able to prove that it is possible to live in peace and harmony.In the movies, thought,all quarrels are resolved thanks to an inspirational speech by one of the characters, which instantly fixes everything.And it would’ve been alright if this kind of technique was used at the end of each cartoon-it was present in most episodes of original Monster High after all- but the problem is that this happens every 30 minutes(!!).Not only that,but the way humans accepted monster kind so quickly despite it being an important theme in g1 which stretched through many series and one full length movie felt almost unfair.
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In conclusion:like the doll line,the two cartoons made a lot of questionable decisions regarding its characters. Add to this a poorly written plot and the deprivation of the things that made the first Monsters High so special, such as a detailed examination of superstition and eerie aesthetics, and it's easy to see why they were so easily forgotten.
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Hetalia Troupe Writing Prompts
You know those age-old troupes and alternate universes (aus) in fanfiction? Whether you love them or hate them, they're common in fandoms all over the internet, including Hetalia. I also decided I wanted to make my current Tumblr look like my 2016 DeviantArt page, so I'm doing a cute little writing prompt thing that begins as soon as I hit post and will continue indefinitely
The Rules: You'll have 3 categories to choose from; Aus, Genres, and Troupes, and I'll either write headcanons (a list) or a one-shot (short story), your choice
GENRES (Choose up to 1)
Slice of Life
AUS (Choose up to 1)
N/A (Canon)
Actor Au (The characters are actors in the live action comedy "Hetalia" and their roles as countries are the parts they're playing, their human names are their real identities)
Animal Au (Cat ears, bird wings, snake tails, etc., it's all anthropomorphic animals here)
Apocalypse Au (Zombies, nuclear winter, natural disasters, it’s characters thriving in unlikely conditions)
Coffee Shop Au (Barista/Customer, Barista/Barista, Boss/Customer, a cute story contained in a coffee shop setting)
College Au (Characters in an American college or university setting, can include student/student or professor/professor)
Cops and Robbers Au (Theif/Detective is the most common, though anything along those lines fit)
Deity Au (The most common example is with Greek mythology where a tale will be told with characters and/or the reader, the story of Hades and Persephone was regularly reimagined)
Fairytale Au (Cinderella, Rapunzel, Beauty and The Beast, Little Red Riding Hood, etc.)
Famous Au (Musicians, performers, or famous for being country personifications)
Genderswap Au (Nyo!talia, is combinable with two more Aus)
Hallmark Au (Character A is a hardworking person who moved to a snowy town and meets B, a fun-loving person who shows them the true meaning of the season- and love)
Harry Potter Au (Fuck JK Rolling but the HP Au was a huge portion of this fandom early on for me personally, so I wanted to add it)
High School Au (Characters in a high school setting, can include student/student or teacher/teacher, student/teacher is not permitted, regardless of ages)
Historical Au (Any time period, I will be doing some cursory research on the time period before and while I write just to make sure things are at least a bit historically accurate)
Human Au (The characters are normal humans with regular human lives, often overlaps with high school/college au, though they're not necessarily linked)
Magic Au (High or urban fantasy, your choice)
Mythology Au (Vampires, werewolves, fairies, mermaids, etc.)
Paranormal Au (Ghosts, demons, angels)
Pirate Au (Would you be an ‘arrg’ type of pirate or a ‘yo-ho-ho’ kind?)
Royalty Au (Princes, princesses, kings, queens, royal advisors, butlers, maids, go crazy)
Soulmate Au (Timer, heterochromia, red string, there’s a variety of options and I’ll write for any of them)
Spy/Assassin/Hitman Au
World Acadamy Au (The "multicultural private educational institution located in New York", it's a school setting in which the countries set, based off of a spin off game and a few episodes)
TROPES (Choose up to 2)
Arranged Marriage
Body Swap
Character Death
Didn't Know They Were Dating
Drunken Confession
Enemies To Lovers
Exes Getting Back Together
Fake Relationship
First Kiss
Forbidden Love
Huddle For Warmth
Last Kiss
Long-Distance Relationship
Love Triangle
Mutual Pining
Only One Bed
Pregnancy (accidental or otherwise)
Pen Pals
Road Trip
Secret Relationship
Sex Pollen/Heat (*Not applicable with angst)
Single Parent(s)
Snowed In
Unrequited Love
Please submit your request by stating it's for the Troupe Writing Prompts, followed by your choices and the character/characters involved and I'll get to it when I can, thank you for taking the time to read <3
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rockingrobin69 · 2 years
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Robin’s Flufftober collection  is now complete!
Soft, soft, soft. Featuring:
Sugary-perfectly-sweet, in which it’s early and it’s sweet
Portrait-level desperate, where pining Harry has to suffer through a party, so help him
As-you-wish, featuring some of the worst-best couples costumes for Halloween
Try, life in a cottage at the edge of the forest is reported blissful
Buttery Sweet, with accidental confessions and pastries
Lighting Up, where electrical mishaps turn into grand gestures
Ridiculous(ly perfect), movie night galore (soft soft pyjamas!)
Aglow, nesting in the middle of nowhere (hurt/comfort)  
Game On, Draco in short skirt vs Harry in pro uniform doing stretches
Brewed out of control - part 1, where no one is actually in control and the pining turns severe
Brewed out of control - part 2, where they, er. confront it  
Keeping, where gentle is frantic and full full of love
Practice makes - erm, Draco’s on a mission and will NOT be derailed
Any Way, about insecurities and being taken as is
By Accident, where even obliviousness won’t stand in love’s way (eventually)
A Quiet Fall(ing into place), a surprise nap and tooth-rotting fluff
Barking, never let a man do a dog’s job
Frightfully true, Werewolves and power dynamics and tension but gentle
Season, love is one of those things that follow you through the day
Re:right, a bit of reimagination in the form of fairytale
High Stakes, James-Bondy vibes but Drarry and a touch obsessed
Understandable, rumour has it our boys are happy
Mystically, universally true, crystal ball reveals: they are also in love
Rain or Shine, literally in any weather
Gracefully, secret relationship galore (bonus greying mane)
Orange, Harry loves orange and Draco loves him
His for the taking, rated E, anticipation is the sweetest form of hell
Yes, when you don’t get the proposal you wanted and you couldn’t be happier still
Leaves, minor freak out sees happy ending
Witching Hour, Halloween vibes and fluff
Charged, bonus chapter, 2.5k, pining through the roof but it’s all so sweet
Find Robin’s Flufftober 2022 on AO3 or here on tumblr!
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