#reima awen
reima-awen · 1 year
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Someplace new.
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snowbird-down · 1 year
Character Summary: Laelia (jen) Belisar
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alias/nicknames: Lee, Jeanne, Snowbird, Valkyrie
gender: female
age: 23
zodiac: ----
abilities  + talents:
A highly skilled if not batshit reckless pilot who can pull off stunts that probably shouldn’t be possible in all manner of machina
A crackshot gunslinger with the kind of draw time that Marty Robbins writes ballads about
Cooks a mean plate of spaghetti
alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
languages: Fluent in Garlean and Common, can speak haltingly conversational Ala Mhigan (but only in the present-tense) and knows all the swear words in Old Elezen.
family: Justus Belisar (father), Tacitus Belisar (older brother), Marco Belisar (younger brother), Verina Belisar (younger sister), Alfonso Belisar (estranged cousin)
friends: While the survivors of III Squad are by technical definition her ‘friends’, the bond that exists between them is probably more familial than anything. Laelia is quite literally inseparable from Victoria Castellus and Maxima Sawyer, and she’d do absolutely anything for either of them. Ride or die? You bet.
More recently she’s gotten close to Arym Ord, who she shares a love of adrenaline (among other things) with. She even would have considered him an ‘honorary’ squad member who they’d ‘adopted’, except he’s being Very Difficult right now.
For some reason fate keeps sending her through hell alongside a girl named Reima Awen, so the two share a mutual understanding of each others’ trauma and do their best to support each other while dreaming of -- and striving for -- better days.
The healer Norhi Morovine helped her settle into Gridanian life back when she first deserted Garlemald and was hiding out in the Shroud, and continues to be her go-to for all manner of Eorzean expertise.
And while she thinks that Ser Basile Bellerose is currently just her friend (with extensive benefits), the reality is that she is much, much closer to him than she realizes.
sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
relationship: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating yet / it’s complicated
libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent / who knows
build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy / other
hair: white / blonde (platinum) / brunette / red / black
eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other
skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other
height: 6'0"
scars: Surprisingly few for all the stunts she pulls. There’s a puncture wound from an arrow on the back of her left calf; by the way it healed it looks like it got infected at one point. There’s a hand-sized patch of burnt skin over her ribs on her righthand side. And there’s a more recent bullet wound in her left shoulder.
dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword shield dagger or bow gun|| summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future present
A few songs that remind you of them:
Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Green Day - Holiday ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Some Nights - Fun
D’Angelo - Unshaken
The Ecstasy of Gold -- Ennio Morricone
Coyote Kisses - Six Shooter
Primo the Alien - Heart on the Run
Hunter as a Horse - The Train :)
Tagged by: @rhotanored Thank you this was due for an updatew fhweuidkfjhewrkjdghkjer
Tagging: @high-and-away @autochthonousone @endangered-liaison @norhimorovine​ @daughter-of-fire-and-dreams​ idk who’s done this forgive me!
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honoura · 1 year
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"I'll see about it next time he's free," she assures, inwardly performing some careful calculus. "As for your ceruleum -- if you are /truly/ set on circumventing the local competition. I can see what I can do in terms of importing. However. My favors come first."
tagged by: @reima-awen tagging: whoever wants to, im just showing off my lalafell because she is perfect.
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endangered-liaison · 2 years
Prompt #18: Kataude
((Lines of this are shamelessly borrowed from @reima-awen / @crystalline-promise whose story, Hand in Hand, has lines which live rent-free in my head. I took a picture of Fleur looking at her hand, and then I was doomed.))
If one was to pass the aetheryte plaza of Kugane, they might spot a viera woman sitting on a bench and staring at her own hand, curling her fingers like they're a novelty to her. If one was to take note of her, one might find that to be 'kind of weird' but 'not the strangest thing they've seen in Kugane'. One might shrug it off.
 But Fleur is entranced.
 She stares at her own hand, lost in thought.
 Today marks 50 years since she left the Golmore jungle. Since she took the name she has now, and cast off all that she had once been. 50 years since her true nameday. And for some reason, she can't stop staring at her own hand. She should be celebrating, or treating herself, or even just doing something to relax. Yet here she is.
 She flexes her fingers once more, watching her tendons move.
 To be born with a missing limb is unusual in all cultures - though she knows the Mamool-Ja of the New World have a curious commonality of conjoined twins. Meeting one of the two-headed mercenaries was an odd experience, even for her. It's unusual, and for a woman of the Golmore Jungle to survive to adulthood is even less common. 'Tis not hate or fear or prejudice that drives so many to fall, but simply... the expectations. A wood warder must be strong and swift and stand for themselves. There is no place for mercy or gentleness.
 To survive her youth, she'd had to be as strong as everyone else. Stronger, even - or at least smarter. She'd had to learn to climb trees without the safety of three-point contact. To craft spears with only one hand to sharpen the wood into a killing point. To weave her clothes, and make poultices, and do all that the others did. This hand, she knew, could build things.
 This hand could tear things apart.
 Her fingers curl in as a fist, squeezing tight until her hand shakes and she feels her fingernails press against her palm. This hand can kill. Again, and again, and again.
 Fifty years. Has it really been so long?
 Jaejh had taught her that only the exceptional survived in this world. And perhaps, for all of his flaws, he'd been right. If she'd been any less than she is, could she have lived this long?
 ...Of course she could have. His lessons ring in her ears, trying to shape her thoughts even now. But she knows better. She knows that if she had been raised with kindness, with community, she would have thrived. A flower might bloom against the odds in the desert, but far more flourish when cared for.
 Yes, she had lived. But how many had died for her to make that so? A kinder world wouldn't have demanded that. A kinder upbringing wouldn't have demanded that.
 Fleur sighs, hand relaxing once more.
 How many had died for her to reach the exact place she is now? At this exact time? How many sacrifices were given, or demanded, or forced? More than she can count.
 Fleur Atkascha breathes deep. She smells chrysanthemum, and the sweet scent of dango and mochi from the stall across the plaza. She hears peddlers, and a woman berating a drunk man. She feels the wind brushing against her skin and the fur of her ears. She allows herself to be present, here, in this moment. Anything less would be an insult. To those she has lost. To those she has ended.
 She feels...she feels the hum of the aetheryte, the twisting of aether that comes just before someone arrives.
 She turns her head, and watches the midlander woman appear. Her hood is pulled up, hiding much of her face, and her almost-orange eyes catch Fleur's.
 "You made it," Fleur says, gentle. "I was not certain if you would."
 Azumi tilts her head, offering a gentle smile. "Do you really think I'd miss your nameday?"
 Fleur looks to her hand once more. She smiles. And she reaches out.
 It is her hand, open and waiting, that Azumi takes.
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craftramsay · 3 years
Aggressively Good
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Think of the mom friend. If they've got you on their side then they don't need anyone or anything else, pretty much. Consider calming down and taking care of your own self every once in a while, tumblr dot com isn't going anywhere.
Quiz Here!
Tagged by: @lettersnorth -- THANKS!
Tagging: @reima-awen @battlehigh @phoebe-of-ivalice @tea-and-conspiracy @flamesworn @amiahvalroux-ffxiv
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what ethereal vibe do you give off?
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You adapt to situations and people rather quickly, and you pull it off so effortlessly, how sexy of you. Still a little closed off, much to your many admirers' dismay. You could probably carry around a tiny blade strapped to your thigh and nobody would question it. In fact, I think the drooling and gawking might increase by 30% at least.
Eh, not totally off the mark here. Not sure how many admirers she’s got though. Probably not a lot x)
>> Quiz here<<
Thanks for the tag @dancingsong! Tagging: @inah-ffxiv @adrayellinaeth @koha-ffxiv @ffxiv-gybalwyb @bygone-eras @placesyoucallhome @theimperialnuisance @dawning-star​ @luck-and-larceny @tea-and-conspiracy @defrocked-duelist @blissfulxiv @flamesworn @kneeyabee @katalinhunter @meepsthemiqo @miqojak @earthlystar @bek-sc @kich-rp @starforger @fortempsward @eligos-venator @windup-dragoon​ @reima-awen​ @spellsandtales​ and uh, everybody else who’d like to do it!
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ahlis-xiv · 4 years
As I’ve already done this on twitter, and @reima-awen tagged me, here it is~
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erstwhile25 · 4 years
Tarot Card: Kail Gerrad
The Hermit
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It’s a skill, to look inside yourself, one you have mastered. The endless corridors and shifting thoughts are mapped so very carefully. This all takes time, of course. And those twisting hallways are so very difficult to map. It would be so easy to get lost. You know this space so well. Wouldn’t it be a lovely place to stay? So well-known and comforting. Why go back? How nice, how easy, to dissolve, to hide from the rest of the world and all the people in it. Why bother, when you are so good at looking inside yourself. Like enlightenment, the self. Retreating this far inwards is like retreating just as far out, into the vast ether. So comforting. The thing that was you looks at the thing that was the old woman. There is no you anymore. Goodbye. 
Edit: Here’s the quiz! 
Tagged by: @reima-awen​
Tagging: @high-and-away​ @veils-and-hearts​ @romanteek​ @luck-and-larceny​
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tyonrush · 3 years
Character Features: Tyon Rush
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3-5 things per category that your character could be identified with.
♢ EMOTIONS / FEELINGS: Curiousity, Determination, Joy, Thirsty
♢ GREETINGS: Loud, back thumping hugs, big waves, “Drink?” 
♢ COLORS: Brown, Blue, Black, Chrome
♢ SCENTS: oil, sweat, alcohol, smoke
♢ CLOTHING: Work clothes, heavy boots, protective eyewear, casual
♢ OBJECTS: Toolkit, Gunblade, Flask
♢ VICES & BAD HABITS: Alcohol, Insurrection, Taking apart things that aren’t his, theft (but only from those that deserve it, really!)
♢ BODY LANGUAGE: Big smiles,  Big gestures, fistbumps and highfives
♢ AESTHETIC: Tents, open skies, running rivers, waterfalls
Tagged by: @tea-and-conspiracy ! Thanks!
Tagging: @reima-awen ; @theclockworkgunbreaker​ ; @flamesworn​ ; @resistance-ranger​ ; @snowbird-down​​
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reima-awen · 1 year
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hasty-touch · 6 years
19 n 23!
For “Relationship & Courting antics” meme:
19. ♥ What was their first impression about their partner/person they are courting?
I actually have the log of the moment Rosaire met Gwenneth handy. It was during the meeting he arranged with “Saint Fafnir” and her followers outside the city:
Rosaire Ledigne nods slowly. “To that end… I would propose, with full understanding that it may be outside your comfort, that you come to speak at Saint Reymanaud’s.”
Aramis Dumas: “Would you be able to ensure the Clergy would not intervene?”
Reima Awen ’s eyes widen anew, removing her hat as she looks to Fafnir, and again to Rosaire.
Iieha Beautemps: “…You wish for me to speak at the Cathedral, whatever for?”
Iieha Beautemps: “Pray forgive but surely it does not sit well with the Clergy…?”
Iieha Beautemps: “Be that it may, I simply worry for the backlash..”
Rosaire Ledigne looks at Aramis, then at Reima, his gaze lingering just a bit overlong on her face. Then he looks back at Fafnir.
Rosaire Ledigne: “You speak for unity and peace, do you not, my lady?”
Reima Awen pipes up.  "I think I…see why. The people of Ishgard are familiar with the Church. A message there might be better received; things united.“
(Notes for clarity: Gwenneth was still going by “Reima Awen” at the time, and Iieha was in disguise as “Fafnir”.)
So what was the meaning of that overlong look at her face…?
… He was memorizing it, because the followers of Fafnir (whom he was, in this scene, attempting to manipulate for the Ardently Faithful’s ends) customarily disguised their faces, so by knowing hers he might be able to uncover the identities of the whole ring. :|
That said… later, when he spent many bells at Gwenneth’s address, hoping to speak to Fafnir about an unexpected development, (even ending up falling asleep on Gwen’s couch while waiting,) he did have time to reflect on the loveliness of her features, and their resemblance, though she was Hyur, to those of someone he had once loved…
Valroit meanwhile met Perrine off-screen, IIRC back when he was Rosaire’s NPC and before he was rolled as a character on Balmung. He was preoccupied with a lot of things at the time – Perrine came in, after all, as a bodyguard for Rosaire because Rosaire was beaten up in the Brume – but he was impressed with her on his first meeting. His stream of thought would have gone something like: “Wow, this knight – he’s so cool and handsome! … Wait… ‘he’? She? Could they be… like me??????”
A natural curiosity and attraction inclined him to continue to work closely with Perrine, and they ended up moving in together in an apartment overlooking Rosaire’s in order to keep an eye on traffic. And then they were roommates……………..
23. ♥ Do they apologize to their partner even if it wasn’t their fault?
Rosaire does, yes. He is, after all, in Contrition Mode for basically his whole life up to this point, so if something unpleasant happens he’s inclined to apologize for it whether or not he really had any ability to mitigate it.
Valroit also tends to apologize, almost as a submissive appeasement gesture that’s been drilled into him by his experience as a lowborn at the Scholasicate (and… elsewhere…) He doesn’t tend to genuinely blame himself, though – apologies just tumble out of his mouth automatically.
Rosaire, in comparison, does tend to feel guilty. But his tendency to apologize comes from almost the opposite place as Valroit’s – an exaggerated sense of his own importance (”because I ought to be controlling everything and making it perfect, it’s my fault”) and also a bit of a tendency to negative narcissism (”I’m going to relate this to myself and my self-concept and brood about it.”) He’s not too bad, and it’s mitigated by genuine concern and desire to be helpful and kind, but he definitely has those tendencies.
I don’t know if my answer for this one made any sense. |3;;;
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tea-and-conspiracy · 1 year
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An Eliane-inspired desert! Eclairs are her favorite pastry, but something themed after her would probably be some kind of lemon cake with a meringue/whipped filling and strawberry icing. And lovely AST-themed presentation, of course.
>> Picrew is here! <<
Tagged by: @houserosaire
Tagging: @autochthonousone @endangered-liaison @haila-wetyios @norhimorovine @lettersnorth @rhotanored @reima-awen and anyone else who wants to do it!
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tough-bit-of-fluff · 3 years
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D&D Types - Alyona Amariyo
bold what definitely applies to your muse. italicize what somewhat applies to your muse.
Tagged by: @luck-and-larceny possibly sometime last year. what is time but an illusion >.>
Tagging: @remspeedwagon @garleanfluff @mpregnateyourocs @eorzeanharmony @sevenflames @nystus @sharp-cast-sharper-words @reima-awen @erstwhile25 @limasquared @norahnightsbane aaaand any1 else who wants to do it!
𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙸𝙰𝙽   »   toothy  grins,  stories  around  the  campfire,  clothes  covered  in  pet  hair,  hot  temper,  old  jeans, heartbeat  in  head,  potatoes  and  steak,  beaded  jewelry, bruises  like  galaxies,  mementos, backpack  stuffed  full,  craigslist  furniture, spontaneous  road  trips, air  ripped  from  lungs
𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙳   »   homemade  bread, white  lies, easily  excited, trying  on  hats, band  geek, pep  talks, no impulse  control,  sunsets, vintage  fashion, long  showers,  selfies, following dreams, rosy  cheeks,  song  mash-ups,  pink  lemonade  with  tequila,  loves  easily, animated  storyteller, full  of  comebacks
𝙲𝙻𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙲   »   list  of  wishes,  biting  their  tongue, band-aids  and  neosporin, shoulder  to  cry  on,  morning  sun,  necklaces,  trial  and  error,  homemade  quilts, formal  clothing, astrology  fan,  messages  in  bottles,  pleated  braids, speaking  up  for  friends, feathers, motivational  quotes, vivid  dreams
𝙳𝚁𝚄𝙸𝙳   »   bird  watching, shy  kid,  wind  chimes, trying  to  whistle,  summer  camp, apple  orchards, lost  in  their  head,  glow-in-the-dark  stars  on  the  ceiling,  hoodies, thrift  shopping,  saving  worms  off  the  sidewalk, pig  latin, bare  feet, thunderstorms, numb  fingers,  braided  hair,  naming  potted  plants
𝙵𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃𝙴𝚁   »   goosebumps, leather  jackets, adventure,  chewing  nails, cares  deeply  but  can’t  show  it,  bronze  locks,  no  sleep,  taste  of  iron,  netflix  binges, never  forgets, combat  boots,  stories  behind  scars, table  for  one, official  soundtracks,  sore ��calves, trusts  themselves  the  most
𝙼𝙾𝙽𝙺   »   always  trying  to  be  better, wanderlust, meditation,  sweat  pants, old   photographs,  yoga, sleeping  in  hammocks, nostalgia, minimalist  design,  a breath  of  fresh  air, baby  animals,  volunteering,  perfectionist,  doesn’t  care  about  fashion,  healthy  snacks,  noticing  the  little  things
𝙿𝙰𝙻𝙰𝙳𝙸𝙽   »   school  uniforms, thick  jackets, sleeping  with  the  windows open, logical  advice,  scrapbooking,  compasses, I  fight  for  my  friends,  sculpture  gardens, cold  morning  air, big  soul, likes  routine, secret  romantic, last  to  get jokes, sunflowers,  practical  presents,  misty  weather
𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙶𝙴𝚁   »   herbal  tea, smell  of  rain, blinking  away  tears, camping  trips, collecting  bones,  swiss  army  knives,  first  impressions,  anxious  thoughts,  bobby  pins,  burnt  marshmallows, too  competitive,  clothes  lines,  messenger bags, holding  grudges,  gets  along  better  with  animals  than  people
𝚁𝙾𝙶𝚄𝙴   »   flirtatious  sarcasm, candid  photos, lost  phone chargers, adrenaline  rush, picking  dirt  out  from  beneath  their  nails, social  chameleon, clashing  clothes, self-deprecating  jokes, claw  machines,  sits  in  chairs  wrong,  smudged  eyeliner,  has  too  many  sunglasses,  eats  nothing  or  everything (or bites of everyone else’s food)
𝚂𝙾𝚁𝙲𝙴𝚁𝙴𝚁   »   infectious  laugh,  family  trees,  shivers  down  their  spine, lipstick  and  roses, mood  swings,  clumsy,  believing  in  destiny, high  expectations, sleeping  in  darkness,  collection  of  nail  polish, passionate, good  grades  but  never  studies, poetry  books,  blowing  kisses,  not  knowing  their  own  strength
𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙺   »   knowing  everyone’s  secrets,  backpack  covered  in  pins,  envy,  being  in  walmart  late  at  night,  earl  grey,  selective  memory,  conspiracy  theories  and  cryptids, key smashing, need  to  know  basis,  can’t  cook,  bags  under  eyes,  experimental  art,  flickering  bulbs,  black  clothing  all  year  long
𝚆𝙸𝚉𝙰𝚁𝙳   »   piles  of  textbooks,  cat  in  lap,  keeping  a  diary, indecision, scented  candles, studying  alone  in  a  café, lingering  touches, museum  dates, unanswered  questions, taking  on  too  much  responsibility, collections, chalk  dust,  comfy  robes,  unnecessary  apologies,  coming  home  after  a  long  day
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endangered-liaison · 4 years
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Drink Maker
Wyda: Wyda pulls her cocktail close, swirling the ridiculous aether-blue umbrella and prodding at the cherry at the bottom before taking a slow drink. Vodka, cranberry, and the barest hints of a bitingly sweet blackberry syrup which stains the bottom of the drink a deep, dark purple.
Fleur: It might look more like flowers than alcohol, but with the hazy green of the drink she keeps sipping with a grin, it’s hard to know if it’s an appletini, or absinthe. Either one would suit her just fine, and keeping you guessing is half the fun. 
Azette: Blue Curaçao isn’t exactly local or native to Ishgard - but the bitter orange flavour is something she enjoyed far more than most anything else she’d tried, the few times her family managed to get their hands on a bottle of the expensive imported alcohol.
-> Maker Here <-
Tagged by: @reima-awen - thank you!! This was a lot of fun to play with.
Tagging: @high-and-away , @snowbird-down , and @with-fists-and-folded-steel
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