#reiko x obito
the8gates · 2 years
👀 I'd love to see Obito and Reiko go on an actual date in a restaurant after Obito got his hair done in your last chapter of them. It'd be lovely ♥
Ask and ye shall receive! How about their first official date?
Word Count: 5.2k
Brought to you by my 200 Follower Special!
Reiko was pinning her hair into spiky buns on either side of her head, allowing the ends of her brown hair to stick up and out with little care. She’d seen one of the young Kunoichi’s in the village wearing their hair in a similar style once. It looked youthful and vibrant, and she could certainly use some of that levity to balance out the weight of what was to come. As she painted her lips a soft, rosy, shade, Reiko almost laughed at her own reflection. Though her appearance wasn’t the cause for the new outburst. Rather, she felt the need to mock the way her hand tremble slightly and her eyes appeared wide with panic. The blush on her cheeks was not artificial and she could feel her insides twisting and turning with frightened anticipation. 
She’d been living with Obito for several months, and had become his ‘girlfriend’ several months before that, and yet they’d never been on a single date outside of their homes. 
In the beginning, they’d just decided it would be best to keep their relationship under the radar. The less people who knew, the less they would have to explain. Additionally, the knowledge that Obito was still alive spread through the village like wildfire after he’d stopped that Jonin from attacking her. Apparently, someone who lived in the apartments above the alley they’d been had seen the entire scene unfold. Some other people had seen Obito walking Reiko home that night. A few whispers had turned into village wide gossip which had turned into a group of concerned parents, Shinobi, and shop owners gathering outside of the Hokage Tower early one morning to demand answers. Kakashi had been forced to make the announcement before he’d been ready, and the weeks that followed were hard on everyone involved. 
At the time, it had just made sense for Reiko and Obito to keep their heads down. It had also been a command from Lord Sixth. Reiko was put on extended leave until they could decide what to do with her attacker. Obito was confined to his home. In the end, she supposed they just got too comfortable with being each others only company. Obito lived on the village’s pay roll for a while and Reiko continued to be an under the table advisor for Shikamaru as he navigated his new position. There was never a need to leave the house other than to go on short grocery runs, so they never left. 
That was until Obito proposed the idea of going on an actual date. Dinner, some kind of entertainment, dessert. She’d noticed that, after the dye job on gone well, Obito had gained a new found confidence. Changing his appearance seemed to be his idea of severing the last tie to his blood soaked past. He was more playful and energetic than she’d ever seen him. Rolling over in bed in the morning just to pepper her face with light kisses. Tickling her sides and laughing into the skin of her neck until they became a tangled mess of limbs and love. She’d watched him painstakingly follow a recipe from her recipe book, his pink tongue pinched between his lips as he read over the instructions again and again. Hell, one night, he’d rose from his seat on the couch with no warning. He’d turned the TV off right in the middle of their movie and before Reiko could protest, he was clicking on the radio in the kitchen, cranking it up to top volume, and pulling Reiko from her seat to dance. He said he hadn’t danced since he was a child. 
All of these strange, albeit sweet, things had culminated in his proposal of a public date as they laid in bed one evening. Reiko had been hesitant, lingering nerves making her stomach twist at the idea of someone trying to hurt him. Or saying hurtful things to him because of his past. But Obito’s eyes had sparkled in the darkness of their bedroom and she hadn’t had the heart to voice her concerns. 
Now, as she got ready for their first ‘official’ date, Reiko found her stomach filling with butterflies. Her smile nervous but uncontainable. It almost felt like being a teenager again. Though, she couldn’t recall the last person who’d made her feel this giddy. 
“Hey, you almost ready?”
Obito asked from the bathroom doorway, startling her and causing her to jump, effectively smearing lipstick across her cheek. When she noticed the pink streak in her reflection, she sighed, chuckling a bit at the tail end as she reached for a tissue. 
“Well, I was, but now I have to clean this up.”
She said, carefully wiping the pink from her cheek as Obito chuckled behind her. He crossed the bathroom, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind and resting his chin on her shoulder to peer at her reflection. 
“You look nice… even with lipstick on your cheek.”
He complimented, and even though it had been a week since the dye job, Reiko was still stunned by his appearance occasionally. She’d had no idea what a huge difference something as simple as hair color could make. Obito looked younger with a head full of dark hair and a matching set of thin eyebrows. His eyes held a near child like shine and she found herself falling in love with him all over again. She forced her eyes away from his reflection was a light hearted scoff, going back to wiping the remaining stain from her skin. 
“So, you planned all of this out, huh? The whole date?”
She asked, and Obito beamed, his grip on her waist tightening in excitement. 
“Uh-huh. You’re going to love it.”
He promised, and that was enough to catch her attention. Obito was a romantic. There was no arguing with that. He watched those rom-com movies until he knew most of the lines by heart, and he still choked up every time when the two main characters finally got together. Or admitted their love for each other. Reiko believed that some people were born that way. Full of so much emotion that they were constantly seeking an outlet for it. Obito had channeled of that passion into many things before. Shinobi work, helping people in the village, loving Rin, war-mongering, and recently, his relationship with her. Reiko didn’t think she’d ever met a man so interested in what she had to say. He asked her personal questions she’d never even considered, and would sit and listen with a doe-eyed expression as she worked through the answer. In hindsight, being locked in this house where he couldn’t connect with people and express himself was probably draining for him. Like having a large, energetic, dog cooped up in a tiny apartment. It was unfair. So, even if Reiko was nervous about this outing, she knew it was necessary. For Obito, and for herself. 
“If you put it together, I’m sure it will be perfect.”
Reiko said, tossing the pink stained tissue into a small garbage can near the sink. Obito’s hand slithered up her body to grip her chin, gently pushing until she turned to give him a kiss. When he pulled away and untethered himself from her, he grinned brightly at her reflection. 
“Then let’s begin! Your chariot awaits!”
Obito exclaimed before turning heel and leaving her standing in the bathroom, more than a little dumb founded. 
Reiko had been quick in finishing her preparations. Throwing on a flowing skirt and relaxed tank top at Obito’s instruction to dress ‘comfortable and casual’. He’d been waiting by the front door, nearly bouncing on the balls of his feet as he waited for her to slip on a pair of strappy sandals. As she pinned her earrings in, she’d chuckled at the excited look on his face, like a hyper active puppy waiting to go for a walk. That’s when she realized she’d forgotten something important. 
Obito asked, grinning from ear to ear, and Reiko held up a finger in a sign for him to wait. She darted through the house, back upstairs to their shared bedroom. After digging around for a moment, she rose up from her side of the closet with a small, white, gift bag. So plain and unassuming that it had been sitting in the back corner of their closet for a week and Obito hadn’t even noticed it. 
Reiko trotted back down stairs, but she stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of Obito. He was still standing next to the front door, but now he was holding something in front of him. His hands were clasped around the loop of an identical white gift bag. A disbelieving smile pulled across her face and she let out an arid chuckle. Obito grinned back, before furrowing his brow in mock confusion. 
“Oh! Did you get me something too? I had no idea.”
He teased, drawing a chuckle from Reiko. She shrugged as she finished descending the stairs and crossed the living room to the front door. 
“Guess I’m not as sneaky as I thought… but you still don’t get to open it until the end of the date.”
She pointed out, Obito nodding in agreement as he opened the front door. He bowed a little as the sunlight poured in, and it took Reiko’s eyes a moment to adjust to the objects taking shape. She stepped over the threshold onto the porch and-
Obito had not been joking about her ‘chariot’. Sitting on the dirt road beyond their wooden fence was bike drawn rickshaw. She’d seen them before, available for rent from a small shop in the village, but she’d never considered that she’d ever ride in one. Her eyes widened as Obito shut the door behind her and stepped around so he was in her field of view, a bashful smile on his face with a hint of blush dusting his cheeks. 
“Do you like it?”
He questioned, glancing nervously between Reiko and their vehicle for the evening. The man sitting on the bike seat up front was smiling at her as well. Brown hair framing his face and a pair of sunglasses to protect his eyes from any dirt. 
“I… It’s very thoughtful… I really don’t have the words.”
Reiko said, turning to Obito with a soft smile to let him know that she was appreciative, she just hadn’t been expecting the surprise. He grinned, reaching out to take her free hand in his own as he carefully walked her towards the cart. Reiko continue to inspect the vehicle. The shade over the top of the seating compartment was green and the seats were a tan, all weather, material. When they drew close enough for her to climb inside, she glanced at the driver once more. It felt a bit odd to have someone doing physical labor just to transport them for the evening. She almost felt bad for-
“Wait. Genma?”
Reiko suddenly asked, stopping with one foot in the rickshaw as she finally recognized the perpetual smirk on the other Jonin’s place. 
“Hey, Rei. Told you she would recognize me, Obito.”
Genma replied, glancing past her towards her date for the evening. Reiko turned around to look at Obito as well, raising an eyebrow in question. Her boyfriend raised his hands in surrender, scrunching his eyes shut in embarrassment. 
“Ah, well, when I rented the cart I didn’t realize that it didn’t include a driver… so, I talked to Kakashi and uh… Genma agreed to help out.”
Obito informed her, and she turned her head back to look at her former subordinate. He shrugged a bit, producing a senbon from the front pocket of his casual jacket and nestling it between his lips now that his cover was blown. 
“Hey, can’t exactly say no to a mission assignment from the Hokage-“
Genma started, but Obito was quick to cut him off. 
“Don’t start with that! Tell her the real reason you agreed to do it, Genma.”
He nearly shouted from behind her. And Reiko was hopeful that what Genma had just said was not the reason he’d agreed to pull this cart. If she felt bad for someone who was paid to do this job and was voluntarily there, she would feel terrible if this had been forced on Genma under the guise of a mission. The brown haired Shinobi chuckled and nodded. 
“Alright, alright. Look, you were a good boss, but you dipped out pretty quick after everything that happened so I just… wanted to give back. That’s all.”
Genma admitted, and Reiko didn’t think that anything had tugged at her heartstrings quite like that did. When she’d left the position of Jonin Commander in Shikamaru’s hands, she figured that no one would really miss her. She’d been reclusive, introverted, hard to work with… And yet, here Genma was, committing an act of selflessness just because he thought she’d been a good, fair, boss. She smiled and, without considering it, reached forward to place a gentle hand on her friends shoulder. 
“Thank you. That means a lot.”
Reiko said, pulling her hand from him just as quickly as she’d placed it there. Before any further words could be exchanged, Obito was placing an insistent hand on the small of her back. 
“This is all very sweet, but we’re on a time table…”
He reminded her, and Reiko glanced back at him again with a confused expression. Time table? Just what the hell did he have planned?
Obito had planned this date down to the last detail and he’d shared his plans with her on their ride into the village. First on the itinerary was dinner at her favorite restaurant. A hole in the wall sushi shop that she and Shikaku had frequented at least twice a week. One that she still ordered take out from weekly, but she hadn’t been able to bring herself to enter the actual establishment since Shikaku’s passing. The food was mediocre as always, but she’d spent the majority of the time settled in their booth with an unexplainable sense of love in her chest. 
Her boyfriend sat across from her, talking incessantly about how his plans for this date had led to a possible job opportunity with Kakashi. She knew he had no interest in resuming true Shinobi work, but he did love children and the elderly, so Kakashi had suggested starting him off at the Academy part time. Helping Iruka and, more recently, Shino with simple tasks and monitoring the kids. Obito’s eyes lit up when he spoke about it, and Reiko was entirely content to listen to him prattle on about all of his ideas for lesson plans and activities, as long as he kept grinning like that. 
In the past year, they hadn’t really been involved in the community for fear of people’s reactions to Obito’s situation and past. However, as they sat at this restaurant in broad daylight, Reiko didn’t notice a single nasty look or whispered word from the other patrons. Maybe it was just the crowd of people, maybe no one recognized him, but Reiko liked to believe that people were truly forgiving of his actions. If they weren’t, she would be forced to make a scene, and that would likely sour the mood for the rest of the date. Outside of immediate consequences, she wanted nothing more than for Obito to live his life normally. Happily. The way he’d always wanted to. So, this position at the Academy would be a good first step. Iruka lost his parents during the Nine-Tails attack on the village, which Obito had caused… but he was a good, forgiving, man. It would take some time, but Reiko believed that things would work out for the best. 
Tch. If Shikaku could hear her being so optimistic, he would likely faint of shock. 
When dinner was over, he escorted her down the street to a bakery. He’d left her standing outside, claiming that they wouldn’t be having desert until the end of the outing and he wanted it be a surprise. They returned to the Genma-powered rickshaw with a plastic bag of goodies and Obito instructed him to take them to their next location. 
“What’s next?”
Reiko asked, folding her hands in her lap as Genma began to pedal forward. Obito smiled, draping a casual arm around her shoulders. She tensed momentarily, glancing at the passerby’s on the street to see if anyone was staring for a little too long, but no one met her eye. They were content in continuing about their days. So, she softened, allowing Obito to tug her a little closer. 
“Just enjoy the ride. You’ll see when we get there.”
Obito said, and she couldn’t help but chuckle at the mysteriousness of this date. They’d been living together for a year, and he still managed to surprise her. Once they were out of the village and closer to the outskirts, the amount of people around them dwindled down and she took Obito’s advice. She fully relaxed into his side and enjoyed the scenery as they passed through the village and into the woods surrounding it. Lucious greenery flooded her vision. Peppered with streaks of warm sunlight and dots of pinks and reds from the petals of flowers she’d forgotten the names of. The creaking sound of the rickshaw was overpowered by the chirping of birds and crickets, all undercut but the steady thud of Obito’s heart beat against her ear. 
Occasionally, she would recall what brought them to this point. How she’d started this endeavor with a blood lust so strong she could taste copper whenever she thought of him. Obito had been so forgiving of her, but she always wondered if she deserved that kindness. Though the same could be said for her forgiveness of him. She supposed that broken people understood each other more than anyone else ever could. She knew the guilt he carried with him, because she carried a similar feeling. There was no point in reminding each other of the negative when every day they lived was a testament to it. Perhaps that was why she felt so at ease around him. He’d seen her at her lowest. Her nastiest. And yet, he still loved her. He still planned this date for her. Reiko had seen what Obito was capable of, but she still trusted his gentleness. His kind heart. 
“I don’t deserve you, ya know.”
Reiko suddenly said, quiet enough that she hoped Genma wouldn’t overhear. Obito scoffed beside her, leaning over to press a kiss to the top of her head. 
“If anyone ever heard you say that, they may try to have you institutionalized. I don’t deserve you. I don’t deserve any of this… so, believe me when I say that I love you.”
Obito replied, nearly whispering the words into her hair. She wasn’t good at this part. Obito was a romantic to his very core. He loved love, and he would drown in it if he could. Hell, he would drown her in it. Reiko still struggled with finding the words for everything he made her feel. They didn’t come easy when it felt like their union was beyond her understanding. But he understood that. So, when she simply snuggled impossibly closer to him, Obito hummed low in his chest. It was the only response he needed. 
A few minutes later, Genma pulled the rickshaw off of the dirt road, parking in front of a small path that led further into the woods. Obito took Reiko’s hand and helped her down from the vehicle before grabbing everything from the cart. The two gift bags and the bag containing their dessert. Reiko glanced around before her eyes landed on the path leading into the forest. 
“Where are we going?”
She questioned just in time for Obito to grab her hand with a chuckle. He began walking, guiding her forward without any further direction.
“Will you quit asking questions and just let me surprise you?”
For several more minutes, they simply walked down the dirt path hand in hand. Reiko noticed more of those flowers from before and she relished in the feeling of sunlight against her skin in the areas where the tree tops above the path were a bit thinner. Eventually the came to a clearing and Reiko noticed several things at once. 
Firstly, there was a blanket laid out on the ground with a bottle of wine. The same brand Obito had brought to her house on their ‘first date’ over a year ago. Then, standing a few feet away in a patch of sunlight was a man with a large camera on a stand positioned towards the blanket. 
“Obito… are we… did you bring me out here to make some kind of porn-“
Reiko started to say, the words tumbling past her lips as she took in the scene with stunned, wide, eyes. Obito cut her off with a laugh, shaking his head as he stepped ahead of her. 
“Good god, no. I thought it would be nice to get a professional photo of us taken.”
He explained, stepping the bags down on the blanket before turning to look past the photographer. Reiko let out a sigh of relief as a grin took over his face and he gestured beyond the man. 
“Then, we can watch the sunset and share a bottle of wine. Look.”
Obito said, and Reiko took a few more steps into the clearing before turning to see what he was looking at. Immediately, her breath stuttered and she let out the softest ‘Oh.’. She hadn’t realized it, but this clearing was positioned near the edge of a small cliff. The trees that surrounded them on all sides disappeared to give them a clear view of the village. The faces of the former Hokage carved into rock were visible in the distance and, just beyond that, the sun was slowly lowering in the endless sky. 
When she turned back to Obito, he was watching her instead of the view, a soft smile on his face as she took it all in. 
“Obito this is… it’s… beautiful.”
She managed, choking on the words as she tried to get them out. It really was perfect. When he’d planned this date, she worried that he would go overboard. Dragging her from one crowded place to another in the name of having their official, public, debut as a couple. She would endure the loud restaurants and bars if that was what he wanted, but she would ultimately end the night drained and uncomfortable. Instead, he’d taken into account the fact that she didn’t do well with crowds. Obito knew that she would much prefer a quiet, relaxed, date with just the two of them to keep each other company. 
“See? Told you that you would love it… Now come on, let’s take the picture. I only paid him for an hour and we’re… thirty minutes late. Yikes. Hey, I’m sorry-“
Obito started to say to the photographer, but the older man simply shook his head and waved his hand, a sign for them to get on with it as he ducked behind the camera to get it positioned. Reiko crossed the clearing and Obito moved them into the pose he had in mind. It was simple. His arm wrapped around her shoulders and Reiko’s arm wrapping around his back as they smiled at the camera. The flash nearly blinded her, and while she was still recovering, Obito paid the man for his time and sent him on his way with the promise that their photo would be developed and ready for pick up by the end of the week. 
Once they settled on the blanket, Obito poured them each a glass of the cheap wine. For a while, they sat in silence and took in the view, enjoying each others company as the beauty of nature surrounded them. Though, Obito seemed to be excited about something. He was shifting his weight back and forth, wiggling around on the blanket like he couldn’t get comfortable and making small noises to get her attention. Eventually, Reiko pulled her eyes away from the setting sun to fix him with a patient smile. 
“Do you want to open the gifts now?”
She questioned, giving in to what he wanted and watching as his eyes sparkled. He nodded wildly, but then reeled it in to seem more aloof and disinterested as he gestured to the bags between them. 
“I mean, we can if you want to. You can open mine first. Or don’t. It’s nothing special.”
He said, desperately trying to play off the importance of his gift. Reiko chuckled, turning to face him as she settled the wine glass in the grass beside them. His bag was slightly different from hers because he’d gone through the trouble of wrapping a name tag around the white handle, her name scratched into the paper in the worst handwriting she’d ever seen. When she grabbed it, she glanced up to see Obito watching her with excited eyes, like he was hanging on her every movement. Reiko laughed again, pulling the tissue paper out of the bag. 
“Oh, so it’s so ‘not special’ that you’re on the verge of passing out from excitement, huh?”
Reiko teased, earning her a light hearted scoff and a soft ‘Shut up’ from her boyfriend. She reached into the bag with another laugh, feeling something rectangular wrapped in another layer of tissue paper. She pulled it from the bag and ripped the tape together paper apart. When she was done, she was left with a simple, black, photo frame. It had some decorative carving around the edges, and at the bottom, the word ‘Home’ was embossed in white paint. 
“A picture frame?”
Reiko asked, glancing up at Obito, who was now grinning so wide she though his face my split in half. 
“Yeah! For the picture we just took!”
He said, and Reiko’s heart swelled in her chest. Such a simple, yet thoughtful, gift. This way, once the photo was processed, she could display it immediately. Right next to the photo of Team Minato that hung over the TV in their living room. She ran her fingers over the carved swirls in the wood. 
“Thank you, Obito. This is really sweet.”
Reiko replied, but Obito was still twitching a bit. 
“Check the back.”
He suddenly instructed, so Reiko flipped the frame over as some rattled against the back. Taped to the piece of cardboard meant to hold the photo in place was a necklace. Though it wasn’t like any necklace she’d ever seen. This one had a simple silver chain, but the pendant was what caught her attention. Hanging from the chain was a Shogi piece. The rook. The piece of wood had a small hole drilled through the pointed top and the chain was fed through it. 
Reiko tore her eyes away from the jewelry to look up at Obito. She could feel the expression she was wearing. Her eyebrows curved down and mouth slightly agape as she tried to process the gift. Obito was blushing now, not nearly as excited as he’d been a few minutes ago. 
“It’s uh… it’s the piece Shikaku left you. You told me about it and I thought… well, it would be nice if you could always keep it with you. So, I had a jeweler turn it into a necklace.”
Obito explained, and Reiko felt the tears well in her eyes almost immediately. She looked back down at the necklace and ran her fingers over the wood. So, it wasn’t just any Shogi piece. It was the one Shikaku had left her after his passing. Her fingers trembled a bit and she had to force her eyes away from the gift with a disbelieving laugh, hurriedly wiping at her eyes with her free hand. 
“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to cry it’s just… Obito this is the most thoughtful gift anyone has ever given me.”
She said, her voice shaking along with her constitution. If she said anything further, she knew she would be reduced to a sobbing mess, so she forced her eyes to focus on the sun in the distance. Though the light was fading too fast to serve the purpose of drying her eyes and Obito reached forward to cup her jaw in his hand, forcing her to look back at him. Her bottom lip trembled at the tender look on his face. 
“I don’t care if you cry. I love you and I wanted to give you something to prove that. I still can’t believe that you forgave me after everything…”
Obito finished by leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to her lips. Reiko let out a whimper against him, reaching out grab the fabric on the front of his shirt in a death grip. If he pulled away too soon she might fall apart. When their lips finally separated, Reiko had crawled across the blanket on her knees just to be closer to him, the picture frame still clutched in one hand. The wave of raw emotion passed and Reiko let out another chuckle as she dabbed more tears from her eyes.
“Want me to put it on for you?” 
Obito asked, drawing an enthusiastic nod from Reiko. In a few short movements, he was positioned behind her, clipping the chain around her neck. Her hand came up immediately, running her fingers over the smooth wood where it laid just below her collarbone. Perfect. Obito pulled back around to look at her from the front, smiling at the image of his gift resting against her skin. Then, without warning, Reiko was doubling over with a laugh. 
“What’s so funny?”
Obito questioned, chuckling along with her as she tried to regain her composure. When she raised back up and let out a breathy laugh, Reiko shook her head, gesturing to the unopened bag next to her. 
“My gift sucks.”
She said, pulling a laugh from Obito as he snatched the bag. He shook his head, hurriedly ripping the tissue paper from the bag. 
“I’m sure it’s fi-“
He started to say, before finding her present laying in the bottom of the bag. The smile never left his face as he pulled out two items. A pack of new, white, socks and three pairs of new boxers. He held the clothing in his hands for a moment and Reiko tried her best to stifle the laughter threatening to break free from her chest. When he turned his happy, yet confused, eyes up to meet hers, she couldn’t hold it back. 
“I’m so sorry! I’m horrible at gift giving because I always end up getting the most practical thing. I noticed that a lot of your socks and underwear have holes in them so I thought-“
Reiko started to explain through giggles, slowly being drowned out by Obito’s own chuckles. He leaned forward again, sealing his lips against hers for the millionth time this evening. When he pulled away, they were still giggling in each others faces. 
“It’s perfect, Rei, thank you… and besides, you being here with me is the best gift I have ever been given.”
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the8gates · 3 years
Obito: I wont go to this party! >:(
Reiko: *wears a nice dress*
Obito: ..... :( *sneaks around the party instead*
“I am not going to that party! Kakashi’s plan is insane! I am a war criminal and almost everyone still thinks I’m dead! No way. Absolutely not!”
*sees Reiko in a pretty dress* …………. let me get my shoes real quick.
Obito was born a simp, he will die a simp.
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the8gates · 3 years
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during quarantine, i decided to remake Reiko in picrew to be a little more accurate to how i see her. bonus pic with obito that i threw together in like five minutes sksksks (i swear she’s happy that’s just her face)
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the8gates · 3 years
The Bug Collector: Chapter Twelve - Butterfly
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Word Count: 7.3k
WARNING(S): Assault. Implications of planned SA. Blood. 
When Kakashi is appointed as the Sixth Hokage, he reveals that Obito Uchiha did not die in the war and that he plans to offer his former a friend a chance at rehabilitation and redemption. The few people who are aware of this secret project are supportive of the effort. Expect for Reiko Miki.
After her mentor, Shikaku Nara, was killed during the war, Reiko struggled to come to terms with his death. This issue is only made worse when Obito is placed in the only other house on her street. With seemingly everyone against the idea of serving true justice, Reiko decides to take matters into her own hands and make the Uchiha pay for all of the crimes he committed.
However, there may be more grey in the black and white picture she’d painted than she originally anticipated.
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine - Chapter Ten - Chapter Eleven - AO3 - Chapter Thirteen (END)
When Reiko entered her house for the first time in three weeks, she hovered in front of the closed front door for what felt like thirty minutes. It was quiet, dark, and most of all, empty. Spending all of her time in the Hokage Tower and the Jonin Barracks had forced her to find comfort in the multitude of people that surrounded her at all times. Even late at night, when she was curling up behind Shikaku’s desk to get a few hours of sleep, she could hear people moving around in the large building. The sound of a cart wheeling down the hallway outside the door as one of the janitors arrived early to mop. The squeaking of sandals on linoleum or the groaning of desk chairs. Occasionally, the hushed, hurried, sound of Kakashi darting past her office and towards the stairs to his office with Yamato in tow, both of them grumbling and hissing to each other about some urgent matter that she wasn’t privy to. 
It was nice. Or, at least, it made her feel less alone. 
Returning home nearly felt like returning to a site of destruction. An empty school house, sitting directly in the middle of a war-torn battlefield. An abandoned church weeks after a fire had charred the wood and collapsed the ceiling. A safe space that no longer felt safe or inviting. It was strange that she felt this way about her own home, considering most of the heartbreak had occurred in Obito’s dining room turned bedroom. 
“Maybe the loss you’re feeling isn’t in regards to Obito. Maybe it’s mourning over the loss of yourself. Or who you used to be.”
Interesting. Perhaps that was the reason that she didn’t feel comfort when she looked at the multitude of knickknacks on her bookshelf anymore. Or why the idea of sitting on her own couch felt like an intrusion. This house belonged to someone else. The Reiko from several weeks ago had found refuge behind these walls, but the Reiko from the present wasn’t at ease here. Just down the road from the site of calamity and hiding in a den full of objects that had belonged to another person. She frowned, but took a step further into the house, glancing around to see if she could pinpoint what felt out of place, but the only answer that graced her was that everything felt wrong. 
“Just gotta re-decorate. Remember how we used to change the layout of the office every once and while?”
She did recall that. Once a year, on a random date that she was never privy too, Shikaku would arrive and look around their shared office with destain. His hands firmly planted on his hips and his nose wrinkled up. He would shake his head and motion for her to stand. Telling her to get up because they needed a ‘change of scenery’. Then, they would spend the first part of their morning pushing around furniture and changing some of the walls hangings. It always did manage to make the space feel new, even if it was only temporary. She also remembered that Inoichi would appear distraught anytime he came to talk to them in the weeks after one of their ‘big moves’. He always liked things to be in a particular space… not a big fan of change. 
“You’re rambling.”
Right. Redecorating… With a sigh, Reiko set her duffle bag of dirty clothes on the living room floor, surveying the land before settling on a game-plan. First, get these clothes in the washer. Then she would tackle the kitchen. 
“C’mon Rei. It’ll be fun. You’ve been locked in that office for literal weeks. I know it’s not really your thing and you know it’s not mine either… but I think a night out would be good.”
Kakashi said, leaning casually against his desk as he spoke to her. She’d only come up to his office to provide him with some paperwork and a couple mission reports. They’d gotten about halfway through everything she’d come to tell him before he’d taken a detour in his train of thought. Apparently, Kakashi and several of the other high ranking Jonin in the village were going out tonight. For a night of drinking, unwinding, and general ‘debauchery’. Those were Kakashi’s words, not her own.
“I don’t know, Kakashi… It might not be the greatest idea for all of the village’s high-ranking officials to be out of commission for the evening. If you’re out partying, who will be here if something urgent comes up?”
She asked, her arms crossed over her chest and one hip jutted out as she fixed him with a judging look. Kakashi waved his hand dismissively, standing up and away from the desk just so he could walk around and sit back down in his chair. 
“Iruka is going to keep an eye on things for the night. Unless something truly horrifying happens, it will be fine. We can’t just deny ourselves of life’s pleasures because we’re afraid something bad MIGHT happen, Reiko. Gotta seize the day.”
He returned, leaning forward and propping his elbows on his desk top, his hands coming up to form a little cradle for his chin. She scoffed in turn, rolling her eyes but unable to fight the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. 
“I don’t know what self help book you pulled that from, but you’re skipping over a pretty significant problem. I don’t go to parties, Kakashi. And, all of those Jonin are my subordinates. I don’t think everyone would have such a fun time if their boss was lingering around them all night.”
Reiko countered, but Kakashi was already prepared with his counter argument. 
“I know you don’t go to parties. I don’t either. But I am serious when I say I think it would be good for both of us. Just come out, have a few drinks, and if you’re still miserable you can always go home. It might even look good for you to do something like that with the Jonin. Makes you more approachable. Plus, other people will be there too. Yamato, Kurenai, Anko, Gai-“
Kakashi listed off, bopping his head back and forth with every name. At the last one, Reiko wrinkled her nose and cringed a bit. Gai… he was a loud presence. One she was never equipped to handle. 
“Don’t make that face. Just… just come out tonight. I promise it’ll be a good time.”
He finished, watching her reaction for a moment more. However, when she didn’t budge and the sour look on her face remained fixed in place, Kakashi sighed and dropped his eyes back to the scroll in front of him, prepared to go back to work as usual. Since their little run in the other night, Reiko had all but given up maintaining the professional boundary between them. Kakashi was her friend, and she realized that she’d been treating him unfairly in recent weeks. She couldn’t really still be angry at him for his decision regarding Obito’s release. That would just be hypocritical. But a party? With some of the Jonin and his friends from the Academy? It really didn’t sound like her cup of tea. 
“And what is? Going home and curling up on the couch so you can watch hours of trash television? Alone? In the dark?”
Actually, that did sound kind of nic-
“Oh, come on, Reiko. Kakashi’s right on this one. It would be a good rapport builder. And if you never work on your social skills, then you can’t be upset if they’re rusty. Have a few drinks, relax. It would be good for you.”
Ugh. Reiko sighed, pulling her gaze up from where it had fallen to her shoes. Kakashi was still looking down at the scroll, scribbling his signature against the paper every so often, but she could see he was still peaking up at her hopefully. She brought her hands up and smacked them down against her thighs as she caved. 
“Fine. Fine, I’ll go.”
She said, watching as the man across from her jerked his head up. It was insane how his expressions could still read so clearly despite the mask that was permanently fixed to his face. Kakashi’s eyes shut and curved, a clear smile hidden by the black fabric. 
“Good! How about this… Yamato and I will even pick you up from your house tonight. That way you don’t have to show up alone.”
Kakashi offered, and she scoffed at his obvious intentions. 
“Yeah, and so I can’t back out at the last second, right?”
“Ah… that would just be an added benefit.”
Reiko let out a humorless chuckle through her nose before eventually nodding, raising her hands in surrender. 
“Alright. Deal. I will see you both tonight then.”
She finished, turning on her heel to leave his office before he could rope her into something else. 
Miserable. Absolutely miserable. That was the only way Reiko could describe her current situation. The music was too loud, the drinks were too strong, and the overlapping chatter in the bar was maddening.  So far, the best part of the night had been the walk from her house to the venue with Kakashi and Yamato. They didn’t force conversation, and when they did speak, it was mostly to each other. She’d enjoyed listening to them bicker, much more content with being a mildly amused observer than an active participant. But everything had gone to hell in a hand-basket as soon as they’d arrived. 
Kakashi had failed to tell her that they would be arriving ‘fashionably late’, which meant that every eye in the room was on them as soon as they walked in the door. The peaceful, low-maintenance, calm was ruined in an instant by people who had began drinking well over an hour beforehand. All of Kakashi and Yamato’s friends had swarmed them the moment they were in eyesight, shouting and cheering as the Hokage made his first appearance at a Shinobi function since his promotion. In the blink of an eye, the only people she was truly comfortable around were whisked away, leaving her standing stupefied in the entry way. 
At first, she’d tried to brush it off. It wasn’t an intentional slight and there was no one to blame but herself. Reiko had never really cared to make friends, so it shouldn’t have surprised her when no one went out of their way to approach her or engage her in conversation. However, she had gotten her hopes up a bit in the hours leading up to the party. Kakashi had framed this outing as an opportunity to unwind and have fun, and she’d allowed herself to fantasize as she got ready. Feeling a little giddy at the idea of laughing with friends until her stomach ached. Or having some drinks and gaining the confidence to dance with a stranger. In fact, she’d gotten so swept up in her optimism that she’d almost buzzed with excitement while getting ready. Putting actual effort into her makeup and hair and going out of her way to dress up in her best outfit. The dress she was currently wearing was one she hadn’t put on since a cocktail party she’d attend with Shikaku when she was around nineteen years old. The black fabric fit the contours of her body beautifully and it was just short enough to put her lean legs on display without coming across as trashy. When she’d slipped into the garment, she’d even stared at her own reflection for a while. Admiring her shape and the way the long sleeves of the dress made her arms appear spindly and elegant.
All of this effort and excitement, just to sit at the bar by herself the entire evening. Reiko sighed, taking another sip from her drink and wrinkling her nose at the strong flavor. Being left alone had been fine for the first thirty minutes or so. It gave her a chance to acclimate. But as the time drug on and minutes turned to hours, she lost what little confidence she’d drudged up in preparation for the party. That disappointment twisted into sadness, but the liquor was steadily whipping that up into irritation and anger. Every passing moment reminded her that she did not belong here. And every time she was reminded of that, she felt embarrassment gnaw at her bones. She would tug at the short hem of her dress and wiggle uncomfortably on her stool, just to reach for the never empty glass in front of her and attempt to drown the feelings with numbness. 
In a room full of people, she was the loneliest she’d ever been. If Shikaku were here, she could have easily made the rounds in his shadow. Following closely behind him as he spoke to everyone like an old friend. She could chuckle at his jokes. Give him a nod in the affirmative when he asked if she was having a good time. Minimize her presence because his commanded so much attention… Without him here as a shield or a grease for the wheels, she just filtered between feeling like everyone was staring at her and being upset when she realized that, in fact, no one was. 
At one point, she even began fantasizing about Obito. If he were here instead, he would make sure she never felt alone. Even if it meant he never got to leave the bar stool next to hers. He would stay by her side dutifully, taking it upon himself to let her know that she was the only person he was looking at. That she looked beautiful in her dress. He would make her laugh. Press a sweet kiss or two on her glossy lips and not care to wipe the excess from his mouth. Obito would fix her with that dopey smile, and when she asked what he was looking at, he would blush and stutter. 
At the thought, her jar clenched and a knot formed in her throat. The sound of Gai laughing entirely too loud from across the room pulled her from her extended fantasy jarringly and she was reminded of reality. Her eyes re-focused, but she quickly turned them back to the glass in front of her, snatching it from the bar top only to swallow the remaining liquor in a single swallow. 
A voice asked from over her shoulder, and she would never admit it, but her heart skipped a beat. Torn between praying that whoever it was would go away and being excited by the prospect of someone taking notice of her. How could she crave interaction, yet be so resentful of it at the same time? Still, she turned in her seat to see who had finally approached her, being met with the deep crimson eyes of Kurenai Yuhi. 
“Oh. Hi, Kurenai.”
Reiko responded, smiling a bit as the other woman rounded to sit down on the stool next to hers. 
“I didn’t think I would see you here… when did you come in?”
Kurenai asked, polite and unassuming, though Reiko couldn’t help but feel cut by the words.
“I came with Kakashi and Yamato. A couple hours ago.”
Reiko answered, the promising conversation being cut short by an awkward silence as Kurenai realized the implications of her response. She’d arrived hours ago, and Kurenai had only just taken notice of her. When the bartender wandered their way, Reiko raised her hand and gestured to her glass, welcoming another bitter drink at this point. 
“Oh… Well, are you enjoying yourself?”
Kurenai questioned, attempting to side step the tension and even if Reiko was miserable, she couldn’t justify being dismissive or rude to Kurenai in this moment. The other woman was always friendly and well intentioned. 
“Yeah… Yeah, I am.”
Reiko lied, forcing a soft smile as the bartender refilled her cup with golden liquor. Kurenai seemed pleased with the answer, nodding and gesturing for the man behind the counter to provide her with another bottle of beer. He was quicker with her order, dropping a brown bottle on the wooden table top before disappearing to assist someone else. 
“That’s good. You look nice.”
Kurenai complimented, flashing Reiko a genuine smile as she collected her drink. She muttered a soft ‘thank you’ in return before the dark haired woman was excusing herself to return to her post and ‘babysit’ Gai. Reiko watched her dark hair swish through the crowd, cutting her way across the room and disappearing from her line of sight, before turning her head back to the glass in front of her. A sigh escaped her and she made a sudden decision. If she wasn’t going to receive social fulfillment tonight, at least she could get plastered before returning home empty handed and disappointed. The last bit of fight left in her body caused her hand to wrap around the glass with purpose and she drained the drink in three powerful swallows, only to alert the bartender as soon as the cup was empty. 
Obito hissed, his eyes narrowing as he processed what Kakashi had just said. They were standing in the middle of his living room, the sound of static on the TV undercutting the entire conversation, but Obito was sure he’d heard the Sixth Hokage clearly. 
“I convinced Rei to go out to the bar tonight. I just thought you would like to know. She’s going to be out in public. Probably all dressed up with some drinks in her system…”
Kakashi repeated, waggling his eyebrows in a manner that only served to infuriate Obito further. He knew exactly what his friend was hinting at. Reiko was going to be at a party this evening and it would be what Kakashi considered the prime opportunity for Obito to approach her. 
“Oh for- would you please stop trying to meddle in my life?”
Obito groaned, turning away from Kakashi to prevent any harsh words from leaking out. He couldn’t even begin to comprehend how fucked up this was. And he definitely couldn’t explain all of the nuances to Kakashi. 
“C’mon, Obito. You’ve been moping around here for a month! I’m just trying to help.”
Kakashi defended before Obito could fully talk himself down off the ledge. He spun on his heel to face the other man, able to feel the fury in his own eyes as he reeled forward. 
“Help, how, Kakashi? What about you coming here and telling me that is meant to help me? This isn’t some rom-com where I put on my best suit and show up at this party to whisk Reiko off her fucking feet! You have no clue about how or why our relationship ended, but here you are, trying to play match maker and sticking your hands into a pot that doesn’t belong to you! It’s not that easy. Even if I wish it was. And on top of all of that, it’s not like my situation is public knowledge! Half of the village doesn’t even know that I’m alive. So, please, tell me how this scheme of yours is supposed to help me.”
Obito shouted, finally blowing up after weeks of keeping his mouth shut. He’d given Kakashi the bare minimum information surrounding his falling out with Rei, because despite everything, he didn’t want to implicate her in any crimes. In addition, he’d found it difficult to speak about something he considered to be a major personal failure. However, Kakashi had taken his tight lipped silence as an invitation to attempt to intervene in his personal affairs. Without Obito’s input or concern or feelings being considered in the slightest. And he had the nerve to try and present in a way that indicated he was so pleased with himself. 
“Obito… Really, I was just trying to help. I didn’t… Maybe I didn’t go about it in the best way. But I just know how happy you were when Rei started coming around and I thought that, maybe, if you guys could work out your differences then that would be a step towards normalcy for you. You think I don’t know that you’re struggling to adjust? All of this is incredibly difficult to cope with but I know that it could be easier if you had someone to help you through it… But I realize that I don’t know all of the details, so I apologize if I stepped on any toes.”
Kakashi replied, the red fading from Obito’s vision just in time to see his friend’s dejected face. The regret in his dark eyes and the embarrassment in his stiff shoulders. Oh, great. Now he’d gone and upset the sitting Hokage. He sighed, bringing his thumb and forefinger up to rub the bridge of his nose. 
“Listen, Kakashi… I’m sorry I blew up on you. But you have to understand that what happened between Reiko and I… It’s private. And I don’t know if it’s something we could ever really reconcile. I understand where you’re coming from, but it’s just not realistic.”
“Why not?”
Kakashi immediately asked, throwing Obito off a bit. His eyes grew wide as he tried to consider the question. Why not? Well, for starters, she’d tried to kill him. Though, if he was being honest, he’d made peace with that. He was on the cusp of truly forgiving her, but he believed he still needed an explanation. One he would never get because it would be impossible to bridge the gap between them. 
Huh? Because… Well, because Reiko didn’t want to see him. Obviously that was the issue. Even if he could gather the courage to approach her and demand that they talk it out, she would just slam the door in his face. 
Are you sure about that? 
In all fairness, she had cried and begged him to let her explain herself the night he’d caught her. She’d pleaded with him to hear her out and he’d shunned her. So, maybe, the real problem was Obito. If she was willing to try and talk things over then, why would she turn him away now? 
“I… Honestly? I’m worried she won’t want to talk about it.”
Obito replied as the realization dawned on him. The ball had been in his court from the moment he’d kicked her out. And after all of the tumultuous emotion had passed, he’d been looking for excuses not to see her. For one, because he was afraid of rejection being piled on top of everything else he’d been struggling with in recent weeks. The second reason… maybe he felt that this seemingly never ending turmoil was his punishment for what he’d done to her. He’d killed someone close to her without ever even knowing her name. And now that he was in love with her, it felt like the ultimate betrayal. How many more people had he hurt or killed without considering their lives? Their families and friends? If he had met Reiko before everything, would that have changed anything for him?
“Obito? Did I lose you?”
Kakashi asked, snapping fingers in his face and pulling him from his existential crisis. Obito blinked twice, and Kakashi came back into focus, his silver eyebrows furrowed in concern. 
“Sorry, I was thinking… just… what did you say?”
Obito questioned, already deciding on what he had to do before Kakashi even spat out his next words. 
“I really think you should talk to her. Even if it’s not at the bar tonight… But if you do decide to, then we will work out everything that comes afterward. You being in public and alive… We’ll take care of it. You can’t keep living like this. In the shadows. Even your house is set up like some cave. It’s time you get some closure and rejoin the world.”
Kakashi finished, reaching out a hand and grabbing Obito’s shoulder in a sign of affection. Encouragement. He was right. 
As Obito stood in the mouth of alley way across from the bar, he silently cursed Kakashi for placing this idea in his head in the first place. Following a woman who hated him enough to attempt to kill him to a party had to be one of the most shameful moments of his life, simply because he was mortified by his lack of self control. He hadn’t planned on attempting this tonight. Despite Kakashi’s encouragement and Obito’s realization that he had to speak with Rei, he had convinced himself that it would be best to meet her in a different setting. Trying to have the conversation that they needed to have in a busy, bustling, bar would only result in more confusion. 
Then, he’d just happened to be refilling the cat’s food bowl on his front porch when he saw Kakashi and Yamato walk back down the road. He knew that Kakashi had said he was going to be back later in the evening to pick Rei up, but Obito darted back inside before his friend could make any more comments or push the envelope on his agenda any further. Instead, Obito peered out of the hole in his newspaper covered windows again. He’d watched as Kakashi knocked on Reiko’s front door, waiting on bated breath to see her face again. When she’d opened the door, he’d felt the oxygen leave his lungs in record time. 
Reiko Miki was the purest image of beauty he’d ever seen. Her brown hair was twisted up into a bun on the back of her head that caused the ends of her straight hair to fray in several directions. Like a spiky halo. The second thing he noticed was her dress. A short, black, garment that clung to her bird-boned body in a way that made him ache. When she’d descended the porch, he’d watched her elegant face screw up in concentration, clearly not used to the feeling of walking in high heels. But she managed to complete the task with grace, a prideful smirk tugging at the corners of darkly painted lips. He could see the peaks of her hipbones through the dark fabric as the group walked past his house, Reiko quickly falling back to allow Yamato and Kakashi to walk side by side. She clutched a small purse in front of her with both hands, glancing down at it almost bashfully as one of them paid her a compliment. After they’d turned the corner at the end of their road and he could no longer see them, Obito had realized that he hadn’t taken a single breath since she’d opened that front door. 
He’d been hiding in the shadows of this alley for several hours now, but the time didn’t seem to matter. Not when his job this evening was playing the role of Reiko’s protector. Seeing her all dressed up and ready for a night of drinking hadn’t sat right with him after several minutes had passed without her in his line of sight. Looking as gorgeous as she did, if she had too many drinks, someone could hurt her. Or follow her home. She wasn’t a Shinobi and he didn’t know the extent to which she could protect herself, and he’d never forgive himself if something like that happened to her. Whether they were on speaking terms or not. So, he watched and waited patiently. 
He couldn’t see the interior of the bar from this position with all of the windows being made of frosted glass, but it didn’t matter. His eyes watched the front door like a hawk. People rotated in and out, all varying degrees of inebriated, but none of them took notice of him. He’d gotten too good at hiding in the shadows. Even the Anbu put in place to keep an eye on him were unaware of his absence. Briefly, he had realized that this was his first time leaving his and Reiko’s little valley since he’d returned from the war, but he tried not to think about it too deeply. If he did, his skin would start to crawl. His scars would itch and he would feel eyes on his back. Breathing on his neck. The muffled sounds of people laughing and music playing loudly from inside the establishment across the street set his nerves on fire. It had been a long time since he’d been in public like this. Vulnerable and bare faced. Again, though, all of it was worth it if he could just make sure that Reiko made it home safe. 
The door creaked open again and Obito prepared himself to be disappointed, but to his surprise, the person stumbling out of the bar was the exact one he’d come here for. Reiko struggled momentarily to put one foot in front of the other, but she seemed to get the hang of it once she let the heavy bar door swing shut behind her. She took a deep breath, glancing up and down the dark road between them before nodding to herself a bit. A little self assurance that she was good. She could walk home in her condition. He’d seen her briefly earlier in that night, but her now her eyelids were heavier. Her stance wider as she tried to balance herself. And the bottom hem of her dress was stretched out and wrinkled in several places, indicating that she’d spent the entire night tugging it down. 
That thought was the one to snap him out of his stunned daze. Why had she felt the need to cover herself so desperately? Had someone already pressured her? Hurt her? His heart was beating a furious symphony in his chest, and he felt the urge to approach her immediately. To wrap his arm around her shoulders and guide her home. Ask her if she was okay. If she missed him as much as he missed her. But then, she glanced in his direction and he froze solid, staring back at her as his heart lurched up into his throat, sealing out the oxygen around him. What startled him the most was the look in her dark eyes. Framed by even darker make up, she looked exhausted. And sad. Pleading. Almost on the verge of tears with her inner eyebrows hooked upwards. This was it. She’d seen him so easily and his cover was blown. He wouldn’t have the option to just follow her home and make sure she got in safe. She was going to make him do this right here, right n-
Reiko sighed, shaking her head like she was trying to dispel a silly thought as she turned to look back down the road and away from him. After a second of disbelief on Obito’s part, Reiko took a few shambling steps forward, starting her trek home. Obito let out a sigh of relief and waited a few beats before slipping from the alley to follow several yards behind her. He stayed close to the shops and alleys, ready to turn around or duck into one if she decided to glance over her shoulder again. However, as he stalked behind her, he realized that she was too inebriated to notice much about her surroundings. Occasionally, she would stumble over a small pebble or catch her heel in a tiny hole, but she always managed to recover from the slip up. He told himself that he wouldn’t intervene unless something horrible were to happen. So, even if she fell face first in the dirt, he would have to allow her to pick herself up. 
After a while of walking, Reiko took a sharp right turn down an alley and Obito hadn’t been expecting it. He supposed that it technically was a short cut to her home, but he’d just assumed that she would favor the partially lit roads over a dark alley in her condition. Apparently all of that cunning intelligence was forgotten once she’d had enough liquor. He sighed, having to break into a slight jog to make up the distance before she disappeared into another connected alley and he lost track of her. When Obito rounded the corner, all he could see for a moment was darkness. It took his eyes a moment to adjust to the lack of streetlight, but when they did, his blood ran cold. 
God, she’d drank entirely too much. Every step down this road she’d walked a million times before was taking considerable brain power. All she could really think about was putting one foot in front of the other. That and the general direction she needed to go in order to get home. If she thought about how heavy her head felt or how short her dress was one more time, she was going to have to make a pit stop and empty her stomach in some poor shop owners potted plant. So, instead, she trudged forward with her eyes mostly closed, moving on pure instinct and muscle memory, only widening her eyes occasionally to make sure she was still on track. 
It felt like she’d been walking for an hour at this point, but she hadn’t even made it past this block yet. Ugh. All she wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep this feeling off. Miserable. Drunk. Sick. Missing a man she couldn’t have. Maybe, instead, she’d stumble up onto Obito’s porch… beat on his door until he let her in and she could safely pass out in his strong arms. She peeled her eyes open to survey her path again and noticed the alley coming up on her left. That was a shortcut through the village. This alley would lead to series of others that would cut her walking time in half. If it was the alley she was thinking of. And if she could navigate the labyrinth beyond. It was worth a shot. If she kept one hand on the right wall then she could find her way out no problem. Or was it the left wall? Where had she heard that before? Shikaku was no help. He’d been surprisingly silent since she’d passed the point of tipsy and fallen over the cliff into hammered territory. 
Reiko sighed, reminding herself to breathe as she rounded the corner into the alley. It was darker here than the streets, but she could see light coming from windows above her. Bedrooms and apartments above the shops. If she focused hard enough, she could use those to guide her. As she neared the end of this corridor and had the choice between a right or left turn, Reiko chose the left. Then a little further down, she went with right. And another left. Neck deep in the maze, she continued to walk until the tip of her heel caught on a trash bag sitting behind someones shop. Everything happened too fast for her to comprehend and, before she’d even realized that she was falling, something soft, yet sturdy, caught her. 
A hiccuping gasp left her at the sudden change in angle. Stuck somewhere between upright and leaning heavily against something. A pair of strong arms wrapped around her shoulders, gently rising her to her feet, and she realized that someone had caught her. 
“Hey, boss… What are you doing out so late?”
A voice asked, one that scratched an itch in her brain but not one she totally recognized. Reiko’s face scrunched up as she tried to place it. Her head was still so heavy, but she managed to tilt it back to try and get a glimpse of the man holding her. Instead, she was met with a large hand cupping over her eyes. 
“Ah-ah. No peaking. Probably wouldn’t remember me anyway… Since we’re so beneath you.”
The voice said, his voice lowering an octave. Reiko was still confused, and she struggled in his tightening grip. But the arm around her shoulders was too strong. The hand over her eyes holding her head at an awkward angle. The words failed her, but panic was beginning to rise in her chest. When he pushed forward, she stumbled backwards until she could feel the scratching of wood siding against the back of her calves. Was he pining her to a wall?
“But I remember you. Crystal clear. Have to. You’re the boss, aintcha? Mm… But only when you feel like it. Only when you get to tear someone down, isn’t that right?”
He continued, but she was having a hard time keeping up. Was he a Jonin? One of her subordinates? Someone she’d ‘torn down’? All of these questions flooded her liquor soaked brain, the grip he had her in limiting her senses so that all she could focus on was his words. That was until the arm wrapped behind her shoulders moved, his other hand wrapping around her neck and forcing the back of her head to smack the wall he’d corralled her against. The pain didn’t register in her drunkenness, but Reiko gasped against the sweaty hand on her mouth anyway. Her body lurching forward as she finally realized what was happening. She struggled against her attacker, trying to bring a leg up and kick him in the stomach. But he was quicker and, by all accounts, sober. So, he pressed closer and shoved his thigh between her legs, effectively ceasing her movement and stopping any attempts to retaliate. 
“You’re not going anywhere. Understand? Not until I’m done with you. Ya know, when you marched into the barracks a few weeks ago, all high and mighty, I thought that you were better suited to be a house wife than the fucking Jonin Commander. Then you tore into us for fighting over a woman. Said we were children and horrible representatives of the Leaf, if I recall correctly.”
The man said, forcing her to dig through her memory for an event from several weeks ago. Fighting over a woman… the barracks. He was referring to her breaking up that fight. The one that Kakashi had sent for her on her day off to handle. Right before she’d made the first move on Obito. This was one of the Jonin she’d berated and placed on punishment. He pressed closer to her, grinding his leg upwards and dipping his head down to speak directly in her ear. Reiko tried to push him off, but she was weak and her arms felt like jello after too many drinks. 
“Yeah, that’s exactly what you said. You also said that we weren’t fit to be Shinobi. And see, silly me who dedicated my entire life to this shit… I took that personally. By the time you left, I didn’t think you were some housewife anymore. But I did think that you needed to be reminded of your position.”
He continued, hissing the words in her ear as the hand around her throat tightened. That last sentence sent a jolt of pure horror through Reiko and she did the only thing she could think to do. She tried to scream for help, but against the huge palm on her face, the sound was nothing more than a muffled plea. The attempt also earned her head another smack against the wall behind her. 
“Shut the fuck up! Who the fuck are you to tell us that we aren’t fit to be Shinobi, huh? Stupid, useless, bitch who only got her job because she was blowing the guy who died in office. If you were even the tiniest bit qualified, you wouldn’t be so fucking sad and weak right now. So, that must mean you’re only good for one thing. And it sure as hell ain't being a house wife. Or the Jonin Commander. Nah. Women like you with your sour fucking attitudes and your ‘holier than thou’ schtick are worthless except for what you’ve got between your le-“
The man continued to spew filth at her. Seething with a hatred that she could feel in the harsh breathing he was doing against her neck. About halfway through his rant, he’d taken the hand off of her eyes just to move the one on her mouth to cover her entire face, grabbing her head and pushing it back against the wall as his now free hand wiggled down between them. Her heart was pounding, and she tried again to fight him off, but he just kept talking. His hand kept moving. Just as she was about to give up, a sickening crack sounded out next to her ear. A warm liquid splattered her cheek and, all at once, the body pressed against her went limp. The hand on her face slithered down and the pressure between her thighs disappeared. 
Her eyes ripped open, finally able to see her attacker as he collapsed on the ground in front of her. The adrenaline pumping through her veins made her eyes vibrate in her skull, but she could still make out his appearance in the dark. In fact, it felt like her vision was better with all of the fight or flight chemicals flooding her brain. It was one of the Jonin she’d put on cleaning duty several weeks ago. Months ago at this point. The one that had snapped at her and almost been escorted out by Yamato. As soon as she made the connection, she noticed something else. A slowly expanding, dark, pool under the Jonin’s head. It was dark, but that sight combined with the crack she’d heard earlier… it had to be blood. That’s when she realized that someone had to have done this. Reiko jerked her eyes up from the ground. 
Standing just in front of her on the other side of this Jonin’s unconscious body was a shock of white hair. A tall man with a muscular build. He took a step forward, into the dull light coming from an apartment above them, and Reiko felt all of the adrenaline in her body leave her in an instant. Her savior dropped a heavy brick on the ground next to his feet and he reached out a hand for her to take. Obito’s stark white fingers were covered in a spray of blood and when she brought her eyes back up to his face, the concern in his gaze stunned her in place. 
“Are you okay?”
He asked, his voice and question causing her bottom lip to tremble immediately. She didn’t take his hand, but she watched as she glanced down at the body between them, snarling his nose in disgust. When he made eye contact with her again, he seemed to notice the blood on the hand he’d offered her. He lowered it, rising his clean, tan, one in its place. 
“I know it’s a lot… just trust me, okay?”
He encouraged and maybe it was the liquor. Maybe it was the attack he’d just saved her from. But Reiko nodded without any further hesitance, reaching out to interlock her hand with his. Obito gave a soft grunt of approval before assisting her in stepping around the Jonin. When she was close enough to him, he jerked her forward and wrapped his arms around her shoulders in a bruising grip. Obito buried his nose in her hair and Reiko wondered if this was a dream.
“Don’t ever scare me like that again.”
He ordered, voice gravelly and tight despite the tenderness in his coaxing just a moment ago. He pulled back, hands gripping her shoulders so that he could look down at her face while still keeping as little space between them as possible. His pointed eyebrows were drawn down in a stern expression, pouty bottom lip pressed into a tight line against his top one. And Reiko nodded again, drawing the same gesture from Obito. After staring at her for a moment longer, he moved to instead stand by her side, gripping her hand like a life line. 
“Let’s go home.”
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the8gates · 3 years
The Bug Collector: Chapter Eleven - Honeybee
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Word Count: 7.5k
Warning(s): Angst. 
When Kakashi is appointed as the Sixth Hokage, he reveals that Obito Uchiha did not die in the war and that he plans to offer his former a friend a chance at rehabilitation and redemption. The few people who are aware of this secret project are supportive of the effort. Expect for Reiko Miki.
After her mentor, Shikaku Nara, was killed during the war, Reiko struggled to come to terms with his death. This issue is only made worse when Obito is placed in the only other house on her street. With seemingly everyone against the idea of serving true justice, Reiko decides to take matters into her own hands and make the Uchiha pay for all of the crimes he committed.
However, there may be more grey in the black and white picture she’d painted than she originally anticipated.
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine - Chapter Ten - AO3 - Chapter Twelve
“Do you know anything about space?”
Obito asked from his position lying next to her. The greenery around them had regrown to a healthy length since the big chop a few weeks prior. Though, there were still little clumps of yellow, dead, grass scattered around the yard. It made the blanket they were seated on bumpy in some places, but she was mostly comfortable. When she’d arrived for their fourth date, she’d expected the same as the second and third. Cheap takeout for dinner and a movie on the television that they completely ignored in favor of sharing passionate kisses in the dark. 
To her surprise, Obito had greeted her in his living room with a bashful smile and a rolled up blanket tucked under his arm. When she’d asked him what he was doing, he’d guided her to the fenced in yard behind his home. In the middle of the grass was another blanket, already prepped with a bottle of wine, two glasses, and a tray of assorted picnic foods. The sun was already setting by the time she’d arrived, but the air stayed pleasantly warm even after the light had gone. After eating, they’d both laid back to stare up at the sky as the sound of crickets filled the air. 
The stars twinkled above them against a deep navy backdrop. Living in this little valley meant that even her view of the sky was framed by the tips of trees and the jagged edges of the rocky cliffs surrounding them. Though it didn’t feel like it hindered her sight. Rather, it made her feel secure. Safe to view the heavens from a position on earth that was specifically made to house her. Well. Her and Obito, she supposed. 
“Not really… It feels beyond my comprehension. Though I do know some of the constellations. My mentors friend had an interest in astrology.”
Reiko responded, adjusting her shoulders to lay flat against the ground as she folded her arms over her midsection. Obito shuffled a bit as well before letting out a long breath through his nose.
“Do you believe in aliens?”
She asked, turning her head to the side to better look at him. He grimaced and nodded, swallowing harshly. 
“Yeah. I do.”
He said, though it felt like a weighted response. Like he knew for a fact that aliens existed, and his opinion of them was not good. She wanted to ask more, but he was shaking his body to dispel the feeling before she could. 
“I’ve never paid attention to the constellations. Can you see them right now?”
He questioned, steering clear of the earlier topic. Reiko turned her head back towards the sky, nodding the best she could in this position. 
“A few… when is your birthday?”
She returned, and he was quick to answer. 
“February 10th.”
Reiko hummed in thought. Interesting. 
“You’re an Aquarius then… See, right there?”
She replied, pointing up at a bright star above them. She glanced over in time to see Obito squinting his dark eyes to focus. Then, he nodded as well. She moved her finger in a straight line to the next star in the constellation. Then the next. Until she’d mapped it out for him. 
“Aquarius is represented by a man pouring out a jug of water. See, this line is his leg… then, his torso and outstretched arm. The longer segment is the water.”
Reiko explained, moving her finger again to gesture to the different parts. Obito scrunched up his nose a bit, like it was hard for him to see and he didn’t quite get the picture. She chuckled a bit, dropping her arm back to her stomach. 
“What does that mean? That I’m an Aquarius?”
He asked, his clothes rustling softly as he wiggled around beside her. Then, she felt his hand grabbing her wrist, tugging gently. Reiko complied, because there was no harm in holding his hand. Obito laced their fingers together and squeezed as she tried to remember something Inoichi had told her over a decade ago. 
“Well… Aquarians are intelligent, idealistic, independent and progressive. They’re a bit strange and eccentric. They have issues with authority and hate doing things the ‘traditional’ way.”
Reiko said, lumping a few descriptors together as Obito let out an annoyed huff beside her. She turned her head again to look at him, only to see that he was frowning. 
“What’s wrong?”
She questioned, and he shrugged, still looking up at the sky with that displeased expression. 
“That’s just… too accurate.”
He responded, drawing a genuine laugh from Reiko. So, he was upset that the stars had pinned him down. Just like Shikaku had been. Her heart tensed and she turned her eyes back towards the stars as well. The nice moment soured in a near instant. 
“What’s yours?”
Obito asked, and Reiko sighed as she attempted to lock away the thoughts of Shikaku for the time being. 
“Virgo. Practical, logical, judgmental… mean.”
She said, drawing another scoff from her partner. Reiko quirked a brow, but before she could ask him what was wrong this time, Obito was speaking. 
“That’s bullshit.”
He replied, spitting out the words like he was legitimately upset. Reiko raised her eyebrows in surprise, her head turning to the side again to look at him. He’d done the same, locking eyes with her to show her his earnest, pissed, expression. 
“You’re not mean. Or judgmental. You’re kind and understanding.”
Obito said, almost like a toddler pouting and stamping their foot as they argued against something that they didn’t yet understand. Something that was an undeniable fact, but could not be accurately explained. It took Reiko aback and she could only stare at him for a bit, her eyes wide as he tried to will her into believing him. Eventually, she shook it off and turned her back upwards with a breathy chuckle. 
“That’s sweet, but you may not know me as well as you think you do. Besides, there’s no need to get so worked up. Astrology isn’t an exact science or anything.”
Reiko stated, swallowing against the nervous knot in her throat when she was done. Then, Obito was sitting up beside her, turning to lean over her and drop a chaste kiss to her lips. Despite the many, much more vulgar, kisses they’d shared, Reiko felt her cheeks heat up when he pulled away. 
“I know you well enough to know that you’re a good person.”
Reiko read over the same paper for the fifth time, trying to focus on the words as intently as possible. But she’d already gone over several stacks of files in the last couple of hours. The lines of text were starting to bleed together and she wasn’t retaining any of it. With a sigh, she lifted her eyes from the paper, glancing at the clock on the far wall… ten o’clock already? She’d been sitting behind this desk for nearly six hours without any movement. The last time she’d risen from the chair was a short restroom break and that realization called the pain in her lower back and neck to the forefront of her mind. 
With a sigh, she stood from her seat and stretched her body, joints popping and muscles pulling tight against her skin. There was still a bit left to do, but she could probably knock it out in about three hours. Honestly, she could have stopped a long time ago. All of her current work was up to date and some of it was even done a few weeks in advance. Now, she was just going through old mission logs, transferring the information over to the new forms that had been implemented a few years prior under Lady Tsunade’s reign. There were decades of information that needed to be updated, but no one had ever dared to take on the task. In the last couple weeks, however, Reiko found that she was most comfortable when seated behind her desk. Going home meant having to walk past Obito’s. Walking past Obito’s house meant fighting the urge to cry, yell, or run up to his doorstep in hysterics. 
Truthfully… she hadn’t been home for a while. A week, at least. She would work on these papers well into the night, after everyone else had left the Hokage Tower for the evening, and then she would shake out an old pillow and blanket Shikaku kept in the office for hard times. She would curl up on the floor behind his desk and get a couple hours of sleep before waking up to wash off in the restrooms on the bottom floor. Then, it was right back to work until she couldn’t hold her eyes open anymore. 
Just as she was about to gather her mug and leave the office in search of more coffee and a snack, there was a light knock on her door. It was so late in the evening, she couldn’t imagine anyone would still be here, but perhaps it was just someone on their way out late, coming to tell her goodnight and to remind her not to ‘burn the candle from both ends’. She grabbed her mug anyway and moved to open the door. 
“Hey, Rei.”
Kakashi said from the doorway, looking down at her with his hands stuffed in his pockets. After Obito had kicked her out, she’d worried about seeing Kakashi again. Afraid that Obito had told him that she’d been plotting his assassination all along. Then, she would have ended up imprisoned despite never being able to produce results. But when the first week passed without issue, she relaxed a bit. Kakashi hadn’t bothered her much recently, despite the fact that he absolutely knew she was sleeping in her office. 
“Hi, Kakashi.”
She returned, nodding down at her coffee mug and then past him down the hall in a sign for him to move out of her doorway. He took an easy step to the side and she exited the office, pulling the door shut behind her. 
“Is something wrong?”
Reiko asked as she began to walk down the hall towards a small break room on the first floor. Kakashi moved to walk beside her, matching her stride. The Hokage Tower was silent at this time of night. The only sound being the squeaking of their sandals against the linoleum. 
“No, nothing’s wrong. I just wanted to check on you before I left for the night. How are you doing?”
Kakashi questioned, the tone of his voice causing her to panic a bit internally. He almost sounded remorseful. Or conflicted. Had Obito finally told him about her plan? 
“I’m doing well… yourself?”
She replied, keeping her cool despite the fact that her heart was racing. At this point, she shouldn’t care. If she was imprisoned for her attempt on Obito’s life, then so be it. There wasn’t much left for her in the world of the living anyway. Someone else could handle the paperwork. There were no friends that would miss her. The only person she’d really be leaving behind was her mother… But she would visit. 
Despite the rationality in all of those observations, she couldn’t fight the urge to remain free. It was imbedded in her DNA. Fight, flight, freeze. Ultimately, being imprisoned was a threat to her life as she currently knew it. 
“I’m okay. And are you… sure, you’re doing alright? I’ve noticed that you’ve been sleeping in your office.”
Kakashi said, eeking out the words like he was nervous to ask them. It soothed her worries momentarily, but she was also cognizant of the fact that this could be an attempt to get her to confess to what she’d done. That wasn’t happening. Not a chance in hell. 
“I have… but I’ve been working late trying to get all of those old mission reports refiled, so it’s just easier to sleep here than walk all the way home in the dark.”
Reiko explained as they crossed over the threshold into the break room. She flipped the bright overhead light on and made a beeline for the coffee machine. Kakashi was still at her back, and he hummed in response to her answer. 
“Right… So, there’s nothing else keeping you from going home then? Just paperwork?”
He questioned, and her shoulders tensed involuntarily. So, Obito had at least told him part of the story. 
“I’m not sure what you mean?”
Reiko replied, her attempt at playing dumb failing horribly when Kakashi crossed the break room to lean against the counter next to her. He peered down at her with knowing eyes, but she returned his pitying look with one of doe-eyed confusion. 
“Don’t look at me like that. I know better than to think you don’t know what I’m referring to… Obito told me about what happened. About your breakup.”
He said, and Reiko winced a bit, turning back to continue scooping coffee grounds into the paper filter at the top of the machine. Kakashi playing the role of match maker was irritating. She would almost rather he arrest her for the murder attempt. 
“Oh. Yeah. It just… didn’t work out.”
Reiko said, hoping that excuse was similar to the one Obito had given him.
“That’s a shame. Honestly, I thought you guys would have been good together… but, things don’t always work out.”
Kakashi said, running through his words like they were afterthoughts. Part of something he heard in a movie once and was just now regurgitating. This could not be the only reason he’d come to talk to her. A tense silence followed afterwards, Reiko letting out a hum of agreement as she pressed the buttons to turn on the coffee maker. It whirred to life, the sound of water boiling and gurgling through the innards of the machine filling the silence between them. 
If she thought about it for too long, the memory of Obito’s face in those final moments made her sick. The betrayal and confusion in his expression melting into nothing but apathy and barely concealed rage. The same man who had looked at her as if she’d hung the moon and the stars earlier in the night had told her to get out of his home with the coldest eyes she’d ever seen. In hindsight, she knew that she’d been falling in love with him. Denying it to herself over and over again for the sake of maintaining her beliefs. Her morals. Her dedication to Shikaku. But she was starting to realize that none of those things mattered when it came to love. 
Since she’d had time to truly think about it, she’d also come to the realization that Obito had been manipulated into doing what he did. He’d been purposefully led astray by a much older man. The all powerful Madara Uchiha nonetheless… He’d been a child. Lost and hurt and scared. Madara had helped him get back on his feet, only to throw him back into an endless pit of despair and bitterness. He wasn’t absolved of all guilt… but she knew she could never hold hatred in her heart against him for the things he’d done. Not now. Not when she’d almost killed Obito in the name of honoring Shikaku. If she had been in his situation as a child, she would’ve done the exact same thing. There was no moral high ground for her to look down on him from. 
She’d thought about returning in the days afterwards. To at least attempt to explain to Obito all of the details. Maybe, if he heard her side of the story, he would understand. Just as she understood his crimes. But there was a part of her that was still afraid to admit her wrong doing. In her mind, her feelings had been justifiable, and if she could justify them, how could she ever hope to apologize?
The coffee maker dinged, pulling her from her thoughts and reminding her of Kakashi’s presence. He was still quiet, so she shook her head a bit to snap herself out of it, reaching forward to refill her mug. 
“Reiko… Actually, there is something that I want to talk to you about.”
Ah. Maybe this was it. The Anbu were waiting just outside the room. In a few moments, she would be bound and escorted to one of the cells beneath the Hokage Tower. 
Reiko returned, the knot in her throat swelling. Her hands remained remarkably steady as she poured her cup of coffee. 
“I, uh… I understand if things didn’t work out between you and Obito. Some people just aren’t meant to be together. I get it. But… It’s just, Obito’s taking it hard. I don’t know if he ever told you this but you were his first girlfriend. Though, I’m not sure if you two ever labeled it that way…”
Kakashi stumbled over his words and sighed as he spoke. For someone who had approached her so casually about her relationship with Obito several weeks ago, he seemed surprisingly nervous about broaching this topic with her now. Maybe he assumed that Obito had done something wrong and had been the deciding factor in their ‘break-up’. It would make him nervous to think he was advocating for someone who had slighted her. 
“I don’t really know what I’m asking here. I just think it might help him if you guys were to… talk it out maybe? He was having a hard time already, trying to re-adjust to being back in the village. And I’m not ignorant to the way some people feel about him. He isn’t either. So, when you showed up and treated him like… well, like he deserved to be here… I think that meant a lot to him. And now… he just sits in front of the TV and watches the same movies, over and over again… I’ve tried talking to him but I think it might mean more coming from you.”
Kakashi finished, rubbing the back of his neck and appearing entirely too bashful for a man who was supposed to be the leader of their village. Her hand was frozen, fingers curled around the handle of the coffee pot as his words rattled around her skull. It hadn’t been easy for her to accept how she felt about Obito. She’d been fighting it for months. However, after that night, it rolled over her in a wave of melancholy and she had no choice but to surrender to it. Though she hadn’t tried to fight against the truth at that point. Maybe it was easier for her to accept reality after the opportunity had passed. That way, she wouldn’t have to act on any of the things she was feeling. She could allow them to fester, undisturbed, and sink further into herself in retaliation. That was a feeling she was familiar with. 
“That’s cowardice.”
Yes, it was. Many of the things she’d done concerning Obito were cowardly.
So, when Kakashi told her that Obito was crushed and inconsolable after their break up, it only served to make her stomach twist into knots. Guilt pulled her sternum inwards, collapsing her chest in on itself until she could only draw in a few staggering breaths. It was sickening to think that she’d hurt someone else in such a way. No one had gained anything in the end. Obito was heartbroken. Reiko felt empty and disgusted with herself. Shikaku was still dead. 
“I don’t know, Kakashi… We didn’t end on great terms.”
Reiko replied, managing to get the response out before her silence became too indicative of her mental state. She poured the steaming coffee into her mug with a surprisingly steady hand, though the pot did clatter a bit when she returned it to the machine. 
“He said the same thing but… I mean, if it’s not too personal, can I ask what happened?”
Kakashi questioned, and it felt like her tongue was swelling in her throat, cutting off her airways. She swallowed to clear the passageway, hoping to just choke on the muscle so she would’t have to navigate this situation any longer. 
“It’s personal.”
Reiko managed, grabbing her mug from the counter and turning to leave the break room without so much as a glance in Kakashi’s direction. Despite the fact that she was clearly indicating that she would like to end this conversation, Kakashi followed behind her. 
“Okay, I get it… Still, I think you should talk to him. He’s too wound up to approach you himself, but I know it would help… Just think about it, okay?”
Kakashi encouraged from over her shoulder. Reiko sighed, stopping for a moment to glance back at him. She forced a tired smile and nodded. 
“Yeah, I’ll think about it.”
She returned before continuing down the hall and back to her office. The only place on the planet that still made sense to her. 
After spending his entire life beating it back, the guilt poured over him in the form of raging river water. Thrashing and bucking as his body was thrown against jagged rocks and pulled under the current. He could surface just long enough to draw in a gasp of oxygen, but then it was right back into the murky depths. He was torn between keeping his eyes screwed shut, praying for it all to be over soon, and opening his eyes so he could prepare himself for what was coming. But it didn’t seem to matter. There was no hope in fighting the rapids, and his eyes were burning too much for him to force them open. 
It had been like this since the war had ended. Every little bit of joy he tried to steal away for himself came back to bite him. After all he had taken and destroyed in the name of his goal, why should he ever get the things he wanted? How could he continue to live this life, mostly free of worldly hardships, when Rin had never known anything other than pain and sorrow? When he had caused so many hardships for countless others? 
Reiko seemed to inspire this reaction. He would soar so high when she was around, flying above the clouds weightless and carefree. Then, as soon as she was out of ear shot and eye sight, he plummeted back to the earth like a sack of rocks. Spiraling and spinning until he crashed and sank further than before. He’d become accustomed to the dip in his mood whenever she would leave, but this was an entirely different feeling. It was hard to grasp everything he’d experienced in the last hour, but one word had arisen from the nonsensical string of thoughts in the moments directly after their tryst. 
Love. She had shown him love. 
He was no stranger to that heady feeling. The very same butterflies used to erupt in his stomach whenever Rin was around. His cheeks would heat up and his head felt like a balloon, floating up and away from his body. However, what Reiko had just bestowed upon him was one of the greatest gifts he’d ever received. In the minutes he’d spent buried inside of her, time seemed to slow down. He was too consumed by the softness of her skin and the sound of her breathy moans to think about anything other than her. When she whispered those tantalizing words in his ear and they both reached their end, it had felt like… like they’d become one. Like he could understand her in ways he never thought possible. Like she could feel everything in his heart. Every twisted emotion and dark thought and she’d still accepted him. Drawn him into her body and writhed against him as if she couldn’t possibly get close enough. 
The conflict between the desperate need to feel loved and the panic inducing fear of being known… that was what had sent him spiraling after Reiko had gone upstairs to clean herself. 
Before he could truly determine the source, tears were welling in his eyes. He’d managed to pull his boxers back on, but as he seated himself back on the mattress, he felt hollow again. Empty. Guilty. Maybe he did deserve to feel that kind of pleasure and love. However, in the back of his mind, it felt like a betrayal to care for another woman that intensely and to have shared something so magical with her. He’d always thought Rin would be his first. They would grow up together and be each others firsts. She would elicit these wondrous feelings from him and they would live happily ever after. 
Logically, he knew he had to quit living in the past. Quit making up these impossible fantasies in his head. But logic didn’t stop the pain. Irrational as it may be, he dropped his head forward and wept, all the while saying a silent prayer. 
‘Rin… I’m so sorry. I still love you. There will never be a time where I don’t. But I think… I think I may be in love with someone else. Please forgive me.’
In his heart, he knew that she would accept his apology. In fact, she would probably tell him that he didn’t need to apologize at all. But sending that prayer up to her made his muscles relax a bit. The tears slowed and his breath evened out. When he picked his head back up and rubbed the remaining water from his eyes, he could see Reiko’s shadow extending from the other side of the doorway into the living room. Normally, the idea that Reiko had heard him crying would embarrass him to his very core, but he couldn’t seem to find the strength to be mortified. She’d seen him bare at this point. Seen him so lost in the throes of pleasure that his eyes had rolled into the back of his skull… She would understand. Just like Rin would. 
“Rei? Hello? Anyone home?”
Shikamaru asked, snapping his fingers in front of her face to catch her attention. She jerked her head and refocused her eyes on the boy in front of her, nodding to let him know that she was still present. 
“Yes. Sorry. Uh, I think… Maybe we could…”
She started to say, scrunching her eyes shut in an attempt to recall what he’d been talking about just a moment prior. Fog filled her head and she grew increasingly irritated with her inability to focus on the task at hand. Maybe sleeping in the office wasn’t such a great idea… She’d kept the same routine for another week after Kakashi’s ‘pep talk’ and all of the unsure hours were starting to catch up to her. 
“Maybe we could…? What?”
Shikamaru asked, waving his hand in a motion for her to spit it out. Reiko sighed, her shoulders sagging as she accepted defeat. 
“I’m sorry Shika, I wasn’t paying attention. Can you run it by me one more time?”
She admitted, and he sighed as he plopped himself down in the chair across from her. Shikamaru leaned forward, resting his forearms on the table as he tried to force her to focus on him. 
“I said that I want to train under you.”
Shikamaru reiterated, and Reiko’s eyes widened as the words finally registered. Oh. Oh. How in the hell had she not listened to him earlier? That was a major step in a direction she wasn’t entirely sure he’d wanted to take up until this point. Shikamaru was every bit as intelligent and cunning as his father, there was no question in that assessment. It was clear that the Jonin Commander position would suit his talents, and she’d often entertained the idea that she was just a placeholder for the young Nara… However, after Asuma’s death and the war, Shikamaru had seemed content in continuing in his duties as a Shinobi. He did was what asked of him, but he was always a victim of his perpetual laziness. He didn’t actively pursue much. So, to have him in her office, requesting to intern under her… it was strange, to say the least. 
“Oh. Train… as in… for the position of Jonin Commander?”
Reiko asked, making sure she understood his intentions clearly. Shikamaru nodded, sitting back in his seat once he was content that he had her undivided attention. He crossed his arms over his chest, and a tense expression on his face as his eyes fell shut. 
“Yeah. I think that’s what dad would have wanted, ya know?”
He answered, causing Reiko to quirk a brow. Well, to be fair, Shikaku had trained her for the position. Shikamaru’s eyes peeled open and, when he realized what he’d said, he sat straight up and his dark eyes grew wide. 
“That’s not to say that dad didn’t want you to do the job! He did! Of course he did! I just mean… Well, you won’t do it forever. So, when the time comes, I want to make sure I’m ready is all.”
Shikamaru clarified, one of his hands coming up to rub the back of his neck as he fretted over the mis-phrasing. Hm. Reiko was not ignorant to the ongoings in the village. She knew that Kakashi’s reign as Hokage was only temporary. He would keep the seat warm until Naruto Uzumaki was old enough to assume the title. When the Hokage changed, so did the upper ranks that supported them. Kakashi had left things mostly as they were when he took over, simply because he couldn’t be bothered to change every thing to suit him. He would much rather pour himself into the pre-made mold than reshape the mold entirely. However, when Naruto took over, he would likely promote his friends and classmates into higher positions. It worked best that way. If he surrounded himself with people he trusted and was comfortable with, his reign would be much smoother. 
“When the time comes… You mean once Naruto is named Hokage?”
Reiko asked, and again, the young man’s eyes grew wide. A different woman may see this situation as disrespectful. It could be misconstrued as the younger generation plotting the decline of the current regime. Sneaking around behind the backs of their superiors to put things into place for their inevitable climb to the top. But, surprisingly, Reiko didn’t feel the least bit slighted. 
“Yeah, I guess.”
He replied, deflating slightly like he was expecting a scolding. Or at least a clipped tone. Reiko had spent her entire life training for this position. Granted, she would have been prepared to handle it from a logistical perspective in her mid-teens. It only took her this long to assume the title because Shikaku had held it for so long it just didn't make sense for someone else to take over until he was truly ready to throw in the towel. Even when he’d died, he hadn’t been ready.
Regardless, she had stopped coveting the title of Jonin Commander long ago. At some point, her internship had become less about the end goal and more so about her time spent with Shikaku. It’s not that she didn’t want the job… rather, it just didn’t hold the same importance to her now that he was gone. 
“Wow. Taking big steps in the self awareness department.”
Hmph. If she had admitted to herself that she loved Obito after everything he’d done, then she could definitely admit that she wasn’t a fan of her job. 
“Well… I think that would be a fantastic idea. I just didn’t know you were even remotely interested in the position.” 
Reiko replied, folding her hands together on the desk top as she leaned forward a bit. Shikamaru shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“I didn’t think that I was, either. But after dad died… I got to thinking about it. And I think it would be the best use of my talents, I guess.”
He answered, eyes dropping from her face to her hands over and over again as he struggled to look her in the eye during this somewhat emotional moment. Reiko hummed, nodding. She understood. Of course she did. Shikaku’s death seemed to have inspired uncharacteristic things in both of them. Though Shikamaru’s revelation would lead to a long, fulfilling career. Her revelation had only led to heartbreak and sorrow. 
Reiko had to make a conscious effort not to go down that rabbit hole again. In the first couple of weeks, work had been enough to overload her mind and prevent her from thinking too heavily about Obito. But the past few days, she couldn’t seem to shake him. Every thought led back to him. 
“I understand… more than you’ll ever know.”
Reiko said, a mourning silence falling between them as they both glanced at the empty desk in the room. Her sleeping bag and pillow were tucked under Shikaku’s desk, though Shikamaru didn’t know that. Sleeping on the floor behind it almost felt like she was walling herself off from the outside world. Remaining in an area where she could still imagine his presence. All of his personal effects were still untouched and it worked as a living memorial to a great man… but, in the end, Shikaku’s items were just that. Things. They wouldn’t bring him back and a cup full of pens and paper clips could never hope to incapsulate his memory. 
Maybe that area would be best used for something else. Maybe it was time someone else sat behind it. 
“Would you like to start next week, then? You’d even have your own desk.”
Reiko added, turning back to look at Shikamaru with a soft smile. He fixed her with a wide eyed stare at the implications, but she didn’t feel strange about the offer at all. This is what Shikaku would have wanted. Them taking pointers and inspiration from his death, rather than what Reiko had been doing by letting her anger and grief consume her. Move forward. Lift up the next generation. Continue to pave the pathway for a better future. 
“There ya go.”
After a moment of thought, Shikamaru nodded slowly, a smirk playing at his lips. 
“Yeah… Next week sounds good.”
Obito was sick. Truly ill in every sense of the word. When Kakashi had come over for their weekly visit after the incident with Reiko, Obito hadn’t even managed to pull himself from bed yet. He’d laid there for a full day, staring at the dried pools of wax on his floor and torturing himself with the lingering scent Reiko had left behind on his sheets. The situation was far more serious than he’d let on, but Obito couldn’t bring himself to tell Kakashi the real reason he and Reiko had ‘broken up’. When his friend had begun asking questions, Obito had simply said that she had, indeed, told him that she didn’t want to see him anymore. 
Kakashi had tried his best to be supportive. Telling Obito to go shower and dust himself off. That one break up wouldn’t ruin his life and things would get better little by little, every day. And maybe that would have been the case for a normal break up. One where things ended amicably or where he’d known going into it that the tryst was temporary… but the falling out with Reiko was cataclysmic in nature. It wasn’t a simple dispute over an ex she was too close with. Or an understanding that the expiration date on their relationship had passed them by. It was much more devastating. As Obito sank further into the couch in hopes of becoming one with the fabric, he almost resented Kakashi for lying to him several weeks ago. 
Nothing had gotten better. 
In fact, it had only gotten worse. 
At least, in the beginning, he could still justify being angry at Reiko. Anger didn’t leave him wallowing in bed, too sad to move, or crying into a pillow after being reminded of the gaping hole in his chest. Anger gave him energy. The desire for retaliation pulled him from the sheets for a few days after the incident. He had cleaned himself, pacing his house as he thought up ways to get back at that woman for breaking his fucking heart. For thinking she was even near capable of killing him. She wasn’t even a Shinobi for fuck’s sake! Did she really think so little of him? That he wouldn’t have been able to defend himself from the most mundane, idiotic, attack he’d ever had the displeasure of witnessing? Those thoughts were obsessive for a while. He couldn’t sleep. Couldn’t eat. But every time he moved to leave the house and enact some kind of revenge, he stopped short of the door. His hand would hover over the knob for several, long, minutes, and then he would deflate. Pulling away from the exit with a groan of frustration. 
After several days of bearing the burden of this fury with no outlet to focus on, it seemed all of his strength was sapped in a single night. He’d finally managed to sleep through an entire night, only to dream about Reiko. Her smile. The shine in her dark eyes. Her laugh. Her moans and the taste of her skin. When he’d woken up to find that she wasn’t lying next to him, the reality of the situation sank into his bones like freshly poured concrete. 
The woman he’d come to love over the course of several weeks had tried to kill him. 
She had shown him the most beautiful thing he’d ever experienced in the form of her companionship. She’d wiped stray tears from his cheeks with the pad of her thumbs, only to lean forward and kiss him as if his weakness made him more attractive. He’d told her about his life and watched as she felt every single word, like she had lived through those horrible things with him… And, the entire time, she’d been plotting to kill him. 
Obtio’s stomach churned again at that thought. Of course he’d understood the truth from the moment she’d admitted it to him. Someone she loved had died in the war he’d started, so she came to kill him as an act of revenge. In the end, he couldn’t be angry at her when all of these events were his fault. He had been the one to set the chain of dominoes in motion. Seeing her cry like that… down on her knees as she begged him to listen to her. To hear her out because she couldn’t go through with her plan… His throat tightened and his eyes burned at the memory. It was always that image that brought him off of the ledge his fury constructed. He was starting to realize that he could be angry at her for betraying his trust, while also being so disgusted with himself that his anger hardly mattered. 
Most of all, though, he just wanted to see her again. It had been a month at this point and he still wasn’t any closer to moving on or forgetting about her. Was it wrong to crave kindness, even if it was fake? Was it wrong for him to want to feel her in his arms again after what she’d done? Would he ever stop asking himself these things? At the very least, he knew he needed ‘closure’ as Kakashi had called it. Though Obito never divulged the whole truth about the circumstances surrounding his break up with Reiko, Kakashi was more right than he realized. 
He’d been so hurt and angry and scared when he’d woken up and seen her sobbing like that next to him. Then, the knife from his own kitchen lying next to her lap. He hadn’t even been able to return it to the block in the kitchen, opting to throw it away entirely in an attempt to scrub the night from his memory. Clearly, it hadn’t worked, and now he was one knife short of a full set. 
The tape playing on the television clicked off, the player whirring and winding as it returned to its starting point. He’d been staring at the screen for hours, but there was nothing to be gained as he completely tuned out the film in favor of traversing through his inner thoughts. Every day was the same now. He put in a tape just to avoid the crushing silence of his empty home and then he stared at the flashing lights, hoping to burn his retinas past the point of use. Though, it was getting dull. There was no point in doing this anymore. He either needed to drop it and move on, or seek out that all important closure. 
The thought of seeing Reiko’s face again didn’t anger him like it did weeks ago. Now, it made his chest ache in a strange way. Really though, he just needed answers. He needed to hear her side of events. Then, maybe, they could bury the hatchet. Or she could finally kill him. At this point, it didn’t matter much to him. 
Just as that thought occurred to him, he heard the sound of swearing and items clattering from outside. It flared over the soft sounds of the television as the movie started over from the beginning and he jumped up from the couch in shock. Carefully, he made his way across the dark living room and towards the window. They were still taped over with old newspapers to keep the sunlight out, but he had ripped small peep holes in strategic locations. It wasn’t paranoia that spurred him to do this, too many years in the shadows and caves had genuinely made his eyes sensitive to harsh light. Still, he put his eye against one of the holes in the paper, squinting against the dirty glass as he tried to make out to scene in front of his house. 
At the sight, his heart clenched and his chest tightened painfully. 
Knelt in the road, cursing to herself and gathering a pile of spilled items from the dirt was Reiko. It was early in the evening, but the sun set quicker in the valley they lived in. It cast her in the shadows of dusk, her brown hair hanging in her face as she attempted to gather what appeared to be several weeks worth of clothes. She blew strands of hair out of her face, huffing as she hurriedly stuffed the clothes back into a large sack. Then, as if she knew someone was watching her, she jerked her head up to look around. Obito pulled away from the window out of instinct, but he was simply left standing and staring at the yellowing, cobbled together, newspaper. 
His heart was racing and his hands felt clammy. She didn’t look any different from the last time he’d seen her. Still so beautiful and graceful, despite being knelt on the dirt road outside of his house, clearly agitated. Why was she carrying such a big bag of clothes? Then, he realized that he lived right next door to her, yet he hadn’t seen her in a month. Had she been staying somewhere else? Afraid to come home because she was scared of what he would do to her? Or maybe… because she regretted the things she’d done herself and couldn’t bare to confront him.
Now, more than ever, he wished he had listened to her that night. He wished he could have asked her all of the questions that had been burning in the base of his throat for the last several weeks. If he had just done that then maybe the decision he had to make right now wouldn’t feel so daunting. Closure. Closure. He had to have closure. So he didn’t have to feel like this anymore. So he could stop wondering about what could have been. So he could move on with his life. 
Obito gripped the handle on his front door with a sweaty hand, the single thought of indecision being swiftly stomped on by the boot of his desperation. He would ask her now. He would see her again and he wouldn’t have to keep living like this. He just needed to-
The front door whipped open so quick the hinges didn’t even have time to squeal. Her name lodged in the back of his throat, ready to roll across his tongue and past his lips. But it never came. Simply dying and sliding back down into his lungs with a shuddering inhale. Obito opened his front door to find that Reiko was no longer in the road, and when he whipped his head in the direction of her house, her own front door was already latching shut. Sealing him out.
Taglist: @actual-spawn-of-satan​
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the8gates · 3 years
The Bug Collector: Chapter One - Centipede
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Word Count: 5.3k
When Kakashi is appointed as the Sixth Hokage, he reveals that Obito Uchiha did not die in the war and that he plans to offer his former a friend a chance at rehabilitation and redemption. The few people who are aware of this secret project are supportive of the effort. Expect for Reiko Miki.
After her mentor, Shikaku Nara, was killed during the war, Reiko struggled to come to terms with his death. This issue is only made worse when Obito is placed in the only other house on her street. With seemingly everyone against the idea of serving true justice, Reiko decides to take matters into her own hands and make the Uchiha pay for all of the crimes he committed.
However, there may be more grey in the black and white picture she'd painted than she originally anticipated.
AO3 - Chapter Two - Chapter Three
Three and a fourth cups of bread flour. 
Two teaspoons of instant yeast. 
Two teaspoons of salt. 
One and a half cups of water.
One hundred milligrams of crushed sleeping pills, stolen from the infirmary. 
Reiko paused for a moment as she was kneading the dough, blowing a strand of brown hair out of her face with her flour covered hands on her hips. Was a hundred milligrams enough? Well, it’s not like it mattered much if he overdosed. Before she could overthink it, she turned to crush up another handful of pills, not caring to take measurements this time. Birds chirped just outside her open kitchen window, the smell of wet grass and cherry blossoms riding into her home on a wave of humidity. A prickling of sweat rose on her skin as she worked the stone mortar and pestle, her tongue pinched between her lips in concentration. Once the pills were rendered to an undetectable powder, she deposited it into a dimple in the bread dough, folding the dough over into a pocket for the drug before continuing to knead it all together. 
All the bread had to do was put him to sleep. She could handle the rest. 
For several minutes, she worked tirelessly. Pressing the weight of her body towards the heels of her hands, flipping the dough around in a bath of flour that splattered across her counter with every movement. Eventually, she turned the ball of dough over into a large bowl to rest and rise for the evening. She would hand her creation over to the oven in the morning and stash the resulting loaf in a sweet ‘Welcome Basket’ for her new neighbor. Full of fruits, veggies, jam, and malicious intent. With a sigh, she cleaned up the battlefield of flour and powdered pills, washing off her weapons of choice in a sink full of murky water, and then setting them out to dry on the dish rack. 
A peak out her window confirmed the same thing she’d seen every day for the last three months. Nothing had changed at the house down the road. The grass was starting to grow too tall as the spring season began and he continued to neglect the yard. But other than that, the curtains remained drawn closed in every window, just like they had been every day since he moved in. The gutters were full of leaves and the paint was peeling off of the front of the home. If she didn’t know any better, she would assume no one lived there. That the property had been abandoned years ago. However, she knew the truth. 
In all fairness, there were only a handful of people who knew about Lord Sixth’s little project. So she shouldn’t really feel so slighted by the fact that no one else was making a fuss. They just didn’t know. But somehow, that got under her skin as well. It was so obvious to her, so why couldn’t anyone else see the signs? The area she lived in was littered with Anbu. Hiding in the tree tops and disguising themselves to blend in with the foliage. Lord Sixth made weekly trips to visit the house, knocking on the door in three, rapid, strokes before it creaked open and allowed him entrance to the darkness. Food and toiletries were steadily delivered to the property, in paper bags and crates. The mail didn’t pile up on the front porch or in the mailbox. And there were even two small ramekins on the front porch, one for cat food and another for water. She’d seen them empty and had seen them refilled, but had never been able to catch a glimpse of the man changing them out. 
In fact, she’d never seen his face at all. When he’d been returned to the village, it had been under a shroud of mystery and a literal shroud of clothing. A dark robe that scrapped the ground, a black bag secured around his head. The only way she’d been able to tell there was a man under all of the garments they’d wrapped him in had been the sound of chains rattling against the ground as he walked. For a while, he’d been kept in one of the maximum security cells under the Hokage Tower. Under constant surveillance and served two cold meals a day through a slot in the steel door. The majority of the village had been told that the man had died in the Fourth War. Body scattering into ash in the wind after he’d scarified himself to save Naruto’s life. But a few of them knew the truth. Select members of the Anbu, Reiko, Lord Sixth, Naruto and Sasuke, as well as the other four Kage. 
The man they’d brought back to the village and locked in a cage was none other than Obito Uchiha. 
He had survived the battle and, according to Lord Sixth and Naruto’s retelling of events, he did indeed have a change of heart on the battlefield. Because of this, they didn’t think it would be right to kill him. So, they’d returned him to the village and had locked him up until Lord Sixth could decide what to do with him. It had taken a couple weeks, but ultimately, Lord Sixth had come to a conclusion. 
Obito would be moved onto a property just outside the village and would slowly be allowed to return to a normal life within the village. After all of the crimes he’d committed and the lives he’d taken, he would essentially get off scot free. Lord Sixth had explained his reasoning by saying he wanted to focus on building a regiment that focused on rehabilitation over damnation. That killing Obito or leaving him to rot in a cell when he had proven his desire to recover would be a waste. He could assist the village and make them stronger. He was also the only other remaining member of the Uchiha Clan outside of Sasuke. Lord Sixth considered this a ‘step in the right direction’ after the villages history with the Uchiha resulted in so much scorn and strife. 
To Reiko, it had all sounded like complete and utter bullshit. Kakashi was just holding on to the past and struggling with the guilt of what had happened to Obito when they were children. It was a personal decision that had nothing to do with the betterment of the village. She’d stood by in horror as he’d detailed the plan for Obito, but when she’d looked around the room, no one else seemed the least bit disturbed. They had all nodded thoughtfully and commended Lord Sixth for his ability to forgive and ‘end the cycle of hatred’. When she’d spoken up to say something to the contrary, she’d been shut down quickly. 
“I understand your concerns, Reiko. But the decision is final.”
Kakashi’s words still rang in her ears to this day. Every time she thought about the man who had started the Fourth Great Ninja War living next door to her, an anger like she’d never experienced before swelled in her stomach. Her neighbor had killed her mentor during that war. Along with several hundred other Shinobi. He’d even been the cause for the attack of the Nine Tails on the village when she was younger. The same attack that had killed Lord Fourth. And he was going to be able to return to society with no repercussions? No. A man like that could only be evil and would only continue to cause issues. Did the families of the people he’d brutalized not deserve justice? Did Shikaku’s death mean nothing? 
No. If Lord Sixth was too blinded by his own emotions to see the truth, she would just take matters into her own hands. She would gladly spend the rest of her life in a cell if it meant that she got to be the one to take Obito out. To get revenge for Shikaku and all of the other Shinobi Obito had murdered in cold blood.
She wrapped the fresh loaf of bread in a soft, welcoming, cloth before settling it in the wicker basket on her kitchen table. A few cucumbers and tomatoes from her garden, along with a container of blackberries and a jar of homemade strawberry jam. Maybe it was a little much, but a man’s last meal should at least be a decent one. And the more she added to the basket, the less suspicious the single loaf of bread looked. So, to add a little icing in to the cake, she also wrapped up a few tea bags in a piece of tissue paper, settling it on top of the jam jar’s silver lid and securing it with a single piece of tape. A yellow sticky note would be the final touch.
‘I never got the chance to welcome you to the neighborhood. Have some gifts from my garden.’
She finished the message with a small heart in the bottom corner. Friendly, but not overly presumptuous. Just a kind neighbor dropping off a basket of goodies to welcome her new neighbor who obviously didn’t get out much. He would definitely take the bait. Her only concern were the Anbu littering the area, but she’d addressed that a few weeks prior. As it turned out, there were several members who agreed with her sentiments and her connections had let her know that security was the lightest in the early mornings between shift changes. There was a gap of about ten minutes where there was no coverage as the night crew went home and the morning crew made their way to their posts. 
It wasn’t much time, and she could hear Shikaku in the back of her mind, advising her against it. 
“That window of time is too tight. All it would take is for one overly enthusiastic Anbu to show up for work early that day.”
He would be right. But plenty of experience had taught her something over the years. Sometimes, all of the strategy in the world could amount to nothing if she wasn’t prepared to take a little risk. This was an important mission and she was tired of resting on her laurels. Her window of opportunity was small, so she couldn’t afford to hesitate. With the basket packed, she lingered by her front door for a moment, periodically checking the watch on her wrist. The shift change began at 6:00am on the dot, so she waited until the clock struck 6:01, just to give the Anbu in the area enough time to disperse. At 6:02, she was shutting her front door behind her, a silk scarf wrapped around her head as she locked the door. By 6:03 she was half way down the road, taking quick and even steps with her head down. 
She reached the property at 6:05, hurrying past the worn and broken white fence around the yard, walking towards the front porch as sweat steadily gathered in her palms. The basket was placed on the porch, right in front of the door, by 6:06. Then, she was scurrying away with four minutes to spare, her back to the decrepit house as her eyes darted around her surroundings. Not a single Anbu in sight. In fact, by the time she saw the first stirrings in the tree tops above, she was already at the end of the street. She didn’t look back once on her walk to work, trying to maintain her normal composure. And it wasn’t until she’d reached the base of the Hokage Tower that she was able to let out a breath of relief, her hand flying up to lower the scarf tied around her head. 
It wasn’t necessary in the end, but it at least would give her plausible deniability. If none of the Anbu in the area at the time had seen her face or confirmed her identity, how could they be sure she’d been the one to leave the basket? She stuffed the scarf into her pocket, making a quick turn for the public restrooms on the first floor before anyone could catch a glimpse of her. She ripped the thin scarf to shreds, flushing it down the toilet in increments before stripping the jacket she’d been wearing and folding it up to stuff into her empty purse. All of this had been planned to the slightest detail. She’d worn clothes that no one had ever seen her in and hidden her face as an extra pre-caution. When Obito’s remains were eventually discovered, they would test him for things like drugs and sedatives. That test would come back positive and they would ultimately be on the hunt for whoever had drugged him because that would lead them to their killer. She couldn’t be implicated even in the slightest. The delivering of the food was just as important as cleaning up the crime scene would be. 
Now, all she had to do was go about her work day like normal. Then, tonight, she would sneak into the house Obito was squatting in. Slit his throat in his sleep. And wash her hands of the issue. 
“You’re forgetting a crucial detail, Rei. What happens if you get there and he isn’t asleep? What makes you think he will wait to eat the bread in the evening, if he eats it at all? What if he eats it now and the meds wear off before you get your opportunity? There are too many variables and you’re not thinking clearly.”
Reiko sighed, shaking her head to dispel Shikaku’s voice. There were failsafes in place for those instances. It’s why she went to such lengths to conceal her presence when she dropped off the basket. If tonight didn’t work out, she could always return to the drawing board. Even if Obito ate the bread now and managed to sleep off the effects before tonight and if he did report it, they still wouldn’t know who to look for. And, with the amount of pills she’d placed into the dough, she couldn’t imagine that he would be able to sleep it off in a couple hours. Just one of those was enough to knock her on her ass for ten hours. She knew because she’d taken plenty in the months after Shikaku’s death, when the nights were too long and she couldn’t keep the demons of insomnia at bay. It would all work out fine. 
With her confidence restored, she checked her reflection in the restroom mirror, straightening her button up blouse and pencil skirt. She also paid attention her to hair, smoothing her blunt cut bangs across her forehead and securing the rest of her brown locks in a high ponytail. After using a few paper towels to dab the nervous sweat from her cheeks and upper lip, she swiped on a bit of tinted chapstick before deeming herself presentable and unsuspecting. Her shoulders squared, she exited the restroom with an air of self assurance, her head held high and sharp jaw jutted forward. 
A voice called out from behind her, causing her to turn on her short heel to face the person approaching. A wash of wild, silver, hair drew her attention first. Then, the dark body armor and partially masked face. Out of habit, she bowed a bit at the waist as Lord Sixth approached. 
“Lord Sixth.”
She greeted, and she could hear him sigh when he drew close enough. Felt the way his dark eyes glared holes into the top of her head. 
“Don’t call me that. And please, don’t bow.”
He huffed, causing Rei to straighten her back immediately, turning her head up to meet his gaze. 
She replied, and he nodded, sagging a bit once the overly formal air lightened. They’d known each other for years. Since they were children, even, and they’d been close friends at one point. But now she almost preferred to call him Lord Sixth. It helped maintain a professional boundary and she could judge him on his actions as a Hokage, rather than lose respect for him as a friend because of his decisions. 
“How was your weekend?”
He asked, cocking his head to the side as his eyes crinkled with a friendly smile. Rei sighed internally. He was always doing this. Trying to engage her in small talk. 
“Fine. But I am ready to return to work.”
She said, adjusting the purse on her shoulder. Lord Sixth’s face lost some of it’s cheerfulness, his eyes returning to their normally tired state. 
“Right… Well, if you’re going to the Jonin barracks today, could you please let Genma know that I need to speak with him?”
He questioned, and she gave a nod in the affirmative, glancing down at her watch. 
“Yes, I have some paperwork to do, but I planned to go to the barracks around noon. I’ll let him know then.”
She confirmed, and Lord Sixth nodded in turn, lingering for a moment with his eyes trained on her face. Like he was debating on saying something, but he simply sighed, giving one more nod as he moved to walk past her and ascend the stairs to the Hokage’s office. 
“Thank you, Rei. Have a nice day.”
He commented, and Rei responded as she turned to walk down the hall to her own office. 
“You as well, Lord Sixth.”
The rest of her day was just the same as the Friday before had been. Filing paperwork and approving or rejecting missions until around noon. Then it was off to the Jonin barracks to make sure things were in working condition. As well as to delegate new jobs for the week. For the Shinobi who were not on and would not be on active missions, she assigned work within the village. Watch duty, continued assistance with the rebuilding effort after the Pain attack, community service projects and the like. She informed Genma of Lord Sixth’s request to speak with him, and then it was back to the Hokage Tower to present her daily update. 
“There are few missions there that need approval. I weeded out the missions that would be suited for Genin and gave them to Iruka to be dispersed amongst the instructors. There are really only a couple that might need Jonin assigned… and here is the schedule for this weeks village duties.”
Reiko stated, slipping the paper out of the folder in her arms and laying it on Lord Sixth’s cluttered desk. He was surrounded by stacks of paper, staring down at the mission reports with disinterest and only glancing at the schedule she’d drawn up before he nodded. 
“Alright. Good work, as always.”
He said, and she nodded in turn, glancing around the Hokage office for a moment. Stacks of books were strewn about haphazardly, papers and manila folders littered the floor, half open scrolls laid on nearly every available surface. Tsunade really had dumped the job in his lap, leaving the village entirely to presumably resume the life she’d lead before being forced into the position herself. What he needed was a personal assistant, much like Shizune had been. Someone to keep him organized and help him process all of this without becoming overwhelmed. It would only benefit the village if their Leader were more capable and secure. Still, it wasn’t her place to fix these things for him. Lord Sixth was intelligent. He knew that keeping the office in this shape would only further hinder his work. So, instead of speaking up, she continued. 
“There was another request… from Gaara in the Hidden Sand. They would like to hold a meeting of the Kage in order to combine this years Chunin Exams across all of the villages.”
She said, pulling the scroll from where she’d had it tucked in her elbow. Kakashi picked his head up at that, like a dogs ears lifting. Then, after she’d handed it to him and he’d unrolled it to read it’s contents, his shoulders sagged.
“He wants to host them here…”
He sighed, dropping the scroll to his desk in order to rub the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. Reiko nodded, her now empty hands clasped together in front of her a bit awkwardly. That wouldn’t be such an issue if he were more organized. 
“Yes. Well, that’s it for today. I will see you tomorrow.”
Reiko said, already turning on her heel to leave his office. But, before she could, he was saying her name. 
Lord Sixth said, and she turned back to face him, quirking an eyebrow in question. She really didn’t have time for this. There were pressing matters to attend to, but she’d had to come to work today. Staying home would have looked suspicious when it was inevitably discovered that Obito was missing. 
“Yes, Lord Sixth?”
She questioned, and he groaned, leaning back in his chair and allowing his head to fall back. 
“Please don’t call me that… I wanted to ask you… do you think I am handling this position well?”
Kakashi asked, and her eyebrows rose at that. 
“Well, sir, it wouldn’t be right for me to-“
She started to say, but he was quick to cut her off, pulling his head up to fix her with an exhausted, dark eyed, stare.
“You were Shikaku’s protege for twenty years. You’ve closely observed three different reigns in that time, so if anyone has the right to judge my work here, it’s you. And I would like you to answer honestly, as a friend. Not my subordinate.”
He replied, his hands coming up to rest together in front of him on his desk. Reiko couldn’t really bring herself to meet his line of sight in the moment, preferring to focus on his hands as she considered her reply. In reality, Shikaku should be in the seat he currently sat in. He wouldn’t be in the pathetic state Kakashi was currently in. Whether he wanted the job or not, he would have at least stepped up and taken responsibility. Kakashi seemed to run from it every chance he got. Insisting that people not refer to him by his title and acting as if being named the strongest and most capable person in the village was a damn chore. It was an honor to be in his position, and he was squandering the memory of all of the strong Hokage had served before him. 
In her eyes, he was too soft. And that was because he didn’t take the job seriously enough. He would rather save the life of a child he’d known once twenty years ago than put the villages best interest first. Her resentment for him had begun the moment he’d decided to allow Obito to live, and since then she’d only picked up on more glaring shortcomings. What he said was true. They had been friends at one point. In fact, she would have said that he was her closest friend. But since the war, things had changed. She had changed. 
Despite all of the thoughts that rushed through her head in the moment, Reiko knew better than to make her true resentments known. Motive and all. So, instead, she replied with a half truth. 
“I believe that you are capable of rising above your predecessors. However, if you remain disorganized, your reign will follow suit.”
Reiko replied, her hands clasping together in front of her again. Kakashi didn’t react much to this statement, looking at her with that same dead eyed disappointment. 
“Is that the reason you no longer address me by name? Because you are upset with my disorganization?”
He returned, again putting her on the spot. But her face remained neutral. She’d been trained to withstand torture and interrogation to the highest degree. A simple attempt at a heart to heart from a former friend would not cause her to break. Especially not when she was currently on an important mission. 
“No sir. I would just rather maintain professionalism in the workplace.”
Reiko answered, her words sure and confident. His somewhat pained expression didn’t matter to her anymore. Not much of anything did at this point. 
“Fine. If the workplace is the issue, then have drinks with me tonight. Like we used to.”
Kakashi countered, and Reiko sighed at that, already shaking her head and preparing to deny his request. But he was speaking up again before she could get a word out. 
“I understand that Shikaku’s death was difficult for you. But I really don’t see why you’re shutting me out, Rei. Just because I was given this title doesn't mean that you have to treat me any differently, either.”
Kakashi tried to reason, but she was already on the defensive. Again, she stopped herself from spewing out the venomous words that lingered on the back of her tongue. Really, she wanted to tell him that him having the title of Hokage did mean that he had to approach people and things differently, despite the fact that he didn’t want to. That his blatant disregard for hierarchy and respect and responsibility was a sad sight that did not bode well for the future of the village. But most of all, she wanted to yell at him for allowing Shikaku’s murderer to walk free. For placing his friends rehabilitation over seeking justice for the families of the people he’d killed. That he didn’t deserve to speak the name of the man he clearly thought so little of. However, she managed to lock all of that away. 
“Sir, if you want my honest input, I would suggest that you maintain stricter boundaries between yourself and the people under your charge. As your employee, I am not entirely comfortable with the personal nature of this conversation. You asked if I thought you were performing well in your position, and I answered that question honestly. Now, if you don’t mind, I do have to go home.”
Reiko stated rather coldly, her shoulders squaring a bit as she stood her ground. His attempts to reconnect with her were going to continue to fall on deaf ears and a walled off heart. He clearly wasn’t interested in doing the right thing, so she was going to clean up the mess he’d made. Just like she and the other high ranking Shinobi in the village had been doing for months. Iruka was consistently handling things above his station. Reiko was fielding missions and filing mission reports on his behalf. Yamato had become the man the Anbu were turning to for instruction. They were all picking up his slack because he refused to step up and accept that fact that he was the Hokage now. And that included making tough decisions and doing things he didn’t want to do. 
Kakashi sighed in response, leaning back in his chair and unrolling the scroll from Gaara again. 
“Alright. Then you are dismissed.”
He said, and she gave a nod in the affirmative before turning around to quickly exit his office. The fury boiling inside of her left her hands clenching and unclenching into fists at her side. She made quick work of exiting the building after grabbing her purse from her office, taking quick, short, steps as headed for home. It was infuriating that he could get her under her skin like this, making her physically itch from the intrusion. 
“If you allow it, your heart will pull you off course. Sometimes, you have to swallow personal feelings in order to focus on the task at hand.”
Shikaku’s voice rang out again, pulling a sigh from her. It had sounded so easy when he said it. And he had prepared her for so many things. Taught her countless battles strategies and tactics. But he’d never prepared her for a world without him. A world where she was essentially left to flounder on the shore of a dried up river. Where the only comfort she had was the memory of his voice and the solace in the wisdom he’d left behind. He couldn’t tell her how to approach this. The loss of respect for someone she’d considered her best friend. The fury that pooled in her stomach like lava, molten and burning as it rose up her throat. Making it’s way into her blood stream until she inevitably cooled and was only left with stone in place of the organs that made her human. 
Things would be better once she was done with this mission. Once Obito was dead and gone, then Shikakau’s death would have meaning. The man who had killed him and started a war of epic proportions would be dead, unable to hurt anyone else again. Then she would be able to tell Kakashi how she really felt. She would be able to sleep at night without tossing and turning restlessly. Tonight, she would slit that bastards throat and the magma in her veins would flow out of her to mingle with the pool of blood under his pillow. She would bury this feeling along with his body and life could resume. 
With her head full of righteous anger, she’d managed to walk home in record time. Only coming to and leaving her swirling thoughts as she turned onto the dirt road that ended in front of her porch. Her eyes focused on the only other house on the dirt path, the peeling paint and heavily blocked windows causing the fury to leave her body in an instant. Replaced, instead, by an eerie focus. Her gaze locked on the front porch of the house as she walked past… the basket was gone! So, he’d taken the bait after all. 
Reiko’s heart jumped into her throat, but she was quick to swallow it back down. The basket being gone was good news, but there was still one massive hurdle to overcome in all of this. Once the sun had set, she would use the cover of night to get into the house. Determining if Obito was asleep from the outside wasn’t really an option, so she would have to make another risky judgement call and go inside either way. Hopefully, she would be quick and quiet enough to leave the home without issue if he were still awake… 
“You know this is too risky, Rei. This plan was messy from the start. You need to bide your time and go back to the drawing board.”
And this time, she shook her head to disperse Shikaku’s voice. She had to do this tonight. There would never be another opportunity like this one. If everything went the way it was supposed to and she allowed her fear to prevent her from following through, then she would wasting time and resources. She would just have to be careful. That was nothing new and-
“Hey. Hey!”
A voice called out from behind her and to her left, stopping Reiko dead in her tracks just as she passed the gate on the broken fence in front of the house Obito was staying in. She drew in a sharp breath, and everything seemed to stop for a moment, her pulse pounding in her head. 
“Yes, I’m talking to you!”
The male voice called again, and before she could think of another plan, Reiko was slowly turning around to look in the direction of the sound. Standing on the front porch of the run down house was a man with white hair and piercing, dark, eyes. Half of his face was covered in scar tissue and his sharp eyebrows were drawn down in a glare, his mouth pressed into a thin line. Even from a distance, she could tell that he was much taller than her. His arms were crossed over his sturdy chest, dressed in nothing but a black long sleeve shirt and a pair of matching pants. 
Obito Uchiha. 
“Did you leave that basket on my porch?”
As always, asks and inbox are open for requests to be added to the taglist! This is the ‘Obito Apology Fic’ to make up for all of the pain in Burnouts... my gift to you, is more pain! You know I couldn't make this easy and fluffy. Angst is where all the flavor is, bb! Let me know what you all think of the first chapter and the concept as a whole! 
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the8gates · 3 years
The Bug Collector: Chapter Nine - Moth
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Word Count: 8.4k
Warning(s): SMUT
When Kakashi is appointed as the Sixth Hokage, he reveals that Obito Uchiha did not die in the war and that he plans to offer his former a friend a chance at rehabilitation and redemption. The few people who are aware of this secret project are supportive of the effort. Expect for Reiko Miki.
After her mentor, Shikaku Nara, was killed during the war, Reiko struggled to come to terms with his death. This issue is only made worse when Obito is placed in the only other house on her street. With seemingly everyone against the idea of serving true justice, Reiko decides to take matters into her own hands and make the Uchiha pay for all of the crimes he committed.
However, there may be more grey in the black and white picture she’d painted than she originally anticipated.
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - AO3 - Chapter Ten 
Dear Reiko, 
Over the course of my life, I know that I have made many errors. Some of those mistakes resulted in irreversible consequences, and even the lesser ones weigh just as heavy on my conscious. Grappling with the demands that the title of Jonin Commander asks of you is, in itself, a heavy enough burden without the added weight of regret. Age brings wisdom, and I have tried to teach you portions of the lessons I have learned over the years, but I do believe the things that I have failed to teach you will be one of the burdens I carry with me to my end. 
With another great battle on the horizon, I find myself seated at this desk yet again, a pen in hand and, for the first time in my life, the words are failing me. When I sat down this evening with the intention of penning letters to all of the people in my life who may miss me if I do not return, I thought the letters would come easily. In my heart, I understand the way I feel about everyone. Yoshino. Shika. Ionichi and Chosa. However, Rei, my feelings for you still leave me perplexed.
It’s funny. I always teased Inoichi for his belief in astrology and fate, but I couldn’t describe our first meeting as anything other than that. The stars had to have been perfectly aligned, and the universe put you in my path for a purpose that was evident from the very first moment. In my youth, I was angry and brazen. A heart forged in the heat of battle and a mind clearer that any diamond, I was prideful and overly confident. However, I always felt a lingering sense of disappointment. As if, with all of my accolades, I still was not meeting up to the expectations I had set for myself. 
Then, when I heard about the little girl who had cheated her way into the Ninja Academy and had been successfully forging tests and scores for six months, all on her own, I had this moment of clarity. I wish I could describe the feeling that overcame me. How could I say that I felt pride and invigoration on behalf of a child I had never met? I asked around about you after that. I found your name and a photo from your Academy entrance, but when I approached your mother in hopes to talk to you about your goals, she’d turned me away. Claiming you were far too ill to involve yourself in the Shinobi world. I was upset, but I moved on. Then, as luck would have it, I ran into you in that book shop not a month later. 
I suppose ‘ran into you’ is the wrong phrasing. Rather, you ran into me. I knew from the moment you brushed against me in that narrow aisle what you’d done. The pocket where I kept my wallet was lighter and I still vividly remember turning to stop you, only to find that you were already gone. Somehow managing to disappear in a crowd of no more than five people who were gathered around a display. When I tracked you down that day, I didn’t even realize who you were until I caught you several blocks away, paying for sweets with money from my wallet. 
After that, though, I knew what it was that I was missing. You were standoffish, downright hateful, and quick as a whip. I don’t know if I’ve told you this, and I’ve just come to realize it myself in recent years, but you reminded me of me. So, I think, in some strange way, I wanted to impart my wisdom on you so you didn’t turn out like I had. Now, I know you’re probably reading this with a scowl-
Reiko paused her reading for a moment to relax her face, albeit, begrudgingly. 
-and you’re probably thinking that the things I’m saying about myself are untrue. You always treated me like I could do no wrong, and while I am grateful for the occasional confidence boost, I am here to let you know that you were wrong in that assessment. I was not perfect when I met you. Far from it. And, despite my personal growth, I will not be perfect when they bury me. I was a lot like you. Closed off, angry for a reason I could never quite pin down, and full of pride. It took a lifetime of short comings and disappointments to realize those things, and while I hope you have learned from my mistakes, I doubt that you have. 
Please don’t misunderstand me. I am not saying that you have not grown in your own right. You have. But I wanted to write this letter to address a few lingering concerns of mine. Tie up loose ends, so to say. I am running out of flowery ways to say these things, and eventually, the paper will run out of room for my nostalgic anecdotes. So, here is something we can both understand. An itemized list. 
Be mindful of your subordinates concerns. Even if it is difficult to hear criticism, the only people who can speak on injustices are the ones experiencing it. Listen to them and reflect.
Try to relax, from time to time. Take an hour every day to unwind, if you can. I know that’s cliche, but stress will kill you quicker than any enemy. 
I know it seems easier to bear the burden of everything yourself, but remember that everyone leans on someone eventually. Even if you think there is no possible way someone else could understand you, I promise you, someone will. You just have to give them the chance. 
No matter how brilliant or talented you think you are, there is always going to be someone better. That’s not meant to put you down. I say that because that means there is always a goal. Someone to surpass. 
If something is bothering you, if you have a regret, address it. Life is too short for that shit. 
Those are just a few of the lessons that I had to learn the hard way, so I wanted to remind you of them to prevent you from making the same mistakes. When I was young and I took you under my wing, I will be honest, it began as a vanity project. I wanted to mold you into what I considered to be the perfect leader. I wanted to build you up in my image. But that wasn’t right, and I fully realized that when we had Shika. You are your own person and whether or not you follow in my exact footsteps, you will be a wonderful leader. 
If I do not return from this battle, I have one more thing to say to you, Reiko. 
I love you like my own child. Thank you for sticking by my side all of these years. I don’t think I could have asked for a better partner, confidant, baby sitter, daughter, color coordinator and best friend. You truly changed my life and my perspective on nearly everything. I know it will be hard for you if this letter is the last time you hear from me, but I will remind you of one more piece of wisdom that I believe we have both encountered time and time again over the course of our relationship. 
Live your life in service of love and chase peace wherever you can find it. Wallowing in hatred and despair will only breed more of the same. 
Take care of Yoshino and Shika for me. 
With watery eyes and trembling hands, Reiko slowly folded the letter back up and slipped it back into the envelope. She’d heard every word in his voice, yet the Shikaku in her head was deathly silent. Through the walls, she could hear the muffled sounds of Yoshino and Shikamaru fussing back and forth about something. Their voices were accompanied by the groan of floorboards as they walked around the home and the light pattering of rain on the window above Shikaku’s desk. Yet, it had never been more quiet. Her body felt empty. Her heart lodged in her throat painfully as she fought the urge to cry, even in the privacy of his office. 
The files on her desk were stacked dangerously high, teetering precariously on a foundation of paper and card stock. It was easily a weeks worth of documents, and Reiko knew she should just brave the battle and tackle the task with a pot of coffee at the ready. If she could just find the strength to begin, she could focus and finish it all in one sitting. One long night and she would be rid of the mountain that burdened her with the knowledge that one day would bring a landslide. 
However, every time she glanced over at the stack, she felt the willpower leave her body more swiftly than she could manage to build it up. It had been like this since she’d read that letter, and the several others that Shikaku had dictated every time he’d left on a dangerous mission in the years they’d worked together. He’d sat down at that desk on numerous occasions to try and write down what he believed could be his final words… He’d done that with the knowledge that, at any point, he could leave his son without a father. His wife without a husband. Reiko without a mentor. And she couldn’t even find the strength to process a few mission reports. 
Though that idea didn’t necessarily inspire her to move forward. In fact, it depressed her to her very core. Her mission to kill Obito had completely fallen to the wayside as well. She hadn’t been to see him since their sleep over two weeks ago. The idea of seeking revenge didn’t fill her with flame and fury like it had. It just made her nauseous and jaded. She could feel her eyes glossing over as she stared into the distance at nothing in particular, the few thoughts in her head echoing off the sides of her skull like an empty warehouse. Rattling around and falling on deaf ears. She couldn’t focus. Couldn’t cry. Everything just felt empty and pointless. 
She recalled Shikaku’s final message. His reminder for her to reach out and talk to someone when she needed to. Reiko knew that it might be beneficial to voice what she was feeling to another person. If only to talk herself through it. But the only person she’d ever really discussed things like that with was Shikaku. And even his voice in her head had disappeared in recent weeks. Kakashi had been her friend at one point, but that bridge was burnt and she couldn’t very well reveal everything to him. In all honesty, the only other person she could think to turn to was someone she tried to avoid most of the time. 
Her day ended as it had began. She turned the lights in her office off and shut the door to leave behind that massive stack of files. Reiko kept her head down as she exited the Hokage Tower, but her feet didn’t take her home like they had for two weeks. Instead, they pulled her towards the center of the village. Past the restaurants and all of the shops. She didn’t even realize where she was going until she found herself on a familiar wooden landing. The teal paint was chipping off the door frame and the nearly rotted boards beneath her feet groaned as they accommodated her weight. Faintly, the smell of cigarette smoke wafted past her nostrils and she glanced over at a cheap, plastic, chair on the porch just outside the front door. It was stained and worn from years of use, and next to sat an equally dirty plastic table that housed a single coffee can full of black ashes. 
Before she could pull herself out of her haze and think better of the situation she’d just put herself in, the front door was being pulled open on squeaky hinges. 
A voice called from the doorway, and she picked her head up to meet the eyes of the woman who had given her life. Hana Miki, her mother. They were similar in builds, though her mother was taller and her face decidedly more weathered. She was thin and angular with a knot of dark brown hair on the back of her head, several wispy strands stuck out and framed her sharp face. Her eyes had dark circles under them and her skin hung from her jaw and cheek bones in a couple pieces. Reiko was stunned in silence for a moment as she took in her mothers appearance. Had she always looked this… old?
“Hi, mom.”
Reiko said, when it was clear her mother was looking for some kind of response. Though, still, she was confused as to why she’d come here in the first place. She really hadn’t seen Hana in well over a year. It had been even longer since she’d returned to her childhood home. Yet, her chest ached at the sight of her mother, now reduced to a woman she barely recognized. Still, Hana smiled at her. 
“Long time no see. I thought you’d forgotten about me. Do you want to come in? I just put a pot of coffee on.”
Hana offered, waving a bit in her direction and already taking a careful step backwards into the home. Reiko was hesitant, peering past the older woman into the home. Her ears tuned in for the telltale signs of her mothers long term boyfriend, Goro. Obnoxiously loud snoring. Floorboards creaking under excessive weight. The blaring sound of the television and his heinous laughter. But the home was quiet and calm. 
“Goro’s not here, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Her mother clarified, and Reiko jerked her head up in response. Then, immediately, she was irritated by the assumption. 
“M’not worried. Just want to know what to expect.”
Reiko muttered, and her mother clicked her tongue against her teeth before fully turning around to retreat into the apartment. 
“Just as cautious as ever, I see. Well, whether you’re worried or not, the coffee is going to burn.”
Hana said as she walked away. After another second of indecision and peeking inside, Reiko took a careful step over the threshold and into the living room. She shut the door behind her quietly and glanced around the room with wide eyes. In her childhood, the home had always been in a state of disarray. Goro’s dirty clothes scattered around the living room. Trash pilling up on end tables and a sink over flowing with dishes. Her mother hadn’t exactly been a homemaker, and she’d had the added stress of running the textile shop to deal with. Goro never pulled his weight, so, through those circumstances, filth arose. But now, it was clean. The couch was covered in neatly folded throw blankets and a couple, decorative, throw pillows. Every surface was devoid of dust or clutter, and there was a scented candle sat on the entertainment stand by the TV. The smell of stale cigarette smoke faded from her nose and was replaced with a mixture of cinnamon-apple and fresh coffee. 
“Like what I’ve done with the place?”
Hana asked from her position in the kitchen, peeking over her shoulder in Reiko’s direction. She nodded a bit, taking a few steps towards the cheap table. 
“Yeah… When did you find the time?”
Reiko questioned, noticing more as she walked further into the apartment. The coat rack on the wall didn’t hold several of Goro’s jackets anymore. The picture of himself and Hana, that was normally affixed to the front of the fridge with plastic magnets, was gone. 
“Tch. You’d be surprised how much more manageable the mess became when I kicked that good for nothing asshole out.”
Hana quipped, grabbing two mugs from an upper cabinet. That caused Reiko’s eyebrows to raise in surprise. So, she’d finally dumped that lazy piece of shit?
“Oh… I didn’t know you two broke up. What happened?”
Reiko asked, and Hana shrugged as Reiko seated herself at the kitchen table. 
“Just got tired of taking care of him. It was a long time coming. And you wouldn’t know, would you? A lot can change in a year.”
Hana replied, causing a minor pang of guilt to rock through Reiko’s chest. She loved her mother. Of course she did. But she always felt more like an obstacle to overcome than she did a mother. If that was the case, then why was she here now? 
“Yeah… a lot can change.”
Reiko muttered to fill the awkward silence that had fallen between them as Reiko grappled with the sudden shameful, confusing, feeling. 
“Mhm… I heard about Shikaku… It’s a shame. He was a good man.”
Hana suddenly said as she poured them each a cup of coffee. Those stale, white, mugs had been in this house since Reiko was a small child. The insides were stained tan and white paint on the handles had long since chipped away, but when Hana settled the cup in front of Reiko, she found that clasping the mug in her hands gave her a sense of comfort. Though, she would never show it. 
“I thought you hated him.”
Reiko commented, the bitterness in her tone a stark contrast to her mothers tenderness. Hana sighed and shook her head as she seated herself in the worn kitchen chair on the other side of the table. 
“I never hated him. He was a brilliant man who served this village well. And, he set you up with a future. I mean it. He was a good man and I am sorry that he’s gone. I’m sure you’ve been… well. There probably isn’t a word for how you’ve been feeling. Not that you would tell me, anyway.”
Hana responded, no clear indication of disappointment in her voice at this point. She’d always scolded Reiko for being so harsh and cold. It had prevented them from connecting, her mother said. However, that responsibility should not have rested on the shoulders of a child. 
There were a few beats of silence as they each took a few, grateful, sips from the warms mugs. Her mother was right. There wasn’t a word to describe how she’d been feeling. There weren’t enough words in the dictionary to quantify all of the pain, confusion, anger, and numbness she’d experienced in recent months. And, even if there were, Reiko wouldn’t be able to speak them. Even as she sat here, she wondered why she had returned to her childhood home. Hana would always allow her inside. They were mother and daughter, after all. But, why had her feet brought her here? What was she looking for?
“Well, you sure didn’t seem as appreciative of him when he was alive.”
Reiko quipped, unable to stop herself from looking for a fight. The anger was bubbling in the base of her throat, but she couldn’t pin point its origin. She only knew that it begged to be released. Hana sighed softly, settling her mug down on the table. 
“Reiko… It’s not that I didn’t appreciate him. Or that I disliked Shikaku as a person. I just never liked your attachment to him.”
Hana answered, though that didn’t make much sense to Reiko either. Her face screwed up a bit like she’d eaten something sour, her eyebrow arching in accusatory confusion. 
“What does that even mean?”
She asked, and Hana sighed again, clasping her hands together in front of her as she shook her head. 
“Let’s not do this. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you I don’t want to-.”
Hana started to say, but Reiko was quick to cut her off with a shake of her own head. 
“No, mom. I want to know what you mean by that. My attachment to Shikaku. Why did that worry you?”
Reiko spat back, prepared for the fight that would come from this conversation. That must have been why she came here. To argue. To get some of this repressed weight off her chest. It wasn’t fair to take it all out on her mother, but it would be a means to an end. She could blow up a bit and clear her head. Then, it would be back to business. 
“It’s just… well, you latched onto him so quickly. Then, when you got older, it was confusing for you. I think you were looking for so much in him. A father. A friend. A… well, I think those wires crossed. Young love is confusing enough as it is-“
Hana tried to explain, but again, Reiko was cutting her off with a scathing scoff, her arms folding over her chest. 
“Oh for the love of-. Young love? What are you even talking about? That’s ridiculous-“
Reiko started to defend, but Hana interrupted this time. 
“Let me finish, Reiko. It’s not your fault, but you were, very much so, in love with that man. You thought he was god’s gift to creation and did anything he told you to. I saw the way you blushed and stuttered around him at times. The way you watched his back with this absolutely dopey expression. And Shikaku was a good man. So, he never took advantage of that. And for years I had to watch him break your heart over and over again. It wasn’t his fault. It wasn’t yours. It was just an unfortunate situation that I wished I could have made go away. That’s all.”
Hana finished, Reiko having long since dropped her head to stare down at the cup of black coffee clutched in her hands. Her palms were sweating, but not from the heat of the mug. Her gut was churning, but not from the caffeine on an empty stomach. The words cut through her like a hot knife. Slicing through any hastily erected wall to sink straight into her core. She tried to maintain her facade. Tried to seem angry or spiteful, because it was easier to hide behind those spiked walls than to let them down. But her bottom lip trembled anyway. 
“So, when I say I’m sorry for your loss, I mean it. Because I know you lost the love of your life. And I doubt that anyone else has thought about it in that context.”
Her mother added, only serving to drive the knife in further. Immediately, her eyes welled with tears. Her throat ached. Then, just as she was about to force herself to stave off the need to cry yet again, Shikaku’s voice graced her with its presence for the first time in two weeks. 
“Let it out.”
With those three words, it felt like all of the air had been sucked from her lungs. She drew in a ragged breath to chase the oxygen she’d lost, but it was too late. The dam broke and her eyes filled with tears. The next sound she was able to let out was a quiet, choked, sob. Reiko’s eyes scrunched shut in defiance of the flooding of emotion, a last ditch effort to save face in front of her mother. It didn’t work. As soon as the first tear rolled over her cheek and slid down the side of her coffee cup, Hana was standing from her seat and crossing the kitchen was a soft ‘Oh, honey…’. 
She descended on Reiko and wrapped her arms around her shoulders in a tight hug, burying the tip of her sharp nose in Reiko’s brown hair. Just the feeling of someone wrapping her in warmth during what she would consider to be her weakest moment had a vocal sob rising from her throat. Giving up the fight, she turned and buried her face against her mother’s collarbone, her arms wrapping around her waist in turn as she shook with the force of her sobs. 
Hana was right. Reiko had been in love with Shikaku from the moment she’d met him until the day he’d died. That’s why she’d been so angry since then. There was all of this unrequited love sitting in the pit of her stomach, begging for an outlet. That’s why Obito… that had to be why she felt so confused about Obito. She was projecting and just looking for somewhere to place all of those emotions. To care for someone, anyone, in the same way she’d cared for Shikaku. And Obito was reciprocating. 
For a while, she sobbed openly in Hana’s arms. In those moments, all she could think of were Shikaku and his gruff laugh. His smiling face. That hug they’d shared in her new home. His sharp brow furrowed in thought. Those images were welcome. 
The unwelcome ones came fast on the heels of her memories of Shikaku. Obito, staring up at her with rapture in his dark living room. Her fingers running through his white hair. His head in her lap, curling up with the force of his laughter at her story about cheating in the Academy. Obito’s dark eyes, teary and glossed over as he explained Rin’s death to the best of his ability. 
And even though she tried to fight it, her heart ached at those images as well.  
Reiko left her mothers house with a renewed sense of confidence. They’d talked for an hour more after she’d calmed down enough to speak. Mostly, though, Hana allowed Reiko to speak freely about Shikaku. She reminisced aloud and painted the picture of the man she remembered. In the end, when Reiko felt she’d talked long enough, Hana had suggested they continue seeing each other like this. Weekly. Twice a month. It didn’t matter as long as they kept in contact. 
Her mother had even apologized for the errors she’d made in Reiko’s youth. For the first time in her life, Reiko left her childhood home feeling cleansed. 
That thought, and the memories of Shikaku, were what spurred her forward now. Her feet struck the ground with self assurance. She would kill Obito tonight. She would get revenge for the man she’d lost. Put all of these horrible emotions behind her and start her life over. So, when she marched up the front steps to Obito’s house, there was no hesitance when she knocked. Even if she hadn’t seen him in two weeks, she knew just the thing to get back in his good graces. Just enough that he would feel comfortable sleeping next to her again. 
When the door creaked open, she did her best to sag her shoulders a bit and make herself appear softer. More vulnerable. The red rings flaring around her eyes and the drying tear streaks on her cheeks would be enough to convince him. 
“Hey, did you forget something?”
Obito asked, the sound of his voice causing her stomach to turn. Reiko peered up at him through her lashes, seeing his face for the first time in weeks made her heart stutter. His dark eyes widened and her name fell from his lips in a way that made her skin crawl. Still, she stowed those feelings and continued with the tortured, remorseful, act. 
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around. I just really needed to see you.”
Reiko said, and Obito immediately moved to usher her inside. The hairs on the back of her neck stood at attention. 
“Of course… Are you okay?”
He asked, the sound of the door shutting behind her letting her know they were alone. She glanced around the living room, looking for any signs of other life. But the house was deathly quiet. All of the candles in the room had been blown out. So, he’d been preparing for bed. 
“Reiko. Someone was here. He asked if you’d forgotten something. If he just spoke with someone, they’re going to have a near exact time frame for when he died. Think this through. You don’t need to-“
Reiko turned to face him, taking note of the wide eyed innocence on his face. This would be easier than she’d thought. 
“Yeah… I’m okay… I just…”
She started to mutter, drawing closer to him with every word. Then, she lunged forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, immediately crashing her lips against his a passionate kiss. 
Obito jerked a bit at the action, but he was quick to follow her lead. His arms wrapped around her waist and he kissed her with an equal force. Reiko sunk her fingers into the hair on the back of his head, pressing as tightly against his sturdy frame as she could manage, and with her chest flush with his, she felt the rapid pounding of his heart. She tugged at the white locks between her fingers, drawing a short gasp from Obito that allowed her to deepen the kiss, her tongue sliding into his mouth with hot desperation. He was so goddamned accommodating, allowing her to do whatever she pleased and matching her pace. However, when she trailed her hands down his chest to slide under the hem of his shirt, Obito pulled away from her with a sound of discontent. Their lips separated with a pop and his grip on her waist loosened until he was just holding her with large hands, putting some distance between them. Reiko’s eyes flew open, staring up at him in shock and offense, but he was looking down at her with confusion in his dark eyes. 
“Wait. Wait. What are you doing, Rei? I haven’t seen or heard from you in two weeks and you show up just to-“
Obito started to say, trying to understand that situation better. But Reiko didn’t have the patience for that. The sooner they could do this, the sooner she would be able to expel these feelings. The strange, nagging, ones that had been haunting her since their sleepover. She shook her head, cutting him off. 
“Please… I have had a horrible couple of weeks. I’ve been stressed and sick and all I want right now is to be with you…”
Reiko said, her voice a strange mix of pathetic and husky. The words themselves were vague, but her intentions were clear in the way her hands continued to hike up his t-shirt, her fingers slowly rising higher and higher on his bare chest. Obito sucked in a sharp breath, his muscles twitching under her gentle touch as his eyes dropped to the space between them again, watching her wrists disappear under his shirt. 
“If you don’t want to, just tell me to stop…”
Reiko added, because she wanted to kill him, but taking advantage of him wasn’t an option. It wasn’t in her wheelhouse. Murder was fair. Sexual assault was not. Obito swallowed thickly, and then, as if the option she’d given him had just registered, he jerked his head up to meet her line of sight again. His dark eyes were wrenched wide in a combination of panic and excitement as he tried to determine if he was reading the situation clearly. Though, Reiko was sure how it could be interpreted any other way. 
“I want to. W-we can… But I still don’t understand-“
Obito tried to eek out, but Reiko shook her head again, closing the space between them to press a kiss to his lips and silence him. With their noses grazing together and their lips barely touching. 
“We can talk later.”
She whispered, and this time she could hear the gulp from Obito. There was a second of decision making, his dark eyes searching her face for any sign of betrayal and Reiko’s own holding a wealth of affirmation before he finally nodded. With that final confirmation, she pressed her mouth tightly to his again, sharing one more heated kiss before pulling away entirely to grab his wrist and pull him in the direction of his bedroom. Obito followed behind easily, but he shifted his hand to lace their fingers together. Reiko could feel the nervous sweat on his palm, and when they crossed into the bedroom, she released his hand as she positioned him at the foot of the bed, giving his chest a light shove. 
“Lay down on your back.”
Reiko instructed, and Obito watched her, stupefied, for a moment as she toed off her shoes before doing as she’d said and scrambling to lay on the bed. She considered further undressing, but decided she’d rather have him pull her clothes off. Reiko moved to follow him, positioning herself to straddle his lap just as his head hit the pillow. Obito’s hands immediately moved to her hips, a clear indication of his growth in this department. But his entire face was still covered in a dark blush. There was a moment of silence, where everything slowed down as she ran her hands up his clothed torso to rest her palms flat against his chest. Obito’s heartbeat was steady against her fingertips, his breath rising and falling quickly as he stared up at her in anticipation. She took care to not sit on him fully yet, knowing from watching him lie down that he was already hard based on the tent in his thin pajama pants.
“Are you sure about this?”
Reiko asked again, her conscious not permitting her to go any further until he was in total agreement. Obito thought it over for a moment. His eyes filtering between her face and where she hovering over his groin, then to her hands splayed on his chest. Finally, his dark gaze met hers again, and he nodded. 
With that final confirmation, she lowered her weight onto him, feeling the outline of his member against her own core. At the pressure, Obito let out a gasp, his fingers tightening on her hips and Reiko hummed in understanding. From just the feeling alone, his size was impressive. That was not something she’d been expecting at all, but it left her pleasantly surprised nonetheless. She rolled her hips once, just to feel the length of him pressing against her through their clothes and Obito gasped again, a strangled sound coming from the back of his throat as his body went stiff, the tension in his muscles visible in the way the veins in his outstretched arms protruded. Reiko leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. 
“Just relax. I’ll take care of you.”
She muttered, locking eyes with him again to make sure he was still with her. Obito clenched his jaw, the muscles in his cheeks bulging slightly, and nodded. Now came the fun part. 
“God, yes…”
Reiko sighed as she rocked her hips against Obito’s. He filled her beautifully and every roll of her hips caused the tip of him to drag against the sweet spot that made her throb and her heart skip a beat. From the muffled sounds he was making against her chest, she could tell he was sensitive and trying his hardest to keep himself from finishing too soon. Though, he’d already came once. Hot and sticky in his boxers as they’d kissed and ran their hands over each others sparsely clothed bodies. Honestly, that was entirely her fault. She’d ground down against him the entire time, giving him no chance of escape. Obito’s pretty, desperate, vocalizations had only spurred her on, wanting nothing more than to see his face contort in pleasure and mild embarrassment. Now, however, if he finished and denied her the orgasm that had been building for a while, she would be a bit upset. 
His lips were wrapped around one of her nipples, tongue laving over the sensitive bud as drool pooled at the corners of his mouth. The image alone was almost nearly as erotic as the feeling. Reiko buried her fingers in his white hair, holding him close as she wound against him. Her inner thighs burned from the strain of being in this position for so long, but strangely, it only added to the heat that spread over her entire body and heightened her desperation to reach her own end. Obito bucked up against her a bit, and she gasped, her fingers tightening in his hair at the flash of pleasure that washed through her. 
Obito groaned, releasing her nipple from his mouth in favor of burying his forehead against her sternum and screwing his brow up in frustration and focus. The hands on her lower back flexed and gripped where they could, pulling her hips towards him as he ground himself up and further into her. Reiko trembled a bit at the overwhelming feeling, her mouth falling open as her eyes screwed shut. 
“You’re doing so good, Obito… just a little more…”
She encouraged, voice breathy and uneven as she stuttered in search of oxygen. Honestly, she didn’t think she’d ever been this turned on in her life. There was something about the way he clung to her like a lifeline. His large hands splayed on her back, blunt finger nails digging into her flesh, and the breathy moans he let out against her skin. Every time she managed to look at him, his face was contorted in pleasure and his patchwork skin was cast in the soft glow of several candles. In the moment, he was fucking beautiful. A thin sheen over sweat covered his body, highlighting things she’d never really considered before. His strong arms wrapped around her tightly and when she looked down she could see the corded muscles in his back rolling and contracting in time with their desperate grinding. 
From the moment they’d begun, he’d made her feel desired. Once he’d realized that she was just as attracted to him as he was to her, he hadn’t held back. Obito’s mouth and hands were on her constantly, sometimes with no clear target. Just roaming and feeling their way across her body. Like now, he pressed sloppy, open mouthed, kisses to the valley between her breasts. He drew his tongue over her sensitive skin, simply tasting her for the sake of doing so. In theory, it was inexperienced and overly eager. But in practice, it was raw and full of longing. He’d been so touch starved when she first met him and, now, he would take any opportunity he could to lose himself in her body. 
That thought sent another wave of pleasure through her. One that caused her to tighten around him and gush, her toes curling up to the point of her feet cramping. Obito moaned at the feeling, his teeth sinking into her collarbone unintentionally. 
“Please… Please…”
He begged against her skin, his words muffled and slurred as he lost himself in pleasure. The whiny sound filled her with a renewed passion. Reiko picked up the pace per his request, bouncing herself on his length lightly. The shallow thrusts drew a nearly pained cry from the man under her, but the movement was sending her reeling towards her own end. 
“You’re doing so good… so good, Obito. ‘M so close.”
Reiko babbled, swallowing thickly in between words as each wave of pleasure pushed the breath from her lungs. She picked her head up from where she’d allowed it loll back, turning to look down at where his cheek with pressed against her chest. Her grip in his hair tightened again, but this time she used the leverage to pull him back and drop her lips to his in a hungry kiss. Obito moaned into her mouth, his hips bucking into hers in a stuttering pattern, proving his loss of control. 
“You wanna cum again for me?”
She questioned against his mouth, their lips sliding together, sloppy and unrestrained. Reiko opened her eyes just enough to see his brow furrow in pain. Obito nodded quickly, chasing her lips and sealing their mouths back together again as he whimpered. The feeling of his spit slicked mouth pressed against hers and the sound of his pathetic whimpers vibrating against her tongue was the final straw. With a few more, inconsistent, thrusts of his hips, Reiko was meeting her own end. She gasped and moaned into his mouth, tightening around his length in a vice grip as Obito nearly cried and emptied himself inside of her. 
For several moments afterwards, they pressed their foreheads together and tried to regain control of their bodies. The aftershocks pulsed through Reiko and Obito hissed and twitched beneath her when she contracted around him involuntarily. Once they’d caught their breath, Reiko let out a shuddering sigh and Obito ran his hands down the expanse of her back. 
“Can you… it’s too much… sensitive.”
Obito muttered, wincing a bit when she clenched down again, this time totally intentionally. Reiko let out a breathy laugh, pressing one last kiss to his lips before using her jelly-like legs to raise herself off his member. They shuddered a bit at the loss, but Obito didn’t release his grip on her. Instead, he lurched forward and buried his face in her chest again, trying to hold her close and hide his face at the same time. It was a bit clingier than she was used to, but it was his first time and Reiko wasn’t a monster. So, held him as well, her fingers combing through his hair to soothe him. Eventually, though, the stickiness between her legs and the drying sweat became too uncomfortable to ignore. 
“I need to clean up…”
She whispered, having dropped her nose to press against his scalp. Obito nodded, releasing her from his arms but still making sure to drag his hands across every inch of skin he could manage. When she finally clambered off his lap, she did her best to cover her chest with her arms as she looked around for the clothing they’d shed, but articles were strewn everywhere and she wrinkled her nose as she tried to locate everything. 
Obito said from his position on the bed, he moved to grab his discarded t-shirt from the sheets right beside him. Reiko hesitated for a second, but reached forward to take it from him anyway. When she turned her eyes to thank him, the words died in her throat. He looked so soft. Obito’s white hair was sticking up in all directions and his mixture of pale white and tan skin mingled against the blankets piled around him was one of the most inviting things she’d ever seen. Still, she swallowed the realization and smiled. 
Reiko uttered before tugging the long shirt over her body and scurrying out of the room to the upstairs bathroom to clean herself off. Her brain left her body for a bit and she washed up in silence, just enjoying the pleasant relaxation in her muscles after such a strenuous activity. When she crept back downstairs, however, a sound from Obito’s bedroom caused her to freeze just by the doorway. 
Reiko positioned herself against the wall, staring into the darkness of his nearly empty living room as she focused on the noise. Vaguely, she could hear sniffling. Once, maybe he just had a runny nose. But then she heard it again. And again. Followed by the very clear sound of stuttered breathing. Then, a soft hiccup. 
Obito was crying. 
At the realization, her heart sank to the pit of her stomach and her insides twisted into knots. Had she gone too far? Taken too much in her attempt to… god, why had she even done this? A heavy regret settled on her chest as she stood and listened to him cry. This wasn’t fair. He’d been so vocal about his boundaries before and then, just because she felt like she had to tick this off her checklist before she killed him, she’d shown up on his porch and threw herself at him. Why? Sleeping with him was supposed to be a means to an end. Really, she could have just talked to him to regain his trust enough to allow her to sleep over again. Now, she’d taken advantage of him and that made her even worse than a murderer. 
Obito called from the room, causing her to realize that she’d forgotten to turn the light off at the top of the stair case. So, despite her efforts to hide, her shadow was stretched across the floor beyond the doorway. Of course he knew she was here. She tried to save face, stepping around the corner and into the room with a soft smile, her head dropped forward.
“Hey… yeah, sorry I just had a hair stuck in-“
She started to cover, but he stopped her.
“Did you hear me?”
He asked, his voice raw and gruff. It forced Reiko to pick up her head and look at him. If she’d been able to ignore the crying before, she certainly wouldn’t be able to now. Obito’s eyes were ringed with red and the wet streaks on his cheeks were glaring, even if he reached up quickly to wipe them away. He was still naked from the waist up, but it looked like he’d managed to pull his boxers back on. At the sight of him, appearing so sad and small, the response jumped from Reiko’s mouth. 
She confirmed, and Obito sighed, his shoulders sagging forward and his head dropping to stare down at the blankets. A panic took ahold of her and she stepped into the room. 
“Ah, Obito, if I went too far, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have… if I made you feel pressured to do anything-.”
Reiko started again, but he jerked his head up, dark eyes wide in panic. 
“Oh no! No, it’s not that. I swear. You didn’t pressure me at all, I wanted to. And I-I’m really glad we did!”
Obito stuttered in defense, some of the tension easing from Reiko’s shoulders as she approached the bed further. Carefully, she sunk to her knees at the foot of the bed so they were eye level. 
“Are you sure?”
She asked, and Obito nodded, letting out a surprising chuckle. 
“Yeah… I’m… God, you’re so- that was so… good. So good. It’s just… damn, I must seem really pathetic. Crying after something like that.”
Obito scoffed, shaking his head at his own reaction. Despite his apparent embarrassment, he sniffled again and rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands. Just like that night several weeks ago, Reiko couldn’t help herself when she reached forward and grabbed his wrists to pull his hands away from his face. It was like some inert ability called her to action in these moments. A desire in her chest that had laid dormant until… well, it made her want to comfort him. 
“I don’t think it’s pathetic… but why?”
Reiko asked, Obito’s gaze landing back on her face, forcing the eye contact that made her feel small. He looked desperate to speak for a moment, his chin titled upward and his dark eyes pleading. Then, he seemed to think better of it, shaking his head and clicking his tongue against his teeth. 
“It’s… don’t worry about it. It’s stupid.”
He said, trying to pull away from her, but Reiko’s grip on his wrists tightened and she didn’t move from her position. Didn’t change the concerned expression on her face. Obito’s eyes darted down to her hands, then her concerned face again. Finally, he sighed, his shoulders sagging again, though he couldn’t look at her when he spoke. 
“Just… when I was younger I always thought that I would… that my first time would be with Rin.”
Obito admitted, but when he’d really realized what he’d said he blushed furiously, dark eyes widening in panic. 
“Not-Not that I thought about it a lot or anything! Really, I’m not like that and we were young but- I don’t know. I just always thought that I would spend the rest of my life with her and that… included all of the firsts.”
He clarified, dropping his head forward a bit bashfully. Again, this tugged at her heartstrings. Made the guilt rise in her throat like vomit. There was something so honest and innocent in his eyes when he spoke about Rin. That first love from early childhood… she knew what that was like. 
“Obito… I’m sorry if I took those firsts from you… I didn’t even think-“
Reiko started to say, but he was cutting her off yet again, his white eyebrows furrowing. 
“No, no… don’t be sorry. Really, Rei. I wasn’t upset because I regret anything. I think maybe… it’s just hard. Because for so long I thought about a future with her. And even after… even after everything happened, I only thought about building a world where I could still have a future with her. But…”
Obito tried to explain, trailing off a bit out of self consciousness. But Reiko wanted to hear more. She had to hear more. So, she took his pale hand and brought it up to her mouth, pressing a soft kiss against his knuckles. Obito picked his head back up to stare at her, though he didn’t appear as shocked as he would have a couple weeks ago. 
Reiko asked, pulling a soft smile from Obito. It seemed like he’d found some reassurance or confidence, because he locked eyes with her when he said the next part. 
“But… I think, maybe, I could see a future with you. And these past couple weeks that we’ve spent apart, I started to realize that. I really like you, Rei. And I think that’s what Rin would have wanted, ya know? For me to at least try and move on… to be happy. And I am happy. With you.”
Obito finished, completely stunning her in place and making her blood run colder with every word. The hope on his face made her physically sick. She shouldn’t have asked. She should have just let him wallow. Let him keep all those flowery words to himself. In the beginning, she thought she would have been able to laugh at him for being so naive, so tenderhearted and easy to manipulate, but as he stared at her with nothing but admiration, Reiko felt nothing but guilt. 
“At least he’ll die happy.”
With that, her tongue twisted to form the words before she could stop them. 
“I’m happy with you too.”
Taglist: @actual-spawn-of-satan​
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the8gates · 3 years
The Bug Collector: Chapter Ten - Praying Mantis
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Word Count: 4.1k
Warning(s): Angst. One instance of mild gore. Mentions of blood. 
When Kakashi is appointed as the Sixth Hokage, he reveals that Obito Uchiha did not die in the war and that he plans to offer his former a friend a chance at rehabilitation and redemption. The few people who are aware of this secret project are supportive of the effort. Expect for Reiko Miki.
After her mentor, Shikaku Nara, was killed during the war, Reiko struggled to come to terms with his death. This issue is only made worse when Obito is placed in the only other house on her street. With seemingly everyone against the idea of serving true justice, Reiko decides to take matters into her own hands and make the Uchiha pay for all of the crimes he committed.
However, there may be more grey in the black and white picture she’d painted than she originally anticipated.
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine - AO3 - Chapter Eleven 
Obito was snoring softly. Oddly enough, it was a comforting sound. Like the white noise of a fan or the licking of a river against the rocks on the shoreline. It was a uniquely masculine sound. One she seemed to associated with peace, calm, and quiet. His arm was thrown over her midsection, his face buried in the pillow next to her head. As Reiko stared up at the ceiling, the minutes seemed to crawl. It had been quiet at first. But Obito’s snoring was calling the other sounds around her into question. 
The gentle ticking of a clock on his wall slowly became a raucous beat, clashing against her eardrums harshly until her heart was beating in time. The chirping of crickets through the thin walls rose from a sweet melody to a deafening buzz. Her chest felt tighter and the faint light above the stove in the kitchen was growing brighter. Calling to her like a moth to flame. She could see it from her current position if she tilted her head forward. Through the wide doorway of Obito’s make shift bedroom, past the nearly empty living room. All of the things she needed were waiting for her there. 
Reiko’s hands began to sweat, though she wasn’t sure why. She’d been laying here for an hour already. Perfectly calm and still as she waited for Obito to drift to sleep. Though, admittedly, it hadn’t taken him long after their second round. A tingling of sensation on her hip forced her to recall the tight grip of his hands. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he towered over her for their second time. After his confession, they’d fallen into a flurry of kisses and caresses. The candles burned down to nothing more than puddles of wax on wood and smoldering wicks. It wasn’t long before he’d ended up inside of her again. Reiko’s body pulsed at the memory of his dark eyes boring holes into her own. His mouth hanging open in disbelieving pleasure. The sound of his soft moans and harsh breaths as he rocked himself into her over and over again… 
Her jaw clenched and she had to restrain herself as not to shrug off his arm and scramble from the bed in one, fluid, motion. Every muscle in her body went stiff, and she took a deep breath to try and relax. He was asleep. It was time. 
Slowly, she inched herself out of Obito’s grip. His snoring hitched slightly, but other than that, he made no indication of rousing from his sleep. There was another reason she had to have sex with him. Just to exhaust him and make sure he fell into a deep sleep afterwards. It would make this entire process much easier. She peeled his arm away from her stomach, gripping his wrist with lithe fingers, and carefully shimmied out of the gap before gently lying his arm back on bedspread. Reiko knelt next to the bed, her knees digging into the hardwood, and she held her breath. Her eyes were peeled wide as she watched him. Obito was still slack jawed, a tiny puddle of drool building on his pillow. It was painfully obvious that he totally calm and at peace in that moment. 
“You put him at ease.”
Once it seemed like he wasn’t going to miss her body next to his, Reiko rose to her feet slowly. Then, her eyes were fixed back on the faint glow in the doorway to the kitchen. Without any further thought, her feet began to carry her towards her goal. She walked on the tips of her toes, careful to avoid the creaky floorboards she’d taken notice of during her time in the house. The large television was off, but the black screen reflected the glow of a few candles in the living room. Little specks of light that made the room just a bit brighter and easier to navigate. When she crossed over the threshold to the kitchen, her gaze immediately landed on the object of her desire. 
Seated in the middle of the counter space between Obito’s stove and his refrigerator was an unassuming, black, knife block. 
Reiko blinked and she was standing in front of it, her hand hovering over the handle of the largest blade. It was sharp. She’d checked that a couple weeks ago when she’d gone to the kitchen to make herself a glass of water. Her fingers wrapped around the wooden handle and she unsheathed it from the block with a soft slicing sound. The weight of it in her palm wasn’t unfamiliar, but somehow, it was more difficult to grip. Reiko couldn’t decide how to hold it. 
In a clenched fist with the stainless steel tip pointed towards the ground?
Facing away from her with the blade angled downwards?
To the side, with her thumb pressing against the dull back end?
That seemed to provide her the most stability. She could even use the palm of her other hand to press against the other dulled end once she had it against his throat. 
“Fuck’s sake, Reiko, don’t decapitate the guy.”
Hm. Her stomach flipped at the idea of pushing against the knife with all of her body weight, like forcing an overpacked suitcase shut. The rush of blood and the sound of skin, muscle, and, eventually, bone giving way to the force. Reiko’s lip curled upwards in disgust. Shikaku was right. Best to keep a loose grip on the weapon until she was ready to eliminate the target. Then, one, sturdy, swipe should do the job. On her way out of the kitchen, she grabbed two hand towels from a drawer near the silverware. Hopefully, it would be enough to soak up the blood. 
“It won’t be.”
When she returned to the bedroom, Obito was still lying on his side. She avoided looking at this face, instead opting to focus on his still outstretched arm and his neck. It would have been easier if he was lying on his back, though there was no real way to get him to do that without waking him, so she would have to work with the hand she’d been dealt. She approached him from behind, sinking to her knees as she stared at his bare back. The half white, half tan, skin was prevalent there too. When he’d stripped his shirt earlier in the night, she’d had the passing thought that it was interesting how his body appeared almost perfectly split in half. Right down the center of his chest. She hadn’t had much time to think about it before, but the spilt seemed to stop at his chest. Everything below the belt was unmarred.
Reiko took a steadying breath as she watched Obito’s back rise and fall with his own breaths. This was it. All she had to do was reach over him, slot the blade against his throat, and rip up and backwards. Just like starting her lawn mower. In one hand, she gripped the hand towels. In the other, the knife. At this point, it felt like her mind was disconnected from her body. Her arm moved without any consideration, rising up and inching forward until the blade was tucked under his chin. Not quite touching his skin yet, but poised for the blow. 
It was now or never. 
If she wasn’t looking at his face, this would be easier. She wouldn’t have to witness the gore as it happened. Or see the look of betrayal and hurt in his dark eyes when they inevitably popped open and he realized what had happened. Who had done this to him. The panic on his face as his hand moved on instinct to grab his slit throat. Blood pouring through his fingers as the last emotion he felt was fear. 
At the mental image, her hand trembled slightly and she felt her eyes begin to burn. The only woman he’d allowed into his heart since the death of the love of his life, and she was the one killing him. Waking him up with the gift of a painful death. He would be so hurt. So scared. So confused. His face never hid any emotion. It’s like he wasn’t capable of it. Reiko could imagine the exact look he would give her. Brows furrowed in question, dark eyes glossing over with tears and mouth gaping open at he tried, in vain, to breath. Drowning in his own blood. A tear rolled down her cheek.
No. No! He did not deserve her sympathy. Her regret. Her indecision. He’d killed Shikaku without a second thought. There was no sympathy in that action. Shikaku’s last emotion must have been fear as well. He must have felt pain at the idea that he would never see his family again. His son. Her grip on the knife tightened again and she used the towels in her other hand to roughly wipe the singular tear away. She wasn’t doing this for herself. She was doing it for Shikaku. For Shikamaru and Yoshino. For all of the people who had lost loved ones in that war. She might go to prison for the rest of her life, but she would go down as a hero. A martyr. 
“There it is.”
“What’s the real reason you’re doing this, Rei?”
To avenge you-
“No. That is what you have told yourself. Think about it. Would I really want you to do this?”
You sure as hell haven’t told me not to! 
“I did, though. In my letter. If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times. Revenge settles nothing. It fixes nothing. You kill Obito now, and then what? Say you get away with it. No one ever knows it was you. Will that make you feel better?”
Maybe! I won’t know until I try. 
“That means no. It won’t. You’ll think about this moment for the rest of your life. You will agonize over it and never be able to scrub the blood from your hands. Killing someone is not easy, Reiko. Even if it’s someone you claim to hate.”
I do hate him. 
“No you don’t. Use your fucking head for once. During this entire ordeal you haven’t thought a single thing out! You had a thousand opportunities to kill him before this! He’s been vulnerable around you since that first date. You could have stabbed him when you kissed him for the first time. Or the millions of times before that. You could have killed him two weeks ago! But you didn’t. Why not?”
The timing wasn’t right! I had to wait! 
“For what? It’s not like you care much about getting caught anymore. You know someone was here just a few hours ago. And you know the only person who visits Obito regularly is Kakashi. Now, he goes missing in the morning and Kakashi saw him, alive and well, the night before. It drastically decreases the window of opportunity. Even if they don’t find his body, they will be able to narrow down the time of death. You have no back up plan to make it seem like Obito ran away. They will know he’s dead. Kakashi knows you are the only other person Obito speaks to-“
What is the point of all of this?
“Exactly! What is the point Reiko? Because, from where I am, it seems like you’re trying to make sure you get caught, because you already feel guilty about killing him. And why you would you feel guilty about killing someone you hate? Someone, you believe, deserves to die?”
Because… because… 
“Because you don’t think he deserves it. Because you don’t hate him. It’s the exact opposite. You’ve been pretending to play this role when you’re around him. In reality, he just brings out that side of you. The tenderness you never felt comfortable enough to display. The teasing sweetness. It’s all you. Maybe, in the beginning, it was an act. But now? You’re fucked. You couldn’t do this if your life was on the line.”
Reiko’s hand trembled again and, at some point during this lecture from Shikaku, she’d risen up on her knees. From this angle, she could see the side of Obito’s face. Suddenly, his body tensed and his brow furrowed. His out-stretched arm wiggled around the empty space next to him, running over the sheets. Reiko jerked the knife away from him out of fear that he was waking up, her eyes wide in shock. Obito reached up and grabbed the pillow she’d been resting her head against earlier. He gripped it and pulled it towards his torso until he was holding it snuggly. His brow relaxed and he buried his nose in the pillow, the snoring ceasing as he took a deep inhale. Smelling the remnants of her scent on the fabric. 
Then, Obito’s body relaxed again and he smiled in his sleep. 
Reiko sank back down to rest on the heels of her feet. Her heart was hammering in her chest and she was struggling to breathe. 
“You love him, idiot. Whether you want to or not.”
Tears welled in her eyes as the realization hit her like a train. It completely knocked the remaining air from her lungs and she doubled over to press her forehead against the hardwood. The knife clattered to the floor next to her and she covered her mouth with the dishrags clenched in her sweaty fist. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears, blood rushing and pounding against her eardrums. 
Oh, god. 
All of those indescribable things she’d been feeling in his presence. The tug in her chest that called her to action when he was upset. The butterflies in her stomach when he kissed her with a bit of force. Her heart skipping a beat or two when she saw him for the first time in two weeks. Her thoughts about how beautiful he was. The desire to wipe the tears from his cheeks earlier. The warmth in her chest when he laughed or smiled without abandon. The pain she’d felt when he’d told her his story. 
She’d been misreading all of those things. Or flat out ignoring them. She’d come here tonight in an attempt to put an end to all of this. No plan, no concerns or doubtful thoughts. All because of that conversation she’d had with her mother. It wasn’t about starting over and leading a new life. She’d lashed out because, during their discussion about Shikaku, she’d realized that part of her was starting to feel the same way about Obito. Internally, she’d panicked and decided to eliminate the problem before it was too late and she couldn’t. 
“It’s already too late. It was too late after that second date.”
Reiko drew in a ragged breath in reaction to Shikaku’s word. A stuttering gasp. Tears welled in her eyes and her throat began to burn from the effort of holding them back. Obito didn't… fuck, he didn't deserve this. He wasn’t innocent, but he also wasn’t the monster she’d painted him out to be. He regretted what he’d done. He talked about Rin like she spoke about Shikaku. Their guiding lights through the darkness. And they’d both done the exact same thing in memory of their loved ones. 
Obito had twisted Rin’s death into a reason to wage all out war. Reiko had twisted Shikaku’s very voice to fit the narrative in her head. All of those goading words he’d whispered in her ear over recent weeks were not his own. They were her own thoughts, echoing back to her off of the cave walls to make her feel less alone. Even if some of the comments were scathing. Even if she knew he would never say some of those things… She’d allowed it, because she missed him. Because she was lonely. 
Was lonely. 
“You need to let it go, Reiko. You need to move on. Live your life for yourself. Not in memory of me. This is, very nearly, a suicide mission. You want to get caught. Be absolved of your responsibilities. Be locked up with the only people you’ve ever really thought understood you. Yourself, and me. Or, at least your version of me. But there is someone else who could understand you. Who wants to. If you would just let him.”
She couldn’t fight it anymore. The tears were flowing freely now as she sobbed into the rag on her mouth. Her shoulders shook with the force of them and her entire body trembled. It was becoming difficult to remember where she was. What she’d been doing. All she could think about was the pain in her chest, the anguish in her heart. It was all encompassing. She fought to breathe, drawing in hiccuping gasps. 
Obito’s groggy voice cut through the dense fog like a floodlight. Immediately, she stopped crying. Her eyes peeled wide open, but all she could see was the dark wood floor. Everything fell deathly quiet as she froze in spot. Too scared to move. Too heartbroken and vulnerable to look at him. 
“Reiko? What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
Obito asked, the concern in his tone overriding the gravelly voice of someone who’d just woken up. She felt his hand come down to rest on her shoulder, warm and reassuring. The final confirmation was the comfort she drew from that simple gesture. She didn’t feel the need to flinch away from him or shrug his hand off. Instead, she leaned into it a bit. Reiko winced at the realization, another shock of pain rocking through her system. After another moment of steeling herself, she slowly rose back up to face him.
He was staring at her with nothing short of panic and genuine worry on his face. When their eyes met, she could see the care in his dark eyes. Even bathed in the shadows, he managed to look like a beacon. Something honest. A lighthouse in the distance, beckoning her to shore as the storm raged around her and her boat threatened to capsize. Then, his eyes darted down to the knife on the floor next to her. The rags in her hand. When his gaze landed back on her this time, his eyes were narrowed in a scrutinizing glare, all of the earlier concern was gone. His hand dropped from her shoulder. It gutted her. 
“What’s going on?”
Obito questioned, but this time, he didn’t sound nearly as forgiving. In fact, she was reminded of the harshness in his voice when he’d called out to her from his front porch the first time they’d met. Accusatory. Angry. What was she supposed to do now?
“Tell him the truth.”
Her bottom lip trembled and, before she could get a single word out, she was sobbing again. 
“I’m so sorry, Obito. I’m so sorry. Please don’t look at me like that.”
She babbled, dropping her head forward and bringing her hands up to cover her eyes. There was a bit of silence as she cried, Obito seemingly deciding what to say. 
“What are you sorry for, Reiko?”
He asked, goading her towards the answer by attempting to be patient with her. She sniffled, drawing in another shuddering breath. 
“I was going to kill you.”
Reiko managed to respond, taking a deep breath to try and steady her nerves. 
Obito questioned, the disbelief and thinly veiled anger in his voice like a stake to the heart. It filled her with a sense of panic and dread. She had to explain herself. He would understand if she could just explain. With her bottom lip still trembling harshly and her eyes filled to the brim with tears, Reiko managed to turn her face back up to look at him. Oh god, he was angry. His eyebrows pinched together and face screwed up in betrayal. Still, she fought past the urge to leave this position in a dead sprint for her home. To shut herself away and not deal with this. 
“I-I was going to kill you. But I didn’t and… I can’t. I was just so angry about everything that happened. I couldn’t stand the idea that he died for nothing. That you would just get to walk free after-“
Reiko was trying to keep it together. She was focusing so hard her head was beginning to hurt. But the words wouldn’t come out in the way she needed them to. She tumbled over them in a mad dash to get him to understand. To explain her actions in any way she could. But Obito cut her off. 
“Reiko. When did you decide to do this?”
He asked, cutting through everything she’d said to get to the center of it all. The deciding factor in his eyes. Reiko could tell that he already knew why she’d wanted to kill him. He may not have known the specifics, but her story was likely the same as many others. It was a regret he carried in his heart. One that chained him to this house and prevented him from leaving. One that he’d ignored and overcome just to be with her. That simple question was all it took for her to realize the truth of the situation she was in. The consequences of what she’d done. She had taken his trust. His love, care, and concern… and crushed in the palm of her hand. 
When she was finally able to answer him, the tears had stopped completely. Drying in itchy streaks on her cheeks. Obito’s face held no more emotion. Just stone cold indifference. She was sure she was looking at him like a shocked child. Her eyes wide and mouth slightly agape as the horrifying understanding washed through her. This was it. 
“Since before I met you. I planned… all of this. Just to…”
Reiko managed to whisper, her voice raw and vocal chords strained. The admission was like ice breaking across the top of a frozen pond. The wrong step, and everything began to crack around the epicenter, splitting off in different directions as it spiderwebbed across an unbelievable distance. It felt like hearing that sound and halting in place, holding her body perfectly still and tensing all of her muscles. A howling, frigid, wind blew across the surface, stinging her nose and ears as it kicked up snow and tiny shards of ice. There was a loud groan, echoing through the mostly silent space, the snow providing the perfect reverberation. Then-
“You should leave.”
Obito said, staring directly into her eyes as he did so. There was no hesitance in his words. No self doubt or sadness. Just apathy. It was like he’d put a mask on in the blink of an eye and, suddenly, she was reminded of what all he’d had to do to get to this point in his life. The lies and manipulation. The careful planning and plotting. In front of her was a man who had single handedly declared a war against nations. Finally, she understood what exactly she was up against. That blushing, stuttering, fool who had welcomed her into his home and cried in her lap as he recounted the story of his life… that was the real Obito. Now, the person in front of her was the same facade he’d hidden behind his entire life. Just like the one she hid behind. Distance to prevent pain. Harshness to prevent vulnerability. Her heart sank to the pit of her stomach. If he turned her away now, the doors would shut again. Forever sealing her inside of a life of bitterness and solitude. She reached for him. 
“Obito, please…”
Reiko tried to beg, but he pulled back and rose to his feet on the mattress. From that angle, he looked down at her as if she were the most pathetic thing he’d ever seen. 
He repeated, giving her one more look to indicate his seriousness before jerking his gaze away from her again. Reiko could only watch as he moved around the room, collecting her discarded clothes. He tossed them onto the floor in a small pile near her knees, right next to the knife. 
“You can keep the shirt.”
He said before turning heel to leave the room entirely. She heard his footsteps receded, the staircase creaking, and then the harsh shut of the bathroom door on the top floor. Reiko stared down the clothes and the knife for another moment or two, truly too stunned to move. 
“Pick yourself up. You did the right thing.”
Then why did it feel like she’d just made the biggest mistake of her life?
Taglist: @actual-spawn-of-satan​
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the8gates · 3 years
The Bug Collector: Chapter Four - Dragonfly
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Word Count: 8k
Warning(s): None.
When Kakashi is appointed as the Sixth Hokage, he reveals that Obito Uchiha did not die in the war and that he plans to offer his former a friend a chance at rehabilitation and redemption. The few people who are aware of this secret project are supportive of the effort. Expect for Reiko Miki.
After her mentor, Shikaku Nara, was killed during the war, Reiko struggled to come to terms with his death. This issue is only made worse when Obito is placed in the only other house on her street. With seemingly everyone against the idea of serving true justice, Reiko decides to take matters into her own hands and make the Uchiha pay for all of the crimes he committed.
However, there may be more grey in the black and white picture she’d painted than she originally anticipated.
 Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - AO3 - Chapter Five
No, she didn’t feel bad. Not in the slightest. It didn’t matter if Obito was some virgin dressed up like he was going to his first school dance. At the very least, he’d get a decent date or two out of her before she ended his sorry life. This was like doing community service. She grinned, managing to cover her slight slip. 
“You look nice. Sorry, I didn’t really dress up… and is that a bottle of wine?”
She asked, gesturing to the bottle clutched in what she imagined was a sweaty fist. His dark eyes widened a bit, and he nodded, holding it out to her. 
“Yeah. Well. Half of one. It’s all I had on hand.”
Obito answered, but Reiko reached out to accept it anyway, lifting the glass from his hands and holding it gingerly in her palms as she read the label. The brand was a cheap one she was familiar with. Probably bought with the intention of clasping the neck of the bottle in his fist just so he could drown mouthful after mouthful. No care or concern for the taste, only chasing its effects. At least that was relatable. 
“I love this brand.”
Reiko commented, offering him a smile smile as she ushered him inside. He crossed over the threshold with a little hesitancy, dark eyes darting around the room as he assessed his surroundings. 
“It’s not much… but it’s home.”
Reiko offered, moving away from the front door and back towards the kitchen. He followed with ease, considering the open layout of her first floor. 
“I uh… I like it.”
Obito said, a little unsure of himself in that statement. Her home was a much different scene from her office. At work, everything had its rightful place and she took great care to make sure her space was tidy. Wiping down her desk once a day with different cleaners and dusting her bookshelves and cabinets weekly. It helped keep her mind clear and made sure she didn’t get overwhelmed. At home, however, she found comfort in decor and knickknacks. There were shelves of dusty books and trinkets she’d collected over the years. Throw blankets and pillows littered her couch and love seat. Magazines and coaster cluttered the space on her coffee table and her kitchen was full of hanging herbs and there was not a windowsill that didn’t contain some kind of fresh vegetable soaking in the sunlight. It was a little messy, but she liked to view it as ‘lived in’ and welcoming because her guests didn’t have to worry about taking up space. Everything else did. 
When they entered the kitchen, Reiko placed the bottle of wine on the table and returned to the counter. 
“You said you wanted to watch, so I haven’t started cooking yet. Hope you don’t mind the wait that comes along with being needlessly paranoid.”
She said over her shoulder, chuckling a bit as the teasing statement left her mouth. Obito was hovering behind her, staring down at her hands as she washed a colander full of spinach. But she didn’t know this until he spoke. 
“I don’t mind.”
He answered, causing her to jolt in surprise at his proximity. Reiko turned her head, looking up and over her shoulder at the tall man in shock, but he simply continued to watch her hands with a scrutinizing expression. 
“Yikes. Talk about awkward.”
Reiko turned back to the sink, turning the green leaves over as the water from the faucet poured down on them. So, he was really going to stand right behind her the entire she cooked.
“Uh, I hope you like fish… I planned on baked salmon and a spinach side salad.”
Reiko said, trying to start some kind of conversation to alleviate the strange tension in the room. Really, she wished it didn’t matter. This date was supposed to be a means to an end. But that end required her to get close, and she couldn’t exactly bridge the gap between them without being friendly. Obito made a sound behind her, a hum of approval. 
“Yes, that sounds good.”
He answered, and Reiko nodded, her tongue sticking to the insides of her teeth as she struggled to think of something else to say. His attitude had completely changed once they’d entered the kitchen. From shy and a little out of his depth to rather serious in an instant as he watched her prepare the food with a vigilance that turned the air around them into wet concrete. She needed him to relax, or she wouldn’t be able to. And being on edge would lead to a slip up. 
“I know you said you’d like to watch for the sake of feeling comfortable. But you’re making me a little nervous…”
Reiko chuckled, shutting the faucet off when the spinach was fully rinsed. Then, she turned around to face him, grinning as his eyes widened. In this position she realized just how close he was, having to crane her head back to look up at his face. Obito seemed to have the same reckoning, because a soft blush rose to accompany his stunned expression. 
“How about you just help me prepare the food instead? That way you can monitor everything, but you’re not just breathing down my neck.”
She suggested, raising her eyebrows when he simply stared at her for a beat too long. Then, she was nodding her head in a goading fashion, reaching forward without any further answer being needed. She grabbed the ends of his shirt sleeves, popping off the button on the cuff and rolling them up his forearms, one at a time. Obito sucked in a sharp breath, but he didn’t stop her as she exposed one white arm and one tan.
“Oh, smooth. A simple gesture. It’s demanding without being overly forward. It gives the impression that you’re in charge, you’re not afraid to touch him, and it’s endearing at the same time.”
Well, yeah. There was a reason she was good at this kind of operation in the past. Obito seemed shocked when she was done, his arms hanging in the air between them. Reiko let out a soft laugh, clapping a hand down on his shoulder and then nodding her head in the direction of fridge. 
“Alright. Go get me two lemons from the fridge.”
She instructed, turning back around to let him process what had just happened as she shook the colander of spinach to disperse any left over water. After a second of silence, the floorboards groaned with the shifting of his weight, and he crossed the kitchen to follow her command. When he returned, Reiko grabbed her cutting board from it’s hanging place on the wall and settled it on the counter next to her. 
“Slice them into thin discs. The knives are over there… and when you’re done, you see that cabinet by the stove? Grab the aluminum foil from there.”
She said, pointing out the locations of things for Obito. He nodded, grabbing one of the large knives from the block in front of him. That should keep him busy for a second while she continued on her own preparations. She pulled a large pot from an overhead cabinet, filling it with water and salt before preparing an ice bath in a bowl in the sink while the pot of water heated up. 
“So… do you… like your position as Jonin Commander?”
Obito suddenly asked as he carefully sliced the lemons in front of him, causing Reiko to glance up him as poured sesame seeds into a waiting frying pan. Small talk… that was a good first step. With their hands busy, it would be easier. 
“I do. Though, it’s really just a ton of paperwork at this point… peace between villages means less missions. Less missions means less strategizing and more bureaucracy.”
Reiko answered honestly, flicking on the burner to toast the sesame seeds on low heat. Then, as the water in the pot began to boil, she carefully transferred the spinach into the pot. It didn’t matter much if she spoke frankly with him. Dead men couldn’t tell secrets. 
“Do you prefer that? Strategizing?”
Obito questioned, finding his footing in the conversation somewhat as he delivered the question with more confidence. 
“It’s what I was trained for. Filing requisition forms from the local shopkeepers for security and scheduling lunch breaks just feels like a waste of my talents. But it is part of the job.”
Reiko stated, allowing the responses to flow easily. One on one conversations had always been easier for her, and if she could convince herself that this was a normal situation, she would play the part better. Though, she didn’t favor being on the receiving end of the questions. So, when Obito hummed a bit in agreement, she decided to turn the tables. 
“Do you have any plans? For the future, I mean.”
Reiko asked, quirking a brow as she glanced over at him. Obito’s hand stilled mid-slice, his wrist rolled at a strange angle as he kept the blade embedded in the fruit in front of him. In his eyes, this was a date with a massive elephant in the room. She’d never directly addressed it, but her position meant that she knew things about him. Or at least, how his presence in the village had come to pass. Her mentor being the former Jonin Commander meant that she knew all about the war. Though, in honesty, after Shikaku’s passing, the details became fuzzy and hard to keep track of. No communication had come out of the war zone until the battle was over. After that, she’d just been running on word of mouth and vague recollections of events that had transpired too quickly to recount with any certainty. 
Nevertheless, she knew who he was. He knew that. Really, her question was a test in a way. To see how well he could navigate this conversation after the fact. For no reason other than to satiate her own curiosity about a man who could have committed such heinous crimes and then moved on to live a life of obscure domesticity. 
Obito cleared his throat and furrowed his brow before continuing to slice through the lemon. 
“I’m not sure, yet. Things are different now… I know that I don’t want to return to the Shinobi ranks.”
He stated, a bite in his tone that managed to surprise her a bit. Like he was responding to an earlier conversation that she wasn’t privy too. Addressing a sore spot. 
“Kakashi probably said something to him about it. I mean, it’s only natural. He’s strong. One of the last remaining Uchiha. I would want him in the ranks too if I could swing it. Better to use that strength for the village’s gain than allow it to go to waste.”
Hm. Using all the parts of the animal, as he used to say. Whittle the bones into utensils. Reduce the fat to be used in candles and soaps. The meat for stews and the hides for clothing. From a strategic perspective, she could understand why Kakashi would want Obito on their side. However, it wasn’t strategy that propelled him forward. It was a personal agenda. One that led him to pursue an idealized version of his life. One where he and his friend had gotten to grow up in the Shinobi system together. Fighting side by side in battle and working together to protect the village. He was chasing a fantasy. 
“Why not? Think I’d be a bad boss?”
Reiko teased, smirking a bit as she removed the spinach from the boiling water, quickly transferring it to the ice bath in the sink. Obito let out a sound akin to a chuckle, and she saw the way he shook his head from the corner of her eye. 
“No. It’s just… ah, well, it’s complicated. That phase of my life has passed.”
He answered, opting to remain reserved in his response. But, honestly, his answer had piqued her curiosity a bit. Why would a man with the power to make the world kneel for him not want to continue to prove his prowess? He had almost ended the world as they knew it, and now he was shying away from the one job that would provide him with power? Still, she didn’t want to push him too far, so she nodded in agreement. 
“That’s a healthy mindset. There are some people who chase their glory days like mice on a wheel. Never getting anywhere because they’re too dense to realize that they’re just… running in circles."
Reiko said, surprising herself with the genuine comment. She hadn’t crafted her response to cater to his ears, it had been her honest thoughts on the situation. Well, as honest as they could be without giving away her intentions. Obito let out a soft chuckle next to her, moving to grab the foil like she’d requested. 
“Living in the past… I’ve just recently learned how damaging that can be.”
Obito stated, pulling Reiko’s attention again, her eye moving to catch him in her peripheral as he stilled again. This time, his hands just hovered above the cutting board, the knife laying below his outstretched palms as an unsure silence fell between them. So, he’d caught himself in a moment of near clarity as well. 
“Not what you were expecting?”
In an attempt to move away from truth and treacherous waters, Reiko cleared her throat.
“You can wipe that off and cut this spinach up.”
She instructed again, nodding down at the bowl in the sink. This seemed to pull him from his trance, and he gave a nod in the affirmative as she moved to pull the sesame seeds from the heat. This ‘date’ was strange for a number of reasons. She couldn’t very well ask the typical ice breaker questions. Where did you grow up? Any family? How’s work? But she had to start somewhere… maybe… 
“So, you’re friends with Kakashi, right?”
Reiko asked, pouring the sesame seeds into the same mortar and pestle she’d used a week prior to crush up the sleeping pills she’d baked into the bread she’d left him. Obito let out another snort at that, laying the wet spinach out on the cutting board. 
“Oh, here, pat it dry first.”
She added, grabbing a paper towel from the rack next to her and handing it to him. Obito took it with a more serious expression, doing as he was told. 
“Yeah, I guess we’re friends at this point… do you know him well?”
Obito questioned, and now it was Reiko’s turn to snort. 
“You could say that. He’s a pain in my ass.”
She answered, figuring a little light shit-talking would boost morale. And it was a success, drawing a genuine chuckle from the man next to her and she actually smiled at the sound. It was lighter than his normal speaking voice. Higher pitched and almost… sweet?
“God you’re lonely.”
“Mine too. But he means well… I think.”
Obito replied, drawing a light giggle from Reiko as well. She had her own thoughts on Kakashi, but no one could say that he didn’t do what he thought was best. It was never true malicious intent that led him astray. It would be easier to hate him if it was. 
“What’s the old saying? Good intentions pave the pathway to hell?”
The conversation came easy after that point. For a while, they talked about their shared relationship with Kakashi. Obito even told a couple light hearted stories from their childhood. At one point, he’d bashfully asked her if she and Kakashi had ever been… involved. Though, he hadn’t been able to say the word before Reiko had cut him off with a laugh. Assuring him that Kakashi was a good friend but he was definitely not her type. It wasn’t a total lie. They’d fooled around a few times in the past, but it had never been more than a transaction born out of boredom. They got along well enough and they were both young and attractive. Nothing more. But telling Obito that might have scared him off. 
Several times throughout the night she could tell he was slightly under confident in himself. Occasionally, she would notice him attempting to cover the skin on his pale arm. Or reaching up to scratch his cheek, only to pull away quickly at the feeling of the scar tissue there. Like he was trying to minimize the amount of attention he drew to it. He would blush and stutter if she even made an attempt to flirt with him. Anytime she touched him, he would freeze in place, staring at where her fingers were connecting with his skin until she pulled away. It was clear that he was nervous and unsure of whether or not he deserved the attention. 
He didn’t. But she was working an angle, so she’d continued to banter with him until it felt like she was getting somewhere. Now, as he prepared to leave her home after their shared dinner, Reiko noticed that he was much more open and bubbly with a little wine in his system. He lingered by the front door, chuckling softly and flashing pearly white teeth as they said their goodbyes. 
“You know, I never thought… Well, I had a really good time tonight. I’m glad you couldn’t start your lawnmower.”
Obito said, a goofy smile on his face as he looked down at her. Reiko giggled in return, deciding she could push this one step further. Her hand came up to rub the back of her neck and she dropped her eyes sheepishly. 
“Ah… well, if we’re being honest, I may have undersold my own strength because I wanted a reason to talk to you.”
She replied, pulling her eyes back up at the end to catch the way his dark eyes widened in surprise. Obito’s mouth hung open for a minute, lips barely separated in stunned silence. Reiko continued to play coy, chuckling at his expression. 
“I thought it was pretty obvious… but I guess not. Sorry… is that weird?”
She asked, fishing for reassurance. He struggled with insecurities as well, so baiting the hook was a little too easy. Obito snapped his mouth shut, shaking his head wildly. 
“Oh! No! I mean… I didn’t know. But I’m glad you did it. You really went out of your way like that just to talk to me?”
He questioned, falling soft and dreamy near the end as his eyes relaxed and the alcohol in his system started to show its true colors. She could recognize that far away, glassy, look from a mile away. Emotional and honest. Liquor didn’t lie. Reiko nodded, morphing her own smile to match his. 
“Yeah… I saw you once or twice when you first moved in… and then you stopped to ask me about that basket Ms. Haruno left on your porch and I just… well, I thought you were really cute.”
Reiko admitted, again not a total lie. Over the course of the night, she’d come to think he was rather handsome. With his expressive eyes and plump lips that curved in a boyish fashion when he flashed her a smile with some pride in it. He had a tendency of appearing rather severe. Scowling with his straight eyebrows pinched into a high point and his jaw set. But she preferred the brief instances when he grinned unabashedly. Or the look he was fixing her with now. Wide eyed and stunned… almost innocent. 
“Fuck, Reiko. Get a grip.”
Right. God, she really was lonely to be thinking about his facial features in such a way. She stifled the thoughts, and it must have caused a change in atmosphere because Obito went from shocked to panicked in an instant. His white eyebrows curved upwards and his mouth moved like a fish out of water, gulping for air, hoping to taste the words he needed in the oxygen around them. 
“I- I think you’re cute too. Not… cute but uh… pretty?”
He struggled, spitting the words out like he didn’t have control over them. It had been a while since she’d heard those words, and Reiko’s response proved it. Her own eyes wrenching wide and her heart betraying her by stuttering in her chest. Despite her best efforts, a genuine smile crept across her face and she sunk her teeth into her bottom lip to try and stop it. 
“Well, thank you. So… you’d want to do this again, then?”
She asked, fighting her physical response to his words by throwing out the words that paved the way towards the ultimate goal. Obito nodded eagerly, tufts of white hair bouncing like a dogs ears flopping in excitement. 
“I’m free anytime. What about this weekend? I’ve got movies we could watch and maybe I could make dinner this time? It might not be as good as what you made but…”
Obito slowed to halt when he realized his words were running away from him, overly excited and sounding a little desperate. But Reiko only smiled in response. This weekend… perfect. So, she wouldn’t have to come across as the pushy one. He was eager and that worked in her favor. 
“That sounds perfect. Your house? Say… 7 o’clock, Friday?”
She suggested, and he grinned in response. The one that caused his dark eyes to light up and flooded his face with boyish charm. 
“Yeah! Uh… yeah, I’ll clean and… that should be fine.”
He answered, again stuttering as he tried to reel in his excitement and appear more aloof. Reiko chuckled again, leaning around him to open the front door and prevent them from standing in her foyer for any longer than necessary. The cool evening air rolled in and she pulled back to look up at him. 
“Then it’s a date. I’ll see you then, Obito. And thank you for tonight.”
She said, something within her spurring her to go one step further. She propped herself up on her tip toes, taking a bit of delight in the way Obito went ramrod stiff and his eyes nearly popped out of his skull. This would be the moment that would seal her intentions. Leave him wanting more. Make his brain flood with all of those sweet chemicals and blur any lingering doubts he had until they were barely visible. She leaned forward, her lips coming within a hair’s breadth of his, just close enough for her breath to ghost over his slightly agape mouth. Then, she curved to the side and planted gentle kiss to his scarred cheek. 
When she lowered herself to rest on the flat of her foot again, Obito’s entire face was bright red. Now he really did look like a fish out of water. She let out a giggle, resting her hand on his chest.
“Consider that a token of my gratitude. But if you really do clean and cook for me? Imagine how much more grateful I will be.”
She teased, wiggling her eyebrows a bit. To her surprise, the red on Obito’s face darkened further and she almost thought she could see the beading of sweat on his brow. Still, he remained silent. Choked on his own words. Reiko laughed, gently shoving his chest to snap him out of his trance. He took a shaky step backwards until he was standing on her front porch, just over the threshold. 
“I have work in the morning… but I will see you Friday.”
Reiko finished, smiling as she pulled back inside to gently shut the door in his face. But, even when the door was closed and he couldn’t see her face anymore, the smile remained for a beat. 
“Rei, come here.”
Shikaku instructed from his seat behind his desk. He was staring down at a catalog of some kind, his finger tracing over thin paper as he fixed the magazine with a stern expression. Reiko rose from her own desk quickly, crossing the room in a few short steps. 
“Yes sir?”
She questioned, and he tapped the paper in front of him, drawing her eyes to the image he was fixated on. 
“That’s green, correct?”
He asked, and she squinted a bit before shaking her head. The picture that had caught his attention was an advertisement for small crib that one of the woodworking shops in the village could build to suit the purchaser. It was definitely not green. 
“No sir. That’s red. Cherry red.”
She advised, chuckling a bit when he pulled away from the paper with a sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose in mild frustration. 
“Why Yoshino put me in charge of gathering items for the nursery I’ll never know.”
He huffed, and Reiko hummed, grabbing her chair so she could sit at the corner of his desk. She pulled the magazine in front of her, looking down at the different options. Really, this was just a catalog for a woodwork shop. Not exactly filled with baby supplies. But they did build cribs, so she supposed he had to start somewhere. 
“She does know that you’re colorblind, right?”
Reiko replied, more an off handed comment as she pursued the different paint selections for the crib. The main photo had the crib painted a bright red, though she didn’t think it was the most appealing color. There were swatches of different options underneath, all labeled with a serial number, but no color names. Shikaku leaned back in his chair, bringing his hands up to rest behind his head as he stared at the ceiling. 
“Hm. I’m sure I’ve told her at some point.”
He answered, letting out a quiet yawn as Reiko reached for a pen from the cup on his desk. She began marking each colored box, labeling them so he could know which serial number to write down on the order form. After a minute, she slid the magazine back towards him, jabbing her finger down on the freshly dried ink. 
“There, I labeled them for you. I can fill out the order form too if you want.”
Reiko said as Shikaku sat forward in his seat to hunch over the magazine again. He squinted down at the neat hand writing on the magazine, then he pointed at the box she’d labeled ‘Olive Green’. 
“That’s green?”
He asked, a little disbelief in his tone. Again, Rei giggled and nodded, grinning when he shook his head with wide eyes, like she’d just shown him something he’d never seen before. Part of her wondered if he did these silly things just to keep her entertained. 
“You don’t have to fill out the form for me. I can handle it. You’re not my assistant. You’re my student.”
Shikaku added as Reiko rose from her chair to position it back at her desk. She gave a soft nod, but couldn’t help but see the irony in that statement. They’d spent two years together and a lot of the things she did could be considered the duties of an assistant. Running errands, filling out menial paperwork, filing reports and refilling his coffee if he needed. Though she didn’t mind. She was just glad to be in his presence and she knew that when it became her turn to take over his position, she would have to do all of those things on her own. Or find a ‘student’ of her own. 
“Though I may call on you to babysit from time to time.”
Shikaku included, a smirk on his ruggedly handsome face as he looked up at Rei through his lashes. She chuckled, nodding again before she move to gather both of their mugs. Coffee sounded nice and they would be here for another couple hours, waiting on an urgent report from a Jonin squad that was due to return from a mission this evening. 
“I wouldn’t expect anything else… are you excited? About the baby?”
She asked, grinning ear to ear as she stood in front of his desk. Yoshino was entering the final phase of her pregnancy. It would be a little over a month before Shikaku’s son was born. But he’d seemed stressed in recent weeks, and she knew it couldn’t be Yoshino’s pregnancy hormones running him into the dirt. Shikaku was a good husband. Patient, mild, and easy going. While Yoshino could be a little domineering and, for lack of a better term, naggy, Shikaku took it all in stride. Never once complaining or arguing back with her when she asked him to do something. So, it couldn’t be something that simple that had him dragging his feet in recent weeks. 
“Of course. We even settled on a name.”
Shikaku answered, though it sounded more like he was trying to convince himself. Reiko clutched the mugs to her chest, mouth forming a shocked ‘o’ shape. 
“Oh! What is it? If you’re allowed to say…”
She questioned, bustling with energy and butterflies at the idea of a baby. A name. It was all so wonderful in her eyes. 
Shikaku stated, and Reiko could have died right then. If she weren’t currently holding two coffee mugs, she would have clapped and bounced on her toes in excitement. 
“Oh, thats perfect! And we’ll have birthdays close together, won’t we?”
Rei gushed, drawing a nod from her mentor. 
“That’s right… yours is coming up isn’t it? September 12th?”
Shikaku clarified, and Rei nodded her head like it was on a spring, smile never faltering. 
“Yes sir. Ionichi said that makes me a Virgo.”
Reiko answered, Shikaku letting out a soft scoff in response. 
“For a man who understands the importance of facts and science, you would think he wouldn’t buy into that astrology non-sense.”
He huffed, but Reiko shrugged. Maybe it was a little silly, but there was some truth in what the other man had told her a few weeks ago when Shikaku had left her under his charge during a mission that needed his personal attention. She’d spent a few days with the leader of the Yamanaka Clan, helping him with small tasks and learning a little more about the Intelligence Unit. He was different from Shikaku in several ways. Her mentor was extremely intelligent, but it mostly pertained to strategizing and reading people. Inoichi was horrible at social interactions, though he tried his best. And his intelligence was more all encompassing. He knew a lot about everything, and when she’d asked where he’d learned about astrology, he’d said that he’d read a book on it several years ago. Though he recalled all of the specifics with perfect clarity. 
“He also said that, because you’re a Cancer, you resist change. And that you close off and retreat into yourself when you’re upset. I would say thats pretty accurate.”
Reiko responded, smiling a bit when he quirked a brow in her direction. If he didn’t want to talk about his recent moodiness, she wouldn’t make him. After all, she was only thirteen. Well, fourteen in a few weeks. There wasn’t much wisdom she could offer someone like him. Though, she didn’t mind to call things like she saw them as far as he was concerned. And she would definitely lend an ear if he needed to talk. Just like he’d done for her so many times before. So, she let him know that she’d picked up on his mood change without pushing for any information. When it seemed like he was going to allow the observation hang in the air, Rei turned on her heel to head for the office door. 
“I’m going to refill our coffees. Be right back.”
She said, only to get within a few inches of the door before Shikaku was calling her name. 
Reiko turned around to face him again, cocking her head to the side in curiosity, letting out a soft ‘Yes sir?’ in reply. Shikaku regarded her for a moment, his eyebrows pulled down as he tried to figure out what he wanted to say. Or if he wanted to say anything at all. She was used to this by now, simply standing and waiting for him to collect his thoughts. When it clicked into place for him, Shikaku leaned back in his chair again with a sigh, his hands falling to his lap, but his eyes didn’t leave her. 
“Can I ask you something?”
He proposed, and Rei nodded, coming back towards his desk to settle the empty coffee mugs on the wood. 
“Of course, sir.”
Shikaku nodded in response, again tasting his words before he spat them out. But the silence wasn’t as long this time. 
“You’re young but… you probably know me better than anyone. Comes with the territory, considering all of the time we spend together… and maybe this is unprofessional but, from a strategic standpoint, I can’t think of a better person to ask.”
He started, effectively lodging Reiko’s heart in her throat. What was he going to ask her? Unprofessional? She knew him better than anyone else? Even his wife? His friends? Her cheeks felt hotter, but she managed to maintain a doe-eyed, curious, stare. 
“Based on the time you’ve spent with me… do you think I will be a good father?”
Shikaku finally asked, the question like a punch in the stomach, though she wasn’t quite sure why. The confusing excitement that had built up in her chest a literal second prior had come crashing down to her stomach, melting into confusing nausea and disappointment. It took her a moment to collect her thoughts and respond to him. Of course he wasn’t going to ask what she thought he would… that would be silly. Still, she managed to find her footing and respond with ease, not allowing him to know about the conflicting feelings she was dealing with. 
“Of course I do. You’re patient and kind and brilliant… I mean, I honestly couldn’t imagine a better father. And if you raise a child that grows up to be anything like you… I would say that would be a huge success. That’s a silly thing to ask.”
Reiko answered, smiling the whole way through. She wouldn’t lie to him. He’d told her early on that he didn’t appreciate liars and that he could always tell when someone was lying to him. Or sugar coating something to preserve feelings. Sometimes, it was necessary. But he’d made sure that she knew that, in his presence, she didn’t need to worry about those trivial things. If she had an honest opinion to share, she was free to voice it. 
Shikaku sat in silence for a moment more, turning over the words in his head and searching her face for any sign of betrayal. Eventually, though, he let out a relieved sigh, his shoulders sagging forward as his eyes fell shut. 
“I suppose I’ve just been worrying over nothing. It’s a lot to consider all at once… but you’ll understand when you start a family of your own. Thank you, Rei. I know I can trust you to be honest with me.”
Shikaku replied, and she gave a nod, swallowing the knot in her throat but holding the smile on her face. 
She replied, and he let out a grateful hum before he picked his head up, the tension from the air dissipating with another deep breath. He nodded, reassuring himself as well before scooting forward in his chair to tackle the catalog again. 
“Alright. Go get the coffee… and when you get back… maybe you can help me fill out this form.”
He instructed, drawing a genuine chuckle from Reiko in the process. The wave of disappointment had passed and things could go back to normal now. 
“Yes sir.”
She answered, and he stopped her one more time before she left the office. 
“Oh, and be thinking about what you want for your birthday. What kind of mentor slash future father would I be if I didn’t get you a gift?”
Reiko glanced over at the vacant desk in the office. Left uninhabited since the Fourth Shinobi War had begun. It was free of any dust because Reiko liked to keep things tidy, but everything else was exactly as he’d left it. Once a week, she would lift every item from the wood with care, wiping down the surface underneath, before settling it back exactly as it had been before. Shikaku’s white coffee mug, the interior stained from decades of steady use. The cup of pens, pencils, and markers that sat on the corner. His large calendar, permanently fixed on October, filled with several meetings and events she’d had to attend on his behalf afterwards. If she stared long enough, she could almost imagine him sitting there. Hunched over a scroll, mumbling the words he was reading out loud. 
A knock on her office door pulled her from her trance and she jerked her head towards the direction of the sound. 
“Come in.”
She called, clearing her throat and shaking her head to dispel any further thoughts. Friday had come quickly and she had found herself increasingly distracted as her second date with Obito loomed.  All week she’d been going back and forth on the plan. The sooner she could seal the deal and sleep with him, the sooner she could catch him off guard in his sleep. But he was inexperienced and cautious, self conscious and nervous. Even if he was attracted to her, she didn’t think it would be easy to bed him that quick. If she pushed too hard, too fast, she might blow the mission all together. Eventually, she’d just settled on the plan for the evening being getting closer to him physically. Curling up next to him on the couch or just initiating more contact in general. Kissing him properly at the end of the night. 
All of this planning had resulted in her being a little air headed throughout the week. She’d struggled to get paperwork done, her mind wandering back to the first date with Obito. Just so she could pick apart the scene and analyze his movements better. She thought about the feeling of his scarred cheek against her lips. Wondering if the scar tissue on his neck would be any tougher to cut through.
And, for some reason, she’d been thinking about Shikaku non-stop. Getting lost in memories and reminiscing until those visions blurred with reality. Honestly, it was insanely frustrating to not have control over her mind. The door began to creek open and she realized she was doing it again, even in the brief seconds between her answering the knock and the door opening. 
“Hey, Rei, it’s me.”
A young voice introduced, the door opening to reveal Shikamaru. Without much thought, she breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of spiky haired boy. When he entered the office, he carefully shut the door behind him. 
“Oh, good. I was worried it might be Kakashi. He hasn’t left me alone all week.”
Reiko sighed, and that was the truth. Ever since her ‘date’ with Obito, Lord Sixth had been a royal pain in her ass. He’d asked her for details on the date. How things had gone. If there was going to be another one. Trying to play some weird match maker by giving her advice on how to get closer to Obito. Now, her head was full of useless information. Obito liked hard candy, but he hated chocolate. If he was drinking, he preferred lighter alcohol to heavy liquor. He hated horror movies but seemed to have a particular fondness for romantic comedies. He didn’t read much, but he’d loved comic books when they were kids. The list went on and on, and other than using the tidbits to get a little closer to Obito, the information served no purpose. 
“What’s he bothering ya about this time? Didn’t know where to find the extra staples?”
Shikamaru quipped, sitting down in the chair across from her desk with ease. He reclined back, balancing on the back legs of the chair as Reiko let out a chuckle. 
“No, it wasn’t office supply related. Thankfully. I didn’t think we were going to recover from the week he spent painstakingly taking inventory of every pen, piece of paper, and folder in this building.”
Rei responded, leaning forward to rest her arms on her desk. Shikamaru let out a scoff at that, dropping his head back to stare up at the ceiling. Her godson had this easy approach to life she could never understand. He came into her office and all but kicked his feet up on her desk, relaxing in his chair without a single thought about how he conducted himself. Whenever she went out in public, Reiko sat as still as she could. Obsessively placing herself in a way that would take up the least amount of space and always hyper focused on the area around her. She couldn’t imagine how Shikamaru could just be and not have any concerns about how he was perceived. It would be easy to blame it on the swaggering confidence that youth inspired… but even at his age she’d been-
Ah, there he was. Just on time. 
“You know he just did that to avoid doing any real work, right?”
Shikamaru pointed out, but it wasn’t necessary. Reiko hummed, nodding in agreement. 
“If he worked half as hard on his regular duties as he did avoiding them… well, we’d be the most advanced Village in the world.”
Rei sighed, drawing a quiet chuckle from Shikamaru in the process. He let his chair fall forward, but was quick to catch himself so the front legs didn’t slam against the ground. 
“Mom wanted me to come ask if you wanted to come over for dinner tonight.”
He said, addressing the reason he’d come here. Reiko was quick to shake her head, moving her hands to gather the papers in front of her as she denied the invitation. 
“I can’t tonight.”
She answered, glancing up just in time to see the concerned look he was giving her. Then the briefest shifting of his eyes towards what used to be his father’s desk. Ah. 
“It’s just… well, mom’s all torn up. Because you haven’t come around since-“
Shikamaru started to say, but she cut him off. 
“Shika, I’m fine. Seriously. I can’t come tonight because… I have a date.”
She admitted after little thought. At this point, she would say anything to avoid this conversation. 
“You probably should have that conversation. You haven’t been to see him or Yoshino since the funeral. Sure, you’ve run into Shika around the village, but that was never intentional. And he knows that. You know that. Why are you avoiding them?”
Shikamaru actually quirked a brow at that, a teasing smirk crawling across his face. Sometimes, he looked so much like Shikaku it made her sick. Her breath stuttering when her eyes registered something her brain knew wasn’t true. Before he’d passed, she’d seen the resemblance. Everyone had. But now it felt more surreal. Like she was looking at a dead man. 
“You? A date? Yeah right.”
Shikamaru huffed, sitting back and crossing his arms over his chest. Reiko opened her mouth in mock shock, but she smiled a bit as well. 
“What are you saying? That the idea of me having a date isn’t plausible?”
She questioned, and he shrugged, his thin eyebrows furrowing as his eyes drifted shut in concentration. They even had the same thinking face. 
“Well, I’ve know you my whole life, and never once have you mentioned dates or boys. Honestly? I thought you weren’t into guys.”
Shikamaru said, pulling a light hearted scoff from Reiko as she moved to continue putting her desk in order. Honestly, he had a point. Reiko’s ‘experience’ with relationships and sex was almost solely based on the few times she’d used those things to get information. When she was a teen, she’d tried her hand at dates and had even managed to maintain a relationship with a boy who worked at a coffee shop near the Hokage Tower. But that had only lasted for a couple months. In the end, he’d come to surprise her at work and had run into Shikaku. She’d promptly bitten the kid’s head off for embarrassing her and had dumped him the same day. But Shikamaru wouldn’t have known anything about that. Shortly after the incident, she’d just decided that dating didn’t matter to her as much as work did. 
The situation with Kakashi was different. That had only happened a handful of times and each encounter was more distant than the last. In fact, the last time, Reiko had left his apartment while he was in the bathroom cleaning up after their romp. Not even bothering to say goodnight. 
“Yeah, well, I do enjoy men. I just never had the time before.”
Reiko defended, mostly because that seemed like a plausible excuse. Not because it held any real truth. 
“And you do now?”
Shikamaru fired back, quick as a whip. It was a curse to be that smart. For everyone involved. She knew his statement about Yoshino being worried sick earlier was a thinly veiled attempt at sharing his own feelings. He probably felt slighted by her sudden absence from his life as well. So, he thought her explanation of having a ‘date’ didn’t hold up under scrutiny and that it was just another excuse for her to avoid him and his mother. But it was the truth. And if he knew why this date was so important, he wouldn’t feel as jilted. If he knew that she was seeing the man who had been indirectly responsible for his father’s death just so she could get close enough to kill him and dole out some much deserved justice… he would understand then. But she couldn’t tell him that now. 
“Quit trying to poke holes in my story. Yes, I have time tonight for a date. Yes, I am going on a real date with a real man. It has nothing to do with you and your mother. I’ll let you know when I’m free again.”
Reiko said, snapping the words out in an attempt to get him to back off and stop asking questions. Shikamaru’s curiosity could blow the mission, and she was doing this for both of them. For Yoshino too. If she had to keep her distance and be a little harsh, then so be it. Even if she hadn’t seen them in a while, she loved them like her own family. And nothing could get in the way of her doing them a service. 
“If you loved them, wouldn’t you try to be there for them? Instead of running and hiding because you can’t stand to face them? Just because Shika looks like me and you can’t handle that. Is it because you feel guilty? Like you could have done something that would have made things different? What if they don't want you to do this? Would you stop if they asked you to?”
Shikamaru’s eyes widened for a brief second before he trained his face back to neutral, letting out a soft huff in defiance. 
“Yeah, alright. Whatever you say.”
He rose from his chair, stuffing his hands into his pants pocket as he jutted his hips forward, leaning back with a simple shrug of his shoulders. Then, he sauntered over towards the door, pulling it open with ease. But, before he could leave, he turned around one last time. His dark eyes filtering between Shikaku’s old desk and where Reiko was currently seated at her own. 
“Ya know… we miss him too.”
He said, his final attempt to bridge the gap. It was simple and honest, but it still made Reiko’s throat ache. Her teeth ground together as her jaw locked tight, preventing her from saying anything that could remedy the situation. She’d followed his gaze to the vacant desk, and that’s where it remained when Shikamaru had decided he wasn’t going to wait for a reply. The door shut behind him with a quiet click and she was left alone with Shikaku again. 
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the8gates · 3 years
The Bug Collector: Chapter Three - Spider
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Word Count: 5.6k
Warning(s): Manipulation? You might cringe tbh
When Kakashi is appointed as the Sixth Hokage, he reveals that Obito Uchiha did not die in the war and that he plans to offer his former a friend a chance at rehabilitation and redemption. The few people who are aware of this secret project are supportive of the effort. Expect for Reiko Miki.
After her mentor, Shikaku Nara, was killed during the war, Reiko struggled to come to terms with his death. This issue is only made worse when Obito is placed in the only other house on her street. With seemingly everyone against the idea of serving true justice, Reiko decides to take matters into her own hands and make the Uchiha pay for all of the crimes he committed.
However, there may be more grey in the black and white picture she'd painted than she originally anticipated.
Chapter One - Chapter Two - AO3 - Chapter Four - Chapter Five
Reiko collected her groceries and sped home with all of her rage buried deep within her chest. A tightly wound reel of wire rope being cranked to the point of jaw locking tension. The screeching of metal grinding against metal as the muscles in her neck tensed and her nostril flared. That had been a fucking test. Kakashi had sent for her on her day off to handle an issue he could have easily addressed just by showing his face in the Jonin barracks. But no. He had Yamato collect her so he could throw her into the fire and watch the way she reacted. Observe the way the Jonin themselves reacted to her authority. And it had gone poorly, just like he’d expected. He knew she was on edge and not at all prepared for something like that, and he’d put her in the firing line anyway. Just to try and get her to break and tell him what had been eating at her in recent months. She didn’t want to talk to him, so he thought he could make her. 
“Maybe you should just let it out. If you don’t, it’ll be like this forever. He’s already getting tired of the professionalism bullshit. How long before he gives up entirely and doesn't even try to talk to you anymore?”
That would be ideal. If Kakashi left her alone and stopped pretending like he cared, she would be overjoyed. 
“Would you really? You say that, but then you’re just further isolating yourself. I think you refuse to say anything to him about your transgressions because you feel guilty about going behind his back in this Obito scheme. You feel guilty about hiding things from your friend-“
Shut up! Fuck. She couldn’t have a single thought anymore without Shikaku butting in and sending her running in circles. Chasing the hidden meaning behind her actions like a dog chasing its tail. It would never end if she started doing that. She was angry at Kakashi because of the way he handled Obito. She wasn’t telling him why she was angry so she could avoid suspicion. That was it. Nothing more, nothing less. Once Obito was dead, maybe they could go back to being friendly. But until then, she couldn’t afford to let anything slip. 
When she rounded the corner onto her road, her racing thoughts calmed somewhat. The sooner she could this over with, the better. Her eyes scanned the yard in front of Obito’s house. The grass was entirely too tall and the hedges in front of the porch were gnarly and wild… Maybe, she could just push straight through to the next phase without any other, small, steps being needed. She still wouldn’t be able to kill him before Monday came, but taking that leap of faith could speed up the process. There was still daylight to burn too. Plenty of time. She entered her home in a flurry of intent, slamming cabinets as she put away groceries and stripping her nice clothes only to leave them strewn about the house while she redressed. 
Within fifteen minutes, she was yanking her lawnmower from the shed behind her house, dressed in her best yard work outfit. Her hair was tied into a messy bun, and as she fired up the motor to the push mower, she realized this would serve two purposes. One, as a way to get closer to Obito, and two, a way to get out her frustrations. Mowing the yard was a bit of a workout, and if she doubled her walking speed and really put her back into pushing the lawn mower over the grass, she could work up a sweat and drown out all thoughts of Kakashi. Then she could move on to step two of her plan. 
After she’d finished the backyard, Reiko shut off the mower and rolled it around to the front yard. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and glanced around. The Anbu were going to see this move, but it would be easy to play off. She just wanted an excuse to talk to Obito. Nothing criminal in that. After a moment, she bent over, yanking the cord on the lawn mower with little effort. It sputtered a few times but never started. Pity. Guess she was going to have to ask for help. Really, what a shame. 
As meekly as she could manage, Reiko made her way down the road and back to Obito’s house. Past the broken fence and dense forrest of overgrown grass, back up the creaking steps to the porch. He wouldn’t ignore her this time. Tentatively, she knocked on his door for the second time that day. 
“Who is it?”
He called from inside the house, deep voiced and sounding a little annoyed. Reiko brought her hand up to rub the back of her neck, wincing for effect. 
“Uh, it's your neighbor, Reiko!”
She responded, listening intently as silence came from the other side of the door. Then, there was a gentle sigh and the sound of creaking floorboards, followed by locks and chains unlocking. When the door creaked open, it did so with a low groan. He opened it a bit more than he had this morning, and she took that as a good sign, fixing him with an embarrassed grin. 
“Hey, sorry to bother you again… Uh, it’s just… well, I’m mowing my yard and I did the back just fine but I can’t get the mower to start now.”
She said, gesturing with her head down the road to where her lawn mower sat on the lawn. Obito’s white eyebrows pulled down in suspicion and confusion, his dark eyes glancing towards her house. It was the first time she’d truly taken a moment to look at his face. He was similar to most of the Uchiha men she’d seen throughout her life. Sharp, expressive, eyes and a sharp cut jaw being the first signs of his heritage. But he was arguably taller and bulkier than the other Uchiha. Sasuke, Itachi, Shisui… all of the men she could recall all had thin, angular, bodies. But Obito was solid and muscular. That much was clear even under the oversized clothing he wore. 
“You’re the Jonin Commander, and you can’t start your own lawn mower?”
Obito suddenly asked, glaring down at her a bit. But there was a glint of something else in his dark eyes. Curiosity. Reiko let out an embarrassed chuckle, dropping her eyes to her feet. 
“Ah, well, I’m not actually a Shinobi. So… I’m not as strong as I probably should be.”
She answered, eternally grateful that he’d asked that question and given her an opportunity to let him know that. She wasn’t a Shinobi. Her body was not trained for combat and the extent of her chakra knowledge was all theoretical. Garnered from books and observing Shinobi. Therefore, she wasn’t a threat. Despite her position, she was just another dainty woman. If he thought that, he might be quicker to let his guard down. 
“You’re not a Shinobi?”
Obito reiterated, and Reiko shook her head. 
“Nope. I actually flunked out of the Academy… but my mentor thought I was worth something so… here I am.”
Reiko said, lifting her arms and gesturing to herself with a soft chuckle. Perfect. Downplay her intelligence. Let him know that she was in over her head with the position. She gestured down the road to her lawn mower again. 
“Look, if you could start it for me, I’d be really grateful. In fact, if you want, I could mow your yard too. I noticed it’s a bit overgrown and, well, I’m sure you’re still adjusting. You could call it my welcome basket.”
Reiko offered, dealing the final blow. This would solidify everything. If he allowed her to do it, then she would have a foot in the door. He’d be in her debt a bit and it would make the next phase easier. 
“No, don’t- I mean… I guess it is a little overgrown. You don’t have to mow it though. Just uh… give me a second. I’ll come start it and if you could just… let me borrow it afterwards, I can do it myself.”
Obito replied, stumbling over his words just a bit, through she couldn’t really determine why. Was he embarrassed at the state of his yard? Embarrassed by the idea of his sweet, unassuming, neighbor offering to handle his chores for him? Really, it didn’t matter. She’d anticipated that response too. Reiko grinned, clapping her hands together in victory. 
“Great! Of course you can borrow it! You’re a life saver.”
She giggled, giving him a slight bow of thanks. Obito let out an unsure ‘Uh… No problem.’ before Reiko turned and walked off his porch and back towards her yard, heart hammering in her chest. 
“Look at that. It worked. Now what?”
True to his word, Obito exited the house for what she believed to be the first time in months. She watched as he walked onto the front porch, squinting a bit into the sun and shielding his eyes with his hand as he got his bearings. He’d changed in the few minutes it had taken him to come outside, now donning a navy colored short sleeved shirt and a pair of pants that she recognized as the same kind issued in the Jonin uniforms. Where had he… was Kakashi really planning on having him rejoin the ranks too? So assured in this rehabilitation effort that he’d delivered Obito clothing worn by their Shinobi? What a fucking mockery.
“Stay cool.”
Reiko snapped herself out of the fury filled trance, clearing her throat and jerking her eyes away from Obito to look down at the lawnmower in front of her. She’d noticed something else upon seeing him the exit the house. His right arm, which has previously been covered by long sleeves, was a totally different color from the rest of his body. The skin there was stark white. Likely in relation to whatever had saved his life the accident that had happened in his youth. It didn’t matter much in the grand scheme of things, but she filed the tidbit of information away for later. Anything had the potential to be useful and with Obito’s file wrapped in a mile of red-tape and confidential roadblocks, she was left with her observation skills and limited knowledge to help her form a plan. 
She turned back to face him when she felt him approach, grinning wide as she stepped aside to allow him access to the mower. 
“Thank you again! It should only take me, like, twenty minutes tops to finish the yard. Then she’s all yours.”
Rei said, snickering behind her teeth before adding, 
“If you can get her started.”
She teased, earning her scrutinizing glare from Obito. For good measure, she threw in a wink, praying that she wasn’t laying it on too thick. But, she caught a glimpse of a smirk on his face as he lowered to grab the pull cord to start the mower. So, teasing worked somewhat well… good to know. With two, easy, pulls of the cord, the lawn mowers engine roared to life. Reiko clapped in an exaggerated fashion, grinning from ear to ear. 
“Thank you so much! You’re the best. Just a minute and I’ll bring it over.”
She said, drawing a soft ‘no problem’ from Obito as she moved to take the reins on the lawn mower. He stepped aside, rubbing the back of his neck shyly, but Reiko just continued ahead with the mowing process. This too was a means to an end. Once she gave him the mower, she had another idea on how to stay close to him. Though, it didn’t seem like it would take much convincing. Because, for the first several minutes that she spent pushing the piece of machinery, Obito stood on the side of her yard. She pretended not to notice, but his eyes would linger on her for a bit, before he would turn away with an almost embarrassed expression on his face. Was he really going to be this easy to break?
“The guy probably hasn’t spoken to a normal woman in years. I mean, planning to end the world sure as hell doesn't leave a lot of time for flirting and dates.”
That could be the case. A pretty woman shows up on his door step, slightly sweaty and wearing the skimpiest outfit she owned. She asked for his help with something her tiny, feminine, body couldn’t manage and she fawned over him as he did it. That would be enough to get any man’s brain moving towards the gutter. And he was still a man, after all. Criminal mastermind or not.
After a while, Obito wandered back to his yard. Collecting sticks and other things that would impede the mowing process. And just liked she’d promised, Reiko rolled the mower down the road to his home not ten minutes later. However, she’d also grabbed a pair of sheers from her shed. Really? If she didn’t care about being caught, she could have tried to take him out right then. Because his guard was completely down, simply staring at her from his seated position on his front porch step, his head tilted to the side in confusion as she approached. Even if she wasn’t worried about being caught, she probably wouldn’t win that fight anyway. He was a Shinobi, after all. Her attacks with a pair of a dull garden shears would be too slow. 
“I’m going to trim your hedges while you mow! As a sign of thanks.”
She stated, causing him to lift his head and look at the bushes in front of his porch. They were overgrown and wild as well. Horridly shaped and splitting off into wild, spiraling, stems. 
“Really, you don’t have to-“
He started to say, but Reiko was shaking her head already, cutting him off. 
“I want to. And, I know you said you don’t eat things given to you by other people, but if you would let me, I’d also like to make you dinner tomorrow night.”
Reiko offered, maintaining her cheery smile and tone even when he narrowed his eyes in suspicion. When he didn’t respond or offer her much to go on other than the scrutinizing stare, she chuckled. 
“You can even watch me make it if that makes you more comfortable. I swear, I just want to repay you and welcome you the neighborhood. It’s just us all the way out here. Well… us and the Anbu.”
She added, gesturing over her shoulder with the garden sheers in hand towards the trees surrounding them. He didn’t surprised that she was aware of this information, simply turning his judging gaze to the area around and behind her. After a minute more, Obito gave a curt nod, standing from his seat on the stoop. 
“Alright. And it would make me feel better… to watch, that is.”
He confirmed, and Reiko nodded, clicking her tongue with a wink. 
“It’s a date then!”
She enthusiastically stated, not giving him any time to respond as she turned around to walk across the yard towards the first hedge. 
“That was a bit mean, don’t ya think?”
Psh. Wimp. 
They’d spent the next two hours tending to his yard. Trimming the shrubs and cutting the too tall grass respectively. Each of them stopping every so often to help the other with their projects. Reiko would help him when the mower got overwhelmed with the amount of grass, stooping to help him remove chunks of matted, clumpy, vegetation from the blades. Obito would collect the long stems and branches she’d removed from the shrubs, gathering them into a neat pile at the end of the yard to keep them out of the way. 
In fact, as the sun beat down on the back of her neck and she worked away the days earlier frustrations, she found that she didn’t entirely mind his company. He was still a murderous, evil, asshole who needed to pay for the crimes he’d committed. But he had a decent work ethic.
The next morning, she prepared for work as if it were a chore. Dragging her feet and pulling on clothes that provided comfort rather than stuffing herself into a tight skirt and restrictive blouse. No longer being under Shikaku’s wing meant that she had more responsibility, more responsibility meant people really didn’t care what she looked like anymore. Before, she was bad at social settings, but she could at least doll herself up to be something akin to eye candy. If she was going to be quiet and standoffish, might as well be nice to look at. Or, that’s what her mother had always said. Now, however, she found that she didn’t really care much about appearances. 
When she pulled on a pair of jeans and a threw on a simple jacket over her a spaghetti strapped shirt, she didn’t even bother to check her appearance in the mirror. Today very may well be the day she lost her short lived position. And if not, Kakashi would surely have her running endless mental laps and physical, menial, errands as punishment. It didn’t matter in the long run. Her ‘date’ with Obito tonight was what she should focus all of her energy on. 
As soon as she arrived at the Hokage tower, strolling in a bit later that usual, Yamato was standing outside of her office waiting for her. He was leaned against the door frame, his bulky arms crossed over his sturdy chest. 
“Good morning, Captain Yamato.”
Reiko greeted, a bit disinterested and more than a little dismissive. He pulled away from the frame, stuffing his hands into his pants pockets. 
“I’m just here to make sure you didn’t forget about your meeting with Kakashi.”
He stated, and she sighed, moving around him to enter the office. She flicked the lights on and set her purse down on the desk, turning to fix him with an exasperated expression. 
“I didn’t forget.”
She said, biting her tongue to prevent her from speaking more than she should. Really, she wished she could ask him for his opinion on the situation. If he believed her outburst warranted that response from Kakashi, or if he was simply overreacting because of his personal attachments to her. However, that wouldn’t be productive. And Yamato was loyal. She wouldn’t be able to goad him into petty gossip about his close friend. With a sigh, she nodded towards the door, dropping her eyes away from the Anbu. 
“Let’s get this over with.”
She huffed, walking past him to exit the office, her sandals squeaking against the tile as the soft click of the door shutting behind Yamato rang down the hallway. It shouldn’t have felt like a death march, but the closer they drew to the office, the more the panic swelled in her chest. Earlier in the morning and after the incident yesterday, she’d convinced herself that this position didn’t matter. That her singular goal of taking down Obito was her only, true, calling. Now, despite herself, Reiko found the prospect of being released of her Jonin Commander title truly sickening. Shikaku had trained her for what was essentially her entire life for this role… and one bad moment could be the catalyst that made all of that training meaningless. 
“You know it wasn’t just you snapping at the Jonin that put you here, right? You’ve been walking around with a chip on your shoulder for months. There’s no passion in what you do anymore. You’re rude and unapproachable. You’ve been downright combative with the sitting Hokage, all for what? Because you can’t accept the fact that I’m-“
Yamato delivered a soft knock to the Hokage’s office door, effectively ripping Reiko from her thoughts and stuffing a metaphorical sock in Shikaku’s big mouth. 
“Come in.”
Lord Sixth called from the other side and Yamato slowly pushed the door open, ushering Reiko inside ahead of him. When she stepped into the office, she wasn’t met with the same scene from Friday. The scrolls and papers and books that had been strewn about the space had all been cleaned up. In fact, the office looked spotless. Lord Sixth was sat behind his desk, his hands clasped together on the clean wood in front of him, and after her eyes had taken in the room, she turned her gaze to him. 
“Yamato, step outside please.”
Lord Sixth instructed, and Yamato complied easily, leaving the room with no other words being exchanged. Reiko took a moment to catch up, her slight nervousness only exacerbated by the fact that he had explicitly requested they speak alone. Still, it wasn’t her first rodeo, so she maintained a calmer exterior and decided to cut right to the meat of the issue.
“Did any issues arise from my outburst yesterday?”
She asked, her tone a bit condescending. Like she already knew there hadn’t been any complaints from the Jonin. Lord Sixth sat back in his seat, his hands folding over his midsection. 
He answered, and Reiko nodded, already prepared to turn heel and leave. 
“Alright. Then, if that’s all, I do have some work to tend to-“
She started to say, but Kakashi was stopping her before she could continue. 
“Reiko. I need to ask you something, and I need you to be honest with me.”
Kakashi said, putting her on the defensive near immediately. Just as she was about to combat his use of their former personal connection again, he was adding something to his statement. 
“It’s no longer a request. It’s an order from your Hokage.”
He added, stripping her of any further arguments. It was bound to come to this. He knew something was wrong, and Kakashi wasn’t the type to leave well enough alone if he wanted answers. Already he’d tried the softer and teasing approach, but those clearly weren’t going to work. So now, he was resorting to using his position against her, knowing that she couldn’t out right refuse. Reiko let out a sigh, gesturing with her hand for him to continue. 
“Are you avoiding me because of your feelings about Obito?”
Kakashi questioned, and her heart immediately sank to the pit of her stomach. So, he knew then. Kakashi knew that she resented him for not locking Obito up or executing him like he should have. He knew that and, because her motive was so clear, now all of her plans to kill Obito were a moot point. Unless she was prepared to be jailed or executed for the act of treason herself. Her palms were covered with sweat, but maybe she could still lie her way out of this. 
“No, sir, that’s not-“
She began, her voice trembling a bit despite herself. But, again, Kakashi was cutting her off. 
“Because if that’s the case, you really shouldn’t worry about me. At the risk of sounding unprofessional, I will just say that… our friendship was very important to me. But anything beyond that wasn’t meant to be serious. Not that I didn’t take it seriously… I just mean that I never expected anything to come out of it.”
Kakashi explained, prattling on and stumbling over his words occasionally. Reiko found that her head was spinning. Well and truly spinning as her heart pounded against her ribcage so forcefully she felt like her body was swaying in time with it. She’d been prepared for him to say something about Shikaku. About Obito’s crimes and her transgressions and that the Anbu had seen her leave that basket on his porch but-
“I’m sorry sir… what?”
She spat out before she could comprehend the situation she was in, her brows furrowed in confusion as she all but gaped at him. Kakashi adjusted in his seat again until he was leaning forward with his elbows on the desk. From here, she could see the faintest blush on his cheeks half hidden by his face mask.
“Well, Obito told me that you have come to speak to him on a couple occasions and that you too have a… date this evening. So, I just wanted to let you know, that I don’t mind. What we had… and the fact that I am friends with Obito. It doesn’t mean we can’t still be friends. You don’t have to distance yourself from me because you think I might be upset or jealous. I just want what’s best for you and Obito and if you’re going on a date with him I think that might be… good.”
Kakashi said, struggling to find his footing in the explanation without being inappropriate or too forward. What we had? Oh, for the love of-
This wasn’t about her plan at all. Kakashi thought she was hung up on their on again-off again arrangement. And Obito had told him about the date… because of course he had. Last night was Sunday night. Meaning Kakashi would have stopped by for his weekly meeting with Obito. He thought that she was being cold to him because she was interested in his friend and she felt guilty about it. Suddenly, it was like every nerve in her body had been jolted with a strong current of electricity.
In the back of her mind, Shikaku was letting out a deep, rumbling, laugh. And she had to fight not to follow suit. How much more absurd could this situation get? 
“Lord Sixth…”
She started to say before she could think better of it. Continuing to treat him coldly wasn’t going to work anymore because he clearly wouldn’t stop digging until he got to the bottom of whatever was troubling her. In her mind, this plan with Obito was going to take some effort and finesse, and she’d suspected that something like this would happen. She just hadn’t expected it to happen so soon. 
“He’s probably never even been on a date. Of course he told his best friend.”
Right. Still, in her minds eye, this would have gone better if she’d continued to see him privately for a couple weeks. Then she could have tried to get him into bed, kill him in his sleep, and dispose of the body quietly. After that, she’d admit their secret affair to Kakashi and report Obito ‘missing’ in a tearful, grief riddled, state. 
“That plan has even more holes than the first one.”
At this point it didn’t matter. She didn’t care. If she got caught, so be it. At least then she had made her mark and done what needed to be done. Either way, she could use Kakashi’s assumptions to her advantage. 
“Kakashi… I’ll be honest. Yes, that’s why I’ve been cold in recent months. I just… Well, I felt guilty because of what we shared before and I’m embarrassed by my behavior but… you know how I am.”
She returned, softening her voice and cheering internally when Kakashi nodded slowly in agreement, an understanding hum leaving him. 
“When you moved Obito into the house nearest to mine, I thought maybe I was supposed to keep an eye on him as well. But then I… well, I started to harbor a small crush I suppose. And that’s woefully unprofessional. On top of our history. I suppose I’ve really just been more angry at myself.”
Reiko explained, trying to find the words as she spoke. That sounded believable. She’d grown attracted to her, admittedly handsome, next door neighbor. He was a close friend of a man she’d known intimately at one point. That, combined with the pressures of her job, had caused her to close off. It was believable. And it had the added bonus of stroking Kakashi’s ego a bit. She’d been so concerned about his opinion of her that she’d desperately tried to put distance between them before he could judge her. Horse shit. 
“I understand. I just wish you would have said something sooner so we could have put all of this to bed. Because, honestly Rei, I know we were just… fooling around. So don’t worry about me, really. And I didn’t place Obito there for you to watch over him. He isn’t your responsibility. And I’m not in the business of policing relationships, so don’t worry about that either.”
He answered, and Reiko nodded her head bashfully, her eyes directed at the ground as she played the role of an embarrassed school girl. 
“I can’t apologize enough for the way I’ve treated you…”
Reiko said, listening for Kakashi soft grunt of disagreement. 
“It’s no issue. I just hope we can be more friendly from here on out. Everyone treats me differently now, just because I was given this title. I don’t want to lose my friends over something so… petty.”
Kakashi returned, and she had to bite her tongue on that one. At least he’d cleaned the office. She nodded again, turning her head up to meet his line of sight to fix him with a soft, endearing, smile. 
“Of course.”
She replied, and Kakashi finally relaxed again, sitting back in his chair. 
“Alright. I know you’ve got work to do, so I won’t keep you. But… don’t be a stranger. And I hope your date goes well tonight.”
He finished, drawing another grateful nod from Reiko. With that, they exchanged goodbyes and she exited the office. As soon as she was in the hallway, her eyes darted back and forth to make sure she was alone. When no one entered her line of sight, she clasped her hand over her mouth and doubled over in a fit of stifled laugher. 
Reiko as rushing around her home, quickly cleaning and getting things prepared for Obito’s visit. She was laying out food and prepping the counters in her kitchen, damp hair clinging to the back of her neck as the casual sun dress she wore fluttered against the skin of her calves. 
“You don’t think this is a bit much? I mean, you could’ve always just hit on him and offered to sleep with him. He would have given in pretty quick, just based on his mannerisms.”
Shikaku intercut as she pulled the green onions from the fridge, settling them next to the cutting board. That may have worked. But, in her eyes, this was less suspicious. If she’d just approached the man who clearly had no experience with women and asked him if he’d like to sleep with her, that would seem strange and out of character for her. Though, the bubbly and giggly act she was putting one was pretty out of character as well. Still, the slow and steady approach would be best in the end. That way she didn’t risk scaring him off. If she’d done that, it would have come across as desperate and strange. Going this route, she was just a friendly neighbor looking to make friends. 
After her conversation with Kakashi this morning, she was feeling a bit better about the plan. Sure, it had caught her off guard, but if she could play the role of doting paramour well enough, then it should alleviate some suspicion from her when Obito went missing. Really, it just insured that the ball was secured in her court. She didn’t hate Obito! She had a crush on him! One that she would purposefully allow to ‘blind’ her in the coming weeks. 
“I still don’t understand how this is a good idea. Isn’t the partner always the first person they look for in instances of foul play? If you’re the last person to see him, then wouldn’t that cause problems in the future?”
Perhaps. It was really 50/50 in her eyes. However… there may be a way around that too. What if she wasn’t the last person to see him? Her chakra was low and her Jutsu sloppy, but under the cover of night and with enough practice, perhaps she’d be able to pull off a simple Transformation Jutsu. Holding it just long enough to taken on Obito’s general appearance and place herself in a strategic location where she would be seen by someone of a non-threatening nature. Someone who could report the sighting and solidify her alibi. But to even get close to that point, tonight had to go well. 
Before she could overthink the plan, there was a soft knock on her front door. She pulled away from the counter, wiping her hands on the apron tied around her waist before moving to answer her guests call. With a deep breath, she relaxed her shoulders and smiled as she pulled the door open. 
She greeted, but the sound died in her throat at the sight before her. Obito was standing on her porch, looking surprisingly bashful for a man that had seemed so imposing a few days ago. But it wasn’t his presence on her porch that shocked her. Rather, it was what he was wearing. A white button up shirt, neatly tucked into a pair of black dress pants. The sleeves of the shirt were cuffed around his wrists, and he brought his hand up to rub the back of his neck as she took in his appearance. He was even wearing polished, black, dress shoes. But the surprises didn’t stop there. Before she could process everything, he was pulling his other hand from behind his back, producing a bottle of what looked like… wine?
Oh god, he’d really taken her comment about it being a ‘date’ to heart. 
“See. Now you feel bad.”
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the8gates · 3 years
The Bug Collector: Chapter Eight - Caterpillar
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Word Count: 6.9k
Warning(s): None. 
When Kakashi is appointed as the Sixth Hokage, he reveals that Obito Uchiha did not die in the war and that he plans to offer his former a friend a chance at rehabilitation and redemption. The few people who are aware of this secret project are supportive of the effort. Expect for Reiko Miki.
After her mentor, Shikaku Nara, was killed during the war, Reiko struggled to come to terms with his death. This issue is only made worse when Obito is placed in the only other house on her street. With seemingly everyone against the idea of serving true justice, Reiko decides to take matters into her own hands and make the Uchiha pay for all of the crimes he committed.
However, there may be more grey in the black and white picture she’d painted than she originally anticipated.
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - AO3 - Chapter Nine
“So, someone left you a basket of food? That’s the big, weird, thing that happened?”
Kakashi asked, his eyebrow quirked upwards as he lounged at Obito’s kitchen table. He was reclined back, arms folded over his chest as he sprawled his legs out and made himself at home. Obito groaned, fingers tugging at his hair in frustration. 
“No. That isn’t it. You never let me finish.”
Obito huffed, dropping his head forward with a sigh as he tired desperately to organize his rushing thoughts. It had been a week since that basket appeared on his front porch, stuffed to the brim with jams and vegetables and a loaf of fresh baked bread. When he’d first seen it, his mouth had watered at the image alone. Fresh food with some actual substance was enough to make his fast food powered mind nearly spin out. But he’d been cautious, refusing to touch it until he at least knew where it’d come from. There were plenty of people who had to have it out for him, and even if he was a bit lost presently, he wasn’t about to be taken out by a poisoned jar of jam. 
“Well, you do have this tendency to get worked up over little things…”
Kakashi tried to defend, but Obito was quick to whip his head and throw a glare in the direction of his friend. This entire situation was difficult enough as it was. He was struggling to adjust… struggling and failing. Now he was dealing with another predicament well beyond his experience. It seemed like he was just stacking things on top of an already wavering pile, swaying back and forth as it reached well past the clouds. One wrong move and it would all come crashing down. So, needless to say, he could do without Kakashi’s cool, sarcastic, act. 
“Fine, fine. Go ahead. Finish your story and explain to me what was so urgent that I had to be here so early in the day.”
Kakashi said in response to Obito’s evil eye, putting his hands up in front of him in surrender. Again, Obito struggled to reel in his thoughts back to their starting pointing. It unraveled so quickly he almost felt like if he blinked, he would miss it. He sighed in response, his elbows resting on the table as he prepared to continue. 
“So, I wake up, and there’s that basket of food just sitting there-“
Obito started to say, but Kakashi was cutting him off. 
“Did you eat any of it?”
He asked, and Obito groaned again, dropping his head back. 
“No. Do you think I’m an idiot? Of course I didn’t eat any of it. But I know that woman lives down the road… the one you told me about.”
Obito led, and Kakashi nodded thoughtfully. 
“Mhm. Rei.”
“Yes. The Jonin Commander. So, I knew she lived down the road and I thought maybe she’d left it. I caught her on her way home that afternoon and she said she didn’t leave it, that it was probably a gift from an older woman up the road.”
Obito explained, and Kakashi nodded for him to continue, waving his wrist a bit. 
“I didn’t think much of it… she told me to steer clear of the bread, so I did. Everything else was fine. Then, yesterday morning, she shows up on my front porch-“
And Kakashi interrupted him again. 
“The old woman up the road?”
Obito groaned in response, shaking his head. 
“No. The Jonin Commander. Reiko. She shows up and hands me a stack of mail, says that it must have gotten placed in the wrong box.”
Obito continued, moving his hands quite a bit as he talked. Kakashi cut him off again. 
“Obito, I don’t know where this is going, but it sounds like she’s just being a good neighbor. Not even particularly good. Just normal.”
Kakashi said, and Obito stood from the table so fast it caused Kakashi’s eyes to widen in shock. He paced around the kitchen with barely contained anxiety racking his body, his fingers running through his hair in frustration. 
“Oh for- would you shut up for two seconds? I’m getting there! So, she hands me the mail, right, and I don’t think much of it. I mean. She’s cute I guess. But… I don't think about it. Then, later that same day, she shows up again. And she’s complaining about her lawnmower not starting. She asks me if I can help her start it. And that she’ll mow my yard too as repayment.”
Obito rattled off, surprised he was able to get this far without Kakashi interrupting him again. When he took a moment to catch his breath, he glanced up to see his friend listening with renewed interest. One of his silver eyebrows quirked upwards in genuine curiosity. So, he moved forward. 
“So I agree. To start the mower, I mean. I didn’t let her mow my yard. Of course not. I mowed it myself… but she came over anyway and started trimming the hedges out front and raking and… I don’t know what happened. By the end of it, she was offering to make me dinner tonight. And I-I said yes! And now I don’t know what I’m going to do because she’s expecting me to come over later and I-“
Obito started strong, but he soon found himself consumed with anxiety again. Tripping over his words a bit and fixing Kakashi with a wide eyed, exasperated, expression. Really, he hadn’t gotten any sleep since the encounter. It was eating him alive from the inside out. All of the people he’d talked to in the past. The manipulation and the lies he’d managed to uphold over the course of literal years and going on this maybe-date would be his undoing. Kakashi stood from the table, crossing the kitchen quickly to place a grounding hand on Obito’s shoulder. It calmed him down a bit, his arms falling limply by his side as he stared at his friend for assistance. Advice. He wasn’t sure. 
“Obito… are you really this stressed out over a date?”
Kakashi asked, the teasing in his voice clear and pulling yet another groan from Obito’s lips. 
“Ya know what, if you’re not going to help me then you might as well just get-.”
Obito started to say, but Kakashi was quick to shut him down again with a hard clap of his hand to his shoulder. 
“Obito. Relax. Did she say it was a date? Or was she just being friendly?” Kakashi asked, confirming information before they moved forward. Obito’s mouth dried out rather suddenly. 
“She… she said it was a date.”
Obito answered and Kakashi nodded in turn, his hands dropping from Obito’s shoulders. Even if he couldn’t see it beyond the mask that was permanently fixed on his friends face, he knew that the silver haired man was wearing a teasing grin. 
“And you… you want to go on a date? With Reiko?”
Kakashi confirmed, the goading lilt in his voice unmistakeable, despite the fact that it sounded like he was trying to choke it down. It was simple yes or no question, but it stunned Obito so severely he felt his tongue swell and glue to the roof of his mouth. His eyes dropped to the space between them, brow furrowing as he tried to consider his answer. Surprisingly, his mind was calmer now, allowing him to focus. The girl… Reiko. He’d only just met her, but something about her disposition was warm and welcoming. She was persistent without being overbearing, ushering him into conversation with ease. She was pretty as well. Her smile sweet and understated as her dark eyes curved against her cheeks. Honestly, she almost reminded him of-
Kakashi questioned, pulling him back to reality in a snap. Obito jerked his head up to meet the concerned gaze of his friend. Suddenly, he felt sick and regretful. He should have never agreed to that date. Even if Reiko was kind and pretty, he couldn’t just replace Rin. It would be a betrayal.
“Hey. Look, I know what you’re thinking and honestly, Obito, I think this would be good for you. If you ever want to have a life outside of this house again, then you’re gonna have to get out there, ya know? Meet new people and… I know how hard that is. But I think, if you really do want to go on this date, you should do it. I think it’s what Rin would have wanted. For you to try and move on.”
Kakashi said, showing a depth Obito wasn’t quite familiar with yet. When they were kids, Kakashi would have died before he said something so honest and vulnerable. But Obito had been forced to realize several things in recent months. People grew and changed, even if he wasn’t around to see it. The image of Kakashi that he’d carried with him for his entire life was nothing more than a single moment in time. Like he’d fossilized Kakashi as he’d known him when they were children. This was an entirely different man standing in front of him. And Obito himself was so far removed from the childhood version of himself that, somedays, he didn’t recognize his own reflection. It was a strange feeling. The crystalized amber cracking and chipping away bit by bit as what was frozen inside struggled to be released. 
It stung momentarily, but ultimately, Kakashi was right. If he was ever going to have a hope for a future in the village, he needed to meet people. Take some risks. It wouldn’t be as easy as Kakashi made it sound but… 
“Yeah… I want to go on the date.”
Obito answered before he really had a chance to consider how he wanted to phrase it. Kakashi took a moment to process, but then he was smiling behind his mask and clapping a hand down on Obito’s shoulder again. 
“There we go.”
He encouraged before dropping his hand and taking a step back to pace the kitchen a bit, a hand under his chin as he considered something. Then, he let out an amused scoff, eyebrows furrowing. 
Obito asked, and Kakashi shook his head, shrugging. 
“It’s just funny… Rei is a nice girl. She’s smart and dedicated but…”
Kakashi said, trailing off a bit and not continuing until he glanced up and noticed Obito’s panicked expression. 
“Ah, it’s just that she’s kind of distant. Quiet. We were friends at one point, but I still feel like I don’t know anything about her. So, if she pursued you? She must really like you.”
Kakashi answered, and again, Obito’s throat felt like it was swelling shut, his mouth completely drying out as he stared at Kakashi with wide eyes. Pursued him? Is that what happened? She had planned to ask him out all along? 
Shit… he was really in over his head. 
Obito stood on Reiko’s porch for what felt like an hour after she’d shut the door in the his face. In reality, it was only a few minutes, but his cheek was still tingling from where she’d pressed her lips against it. His hands were covered in traces of her lingering, casual, touches and, in his stupor, the ghostly sensations of her soft fingers gliding over his skin was nearly tangible. Much to his surprise, the prickling of nerves coming to life was even present in the pieces of Zetsu skin that were grafted to his body. He could feel her warmth against the pale white skin on his forearm and the gentle brush of her lips against the scarring on his cheek. And even with all of the patchwork skin that was crudely quilted together over his form, she didn’t shy away from any of it. In fact, if her final words were any indication, she was still attracted to him. 
His heart pounded against his chest harshly, rattling his bones and causing his teeth to clack together in their slack jawed state. Eventually, he managed to pull his feet from where they were fused with her front porch. The walk home went by in a blur as he was unable to pull himself from his thoughts for more than a moment. Adjusting to another person had been difficult, but only momentarily. Then, Reiko had begun chatting with him like he was an old friend. She’d made him genuinely laugh for the first time in his recent memory and she’d openly flirted with him. Despite everything she likely knew about his past, she treated him like he was… god, even just the thought of her smile and laugh made his mouth dry out and his eyes nearly water. 
When he finally returned home and began the arduous task of relighting all of the candles scattered around the space, he still hadn’t managed to shake that feeling. It was overwhelming to be treated with such kindness and he found his bottom lip trembling before he could really determine why the tears were welling in his eyes. Obito sat down on the couch in the living room, planting his elbows on his knees so he could lean forward and cradle his head in his hands. The sound of his own sniffles ricocheted around the nearly empty room as he focused on reeling his emotions in. This was just a first date. It was so silly to be so tender hearted at this point in his life, but he couldn’t help the ache and swell in his throat. All he could remember in this moment was the last person who had handled him with such care. Even if he tried desperately to deny that part of himself for the last twenty years, he’d been forced to reconcile with his childhood ideals during the war. And since that reckoning, his heart would no longer allow him to bottle things up. The glass had been shattered, and there was no hope for scooping the spilled contents back into a destroyed container. 
So, after fighting it for a moment, he let go. 
There should be a part of him that was hesitant and skeptical about this new connection. He should be considering what Reiko’s ulterior motives could be for treating him with such kindness. His mind should be running rampant with thinly veiled paranoia and distrust. Yet, he couldn’t bring himself to be even moderately bitter. Not when he was alone and his life wasn’t being threatened. It was so hard to relax and let people see him. Especially now. Spending the majority of his life behind a mask had made him comfortable with anonymity and distance. There was no other choice at the time. Now, however, if he wanted to move forward he had to be honest with himself, and at least approachable to the people around him. 
And if he was being honest with himself, he was already longing for the day he would see Reiko again. He was desperate for that warmth and affection. Her teasing smiles and soft laughter filtered through his head and heart like a whisper of a long forgotten memory, even if he’d just left her house. It left him reeling for his chance to feel like that again. Weightless and comfortable. After years of being so fucking lonely and scared. The tears started to slow when he calmed down from the crashing of his high and he found himself slumped against the back of the couch, staring up at the mostly dark ceiling as the glow of several candles licked the surface. He let out a shuddering sigh, filling the silence once again with the sounds of his discontent. 
It still felt like a betrayal to want to see someone in that context again. To sit across the kitchen table from Reiko and admire her pretty smile and long for those gentle touches that stunned him in place. However, when that dreadful feeling began to settle in the pit of his stomach, he scrunched his eyes shut in defiance of it. Conjuring the image that had graced him in those moments on the battle field. The one where he’d nearly lost his life after his battle to retain the Ten Tails Chakra. Rin had come to him, still young and frozen in time at the age she’d passed. It had been hard to see and hear her at the time, but the scene had been clear in hindsight. 
Rin had smiled at him. That same grin that made him feel like he could accomplish anything, then she’d clasped her hands behind her back and bent forward to be closer to him. Obito had ducked down to hear her better as she began to whisper something to him. Like a secret she’d been saving for that moment. 
“Are you happy now?”
Was all she’d said. A simple question that he would have thought was condescending had it come from anyone else’s mouth. But Rin had asked it with genuine curiosity and, once he’d recalled the words, it felt like being crushed and put back together all over again. Now, he focused on that sweet voice. The one that had encouraged him and pushed him towards his goal when they were children. She’d asked it like all she’d ever wanted was for him to be happy. And he knew Rin. He knew that was all she had ever wanted for everyone she’d ever known. Himself. Kakashi. Minato-sensei. Gai and all of the other kids at the Academy. 
Just that little bit of time he’d spent with Reiko had made him happy. So, what would be the purpose of denying himself that? Penance for the crimes of his past? He would never be able to pay enough for those sins. It would force him into emotional bankruptcy. And Kakashi had told said something to him once that rang true in this moment. 
“You have to work at forgiving yourself before anyone else’s forgiveness will matter.”
The same could be said for happiness. Wouldn’t he have to pursue it in order to receive it?
Truly forgiving himself and the circumstances that had led him here was a long way off. But… happiness was just down the road. Maybe it was unfair to put so much stock in one person after one, measly, date. Reiko’s companionship couldn’t be his only source of happiness. But at least it was a source. A start.
With that final thought, he picked his head up and glanced around the room, the tears drying on his cheeks and leaving a salty taste on his lips as his tongue swiped over them in thought. So, she wanted to meet at his home this weekend… his gaze filtered over a stack of old newspapers, then around the room to pile of dirty clothes and the thick layer of dust settling on the top of his television. 
He supposed he would need to clean. 
Oh shit. 
So, that’s what a kiss felt like. 
Obito’s heart was hammering, thudding so loud he could hear the rush of blood in his ears. His face was almost unbearably hot and the blush was only worsened by the idea that Reiko could tell exactly how he was feeling. From her position next to him, she would be able to see the red on his cheeks clearly and with her hand cradling his jaw she was sure to feel his racing heart. His lips were still buzzing from where she’d pressed her own against him not a second prior, and it had been brief, but he was already desperate for another. 
Reiko looked at him with a teasing smile, her head cocked to the side just enough to make her wavy brown hair shift as well, falling to one shoulder. Obito didn’t know where to put his hands, keeping them fixed to his sides as he squeezed them into tight fists. God, that had felt good and here he was, frozen in place like a damn fool with a beautiful woman practically throwing herself at him! How much more pathetic could he-
“You’ve really never kissed anyone, huh?”
She asked, and he cursed himself again for being so useless. Still, he shook his head in response. He hadn’t. She was his first. That idea was scary as hell, but he didn’t want to stop. Not even close. So, when Reiko grinned wide enough to peel her lips back over her white teeth and asked, 
“Want me to teach you?”
Obito nodded so fast he was sure his head was going to pop off of his neck. Reiko giggled, dropping her head forward a bit so that her bangs hung over her eyes. Then, with no warning, she was moving to straddle his lap. Obito’s eyes widened as she seated herself on his thighs, and he panicked instantly, raising his hands in the air between them as not to touch her inappropriately. Reiko was quick to grip his wrists however, her thin fingers wrapping around them as she guided his hands to her body. His mouth completely dried out as she splayed her hands on the backs of his, encouraging him to grip the flesh of her clothed hips. 
God, she was warm. His fingers relaxed against her almost instantly, stretching out and getting used to the feeling of her hips in his hands. Then, she was cradling his jaw again in both hands, forcing his eyes away from where the insides of her thighs were pressed against him to draw attention to her face again. The light from television behind her cast her in a near angelic glow, making the outline of hair look fuzzy and the shadows on her face accentuate the soft hollows of her cheek bones. Her pointed nose wrinkled a bit as she adjusted herself in his lap and got comfortable, the movement only serving blood to rush to other parts of Obito’s body. But before he could concern himself with that arising issue, she was leaning in and muttering, 
“Relax… follow my lead, okay?”
In a voice so quiet and inviting he had no choice but to comply. His fingers tensed in their grip on his hips as Reiko moved to slot their noses together, the slick feeling of her lips ghosting over his for a brief moment nearly driving him to the brink of insanity. Then, she was pressing their mouths together with a renewed passion. He was too stunned to think, his eyes drifted shut on instinct, simply allowing her to take the lead as she puckered her lips against his own. Reiko’s hands released his jaw, her hot finger tips sliding down the sides of his neck causing a shiver to run up his spine before they settled around his neck, locking together behind his head. He squeezed her hips again to ground himself and attempted to do as she’d asked by following her lead. Obito puckered his lips as well, satisfied he’d something right when they relaxed their mouths in tandem and he heard the soft pop of their lips separating. 
A bit of pride welled in his chest, but she didn’t give him the opportunity to bathe in it for long. When he reciprocated, she pressed herself closer to him, wiggling up the length of his lap until she was hovering dangerously close to his groin. Her chest flushed with his own, the plush give of her breasts pressing tight against him in a way he wasn’t nearly prepared for. Then, she was dragging the tip of her tongue over his sensitive bottom lip. It sent a tingle through his system straight to his groin, and he gasped at the new, wet, sensation, which only allowed her to further deepen the kiss. Opening her mouth wider until she was sucking on his bottom lip like it was the most delicious candy she’d ever had. Obito had to stop his body from responding in the most natural way possible, which would have been bucking his hips up in reaction to the amount of blood that had rushed downward. 
Mercifully, Reiko released his lip with another pop and broke the kiss before she could do any further damage to him. His eyes opened in an instant at the loss of her mouth, and he had one more blissful moment to watch her recover as well. Reiko’s eyes were still shut, her long lashes almost dipping down to brush against her cheeks with a pleased smile on her parted lips. Every part of his body felt like it was on fire, and when she slowly raised her heavy eyelids to lock dark gazes with him, Obito had only one thought. 
If he never got the chance to do anything else, he could die happy at this exact moment. 
Reiko asked, chuckling softly on the tail end of the most ignorant question he’d ever heard. Obito was still too stunned to speak, so he nodded again in response. She giggled, jostling a bit in his lap as the hands she’d locked behind his neck moved again to run over his shoulders, then down the front of his chest. He took a deep breath, just to expand his chest and better feel the press of her warm palms. 
“You want another?”
She questioned, her eyes dropping momentarily to look down at the limited space between them before looking back up at him. Coy and so, infuriatingly, sensual. Obito nodded again and swallowed against the sudden knot in his throat. God. He wanted a thousand more and even that wouldn’t be enough. The feeling of her hips filling his hands and her chest pressed against his… the heat of her mouth prying his open… it had to be one of the most insanely transcendent things he’d ever felt. Like he could lose track of time and space and his own body if he weren’t careful. 
Terrifying and utterly beautiful. 
“Obito… did you ever consider that maybe… she just doesn’t want to see you again?”
Kakashi asked from his position on the couch. It was a similar scene to the one from several weeks ago as Obito paced back and forth in the living room. He sighed, dropping his head forward as he stopped walking for a minute. Of course he’d consider that. It was the most logical reasoning for Reiko’s radio silence over the past two weeks. When he’d woke up the morning after her sleepover and she was gone, he’d rationalized it a number of ways. Thinking that, maybe, she’d had a hard time sleeping on his mattress on the floor. It hurt his back sometimes too. Or, maybe she’d just had some things to handle that morning. She was a busy and important woman after all, even if it was easy to forget her position at Jonin Commander when they were just spending time alone together. 
However, when he hadn’t heard from her in the days afterwards, he’d started to worry. He’d told her too much about himself and his past and had scared her off. It made sense. The things he’d done in the name of revenge and seeking a better world for himself were unforgivable. She was a part of the Shinobi system he’d wanted to destroy. Of course she would tuck tail and run after he’d revealed his sins to her. At this realization, he’d spent a few days wallowing in self hatred, refusing to leave his bed for anything other than to use the restroom. The familiar ache from his youth had settled into his chest and he found that he couldn’t even close his eyes without being haunted by the image of Reiko’s face. 
Specifically, he recalled her head resting on the pillow next to his, her cheek buried in the white fabric of his cheap pillowcases. Her brown hair in an awkward stage between damp and dry, sticking to the sides of her face and neck as she peered at him with gentle eyes. He’d been so nervous about telling her his past, but she’d been understanding. Letting him know that the sins of his past did not have to dictate his future. And he remembered the final words she’d said to him. 
“I think you’re kind as well. That you always wanted to be. But sometimes, life doesn’t allow us that luxury.”
She’d held him after that. She’d reached forward of her own volition to wrap her arms around his neck and pulled him towards her, just so he could bury his face in the warmth of her chest. Touching her in the beginning had been daunting and foreign, but over the course of several dates he’d found comfort in her body. When she positioned herself on top of him so they could share kisses in the darkness of his living room, he felt grounded and weightless at the same time. When she brushed her hands across his arms or cheeks in those little affectionate gestures, he felt young again. Clean and unburdened. And when she’d cradled his head to her chest and pressed gentle kisses against his scalp, he’d felt safe. Loved. 
It was the memory of those events that had made him question the truth behind Reiko’s absence. There was no way all of that had been fake. It couldn’t have been. She… she liked him. She kissed him and respected his boundaries even when it was clear she wanted more. She laughed at his jokes and talked to him like he mattered and sometimes she would look at him and he would see this dreamy, loving, sparkle in her eyes. How could someone fake all of that? How could she hold him so tightly after their talk if she was just planning to leave him? 
“No. I mean. Of course I considered it. But it’s not like that. She wouldn’t do that.”
Obito defended, shaking his head as he came to the conclusion. It still felt iffy from a logical perspective, but his heart told him that he was right. Something had to have happened to Reiko. 
“Well, I know she’s been showing up for work like normal. But I don’t know every detail of her personal life, Obito.”
Kakashi sighed, shrugging his shoulders a bit as he dropped his back against the couch, staring at the ceiling. 
“I just know that something has to be wrong. Everything was fine! And I thought maybe she needed some space or something so I haven’t gone to check on her but… its been two weeks! Can you think of anything that seems… off? She hasn’t said anything about me?”
Obito asked, his pacing back in full swing as he considered every other possibility. Maybe she was sick and didn’t want to expose him to the illness? Then, at least, she could have left a note on his porch explaining… Maybe someone had threatened her? Told her to keep her distance from him or she would incur some kind of punishment. Though, he wasn’t sure who would do something like that either. The enemies he’d made would be his enemies to face and they certainly wouldn’t have much stake in his romantic life. Kakashi let out a deep breath, rubbing the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger as he tried to think of anything that might soothe Obito in this moment. 
“I suppose she’s been… lackluster in her performance at work. I’ve notice that she’s allowing some things to pile up on her desk. Typically, she’s very meticulous but in the past couple of weeks she’s been slacking.”
Kakashi admitted, throwing the words out like he was digging through the deepest recesses of his mind to come up with an answer. But that was all Obito needed. He snapped his fingers in the direction of his friend as everything seemingly clicked into place. 
“There! See? Something is definitely wrong with her.”
Obito replied, earning him another sigh from his friend. 
“Then why don’t you just go down there and check on her? I’m not sure why you’re talking to me about this.”
Kakashi retorted and Obito stopped pacing to look down at his tired friend. Then, he glanced up at the clock on the wall. An hour? He’d been talking Kakashi’s ear off for an hour already… No wonder he was bored of the conversation. Maybe he was right. He should stop wondering and just go find the answers for himself. Obito plopped down onto the couch next to Kakashi with a defeated sigh, his elbows on his knees as he leaned forward and cradled his forehead in his hands. Kakashi was right, but why did the idea of confronting Reiko make him so nauseous? They’d spent innumerable hours together at this point. Talking and kissing until they were blue in the face. He shouldn’t be nervous at this point. Yet, his palms grew slick with sweat and his body felt clammy at the mere idea of standing on her porch and knocking on her front door. 
What if… what if she didn’t answer? What if she told him to go away and that she never wanted to see him again? What if all of his hard work to be open with someone and allow them to see him blew up in his face? He’d had to fight the urge to puke at multiple points as he told her the story of his life. His body had physically tried to prevent him from speaking, but he’d fought through the pain. What if it was all for nothing?
“I don’t know what I’ll do if she does tell me that she doesn’t want to see me anymore.”
Obito admitted, the words coming out small and sad in his defeat. It was hard to admit that possibility to himself. Even harder to choke it out and give the thoughts agency in the form of words spoken out loud. Maybe it was ridiculous to put so much stock into a woman he’d only known for a month and a half. But he couldn’t help the way he felt about her. 
“Obito… I don’t profess to know everything about your relationship with Rei. But just based on what you’ve told me, it seems like she really does like you. I mean, I’ve known Rei for years. Since we were teenagers… and she’s always had this unapproachable attitude. Not that she thought she was above everyone else, it was more like she just didn’t care to connect. So, when you told me that she approached you… honestly, I was shocked. I thought that maybe she was just curious about you. Then, when you kept seeing each other… I mean, I can’t imagine that she would just stop talking to you after that. She’s not one to throw in the towel on something she really wants. Maybe there is something wrong… but I don’t think you’ll ever know unless you ask her yourself.”
Kakashi said, trying and failing to truly explain his thought process. But Obito understood what he was trying to say. Reiko wasn’t the type to just disappear, and Obito thought the same thing. She was always straightforward with him about what she wanted. 
“If you don’t go find out then you’ll really never learn anything from this. You’ll just be stuck in this house, pouring over ‘what ifs’ forever. Like nothing ever changed.”
Kakashi added, and Obito finally found the strength to pick his head up. That lit a certain fire inside him. A small, flickering, flame that was his desire to move forward. It had all but been extinguished after the Fourth Great War. He’d been prepared to die, so his spirit had done so when his body hadn’t succumbed to his injuries. When Kakashi had brought him to this house and told him to make himself at home, he’d slept for a week straight. Only rousing to use the restroom and drink enough water to keep him alive. Even after he’d garnered the strength to leave his bed for more than a few minutes at a time, he’d simply shuffled from one day to the next. Watching a pile of old movies he’d collected over the years and some new ones that Kakashi brought him to pass the time. 
After a while, he’d memorized entire sections of certain movies. He found himself longing to be in those intensely emotional situations, where a beautiful young woman stared at him with teary eyes as loving words spilled from her lips. Even the dramatic scenes where the relationship fell apart called to him. That’s when he’d realized that he was just desperate to feel anything. He’d felt a similar tugging in his chest with Reiko. A desire to feel more and learn everything he could from her. He craved the emotions she pulled from him. The tenderness he wasn’t even aware that he was still capable of reared its head when she was around. It was equal parts terrifying and thrilling. 
The thought of losing her and everything she offered scared him. But the thought of returning to that endless longing shook him to his core. If he just ripped the bandaid off, at least he could try to move on. Find something else that made him feel like she did. Instead of just spinning his wheels forever, worrying himself sick about the unknown. 
“I guess you’re right… I’ll… I’ll go talk to her in the morning.”
Obito caved, and Kakashi nodded, clapping a hand down on his shoulder as he stood from the couch. 
“There we go. If she dumps you… drinks are on me.”
His friend said, attempting to give him a bit of solace in the face of something Obito had never experienced before. It did manage to draw a soft snort from him, and he nodded in agreement. 
“Drinks are on you…”
Obito agreed, and with that, Kakashi was taking his leave. He did have work early in the morning, after all. Being Hokage wasn’t exactly the most forgiving job in the village. When they said their goodbyes and the front door shut behind him, Obito sagged back against the couch as the silence returned to the room. His stomach bubbled with anxiety, but he’d made up his mind and there was no turning back from that. In the morning, bright and early, he would go see Reiko and ask her what had changed. If she turned him away… then at least he would have an answer. At least he would be able to learn from this. 
With a sigh, he rose from the couch to prepare for bed. He pattered around the home, gathering a glass of water and handful of cheap painkillers for the headache that was beginning to flourish in the base of his skull. Once those were settled next to his bed, he returned to the kitchen for a late night snack. Just then, as he opened the cabinet that contained his sparse array of treats, a knock on the front door drew his attention. Obito quirked a brow, completely abandoning the ajar cabinet in pursuit of the noise. He glanced around, checking to see if Kakashi had forgotten something and had to double back. But he didn’t notice anything out of place. Still, it had to be his friend coming back for some reason. No one else would be visiting him this late. 
He pulled the front door open as he spoke. 
“Hey, did you forget something?”
Obito asked, but when he didn’t meet the eyes of his friend, his gaze fell lower. His hand fell from the doorknob as his mouth hung agape. There, standing in the soft light on his front porch, was Reiko. She was staring up at him with dark, tired, eyes and he had the passing thought that she looked distressed. Usually, she took great care in her appearance. But her brown hair was pulled into a messy bun, and the bit of black makeup around her wide eyes was smudged. In fact, even her outfit was out of character. Instead of one of the cute blouses and dresses she normally wore, she was dressed in nothing more than a long sleeved sweater and a pair of plain pants. 
Obito sputtered out, and she nodded a bit.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around. I just really needed to see you.”
She said, and even her voice sounded more gravely than usual. Wavering like she’d just spent hours talking or… crying? His heart was in his throat at the sight of her, and he had so many questions, but if she needed to see him, then he wouldn’t deny her or bombard her. He took a step to the side to allow her into the home. 
“Of course… are you okay?”
He questioned, nearly choking on the words as she crossed over the threshold. Reiko nodded, glancing around the living room almost like she’d never been there before as Obito shut the door. Then, when her gaze landed back on him, Obito froze in place. There was an intensity in her eyes that he’d never seen before. A desperation that made his insides squirm as the candle lights flickered across her darkening features. She took a step towards him, never breaking eye contact as the wooden floorboards creaked under her feet. 
“Yeah… I’m okay… I just…”
She answered, her voice distant and trailing off near the end as she drew closer him. Obito swallowed against the growing knot in his throat, a cold sweat breaking out across his skin as the energy in the room shifted. Then, without warning, she was lunging at him. 
Taglist: @actual-spawn-of-satan​
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the8gates · 3 years
The Bug Collector - Chapter Six: Snail Pt. One
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Word Count: 8.7k
Warning(s): Mentions of blood and murder. Very minor injury. Paranoia and other general mental health issues. 
When Kakashi is appointed as the Sixth Hokage, he reveals that Obito Uchiha did not die in the war and that he plans to offer his former a friend a chance at rehabilitation and redemption. The few people who are aware of this secret project are supportive of the effort. Expect for Reiko Miki.
After her mentor, Shikaku Nara, was killed during the war, Reiko struggled to come to terms with his death. This issue is only made worse when Obito is placed in the only other house on her street. With seemingly everyone against the idea of serving true justice, Reiko decides to take matters into her own hands and make the Uchiha pay for all of the crimes he committed.
However, there may be more grey in the black and white picture she’d painted than she originally anticipated.
 Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - AO3 - Chapter Seven (Snail Pt.2)
“Okay, now, tilt your head… mhm, just like that.”
Reiko mumbled against Obito’s mouth, his hands fully secured around her waist as he tugged her closer and craned his neck. The kiss he currently had her locked in was breath taking. Literally. He hadn’t let her come up for air once, and what little breath she did have was being wasted by muttering instructions or praises against his lips. 
After their first kiss, he’d become obsessed. They’d been on two dates since then, and each one consisted of much of the same thing. They would have dinner at his house, start a movie, and then it ended with them making out on his couch for two hours. Honestly? He was getting pretty good at it. Picking up her tricks and determining what she liked through trial and error. He was growing more confident with his hands too. Allowing them to roam over her body with a growing familiarity. However, he was always careful to avoid certain places. Her chest, ass, and feminine parts were all off limits. Not because she’d tried to steer him away, but because he wasn’t ready to go that far yet. 
It made sense. He’d just begun learning how to kiss two weeks ago. And even that had been stressful for him. Reiko wasn’t complaining in the slightest. Making out with him like this made her feel young again. Teasing and sweet, it tugged at her heart strings in a way she hadn’t felt in years. She wrote it off as a physical response. It had been quite some time since anyone had touched her like this and she was a little pent up. Nothing more, nothing less. When she finally bedded him for good, those feelings would dissipate quickly after the act was done. They always did. Then she would be free to commit the final act. 
Behind her, the music on the TV stopped playing and the sound of the tape player clicking and rewinding the tape drew her attention. Reiko pulled away from his mouth with a sharp inhale, filling her lungs with oxygen gratefully. Obito smiled up at her, his head laid back on the couch. 
He asked, voice raspy from the near constant kissing. Reiko chuckled at his use of her question and nodded in return.
“Very. You’re a quick learner… but the movies over…”
She pointed out, his hands falling from her waist to rest on her thighs on either side of his lap. He peaked around her, only to be greeted by a dark screen as she moved to unmount him, clambering off his lap to prepare to leave. 
“You’re going to leave again?”
Obito asked, and she shrugged, grabbing her purse from the end table. That was how things had gone for the last two dates. He clearly wasn’t ready to take it any further, and she might have been planning his murder, but taking advantage of him in that way would be a step too far. 
“I kinda figured… unless you had something else in mind?”
Reiko proposed, quirking a brow in his direction. It was a Friday, so her day off was tomorrow, and she certainly wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to push this further. The closer they got, the closer the day of reckoning came. Obito drew his eyes down and away from her, focusing on his lap as his came up to rub the back of his neck. 
“I don’t know… I was kinda thinking that maybe… you could stay the night?”
He suggested sheepishly, and Reiko’s ears perked up at that, tilting her head to the side with wide eyes. 
“Oh? I didn’t think you were ready for-“
She started to say, but Obito was shaking his head and cutting her off, a steadily deepening blush on his cheeks. 
“No… I’m not. But… I don’t know. Maybe we could just hang out and talk and…”
Obito explained, trailing off at the end out of embarrassment, but he gestured with his hands between the two of them and Reiko chuckled. 
“Make out?”
She asked, and Obito nodded, finally turning his dark eyes back up to meet her gaze. He was growing more confident with every date, but some things still left him tongue tied and embarrassed. It was endearing. Refreshing, after spending so many years around men whose idea of masculinity revolved around battle strength and sexual prowess. Obito was genuine. He didn’t pretend to be something he wasn’t or bite off more than he could chew in the romance department. He was honest about his limits and had grown to be sure about what he wanted from her. Though, the words still seemed to fail him on occasion. The last two dates, he would sit down next to her on the couch under the guise of watching a movie, and then his hand would grab hers, tugging a bit until she got the idea. 
Obito finally spat out, voice a little unsure, but not near as crippled as he would have been a few weeks ago. Reiko thought it over for a moment. She wasn’t really prepared to kill him tonight. It would take a little more planning and she didn’t want to ruin her planned weekend. 
“Why would finishing this mission ruin your weekend, Rei?”
Because she would have to clean everything up and go about her plans with Shikamaru and Yoshino like nothing had happened. It would just add an additional layer of stress to an already stressful situation. Besides… at this point, she felt like she could at least give Obito a good orgasm before she killed him. He’d earned that much by being a decent date, and she’d given much more to men who’d done much less. 
“Thats bullshit.”
“Okay… sure. I’ll stay. But I need to run home and get a few things… You have a shower here?”
She questioned, and Obito’s face lit up, nodding near frantically and pointing behind the couch towards the staircase. 
“Ye-yeah! Upstairs.”
He answered and she nodded, keeping her purse secured on her shoulder as she headed for the front door. 
“Alright, I’ll be right back.”
She said, slipping her shoes back as she exited the home. The air was warm, despite the sun having set well over an hour ago. The first stirrings of summer rang out in the form of several sensations. Crickets chipped in the distance and she even noticed a few fireflies light up on her short walk home. Something she hadn’t expected when she’d begun spending more time in Obito’s home was the feeling of content that washed over her in the sparsely decorated building. It really wasn’t much, but it was cozy and quiet. Like a hideout where she could shut the world out and focus on him and her mission. In her own home, she was surrounded by constant reminders of what she’d lost. Reminders of work and chores that needed to be done. 
For instance, when she unlocked her front door and entered her home, was immediately greeted with a reminder of Shikaku. Her couch. He and Shikamaru had helped her move in when she’d finally left her mothers house. 
“Shika, come on, seriously. Help me out here.”
Shikaku grunted, balancing a stack of boxes in his arms that was a little too tall, wavering in his grip and threatening to spill over into the yard. Shikamaru sighed, rolling his eyes with so much attitude she almost forgot that he was only  five years old. He lifted himself from the seat he’d taken on the front porch steps and approached his father, extending his arms. 
He huffed, and Shikaku squatted a bit to allow his son to grab a couple of the smaller boxes from the top of the stack. Shikamaru piled them in his arms with another groan, but Reiko knew those boxes only contained a few pictures frames and some of her sparse personal accessories. Nothing even close to heavy. She chuckled a bit as she grabbed some more items from the cart they’d used to wheel the smaller stuff over in. The main furnishings had already been delivered the day prior, and Shikaku had helped her put together her couch and living room furniture then too. Though Shikamaru had been too busy with classes to attend yesterday, and she was sure that would have been an insanely exciting outing for him. 
“Shika, those boxes go in the bedroom. Down the hall, to the right.”
Reiko called out, earning her another sigh and a call in the affirmative from the young boy as he entered the front door and disappeared from her line of sight. She closed the distance between herself and Shikaku, following him inside so they could both deposit their stack of boxes on the kitchen table. After their loads were unburdened, Shikaku let out a groan, dropping back to lean against the table and bringing out a rag to dab some sweat from his forehead. Reiko chuckled, already moving to grab him a bottle of water from the refrigerator. 
“You’re getting old, sir.”
Reiko commented, earning her a glare from her mentor. He snatched the bottle from her extended hand, drowning half of it with his finger in the air, a sign for her to wait. When he’d had his fill, he pulled the bottle away from his mouth with a sigh. 
“First of all, you still calling me ‘sir’ ages me ten years. Second, no I am not. You just decided the best time to move would be the during the dead heat of summer.”
Shikaku retorted, drawing a soft snort from Reiko. She grabbed a bottle of water for herself, taking a careful sip with a hum. 
“Well, if you lived with my mother, you wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to get out as soon as you could either.”
Reiko defended, earning her a grunt of understanding. She began opening up some of the small boxes on the table. Separating the kitchenware and utensils as they stood to catch their breaths. The only remaining items on the cart were things that wouldn’t fix in boxes. Her broom, a rolled up area rug, and a few bags of clothing. 
“You did wait a year after you’d turned eighteen though. I thought you would have been out on your own the moment you could be.”
Shikaku commented, taking her lead and unpacking a box as well, pulling out a few, heavy, cast iron skillets and fixing her with a deadpanned expression. Oh, so he’d gotten that box. Reiko giggled. 
“Sorry, maybe you’re not getting old then…”
She apologized, and he huffed out ‘damn straight’ before continuing. 
“I had to wait a year though… She couldn’t have covered the bills in that house on her own and I thought that boyfriend of hers would never get a job.”
Reiko sighed, moving around the kitchen to begin putting items in their rightful homes. 
“It’s not your responsibility to provide for her. Never was.”
Shikaku stated with more seriousness in his tone. He was right, and he’d told her that many times throughout her youth. Being Shikaku’s student had become an actual job about two years into her internship. She was handling important paperwork and mission details, so Lord Third had placed her on the village’s payroll. Ever since then, she and her mother had been living off of Reiko’s paychecks. Well, combined with the minimal amount of money her mother’s textile shop brought in. 
“I know. But I was too young to protest when it started… and then she was dependent on my income. I couldn’t very well just leave her high and dry.”
Reiko defended as she opened an upper cabinet to begin stacking ceramic bowls. Her mother wasn’t a bad person. But she wasn’t a great mother. Even still, Reiko had always felt a little indebted to her. For giving her life, she supposed. 
“Well, I’m glad you got out. I’m gonna be honest with you, kid… Never liked that woman.”
Shikaku said, drawing a playful gasp from Reiko as she turned on her heel to face him. 
“Surely you’re not expressing your distaste for someone? Not agreeable, easy-going, Shikaku.”
She teased, knowing full and well that Shikaku didn’t care for her mother. The feeling was mutual between them. Though her mother would never outright say it. Preferring to undermine him in shady ways. Shikaku shrugged, reaching across the table to hand her a stack of plates to put away. She hadn’t even told him where she was putting them, yet he knew that she would place them in the same cabinet with the bowls. Taking in his surroundings and acting accordingly, even in his down time. 
“Tch. If that’s what you think of me after all these years, it makes it easier to understand why you’ve stuck around so long… but seriously, she never had a kind word to say to you when you were growing up. Always trying to put you down so you wouldn’t realize your potential and leave her behind. Don’t even get me start on that boyfriend of hers…”
Shikaku explained as he reached into another box, setting different pots and pans out on the table for her to grab. That was an accurate and fair assessment as well. Her mother had always downplayed her intelligence. Belittling her and being condescending. Though, it hurt when she was younger, Reiko was old enough now to understand that those things had nothing to do with her. And everything to do with her mothers insecurities. 
“My father left when she was pregnant. That fear of abandonment isn’t just reserved for partners and lovers. That’s why she’s dating Goro. He’s pathetic and lazy and refuses to do anything for himself. As long as she provides for him, he won’t leave. Like a stray cat.”
Reiko commented, another grunt from Shikaku behind her. 
“Or a leech.”
He quipped, drawing a genuine laugh from deep within her chest, her head dropping back with the force of it. Over the years, Shikaku had genuinely become her closest friend and confidant. There was a level of understanding between them and they viewed much of the world in the same fashion. Though, that similarity could just be chalked up to the fact that he’d practically helped raise her. Either way, he was the only person who knew about her family issues. So, he was the only one who was allowed to say these kinds of things and make these jokes in her presence. Her mother had her issues, but if anyone had said something of color about her? It wouldn’t have ended pretty for them. 
Her boyfriend, Goro, on the other hand… he was free game. Asshole. 
“I honestly don’t see how women end up with men like that… Maybe my standards are too high. If I ever become involved with a man who is that sorry, please just kill me.”
Reiko added, Shikaku letting out a deep chuckle at that. If she was being honest, Shikaku probably had everything to do with her standards for men. He was a wonderful husband and father. Providing and never asking for anything in return. He was patient with Shikamaru, despite the boys lazy tendencies and occasional attitude. He doted on Yoshino, taking care to make sure she always felt loved and appreciated… And, on top of all of that, he was handsome beyond belief and incredibly intelligent. How could she witness those things every day and not hold other men to the same standard?
“I doubt you have to worry about that. You’re too smart. Just like Yoshino. Intelligent and intimidating women tend to scare off the weaker willed men.”
He commented, Reiko’s hand freezing for a moment as she situated pots and pans in a lower cabinet, crouched down beyond the table. He was comparing her to his wife? And suddenly, her heart was in her throat and her face burned with a blush she hadn’t permitted to arise. 
“Well, thank you… I think. Though I’m not sure that too many women would appreciate being called intimidating.”
She responded when she’d found her voice, standing from her squatting position to turn and fix him with judging expression. Shikaku chuckled, rising his hands in front of him in surrender.
“It’s a compliment. I swear.”
And with that, they departed to bring in the rest of the items from the cart. Carefully unfurling the rug in the living room and gathering all of the other odds and ends, setting them out to be put away later. With a sigh, they both collapsed on the couch in her living room, their heads dropped back with their eyes shut. 
“Where did Shikamaru run off to?”
Reiko suddenly asked, they hadn’t seen him in a while, but it didn’t concern her much. He wouldn’t have gone too far. 
“He’s helping himself to a nap on your new bed. I checked on him a minute ago.”
Shikaku responded, causing Reiko to let out a soft chuckle. The bed didn’t even have sheets on it yet. Still, that was rather on brand for the boy. 
“Thank you again for doing this. You didn’t have to.”
Reiko said, earning her a tongue click. 
“Of course I did. Who else was going to help? Your mother? Goro?”
He questioned, toning falling extremely judgmental on the last name, and again, Reiko laughed. Though it seemed Shikaku had thought better of his statement. 
“In all seriousness, it’s an honor. This is next phase in your life and I’m glad to be here to help. You’ve really grown into an intelligent, independent, beautiful, young woman.”
And Reiko’s heart stopped. Her breath hitched in her throat and her limbs felt numb. She was sure she was dead. She had died and this was her afterlife. Heaven. Whatever it may be. Shikaku had called her beautiful and, at that very instant, every other praise he had thrown her way was minuscule in comparison. Reiko’s eyes popped open, staring up at her ceiling with a literal frog in her throat. Larger than that. A toad. Blocking her airways and preventing her from breathing, let alone speaking. 
Her head lolled to the side, blinking sluggishly as she took in the appearance of her mentor. Tan skin and a sharp cut jaw that led to the dark goatee that she’d often associated with the cartoon depictions of the devil. And he was. The devil incarnate simply because he made her feel this way. Because he could say those things so carelessly, with a soft smile on his face and his eyes shut as he relaxed on her new couch. He could throw those words away and not think twice about the effect they had on her. This wasn’t heaven. It was her hell. 
A hell where the man she admired so deeply, was also the man she could never have. He was married. Sometimes happily. He was her mentor. Leagues ahead of her in every way. And…
When had he taken the tie out of his hair? Allowing his black locks to hang back over the edge of the couch, a few strands framing his handsome face. He looked so gorgeous. Manly and sturdy, but soft and tender in the golden light of the setting sun pouring through her window. He was calm and peaceful in her presence, with his son sleeping happily in the other room. It could have been like this… if he had waited for her until now, then this moment could be hers. Not one she was likely sharing with Yoshino. She’d probably seen him like this on a hundred different occasions. 
But that was his wife. And he was allowing Reiko to see him like this now. If he equated them and their presence then-
Maybe… maybe he meant it. Her hand moved of its own accord, crawling across the couch cushion between them like a dying spider. Finger after finger drawing closer to where his hand was resting next to him. Maybe she could just grab his hand. Hold it for a moment. At the very least, that would allow her to pretend that this was what he wanted as well. That he’d grown to admire her in the same way she had admired him for so long. 
“Dad? Are we done?”
Shikamaru’s voice suddenly rang out, groggy and breaking the tension that Reiko had conjured like glass shattering against hardwood. She jerked her hand back to her lap and pulled her head up to look at the boy standing in her hallway. He was rubbing the palms of his hands against tired eyes, a yawn escaping him as he wavered in the doorway. Shikaku pulled himself from his seat with a soft groan. 
“Yeah, buddy, we’re done. You ready to go home?”
Shikaku asked, and Reiko could only look down at her hands in her lap. They didn’t feel like hers anymore, and the sound of Shikaku asking Shikamaru if he wanted to go home felt like a hot knife in her stomach. Her teeth sunk into her bottom lip and Shikamaru let out a soft ‘yeah’ in response to his father. Tiny feet marched against the hardwood and towards the front door. 
“Wait for me outside.”
Shikaku instructed, and Shikamaru let out another yawn. His shoes scuffled against the floor again.
“Bye Rei. Your new bed is comfortable.”
Shikamaru said from her doorway. She forced a tight lipped smile, turning her head just enough to catch a glimpse of the boy and give him a nod. He pulled the door open and stepped out on the porch, immediately sitting down on the steps outside before the door could fully swing shut. Then, she was left alone in the room with Shikaku. 
“Hey… you okay?”
Shikaku suddenly asked, and she was forced to swallow everything in an instant. He would see through it all, so she had to convince herself she was fine first. Reiko picked her head up and smiled at him, nodding. 
“Yeah, I’m just tired. It’s been a long day.”
She replied, grateful that she’d spent the last several years doing this. Her voice didn’t crack or wavier and her shoulders remained squared when she stood to meet him. Shikaku nodded in agreement, raising muscular arms to tie his hair back into a ponytail on the back of his head. A few strands still escaped around his ears and forehead, but he didn’t seem to mind. Even though she had to fight the urge to reach forward and re-do it herself. 
“Yes it has… I just wanted to… say something, before I left.”
Shikaku said, fixing her with an uncharacteristically tender expression. His dark eyes relaxed and a soft smile graced his face. Reiko felt like screaming, but she nodded anyway in encouragement for him to speak. Shikaku glanced around her modest home, gesturing with his arms at the space around them. 
“I really am proud of you, ya know? You did all of this on your own and it’s like… well, hell, it’s like watching my own daughter move out and start a life of her own.”
Shikaku praised and Reiko had the realization that was most definitely hell. His daughter. That’s how he saw her. Fuck. It was hard not to deflate at that assessment. It was a fair one, but it was punishing none the less. The universe coming around to remind her, yet again, that she was being ridiculous. Completely and utterly foolish. She forced a smile, cooing a bit. 
“Aw. You’re getting soft in your old age.”
She teased, hoping to cover her pain with a joke. Shikaku chuckled, raising his hands in surrender again. 
“Alright, I had that one coming. Maybe I am. But just know that… that I’m proud of you. And if you ever need anything, Yoshino and I are just a few blocks away.”
He offered with sincerity. Reiko nodded again, thinking it was strange that this felt like a goodbye. She would see him Monday at work. Still, she understood the sentiment from a logical standpoint. 
Then, he was doing something he’d never done before. Taking a step closer to her and wrapping a strong arm around her shoulders, pulling her head to his chest. Reiko let out a soft gasp as her face came into contact with his Jonin vest, the smell of pine overwhelming her almost immediately. The warmth came after, and despite her failings as a student and a daughter, she wrapped her arms around his waist in return. Or perhaps, it was because of her failings that she gripped him like a lifeline for a moment. Her hands balling up his fabric in tight fists as her body simultaneously went completely rigid and totally relaxed. In the warm light of her new living room, she’d hugged him for the first time and it felt like… coming home. Tears welled in her eyes without her consent, but she was quick to blink them away as they separated. 
Shikaku smiled down at her, a hand coming up to pat the top of her head affectionately. 
“How’s that for soft?”
Reiko hadn’t known it at the time, but that had been their first and last hug. Shikaku wasn’t a very affectionate man, so in hindsight, she knew how much that moment had actually meant to him. And he’d never known how much it had hurt her. 
Being young felt so silly in hindsight. How she’d ever entertained those romantic ideas of Shikaku, she would never know. Maybe he had been her standard for men, but since she’d completely given up on that prospect all together, it didn’t matter much anymore. It was nothing more than an embarrassing crush she’d been saddled with thanks to her turbulent, puberty driven, emotions at the time. Still, she looked back on the memory with a particular fondness. But he’d been to her home on plenty of occasions, so she wasn’t sure why her brain had decided to trudge up that specific image. 
“Really? You don’t know? You don’t still wish that it could have been you instead of Yosh-“
Nope. Not now. 
Shikaku’s voice had become increasingly troublesome in recent weeks. Downright mean and hateful in his remarks about her plans surrounding Obito and her hesitance to spend time with Yoshino and Shikamaru. The berating words and uncomfortable thoughts were what had finally made her cave and agree to dinner as his family home tomorrow night. That, and Shikamaru’s refusal to leave her office until she promised she would be there. He’d packed a sleeping bag and everything. 
As she collected a small bag of clothing and toiletries for the sleepover at Obito’s, Reiko could only laugh ruefully at the nightmare her life had become in recent months. Shikaku’s passing had been the catalyst for an insane domino effect of events. Spending the night with the man who’d killed her mentor in an attempt to get closer to him so she could kill him. Panicking about the prospect of going to dinner with people she’d spent plenty of time with before. None of it felt right. Everything was off, and the further these circumstances seemed to unravel towards an inevitable end, the more she felt like she was running full speed towards a cliff. 
“Maybe there’s a reason for that. You know, deep down, that this is not going to end well. Maybe you’ll get caught. Maybe you won’t be able to do it after all. Maybe you’ll lose everything in the process.”
When she returned to Obito’s home, the television was clicked off, leaving the burning candles as the only form of light in the dark main room. She looked around for a moment, before noticing a soft glow coming from his ‘bedroom’. The floorboards creaked under her feet, and when she entered the large doorway, she could only look down in shock at the scene before her. 
Obito had moved the candles in his room to better surround his bed, casting the white sheets in a warm light without being close enough to accidentally set them on fire during the night. He was stretched out, clearly having posed himself when he heard come in, with his arm propped up behind his head and his body stretched out so he could lean against the wall at the head of his bed. The mattress was still on the floor, but he’d fluffed the pillows and comforter in a way that almost looked inviting. He’d also taken the time to strip down into his pajama’s. A simple white t-shirt and a pair of shorts. 
Obito said, trying on a deeper version of his voice that sounded oddly natural. But she’d seen him blush and jump at her light touches. Had towered over him and sucked his soul out through his mouth. He couldn’t fool her with this relaxed, tough-guy, act. So, Reiko laughed. Doubling over a bit and dropping her overnight bag on the floor as her eyes squeezed shut. 
Her life was turning into a corny romantic-comedy. Like that stack of tapes under his window. She could probably find one with this exact scene, maybe with the added flair of some rose petals scattered on the floor. And, in that version of events, Obito would probably be stark naked. When she finally picked her head back up and wiped the gathering tears from her lash line, Obito was staring at her in shock, his hands in his lap and eyes wide. 
“Did I do something wrong?”
Obito asked, and fuck… why did that hurt? Why did a wave of remorse wash through her body? The immediate urge to coddle him and assure him that he was doing just fine wrapping around her tongue and forcing her hand before she had any say in the matter. 
“Oh, no! No, of course not. I just wasn’t expecting… this.”
She explained, gesturing to the candles and taking notice of the bottle of wine and two glasses next to his side of the bed. Obito looked around at the scene he’d created, eyebrows furrowing at his scrutinized the space. Her feet were moving before she could stop them, pulling her closer to the bed. She knelt with ease, crawling up the length as Obito’s dark eyes landed on her. Reiko drew close enough to press a quick kiss to his lips. Well, a few kisses. 
“It’s very sweet. I’ve just never had someone pull out all of the stops like this. And we’re not even going to…?”
Reiko asked as she moved from her position on all fours to sit in front of him on her knees. Obito seemed to relax a bit at her assurance, shaking his head. 
“No, I just thought… that you’d like it.”
He said, and she hummed, glancing at the flickering flames and the surprisingly welcoming bed. There was also a tray of snacks near the wine bottle. Crackers, cheese, fruits… And he didn’t even want to sleep with her tonight? He really did just want to lay here, share food and drinks as they cuddled and talked. Why did a man like this have to be the one that she had to kill? How had he even become that horrible man in the first place, if all of this resided within him? A chill worked through her body and she moved to clamber away from the mattress before Shikaku had something to say about that thought. 
“I’m going to go shower, if that’s alright… then we can just… enjoy each others company.”
Reiko stated, rising to her feet again, and Obito nodded, a gentle smile pulling at the corners of his lips. With another chuckle, she grabbed her bag from the floor and exited the room. 
“Towels are under the sink!”
He called from behind her, and she shouted back her thanks before climbing the staircase in the home. The entire upper floor was dark, but she knew that the house had overhead lighting, he just chose not to use it. There was a switch on the wall near the top of the stairs and she flicked it on only to reveal more of the same. The hallway was completely bare, save for a single photo frame that hung at the end. She couldn’t make it out, but she made her way across the stained wooden floors to get a closer look. There were three doors on the upper level, two she assumed lead to the bedrooms he didn’t want to use, and the other would lead to the bathroom. A peak inside each room on her way down hall proved her suspicions. Two bedrooms, dark and dusty from a lack of use, and the final door at the end of the corridor opened to reveal a tiled bathroom. 
Reiko reached inside and flicked on the light before turning her attention back to the photo frame a little further down. Three children and Lord Fourth were posed for the photo. Minato was behind the kids, smiling proudly with his hands on two of their heads. One was obviously Kakashi, still wearing that same mask and bored expression, even as a child. The one in the middle was a cute girl with brown hair, she was grinning wildly at the camera with her fingers raised up to form little peace signs. The last one was a boy with dark hair and orange goggles. He had the stick of a lollipop hanging from his mouth, a confident smirk on his face. She’d seen that face a couple times… that picture had to be Obito when he was a child with the rest of Team Minato. 
The Third Shinobi War had been a long time ago, and Rei had been too busy running strategies with Shikaku to remember many specifics. There were so many teams. So many Shinobi - adults and children alike - to command on those battlefields that she could hardly remember each ones composition or the specifics of their missions. She’d been a child at the time too, standing by and watching the kids she’d started at the Academy with be sent on missions well beyond their years. It was terrifying and stressful, even if she hadn’t been on the front lines. So, it was no wonder she’d blocked a lot of it out. 
However, she did recall some sparse details about Team Minato. At the time, Obito’s death had just been another name on a list. She’d seen many bodies returned to the villages for burials and had reviewed several death certificates herself. But she remembered that what remained of Team Minato had been the catalyst for the events that led to the end of war. The blowing of Kannabi Bridge. Kakashi had made a real name for himself during that time, going on to serve directly under the Hokage as a member of the Anbu. But the young girl.. she’d died too, shortly after the events at Kannabi Bridge. Reiko tried her hardest to remember the report of that mission, but the details escaped her. She could just barely remember the girls name. Rin… Nohara? 
Huh. So, he kept this team photo up here on the second floor. Somewhere he would only see it on occasion, when he was going to bathe. There was a guest bathroom downstairs with a sink and toilet… Then, she recalled how disheveled he had appeared when she first saw him. Dirty and not taking care of himself. For a moment, she wondered if he avoided this floor because of the photo. Then, why put it up in the first place, if it caused him such distress? Why not put it up in a box somewhere? That’s what she would do. Avoid it. 
“Yeah, we know.”
Who the hell is we asshole? Tch. Reiko moved away from the photo, turning back to the bathroom to finish what she’d come up here to do. His bathroom was surprisingly clean… maybe from under use. She found the towels exactly where he’d said they would be, and then proceeded to clean herself of the day. About halfway through, she realized this would be his first time seeing her without makeup. Good. It gives the appearance of vulnerability. He would think she was growing more comfortable around him. Maybe he’d tell her more. Relax more in her presence. 
“He’s already pretty relaxed around you. I’m still not sure why we’re not finishing this tonight.”
Though, as she dried off and combed through her hair in the mirror, Reiko couldn’t help but think about that photo of childhood Obito. He was cute. Smirking and proud, with all of the strange confidence youth inspired visible on his face. Briefly, she wondered what he’d been like then. Like he is now? Blushing and stuttering? Sweet and considerate? 
“Murderous and evil.”
Reiko propped her bag up on the counter near the sink, folding up her dirty clothes for washing tomorrow when she returned home. But as she riffled through the duffle to get everything in order and resettle her toiletries and hairbrush inside, she noticed something shining in the bottom of the bag. Catching the light every so often. Her eyebrows furrowed as she reached inside, searching for something she didn’t recall packing. Smooth, cold, then-
She pulled her hand out of the bag quickly, bringing her stinging index finger up for a closer viewing, just in time to see blood rush to the surface. Reiko cursed quietly, immediately snatching some toilet paper from the roll and balling it up on the thin cut. Looking back down into the bag, she could clearly see the offending item. A freshly sharpened kitchen knife, partially covered by the clothes she’d piled into the bag. When had she…? 
Quickly, she zipped the bag shut and popped her bloody finger into her mouth, laving over the wound with her tongue until it stopped bleeding. But her eyes never left the bag on the counter. She was not doing this tonight. She’d made that decision earlier, and that was final. It would be a mistake and would cause too many problems. Though, if she’d packed the knife without recalling it, what else was she capable of when she wasn’t aware of her actions? Her heart was racing, but she removed her finger from her mouth to inspect the cut again. Surface level. Not deep enough to cause further problems. Her eyes filtered up to the mirror, and her face had gone pale. The dark circles under her eyes more visible now than in her own bathroom. She’d been sleeping well… right? 
“You remember going to sleep and waking up. What about in between?”
What the fuck was that supposed to mean? Was she was sleep walking too? And the Shikaku in her subconscious was trying to make her remember? 
“You know that sleep walking or, really, any issues with sleep are usually related to stress. Internal conflict.”
No. She was not sleepwalking. She would have noticed things out of place or at least woken up in a strange position once or twice. But… maybe she wasn’t sleeping as peacefully as she thought she had been. If stress was the cause, that could easily be explained. Of course she was stressed. Between her job, her mission to kill Obito, her familial issues, and that fact that she was still actively coping with the loss of Shikaku, hearing his voice at all hours. It was no wonder she wasn’t well rested. She must have packed that knife out of instinct. Something she didn’t even consider important at the time because her subconscious was so focused on the mission. 
Still, it left her with uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. With a deep breath and a bit of cold water from the sink splashed on her face, she reminded herself to stow her shit. This was an important night. She couldn’t allow her nerves or silly mental break to cause any hiccups. Reiko looked in the mirror again, rolling her shoulders and making eye contact with herself. It was grounding. She was here. She was real. She was in control. 
In control. 
“This has been bothering me since the first time you said it… if you didn’t even make it through your first year at the Academy, how did you pass the entrance exam in the first place?”
Obito asked from his position between Reiko’s legs. Well. His back was between her legs. Reiko was positioned against the wall as Obito leaned back to rest against her, his head on her stomach and his hands folded politely over his own. She ran her fingers through his white hair, playing with the surprisingly soft strands as they cuddled. It had been a bit awkward at first, despite their previous dates, but after a few glassed of wine, they had both relaxed and had taken up this natural positioning. Obito had asked her to tell him more about her, and she’d given him the cliff notes. 
Born to a single mother. She’d had dreams of becoming a Shinobi, but she failed every exam at the Academy, eventually getting expelled before her first year was even over. Then, she’d met her mentor. Though, Reiko couldn’t seem to speak his name to Obito, strictly referring to him as her sensei or teacher in light conversation. Then, he’d died. Now, she was Jonin Commander. She’d expected him to ask something about Shikaku, or her mother. Or what her childhood was like, spending her time reading files and planning strategy when most children were playing catch or rough housing with their friends. But it seemed something else had peaked his interest. Reiko smirked, picking a piece of lint from his white hair. 
“I cheated.”
Reiko answered with ease, causing the man in her lap to tilt his head back so his black eyes could catch hers. His white brows furrowed and he scowled as he tried to determine if she was being sarcastic. But the look on her face proved otherwise. A smile broke across his face. 
He questioned, Reiko shrugging as she avoided his eyes. Choosing to fix her gaze on his hair line instead. 
“Well, technically, the admission requirements are pretty… silly, I guess. But you know that they typically complete a physical test before entrance is allowed.”
Reiko started, and Obito nodded, so she continued. 
“I was a pretty weak kid. I got sick a lot. I had to take a handful of vitamins and medications until I hit puberty because I had some issues with keeping food down, fainting spells, a long list of allergies… It ended up not being serious and I grew out of it but I wasn’t healthy and I sure as hell couldn’t pass a physical exam.”
Reiko continued, smiling a bit at the memory. She’d been so passionate in her pursuit of the Shinobi title. Wanting to defend the village with her life and keep people safe. She’d still been able to do that, in the end, but a part of her had always imagined heroes as people wielding kunai and fighting with their lives on the line. Now, she took those same people for granted. Viewing them as subordinates. Avoiding them and yelling at them for being human. 
“When did you become so jaded?”
“Anyway, my mother obviously wasn’t in favor of the idea. But I snuck out anyway. Went to the tryouts. I wore baggy clothes to hide how skinny I was. When they weighed us, I positioned myself in the back of the line and put rocks in my pockets. Just barely met the requirement on that one.”
She continued, chuckling a bit at the next part before she told him the rest of the story.
“One of the parts of the exam was to run laps. They gave each of us a step counter to keep in our pockets and I noticed that the advisors weren’t paying much attention, so I slipped mine into the pocket of another kid as he passed me by on the track. All I had to do was look like I was giving it my all when they turned away from their conversation to actually look at us. The rest of the time, I walked. Waiting for the other kid to do the work for me.”
Reiko explained, drawing a soft snort from Obito in the process. She could still feel his eyes on her, though she was fixated on the white strands between her fingers. Her nails scratched over his scalp, and she felt his shoulders relax against her, a gentle sigh escaping his mouth. 
“We did stretches and a couple other things that I could manage on my own. But then they wanted us to perform some basic Ninjutsu or Genjutsu. I had never been able to do either before. I’d tried… late at night, in my room. Reading books and focusing my chakra as hard as I could, but the most I could ever manage was a partial Transformation Jutsu. One limb or a few facial features would change, but that was it. The kids in line before me were able to do them. A few simple fire style moves and some other stuff, but… oh, this is stupid.”
Reiko trailed off, giggling to herself with her eyes shut in embarrassment. It was genuine. This really was an idiotic story in hindsight and she hadn’t told it to anyone except Shikamaru. By the time she’d met Shikaku, he’d known all about it. In fact, he’d later revealed that he’d over heard some of the trainers at the Academy talking about how her cheating had been found out, and that’s what peaked his interest in her. Obito shook his head, hair scratching against her sleep shirt with a chuckle. 
“No, no, c’mon. What’d you do to pass the Jutsu portion?”
He asked, the hands he’d pointedly kept to himself before coming up to squeeze her knee in a sign of encouragement. When Reiko peeled her eyes open, she met his gaze this time. He was smirking up at her, seemingly enthralled by her story and finding it amusing. Reiko gave in quickly, sighing as her cheeks began to warm. She ripped her eyes away from him, unable to fight the smile on her own face. 
“Well. When I’d read about Genjutsu, the most basic definition was a manipulation of the five senses… I figured they wouldn’t expect a child to be able to craft a full one, so I thought that maybe if I could manipulate a few of their senses, they would believe me…”
Reiko said, shaking her head and cringing internally at what she was about to say next. 
“When it was my turn to preform, I told the instructor that I wanted to specialize in Genjutsu. That was not true, but it helped my story. Then… I had hidden a recorder in one of my shirt sleeves and a bag of my mothers popery in the other. I told them that I had only ever managed to tackle the sense of smell and hearing. They nodded, like that was a perfectly understandable explanation from a child who was just beginning to learn Genjutsu. So… when I brought my hands up to to focus my chakra, I flared it up to the best of my ability. Then, I clicked the recorder on and pulled the string off of the bag of popery.”
She said, drawing a soft gasp from Obito, quickly followed by a disbelieving chuckle. Reiko nodded, confirming that every word was true. 
“I had recorded the sound of birds chirping in the woods a couple days prior. So, the flowery smell and the birds… when I turned it off, I explained that I was trying to create a Genjutsu that was the scene from my backyard. I was sweating bullets. And the examiner nodded, marked it down on his clipboard and said… ‘Good job. That’s very impressive for someone your age.’”
Reiko concluded as Obito burst into a fit of laughter in her lap, his mouth gaped open as his hand came up to press against his forehead. She giggled at his reaction, watching his eyes scrunch shut in utter shock. 
“You’re kidding?”
He managed to get out, ripping his eyes open just in time to see her shaking her head, lifting her hands in surrender. 
“I swear on my life. They posted the results the next day. I didn’t even score the lowest in the group.”
Reiko defended, sending him into another fit of giggles. He asked several rhetorical questions as he grappled with the story. ‘Who the hell was the examiner for that?’ and ‘How could they buy that shit?’ spilling past his lips in between laughs. And Reiko could only stare down at him, grinning unabashedly, ear to ear as he writhed against her. His arms gripped his stomach and his eyes wrinkled around the edges as he was overcome with delight. Obito was attractive, but this was when he was the most beautiful. Laughing freely and not mincing any words or reactions. It had to be the wine in her system that made her heart surge the way it did. The alcohol pumping through her veins is what made her throat tighten and her jaw ache with desperate want. 
The wine whispered into her ear, light and breathy. Like the call from an ancient goddess of love and beauty. Filling her head with warm water, her stomach with butterflies, and her eyes with hearts. She leaned down as he laughed, bending nearly in half to achieve her goal. Just to press a chaste kiss to his dual textured mouth. It ceased Obito’s laughter immediately and his hand came up to press against the side of her upside-down face. The invisible hairs on his upper lip tickling her chin, her eyes even with his throat. When she pulled back, he was gaping up at her, completely mesmerized. 
“What was that for?”
He asked, like they hadn’t already done it a hundred times before. Reiko chuckled, her fingers returning to his hair. 
“You’re cute when you laugh.”
She responded, bathing in the sweet emotion of the moment briefly. She allowed it to wash over her in waves of burgundy. Staining her white clothes with the juices of the berries. The smell of fruit invading her nose. Obito looked up at her like she’d launched herself into the night sky just to pull the sun from its hiding place. The tip of his nose blushed pink, and his cheeks matched. For a while, she could forget who they both were. But only for a while. 
“Stop. You should quit drinking. We both know how you get when you drink too much.”
Right. Silly. Reiko pulled her eyes away from Obito’s, but she maintained the soft smile on her face as not to alarm him. Her fingers pulled through his hair once more and then she tapped his shoulder in a sign for him to move. 
“Would you mind getting me a glass of water?”
She asked, and Obito stared up at her for a moment more before nodding wildly, muttering ‘Of course’ as he pulled himself from her lap and clambered to his feet. Reiko watched as he left the room, and when he was out of earshot, she let out a shaky sigh and brushed her fingers back through her own hair. Trying to force herself down from the high she’d just experienced with sobering thoughts. 
Her hands shook, but she dropped them to her lap, staring down at them with wide eyes. The liquor made it hard to think rationally, her thoughts slipping over the surface of her brain like skipping stones across a pond. Here one second, gone the next. It frustrated her, so she scrunched her eyes shirt and balled her hands into tight fists, nails digging into her palms. This was not a date. This was a mission. Obito was not someone who… who she could look at with anything other than contempt in her heart. He wasn’t beautiful when he laughed. Just like he wasn’t beautiful when he’d killed Shikaku. He wasn’t kind and funny. He was a monster. A murderer. An evil master mind. And it didn’t matter if he was trying to turn over a new leaf. Everyone had to pay for their crimes eventually…
Deserving of punishment. 
“Who are you trying to convince?”
Got REAL carried away writting this one yall, so I had to split it into a two part chapter. Part two coming next week! (also, two uploads in a week? Sorry all i know is write and nicotine and sleep) 
Taglist: @actual-spawn-of-satan​
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the8gates · 3 years
The Bug Collector: Chapter Five - Inchworm
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Word Count: 6.3k
Warning(s): Mentions of blood and murder. 
When Kakashi is appointed as the Sixth Hokage, he reveals that Obito Uchiha did not die in the war and that he plans to offer his former a friend a chance at rehabilitation and redemption. The few people who are aware of this secret project are supportive of the effort. Expect for Reiko Miki.
After her mentor, Shikaku Nara, was killed during the war, Reiko struggled to come to terms with his death. This issue is only made worse when Obito is placed in the only other house on her street. With seemingly everyone against the idea of serving true justice, Reiko decides to take matters into her own hands and make the Uchiha pay for all of the crimes he committed.
However, there may be more grey in the black and white picture she’d painted than she originally anticipated.
 Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - AO3 - Chapter Six
“Ah, come in.”
Obito said, pulling the front door open and standing to the side to allow her entry with a bashful expression. Reiko stepped over the threshold into the living room with a soft duck of her head, he shut the door behind her as she lifted her eyes to observe the space. If her home was overly decorated, Obito’s was barely lived in. The living room was just a single couch, though it did look rather pillowy and comfortable with a few blankets and pillows strewn across the furniture. Across the from sofa was a simple entertainment stand with a rather large television. It was bigger than most people had in their homes, and she quietly wondered how much time he spent in front of it. 
Other than two, small, end tables on either side of the couch, there was no other furniture to speak of. The wooden floors were bare and stained in a few places. She would have put an area rug down to cover some of the discoloration. From her position, she could see the doorway to the kitchen next to the television and  several feet of empty space behind the couch led to a wall with another large archway. Reiko leaned a bit, trying to get a better view into the darkroom, but then she noticed that Obito was standing beside her, rubbing the back of his neck with a grimace. 
“It’s really not much. Still missing some stuff, I know… but uh, the TV is nice. It was a gift.”
He managed to stutter out, clearly a little embarrassed at his lack of possessions. But, it really didn’t bother Reiko much. She wasn’t here to judge his interior design skills or appraise his minimal furniture. In fact, it was somewhat cozy. She noticed that the overhead lights weren’t turned on and the room was littered with steadily burning candles. The ones on the tables were sat out on dishes to catch the wax, but the larger ones on the floors were simply allowed to melt onto the hardwood. It provided enough light and filled the room with a warm glow, but she briefly worried about the fire hazard. Reiko quirked a brow, nodding towards the candles on the floor near the entry way. 
“It’s nice. Cozy… but what’s with the candles? Trying to set the mood?”
Reiko teased, smirking up at him and getting a bit of a kick out of the way his face turned a shade of cherry red almost immediately. He pulled away from his position standing next to her, waving his hands in panicked denial. 
“Oh! No! No, not at all! I just- uh, the overhead lights are too bright. They give me migraines.”
He explained, defending himself as quickly as possible. Reiko was genuinely surprised by that, but then she remembered the way he’d squinted at the sunlight when he’d come to help her with her mower. And how her previous glimpses into his home had yielded darkness. Interesting. Not particularly helpful, but interesting nonetheless. She let out a chuckle at his reaction, shaking her head. 
“I’m just teasing. I like it. Wish you would have said something sooner though. Did being at my house give you a headache?”
She questioned, feigning concern as she took a further step into his living room, settling her purse down on the end table nearest the door, careful to tuck the handle and fabric away from the white candle’s flame. When she pulled her eyes back up, Obito was shaking his head. 
“Oh, no, it’s okay. Natural light isn’t as bad and your windows were open so it wasn’t… I was fine. It’s mostly fluorescent lights and those bright bulbs people use.”
Obito clarified, his voice falling quieter as he explained, like he thought he was talking too much. But she simply tilted her head and fixed him with a patient expression. When his dark eyes landed back on her face, there was a beat of silence as they both waited for the other to speak. Eventually, Reiko chuckled again and gestured loosely with her hands. 
“Well, it’s your place. You’re in charge of the date. What are we doing? Dinner and movie?”
She asked, glancing around the sparse room again. The TV was on, playing some sitcom at a low volume. Even the brightness on it had been adjusted to the lowest setting, just barely bright enough to cast some muted colors against the couch. Obito nodded like his head was on a spring, turning around and gesturing for her to follow him. As she walked behind him, around the couch and towards the doorway to the kitchen, he spoke. 
“Right, yeah! I had… well, I had one of the Anbu pick up take out… Sorry if its not what you like. I tried to make something but it didn’t work out…”
He said, again tumbling over his own words. She’d thought about his personality a bit since their first date. 
“Just a bit?”
Okay, she’d thought about it a lot. Obito Uchiha was the man that started the Fourth Shinobi War. According to the records, he’d become the Ten Tails Jinchuriki and had lived to tell the tale. He’d stood shoulder to shoulder with the fearsome Madara Uchiha and had killed countless people. She had even heard whisperings that he’d been behind the Nine Tails attack on the village all of those years ago. 
Yet, he was a bumbling fool. 
He stuttered over his words and blushed so easily that the pink on his cheeks might as well be permanent. Part of her wondered if it was an act. But it felt genuine. Then, that brought her own performance into question. He’d managed to control the Akatsuki behind the scenes for years… that proved his manipulative capabilities and people reading skills. Yet, he wasn’t able to see through her charade? Eventually, she’d chalked it up to willful ignorance. He was lonely and a pretty woman was practically throwing herself at him. How could he say no?
“I wasn’t sure what you liked, so I got a little bit of everything.”
Obito said, breaking the silence by gesturing to a worn wooden table in the kitchen. It was covered in cardboard takeout boxes. Rice, sushi, six different kinds of chicken, beef, stir fried vegetables, noodles. The list went on. Honestly, it was enough food to feed a small army, and her eyes widened at the buffet laid out before her. 
“Geez, how much did all of this cost?”
Reiko asked, only to see Obito shrug as he moved around the table to the cabinets near the stove. One glance showed paper plates and disposable cups, but he closed it quickly after retrieving some plates for them. He reached out to hand her one, but his eyes never left the food. After she took the plate, they both settled down on the cheap chairs surrounding the table. Cheap was an understatement, they were metal, folding, chairs. But Reiko didn’t mind that either. Rather, she opted to focus on the food and enjoy her meal as they shared casual conversation across the table. 
Obito asked how her week had gone, and she’d given him the cookie cutter answer he was looking for. She asked the same question in turn, and watched as Obito struggled to explain how he’d spent the past week. No job. Shuttered in his house out in the middle of no where with no friends other than the busiest man in the village. There wasn’t much for him to do. He floundered for a bit, but then managed to tell her a story about the stray cat he’d been feeding in recent weeks that actually made her laugh. Not in a fake, patronizing, fashion either. When she laughed, he grew more confident and animated, gesturing with his hands as he painted the image of a mangy, orange, cat slipping into his home and his journey in trying to get it to go back outside. By the end of the tale, Reiko was leaned back in her chair, her plate clear as the residual chuckles worked through her body. 
“Well, why not clean him up and let him in? You’re feeding him anyway.”
Reiko suggested, smiling when Obito shrugged, using a napkin to wipe some sauce from the corner of his mouth. He absolutely lit up in situations like this. When she encouraged him to relax and assured that she was having a good time by smiling at him or laughing at his jokes, he didn’t stutter at all. If she kept this up, it would only be a matter of time before she was able to-
“I don’t know. Can’t imagine he’d be any happier in here than he is out there with all of that space to run around.”
Obito said, rising from his seat with the soft groan of a man who’d eaten entirely too much. He collected his plate and hers, crossing the kitchen to toss them into the bin. 
“Well, it sounds like he likes you.”
Reiko pointed out, rising from her chair as well to help him clean the table of the leftovers. There was so much, he would be eating on all of the leftover take out for a week. 
“The Uchiha… we’re good with cats.”
He answered, and Reiko hummed in thought. She’d read that somewhere before too. For a moment, they cleaned up in silence. Well, relative silence. 
“Why would you suggest he take in that cat? Just so you can leave it without an owner again? I think you’re playing this role a little too well.”
Reiko stiffened at the words, standing at the kitchen table with her hand hovering over a container of chicken and her heart in her throat. Was she getting carried away? Enjoying herself too much? No. No, she was just playing the part. It was easier to pretend like she was a different person in these situations. A kind, sweet, girl who enjoyed Obito’s company and found him endearing. He wouldn’t be able to see through her lies if she convinced herself of them. 
“That’s the thing though. You haven’t really lied to him once, have you? If you convince yourself that this isn’t some part you’re playing, will you be able to snap out of it and do what needs to be done?”
For fucks- Shikaku never had to do this kind of job! None of the men in the village did. They didn’t have to rely on their pretty faces and feminine bodies to defeat the enemy. They could throw punches until they landed. Who was he to criticize her tactics? When she was doing this for him. For his family. The one he’d neglected her fo-
Obito suddenly asked, standing across the table from her and wearing a concerned expression, his hand extended to take the container of chicken from the death grip she’d apparently put it in. The cardboard was crinkling and squeaking under her fingers, nails digging into the soft material as her jaw clenched and her teeth grinned together. When she realized what she was doing, she blinked a couple times, shaking her head with an embarrassed chuckle.
“Oh, sorry. Just got carried away with my thoughts, I guess.”
She apologized, carefully releasing the take out container and handing it to him. Obito lingered for a moment more, looking down at the little crescent moons her nails had left on the package. Then, he seemed to accept her response enough to not poke around anymore. 
If Shikaku didn’t start keeping his fucking mouth shut he was going to blow this whole operation. 
When Obito left the table to place the food in the refrigerator, Reiko followed, clasping her hands together behind her back to appear more docile and try to soothe over the situation. 
“So… what movie do you have picked out for us?”
She asked, smiling at him from over the fridge door as he raised up from placing the food on a lower shelf. Obito examined her for a moment, eyes narrowed in mild distrust, but eventually he caved. Shutting the fridge and grabbing a paper towel to do a light swipe over the kitchen table. 
“Uh, well, what do you like? I have a decent collection…”
He replied, peaking up at her with dark, curious, eyes as she toddled around the kitchen, her face screwed up in a mock contemplation that she hoped came across as cute. Her lips pouted and brow furrowed as she thought it over. Maybe all of that shit Kakashi had told her wouldn’t be totally useless. 
“Well, I hate horror movies. And maybe it’s not what men typically watch… but I love a good romantic comedy. Something light and sweet.”
Reiko answered, flashing him a smile as he tossed the paper towel into the bin. There, that was a lie. She liked horror movies and romantic comedies weren’t exactly her favorite. Obito stared at her, wide eyed, for a moment. Surely he couldn’t be shocked that a woman would favor those kinds of movies. But people would grasp for straws when they were lonely. Looking for compatibility in the simplest coincidences. 
“I… I actually love those kinds of movies.”
Obito said, a dusting of pink on his cheeks at the admittance. It wasn’t exactly what some would consider a ‘masculine’ choice, but it didn’t matter to Reiko. Or the character she was playing. She giggled a bit, gazing up at him with doe eyed admiration.
“A man who likes romantic comedies? God, how has some lucky woman not swept you off your feet yet?”
She teased, only causing the blush on his cheeks to darken and his eyes to widen, again pulling that fish out of water move with his mouth. Reiko crossed the kitchen with ease, popping up onto her tiptoes again to plant a soft kiss to his scarred cheek. She would make sure to pay special attention to the parts of him that he seemed insecure about. That would have him wrapped around her finger quickly. When she pulled back, he was stiff and blinking quickly as he looked down at her. Again, she pressed a hand to his chest with a laugh. 
“Where are your movies? I’ll go pick one out.”
She offered, lowering back down, Obito’s Adams-apple bobbing roughly as he swallowed against a dry mouth. Then he was raising his hand and pointing back towards the living room. 
“My bedroom. The other doorway in the living room.”
He said, voice ragged and nervous. Reiko grinned, nodding twice before turning on her heel to march across the house. But not before calling back over her shoulder. 
“You get the couch and some drinks ready! I wanna be nice and cozy.”
She instructed, listening for his croaking ‘okay’ before completely moving out of earshot from the kitchen. See? There was plan. She wanted to see his bedroom. Get a better idea on the layout of the house so she could determine several things. The best room to kill him in. How difficult it would be to clean up the mess and, if it was going to be near impossible, should she change her method? Slitting a persons throat tended to be messy, but it was quick and efficient. Poisoning him at this point was still an option. As he grew to trust her, surely he wouldn’t demand to watch every meal she made. But, honestly, that would be too easy. A part of her wanted to get dirty. To rage and see the blood on her hands after the act was done. 
“That’s a little morbid. Have you ever even killed someone? Are you really prepared for something that gruesome?”
She caught a flash of an image as she crossed the dimly lit living room. Obito’s eyes wide as he woke up with a knife in his throat. The look of betrayal and hurt as he panicked and writhed underneath her. And, suddenly, she felt sick. 
When Reiko crossed through the doorway into his bedroom, she quickly realized that this space was not meant to be a bedroom. It was a dinning room. There were large windows on one wall, covered in thick curtains to keep the sunlight out. Candles littered this space as well and, in the center of the room positioned against the far wall with a clear view of the doorway, was his bed. It was a thin mattress, laying on the floor with no frame to speak of and covered in a mess of pillows and soft blankets. Her eyes scanned the room. Next to the bed was a single kunai, a bottle of water, and a candle on a plate like the ones on the end tables in the living room. 
There wasn’t much else. A few books stacked in a corner and some magazines near the bed. There was a rolling clothing rack pushed up against one wall that several articles of clothes hung from, but she couldn’t make out what they were in the low light. So, if she killed him here, it would be relatively easy to clean… the only issue would be the mattress. But some baking soda and vinegar should remedy that situation. 
“I think you’re severely underestimating the amount of blood that is produced when you slit someones throat.”
Whatever. Maybe she’d be able to gather some towels before hand. Cut him quickly and use those to soak the blood before too much could seep into the mattress. It would be easier to burn towels than dispose of a whole mattress without suspicion. Either way, there wasn’t much furniture in here and no carpet. She couldn’t have asked for a better positioning. Though, a part of her did wonder why he slept in the dining room of all places. There was a second floor to this house that she was sure had an actual bedroom. 
“Well, think about it. What did he do for years before this?”
She wasn’t sure of the specifics, but he’d been a criminal on the run, hiding his identity. So, he probably never slept soundly. Always having to be ready to clear out or change locations if things became hectic. She also knew that several of Akatsuki had operated out of caves. Maybe he kept the place dark to mimic that feeling of mild comfort. Or, at least, what little bit of comfort could be found when relaxing on rocky floors surrounded by other criminals that couldn’t be trusted anymore than he could. So, he was a paranoid shut-in. Yet, it hadn’t taken much for her to worm her way into his good graces. So… a paranoid shut-in who was aware of his habits and wanted to work in contradiction of them? Trying to regain the trust and humanity he’d lost all of those years spent in hiding?
“Sounds about right.”
Interesting. Her eyes scanned the room again and she saw what she’d come here to retrieve. A small pile of movie cases stacked under the big window in the room. She crossed the space, crouching down to sort through the films. Damn, Kakashi had been right. Every single one was some kind of romance movie. Except for one, singular, action movie about a samurai who wanted revenge for the death of his brother. But even that one was soft around the edges, focusing more on the emotional side of events. Honestly, she’d seen it before, and it was a real tear jerker. The cases of every movie were worn from overuse, the plastic coverings peeling in several places. So, he hadn’t bought these for the sole purpose of impressing her with his emotional vulnerability. He genuinely watched them in his free time. Over and over again from the looks of it. 
“Like you said, he’s looking for something he lost.”
Hm. Reiko picked through the selections until she found one that would perfectly set the mood. A movie about two best friends who just couldn’t seem to find the right time to confess their love to one another. High-jinks and wacky adventures ensued. When she’d picked up the case, she walked back into the living room to see Obito was already settled on the couch. She could only see the back his head, white hair glowing from the soft light on the TV. But she could already tell that he was sitting straight up, ramrod stiff. A smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she crossed the room and rounded the couch. 
“Okay, I found one.” 
She announced, Obito rising from the couch at lightning speed, hurriedly wiping sweaty palms on his pants. He bobbed his head and reached out to take it from her, Reiko handed it to him with a soft smile, going to take a spot on the couch as he set up the movie. 
“Oh… I really like this one.”
He said, quietly and more so to himself than her, but Reiko chuckled in response anyway. 
“I could tell. That case looks like it’s been through hell.”
She teased, Obito letting out an embarrassed, half-hearted, chuckle. She curled up on the couch with ease, finding that it was every bit as plush and comfortable as she’d assumed earlier. She sank into the cushions as her legs came up to cross underneath her. That’s when she noticed the glass of wine on her end table, and a matching one on Obito’s. Really, if all of this was genuine and he wasn’t the man who had started a war that involved all five nations, he would be a killer date. Wine and rom-coms were his idea of a good evening? Most women would lose their minds. Still, she reached for her glass and took a sip as Obito rose back up from the tape player and the TV screen went dark before kicking on the previews before the movie. He came back to the couch, standing awkwardly for a minute before sitting down next to Reiko. 
Again, he sat straight up, his hands neatly folded in his lap with his eyes glued to the television. Like he was afraid to touch her or relax at all. Well, he probably was. Reiko quirked a brow scooting a little closer. 
“Are you going to sit like that all night?”
She asked, and he whipped his head to the side so fast she heard his neck pop, a little chuckle rising up from her chest without any forewarning. His dark eyes were filled with light from the television, the changing advertisements cast him in different colors every few seconds. She found that he looked fairly handsome in blue light. 
“I- what do you mean?”
Obito sputtered out, drawing another chuckle from her as she ducked her head down to stare at the wine glass in her hand. 
“Well, when people are on a date and they watch a movie like this… they typically cuddle up to one another. Get all cozy. But if you don’t want to we don’t-“
She started to explain, but he was cutting her off. 
“No! No, I do! It’s just… I didn’t want to assume…”
He all but shouted, causing Reiko to jerk her head up in surprise. He was fixing her with a determined expression now though, his white eyebrows drawn down and his lips pursed. Sometimes, his facial expressions were so honest and genuine, it felt like she was speaking to a child. Not that he didn’t look his age… but it seemed like no one had ever taught him how to mask his face. Reiko laughed again at the tension, nodding. 
“Okay. Then come here.”
She said, patting the empty space between them. Obito looked down with a little trepidation, but then that determined face was back and he was scooting closer to her. But he was still stiff when he settled within grabbing distance. Reiko drained the rest of her wine in a few gulps, setting the empty glass back down on the table to get it out of the way. Then, she propped up on her knees, pressing against Obito’s chest with a giggle. 
“Here. Relax, lay back a little.”
She instructed, and he did as she said, his eyes never leaving the hand on his chest. His hips scooted forward until he was reclined back, his knees dangling over the edge of the couch. Then, after she hummed in approval, Reiko moved to curl against his side. She curled her legs up on the sofa and rested her head on his chest, turned to the side so she could see the TV. Still, he didn’t move and she giggled, wrapping her arm around his waist. 
“Put your arm around my shoulders.”
She said, whispering the words against his shirt and listening to the hitch in his breath at the sensation. But he did as she said, wrapping his pale arm around her shoulders, though he kept it lifted away from her for a moment, hovering an inch above her skin. She wiggled again, burrowing further into his side, and his arm finally came down to rest against her. Still, he held his hand away, fingers splayed and hovering in the air. 
“You can touch me.”
Reiko permitted, rolling her head so she could peer up at him and bat her lashes. Obito was staring down at her in abject panic, but he did as she instructed, like always. His hand lowered, one jerky inch at a time, until he was wrapping his fingers around her upper arm. Reiko smiled, contented, and rolled her head back towards the TV. 
As the advertisements ended and the opening credits began to play, she took the time to learn what she could about his body. His heart beat was steady, albeit fast, against her ear. His breath coming in shaky inhales and heavy exhales as he tried to calm himself down. The arm she’d wrapped around his waist adjusted, moving to feel his skin through his shirt. She could tell the difference in skin tone from the texture alone. On his right side, where the scarring on his face was and his arm was that pale, white, color, she could feel the way the fibers of his shirt caught against the skin differently. It was like… moving fabric over rubber. Artificial. But his left side felt more natural. She had to assume that it was due to a lack of hair that peoples bodies were covered in. His pale arm had felt like freshly shaven skin the few occasions she’d touched it. 
When the movie started, she went one step further and drew her fingers across his midsection, trying to find the point where the two different types of skin met. She played it off like she was just trying to get comfortable, or massaging his skin just for the sake of feeling him. Though Obito’s breath would catch occasionally, he didn’t move to stop her. Through her exploration, it seemed like the entire right side of his body was covered in that pale, hairless, skin, while his left side remained unmarred. 
What had happened to him? She knew that he’d ‘died’ in accident during the war when he was a child. But she’d never been able to uncover the specifics. So, perhaps it had something to do with that. It had been nearly ten minutes since the movie had begun, and neither of them had made a noise. Clearly too focused on each other to pay attention to the screen. Maybe she should ask. 
Reiko questioned, keeping her voice low as not to disturb or shock him. He swallowed harshly, chest bobbing as he drew in a shaky breath. 
He returned, but she didn’t move to look at him, figuring he’d be more likely to answer the question if he didn’t have to meet her line of sight. The woman on the TV screen was running down a busy street, a white wedding dress wrapped around her body as the bottom hem became covered in mud. In the background stood a man in a suit and tie, staring at her back in horror and defeat. Left, quite literally, at the alter. 
“I don’t want this to come across as rude… but I don’t know much about you or your past. If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine. I was just curious about… well, about your skin.”
She said, trying her best to tread lightly. It didn’t really matter to her, either way. His scars and different skin didn’t make any difference as to who he was in her mind. And she was mature enough to, begrudgingly, admit that he was attractive. The damage to his body didn’t change that fact. Again, he swallowed harshly behind her, and there was a long silence. So long, she thought he wasn’t going to answer at all. But then, the sound of lips parting behind her drew her attention. 
“I was in an accident when I was a kid. During the war a… uh, a boulder fell on me. Crushed my right side.”
He choked out, and her eyes widened at that. A boulder? His right side had been entirely crushed by a massive rock, and he’d lived? Despite the fact that this was supposed to be a ploy for information, her heart sped a bit at the idea. Not because it excited her, but because it terrified her. And she was an adult. There was no telling how he’d felt as a child… 
“That’s… awful. I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
Reiko responded, barely above a whisper. This time, she was unable to speak any louder because she was telling him the truth. She may have wanted him dead, but no child deserved to have something that horrible happen to them. He was quiet for a minute after that, and she could hear his heart beat pound against her ear. On top of that horrifying experience, he’d grown up with these scars and strange skin grafts. Had gone through puberty with a permanently changed body. It was no wonder he was self conscious. Her advances were probably the first time he’d ever had someone express attraction to his current state. It was much deeper than just first date jitters. 
“If you develop sympathy for the enemy, this mission is already over.”
Reiko swallowed against the knot in her throat. Right. She tried to remove her heart from the situation, doing what was the next logical step in her opinion. The arm she’d wrapped around his midsection moved again, this time dragging her fingers over his abdomen with purpose. Obito sucked in a sharp breath above her, and this time, she turned her head up to look at his wide eyes. 
“Have you ever kissed a girl before?”
She asked, whispering the words like they were in a crowded movie theatre, trying not to be found out. Obito was stunned for a moment, and the darkness of the living room prevented her from seeing the blush she was sure was covering his face. Slowly, he shook his head, and she grinned. 
“Do ya want to?”
She added, batting her lashes with a mischievous smile. Obito proceeded to stop functioning all together, his mouth gaped open and eyes nearly popping out of his skull as he looked down at her. Reiko chuckled, burying her face in his chest in a gesture of shyness. 
“You… you want to kiss me?”
Obito questioned, like the mere idea was unbelievable to him. Reiko nodded, bring her face back up to quirk an eyebrow at him. 
“Well, yeah. I did say I was going to reward you for dinner, right?”
She said as the hand on his abdomen creeped upwards to rest above his heart, feeling his pulse quicken. His eyes couldn’t seem to focus on one thing for too long. Filtering from her hand, to her face, to the movie behind here, to the area around them like someone may walk in. When his gaze finally landed back on her, he stuttered out the most pathetic thing she’d ever heard. 
“But… but I didn’t make it. That’s… cheating, right?”
 Reiko let out an actual laugh at that, deciding that she would get no where if they continued going back and forth like this. So, she adjusted herself to sit on her knees, facing him. Obito’s hands gripped his thighs with frightening force and she brought her hand up to cup his jaw. 
“Just tell me if you want to stop.”
She instructed, waiting for his jerky nod in response. Then, she leaned in and closed the distance between them at a snails pace. Really, he was cute. She could feel sweat prickling against her finger tips on his jaw and watched as he obsessively pulled his tongue across his lips, the fear of being chapped lipped during his first kiss all encompassing. Reiko reeled closer, admiring the way the colors from the TV danced across his black eyes. The skin under hand was warm to the touch, and she suddenly realized how long it had been since she’d kissed someone properly. At that thought, she found her own heart speeding and her breath coming a little uneven. Still, she powered through. Then, when she was inch away from sealing their mouths together, Obito drew in another sharp breath. 
Obito said, and Reiko stopped her approach, but she didn’t pull away. Her eyebrows furrowed, the tips of their noses brushing against one another. 
She asked, and Obito swallowed harshly again. 
“I… don’t know much about you either.”
He said, effectively throwing her for a loop. In the moments before his first kiss, Obito was worried because he didn’t know her as well as he thought he should have? She was right here, pressing against him and showing her clear attraction to him. And he wanted to listen to her talk about her life? Her likes and dislikes? 
“I mean, the movies and the wine should have been some indicator. He’s a romantic.”
Reiko reeled in her shocked expression, chuckling lightly against him and allowing her eyes to flutter shut. 
“Okay. Kiss me and I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”
She offered, not waiting for a response this time as she closed the distance. Reiko’s lips pressed against Obito’s with a restrained passion. She needed him to feel wanted without moving too fast and scaring him off. Obito made a surprised sound in the back of his throat, but he didn’t move to stop her, simply lying pliant beneath her. The texture of his lips against hers was a pleasant combination of rough and soft, scarred and unscathed. When he didn’t move to reciprocate, Reiko pulled back to look down at him with a quirked brow. 
“You’ve really never kissed anyone, huh?”
Reiko mused, Obito’s eyes opening slowly and leaving them half lidded. He shook his head again in response. 
“Want me to teach you?”
She asked, and that earned her an enthusiastic nod. With a giggle, she moved to straddle his lap, Obito’s hands flying up to hold them in front of him in surrender. She reached forward, gripping his wrists and moving his hands to her hips, pressing his fingertips against her. 
“Hold me here… and then…”
Reiko muttered, leaning back in to tower over him again. She cupped his jaw in both hands, tilting his head back so he could look up at her with terrified rapture. 
“Relax… follow my lead, okay?”
She instructed, the flashing lights on the television dancing across his face in a way that made this feel like a dream. A heady fever dream. His hands were warm on her hips and his skin felt nice in her grip, his pulse beating against her fingertips. The steady beat drowned out the sound of the TV until he was all she could focus on. The look on his face, shocked and compliant, served to warm her from the inside out. If she had to kiss him, seduce him, she might as well enjoy it. 
Reiko leaned down again, her lips ghosting over his for a moment before she kissed him again. This time, she put a little more into it. Their mouths slotted together almost a little too perfectly, and she made sure to pay attention to his pouty bottom lip. Her hands on his jaw slid down to his shoulders, resting them there as the grip on her hips tightened periodically. Then, Obito was returning her kiss. Puckering his mouth against hers and, after a few mis-steps, moving in time with her. 
This position allowed her to lean against him, her chest pushing against his as she rose up on her knees a bit, wanting to be just a tad closer. She pulled her tongue over his bottom lip, drawing a soft gasp from the man under her, which she used to deepen the kiss. Opening her mouth further and gently sucking his bottom lip. The hands on her hips tightened further and she pulled away with a soft pop, deciding she wouldn’t devour his soul just yet. When she opened her eyes and looked down, Obito was staring up at her with his mouth gaped open and his eyes half lidded. 
She asked through a chuckle, and Obito nodded slowly, like he was drunk off of just one kiss. Reiko giggled again, the hands on his shoulders moving to run over his chest. 
“You want another?”
And again, Obito nodded like he was in a trance. 
“Okay… you can move your hands too, ya know. To my waist or legs. I don’t care… and, after I show you a couple tricks, I expect you to show me what you’ve learned, okay?”
Reiko added, and that seemed to snap him out of it a little. He straightened up on the couch, eyebrows furrowing in determination as he gave her a nod in the affirmative. Reiko laughed as she leaned back in to kiss him again.
Taglist: @actual-spawn-of-satan​
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the8gates · 3 years
The Bug Collector: Chapter Seven - Snail Pt. 2
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Word Count: 7.8k
Warning(s): None.
When Kakashi is appointed as the Sixth Hokage, he reveals that Obito Uchiha did not die in the war and that he plans to offer his former a friend a chance at rehabilitation and redemption. The few people who are aware of this secret project are supportive of the effort. Expect for Reiko Miki.
After her mentor, Shikaku Nara, was killed during the war, Reiko struggled to come to terms with his death. This issue is only made worse when Obito is placed in the only other house on her street. With seemingly everyone against the idea of serving true justice, Reiko decides to take matters into her own hands and make the Uchiha pay for all of the crimes he committed.
However, there may be more grey in the black and white picture she’d painted than she originally anticipated.
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - AO3 - Chapter Eight 
When Obito returned with the glass of water, Reiko took it from his hands gratefully and downed half of the cup in a few, large, swigs. She set it down on the floor beside his bed, turning just in time to see him sitting down next to her with his back against the wall. 
“Thank you.”
Reiko said, and Obito nodded, muttering something about it being no problem. These transitionary periods were where she struggled the most. Trying to find the perfect segue from one topic to another was difficult when there was space in between. Like his exit from the room. She could have easily continued if she hadn’t asked for that glass of water in a fit of panic. Reiko sighed, deciding to just take the lead and allow him to follow. She crawled over to where he sat, batting at his knees with her hands until he got the idea and spread his legs to accommodate her. Then, she was taking up the position he had just moments prior. 
Obito seemed to catch on quickly, reclining back against the wall so she could lie back against him. The shuffling of sheets and the soft crackling of too many candles filled the silence as they get comfortable. Reiko rested the back of her head on his stomach, just under his ribcage and she could hear his heart speed for a moment, before finally relaxing. 
“Okay, your turn.”
She instructed, once they were both settled. She couldn’t see his face like this, but she assumed he was staring down at her with that owl eyed expression. Like everything she said caught him off guard. After a beat of silence, she felt the tips of his fingers slide against her still damp hair. Then, he grazed her scalp, blunt nails settled against her skin on either side of her head, and he scratched her head much like a person would scratch behind the ears of a massive dog. She giggled a bit in shock and Obito pulled his hands away like she burned him, but she was quick to reach up and grab both of his wrists before he could retreat too far. 
“No, no, it’s nice. Just… here.”
Reiko explained, guiding his hands to the front her head. She layered her hands over the back of his, fingers stacked on top of one another as she directed him. Carefully, she pressed his fingers towards her hairline, showing him how to comb through her hair like she’d done to him. He was unsure at first, but when she released his hands and relaxed against him at the calming feeling, he grew more confident. Obito carded his fingers through her hair, dragging his nails against her scalp, and Reiko actually felt a chill run down her spine at the sensation. In all honesty, her body pulsed at the intimacy, but she tried to ignore the full body feeling. 
“There… now, tell me about your childhood.”
She said, listening for the hitch in his breathing. It came like clock work and his fingers stilled in her hair for a second. Reiko allowed her eyes to drift shut and one of her hands moved to rest on his thigh beside her. He was wearing shorts but she could feel the skin of his pale white knee under her fingers anyway. With a deep breath, she began drawing soft patterns there, just enjoying the feeling of his hairless skin. Obito cleared his throat from behind her. 
“Don’t… You don’t know?”
He questioned, and she shrugged a bit, making sure not to drag her hand too far up his thigh and scare him. The knee and the area just above it seemed to be okay to touch. Anything further would have him clamming up in an instant. 
“Not really. I knew you were injured in the war, but I didn’t know how… I know you were on a Genin Team with Kakashi and that Lord Fourth was your mentor… but I honestly don’t know anything else about you. Where you were all those years that people thought… well. I don’t know much is my point.”
Reiko finished, and it was unfiltered honesty. She had no information regarding his life after he’d ‘died’ in the war. She’d been able to garner a bit about his life before hand… an orphan, raised by his grandmother. Not particularly talented during his days at the Academy, despite his bloodline. He’d had a reputation for being particularly kind hearted and sweet to everyone he met. Especially the elderly. But that was it. Obito resumed playing with her hair and sputtered out the next words with a little more grit in his voice. 
“What do you want to know?”
He asked, his tone deeper and more serious than she’d ever really heard it. Though, it didn’t frighten her. She was accustomed to his type. Maybe he was a little tortured by the things he’d seen. He was clearly wary of people, despite his desperate want to connect. She had to convince him that her intentions were not malicious. So, she started with a question that would lead him to believe that she didn’t care about the crimes he’d committed. 
“Well… eventually, everything. But I was wondering… that photo you keep upstairs near the bathroom. Who is the girl in that picture?”
She questioned, figuring it would be easier for him to speak on this subject. Reiko barely recalled the girls name, but she still couldn’t place the circumstances of her death. Or any other information about her. Obito’s fingers tensed in her hair, snagging in a few places. A shock of pain washed through her and she winced, hissing. He pulled his hands away quickly. 
“Sorry… Sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
He apologized quickly, but she shook her head once the sting passed. So, Rin Nohara was a sensitive topic. Though, she wasn’t sure what wouldn’t be at this point. Obito came across as kind and bumbling but the more she considered him, the more she saw what he really was. An open wound. Just barely starting to scab over. She caught instances of it from time to time. Whenever the topic of Shinobi work was brought up or when she mentioned her job, he would fall rather serious. Other times, it was just the silences in between conversations. Obito’s eyes would grow darker, staring past her for a moment as he contemplated something heavily. Then, he would brush it off and move on as if nothing had happened. 
“It’s okay. Just a pinch. If you don’t want to talk about we don’t have-.”
She started to say, but he was quick to cut her off, reaching around her to wrap his hand around her jaw. Then, he was tilting her head back to look at him. Even upside down, she could see the barely contained expression he was wearing. His face seemed covered in shadows, and the flame light licking across his skin was nearly ominous. However, in the depth of his dark eyes, she saw something else. Something outside of sorrow and scrutinization and anger. Desperation. 
“You want to know all of it?”
He asked, the question grinding against gravel in his throat. Reiko’s heart fumbled over itself and she found herself nodding numbly, the fingers on her jaw gentle despite the insistence of his grip. He wanted to tell her. But he needed to make sure she really wanted to hear it. And if she hadn’t before, she most certainly wanted to now. Obito’s sweeter side was endearing and cute, but this… the way the energy around him had completely changed to reflect something much more honest. This side of him was intoxicating. 
Reiko replied, the word falling from her mouth with an undetermined importance. For some reason, it felt like she was signing a contract with the devil. 
“You are.”
Obito scanned her face once more before nodding in the affirmative and releasing his grip on her jaw. Then, his fingers were back in her hair, carefully carding through it again and soothing over the spot he’d pulled a moment ago. 
“Okay. I’ll start at the beginning.”
By the end of the story, they had swapped positions yet again. This time, Obito was lying flat on his back with his head in Reiko’s lap, staring up at the ceiling as a silence fell between them. It had taken over two hours for him to explain the whole story, and she knew he was probably still skipping over some bits of information. Sticking to a retelling of events, rather than focusing so much on how he’d felt at the time. Either way, her heart was lodged in her throat. Burning and heavy from fighting the desire to cry or scream. 
Obito had told her so much, she could only assume that he couldn’t have possibly hidden anything from her. It had started with that accident during the war. The massive boulder that crushed his entire right side. Kakashi and Rin had left to fight the remaining enemies, assuming that he had died. But then, Obito had woken up in the clutches of none other than an elderly Madara Uchiha. Over the next several years, he’d been given the ability to use his body again. Training and recovering, day in and day out, until the day would eventually come that he could be reunited with his friends. His family. Then, when that fateful day came, he’d been confronted with a scene pulled straight from his worst nightmare. Rin, the girl he loved, dead at the hands of his best friend and lifelong rival. 
It was woefully easy to imagine the pain that had coursed through him at the time. So young and fighting so hard to obtain what he’d lost. Only to have it ripped away from him again at the penultimate moment. Everything that had inspired him to push forward when the pain of his recovering body was overwhelming was taken away from him in an instant. He’d snapped, understandably so, and had dedicated the rest of his life to a plan born out of pure pain and desperation. 
He had wanted to create a world where he could revive Rin. A world where he and his friends had never been sent to war in the first place. In the end, the plan to cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi had been a last ditch attempt at world peace and prosperity. 
“You’re thinking it was selfish, right?”
Obito said, breaking the silence that had consumed them for over ten minutes. Reiko hadn’t realized it, but she was staring at the wall across from them, unblinking as the thoughts overwhelmed her. When he spoke, however, she jerked her eyes down to meet his. 
Yes, it was. Threatening to destroy the world and remove the option of freewill in the process, all for the sake of his childhood crush… it was selfish. And he’d attempted to explain it by saying that, ultimately, the Infinite Tsukuyomi would have been what was best for everyone. No more war. No more famine or hardships. While that may have been true, it wasn’t his call to make. Especially not when his decision would have resulted in everyones eventual death.
Reiko could not deny the way her heart clenched at his story. It would be easy to condemn his actions and motivations as morally bankrupt and completely self serving. The difficult part came when she started to understand the nuance’s of the situation. Obito had been a child, forced to partake in a war he had no say in, and he’d been gravely injured to the point that he, and everyone who had known him, had thought he was dead. Then, when he’d been revived he’d been stuck in the clutches of one of the most powerful men to ever walk this earth. A man he credited with saving his life. A child and a… mentor. The power dynamic there was unbalanced at best, manipulative and abusive at worst. And this child, who had never known his parents and had spent his life trying to become something that would insure he was respected and loved by everyone, had lost everyone he’d ever loved. The pain he must have gone through was unimaginable. 
Though, it wasn’t entirely unimaginable. Because she’d lost someone she loved as well. 
“A little bit… but, I understand. And being selfish doesn’t make you a bad person. We’re all a little self serving sometimes.”
Reiko said, the answer to his question falling from her lips without a second thought. Though, the moment she said it, she regretted it. Not because it wasn’t true, but because it greatly minimized the degree of his crimes. Obito scoffed a bit, a rueful smirk playing on his face as he turned his eyes back up to the ceiling. 
“Well, it’s not like selfishness was my only sin.”
Obito quipped, a mix of self hatred and confusion in his bitter tone. Reiko sighed, dropping her head forward as she tried to make sense of what she was feeling in this moment. What she’d been feeling for the last several hours. Her eyes drifted shut and she focused on her inner thoughts. 
Really, was he any different from the Shinobi in her charge? They would all fight and kill to protect their idea of peace. To them, peace lied within their village and the infinite wisdom of their leaders. Obito had sought his peace in the form of a dream. A world where reality could be anything he wanted. And what he wanted was simple. He didn’t crave power or world domination to build his ego. He craved a stable childhood. A loving home. He craved a world where the love of his life was safe, happy, and by his side again. Almost anyone that had been put in his position would have gone down a similar path. 
Selfishness was not his only sin, that was evident. He had killed to get what he wanted. Shikaku. Inoichi. Lord Fourth. His command over the Akatsuki added to that list exponentially. Murder. Lying. Exploitation. Manipulation. Destruction and garden variety violence. All of these accolades and yet she couldn’t seem to drudge up any judgment. 
Her heart simply refused to condemn him in this moment. 
With her eyes closed, and her brain struggling to follow the threads to her rooted hatred for him, Shikaku was surprisingly silent. Her hand found Obito’s easily, her fingers wrapped around his palm and then opted for lacing them together instead. 
“It’s not. Far from it. But… I am still sorry that any of that happened to you. And I am sorry for your loss.”
Reiko managed, expressing the part of the story that rang true for her regardless of his actions. He’d been a child when Rin had died and when he’d been involved in that horrible accident. Child Obito had been a victim to the utmost degree. Adult Obito on the other hand… he’d been aware of his actions and, just like everyone else, he would need to handle the consequences. Whatever those may be. 
When she finally peeled her eyes open and picked her head up to look down at Obito, he was staring up at her with unabashed rapture. His dark eyes wide and questioning as he tried to determine why she was continuing to be nice to him. But Reiko could only give him a sad smile in response, squeezing his hand. Truly, her heart ached for the young boy that was still locked inside the body of this man. He hadn’t always been evil and, surely, his inner child had never envisioned his life turning out this way. 
“You don’t… hate me? After all of that?”
Obito asked, voice strained as he barely managed the words. In another lifetime, the question would have been cute, maybe a little sad… but, in this lifetime, he had no idea how much that singular question truly affected her. Her heart sank to the pit of her stomach and she searched for the fire that had brought her here in the first place. The passion she’d felt when considering his death just a week prior. The drive to kill him was solely rooted in her hatred for him. 
Yet… she came up empty. 
“No, I don’t hate you.”
She answered honestly, her blood running cold and eyes stinging with the need to allow tears to spill over. Reiko didn’t hate him. Not anymore. Not like she had before, from the very depths of her soul. And that thought terrified her. At her response, there was a twinkle of hope in Obito’s eyes. He’d told her everything, fully expecting her to turn away from him once all of the cards were on the table. But here she was, holding his hand and offering him words of comfort. The idea that all of this was fake made Reiko feel a little sick. If she had just killed him in the beginning, there would have been no hard feelings about the issue. She was simply a person seeking revenge for the loss of her mentor. Now, however, she’d spent weeks toying with his emotions. Making him care for her… Giving him hope for a future where people would understand and forgive him. But it was all a lie. 
“Not anymore.”
Reiko was exhausted and torn and she didn’t have time to deal with Shikaku now. It wasn’t necessary for the mission, but she bent over to kiss Obito anyway. To quiet the voice in her head and fill the silence. Not many words could be exchanged after a story of that magnitude. He reciprocated easily, his hand tightening around hers. For a few beats, they stayed just like that, their mouths pressed together in a gentle kiss. When she pulled away to look down at him, she could see that he was tired as well. She released her grip on his hand in favor of running it down his chest. 
“Do you want to sleep?”
She asked, and Obito nodded. They shuffled around in silence until most of the candles were blown out and they were both secured under his comforter. She got comfortable with her head against the pillow, but it wasn’t long before she was rolling on her side to look at him, only to find that he’d already done so himself. Under the cover of darkness and in the comfort of a bed that wasn’t hers, she found the strength to say something else. 
“I’m sorry if it’s hard for me to find something to say. I don’t always say the right thing and I’m not the most… comforting person. Or, at least, that’s what people have told me. But I can listen. And I can let you know that all of those things… they don’t have to define the rest of your life.”
Reiko said, unsure as to why she continued to fill him with false hope. It was like she couldn’t stop saying these encouraging things to him. She couldn’t stop trying to comfort him. Obito smiled a bit, his hand propped under his head, and she kicked herself for continuing to play this game when it could have been over weeks ago. 
“I think you’re comforting. You have kind eyes.”
He stated, simple and easy. Reiko’s eyes widened a bit at that. Truly, if she had to list her characteristics, kind and comforting were not the words she would use. Her mother would call her cold and judgmental. Shikaku had called her distant and intimidating. All of the words people used to describe her were more closely akin to how they would describe a statue. Sharp edges and a rock hard surface. But Obito… he seemed to think she was soft. Kind. Tender. She’d spent so long feeling cold that it was warmest thing in the world to be seen as human. 
However, he’d only ever known her as a character. Nothing more than a person she’d created in order to get closer to him. 
“Then why does it feel so natural to you?”
“I… thank you. And I think you’re kind as well. That you always wanted to be. But sometimes… life doesn’t allow us that luxury.”
Reiko whispered, drawing her previous reaction from Obito’s face. His dark eyes opened in surprise, but she was tired of talking. The more they spoke, the more she questioned herself. So, she simply reached forward, wrapping her arms around his neck, and pulled him closer. When they settled, Obito’s forehead was pressed against the column of her throat, and Reiko was burying her nose in his hair. His arms wrapped around her waist, and their legs tangled together. 
“Thank you.”
He muttered against her skin, but Reiko couldn’t bring herself to respond this time. 
When she woke up the next morning, the urge to leave while Obito slept was too strong to ignore. Full of regret and the emotional bottoming out that always followed fast on the heels of a moment of vulnerability, she untangled herself from him with panicked precision. Her stomach was in knots and the prickling of sweat against her skin was irritating, heightening all of her senses uncomfortably until she was able to remove herself from the bed. Then, she sat on the floor as she caught her breath, reeling herself back in and winding herself tight in preparation to move again. 
Reiko gathered her strength, gritting her jaw and forcing herself not to glance at Obito as she grabbed her duffle bag and left the room. She slipped her shoes on at the front door, successfully completing her quick and quiet exit when she shut the door softly behind her. The sun had just barely risen, turning the sky a soft shade of pink and that’s when she stopped to check her watch. Three hours. She’d managed to sleep in his embrace all of three hours before her skin had begun to crawl with something undefinable. 
When she got home, she fumbled with her keys before managing to push her door open with a deep, relieved, sigh. In the comfort of her living room, she dropped her duffel bag and her mask at the same time. Her stomach twisted uncomfortably and her body felt foreign. She was all too aware of the way her skin pulled tight over her muscles and, in that moment, she swore she could feel her bones. It was always like this afterwards. After every instance of being vulnerable with another person, the walls re-erected themselves and she was filled with regret. This time, however, the recoil was almost painful. Probably because of the stakes at hand. The person she’d been vulnerable with.
The worst part was that she couldn’t even find comfort in her own home. Everything reminded her of Shikaku. And, now, Shikaku reminded her of Obito. The mission she was continually failing to complete. The can being kicked further and further down the road. 
“Relax. So, you got a little closer than you wanted last night. It will be fine. Everything has its place and serves its purpose. What did you gain from your night with him?”
Reiko moved numbly to the couch, collapsing against it and immediately doubling over to bury her face in her hands, her elbows on her knees. She had gained… trust. Obito trusted her completely now. She had gained context. The events he’d recounted would have made their way to her eventually. If she had killed him before she’d known all of that… the information could have thrown her off and filled her with guilt after the fact. Now, she had an opportunity to cope with it before moving forward. She had gained… 
But all she could think about was the sparking of hope in Obito’s eyes when she’d told him that she didn’t hate him. The way he had cuddled into her chest and held her waist like a lifeline as they’d slept. The feeling of his hair between her fingers and the ghosting of warm breath on her collarbone. Warm light from the candles casting his scarred face in a beautiful glow as they shared stories over glasses of wine. Sitting in that dark room on his bed for hours had felt like they were living in a different reality. A world hidden away from everything else. 
Her heart sank to the pit of her stomach when she realized that the regret she was feeling was not in regards to the vulnerable moments she’d spent with Obito. Rather, she was filled with unease at the thought that they’d never be able to do it again.
Reiko spent the rest of the day laid across her couch. Filtering in and out of sleep until the entire day had passed her by without any fuss. She’d half expected Obito to come knocking on her door, wondering why she’d left so early and hadn’t said goodbye. But he never showed. When she woke up from her final nap, her bleary eyes landed on the clock on her wall and she audibly gasped at the time. Only an hour before she was supposed to be at Yoshino’s for family dinner. Reiko had flung herself from the couch urgently, too panicked to be worried about the event as she rushed around her home to prepare herself. 
By the time she found herself standing on the Nara families front porch, Reiko had managed to make herself look presentable. Clothed in casual, but not overly lazy, attire. In fact, as she raised her hand to knock on the door, she realized that she was dressed almost like she was going to work. That’s when everything she had managed to avoid during the day caught up with her. Reiko’s fist hung in the space between herself and the door, poised to knock, but she suddenly felt sick. A nearly overwhelming wave of dread washed over her and her breath stuttered as her skin grew cold. She was standing on Shikaku’s porch for the first time since he’d died. She was going to enter his home and speak to the widow he’d left behind for the first time in months. 
“It’s not just about you. They want to see you for the same reason you’ve been avoiding them.”
Shikaku reminded her, but the words weren’t comforting in any way. Shikaku and Yoshino wanted to see her because she was reminded them of Shikaku. Reiko didn’t want to see them for the same reason. Though, that was a tad hypocritical considering that she heard his fucking voice every hour of every day. It’s not like she could avoid Shikaku’s memory, even if she wanted to. So what was the point in continuing to avoid them? 
“Probably has something to do with the way you coveted my marriage. Constantly comparing yourself to my wife and torn between hating and loving my son because he wasn’t yours.”
Fuck. Hearing those words in his voice sent a chill down her spine. It was like something pulled straight from her worst nightmare. Her deepest secrets and regrets were being exposed to her in broad daylight by the man she’d admired her entire life. And he said it so casually. Like the mortification of admitting those things to herself wasn’t enough. No, it had to be delivered to her in a way that was impactful, so she couldn’t possibly ignore it. Reiko swallowed hard against the growing knot in her throat. Her toes flexed in her sandals, and her calves twitched, ready to turn around and leave without even knocking on the door. But before she could, the door was creaking open. 
“Rei! It’s so good to see you.”
Yoshino introduced, smiling uncharacteristically wide from her position in the doorway. Her dark brown hair was pulled up into a ponytail on the back of her head, stray strands framing her motherly face. Yoshino’s appearance reflected her personality perfectly. She’d always been a practical, no-nonsense woman, and the way she was dressed proved that. Reiko had gone out of her way to put on nice clothes and even throw a bit of makeup on her tired face, but Yoshino didn’t hide behind anything. She was standing in front of Reiko in nothing more than casual clothing with an apron wrapped around her narrow frame as she dried her hands with a raggedy dish towel. The very definition of salt of the earth. Even her very bone structure reflected her grounded temperament. Her dark eyes and narrow brow always poised in a way that said she knew more than she would ever let on. It was like she was designed to be a mother. She saw everything and her eyes held a wealth of wisdom.
Reiko wasn’t sure what she’d expected to see when she saw Yoshino for the first time after Shikaku’s passing, but she found herself surprised. Maybe she’d imagined a grieving widow. A woman with sunken in eyes and permanent tear streaks on her cheeks. A frail, pathetic, weeping woman, barely able to hold herself together in the face of something so horrible. But Yoshino didn’t appear that way at all. In fact, she still held the poised air of someone who knew that hard times would pass. 
“Of course she’s okay. She’s strong. That’s why I married her.”
Reiko had to fight down the wave of feelings that came along with what he was implying. She forced an awkward smile, turning the hand that was hanging to knock on the door into an outstretched palm, reaching for a handshake. 
“Oh, hi, Yoshino… yes, it’s good to see you as well.”
Reiko replied, watching as the older woman quirked a suspicious brow at her outstretched hand. Then she was smirking, crossing the threshold to wrap her arms around Reiko’s shoulders in a crushing hug. Reiko startled at the contact, but eventually raised her own arms to wrap loosely around Yoshino’s waist. After a moment, her muscles gave way and she relaxed in Yoshino’s genuine grip. Suddenly, she was overcome with a wave of yearning. She didn’t think anyone had held her with such sincerity in years… except for-
“Shika is running late, as usual. But you can come in and help me finish up dinner if you want? I feel like I haven’t seen you in years.”
Yoshino suddenly commented, pulling away from the hug and leaving Reiko aching for something she didn’t quite understand. She was quick to turn on her heel and retreat back into the house, waving the dish towel over her shoulder in a sign for Reiko to follow. When she entered the house, she paused halfway through toeing off her shoes. Yoshino had already fluttered into the kitchen, out of sight and out of ear shot. Reiko lifted her eyes to look around the foyer. The wood paneled walls were dark in comparison to the sunlight she’d been previously bathed in. 
With a frightening speed, all of the sound and color drained from her world. Standing just beyond the closed front door, Reiko’s eyes scanned her surroundings. The landing she was currently on and beyond that into the hallway that would split off into different rooms. The kitchen and dining room were on the right. To the left would be the living room and den. There was a hallway that branched off of the den that led to Shikamaru’s room, with Shikaku and Yoshino’s directly across from it. Shikaku’s study was situated in the final room of that hallway, though he preferred to spend time in the backyard. The sunroom was back there, and so was his beloved Shogi set. He’d spent hours situated in front of that board, playing against himself in an attempt to build his strategic knowledge. Reiko couldn’t count on both hands the number of times she’d played against him herself. He’d always won. 
Being in this house again was like standing in a tomb. Every room would hold a new ghost. An old memory cast in the shimmering glow of new emotion. Those moments would no longer be filled with happiness and content, but rather, they would be overshadowed by the heaviness of loss. She wouldn’t be able to observe the space without feeling as if it were incomplete. 
Reiko swallowed against the growing knot in her throat, just in time to hear Yoshino call for her from the kitchen. How could she not be weighed down by the energy in this house? How could she call to Reiko so casually like her voice was not disturbing the graveyard around them? 
“She lives here. It’s not a graveyard. It’s our home. And she didn’t spend months running from things that reminded her of me. She had to wake up every day and confront it. Get a grip, Reiko. The longer you play this game with yourself, the longer you’re delaying the inevitable.”
What is the inevitable? What was she delaying?
“The rest of your life. That is the inevitable.”
Reiko stood at the sink, shoulder to shoulder with Shikamaru as she washed the dishes, handing them off for the younger boy to dry them. Once she’d forced herself to push forward, the family dinner had actually gone well. She’d nearly forgotten just how funny Shika could be and how much Yoshino’s scolding, but insightful, words could comfort her. In the beginning, she’d been so nervous that she’d had to wipe the sweat from the palms of her hands on her pant legs under the table every few seconds. But, Yoshino and Shika had treated her as if nothing had changed. They didn’t question her recent absence or force conversations about Shikaku. Instead, it was almost like they were just having dinner together while he was out of town. It didn’t seem like they were ignoring the gap in the room, but rather, it felt as if they had both come to terms with his loss. 
Dinner had been filled with easy conversation. Shika had talked about his recent missions, Yoshino had told a few gossipy stories about some of the other mothers in the village, and Reiko had eventually felt confident enough to talk a bit about her new position as Jonin Commander. When she managed to relax, things went smoothly. After everyone had finished eating, Yoshino had instructed Shikamaru to wash up and Reiko had offered to help. They chatted as they cleaned, but Reiko had passively wondered where Yoshino had gone after dinner, retreating further into the house without explanation. 
“I’m glad you came tonight. Mom’s been… well, ya know, of course she’s been upset. But I think seeing you made her feel better.”
Shikamaru suddenly said, using the dish rag in his hands to wipe down the wet bowl she’d just handed him. Reiko smiled down at the plate in her hands, running the sponge over ceramic as a bit of guilt settled in her stomach. Of course. Yoshino may had been the perfect picture of well adjusted when she’d first seen her tonight, but it wasn’t beyond comprehension to think that she was hurting as well. 
“Well, I’m not sure how much comfort I was actually able to provide…”
Reiko replied, downplaying her importance to the family, but Shikamaru let out a scoff at that. 
“You always do that.”
He quipped, causing her to quirk a brow as she passed him the rinsed plate to dry. 
“Do what?”
She asked, earning her a shoulder shrug. 
“Act like you’re not important. Like… I don’t know. It’s almost like you thought we stopped caring about you when dad died. You avoided us for so long… Tch. Whatever, it doesn’t matter I guess. Just… well, we do care about you.”
Shikamaru explained, showing a side of himself that she wasn’t always privy to. It was easy to take him at face value. Apathetic, laid back, sarcastic. But Shikamaru also held a surprising depth that he showed on rare occasions. She knew it was ignorant to assume that he didn’t feel things deeply. She’d seen the way he’d reacted to Asuma’s death… Maybe it was just easier to not read into the things he said or did.
“Shika… It’s not that I thought you didn’t care… it’s just-“
Reiko started to say, trying to explain her distance in recent months without delving too far into her actual motivations. She’d turned her head to look at him, noticing that his pointed brows were drawn down in concentration, his mouth pressed into a tight line. But Shikamaru was cutting her off before she could finish her thought. 
“You don’t have to say anything just… you didn’t have to go through it alone, ya know? We had each other and it’s hard but… that does help. That’s all I wanted to say. I’m just glad you decided to come around again.”
Shikamaru finished, clearly not wanting to continue the conversation further. He held this depth within him, but it was difficult for him to show it. Just like it was difficult for Reiko. So, when he decided he didn’t want to take things any further, she was grateful. A weight lifted off her shoulders for a moment, and she turned back to the dishes, nodding as she wiped down a glass with soapy, lukewarm, water. 
After that, they continued to work in silence for a few minutes and Reiko turned the words over in her head. He was extending an olive branch to her, knowing all too well how easy it was to shut people out when life became too overwhelming. But, Shikamaru had also learned that it was leagues better to reach out and seek help when the weight was too heavy to bear. The people who loved him had helped him through many difficult phases in his life, and she was sure that had been the same for him when Shikaku had passed. He was just trying to let her know that she had that option as well. 
However, there was a major difference between herself and Shikamaru. He knew when he was ready to reach out and accept help. Reiko would never admit that to anyone. Her throat constricted at the mere idea of admitting her sorrow and pain to another person. 
“Rei… can you come here for a second?”
Yoshino suddenly asked, causing Reiko to turn her head away from the dishes to look at the doorway into the kitchen. The question pulled her from her thoughts like a bucket of ice water being dumped on her head, but the woman was staring at her expectantly. Rei turned to look at Shikamaru, who was already nodding and reaching around to grab the cup she’d been washing from her hands. 
Reiko answered, drying her hands on the dishtowel on the counter before leaving Shikamaru with the dishes to follow his mother. Yoshino led her through the dining room and back into the main hallway, then straight across to the living room and towards the other hall that would stretch towards the back of the house. Her eyes grew wide in recognition, but Yoshino was speaking over her shoulder before Reiko could even begin to spiral. 
“I just wanted to make sure I gave you this before you left…”
Yoshino said, causing Reiko’s eyebrows to furrow as they drew closer to the final door at the end of the hallway. She knew where they were going and her heart sank to the pit of her stomach, her mouth completely drying out. Though, her feet still moved forward, one right in front of the other until Yoshino was pushing the door open and stepping over the threshold. Reiko didn’t get a chance to stop and think until she was in the room as well. 
Yoshino reached past where Reiko was standing just inside the room, flicking the switch on the wall and filling her line of sight with light. Everything came into view at once. Shikaku’s home desk. The bookshelf that took up nearly an entire wall, covered in books and scrolls that were matte from the dust that had collected on them. His chair, carefully tucked into the space under the desk and clearly having not been disturbed since the last morning he’d pushed it in. They were in his study. But Yoshino didn’t have the same, panicked, pause that Reiko was currently gripped with. The older woman simply moved without issue, collecting a small box from the top of Shikaku’s desk and turning around to face her. 
“I’m glad you came to see us… I’ve been meaning to give this to you. He left it with your name on it.”
Yoshino explained, running her hand over the simple, wooden, box before jutting it forward for Reiko too take. She took it without a word, staring down at the floral pattern engraved on the lid, her tongue swelling up to fill her mouth and prevent her from speaking. 
“I know that it’s difficult for you. Just like it is for us… and I don’t feel slighted that you haven’t been to see us. Just, please don’t be a stranger now, Rei. You know that’s not what he would have wanted.”
Yoshino continued, Reiko forcing her eyes up to meet the dark eyes of the woman who’d partially helped raise her. Her stomach churned at that final line, but it wasn’t a new concept to her. Reiko knew that avoiding her and Shikamaru for as long as she had wasn’t something that Shikaku would approve of… but, in the end, they would understand why she’d done it. They would be grateful to her for getting justice for the husband and father they had lost. 
“Quit trying to convince yourself of that.”
“I know… and I’m sorry for not being around since he-… well, I just felt like I needed to work through some of it myself… and work has been so time consuming… I won’t be a stranger. I promise.”
Reiko managed to reply, choking on her words a bit as the box in her hands suddenly became heavy. She hadn’t even known that he’d left her anything. It wasn’t something she’d thought about since he’d died. Mostly because he never truly left her. Yoshino nodded, a soft, motherly, smile gracing her features as she took a step towards Reiko. She brought her hands up, carefully cradling Reiko’s jaw in her weathered fingers. 
She said, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to her forehead. When she pulled back, she patted the box in Reiko’s hands, chuckling a bit.
“Ya know, he was so proud of you and how far you’d come from that little standoffish pick pocket… I never looked to see what he left you, but I’m sure that I wouldn’t understand most of it anyway. You two always had these little inside jokes and interactions… Really, Rei, in the end I think that you were his best friend. And I know he was yours. Thank you for being there for him when we couldn’t be.”
Yoshino finished, the softness in her eyes shocking in comparison to her typical, domineering, attitude. But Reiko supposed that loss would soften even the strongest of people. She nodded, the knot in her throat swelling as she prepared to make a request that suddenly gripped her. 
“Do you… would you mind if I sat in here and opened it?”
Reiko asked, surprised by the sudden need to stay in this space. To feel like she was still close to him in someway. Yoshino seemed to understand immediately, nodding and rubbing Reiko’s shoulder in a comforting motion as she moved to step around her. 
“Of course. Take your time. And feel free to dig through some of this junk. Lord knows I have no idea what to do with all of it. I’m sure he would have wanted you to have some of it anyway, if you find anything that catches your eye.”
Yoshino said, giving her blessing with one final squeeze of Reiko’s shoulder. Reiko nodded, her eyes fixing on the box again as the older woman moved to exit the study, sliding the door shut behind her with a soft click. When she was gone, Reiko moved on muscle memory and approached his dust covered desk. She pulled the wooden office chair from its rest place, the wheels creaking a bit in protest of being moved after being stagnant for so long. She sat down gingerly, settling the box on the desk before peeling open the lid. 
When she did, she was immediately greeted with a Shogi piece taped to the front of an envelope. She reached out, grabbing the paper and inspecting the piece. It was a Rook. A sad smile tugged at the corners of her lips. He’d always beaten her in Shogi and, every time, he told her the same thing. That she played too hard, too fast. While he focused on building defense in the beginning of the game, she always tried to pressure him. Sometimes she would be successful in making him scramble a bit by playing an offensive game, but his patience prevailed over her enthusiasm in the end. Eventually, he’d revealed to her his secret for securing victory in every game. He knew what moves she was plotting the second she began to move her Rook more aggressively. That had been one of the last games they’d played together. It just wasn’t Reiko’s strong suit. Pieces on a board were more difficult to connect with than people on a real battlefield, even if he’d tried to get her to see the importance of learning strategy this way, she could never seem to grasp the concept. 
She peeled the piece off of the envelope with care, taking the tape off and settling it back into the box before turning her attention back to the letter in her hands. There was really no telling what he’d written her. It could be any number of things from a heartfelt goodbye in preparation for his untimely death, to simple instructions on the things he would have liked her to handle if he didn’t return from the war. Nonetheless, the words on this paper would be his own. Not ones she’d conjured in her head to make herself feel less lonely. They wouldn’t be her own ideas disguised in the tone of his voice. It would truly be him. His personality and thoughts bled onto the paper with ink. His handwriting. His stationary. Her heart sank at the thought that she’d bastardized his voice in recent months when this unfettered piece of him had been waiting for her all of this time. If only she’d come to see Yoshino a little sooner… 
With slightly trembling hands, she slid her finger under the seam of the envelope, breaking the seal and effectively opening pandora’s box. 
Taglist: @actual-spawn-of-satan​
21 notes · View notes
the8gates · 3 years
The Bug Collector: Chapter Two - Millipede
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Word Count: 6.2k
Warning(s): None. Mentions of assassination. 
When Kakashi is appointed as the Sixth Hokage, he reveals that Obito Uchiha did not die in the war and that he plans to offer his former a friend a chance at rehabilitation and redemption. The few people who are aware of this secret project are supportive of the effort. Expect for Reiko Miki.
After her mentor, Shikaku Nara, was killed during the war, Reiko struggled to come to terms with his death. This issue is only made worse when Obito is placed in the only other house on her street. With seemingly everyone against the idea of serving true justice, Reiko decides to take matters into her own hands and make the Uchiha pay for all of the crimes he committed.
However, there may be more grey in the black and white picture she'd painted than she originally anticipated.
Chapter One - AO3 - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five
Reiko’s mind was running a mile a minute, her thoughts melding with Shikaku’s voice until she wasn’t sure where she ended and his influence began. 
“Now what? You can lie, but you left that stupid note, welcoming him to the neighborhood. If you answer truthfully, then you’ll be outing yourself as the person who tried to poison him.”
But if she told him that she was the person who’d left the basket, then maybe she could play it off like she really was just a friendly neighbor. Try to get involved with him that way… If she could get close, killing him would be much easier. Maybe he hadn’t ate the bread yet and she could warn him. Tell him that she realized later that the yeast had gone bad and he should throw it out. That could work- 
“But what if he already ate some of it? And he slept off the effects, just like I said he would. Then you would put yourself in a corner. What you have to gain from that risk does not out weigh the negative consequences if things go badly. You need to focus on lessening the damage.”
Obito was still staring at her expectantly, one of his white eyebrows quirked in accusation and question. He didn’t look anything like the image she’d conjured in her mind. Granted, she’d only ever imagined him sleeping, then dead. But standing here in front of him now… he was intimidating. Still, she managed to swallow the knot in her throat long enough to reply. 
“Basket? Oh! You must have gotten a gift from Ms. Haruno. She lives up the road a ways, but she brought me one as well when I moved in. She’s old and a little nosy, but she means well.”
Reiko covered, putting on her most pleasing voice and neighborly smile as she told the half truth. There was an older woman from the Haruno family who lived about a block away from them, but she wasn’t the type the leave baskets of goodies on her neighbors front porch. She was crabby and bitter and she never left her home… but hopefully he wouldn’t read too far into it. He seemed to soften a bit at the explanation, his accusatory glare falling to the porch, eyebrows still furrowed in mild frustration.
“Uh, between you and me, I would avoid anything she handmade. The rum cake she brought me around the holidays a couple years ago was pretty much all rum and a little cake flour. I swear, I got drunk just from smelling it.”
She added, chuckling a bit to herself as her mind short circuited and she ran on nothing but an instinct that had been cultivated by years spent attached to the hip of a diplomat. Smile, be polite, make a joke. If the person was new to a job or situation, slip them a little trick of the trade. Make it seem like she had their best interest in mind. Obito lifted his head at her comment, glancing back over his shoulder into the dark house behind him before fixing his gaze back on her. 
“I don’t eat things given to me by strangers.”
He replied, the subtle conformation soothing some of her worries. So he hadn’t eaten the bread, and now he surely wouldn’t. Her cover wasn’t blown and even if he did find out that she’d been the one to leave the basket, then it wouldn’t matter. Now that he’d seen her face and knew that she was his next door neighbor, the element of surprise probably wouldn’t work anymore. She couldn’t very well just leave another basket or try to catch him off guard. Shikaku had been right. The plan had been risky from the start. She needed to take her time and re-plan. But if she could get close to him…
“That’s smart. I’m Reiko Miki, and I live in the house at the end of the road.”
She introduced, gesturing down the dirt path to where her small house sat on a clean, trim, lawn. It wasn’t much to look at from this angle, but she had a couple simple decorations and cobblestone path leading to her front porch. 
“I know who you are. The Hidden Leaf’s Jonin Commander, right?”
Obito stated more than he questioned. It caught her a little off guard, but she supposed since he was close with Kakashi he would know these things. At the use of her title, her tongue threatened to swell and block her airways. That had been Shikaku’s title, and she’d only inherited it because Obito had killed him. 
“Ah, yes, I am. I took over after my mentor… passed away.” 
Reiko managed to get out, coming across as mournful rather than scornful. Hopefully he wouldn’t put two and two together. She opted for changing the subject, trying to throw him off a bit. 
“And you’re Obito, right?”
She asked, and he nodded in turn, a little concern in his eyes as she called him by name. But if he knew she was the Jonin Commander, he also had to assume that she worked closely with Kakashi and that she would be one of the few people who knew about his ‘situation’. Better to be upfront now than pretend like she didn’t know who he was. That would only cause him to wary of her and, despite her plan being nothing more than a wild pile of colorful building blocks at this point, she knew that he couldn’t be suspecting of her. A tense silence fell, but she took it upon herself to take the conversation one step further. 
“Welcome to the neighborhood. It’s peaceful out here… I hope you find it to your liking.”
She said, forcing a wistful smile as she glanced at the thick trees around them. They lined and covered the dirt road, thick clusters of ivy crawling up the trunks and essentially shutting them inside a natural wall of green. It was peaceful here… until he’d moved in. Obito let out a soft, unsure, ‘Thank you.’ Before Reiko gave him a reassuring nod and turned to continue walking towards her home. It took all of the effort she could muster to make sure she didn’t walk away too quickly, but she managed to keep her stroll leisurely. Unbothered. 
The moment she was inside her home, she shut the door behind her and collapsed against it, sinking down to the floor to sit with her forehead pressed against her knees. Her heart was racing and sweat covered every imaginable inch of her body. Her fingernails dug into the skin on her shins, leaving crescent moons as she tried to control her ragged breathing. If she had to stand there and talk to that monster for one more second she wouldn’t have been able to contain herself. 
“Didn’t look like much of a monster to me. He looked kind of pathetic, if I’m being honest.”
She sat in silence for a few moments, eyes shut tightly as she replayed the scene in her head for anything she could use. Shikaku was right. He’d seemed intimidating upon first glance, but that was just her fear of being caught distorting her vision. In hindsight, she remembered the dark circles under his eyes. The shine of greasy, unwashed, hair. The clothes that were obviously too big for him, hanging from his frame and swallowing his feet. There were sweat and grease stains on the black fabric too. He’d been wearing those clothes for days. Locked in that sad excuse for a house, moping around and not taking care of himself or his surroundings in the slightest. If she focused, she could see into the house behind him a bit. It had just been a dark glimpse into his living room, but it was filthy. Trash littered the floor and she remembered seeing a half melted candle near the entryway along with scattered papers. 
“Good. What does all of that mean, though? How can you use it?”
Shikaku asked, and her teeth sank into her bottom lip, chewing at tattered skin as she thought it over. The state of his home and his person suggested that he just wasn’t a clean person. Maybe he was lazy. But, there were other signs too. He never left that house and the only person who ever visited him was Kakashi. He was alone, in the dark, all day. Every day. Obito was probably depressed. Struggling to readjust. Emotionally compromised. Lonely. 
“There it is. He’s depressed and lonely. The perfect combination for-“
Reiko spent the entire night planning her next mission in excruciating detail. When she’d begun entertaining this assassination plan a month or so ago, she’d scrapped several ideas in the name of strategy and logic. There was only one that she’d vetoed due to personal feelings, but now she couldn’t afford to allow those to get in the way. If drugging Obito wouldn’t work, there was only one other way she could approach this. She was going to have to get close to him. 
As a woman, it had been one of her first thoughts before she’d started. Seduce him. Get him to let his guard down, then kill him while he slept. There had been several issues at the time. One, she didn’t know if Obito was even interested in women. Two, he could have been so guarded against outsiders that, even if he was attracted to her, he would deny her advances anyway. Three, the actual act of killing him would draw suspicion to her immediately. She couldn’t imagine a scenario where he didn’t speak about her to Kakashi or where the Anbu just happened to never see her enter his home. But, she could get around that final issue… no evidence, no crime. 
The only real reason she’d scrapped the idea in the beginning was because the very thought of cozying up to that murderer made her stomach turn. But she couldn’t afford such luxuries now. Anything truly worth accomplishing was worth being uncomfortable for. She couldn’t berate Kakashi for failing to make difficult decisions if she couldn’t swallow her pride in order to complete her mission. So, she’d come up with a plan. 
Get close to Obito. Insert herself in his life in small ways, then offer assistance with something larger. Share friendly conversations and eventually invite him over for a meal. Once she had him in her grasp, she would have to do anything in her power to make him comfortable with her. If that meant… well, then so be it. Then, one night, in the comfort of his new home, she could finally dispose of him as he slept. 
Her first step would be finding an excuse to talk to him again. The next morning, when she went to check her mail, she checked the box next to hers as well. Stealing a few pieces of unimportant mail and then returning them to him under the guise of the mailman ‘placing them in the wrong box’ would be the perfect re-introduction. Throughout the rest of the week, she gathered a small pile. Mostly coupons and one letter from someone who hadn’t signed the exterior of the envelope. When Saturday morning rolled around, she made her move. 
Reiko had done some more research on Obito in the past week as well. She’d tried to only learn the bare minimum before her first attempt with the basket. Simply because she didn’t want to know more about him than she had to. But getting close to him meant she had to make sure that she had a decent grip on his personality or likes and dislikes before presenting herself to him. She had to be a woman he couldn’t possibly refuse. In the past week, she’d learned that Obito was an orphan, never knowing either of his parents. Children who never knew stability often grew into adults who desperately longed for it. He’d never had a mother to care for him when things were tough, so he would likely search for that in a partner.  A woman who was caring and patient, without being a pushover. 
“It’s funny that you hated doing this kind of thing before, but it was always your strong suit.”
Shikaku mused, the voice in her head causing her to scoff a bit. It’s not like this would be the first time she’d seduced the enemy to gain intel or access to something. And every mission she’d ever been assigned of that nature had gone perfectly. If Shikaku were here, she would argue that she wasn’t particularly good at manipulating men. It’s just that men were easy to manipulate. When she approached the front porch of Obito’s home this time, she wasn’t covering her face or body. Instead, she’d taken great care in her appearance. Dressing casually, yet unmistakably feminine. Mascara to make her eyes seem wide and innocent. An olive green sun dress to give her a grounded yet soft aura. Her hair fell around her shoulders, wispy gently in the spring wind as she emitted the pleasant scent of vanilla and coconut. Warm. Inviting. 
She knocked carefully on the front door, the stolen mail cradled against her chest. As soon as she heard the sound of feet shuffling and floorboards creaking, she allowed the character to fully consume her. Reiko’s shoulders relaxed, and she stared down at her shoes with a sweet smile, only turning her head up when the door began to creak open. 
“Hi! Sorry to bother you, I just-“
Reiko started to say, pitching her voice up an octave and scrunching her eyes shut with the force of her smile. But when she finally did peel her eyes open, the words stuck in her throat for a moment. Obito was staring down at her with the door cracked, his dark eyes narrowed in confusion and mouth pressed into a stern line. He looked like he had cleaned himself up since the last time she’d seen him. The shock of white hair on his head wasn’t as greasy as before, and he’d actually changed into what looked like clean clothes. But that wasn’t the reason she’d stopped talking. And it wasn’t the anger consuming her again either. Instead, she was surprised by his height. From the road, she’d had the passing thought that he was intimidating, but up close? She had to crane her head back to meet his line of sight. 
He lead, raising his white eyebrows in question as he goaded her into continuing. Reiko may have stumbled a bit, but even that could be used to her advantage. She gave him a shy smile, followed by a breathless chuckle as she ducked her head to look down at the mail in her arms. 
“Oh, sorry. You’re just so much taller up close…”
She breathed, laying it on a little thick but not giving him the chance to analyze it before handing him the little stack of mail. Reiko turned her eyes back up to him, batting her lashes once. 
“There was some of your mail in my box. I didn’t realize it until I got in or I would’ve just moved it to the right one.”
Reiko said, and Obito glanced down a the paper olive branch between them. He seemed to debate it for a minute before conceding and reaching out to take it. 
Was all he said before he turned and shut the door in her face with finality. For a moment, she could only stand in shock. Her eyes wide and hands hanging limply in the air where she’d handed him the mail. Then, when the realization sunk in, she huffed, actually slightly offended by the treatment. That asshole. It wasn’t like she could knock again and fuss at him for shutting the door on her, so she turned and marched down the porch, muttering curses under her breath until she reached the road again. 
“Looks like you’re going to have to try a little harder.”
Tch. Dickhead. She hadn’t really expected him to invite her in on the second encounter, but she hadn’t expected such rude treatment either. Though, she supposed she should have considering who he was. Still, she’d gone out of her way to dress herself up on her day off and now nothing would come of it. Maybe she’d planted the seed in his head at least. A couple more small things like that and she could pull her definitive move. The day was still young, however, so she pushed the slight and inadequacy aside to continue with her daily errands. 
First was a run into town for groceries. She walked in silence, going over the details of the next phase of the mission in her head with Shikaku. Most people might think that was strange. Hearing the voice of her departed mentor as if he were still alive and able to contribute to her internal monologue. And it had scared her at first too, but he gave helpful advice most of the time and it made her feel less alone. So, she’d never really considered putting a stop to it, if that were even possible at this point. Really, it was only natural. He’d been her mentor for twenty years. Teaching her and speaking to her almost everyday since she was a small child. No wonder her grief over his loss had translated into hearing his voice. She was just filling in the massive gap in her life. 
With Shikaku gone, she didn’t do much anymore if it didn’t involve work. Before, they would spend most of their days in the village. Moving from one place to another and speaking to an innumerable amount of people as he handled his duties as the Jonin Commander. Though, she’d come to realize that the job could be much more hands off than he’d made it. He wasn’t what she’d considered a social butterfly, lighting up the rooms he occupied. Rather, he was a soft light, beckoning people to flock to him. Shinobi and civilians alike respected him and he had a personality that people just couldn’t turn away from. Comforting and intelligent and wise. Like an all knowing bar-tender at the local watering hole. He drew people to him without even trying. 
Reiko had never had that issue. And, yes, she’d considered it a hinderance most of the time. The conversations that never seemed to end resulted in more late nights in the office than she could count. Slaving over paperwork that could have been done hours prior had he not stopped to indulge every person who asked for his assistance or advice. She’d brought it up to him on a couple occasions. Asking why he gave so much of his time away when he had plenty of other things that need attention. Shikaku had smirked, lifting his head from where he was staring down at the scroll in front of him.
“Being a leader is about more than just paperwork and numbers, Rei. When people trust you as a person, they trust your command. They respect your orders and your position.”
He chimed in again, like he was recalling the same memory. Though, she supposed he was considering the current version of Shikaku was nothing more a reskin that her mind had created. His ‘thoughts’ all came from her brain, even if it was a part of her brain that she didn’t access often. 
Either way, Reiko could never hope to be as approachable as her predecessor. She handled almost all of the Jonin Commander responsibilities from the comfort of her office. Filing all of the paperwork and showing up at the barracks a few times during the week to give orders and tend to some other basic upkeep. It was much more efficient this way, but she found that she missed listening to Shikaku speak to people as she hovered behind his shoulder and waited for him to finish. The life she’d lead before had been one where she benefited from his spotlight. Now that he was gone, she struggled to make a name for herself. Or to form of the same connections he had. Her way was more efficient, but it did leave her feeling lonely most days. And logically, she knew that Shikaku was right about his approach to the job. If she tried to bridge the gap between herself and Jonin, then they would be more likely to listen to her when it was necessary. They would trust her and come to her with issues that needed addressing. Now, without Shikaku around to grease the wheels, most people avoided her. 
“You know, it’s probably because you mope around all of the time. People can tell when you’re upset, even if you don’t say anything, and you’ve been upset for months.”
That could very well be the case. As she walked along one of the bustling roads in the village, careful to avoid bumping into anyone or making eye contact when she didn’t want to be approached, she caught a glimpse of herself in a shop window. Despite the makeup and the pretty dress, her eyes looked tired. Her shoulders sagged forward and her arms pressed tightly against her sides. Closed off, rigid, and tense. But it’s not like she hadn’t been this way before too. Social settings always made her nervous. Not for any particular reason… they just did. 
“You spent too much time comparing yourself to me. That’s why they made you nervous. You never thought you could live up to what I was preparing you for because you put me on such a high pedestal. So, you worried about social settings because you didn’t want to mess up and have people think you were incompetent or unworthy.”
Oh for- shut up! Reiko huffed as she turned away from the shop window. That was not the case. She knew she was capable and that Shikaku had chosen her for a reason. She’d struggled with social situations in her childhood too, before she’d met him. 
“That’s because you were comparing yourself to other kids then. If you never start to carve your own path and keep retreating into yourself then you’ll never gro-“
Tch. Old bastard. Her teeth sank into the meat of her cheek to force him to be silent, the sting pulling her back to reality and allowing her eyes to refocus on the road ahead of her. That was another issue with Shikaku’s narrating of her subconscious thoughts. She wanted to listen to him because she missed him, but sometimes he brought things up that she would prefer not to think about. 
A voice shouted from behind her, and she turned to see who had called her out by name on the busy street. Ah, Captain Yamato. Probably here to do Kakashi’s bidding. Still, she didn’t mind talking to the brown haired Anbu. He was a decent conversationalist and a little out of his depth in his current position. Much like she was. And this wouldn’t be a waste of time, like Shikaku’s endless string of conversations on working days. 
“Hello, Yamato.”
She introduced just as he jogged up to be close enough to stand across from her. 
“Hey, look, I know it’s your day off-“
He started to say, and she let out a soft sigh to cut him off. So much for being a good conversationalist. 
“What is it?”
She asked, and he nodded, jamming his thumb over his shoulder in the direction he came from, a little breathless from running. 
“There’s an issue at the barracks. Kakashi needs you there to mediate.”
He said, and Rei’s heart stuttered a bit. An issue at the barracks would most definitely require her to be social. On top of that, it didn’t reflect well on her work if the people under her charge were causing problems. The grocery trip would just have to wait. 
“Okay… do you have any details?”
She questioned, and Yamato shook his head in response, gesturing for her to follow him as they picked up a brisk walk to the barracks. 
“No. Kakashi just said he needed you there.”
Of course he did. 
‘An issue at the barracks’ was a fucking understatement. She’d expected something like a squabble over someone’s socks going missing, or leftovers being stolen from one of the communal fridges. Maybe, at worst, a burst pipe or small fire. But she would have much preferred irreversible structural damage to the scene she’d actually walked in on. 
It was an absolute shit show. Yamato had ushered her through the building towards the large gymnasium in the center. It was more like a rec room. Used for everything from indoor training and weight lifting, to a place for the Jonin to play cards and chat in the balcony space above the main floor. However, it seemed like it was a war zone today. 
Not literally. Thankfully, it didn’t appear like any jutsu had been fired off in the building, but the first thing she noticed when she walked into the room was a young Jonin clutching a bloody rag to his nose. Her eyes widened as she turned to look at the group surrounding him. They’d all fallen deadly silent at her presence, staring at her expectantly. Except for the kid with the bloody nose, and his apparent attacker. Another Jonin with an ice pack pressed to his knuckles… but he also sported a black eye, and thats when she noticed there were a third person involved, standing near the door with a busted lip. All in all, she counted five injured Shinobi. All seemingly nursing wounds they’d given each other. 
But Lord Sixth was no where to be seen. Of course. He’d caught wind of the situation and had sent Yamato to collect her. Not to collaborate on the effort, but so she could handle it on her own. On her day off. 
“What the hell happened here?”
Reiko asked, raising her voice as she turned her wide gaze between several different Shinobi. There was a bout of shocked silence before one of them finally spoke up. The kid with the bloody nose. 
“This jackass has been sleeping with my girlfriend!”
He shouted, his voice nasally and high with his nose pinched between his fingers. With his other hand, he pointed to the man across from him with the blood covered knuckles. 
“Your girlfriend? I was seeing her first!”
The bloodied knuckle man replied, and before she could keep up with the conversation, all five injured Shinobi were shouting at one another about who had met this mysterious woman first. Who had claim to her. Their friends were crowded around each of them, trying to get them to shut up before things got bad again, but they didn’t listen. Yelling at one another as the tension in the room rose to an all time high. Reiko could only stare in shock, embarrassment, and horror as her highly trained Ninja fell to pieces over a girl. 
Lord Sixth had sent for her on her day off, drug her away from her important errand, to deal with this? A horrid display of over-masculinity causing an all out brawl in the barracks? She had much more important things to deal with. She was planning an assassination for gods sake! On the man who had started a war that had killed many of their friends. And they had better things to worry about as well. Normally, she would’ve tried to handle this situation with a little more care. Taking reports from each man to get to the bottom of who had actually started the physical part of the altercation. That’s what Shikaku would do. He would talk all of them down and resolve the tension with precision as to minimize the damage. But Reiko was at her wits end. So, she snapped. 
“Are you fucking serious? This is why I get called in on my day off? Because you were all stupid enough to sleep with the same woman, and now you’re squabbling over who she belongs to?”
Reiko shouted, effectively silencing every Jonin in the room as they all turned to look at her with wide eyes. But she didn’t stop there. 
“This is abhorrent and such a complete waste of time and energy… You all do realize that you are representatives of the Leaf, correct? That you are highly trained Shinobi who are supposed to maintain peace and order in this community. Yet, here you are, fighting amongst each other like children over the affections of some woman who has clearly made it her goal to bed as many of you as possible.”
She added, the anger that had been building up in her for months unleashing in a flurry of condescending shouts. Her teeth clacked together with the force of her words, punctuating each one so that they heard them clearly. Behind her, she could hear Yamato hissing through his teeth at her tone, probably wishing she would’ve had treaded more lightly. 
“Can you all not handle yourselves without adult supervision? Not able to maintain a shred of dignity and couth in the face of something challenging? Because, if not, then you’re not fit to be Shinobi or to have the title of Jonin.”
Reiko finished, her eyes filtering between the five men involved in the squabble. They were weak anyway. Just barely making the qualifications to be named Jonin. There was silence after her final words and the fire in her stomach forced her to look into the eyes of every single one of them, daring them to say something. Surprisingly, however, the person who decided to speak up first was not one of the five men involved in the fight. He was a friend of the boy nursing his bloodied lip. 
“What the hell would you know about being a Shinobi, huh? You’re not even one of us! Just because you were Shikaku’s little mistress doesn't mean that we have to take this shit from you!”
He spat, the venom on his tongue clear. Mistress? Is that what everyone thought? That she had slept with Shikaku for her position? Reiko’s eyes filtered around the room, but no one dared to meet her line of sight. All gazes were turned to the floor, some were wearing embarrassed grimaces, but no one moved to defend her. Except Yamato. He stepped up from behind her and towards the Jonin who’d said what everyone else had clearly been thinking. 
“Alright, you need to get the hell o-.”
Yamato started to say, but Reiko raised a hand to stop him, grabbing his upper arm for a moment. He stilled immediately, turning to look at her, but she was already looking around the room again. 
“Is that what you all think of me? That I don’t know what I’m doing? That I slept with Shikaku for my current position? That because I was never named as a Shinobi, I couldn’t possibly understand the job?”
She questioned, waiting for any kind of confirmation or denial. But there was only silence. A few murmurs of ‘Of course not’ or ‘Kinda’ floating through the air. If that was the case, maybe she should step down right now. Allow them to find someone else to take the position until Shikamaru was old enough to lead. If they didn’t respect her as a leader, then it wouldn’t serve any of them well for her to continue to pretend like she was one. 
“I chose you for a reason. Shinobi or not, you see things others don’t. You can’t run and hide at the first sign of criticism, Rei. If your subordinates have an issue with you, then you need to see if there is any merit to it. You deserve to be here. You just have to show them that.”
Reiko nodded. Both at the reaction from the crowd and Shikaku’s words. He was right. He always was. Being detached from the Jonin had left them with nothing but speculation about her. She’d been by Shikaku’s side for years, but some of the newer Shinobi wouldn’t know that. And he had always been the face. She must have come across as a secretary a lot of the time. Maybe there was some merit to his words. But she couldn’t be a pushover. 
“Fine. I will say this, in order to address any concerns with the issue. Shikaku was my mentor for twenty years. I’ve known him since I was a child. So, no, I did not sleep with him for this role. I was chosen. If any of you have issues with the way I am handling things here, you can keep it to yourself or take it up with the Hokage.”
She said, squaring her shoulders and glancing around the room. The eyes were fixed on her again, and she clasped her hands in front of her. 
“The five of you… you’re on cleaning duty for the next three months. Settle your personal disputes off of government property. If I catch wind of anything of this nature happening again, the punishment will be much more severe.”
That drew a round of sighs from the men, but no one argued. Then she turned to the young man who had spouted those hateful words to her. 
“You will join them for insubordination.”
She added, and he looked like he wanted to say something else, but Yamato fixed him with a glare and the Jonin settled back against the wall with a huff. 
“If I hear anything else about this situation or any other personal problems causing issues in the barracks, I will make sure that whoever is involved in demoted. Am I clear?”
She asked, and that earned her a resounding ‘Yes Ma’am’ from all of the Jonin in attendance. With that, she gave the group one more once over before turning around to leave the room. 
“Clean up the mess.”
She ended, storming down the hallway and out of the building with Yamato fast on her heels. As soon as she pushed open the doors to exit the building, there was slow clapping coming from her left. Reiko’s eyes had never rolled harder in her life, and before she could get far enough away to ignore him, Kakashi was approaching her from behind. 
“Nice job, Jonin Commander. I’m sure I definitely won’t be hearing about that later from some of the more… sensitive Shinobi under your charge.”
Lord Sixth sighed, already moving to walk side by side with her. Reiko’s teeth ground together, still scalding to the touch from the interaction with the Jonin. It was embarrassing and infuriating and if he made one more smart ass comment-
“I knew you kinda hated the whole social part of this job, but I didn’t realize how rusty you really were.”
He tacked on, and she stopped walking, coming to a total halt with her eyes fixed on the ground. Lord Sixth rounded to stand in front of her, Yamato changing positions and lingering over the shoulder of his friend. Reiko was focusing all of her energy on keeping her cool, reminding herself again that if she let everything she thought fly in this moment, it would only jeopardize her mission. And this job was turning out to be a pain in the ass, but she couldn’t lose it because she’d blown up on the sitting Hokage. Shikaku had trained her for this position. Why the hell couldn’t she get a grip on the reigns and take over when it mattered?
“Lord Sixth…”
Reiko started to say, but he cut her off again. 
“Rei, seriously, can you tell me what’s going on? I’ve never seen you like that before.”
Lord Sixth said, his voice dropping to that soft tone she used to find some solace in. When they were friends, she felt like she could tell him anything. Mostly, it was just work related stress, but he still helped to unburden her. And she’d done her best to listen to his worries as well. But now? That tone only served to make her flare up again. She picked her head up and met his dark eyes. 
“I would prefer if you referred to me by my full first name, or my title. If you’re here to scold me as your subordinate, go ahead. But if you’re here to ask about my personal feelings, I reserve the right to keep those to myself.”
Reiko responded, waiting for his eyes to widen in shock or for him to recoil a bit in hurt. However, Kakashi only searched her face with an unreadable expression. Then, he downright glared at her before squaring his shoulders and rising back to a height that meant business. 
“Fine. If you would rather I approach you as your superior, then I will. Monday morning, I would like to see you in my office to discuss this incident. If I see any fallout from it, then we will discuss your degree of punishment as well.”
Lord Sixth replied, looking down at her and maintaining the cutting edge in his voice. Reiko nodded, swiftly pushing past him and Yamato to go back to her errands. 
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the8gates · 3 years
Your story between Reiko and Obito has me weak! It's so good and aahh! Obito went all out for that 'date' it's so cute, and Reiko is just planning his murder! 💀 I can't wait to see how this turns out. ♡
ah thank you! it's been pretty serious and intense up until this point, so i think this first 'date' is going to provide some much needed levity
also side note, could you image going on your first date EVER at the ripe age of 30 ok and ur sweet neighbor who cant start their own lawnmower is planning ur assassination? the disrespect 💀
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